Right. It's sort of hidden, but we will ALL
Posted By: pay more taxes. This is a nightmare.nm on 2009-03-03
In Reply to: Obama's scary Hoover-Style Tax Hikes - Sunflower
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This sort of thing is not subject to Presidential trickery of that sort. nm
Ending the Hidden Agenda Behind Tax Cuts
Tuesday 17 February 2009
by: Joe Brewer, t r u t h o u t | Perspective
 The way that taxation is viewed by the public has a lot to do with the way politicians frame the debate. (Artwork: inventions-guide.com)
Something as simple as a metaphor can mean the difference between shared prosperity and widespread suffering.
It's time to tell the truth about tax cuts. This phrase dominates political discourse and is coughed out every time a conservative public figure opens his mouth. It is treated like the basis of sound reasoning, yet no one points out what should be obvious - that "tax relief" and "tax cuts" are just code words for destroying the capacity of government to serve the public.
We've heard over and over again that the source of society's problems is the government. The solution that follows is to "trim the fat," "cut out the waste," "shrink the government" and provide "relief" to millions of citizens who suffer the burden of exploitation by Washington elites. This story flies in the face of the facts, yet it makes sense to a significant portion of the US population. How can this be?
The answer has to do with how we make sense of things in the world. Our experiences shape what seems legitimate by reinforcing (or undermining) our ideas about the way things work. So, for example, a progressive politician may speak honestly and forcefully about the positive role of government in our lives. But this will fall on deaf ears if our typical experience is at odds with such claims. This observation demonstrates a key element of what George Lakoff and I have dubbed the Cognitive Criterion for Public Support:
An effective policy must be popular if it is to stand the test of time and it must be popular for the right reasons, namely because it promotes the right long-term values in the minds of citizens, reinforced through the lived experience.
The reason many people accept conservative claims about taxation and government is that they hold up for many common experiences, especially when conservatives are in control of the government. Conservative officials enact policies that make life worse for people while claiming that things will get better. Then they draw upon these negative experiences to advance their agenda. No Child Left Behind is an excellent example. The strategy works like this (a more detailed analysis can be found here):
1. Declare that the agenda is to "improve" public education.
2. Pass legislation that cripples public schools.
3. Cry out for "reform" when people see how bad our schools are doing.
4. Get rid of public schools and replace them with private schools, especially schools that teach conservative ideology (e.g. elite charter schools, religious schools, etc.).
This strategy demonstrates how *cognitive policy* works. Emphasis is given to how people understand what is happening. The goal is to ensure that our experiences are interpreted through a conservative lens. It is not literally the case that taxation is a burden (a provocative metaphor), but rather that our common sense is influenced by a combination of our experiences in the world and the interpretive filters that give them meaning. (A key feature of how the political mind works, as I discuss in The Great Political Blind Spot.)
Back to the hidden agenda behind tax cuts; we can apply this insight to see that conservatives *want* people to have negative experiences with government. Why? Because it supports decades of propaganda - and an underlying belief that stems from their worldview - that government is the problem. In the early 1970's, conservative elites started investing heavily in the creation of idea factories to spread their views far and wide so that they eventually became the new common sense of our culture. They had to work tirelessly for years to change the underlying values of American citizens because our long history has been devoted to advancing our most cherished values, which happen to be progressive. But, as we can see by the pervasiveness of their ideas today, this effort has been catastrophically successful.
Now is the time to nip their bankrupt idea about taxation in the bud. The way to do it is simple. Take their reasoning to its logical conclusion and see what happens if it is applied to the real world. We can test the conservative belief about taxation against our own and decide what's best by looking at the outcomes.
First, we'll need to be very clear about just what conservatives and progressives mean by taxation. Then we can apply these understandings to the world to see their consequences. (The insights that follow come from linguistic analysis of cognitive "frames" that shape political thought.)
Taxation as Conservatives Understand It
I've already alluded to an interesting metaphor that helps make sense of conservative thought about taxes, which I'll call Taxes Are a Burden to make it explicit. The understanding of taxation that follows from this metaphor can be seen in this story:
Hard-working Americans are in need of some tax relief. Years of mismanagement by tax-and-spend liberals have taken money out of the hands of working people and put it into bloated government programs that serve special interests. We need to cut taxes, return fiscal responsibility to government, and put money back in the hands of taxpayers who know best how to spend it.
