Please provide factual evidence of this...
Posted By: Observer on 2005-07-23
In Reply to: No wonder people are leaving the left in droves. nm - Brunson
....but MUST be from a nonpartison source absolutely. Actually I thought it was just as much the case with the Republican party, but I freely admit that I have no concrete statistics at this point to back that up.
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I see sam has yet to provide us with evidence
are going to be given to people who are not paying tax. Show me what in his plan describes a refundable (AKA non-wastable) tax credit. So far, all I can see is that sam does not understand the basic concepts of socialism, Marxism, tax cuts and tax credits. Tax cuts are a reduction in taxes, based on lowering a tax rate. You cannot reduce a rate on tax in the absence of tax due. Tax credits for the most part are paid against TAXES DUE. The 2 exceptions in the US are the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit
So show me where Obama has said that his tax credit would be a refundable/non-wastable credit. Also, naturally, I am still waiting for sam's answer to my original question on how it is that progressive tax reform is only socialist when it is Obama reform but no other president who has reformed the tax structure is a socialist? Please answer that question and the one about the refundable tax credit. Direct answers would be very much appreciated.
You cite THIS as factual?
This is a site that judges who is and isn't an athiest/agnostic, etc. based on their PERCEIVED OPINION.
It would be like the people who judged Phil Donahue the other night on O'Reilly as being drunk to then adopt that as the truth and adding his name to a site designed to expose drunks.
This isn't fact. It's trash, as are the other sites that come up when someone googles Donahue/athiest. What authority do you have that Donahue refers to himself as an athiest?
From their own site, this is how people are added to the list.
Who qualifies?
To be a celebrity as it applies to the list, one must have achieved some notoriety, such as appearing often in media with wide distribution. This would include publishing bestselling or critically acclaimed books, appearing in movies, being a leader in one's field, etc.. If a name you submitted does not qualify, it is probably because you did not provide sufficient information. See existing entries for the range of 'celebrity' covered.
If you had read any FACTUAL
you would realize that knowing these people does not constitute believing as they do or sharing an agenda. If you had done any reading from unbiased anti-Obama sources, you would realize that he often listens to people that do not share his personal POV.
Another quote from that site, a wee bit more factual. and thought out......
Maybe it was the fruitless search for the weapons of mass destruction or the lack of any credible Al Qaeda ties to Saddam Hussein. As months dragged on, it became more and more evident that these would never be found. As these justifications for war dissipated, so did my own personal justifications for the death I had seen.
So, here I am. I'm left with pride in my own service and the men I served with, but the sickening feeling that it was avoidable. I would gladly lay down my life for our country. Like every other man who wears this uniform, our commitment is not at issue. Call it naivety, but it never occurred to me that my country was less committed to us than we are to it. Sending us in harm's way for a lie amounts to a betrayal that may prove to be criminal. It's unfortunate that on November 2nd 59,000,000 Americans failed to do their duty and hold the administration accountable for this betrayal of the troops. A dishonorable discharge was never more warranted.
They are not! They are factual. A great deal of research, actually
going and talking to people who were THERE over the years when Obama was growing up, a teen, a young adult, and adult. This is not speculation folks, this is downright brass tacks in person research. Don't be fooled. And, to the person below who posted that you have no problem with Muslims, then you need to reprioritize and realize that while there is a small portion of Islamic people who do no wish harm on Americans, most of them do. They were raised up to do precisely that.
I don't are saying Hitler's beliefs are factual and sane?
I am very puzzled. When challenged on your historical knowledge, you cite Hitler as a source for your information? Remember, he also planned to exterminate the Poles and all Catholics eventually. I don't think the reasons he cites for hating the Jews are really the basis for any historical reality. He was, after all, one the greatest propagandists.
