Relax. It is the law. You are free to kill at will...
Posted By: sam on 2008-09-18
In Reply to: "Holy CRAP" is exactly what that ad is. - GOP can keep its hands off MY body.
does not make it right.
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Don't forget about free broadband, free gas, free healthcare, hey they are "rights" now YIP
Where is the line for free college, free healthcare...
mortgage paid for, free gas and ability to sit on my rear and let everyone else take care of me? Wow, now I see the light...this prez elect will be great!!
Have a little Chianti and relax.
Talk about creating meaning out of meaningless things...a perfect example is your rhinoceros post. Also, aren't you the one who posted the ridiculous rambling post pretending to have a conversation with your butler or servant of some sort?
Relax, I didn't write it.
It was simply for amusement and speculation, not of scientific value.
Relax - was only commenting on what I heard
We all have our opinions and all of our opinions are important to each and every one of us. What one person agrees/disagrees with certainly not everyone will. That is why I like this board. I can post a message about something I feel strongly about and get other readers feedback. Sometimes the comments can be "heated" and other times people agree and others nicely disagree. Each candidate gets "smeared" by the others, no one is perfect. But this is a great board and nice to hear other people's opinions. Also, if I happen to paste something I read from an article I will cite where I received the info from. Otherwise they are my thoughts.
Relax kiddo.........I was backing you up
Obviously you didn't see it that way. My point was that Palin has the dems running scared as well as the liberal media and they are coming out swinging with every hateful thing they have!! They see her as a truly formidable component and they DON'T like it!
Relax, "socialist" is the tag that every
candidate in my lifetime has at some time attached to the democratic candidate as a scare tactic. This is nothing new. Of note, there is a reason it is called the "democratic" party and not the socialist party, progressive party, communist party, fascist party or nazi party. We believe in a democratic party of the people, by the people and for the people, not for just the few who are the richest and think they know what is best for US.
Relax - just heard the commercial
I just listened to the commercial. No where in the commercial does McCain call Obama a terrorist. He states that the people he is associted with are terrorists. Nothing new, and no lie there. I do have to say McCain must air commercials like that to enlighten people as to the shady characters Obama associates with. The people have a right to know. Just like the commercials that Obama is putting out against McCain. When it comes to politics the Americans have a right to know exactly who these people are and who are their affiliations and what damage are they going to do to America. Besides, I've heard plenty worse lies in commercials by Obama. When asked in the debate McCain was the only one who agreed it is dirty, and was going to back down, but Obama refused and also refused to apologize for the radical commercial that lied about McCain.
So I'd relax, just another election. If you don't like the commercials there is always the mute button. Besides, it will be over in a few weeks and we can put this behind us for at least 4 years.
Relax, you're comparing everybody to Slick Will and Hill.
Relax. I was referring to the McCain camp.
Free speech is alive and well, as is free will...
people can take anything out of context and do with it what they want; it still doesn't make it a McCain/Palin issue.
Okay to kill one but not the other?
I heard her on Sean Hannity's radio show a few days ago.
Another real dandy is that Killer the Baby Killer in Kansas.
This so-called pro-choice types are the same ones who tore into Joe Horn for killing an illegal thug who was threatening private property. Diane Sawyer is only one of these utopian elites.
Funny how the twisted logic of the left works.
Who have they threatened to kill?
I'm serious. WHO? I honestly don't know because I don't listen to them, either. But if they have aired similar threats upon a group of people, then I believe they are equally wrong.
If you are offended by my liberal beliefs being posted on the LIBERAL BOARD, then perhaps you would feel more comfortable on the Conservative Board. Just a thought. 
He did kill his own people
Hundreds of mass graves prove it. Saddam's sons killed their own people for bloodsport.
To Kill an
Disclaimer: Not sure if this is a true story or not, but it is a great write.
To Kill an American
You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.
So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!!)
An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, Puertorican, South American, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.
An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.
