Questions for dems and pubs - only serious responses need post...(sm)
Posted By: Just the big bad on 2009-02-28
In Reply to:
If you are a democrat, is there anything that Obama has done that you don't agree with, or perhaps is there a policy that he has kept from the previous admin that you agree with that would be out of the norm for the left?
My answer: I actually agree with the decision exhibited thus far by the Obama administration to keep the "enemy combatant" thing. I think it could serve as useful, however, it should not be abused. In the case of al-Marri I think it was abused, and it should be refined. They have FINALLY brought charges against this guy who has been held in prison since 2003 with no charges, no counsel, nada. I think we need to preserve the right to hold people, but there needs to be some kind of standard for doing so.
Info on case:
If you are a republican is there anything that the Obama administration has done that you DO agree with?
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if I like and sometimes I choose to, and I don't use use rage to get my point across like you do. You are the one that needs to take a serious chill pill...that is if you want to, but I seriously doubt it. You revel in your rage.
Unbelievable that there are no responses to this post.. All I can say
this is so true. In my opinion, people voting for the republican ticket are either right wing religious voters, rich voters, poor under-educated voters who are easily led, bigots who would never vote for a black man, or people who for whatever reason buy into the terrorist, Muslim, anti-American, anti-Christ, foreigner, not like us scare tactics that abound.
Everyone (dems and pubs)...(sm)
have said the economy is going to get worse before it gets better, so again, how about something specific?
Pubs and Dems read this
While walking down the street one day a US senator is tragically
hit by a truck and dies.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the man.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in h*ll and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity."
"Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the senator.
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules."
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to h*ll. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, Shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting Rich at the expense of the people.
They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where
St. Peter is waiting for him.
"Now it's time to visit heaven."
So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in h*ll and another in heaven.
Now choose your eternity."
The senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would Never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in h*ll."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to h*ll.
Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.
He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. "I don't understand," stammers the senator. "Yesterday I was here andthere was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time.
Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.
What happened?"
The devil looks at him, smiles and says,
"Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted."
Yep. More dems voted for it than pubs
5 pubs, the rest (and there are many) are dems.....
when dems are mean, it's funny...when pubs are mean, it's murderous
Here is one thing dems and pubs can agree on
We're glad its over.
Okay - back to work for me, just thought of that.
The dems and pubs can go back in time as far as they want.
This spending crap started long before Obama got into office, but that doesn't excuse anyone from the spending that's gone on since he took office.
I'm so tired of hearing how Obama inherited this mess and how the pubs are trying to keep spending to a limit. Well, where were these pubs 8 years ago or 10 years ago? NOW, they say they want to conserve, but as soon as the next bill comes along, they attach more pork to it, just like everyone else.
And then Obama signs it all, even while spouting about controlling the earmarks! Seriously?
You can put as many people from the government that you want on any of these political talk shows and it's all going to come out the same - there's not a single one of them that can be trusted and that goes back way further than our economic crisis or whatever the he11 you want to call it.
Guess the dems are rubbing off on the pubs, since
This was a package that both the dems and pubs thought would pass
We need something done with the stock market hitting bottom.
the pubs care more about "mericans than dems? hahahahahaha!
You ever hear of Halliburton?
Heads dems win, tails pubs lose. I'm just sayin'........
How about warning before you open any links from pubs or dems or other ANONYMOUS PEOPLE
just because they say they are a pub doesn't mean anything. You know ANYONE can post on here right???
Wow...good post. Lots of valid questions...
First and foremost...lower taxes equal better economy. We have to figure out a way to improve things without tax, tax, tax. I don't care WHO they tax. Fact is, over 90% of the total tax bill in this country is paid by the so-called rich. I am not in any way rich, but I think if they are bearing 90% of the burden already, that is enough. The government has to learn to live within its means. Sticking a windfall profits tax on oil companies when we are paying what we are paying at the pump is just nuts to me, but that is what Obama wants to do. And then redistribute that money to people (who did nothing to earn it) for whatever reason he wants to do it. Yes, people will have a little money to spend on gas, but gas will only go higher as a result of the I do not see a win there.
