Read a funny quote once and your post reminded me of it.
Posted By: Zville MT on 2009-02-16
In Reply to: That's not what she was saying - icytoes
Will Rogers once said this about FDR: "The whole country is with him...If he burned down the Capitol, we would cheer and say, 'well we at least got a fire started anyhow.'"
So, there's another comparison between FDR and Obama.
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Read quote
Rush Limbaugh quoting excerpt from article by Rick Moran:
But even a victory by 'The Laughing Goat' ( La Cabra que Ríe) couldn’t possibly gladden the hearts and warm the cockles of liberals like the prospect of celebrating…what? Well, there’s that drop in the President’s poll numbers. And then there’s…let’s see. Oh! Did I mention the drop in the President’s poll numbers? Yes, these are heady days for our left wing friends. The fact that their celebrations are taking place as a direct result of the distress, suffering, anguish and death of tens of thousands of their fellow citizens seems to not be of much concern to our morally superior betters. In fact, it has emboldened them to advance every crack pot theory on race and class that has poisoned American politics for going on forty years. One could say the left is dancing on the graves of black people, celebrating the exploitation of a political opening brought about by the incompetence of relief efforts in the largely black neighborhoods of New Orleans. Except for one thing: most of those graves are empty at the moment because the future les habitants haven’t even been plucked from the floodwaters yet.
First time I've read that quote...scary (nm)
Obviously u didnt read, I said NONE of them are moral. Read the post before spouting off.
A good funny
Funny, and yet oh so true, in many respects.....please read....his column is good every week, and pokes fun where it's deserved, whilst intertwining salient facts therein....,2933,434143,00.html
Very interesting and funny read. sm
Just goes to show that, as far as we humans are concerned, nothing ever really changes much. LOL
your post explains why you didn't think it was funny
Crats just don't have a sense of humor like the rest of us. PS - I am a liberal. If there is one equally as funny about the conservatives I would post. But pretty much all of these are true - and funny.
I re-read your post, and I stand by my post.
You are twisting his words by saying that he wants to make friends with terrorists. That is not what he said.
Funny it's okay to post inflammatory reports about Bush (nm)
It reminded me, too......
and I agree, no lies. It's insulting, especially when you know their BS is going to be ferreted out.
The sources as you should be reminded come from
You could get smart and educate yourself. You can look all of this up; you will find it to be fact. The paper trail is there. Heck, even Obama's own "slip ups" came out of his own mouth but I suppose you're gonna tell me they had a double in there and he didn't say anything that should be a disturbing revelation to you.
Oh, yea. The other posters reminded me
I need a house. We are living in a basement, the front sided and open so we can have windows, but 3 sides under ground. This was the basement of the home we were going to build on top. Build this place for $10,000 using as much as we could from the old house that was flooded out in ྜ and had to build on higher ground even though we live on a hill.
We won't go into debt now because the county states our place is worth $100,00. Yeah, right. Try to get a loan or HELOC (which we would never do now). We'll live like this until we win the lottery. LOL 
How many times do you have to be reminded
Guess you couldn't argue with anything I had to say so you picked on "your" versus "you're". If you going to be the spelling police then please stay off this board.
So you don't think I'm an MT because I spelled your wrong????? Talk about freaky that there are people with this kind of mindset. Is your (you're) a medical term? No. How about encephalopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, facet rhizotomy, essential hypertension, and how about millions of other "medical" terms.
Don't you know the difference between this board and an official medical report. Here, let me educate you. This here board that you are on is called MTStars. It has many different topics you can go to. You can gab about issues that concern you (non-political/religious), but if you want to have a political or religious discussion you come to one of these specialized boards. Now if you want to be spelling police you are not to come to this board. There are other sites where you can do that. If you type in some different terms in Google you might find one to your liking. Otherwise stay off this board.
Hence, because you evidently do not know the difference between MTStars gab/political boards and offical medical document I highly doubt you are an MT my dear.