An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim.
In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.
An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.
The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.
An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.
When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!
As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan . Americans welcome the best of everything...the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services. But they also welcome the least.
The national symbol of America, The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America .
Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.
Thou shall not kill
If we follow your logic, then we better not remove warts or cancer growths, either. They are both alive and growing.
Regardless, this means we kill them all?
It is their right to live the way they chose. We can't go attacking every one who is a possible threat on more levels than I'm going to go into here. I would rather see our leaders spend the time and money on securing things here rather than wage war there. We are just formulating more hatred. We CAN change whether we are the ones in the war by not going to war, and I shall not blindly trust our leaders to do the right thing because it has been proven time and again that they rarely do.
Geez. You kill me....
however, I do like the moniker "spiteful little vixen." I may get stationery printed.
Good are the one exhibiting intolerance and hatred...yikes, someone must have spit in your post toasties this morning!!
You have slipped off the deep end, my friend. I don't know what cliches you mean, but if you are talking about the prayer at the top that was sincere...try to get hold of this, although your monster ego may not allow you to...there are OTHER posters here who live in South Texas or have family there, perhaps some I don't even know about, that was posted out of genuine concern and although I think you are several bricks shy of a load, I don't want to see you blown off the face of the earth, and whether you can get off your high horse down here to where there is enough air for your brain to work properly, I don't want illegals blown off the face of the earth either. I just want them to obey the law, come here legally, pay taxes like the rest of us and live happily ever after. And for that you want me tarred and feathered. Go figure.
And now that I have ascended to your level of sniping (thank you, I am learning much from you about verbal abuse), here's hoping I never do have that area well covered.
What happened to that sabbatical? Gotta have the last word...sister, you got it. LOL. Signed, the spiteful little vixen....LOL
Better to kill it....?? sigh. nm
You got it, Sam.... and socialism will kill our
Don't kill people in other
countries where terrorists are plotting against use....but by all means let viable infants die if they are failed abortions because it would be detrimental to the mother's health for her child to survive after she tried to murder it.
Ah. Okay to kill a child rather than own up to ...
responsibility. I see. Why not just force feed "the pill" from the time a girl reaches menarche. Better than killing the "mistakes" from "raging hormones" along the way. If you can't teach responsibility, and don't intend to make them responsible...put them on the pill.
pay to kill people?
what an awful thing to say about our men and women who are put in harm's way every day
they are doing theiR JOB, you are saying we are paying them to kill??? no we are paying them to do their job... and that is what they are doing!
you should be ashamed of that statement
We don't kill an adult
when they are found to have terminal cancer. Why then should we kill a baby who is terminal? No logic there whatsoever.
Germany didn't kill
The whole fricken country didn't kill jews - the leadership of that country did!!!!! Just like every Muslim is not a terrorist, every person who lives south of Maryland is not a red neck. I don't agree with prosecuting Rumsfeld for Murder, but let's keep the bigotry off the liberal board and take it back over to the conservative board where it is welcome.
They support NRA so you can kill the guy who rapes you but
xx stupid you are
Obama's plan will KILL our economy. You think
Palin says kill all polar bears
and ship all MT jobs overseas
No. Obama will kill jobs with his tax plan.
We do not purposely kill, cut off heads, torture.
Are you okay with police shooting a man who's about to kill his wife?
I'm sure you are, unless you're really as nutz as I think you are.
So...'Splain the difference to me, Lucy! The justification is precisely the same regarding a terrorist who's planning to kill thousands - except MORE SO.
You pathetic boob.
Thou shall not kill applies to unborn babies. sm
They are alive, no matter how many pretty pictures you try to paint about it. They are life, God's life.
The plot was to first kill 88 black children in a school...
then to behead 14 other non-white children and then make an attempt, that they did not expect to be fruitful, to kill Obama. These were skin heads and I think that the greater point was that they were trying to kill children. I am clearly conservative and I think the whole thing is disgusting, but certainly not McCain's or Palin's fault. I am sure they find it dispicable, as well!