As to public personal opinion is if they stopped building Taj Mahal schools (that look like the Pentagon) and spend more money on actually educating the children...less opulent buildings and paying teachers more...we would see better results. The state I live in has ridiculous property taxes which go directly into the school systems and yes we have school buildings that rival the best architecture around...but our graduate rate and testing scores is way down. You would think that would tell people something, wouldn't you? That maybe opulent buildings don't translate into a good education? I don't know what the answer to that is. Obviously writing letters and calling people does no good...have tried both.
As to socialized medicine...I think that would be a horror. For a multitude of reasons. We hve the best health care in the world, that's why leaders of other countries bring their families here to be treated. We have the premier schools and treatment facilities. How many foreign physicians are trained here? I think we all know the answer to that. They tried it in Massachusetts (state run health care), and while it was a good program on paper, it was doomed to fail. They are millions in the hole. The inevitable end of socialized medicine. When they can't meet the bills, taxes will have to go up or jobs will be lost, services will be cut...that is the way it goes and i would rather not sacrifice the quality of health care on the altar of getting it free.
I agree that there should be some regulation and oversight of insurance companies to get premiums into the real world, that's for sure. And whatever programs that remain to make sure children are insured need to be monitored for abuse. they don't need to institute programs that cannot be monitored. That makes no sense fiscally or any other way.
One thing I would like to see is a flat income tax. A straight across the board percentage with no deductions. No loopholes. No nothing. That way everyone pays the same percentage of their income, no matter what that income is. That is what I would like to see. The government would save millions in processing costs alone.
As to how do you know who is being sincere and who is just making campaign promises? They are both just making campaign promises. They will follow through on a few of them, most of them they won't. History tells you that. Politicians basically tell you what they think you want to hear. My take on it is the campaign promises that most closely follow what i want for the country, my family, that follows my value system, is the man/woman I am going to vote for. So if just a few of the things that are promised come to fruition, that is a good thing.
On the other hand, voting for someone who does not share my value system, is for things I think will be bad for the country...on the face of it...a no win there. No pluses to go there.
But that is just me.
Her's another post the pubs won't touch
Sensible Dems Don't Need to Post
There is nothing left to be said.
Where on earth in this post do you get I hate blacks, Dems, or the poor?
I was quoting the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin..who is black, and a Democrat, though not poor. Did I say I didn't like mayor Nagin? I am just saying he is acting a whole lot differently than he did during Katrina. And from that you get that I hate blacks, dems, and the poor? The dem talking points don't really fit this post...??? Now I am confused.
I don't hate Dems. I just don't agree with them. And I don't understand how they can say they are the party of the people and want to fight so hard for freedom of choice and individual rights, and then turn on one lone poster like a pack of snarling dogs for disagreeing with them. Don't you think what the party is supposed to stand for and the way theones on this board are acting is even SLIGHTLY contradictory?? lol
Your responses come as no
surprise. I was actually expecting worse. I guess i should thank you for your temperance. All that I said was that when I heard the Governor speak, it crossed my mind how no one representing this administration has attended any funerals of Iraqi soldiers. You say the others have attended none to some...that is more than this administration sees fit.
This IS the only administration where the president or an envoy of some sort has not attended a funeral or 2. It just simply crossed my mind while listening to the governor going on and on about W's compassionate self. I do not, contrary to popular belief, suffer from BDS. He is so completely inconsequential that I almost feel sorry for him. I watched him in Ohio giving a speech and he was rambling about chickens and plucking and something else...really not making a lot of sense. I was embarrassed for him. I have never seen a presidential campaign start as early as this one and I believe, IMHO, that the reason is that the nation pretty much considers this administration chopped liver. You have got to admit that the scandals (enough to make any CEO proud) have kept this administration from governing, with the exception of **staying the course,** not attending a funeral here or there.
