ROFL..someone actually called me a swine...(sm)
Posted By: Just the big bad on 2008-11-17
In Reply to: Somehow I think - you would not
You want to know what's even funnier than that? I've had the absolute honor of talking to some people on this board about religion/faith. What we have had is a conversation where we are not arguing like cats and dogs, but rather trying to understand one another. They probably disagree with about 99.9% of my beliefs and vice versa, and yet we are still able to communicate in an intellectual manner. The impression I get from them is that they are secure in their faith, so much so that they are willing to discuss it like rational human beings. As a result of this conversation I have decided to once again study religion, not just christianity, but others as well in an attempt to come up with some kind of logical answer.
Yesterday I went to go get some books. So far I've gotten a Bible, the Qua'ran, suggested reading from a mormon who worked at the store, and I have another book to find today....(christian book stores aren't open on Sundays).
When I got home yesterday I was thumbing through these books. At random, the first thing I read in the Qua'ran was a line that I interpreted as -- If others don't want to believe in Allah, they will never believe in Allah, and basically one should just leave them alone. That may well be the most sensible approach from any religion I've ever heard! You know what? In retrospect I can't think of the first post by someone on this board who claims to be Muslim who has interjected his/her religious beliefs into politics. --- Maybe some of the christians on this board should go to the book store. You never know, you might actually learn something.
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Shelly just got called a *poor poodle*...ROFL....
Swine Flu
I've heard of bird flu. I've heard of swine flu. I've definitely heard of human flu. But bird flu, swine flu and human flu all wrapped up into one? How did that happen? Something fishy here? It sounds more like a manmade laboratory recipe instead of nature's course.
Sure is a good thing that Novartis was awarded a $487 million dollar contract on January 19, 2009 (the day before Obama became President) to develop 150 million "cell-based pandemic influenza vaccines", just in time for the current "pandemic" that coincidentally occurred three months later.
Too bad that it began in Mexico, considering that some Americans already hate Mexico and Mexicans since this will all be blamed on them.
Good thing for Cheney though. He warned us (just a couple weeks ago) that Obama couldn't keep the country safe. Will he say, "I told you so" now?
Doesn't this all seem rather convenient in a sadistic, evil kind of way? Could it be an act of terrorism or just something to help boost the economy)?
Swine Flu
I won't blame this on Obama (although I have plenty of bones to pick with him), but I strongly suspect that there is a whole mountain of information that we are not being given about this situation. I also believe that our dear VP gave us a very good piece of advice. I am not sure about the information that we are not being told, but I strongly suspect that things are far more serious than we know.
Now they say origin of the swine flu might be
You're casting your pearls before swine
If anyone knows about swine odor, it's Senator Harkin! nm
Leave my swine odor project alone!
If you're trying to equate someone having food with knowing why pigs stink, I can't follow you. This is a burning question that has gone unanswered for far too long. And when we've spent that money, we're going to fund the question "Is the Pope a Catholic" - another conundrum that has plagued mankind for centuries.
Leave my swine odor project alone!
If you're trying to equate someone having food with knowing why pigs stink, I can't follow you. This is a burning question that has gone unanswered for far too long. And when we've spent that money, we're going to fund the question 'Is the Pope a Catholic?', 'Does a bear you-know-what in the woods?' - and other conundrums (or is it conundra?) that have plagued mankind down through the centuries.
Pullezzeee....stop being condescending long enough to recognize facetiousness. I won the bet; I said you would not get it and would come back even more condescending and you did not disappoint! Right down to refusing to explain your *big picture* point. Right down to the right down to the linear and logical remark. If I had a nickel for every time I have seen that exact phrase used by liberals I would be rich. You are nothing if not predictable. Try to get a sense of humor, Teddy. Try not to take yourself quite so seriously. It will make life a lot more pleasant. Thank you so much for the amusing exchange. I needed a good laugh this evening. You have a good night now...y'hear? :)
Very cute.
Inc ase you are really interested,these are examples of liberal media:
(all major broadcast networks in this country in case you didn't get it)
CNN (who brought us the lovely sniper video of terrorists shooting American soldiers...gotta love that; and who hid the truth about what was going in Iraq (torture, genocide, etc., little things like that) for years. Lovely liberal mouthpiece is CNN.
Air America
New York Times
Washington Post
Los Angeles Times
Michael Moore
Boston Globe
Al Franken (makes Ann Coulter look like a Girl Scout)
Michael Moore
Babs Striesand
Most of rest of Hollywood
and many, many others
In case you are really interested in the truth, UCLA did a study on liberal bias in the media, funded independently, and guess what...their findings indicate it is true! Wow. Imagine that. Do a Google search.
Honestly, anyone who thinks the majority of the major media in this country does not lean hard to the left has no grasp on reality. That is a simple truth. And the fact that liberals continue to deny it is ludicrous. That is how the kool aid drinkers thing got started, and can you blame people for thinking that? I do not say that to be bashing. I really, truly do not understand it.
Just an observation.
Have a nice day!
You kill me.
That is too too funny!
ROFL! nm
ROFL! nm
Actually anything is possible. Too scary!!!!!
ROFL! nm
ROFL HA HA HA - :-) - nm
ROFL...sorry about that

ROFL HA HA HA - :-) - nm
HAHA oh that was good! Too funny!
ROFL...that is exactly what we have done....
right down to the fruit trees and the garden. I will have to admit though that gardening is a huge hobby of mine, so it wasn't all about the coming depression.
Why is it the only places I have seen Obama called the Messiah or the Chosen One are conservative media outlets or blogs?