Why didn't Clinton kill bin Laden when he had the chance?
We KILL violent criminals; apparently some think unborn children are the
criminals as they are murdered as well.
19 Republicans vote in favor of amnesty for those who kill our soldiers.
In the Senate today, 19 Senators voted that it was okay for the Iraqi government to give amnesty to anyone known to have attacked, killed or injured American soldiers, and every single one of them was a Republican. I guess this is an example of how Republicans *support* the troops. The only one that truly surprises me is McCain. He must have lost his mind since he began pandering to those who believe they are Bush's *base.*
Vote Summary: Question: On the Amendment (Nelson (FL) Amdt. No. 4265 ) Vote Number: 178 Vote Date: June 20, 2006, 03:27 PM Required For Majority: 1/2 Vote Result: Amendment Agreed to Amendment Number:S.Amdt. 4265 to S. 2766 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 ) Statement of Purpose: To express the sense of Congress that the Government of Iraq should not grant amnesty to persons known to have attacked, killed, or wounded members of the Armed Forces of the United States. Vote Counts: YEAs 79 NAYs: 19 Not Voting: 2
Vote Summary By Senator Name By Vote Position By Home State Grouped By Vote Position
NAYs ---19 Allard (R-CO) Bond (R-MO) Bunning (R-KY) Burns (R-MT) Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Cornyn (R-TX) DeMint (R-SC) Enzi (R-WY) Graham (R-SC) Hagel (R-NE) Inhofe (R-OK) Kyl (R-AZ) Lott (R-MS) McCain (R-AZ) Sessions (R-AL) Stevens (R-AK) Thomas (R-WY) Warner (R-VA)
Not Voting--- 2 Rockefeller (D-WV) Shelby (R-AL)
YEAs ---79 Akaka (D-HI) Alexander (R-TN) Allen (R-VA) Baucus (D-MT) Bayh (D-IN) Bennett (R-UT) Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Brownback (R-KS) Burr (R-NC) Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA) Carper (D-DE) Chafee (R-RI) Chambliss (R-GA) Clinton (D-NY) Coleman (R-MN) Collins (R-ME) Conrad (D-ND) Craig (R-ID) Crapo (R-ID) Dayton (D-MN) DeWine (R-OH) Dodd (D-CT) Dole (R-NC) Domenici (R-NM) Dorgan (D-ND) Durbin (D-IL) Ensign (R-NV) Feingold (D-WI) Feinstein (D-CA) Frist (R-TN) Grassley (R-IA) Gregg (R-NH) Harkin (D-IA) Hatch (R-UT) Hutchison (R-TX) Inouye (D-HI) Isakson (R-GA) Jeffords (I-VT) Johnson (D-SD) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Kohl (D-WI) Landrieu (D-LA) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Lieberman (D-CT) Lincoln (D-AR) Lugar (R-IN) Martinez (R-FL) McConnell (R-KY) Menendez (D-NJ) Mikulski (D-MD) Murkowski (R-AK) Murray (D-WA) Nelson (D-FL) Nelson (D-NE) Obama (D-IL) Pryor (D-AR) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Roberts (R-KS) Salazar (D-CO) Santorum (R-PA) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Smith (R-OR) Snowe (R-ME) Specter (R-PA) Stabenow (D-MI) Sununu (R-NH) Talent (R-MO) Thune (R-SD) Vitter (R-LA) Voinovich (R-OH) Wyden (D-OR)
What? Like those classless Americans who spouted KILL HIM towards O at GOP events pre election? nm
Afghanistan - war on Al Quaeda and Taliban; Iraqi FREEDOM - kill Saddam Hussein
Two different wars based on entirely different premises.........
Europe - Swastika vigilantes kill foreign students to keep their city 'clean' ...see article.