Where is the evidence
and invisible WMD in Iraq? Link, please? Show me the documentation. The Iraqi highjackers were Saudis, but you probably don't want to talk about that 'cause chimpy has a thing for those Saudi guys enough to hold their hand in public in broad daylight on camera. It is you and the chimp boy's defenders who want it both ways. A bazillion dollars later we have 1900 dead soldiers, untold numbers of dead innocent Iraqis with their country on the brink of civil war and a breeding ground for more highjackers. Boy, I sure feel safer now.
What evidence do you have
been riding a snowball to hades since Roe vs. Wade*? How do you figure that? What morals exactly are you talking about...promiscuity?
Do you believe in the death penalty or is it your assertion that none of the people on death row are *innocent*?
If you are an advocate of personal privacy, how is it any of your/my/the government's business if Terry Schiavo did or did not get IV fluid, etc.?
the evidence
mounts. Can't wait till this breaks. Lying about your promiscious daughter. That counts for 2 sins, does it not? Sometimes breeding with people too close in your family tree can produce birth defects. I' m just sayin . . .
Look at the evidence.....
First, black liberation theology. Decidedly Marxist. Practiced Marxist policy in his community organization efforts. Wants to apply Marxist theory (redistribution of wealth).
Do me a favor. Go anywhere on the internet and read what Marxist theory is. Then apply it to first, black liberation theology, which he followed for 20 years in his church. The apply it to redistribution of wealth, which he already proposed. Then apply it to having the son of the premier Marxist in this country saying what a good job he did in learning good old dad's theories.
Look at all of that, and if it doesn't cause you at least as much concern as Sarah Palin's pregnant 17-year-old, there is something rotten in Denmark.
I am not a Republican, and I am not a Democrat, but I can put 2 and 2 together, and this bears looking at.
That is ALL I am saying.
If you would just look at the evidence....
Republicans tried to pass legislation to stop this very thing in 2006, and Bush Admin several times as well. These are McCain's words on the senate floor in May 2006:
Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae’s regulator reported that the company’s quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were “illusions deliberately and systematically created” by the company’s senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.
The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight’s report goes on to say that Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives. In the case of Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae’s former chief executive officer, OFHEO’s report shows that over half of Mr. Raines’ compensation for the 6 years through 2003 was directly tied to meeting earnings targets. The report of financial misconduct at Fannie Mae echoes the deeply troubling $5 billion profit restatement at Freddie Mac.
The OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator’s examination of the company’s accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform.
For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs–and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO’s report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO’s report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.
I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.
I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation.
Allen Greenspan and John Snow
(The Fed and the treasury secretary) also on video trying to tell the Dem committee (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, et al) the same thing, basically begging them to fix it. Barney Frank said he did not see the problem. And turned right around during this congress and passed legislation to push Fannie to give even MORE of those questionable mortgages to those people who could not afford them with little credit or no credit.
Dems ignored it, blocked the legislation. And those same people are still in charge of banking and finance, accepting no responsibility whatsoever.
They should be removed from those committees. And registered Democrats should be demanding it. And I don't understand why they aren't.
much evidence to the contrary
The original author has recanted that garbage and several other soldiers have written their accounts of how friendly Obama was, talking to the troops, thanking them for their service, etc. The author of that email wasn't even there. There are some pictures of Obama with the troops at the link below, about 2/3 of the way down the page. Was it a photo op? Oh, sure, but it proves the email author is a liar.
well once there is evidence for creationism
but it's hard for me to believe in such a huge fairy tale!
Not everyone who believes in Jesus Christ learned so as a child. They were taught nothing as a child, let alone indoctrinated/brainwashed as you think. They came to know Jesus as an adult, while all the time questioning, denying, wondering, finding fault with everything God stands name it. There are many children in the Christian family who do not grow up to believe they were brainwashed and some that do. They question the Lord, which is exactly what God says to question Him. If you don't believe, then ask Him. So many don't and why?....because I think they're afraid they might get an answer. Then what would they do? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Sometimes the evidence is right in front of us...we just fail to believe. Why do you think Jesus said to have faith the size of a mustard seed?