I have been MT'ing for 10 years now, and you know what...I could give a rat's you know what whether or not you think I'm an MT because I spelled it your instead of you're.
And also don't presume to know what party I am, because your showing how true it is about people who assume.
Take your spelling police protocol elsewhere or don't come on the board at all.
sorry, should read I did not read post that way.
I am reminded of the Pied Piper...
and those that followed him to ruin. Sigh.
Jindal's speech reminded me of....
those films we had to watch in 6th grade health class about periods.
I'm reminded of an old Playboy cartoon
Nasty-looking old guy holding open one side of his overcoat: Psssst! Dirty postcards?
Pssst! Dirty bullets?
Regardless of party, they need to be reminded strongly
Okie dokie. I am just reminded of the old phrase...
be careful what you ask for. But I do have a question...Obama has said forcefully that if he ends Iraq the war will go on in you are still going to have a war. Where the war is makes the difference? We are still going to be spending billions. The fact that it will be in Afghanistan and not Iraq makes the difference?
We are getting ready to spend billions bailing out the mess that Democrats created. No, Republicans have actually been bringing this mess up, screaming warnings about it, and the only thing this Democratic congress has done was pass a housing bill this time that further encouraged giving out those bad loans. Republicans were against it, but the Dems have the majority. we are. I do blame one Republican, George Bush, for signing it. He should have vetoed it.
How you can ignore something that huge and trust the fox to run the chicken house...I will be the first to say...I certainly do not understand it. But your vote is YOURS, and you should use it however you wish to.
I did read the post that way.
One poster asked who would join in rebuilding Iraq and this poster answered she would join. I am not quite sure why the quibbling of semantics. Do you do that to all posters who post here? If so, it's disturbing.
I don't think your read my post
I said the main reason for newspapers' decline was the internet, but your insinuation that people don't read the newspaper simply because they can't read well really doesn't make any sense and is frankly, condescending.
Read the post Ex....
you can disagree without mocking and ridiculing...and yes, sometimes, you CAN take the high road and just ignore a post by someone who posted emotionally and took personally a post because her son is serving in Iraq and tells a different story. What could that possibly have hurt, just to let that one slide? Or respond to it in a less personal or ridiculing way?
And then "think Liberal" asserting to me that she had the right to disagree and criticize something she did not believe it...but berating "sick and fed up" in a rather personal manner for doing the same thing. THAT sounds pretty one-sided to me. And not necessary.
Thanks for your post.
Did you even read the post???
we are talking about a program that is already in place, the money already there...lots of red cents as a matter of fact. We have more social programs than any country in the WORLD = millions of red cents. What pray tell are you talking about? Billions for killing Iraqis? Are you prez of Michael Moore's fan club? Sigh.
You obviously did not read my post...
Air America failed because not enough people listened to it. Simple as that. I thought your original post said something about Republicans in the minority...not all Republicans are conservative and not all Republicans are Christians. And, there are a bunch of Democrats who are Christians. So what are you talking about? Christians or Republicans?
LOL ... if you read my whole post ...
I have said I have not made up my mind about who I am voting for.
I SAID I have not formed an total opinion on Palin.
I have watched many of O'Bama's interviews ... ... I read his book ... I'm evaluating his "judgment" ...
And to me, he comes across as arrogant. AND, THIS IS JUST WHAT IT IS -- MY OPINION. And I am entitled to it, just like you are entitled to yours!!!
That does not make me stupid. But if it makes YOU feel better to call anyone who doesn't agree with you and your opinions stupid, go ahead -- go for it! I can take it.
Also, glad to see now I'm a mina bird .. Love It!
no, make that a "stupid mina bird" ...
.... too bad I have to go to work now .. who names what other names I could be called ... just because I have my own opiniosn and they are different from yours!
good day!
ROTFL .... outta here
At last. Some who actually read the post.
Read the other post again.