Swastika vigilantes kill foreign students to keep their city 'clean'From Jeremy Page in Moscow
![src=]() |
THE African students did not even see the man raise the swastika-emblazoned shotgun as they emerged from the Apollo nightclub in St Petersburg.
When he opened fire from the shadows behind them, some of the group thought it was a firecracker going off.
Then they saw Samba Lampsar Sall, a 28-year-old student from Senegal, lying dead on the pavement with his throat blown apart.
Within hours, a sinister message had appeared on the website of a group called the Party of Freedom. “The clean-up of the city continues,” it said.
Mr Sall had come to study at St Petersburg’s State Communications University in 2001 in the hope of finding a better life when he went back home.
Instead, around dawn yesterday, he became the latest victim of a hate campaign by neo-Nazi extremists on the streets of Russia’s cultural capital.
“How can people be so evil?” asked Michael Tanobian, an African student who was with Mr Sall when he was killed. “We come here just to study, for nothing else. We don’t take anything here.”
Mr Sall’s brutal murder exposes one of Russia’s most disturbing problems as President Putin prepares to host the G8 summit in St Petersburg in mid-July. For all its grandeur and impressive art collections, Russia’s second city is fast becoming the racist capital of the world.
Critics say that the authorities are not doing enough to combat the extremists who routinely attack, and kill, Africans, Asians and immigrants from the Caucasus or Central Asia.
Seven people have been killed, and 79 injured, in more than 40 racist attacks this year, according to Sova, a non-governmental organisation that monitors extremism in Russia.
Last year, 28 people were killed and 366 injured in racially motivated crimes, it says.
The Interior Ministry sent a team of special investigators from Moscow to work on yesterday’s murder. The Foreign Ministry expressed “sincere condolences to the relatives and loved ones of the deceased”. The Prosecutor’s Office said that the case was being treated as a racist killing.
But dozens of similar cases have been treated as “hooliganism”, a crime that carries a far lighter sentence. One of the most shocking attacks occurred in 2004, when teenagers stabbed to death a nine-year-old Tajik girl in St Petersburg. Last month, a court convicted them of hooliganism, giving six of them 18-year jail sentences and one of them five years.
Desire Defaut, chairman of the local community group African Unity, urged Mr Putin to lead the fight against neo- Nazism. “They must make an announcement at a state level that such a problem exists and state organs must work on it,” he said. “We can’t say they are doing enough if there are two attacks within one week.”
Last week, the nine-year-old daughter of a Russian woman and her African husband was wounded in a knife attack in St Petersburg. “What more proof of extremism do they need in St Petersburg?” asked Juldas Okie Etoumbi, chairman of the Association of the African Students of Moscow. But, he added, the problem is not confined to St Petersburg. In the past week, skinheads in Moscow beat up a journalist of Caucasian origin and the culture minister from the Caucasus region of Kabardino-Balkaria.
Mr Putin has called racism “an infection” and pledged to stamp it out. But critics say that the Kremlin has tolerated, and even encouraged, ultra-nationalist groups to foster loyalty to the State and make itself look relatively liberal.
Sept 2003 Tajik girl, 5, beaten in St Petersburg
Feb 2004 Tajik girl, 9, stabbed
Mar 2004 Syrian student pushed in front of train
June 2004 Anti-Nazi campaigner shot dead
Oct 2004 Vietnamese student stabbed
Sept 2005 Congolese student beaten
Dec 2005 Cameroonian student stabbed
Feb 2006 Malian medical graduate stabbed
Apr 2006 Senegalese student shot |
I will remember that one...if you remember...thou shalt not kill. nm
Those set free
* I don't know what *9/11 perps* you are talking about, but I don't think anyone has gone free.*
'Dr. Germ,' Others Released in Iraq
Monday, December 19, 2005
BAGHDAD, Iraq — About 24 top former officials in Saddam Hussein's regime, including a biological weapons expert known as Dr. Germ, have been released from jail, while a militant group released a video Monday of the purported killing of an American hostage.