This perspective is grounded in two beliefs: (1) The world is comprised of individuals; and (2) People are inherently bad and must learn right from wrong through self-discipline. I like to call this the "Me First" perspective because it assumes that people must help themselves before thinking about others. It can be summarized with the declaration, "You're on your own!" The Me First perspective assumes that any assistance from the community would be "coddling" or "spoiling" us. This claim is asserted as truth in the conservative worldview.
Taxation as Progressives Understand It
Progressives have a different understanding of taxation that can be expressed through a variety of metaphors: Taxes Are an Investment, Taxes Are Membership Dues, Taxes Are Pathways to Opportunity, Taxes Are Infrastructure and Taxes Are a Duty. (Read more about progressive taxation in "Progressive Taxation: Some Hidden Truths") Reasoning that emerges with these metaphors can be seen in this progressive story:
Our great nation was founded on a promise of protection and opportunity. Through our shared wealth, pooled together by taxation with representation, we have invested in the public infrastructure that makes possible the creation of new wealth. We have a sacred trust to keep this promise alive throughout our lifetimes, expand it as we are able, and pass it along to our children.
This perspective is grounded in the beliefs that (1) Individuals are influenced significantly by our communities; and (2) People are inherently good and benefit from cooperation with others. I like to call this the "People First" perspective because it assumes that people must help each other in order to enhance their ability to help themselves. It can be summarized with the declaration, "We're all in this together!" The People First perspective assumes that we are greater than the sum of our parts and that new opportunities emerge when we make wise investments with the common wealth we share.
Truth and Consequences
Now that we have a clear sense of what taxation means to conservatives and progressives, we can see what happens if these different ideas are used as governing principles for shaping society. This analysis accomplishes two purposes. First, it reveals key truths about taxation that complicate arguments made by conservatives, truths that don't get talked about nearly enough. And second, it exposes a covert agenda that deceptively exploits real concerns of people to advance an otherwise unpopular agenda.
What happens if the Me First perspective is applied to taxation? Just look to the world we find ourselves in today. A problem defined as "too much spending" leads to budget cuts. This results in a diminished capacity to provide vital services. Public goods like education, civil and criminal courts, road maintenance and fundamental scientific research are too costly for individuals - or even multinational corporations - to afford. So these services are cut and people lose their jobs. Thousands of teachers no longer cultivating young minds. Countless construction workers laid off when city and state governments halt infrastructure projects. Graduates with advanced degrees unable to find work because public agencies are "tightening their belts" and cutting back on grants to academia, nonprofits and the private sector.
Beyond the direct human suffering of disrupted lives, there is substantial reduction in government programs that protect the public against harm. The FDA cannot staff enough inspectors to keep toxic peanuts out of the food supply. The EPA lacks capacity to keep drinking water clean in cities and towns across the country. The SEC is unable to keep a watchful eye on runaway speculation and our economy spins wildly out of control. Bridges crumble and levies break because funds are in short supply.
The consequence of conservative ideology is a self-fulfilling prophecy. People are forced to be "on their own" with no protection against serious threats and no assistance to get them beyond their current means. When disasters strike, there is widespread suffering and death because the tapestry of society - our precious safety net - has withered and decayed. Think I'm exaggerating? I'll just say one word - Katrina.
And despite their claims to the contrary, conservative leaders want this to happen.
Contrast this with the People First perspective. Again, we can let experience be our guide. A decade of rampant deregulation, perpetrated by a conservative mindset about the relationship between government and the economy, led to the great stock market crash of 1929. A visionary progressive leader, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, stepped in and vastly expanded a wide variety of public programs. The flood of revenues accompanying this expansion was enough to put millions of unemployed back to work. New programs that embody the spirit of progress emerged in the decades that followed. Social Security, the GI Bill, Medicare and the FDIC are a few examples of the legacy this pooling of resources delivered to the American people.
Along with this massive investment in societal infrastructure, Americans experienced tremendous growth of shared prosperity. For the first time in our history, an entire generation of children from working-class families moved up the economic ladder with college degrees in hand. Home ownership skyrocketed. Literacy rates went through the roof and new skills emerged to expand the capacity of markets. And two generations of people experienced the benefits of cooperation in their daily lives, codifying the ethic that we're all in it together as a bedrock of sound reason.