If you were not in a chat room, but rather were in an office setting with co-workers, you would not be in a situation where you could openly discuss religion or politics. It is a work setting. Noone said anything about religion not be the "fabric of your life." Good for you. Go for it. Whenever you decide to impose your religious or political beliefs on somebody else, you are going to hit a snag. Point it, the founding fathers explicitly expressed "congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of reigion." This is the FIRST directive in the FIRST amendment. They then proceeded to establish a secular federalist system, not a theocracy. Congress, though the may have agreed among them to say a prayer before their session, are to check their religion the moment they start to make law...which is, after all, their jobs.
read 2nd post from top
Read my post below........
Please read my post above and ....
read the snopes link info. The meaning is very different when looking at the entire context. And I am not an O fan but posting information taken out of context is just wrong no matter what side one is on. If the first post was an honest mistake/
misunderstanding, hey, that happens, but the snopes link demonstrates the truth of the quote so don't compound the mistake by continuing it.
I did read you whole post and all I can
is what is wrong with you? Get a grip! Why so much negativity? Give the guy a chance. Are you hoping and praying he will fail so you can be right? We all have questions and no one knows how all this will pan out. The country is in a crisis and he is going to be the POTUS. Not having to join a bread line will be a plus for me. That being said, yes, I do have hope he is the right person at the right time for our country, and I pray for his to have the strength, intelligence and compassion to see us over this rough road.
Did you even read the post
Doesn't sound like things are going to be much better from what I read.
Should have read the WHOLE post
and then you would know why I said what I said.
Should have read the WHOLE post
and then you would know why I said what I said.
Again--read the whole post...
"I should have written that I am more concerned with lying, if it turns out that he is lying"
I believe you need to actually READ the post!
Perhaps you need to re-read my post
Nowhere did I say I had the right to smoke anywhere I chose. I didn't even try to insinuate it. So before you get all righteously indignant on me, perhaps you'd better clarify whether I even made the claim you seem to want to argue.
That reminded me of Putin's staged pictures with the tigers.
Sorry, I do not want to see Obama shirtless. He has no personal dignity, and thinks he's incoming royalty.
Reminded me of a real-life situation when I was a child -
My sister, cousin, and myself had a koolaid stand on the side of the country road where we lived. We spent the day selling koolaid to mostly family. Halfway through the day, my sister decided it was too hot and she quit. We divided the money up 3 ways at that point and started all over.
At the end of the day, my sister had come back and spent all her money at our koolaid stand. My cousin and myself divided the money up 2 ways at that point when we quit.
An hour later, my sister was complaining to my grandfather that she had no money, that we had all the money and did not give her any... My grandfather proceeded to count our money and give her the exact amount we ended the day with!
I just started comparing that story to the government when I saw this cartoon! Boy, that made me mad...!!!
I can also read them and post responses to them
if I like and sometimes I choose to, and I don't use use rage to get my point across like you do. You are the one that needs to take a serious chill pill...that is if you want to, but I seriously doubt it. You revel in your rage.
It might help if you actually read my post before so inaccurately
characterizing what I said.
Unless, of course, you're simply choosing to believe that I think bringing Jesus Christ into people's lives is a bad thing, even though I said the opposite in my post.
You've incorrectly pegged my very clear post in the very same way you incorrectly pegged Phil Donahue.
Please post where you read of the stench
Could you please post the sites/newspapers/whatever where you read about the stench of the anti war people? The wide sweeping generalization can be thought of as ignorant and bigoted. I would hope the places where you got the information are legitimate news sites and not freeper baloney. I assure you, liberals/democrats/anti war people smell just as good and bad as conservatives/republicans/pro war people.
Perhaps you didn't READ my post
I said -- keep it the hell out of politics.
You're welcome to claim whomever you'd like as your Saviour in the privacy of your own home and the community of your own church.
Then you read my post wrong.
I don't know what conversations have occurred on either board. I was mainly interested in why you and gt would made the assertion that somehow conservatives don't care about child molestation. Frankly, I was rather taken aback. I have never even seen the far left pin that one on conservatives. My posts have been respectful totally. I thought you wanted debate. I made that mistake one other time on this board. I won't make it again.