The first results of Thursday's parliamentary election were released, with officials saying the Shiite religious bloc, the United Iraqi Alliance, got about 58 percent of the votes from 89 percent of ballot boxes counted in Baghdad province.
Across Iraq, meanwhile, demonstrations broke out to protest a government decision to raise the price of gasoline, heating and cooking fuel, and the oil minister threatened to resign over the development.
An Iraqi lawyer said the 24 or 25 officials from Saddam's government were released from jail without charges, and some have already left the country.
The release was an American-Iraqi decision and in line with an Iraqi government ruling made in December 2004, but hasn't been enforced until after the elections in an attempt to ease the political pressure in Iraq, said the lawyer, Badee Izzat Aref.
Among them were Rihab Taha, a British-educated biological weapons expert, who was known as Dr. Germ for her role in making bio-weapons in the 1980s, and Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash, known as Mrs. Anthrax, a former top Baath Party official and biotech researcher, Aref said.
Because of security reasons, some of them want to leave the country, he said. He declined to elaborate, but noted some have already left Iraq today.
Lt. Col. Barry Johnson, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, would say only that eight individuals formerly designated as high-value detainees were released Saturday after a board process found they were no longer a security threat and no charges would be filed against them.
Neither the U.S. military or Iraqi officials would disclose any of the names, but a legal official in Baghdad said Taha and Ammash were among those released.
The official, who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the issue, said those released also included Hossam Mohammed Amin, head of the weapons inspections directorate, and Aseel Tabra, an Iraqi Olympic Committee official under Odai Saddam Hussein, the former leader's son.
The video from the extremist group The Islamic Army of Iraq was posted on a Web site and showed a man purportedly being shot in the back of the head. Last week, the group had claimed it had killed civilian contractor Ronald Allen Schulz, a native of North Dakota.
The video did not show the victim's face, however, and it was impossible to identify him. The victim was kneeling with his back to the camera, with his hands tied behind his back and blindfolded with an Arab headdress when he was purportedly shot. The video also showed Schulz's identity card.
A separate video, shown on a split screen, showed images of Schulz alive. The group had aired that video when he was first taken hostage earlier this month.
Schulz has been identified by the extremist group as a security consultant for the Iraqi Housing Ministry, although family and neighbors from his current home in Alaska, say he is an industrial electrician who has worked on contracts around the world.
Schulz served in the Marine Corps from 1984 to 1991. He moved to Alaska six years ago, and friends and family say he is divorced.
The German government, meanwhile, said kidnappers had freed a German aid worker and archaeologist taken hostage with her driver in northern Iraq more than three weeks ago. Susanne Osthoff, 43, was reported in good condition at the German Embassy in Baghdad. It was unclear whether Osthoff's Iraqi driver had also been freed.
The military said a U.S. Marine was killed by small arms fire Sunday in the town of Ramadi, in central Iraq. The death brought to 2,156 the number of U.S. service members killed since the start of the war in 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
In other violence Monday, a suicide car bomb exploded outside a children's hospital in western Baghdad, killing at least two people and wounding 11, including seven police, officials said. Police believe the bomb had targeted a convoy carrying a police colonel, who was among the injured.
In western Baghdad, gunmen attacked the convoy of Deputy Baghdad Gov. Ziad Tariq, killing three civilians and wounding three of his bodyguards, police said. Tariq was not injured.
Iraqi soldiers on Monday began Operation Moonlight, which the U.S. military described as the first large-scale operation planned and executed by soldiers of the Iraqi 1st Brigade. The mission's aim is to disrupt insurgent activity along the Euphrates River near the border with Syria.
There are five Iraqi Army companies and one U.S. Marine company taking part in the operation, said Marine Capt. Jeffrey S. Pool.