I did not get my information on other presidents' funeral attendances from **liberal sources,** it is pretty much common knowledge and has been bandied around every time someone talks or writes about the numbers, the lack of photos, the **no draped caskets** rule quite a few times, any rate, I DID go to a **liberal** site today and found an article written by a man who had the same response I did and I will enclose it for your reading enjoyment. His focus covers the Iraqi civilians while I confess I had not thought of them as much as the soldiers and I should have.What those poor people go through on a daily basis, every day, every single day, with numbers in the 3 digits some of the time is heartbreaking.
The Human Face of Death
by Louis Freedberg
What the green hills of Blacksburg, Va., and the dusty streets of Baghdad have in common is that in the last few days terrible acts of violence have been perpetrated there.
But the reactions to that violence could not have been more different.
Within a day of the Virginia Tech massacre, the 32 victims were memorialized in detailed biographies, news stories, photos and “interactive features” on a range of Web sites.
Here’s an excerpt from the Washington Post’s write-up on 19-year-old Emily Hilscher, the first student killed by the deranged Cho Seung-Hui. Apparently, Hilscher liked every kind of music except country and classical. “Give me something I can bang my head to or dance like crazy and I’m all over it,” she wrote in her My Space profile.
Of Ryan Clark, another early victim, the New York Times wrote, “Ryan Clark was known as Stack on campus, an amiable senior memorable for his ready smile and thoughtful ways … Tall and thin, Mr. Clark, a resident of August, Ga., was well liked and a member of the university’s marching band, the Marching Virginians.”
It is entirely appropriate that the violence at Blacksburg be personalized. Putting the human face on death will help focus the nation’s attention on an out-of-control culture of violence, which allows easy access to guns to the most demented among us.
If the violence in Iraq were humanized to the same extent, perhaps the war in Iraq would be over by now.
Yet, instead of putting a human face on the carnage there, the human toll in Iraq has been mostly reduced to body counts. The victims of the Iraq war have received little of the outpouring of grief and national attention focused on the Virginia victims.
Here’s a cold number: as of this week, 3,309 U.S. servicemen and women have been killed in Iraq. Typically, the victims get a story or two in their hometown newspaper or a report on local television. (I just read my colleague Steve Rubenstein’s wrenching obituary on Sgt. Mario De Leon from Rohnert Park, who died in Baghdad on Monday. “Sweet, polite kind,” his wife said of her 26-year-old husband, who loved to watch his collection of “Star Wars” movies. “I never met anyone like him.”)
But then everyone moves on (except, of course, the survivors).
Some might say soldiers are in a line of work where casualties are expected. Mass homicide on a college campus, they’d argue, is a different story that deserve special attention.
But the civilian casualties of the civil war in Iraq rarely emerge as human beings who have lives as rich and complex lives as the Virginia dead. News reports from Iraq invariably provide a daily casualty count in a sentence or two, the numbers usually prefaced by the words “at least.”
On the Saturday just before the Virginia Tech massacre, “at least” 37 people were killed, and another 150 wounded in a car bomb explosion in Karbala.
On Sunday, 34 people were killed in two suicide bombings in Baghdad. Of those who died half were women and children, according to a report.
On Wednesday, “at least” 158 people were killed in Baghdad in some of the deadliest attacks of the war.
So it goes, each day in Iraq. More deaths. More numbers.
I’ve been searching for a report profiling even one of yesterday’s victims in Iraq. What did they look like? What music were they interested in? What were their hobbies? Who is mourning them?
I’ll concede that it’s tough to identify victims of suicide and car bombings. Language and security barriers make it difficult for reporters to track down relatives and friends of the victims.
Of course, they aren’t Americans. It’s understandable we would care more about our own.
The daily statistical reports from Baghdad on the latest atrocity are numbing to the point where we hardly pay attention to them anymore. They read like a table from Dow Jones Industrial index — up today, down tomorrow.
Imagine what would happen if mass killings on the scale of the Virginia Tech massacre — or multiples thereof — occurred each day in the United States.
Yet that is exactly what is happening in Iraq, a country one-tenth our size.