What evidence do you have to back that up?
If you are bold enough to make a statement like that, at least be bold enough to back it up with some concrete evidence, not just your opinion!
What evidence do you have to back
If you are bold enough to make a statement like that, at least be bold enough to back it up with some concrete evidence, not just your opinion!
Anecdotal evidence
This is not a flame. You've declared that "...families that have babies they can't afford do so just to get on the welfare system. As long as they have babies, they won't have to work and live off the system..." and your evidence is your husband's cousin. If you want to know the particulars of the program, why don't you look it up instead of attributing statements to Nancy Pelosi that have absolutely no bearing on the truth?
more evidence that the prez
really does need that teleprompter to get it right . . . What's this I hear about him being such a great orator? Sorry, but I think not. 
Obama apologizes for gaffe on Special Olympics
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has apologized for a gaffe in which he described his bowling skills as akin to participants in the Special Olympics, a sports program for people with intellectual disabilities.
Obama made the mistake during an interview on Thursday night on "The Tonight Show" with host Jay Leno, the first time a sitting U.S. president had been on the show.
Talking about living in the White House, Obama said he had been practicing his bowling in the home's bowling alley and had scored a 129 out of a possible 300.
It was an improvement on the embarrassing 37 he had rolled during a stop on the presidential campaign trail a year ago.
"It's like -- it was like Special Olympics or something," Obama said.
The Special Olympics is a global nonprofit organization serving some 200 million people with intellectual disabilities, with a presence in nearly 200 countries worldwide. They compete in sporting events like the real Olympics.
Soon after the Jay Leno interview, Obama telephoned Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver to apologize.
Shriver told ABC's "Good Morning America" television show that Obama had apologized "in a way that I think was very moving" and that he said "he did not intend to humiliate the population, didn't want to embarrass or give anybody any more reason for pain or kind of suffering."
Shriver said people should gain a lesson from the incident.
"I think it's important to see that words hurt. Words do matter. And these words in some respect, can be seen as humiliating or a put-down to people with special needs, do cause pain. And they do result in stereotypes," Shriver said.
White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama "made an offhand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to disparage the Special Olympics."
"He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world," Burton said.
Shriver said he knows of a Special Olympian in the Detroit area who has bowled three perfect games of 300 and "he said he would be more than welcome to find the time to come to the White House and teach the president."
(Reporting by Caren Bohan and Steve Holland, editing by Vicki Allen)
More evidence of right-wingers
Did you examine the evidence, or is article enough? nm
O has already provided valid evidence and
fanatics to hound and stalk him like hunted prey. Fanatics also unsuccessfully tried to use the guilt by association argument to win the election. It did not work then and is will not help them now.
What you say is true, but if relevant evidence is denied sm
or falsified, an objective approach is impossible. This is what the family members faced. They had to force Bush to form that commission to investigate. Coulter is now attacking them for that. They had a list of 400 questions, and got no answers. I agree with you on the wacky theories. I became interested in doing some research on the issue after hearing things around the area I live - Colorado Springs. This is the neocon capital of the United States, and home to Norad and Space Command, Ft. Carson, USAFA, Peterson AFB, Falcon AFB. They live and breathe Bush & military. At first, I thought they were only rumors. Norman Mineta's testimony to the 911 Commission confirmed them to be true. The second question I had was about WTC building 7. This building only had small fires and was not hit by an airplane. It came straight down like the other 2 into a nice neat pile. The owner of the building Silverstein said they made a decision to pull it. This is a demolition term for demolishing the building. Well, this is something that takes careful planning weeks in advance, not several hours. I am also hearing bizarre stories from troops returning from Irag and their family members. Mineta's testimony was shown on C-Span and here is the link.
I never saw the movie The Siege. Not a Bruce Willis fan. Anything with Matt McConaughey in it, I have seen.