Maybe you should actually read the post before responding.
Bush is claiming they are working on nuclear weapons.
Iran has always claimed they are working on nuclear energy.
Who's lying? Which country has the track record for lying when it comes to reasons for declaring war on a country that didn't attack it first??
You didn't read my post
I was referring to people I talk to, as I stated. I don't generally talk to Churchill or Chomsky. In fact, I don't even pay much attention to them, nor should you. Just as I don't pay much if any attention to crazy right-wingers. Just common sense.
You read my post wrong
It is strange that this particular vet has had reported so many incidents with anti-war folks. The death threat was from a white supremist, by the way.
Once again, you did not read my post before ranting...
and why do you resort to name-calling? Does it make you feel good to call me ignorant? Well, that is a stupid question..of course it does.
Demonstrate to me that you DO really care about the soldiers. Do you think the liberal harping away, cut-and-run attitude, right up to a congressional resolution does not state emphatically to the enemy that we are weak and have lost our will to fight for what we believe in? If you answer no to that question, you better re-think your *ignorant* comment and take a long hard look at yourself.
I did not say in my post anywhere that it was impossible for a Muslim to live in harmony with a Christian...I said when is the last time you saw one carrying a sign that says so, or even one publically saying so? I have heard nothing. I have heard no Muslims calling for peace between Christians and Muslims. Not a murmur. It is they, who by their silence, lead me to believe they have no interest in it.
Well I am glad you did admit that CBS is biased. You are the first one on this board to actually admit it. I will give you points for that one.
MY trash talking? Oh please. I have called no one names here, and you call me names every time I post here.
Yes, it is the liberal board, but as the monitor has posted ad nauseam, we are allowed to post here. This is still a free country, hard as you are trying to change that.
Yes, I did, the whole post.
I said show some that were not responses to baits or barbs thrown at me by piglet primarily. That is exactly what I said. Again, out of context.
As to Teddy/Taiga...I knew you only as Teddy (and a few other monikers by style of posting), and I do lean back toward that moniker when the posts lean in that direction, because under that moniker is when you were more likely to bait, demean, and ridicule. In short, "Teddy" seemed to be more "cranky" more often than does "Taiga."
As to posting as Observer....I don't know about that. No one was posting as Observer when I started posting using that moniker. Which has been quite some time now.
As to when someone does it first, why respond in kind? For a long time I did not. But I guess, like you, after a prolonged period of being baited, demeaned, and ridiculed, I got "cranky" too and responded in kind. So I guess we have that in common. Like I said...I am learning at the feet of the masters.
Some who post here tho, do not appear to be "cranky." Baiting, demeaning, and ridiculing seem to be in their nature (hence the Ann Coulter of the liberal board comment). I don't appreciate Ann Coulter's brand of humor either, by the way. I don't find baiting, demeaning, and ridiculing amusing. By anyone, on any side of any aisle.
Honest? I can't read this post.
Too windy, not enough time. I got as far as hippocracy, not true. Just waiting for our day in court that's all. Quite frankly, their crimes, if given the chance to be brought to light, and hopefully proven, will be far worse than anything Clinton did.
We don't need a hero. Waiting for the savior on the white horse? Doesn't exist. WE are the heroes.
Re-read the post before you pile on....
I was making a point that the child is alive, whether the pregnancy is a planned, wanted pregnancy or a pregnancy that was an accident, unplanned, yada yada. Because a woman who has a planned, wanted pregnancy knows that even in the early stages she is carrying a growing, living, CHILD. Not a blob of tissue. And if a woman chooses to abort a child, isn't it obvious that she doesn't want it? Why on earth would you abort a child if you wanted it? If a woman has chosen abortion, for whatever reason, she does not want to continue the pregnancy...she does not want the child. Is there some reason I am not aware of that a woman would abort a child she wanted?
Read the post again. Nothing said about how I vote..nm