The Virginia victims deserve to be remembered as vibrant human beings. The images of them that dominate the airwaves have the potential to spark action to make sure something like it does not happen again.
But the anonymous victims of a war begun by the United States should also be memorialized. By reducing them to ciphers, it’s too easy to avoid confronting the full impact of the catastrophe that has overtaken Iraq.
And so the war goes on.
Louis Freedberg is a Chronicle editorial writer. E-mail him at
© 2007 The San Francisco Chronicle
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If your not getting responses
It seems like some posters below are attacking others for not aggreeing with them, however, they are being ignored. People are attacking others and luckly the original posters know what their game is and decided to not respond anymore, however, some (a) poster has taken it to a new level and decided to try to instigate more trouble. I would say no response is the best response they deserve.
Your responses are disturbing.
I don't believe I have ever seen a more angry and irrational person.
Thank you for your candid responses.
It helped solidify a few things in my head. I guess for me the bottom line is, whatever your beliefs are on the subject, if you have religion in your life or a pagan like myself, it does not give the right for a special interest group to subjugate another, and that is the end result. I don't think that they can effectively stop abortion using this method.
I think it all goes back to educating people. I guess it is easier for some individuals to stand on their moral high ground and point fingers than to truly come up with a workable solution. The unborn do not need their voice. They have a mother to make decisions for them, which is where it should stay. Selective benevolence? Not for me. If one is so emphatic in the decision to embrace life and fight for it, then fight for all. Do not pick and choose who or what's life is in more need. Pro-life to me means anti-war, anti-starvation, anti-subjugation, etcetera, for all living things.
If one is strongly anti-abortion, which is strictly a moral issue, then start a movement to educate people and create viable alternatives, but leave it out of political and the legal system. I do believe that choosing a presidential candidate because of a moral or religious tendency is improper. It comes as no surprise to me that this behavior has been justified on this posting. I find it to be extremely arrogant. But it seems that some just cannot temper themselves and feels the calling to preach not realizing that when one has an opinion about everything, they lose their effectiveness. People stop listening. The need to control or dominant a conversation has nothing to do with dissent. It has everything to do with being unduly opinionated and argumentative and makes people wonder who they are trying to convince.
I was glad someone brought up the subject of the welfare of these unwanted children. If parents discover early in their pregnancy that the child has birth defects and are responsible for the welfare over the lifetime of that child, should they not have the right to abort it? If a parent has a child who has experienced a TBI who cannot survive without a ventilator and nutritional support, should they not have the right to end that child's life? To me, that is benevolence. It is wrenching decision and should not rest within the government or a special interest group. Deferring abortion law back to the states does not address the issue at its root, it just puts it in someone else's lap.
No one wants increased welfare and other government subsidies. There is a direct correlation between the poor and uneducated to welfare subsidies. If government would actually take the subject seriously and increase education funding rather than cutting it everytime tax cuts are put on the table, which tend to hit the inner cities the hardest, it would stand to reason the abortion rates would go down. I firmly believe this. But, I digress, and this is a whole other subject.
I would like to hear a presidential candidate state they are going to increase education funding. That is a reason for backing a presidential hopeful.
Responses for M and Some thoughts (sm)
If they don't show progress and default on the loans, then the gov would have a controlling interest because they gave out those loans. This would lead to restructuring, and probably more of a government run industry. And yeah, they could mess it up just as bad, but we have to at least try something.
Some thoughts:
Even if they are supported financially during re-education, what would they go into? Just about every industry across the board is being hit with this financial mess, so their options would be limited. Also, we're talking about millions of people, and not everyone is cut out for higher education, which is a good thing because we actually do need workers in this country.
This also leaves us with an auto industry that would consist of imports, so we would still be oil dependent.
Thank you for your wonderful responses!
I am truly impressed by all of the posters who responded to this question in such a compassionate and intelligent way. You have renewed my faith in the people who post on this board, and for that I thank you!