Former CIA Analyst Says Evidence Abounds for Impeachment
Former CIA Analyst Says Evidence Abounds for Impeachment
by Gretyl Macalaster
PORTSMOUTH - The evidence for impeachment of the president and vice president is overwhelming, former CIA analyst and daily presidential briefer Ray McGovern told a room full of people at the Portsmouth Public Library Monday night.
McGovern, who provided daily briefings for former presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush as well as other high ranking officials during his 27 year CIA career, said he has witnessed a "prostitution of his profession" as the Bush administration lied to the American people about the evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
"Don’t let anyone tell you the President was deceived by false intelligence … they knew," McGovern said.
For the next 40 minutes, he relayed a series of events leading up to 9/11 which illustrate the President’s desire to go to war with Iraq well before 9-11, that reliable CIA evidence showed that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction and was presented to the administration and the "facts were fixed" in order to legitimize the invasion.
"The estimate which said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was prepared to the terms of reference laid down by Cheney in a speech on Aug. 26, 2002. It was the worst estimate of intelligence and came to the wrong conclusions, but it was designed to do that," McGovern said.
McGovern has been an outspoken commentator on intelligence-related issues since the late 1990s and since 2002 has been publicly critical of Bush’s use of government intelligence in the lead-up to the war.
The recent report detailing Iran’s stopping its nuclear weapons program four years ago, is an example of how the administration knows it can no longer hide such "incontrovertible evidence" from the American people in the fallout from the misinformation they received on the Iraq War, McGovern said. He added that he had almost given up on believing their were people still working at the top with a conscious and enough people at the top willing to let analysts do their job and accept independent analysis.
In late 2005, Congress requested an estimate on Iranian nuclear capabilities. "My former colleagues got really good, incontrovertible evidence that the program, such as it was, has been ordered stopped since 2003. The evidence was such that not even Cheney could deny it. That’s why the report was not produced until three weeks ago," McGovern said, adding that the Bush administration has been putting "spin" on their rhetoric ever since.
McGovern also addressed the reasoning he believes is behind the threat of war with Iran. He said he believes Israel thinks they have a pledge from the White House to deal with Iran before Bush leaves office and relayed the story of the U.S.S. Liberty, which was attacked by the Israelis in 1967 and covered up by the United States. Thirty-four U.S soldiers were killed and about 170 were seriously injured.
"It seems to me, that on June, 8, 1967, Israel realized it could literally get away with murder," McGovern said.
McGovern said he also believes Congress will be of little help. Recently House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted to learning about torture and illegal eavesdropping in briefings, but said it was her understanding when briefed, that she will not share the information with anyone else, including other members of the House Intelligence Committee.
McGovern called Pelosi out on violating her oath to uphold the Constitution "against enemies, foreign or domestic" by allowing acts in violation of the Constitution to continue by not saying "diddly."
He added that although an impeachment bill currently in Congress is gaining more support, Democrats are shying away because of the influence of lobbies and political analysts telling them to "wait it out" until the election.
Charges in the impeachment bill sponsored by Dennis Kucinich, are very detailed and "as good as any," McGovern said, and referenced the illegal eavesdropping of American citizens. He added that the President has "admitted" to this "demonstrably impeachable offense."
"The argument for impeachment is overwhelming," Randy Kezar of Kingston said after the event. "Impeachment is constitutionally required."
McGovern’s visit was co-sponsored by NH Codepink, Seacoast Peace Response, NH Peace Action, NH American Friends Service Committee, Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group, NH Veterans for Peace and Witness for Peace-N.E.
facts, evidence, science, and reason
Hasn't worked so well lately, has it?
They are continuously finding evidence through DNA testing
that an innocent person was executed.
'NY Post' Cites Evidence That Ann Coulter
What a coincidence?