I can attest to this from personal experience. Both of my parents came from working-class families. I was the first to get a college degree. Federal and state scholarships delivered me from the rural farm to the hallowed halls. And now society gets to benefit from the fruits of my labor as I work to transform our political system for the betterment of society. The cognitive policy of the People First perspective is a foundation of my identity in the world.
The Hidden Agenda Exposed
The progress of our nation is being held hostage by a malicious metaphor. Treating taxation as nothing more than a burden is tantamount to declaring that citizenship is nothing more than getting all you can for yourself … everyone else be damned. Conservative elites have undermined the responsibilities we have to one another to advance their agenda. They are fully committed to crafting the world in their image, as we've seen all too clearly these last eight years and throughout the current debate about economic recovery under the Obama administration.
I say enough is enough. Let's call this tactic out for what it is. People are hurting in every corner of the land and they're looking for help where they haven't dared to look for quite some time - in the service of our representatives in the federal government. Conservatives will try to convince us that our hardships are caused by excessive government. The truth is that we are suffering under excessive conservative ideology of governance, which is a very different beast. They continue to claim that we can't get ahead because we're overtaxed. This claim is absurd!
Not a single home foreclosure throughout this crisis has been caused by excessive taxation. The misfortune of illness in a dysfunctional health system has burdened people with horrendous debt. Where did this problem come from? Profit-driven health care created under the Nixon administration.
Banks haven't failed catastrophically through oversized personal W-2 forms. Radical deregulation is the culprit. Who deregulated the market? Conservative ideologues from both political parties. (This is what the word "centrist" really means - conservatives who've infiltrated the Democratic Party.)
Companies haven't been driven to huge layoffs because their tax burden is too high. They are victims of an unraveling market. What undermined the integrity of the global economy? An extremist philosophy of governance that is blind to the role of the regulatory frameworks that give stabilizing structure to our markets.
What can we do to stop the conservative agenda? Call it out for what it is. When someone says, "People need tax relief," respond by letting them know that "We really need to invest in one another." Make it clear what the consequences of tax cuts really are - the destruction of our mechanisms for protecting and empowering one another. And let's stop taking their language for granted just because everyone is doing it. That logic didn't make much sense in middle school. It's all the more dangerous to follow as adults. Challenge the conservative meaning of taxation directly. Declare that we are decidedly NOT on our own. Point to the benefits we've taken for granted too long, things like education and schools and roads and courts.
We mustn't stop with a critique of their ideas either. We need to fervently argue for our own. Together we are greater than the sum of our parts. A prosperous community is a place where neighbors pool their efforts for the greater good. Taxes provide resources for investments larger than anything we could build on our own. And these benefits create a space for new ideas to take hold and expand our wealth.
Ideas matter. Words are important. We cannot afford to let a radical minority set the tone of public debate any longer. The time is ripe for moving beyond the era of misguided individualism. Let's take the momentum we've built in the last few years and place the United States back on a course that resonates with our deeply held values - caring for one another, expanding freedoms to the marginalized, and recognizing that our shared prosperity is at the core of our success as a nation.
Religious symbols hidden for Obama
This was interesting to me particularly in light of the fact that he said he was a Christian during the campaign - and when he spoke at Georgetown DURING the campaign, he had no problem with the name of Jesus being shown - but now he requests the Name be covered when he is there.
Georgetown University Hid Religious Symbols at White House Request
Georgetown University, a Catholic institution, covered up religious insignia symbolizing the name of Jesus during President Obama's address there Tuesday after the White House requested the change.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 14: President Obama speaks about the economy at Georgetown University's Gaston Hall. The school covered up religious symbols bearing the name of Jesus during Obama's remarks at the behest of the White House. (Reuters)
Georgetown University hid a religious inscription representing the name of Jesus during President Obama's address there Tuesday, FOXNews.com has confirmed, because White House staff asked the school to cover up all religious symbols and signs while the president was on stage.
The monogram IHS, whose letters spell out the name of Jesus, and which normally perches above the stage in Gaston Hall where the president spoke, was covered over with what appeared to be black wood during the address. "In coordinating the logistical arrangements for the event, Georgetown honored the White House staff's request to cover all of the Georgetown University signage and symbols behind the Gaston Hall stage," university spokesman Andy Pino told FOXNews.com.
The White House said that the backdrop, which included blue drapes and a host of American flags, was standard during policy speeches and other events. "Decisions made about the backdrop for the speech were made to have a consistent background of American flags, which is standard for many presidential events," said White House spokesman Shin Inouye in a statement released Thursday.