Personally, I think that any medicine that can help relieve human suffering should, without a doubt, be legal and made available to those in need. The voters of California or any other state that wish to have marijuana legalized should have that right without interference from the federal governent.
Again, thank you!

Yep -Responses from the very ones I expected.
You all are SO predictable.
TTYL...I'm off to do something constructive for our country....
Obama does not inspire these responses.
When I read the ugly responses here to my
post, I know that Jesus is real and that He not only gives someone a new heart but a new mind, a mind not corrupted by the world as the majority of the minds are of you who responded here with your attacks. Of course, you think you are attacking me, some of you on a very personal level, not even knowing who I am, asking such a stupid question as to whether I have children or even suggesting sending brown envelopes filled with feces to people like me.
I don’t know who you are either, but I can tell you that I pray God forgive you for your blindness and hate just as He forgave me when I surrendered my life to Him.
This post is not about me. It is about innocent life, life that never asks to be born, defenseless life that no matter the circumstances of conception is holy and valued in the eyes of its Creator. For everyone of YOU reading this, someone gave you a chance at life. That is more than 50 million aborted babies and counting have had. Their lives have been snuffed out before they had a chance for life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice. They have been murdered for convenience and a lack of responsibility. We all have choices in life, and yes, responsibility does begin with conception. Even a baby conceived in a rape has the same right to life as any other. It didn’t have a choice as to its parentage or the circumstances of its conception.
The Red Envelope Project is to protest millions more innocent babies being murdered across the globe using U. S. taxpayer monies. Woe to you if you support this administration’s unbridled hatred of innocent lives.
I do put my money where my mouth is by working with pregnant women in my community, giving of my time, talents, energy, and financial resources in giving them an alternative to abortion. Many have become pregnant under the most awful circumstances imaginable to the human mind. Yet, these women are far more courageous than most of you who call us terrorists because we want to protect life. In fact, these women are thankful that there are those of us who are willing to sacrifice for them so that their babies have a chance at life. Not even the most vile of you on this board can take away the profound satisfaction and love we have of defending and protecting the most innocent among us. When I see a mother look into the face of her baby and know that she has chosen life, whether she has decided to raise her baby or to give it up for adoption, then I know that all my time, talents, energy, and financial resources have gone into and been made to that which is worthy and glorifies my Lord, and another child has been born who will have an opportunity to become all that God created him or her to be.
Someone made a choice of life for you. Why would you want to deny that for another innocent baby? Why would you want to support an evil president who celebrates death instead of life?
Well, I got a fair number of other
..from people who got the point. Sorry if it zoomed past you two!
Note to self: There are a couple of simpletons on the board. Do not use parody or metaphor when writing, or you'll lose them.
Read all the responses to your message - sm
and try to understand what we are saying.
There is just no justifiable reason for this luau and/or any other diversion Obama is into. Does not seem as though many people agree with you and, for the record, I am not here to argue with you, just to try to get you to see past the fog.
More questions...
When and where did Democrat deny in the past being African-American? I don't recall seeing a post to that effect and can't even imagine the reasons or circumstances under which such a post would even be posted. If you want to be believed, produce the post. Otherwise, it's just another necon lie, designed to take the focus off the real problem, which is a racist who apparently is proud to be such a deplorable human being.
More importantly, why are you so aggressive in your defense of such a deplorable human being when your own president has condemned what he said? Sounds like you and Bennett were cut from the same cloth, which frankly isn't surprising.
Better be careful, though. The next inconvenient group of people he might be interested in exterminating could be poor, uneducated, clueless, hateful, bigoted, ignorant white neocons.
Questions....! And more
Yep, cover their ears and yell la la la the whole way, that's the MO of the staunch repubs. What I really want to know is, what all exactly of this Bush admin are they so proud of?? What exactly have they accomplished, or even planned, that would actually succeed?? Health care? Social Security? Prescription program? Job security? Immigration? Judges and other appointees? Mishandling and misbehaviors? The environment? A straight answer for continually dumping billions overseas? But I've noticed any kind of even polite queries on that board get blasted off as usual, like a year and 2 years ago when I frequented these discussions. No direct answer whatsoever, just some name calling of us, the dumb ones. Hmmmm. Like I always say, if you're not outraged, you're not thinking....