I like to think those turkeys in the grocery stores were suicidal and gave of themselves willingly for the betterment of mankind. LOL. We actually buy beef on the hoof (well, my husband does-- by the time I get it, its in those nice little packages), but I don't want to see it. I was just amazed that it made it on TV like that. I saw that and didn't know whether to laugh or cry...
ROFL!!!!!! nm
Would that make us racist against his white half or his black half?
Middle of the road -- right between W. Bush and Rush Limbaugh.
They report on stories other networks ignore -- would that be the real ones or the ones they make up?
It's a sad day in America, and I hope we can hold out and hold on through the next stormy four years. -- I guess the last 8 years were a peach (the results of which we are seeing now).
The event will be covered on TV station WICA-- in a special report by Jeff Rense.  
I was thinking just a little more casual. Alcohol and dancing will be involved, so the heels are out. Love the halters, but I do believe polka dots are in order. -- Maybe a simple polka dot poodle skirt, plain tailored top, a scarf (of course), and some cat-eye glasses.
Joe's new job....ROFL....(sm)
Joe the Plumber, Now Joe the War Correspondent in Israel, Is Still Joe the Clown
January 13, 2009 10:30 AM ET | Robert Schlesinger | Permanent Link | Print
By Robert Schlesinger, Thomas Jefferson Street blog
Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, aka Joe the War Correspondent, has been in the Middle East on his new covering-the-war-as-a-reporter gig long enough to conclude that reporters should not be permitted to cover wars. Alas, I think he was referring to reporters not named Samuel J. Wurzelbacher.
To be honest with you, I don't think journalists should be anywhere allowed war [sic]. . . . I liked back in World War I and World War II, when you'd go to the theater and you'd see your troops on the screen and everyone would be real excited and happy for them. Now everyone's got an opinion and wants to down soldiers—our American soldiers, our Israeli soldiers. I think media should be abolished from reporting.
Memo to Joe the Propagandist: That's been tried. Do you remember Baghdad Bob? He was certainly good for entertainment, though I can't speak to troop morale. It's been tried by people in other countries as well, some of whom were the villains in those newsreels Joe the Historian recalls so fondly.
Let's skip the basic civics lesson about the role of a free press in a free society; and let's skip slippery-slope questions like: If Joe the Philosopher is right, then when engaged in a "war" without front lines, should independent media be abolished entirely? (Could we keep sports reporting?)
And while it may not occur to Joe the Television Consumer that people might have ever gotten their news in any fashion other than from a screen, war correspondents existed well before either of the World Wars. Reporters like Edward R. Murrow and Ernie Pyle were revered and beloved by not only the soldiers but by families back home anxious for news—not propaganda—about what was going on at the front. The military worked to keep Pyle at the front lines for morale reasons during World War II—and he was killed there by sniper fire.
I covered the Pentagon—which is not to suggest that I was a war correspondent—for a couple of years for the Boston Globe. I once had the opportunity to see retired Gen. Harold Moore speak about military-media relations. Moore fought in Korea and Vietnam. Joe the Film Critic might remember Moore as having been played by Mel Gibson in the 2002 movie We Were Soldiers about the famous IA Drang battle in Vietnam. The movie was based on a book Moore cowrote with—wait for it—a reporter who was there with the troops.
Moore told us that he had welcomed reporters in Vietnam. "I just loved for my troops to get bragged about and for the press to write up my troops," Moore told us. "I was so darn proud of my troops for what they were doing in that tragic war."
When we asked Moore about the notion that the media lost the Vietnam War by ginning up criticism at home, he replied: "That didn't bother me. People in America have a freedom to do that. I fought in a couple of wars for that freedom."
But I'm sure Joe the Military Strategist knows more about such things than does Hal the General.
I had forgotten about the man and fish thing.... 
If human rights scare you, then maybe Africa or Saudi Arabia would be better choices.
*You can hear a pin drop.*  Hey Rush, that's what it sounds like when people listen....
Thanks!!....that was hilarious.
He couldn't have given a more anit-republican speech if he tried.
I think you have a good case of "gotta have the last word."
They should have checked the place for a Pee-wee Herman how-to handbook.
Change the channel off Fox and you'll see what the rest of the world sees. I think you pubs have president envy. LOL.
So who will you be teabagging? You might want to Google that term.
Has it ever occurred to you that you actually ARE an extremist and that the majority of the country thinks you're nuts? Sounds like Fox has you good and worked up and ready for the teabagging festivities....   
I'm mad at, I'm mad at, I'm mad at Obama.....I'm just mad....AARRRRGGGG..... .
At my house we call that a "wasted mad.".....LOL.
You are a caricature of the typical Fox News viewer. I suppose you think they are sincere and truthful. I bet you read WND too.
When you have actual facts to back up your hysteria let us know.
AARRRGGG! I'm mad. I'm gonna rant some more. Don't you have a party to go to?
You're going to make their brains explode if you don't get back in the box....
So now I'm supposed to be a black, gay, pro-abortion, athiest Kool-Aid drinker? (Anyone see any possible conflicts of interests in there? LOL). -- (Also referred to as the antichrist.) While I would be honored to be a member of any and all of those groups I can only take credit for 3 of them, so keep guessing. What you simpletons don't seem to understand is that a person doesn't have to have had an abortion to be pro-choice, they don't have to be an athiest to understand religious persecution, they don't have to be gay to understand and support the gay community, and they don't have to be black to be a democrat or support Obama.
However, I do understand your inability to understand any ideas that don't fall in line with your own beliefs and the fact that the only way you seem to be able to deal with someone with those ideas is to label them. In my book, that's called a coward. Pull up your pants -- your true colors are showing.