Georgetown is a private Catholic institution founded by Jesuits in 1789. The auditorium where the president spoke Tuesday is adorned with religious imagery, but only the symbols directly on the stage -- those likely to be picked up by a television camera -- were obscured.
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, accused the university of "cowardice" for acceding to the White House, and criticized Obama's team for asking a religious school to "neuter itself" before the president made his address.
"No bishop who might speak at the White House would ever request that a crucifix be displayed behind him," he said. The White House insisted that the move was made only to provide a proper setting for the speech -- and said that "any suggestions to the contrary are simply false."
Though his advance team asked that the religious signs be veiled, the president himself took up religious discourse and discussed a passage from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as he outlined his plans for an economic recovery. "We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand," he said during his remarks, which came two days after Easter. "We must build our house upon a rock."
It was Obama's first visit to Georgetown since being elected president, but he also spoke at the school on Sept. 20, 2006 about the need for energy independence. A photograph of the event does not seem to indicate that parts of the stage were hidden during that address, which Obama made while still a U.S. senator.
Another Catholic university, Notre Dame, came under fire in late March for inviting the president to speak at its May 17 commencement. Obama supports abortion rights, which are considered anathema by the Catholic Church.
Lots of hidden references in that little attempt....sm
at comedy, at which he miserably failed. How wonderful does he think he is? And arrogant: I think they need to put a new page in the dictionary with his picture on it for arrogance! If he would get trying to get attention for himself and concentrate more on those JOBS HE PROMISED, I'm sure the country will be more appreciative and sure as heck a lot better off!
Guantanamo General Tells Story of the Hidden Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
I am appalled, and would hope everyone on this board is too. These are the people who hate us and want to kill us, and the liberals/democrats/Obama, want to close down this base, bring them to America, and give them the same rights that we have.
Guantanamo General Tells Story of the Hidden Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
By Catherine Herridge
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
The soldiers who guard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed say he is a calculating man, a monster in a monk's habit and a leader of the prisoners locked away in Guantanamo Bay, where he's on trial for the murder of thousands.
With rare access and interviews, FOX News has learned new and sobering details about "The Sheikh," the man known simply as KSM.
"I was there when they read him his charges," said Brig. Gen. Gregory Zanetti, deputy commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo. "Pretty sobering moment — charged with murder, terrorism, conspiracy. He looked at the sheet and said 'I did this, I did this, I did this. I did more than this. I'm guilty. I feel sorry for my defense attorney.'"
Zanetti told FOX News about life behind the wire at Guantanamo Bay's maximum security camps. Camp 7 is home to the most notorious, including Mohammed, the master planner of 9/11.
"He's very compliant, he is very studious and he is very calculating. He thinks things through very well, he plays things out. When you watch him in court, he has all of this choreographed," Zanetti said.
"He wants to die — he wants to be a martyr for the cause. He believes his story is being written right now, to be laid down side by side next to [the Prophet] Muhammad," Zanetti told FOX News.
Inside Guantanamo, maximum security cells provide an arrow pointing toward Mecca to orient the prisoners for prayer. Mohammed prays constantly, apparently a devout man, which Zanetti finds mystifying.
"The guy's got a long beard, studious glasses — he looked like a professor. ... You see him in a cell and he'll pray hours on end. What God are you praying to? What are you thinking, what is going on up there?" Zanetti wonders. "But if he could do it all again, he would."
Even in captivity, he still is leading members of AL Qaeda, who fall in lock-step with his plans.
"He knows what he's going to say, the message he wants to get out, what he's going to have his followers do. You've seen him in court — very quickly people fall in behind him."
Sketch artist Janet Hamlin's brush with Mohammed came at his first court appearance at Guantanamo in June. As a courtesy, the military allowed KSM to review the sketch. He quickly sent word to Hamlin that he hated it.
"He doesn't like it. He's saying he won't approve of it, it cannot be released until the nose is changed," she told FOX News. Mohammed made his demands clear: "'Tell her to find my FBI photo off the Internet, use that as reference. Fix it.'"
Mohammed's concern about his image is fundamental, but it can also breed rivalries among the detainees.
"You see this inside the camps; they get jealous of each other: 'You were in the news more than I was in the news.' It drives [Mohammed] crazy if he thinks no one cares. He thinks he's part of this much bigger picture," Zanetti said.