Few questions.
I'm curious about a few things.
What do you personally do to help in your community?
What do faith do you have?
Do you have a mortage and what is the status? Been able to make payments on time, behind, lost your home?
Do you have health insurance? If not, why?
Do you have young children?
Were you for the bailout?
Do you have money invested in stocks? Have you/are you going to cash it in?
Think we should bring our troops back?
Now, who do you think you will vote for?
That's what I got, 66.67%, or 22 out of 33 questions right, I think it
I had a brain freeze on several of them, where several answers seemed right on each one....
Answers to your questions.
Why would I not want you to post here anymore?
I'm happy now and was happy prior to this also. Why do you ask?
Those may be good questions.
But I probably won't take the time to research them. Politics and corruption seem to go hand in hand. Democrat or Republican.
Joe McCarthy actually started out as a Democrat.
Oh, I should mention that very big business and corruption also seem to go hand in hand -- often -- not always.
Let me answer your questions:
I'm going to repost your post and answer the questions in context:
I happen to agree with you, but does this also mean:
That all liberals aren't as bad as they are routinely portrayed on the conservative board? I'm sure there are some liberals that aren't as jaded as you and some others here. They routinely show up here only to be labeled a conservative when they don't go to the extremes that you do.
That all Muslims aren't death-seeking people? Maybe there are Muslims that are not death seeking. Where are they? Point them out to me? Why are they allowing their faith to over-run by extremists? Many of us keep waiting for the good Muslims to stand up against the radical Islamofascists, but they are strangely silent which leads me to believe that they are either scared of the extremists or they stand behind what the extremists are doing. I mean, there are a lot of people on many different forums and appearing on television to relay the fact that the *Jesus Camp* is an extreme fringe of Christianity and not true Christianity, but there is not a vocal majority coming out within the Muslim community to say the extremists are not representative of mainstream Islam.
That extremist fringes in any group are bad? I think I made that clear in my first post.
Muslims are routinely portrayed on this board and by the media and by Bush as lumped together in one violent clump. This is unfair, untrue and does nothing to promote peace and understanding.
Again, I don't see how it's unfair or untrue based on the evidence all around us, because the Muslim community is doing nothing to try and counter that they are anything but a religion of war (Jihad). They do not want peace. They do not want understanding They want annihilation of anyone who does not convert. If you can prove to me that the Muslim MAJORITY is peaceful then I will listen, but all the evidence I have studied up to and including some of the Koran proves otherwise.
All religions need to be respected and tolerated in America. Isn't that what America is supposed to stand for? Well sure...that is if the religion is not dead set on destroying America. America is to protect America and the Judeo-Christian beliefs it was founded upon. We tolerate any peaceful religion who wants to tolerate us in return, but if your sole purpose is to destroy America, well, common sense tells you that America has to defend herself and other weaker countries that are susceptable to bullying from the warmongering religion.
A couple of questions...
what proof do you have that the war has anything at all to do with oil...and what do you "bought" your patriotism? "Served it?" Curious as to what that means. And ya know...I have been kinda tired for YEARS as the terrorists picked off our people by the hundreds until they hit the big one on 9-11 and took out 3000 at one time. Just wondering if you think that was worth fighting over. Just wondering. If not...what? When they kill 8,000? 10,000? How many will it take? Just wondering. How much innocent blood will have to be spilled here to get you as angry at the terrorists as you are at conservatives? Just wondering.....
Few questions......don't sweat...
Who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve?
Who wants smaller government? No more taxes? No government interference in our lives?
Who is for abolishing the IRS?
Who believes that government should only be in place to run our military for OUR safety?
Who wants government out of our public schools?