With 89 percent of the ballot boxes counted in Baghdad province — Iraq's largest district — preliminary results showed the United Iraqi Alliance received 1,403,901 votes, or about 58 percent, while the Sunni Arab Iraqi Accordance party got 451,782 votes, and former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's Iraqi National List with 327,174 votes, the electoral commission said.
The commission did not say how many people voted in Baghdad province or provide further details. Baghdad is Iraq's biggest electoral district with 2,161 candidates running for 59 of the 275 seats in Iraq's parliament.
Results from southern Basra province, also mixed but predominantly Shiite, saw the clergy-backed United Iraqi Alliance significantly ahead, winning 612,206 votes with 98 percent of ballot boxes counted. The list headed by Allawi, a secular Shiite, was in second with 87,134 votes, while the Sunni accordance party trailed with 36,997 votes.
Kurdish parties were overwhelmingly ahead in their three northern provinces.
In a speech Sunday, President Bush praised the vote and warned against a pullout of U.S. forces. He said the election would not end violence but means that America has an ally of growing strength in the fight against terror. He also warned that a U.S. troop pullout would signal to the world that America cannot be trusted to keep its word.
The fuel prices were raised Sunday — some as much as nine times — to curb a growing black market, Oil Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said.
A gallon of imported and super gasoline in Iraq was raised to about 68 cents, but Iraqis were upset by the fivefold increase. The price of locally produced gas was raised to about 48 cents per gallon, a sevenfold increase.
In Amarah, 180 miles southeast of Baghdad, police fired into the air to disperse the hundreds of protesters who had gathered in front of the provincial government headquarters. The demonstrators, however, didn't leave, and scuffles broke out with police.
Drivers blocked roads and set tires on fire near fuel stations in the southern city of Basra, and hundreds demonstrated outside the governor's headquarters to protest the increases.
Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum said when the Cabinet raised prices, it also decided that the extra money would be used to support more than 2 million low-income families. Some aid money was supposed to reach the families before the increases, but that didn't happen, he said.
Dr. Ibrahim will submit his resignation to the Iraqi government if the situation continues as is, he said, referring to himself. We should take in consideration the living conditions and the economic situation of the citizens.
Iraq's oil minister has previously said that cheap domestic fuel prices had encouraged smuggling to other countries. Iraq's government has continued Saddam's practice of heavily subsidizing fuel prices.,3566,179103,00.html
None of us are free....
SLide show with music, worth watching. The song is also one of my favorites.
We used our free will to invade Iraq. We have free will to do a lot of things that does not make them right. There is more than one way to help ourselves. The Iraqi war is not the answer to all woes.
You are free to tell them what you
If that will make your day then get right up from your warm home and computer and go tell them what I said (pun intended).
When I said the protests will not stop, I was stating the obvious. They will have to serve and ignore or serve and pay attention and let it bring their morale down.
I know democrats cosigned on the war (whether they felt Bush would preemptively go in or not). They are not catching a break about it either, Obama and Hillary were called on the carpet on it this weekend as they should be.
You obviously know someone who will get free
Again, I believe that it is not free--yet.
What will we do when all of these poor people can't afford it--lower the prices and give it away to those unwilling to work at all. I am only implying that it is a slippery slope.
You can get one free
for a $500,000 contribution to the RNC.
Oh He**. Let's just free everybody from
GOVERNMENT SUCKS!!!!!! IT IS OUT OF CONTROL. I know, so am I right now. Taking a break from the news. Oh GOD, when are you coming? This world is OUT OF CONTROL.
Would you rather pay for nothing than get it for free?
Do you really think the government will give us worse insurance than the for-profit insurers are doing now? Really???
I'm sick of paying something for nothing - after all the deductibles, out of pocket charges, copays and disallowed claims - that's pretty much what we get. I'd rather take the money I pay in premiums to a greedy corporation who will refuse to pay a cent when the time comes I need them - and pay it in taxes for a free healtchare plan. At least everybody would be in the same boat, with no nasty surprises.
You are still here, right? Still free?