But the picture inside Guantanamo is often an ugly one. Some prisoners do all in their power to violate the guards.
"What they do is stuff that you and I would find despicable. They save up their bodily fluid, feces and so on, and then when the guard comes to deliver food, they get a feces cocktail thrown in their face."
It's something Zanetti says occurs almost daily, and weighs heavily on the guards, who are tasked with feeding and clothing the prisoners and tending to them when they are sick. Hospital staff get the worst exposure of all from the detainees, he said.
"You ensure that their life is as comfortable as possible while the detainees are trying to make the guards' life as miserable as possible."
Those daily doses of hatred are a stark reminder about some of the men locked up inside the camp, including Mohammed, who has claimed responsibility for decapitating Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002.
"We have more than our fair share of Hannibal Lecters around here," Zanetti said.
sort of
If an abortion is survived and the child "takes breath," then yes, I believe G-d has given a soul to that child.
As for Obama's vote in that matter, there is a lot more too it than you are posting. I have researched the bill, the votes, etc. I certainly don't believe he was condoning murder with this bill.
I sort of agree with you, but I think.....sm
that we won't necessarily be a third-world country, but rather a non-existant country. He is always talking so much the Europeans and how we should be so much more like them, and like you said, it seems he wants to be the president of the UN... I wouldn't doubt his trip over there had something to do with putting the wheels in motion for the US to join the European Union. JMHO of course.
I don't disagree with a lot of what he says as far as helping others, etc., but I can't afford to pay more taxes! We are in that middle ground where we're not poor enough to pay no taxes or get any of the freebies, yet make just enough to pay so many taxes we can't afford to do anything other than pay our bills with what's left.
I'd love to help the homeless, the infirm, the disabled, but I simply can't afford to do much more than volunteer a little time now and then and put a few coins in a fundraising can, but if Mr. Obama gets his way, I'll have to take away from mine to give to them anyway.
I'm so sick and tired of seeing friends and acquaintances who have little or no job, get food stamps and free babysitters for ''respite'' time for themselves, get free medical and dental care and TAKE HUGE VACATIONS that I could scream!! I work full time plus and my husband is self-employed working 24/7 too and we can't afford to take a vacation. We can't afford to get sick or need medication. I need new glasses badly right now, but I simply can't afford it. There are people in our area who are on all the programs and go and get into fights in bars and get their glasses broken and go to the eye doctor the next day and just get new ones. I just don't think it's fair.
But I also think that that is the plan... get us all to start believing that our lives will be easier if we let the government take care of us (and it would be!), but once we're all on the dole, watch out... because then that's when the free things will stop and you'll be sorry.
I'm not saying I favor one candidate over an other right now, I'm still waiting for the debates. I'm not anxious to hear what they can ''do for me'' but rather what they are going to do to help me help myself. I've run out of ways to make my money go any further. We don't live fancy, never have. We don't go out but maybe once or twice a year to dinner, never to a movie or club. Our home is old and plain and almost paid for and we have no other debt. We have worked very hard over the last 28 years to get to where we are today and I feel like the rug is being pulled out from under us. I just want to vote for whoever is not going to take away what I have worked so hard for.
my point exactly - well sort of
Why HC & JM dropped it? - I have no idea. We do know that BO and HC had private meetings, so who knows what went on there. I'm sure she was told to drop it (by the people funding BO) and offered a high ranking position, but we will never really know. JM - probably dropped it because if he pushed it they would have found that he too was not of legal standing to run for the position. But he was so weak and in no way had any of the funding that BO did and therefore was totally destroyed by BO. The party should have been smarter and picked somebody better, but then again GW's presidency (even though decisions are controlled by congress and the COB and the President is only a talking head) was such a failure I don't think any decent republican even had a chance at winning.
The media dropped it plain and simple. The MM is an organized propaganda tool. (Do you wonder why they don't report on 80% of the top stories going on). Maybe once or twice over the holiday weekend did they report on the situation in India. Even then it was given only a few moments. Then they had to go back to reporting about the Hollywood crowd and prisons in America, etc. Also, this is a very hot topic, and people who have been trying to get to the bottom of the issue have been met with death threats and have had to change their name. One guy even found a dead rabbit hanging on his porch and his auto destroyed with a warning to stop his investigation. Therefore, with all the violent tempers, this is one story no media is going to touch. That's why we have to hear (read) about it on the internet.