Character questions
We all know that we can go back and forth on which candidate is the best for our country. We also know that when running for president candidates can promise a lot. Since it is not possible to know how each candidate's economic, tax or any other policy will turn out until they are actually in office, I will be basing my vote on how they feel about moral issues, i.e. marriage, abortion, etc. Each candidate has a platform/an agenda they will be pushing once elected. Their platform can be seen on the internet by googling 2008 Democratic Party Platform or 2008 Republican Party Platform. There is some very interesting stuff in there. Check it out.
Why are they the wrong questions?
Why has he never answered the questions truthfully?
He has answered the questions
by what authority do you determine he has not answered the questions truthfully?
So I'm bringing my questions right along behind you.
Never said you were lying. Simply asked for what you have provided and I was able to finally find on my own. So here is the post you would like to leave buried below while you celebrate your victory. Still need these answers.
So, it seems that McCain also has a refundable tax credit in his plan too...larger, in fact than Obama's. $2500 for individuals and $5000 for couples for health insurance. This begs my original question, which yet have to answer.
Whe Obama adjusts taxs rates within our historical progressive tax structure, it's socialism. When anybody else does it, it's not. So, I am wondering...if Obama has a smaller refundable tax credit in his plan than McCain, why is it welfare under Obama and not under McCain?
I agree with you, Lu! So many questions about O.
Here's 3 links. Any questions?
Page 4 of this document. Includes a video.
This leads me to other questions.
Think epidemics and isolating towns and/or cities with military.
this is exactly why I asked the questions I did -
everybody else either has to make it on their own or fail - they obviously have been ripping the American public off for years - a quality product could have been made for a lot less money. Why should we have to bail them out now? The problem is they don't want to lose those big bonuses and big paychecks and actually have to get a job like the rest of us do!
No one seriously questions that the attack on
Actually, I'm embarassed that our notion of "torture" is so wimpy. "You can put a caterpillar in his cell, but you must inform him that it is not a stinging caterpillar". PUHLEEZE.
What is pathetic is you liberals calling any of this torture - which you are doing purely to make political points, pure and simple. How people like Jews who survived the Holocaust and who have really been tortured must laugh at your quaint ideas!
"Oooh - they gave a prisoner a nasty look! Oooh - they spoke loudly to a prisoner! Oooh - they piped bad music into their cells! Oooh - they burned the prisoner's toast! Oooh - they didn't fluff the prisoner's pillows! Oooh - they opened the prisoner's mail! Oooh - they didn't give the prisoner a second helping of Beef Wellington!"
You people make me sick, and it makes me sick to think that, thanks to Obama, what AL Qaida actually knows is that our notion of torture amounts to nothing more painful than making them watch old episodes of "I Love Lucy" (with a doctor in attendance, of course, in case the prisoner faints from boredom).
Hey, Bush..soldier wants to ask you a few questions
Hey Bush: Specialist Young Would Also Like to Speak With You...

U.S. Army Specialist Tomas Young has some questions for George W. Bush. He's never met with the Commander-in-Chief who sent him into Sadr City, Iraq in a canvass covered truck during a massive uprising in that city on April 4, 2004. The same city on the same day that Cindy Sheehan's son Casey was killed.
Tomas was lucky. He was only paralyzed from the chest down. Amongst other things he'd like to ask of Bush, is why he won't allow funding for stem cell research which might eventually restore the spine that he lost in Bush's War. A spine which apparently Bush has never had.
Tomas and his new wife Bree (also pictured), came to Crawford from Kansas City on their honeymoon to stand in support of Cindy Sheehan.
You have failed to answer any questions
You have been asked several times by different posters what you would propose to do to keep America safe. You avoid that question. All you seem to be able to do is criticize and insult others and essentially run people off this board who deviate from your extreme views. Sorry I invaded your hatefest.
I can square it because they are questions not statements.
Biblically, only those who accept Jesus as their savior will go to heaven. That is a CHRISTIAN view. Jews have their own Messiah and their own belief as to heaven. As for me, I would gladly welcome all to heaven. But I am not God.
He looks a few questions away from losing control...nm