As for people posting articles. As with any of these sites here if people think an article is worthwhile to post they should be able to post. If it's just someone ranting on an on and giving nonsense opinions that's one thing, but these articles are written by journalist, lawyers, and people who have been following issues closely. When people post articles about food shortages, or Canada going crazy in their elections, or mad cow disease or any of other numerous articles not related to BO, they are never met with the same response of "your article is not credible". It is only when an article is posted of what's happening with Barky that people will say its not credible and then cite a pro-Obama site.
Posting an article we want to has nothing to do with proving we are MTs or not being allowed to post to this forum. It is an article we find of interest. If some don't like it, then read it and as they say "move on", but to come back and say that the articles are not credible sources but theirs are, well that's were it just gets too silly.
This is the sort of person
who should be put in front of "our boys" should there ever be an attach on our soil!
Why, to facilitate and sort of
ORGANIZE the whole volunteer process, you know? I'm sure there'll be lots of green stuff to learn, like how to rat out your dumb, stubborn parents for using the wrong kind of light bulbs. How to spot non-organic produce. We'll love it. It'll be great. You'll see! Soon we'll wonder how we ever got along without it.
And in the words of Ronald Reagan (yeah, another dead guy...everybody get over it, OK?) 'A government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever know on this earth.'
Wow...that is sort of confusing.
I guess if I were gay and had a partner, I'd just swap rings on my own and throw a party. The love two people have between each other means more than a legal piece of paper, IMO. I wouldn't travel to another state to get married just to go back home and it not mean anything legally. As often as people get divorced, you gotta wonder if straight people really get marriage.
A poll of a sort........... sm
What, in your opinion, originally defined right behavior from wrong behavior?
This not only applies to the discussion below but also any wrong behavior such as stealing, murder, rape, or any one of the other blights on the face of mankind. Please explain your answer citing whatever source of information supports your argument.
So you have to be some sort of HUMANITARIAN to be nominated.
That explains Bush's exclusion on that list. How embarrassed and ashamed should America be to see the leader of another, presumably poorer country try to provide humanitarian aid to Americans because our own president believes humanitarian aid begins with oil companies and ends with those intent on eliminating American freedom?
I wonder if he views our president as an oppressor and if he plans to invade and occupy our country to save us from Bush and to spread his superior form of government to the United States.
Sorry. I was just being silly. No credible leader in the world would ever do anything like THAT.....WOULD HE????
Sort of like Confederacy currency?
The economic summit was held behind closed doors. The politicians on both sides are probably gleefully aware that the American people are so busy blaming Democrats/Republicans they can't take time to see what is really going on. BOTH parties are to blame. I expect Bush made a deal behind closed doors and he'll pass it off to Obama who will continue. My opinion is we are no longer a free nation, we just haven't been informed of the new rules yet. He who has the gold rules and the foreign nations certainly have the gold. I don't personally expect Obama to make any great change, I just hope he will change some things that he can which might actually benefit the middle class but I honestly doubt it. WE, the "sheeple" have let this great country get in this condition and WE are going to have to fix it...if it isn't too late. I expect our forefathers are turning in their graves because of how we've squandered the freedom they fought and died to give us.
I take back what I said sort of - see message
I keep reading more and more websites that say the Wetland project in SF IS in the bill. I've been trying to find a link that will give word for word what is in the stimulus plan but I can't find anything. Since you said it's not in the plan can you give me a link that shows what exactly is in the plan?
your reply is sort of cute....nm
This was meant to be a sort of black humor!! nm
I'm just sort of in shock. I'm not even going to post a link. nm
I guess I would say more center because I have sort of walked (sm)
the line between democrat and republican all along, so that would be more along with my thinking. I guess as far as what I would want to lose to get more to the center, I would have to say that I would want partial-birth or late term abortions to be illegal unless it was a threat to the mother's life. I would want unwanted babies who are born alive to have human rights to receive appropriate medical care. The other issue I have with O is his associations, but of course that has nothing to do with whether he is farther right or left, so I guess abortion is my only right/left issue.
The Post (sort of) issued an apology.
Ironically (LOL), when I read some posts on this board denying this is blatant racism by the Post, the mental image I get is this (hoping it prints):

They're always putting out this sort of thing, actually.
...just round-file it.
Sounds like a fine man voting his conscience, sort of like
Bush was sort of in national guard but never showed for the physical... that counts? Cheney was nev
duh?? ya'll?