'NY Post' Cites Evidence That Ann Coulter Plagiarized Parts of Book, Columns
By E&P Staff
Published: July 02, 2006 7:35 PM ET
NEW YORK Well, Ann Coulter may be liberal in one respect, anyway. The New York Post reported Sunday that author/columnist Coulter cribbed liberally in her latest book and also in several of her syndicated columns, according to a plagiarism expert.
John Barrie, creator of the iThenticate plagiarism-probing system, claimed he found at least three examples of what he called textbook plagiarism in the new Coulter book Godless after he ran its text through the program.
He also discovered verbatim copying in Coulter's weekly column, which is syndicated to more than 100 newspapers by Universal.
The headline in classic Post fashion: COPYCATTY COULTER PILFERS PROSE: PRO
Bloggers had been citing examples of alleged Coulter cribbing for months.
After detailing some of the alleged plagiarism in the book, the Post article related that Barrie also ran Coulter's columns from the past year through iThenticate and found similar patterns of cribbing.
Her Aug. 3, 2005, column, 'Read My Lips: No New Liberals,' about U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter, includes six passages, ranging from 10 to 48 words each, that appeared 15 years earlier in the same order in an L.A. Times article, headlined 'Liberals Leery as New Clues Surface on Souter's Views.' But nowhere in that column does she mention the L.A. Times or the story's writer, David G. Savage.
Her June 29, 2005, column, 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Religion,' incorporates 10 facts on National Endowment for the Arts-funded work that originally appeared in the same order in a 1991 Heritage Foundation report, 'The National Endowment for the Arts: Misusing Taxpayers' Money.' But again, the Heritage Foundation isn't credited.
Barrie said, Just as Coulter plays free and loose with her citations in 'Godless,' she obviously does the same in her columns.
Meanwhile, many of the 344 citations Coulter includes in Godless are very misleading, said Barrie, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, where he specialized in pattern recognition.
They're used purely to try and give the book a higher level of credibility - as if it's an academic work. But her sloppiness in failing to properly attribute many other passages strips it of nearly all its academic merits, he told The Post.
Coulter did not respond to requests for comment.
I do not think, with all the witnesses and evidence to the contrary, that this laughable, narcissist
say to help himself---what credibility does he have at all?? The only thing I give him points for is the amount of self-delusion he has been able to create for himself, what a piece of work!
You can't provide them. Just say so. lol.
So are you saying you are not able to provide
one single solitary link, citation or reference? I keep up with all sorts of news, though I must confess I am not a Fixed News fanatic. I am simply asking you to back up your own claim. Either you can or you can't.
It is as American as apple pie to challenge close election results and certainly is not a phenomenon confined to the blue side of the aisle. In fact, a fixed recount was the ONLY way W was able to slither into office in 2000 (can you say hanging chads?).
Are recounts only legitimate when they favor the GOP, as was the case of Saxby Chambliss in Georgia? Thank God we avoided one in Alaska. We could have ended up with a convicted felon being shunned in the Senate chambers and defeated GOP VP candidate/Gov Palin annointing, er I mean appointing herself as his successor. What a disaster that would have been.
In any case, recounts have their place. It does seem that Coleman's claim to victory may have been a tad premature, even though he did arrogantly concede that Franken did have the right to "purse official review." This was mighty big of him, considering it is mandated in Minnesota when the margins are less than 1%.
If you are defending Cornyn in his assertion that the process should "play it self out," why do you have such a problem seeing that happen in Minnesota? Could it have anything to do with the looming threat of supermajority? Suppose we just wait and see which way the ball bounces. If it doesn't happen to land in your court, better luck next time.
but they will also provide
energy and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Getting rid of our dependence on foreign oil is such a big thing.....I would think that would be top priority, but it doesn't seem to be. I still say we look into solar, wind, biofuels, and go ahead and drill where we know we have oil. It is just stupid of us to continue giving money to people who hate us.
Would you please provide a link so we can see what it really says?
Can you provide support for this
All the research I have seen says that ectopic pregnancies cannot survive, that an embryo must be in the uterus to thrive. I would love to see some support/back up of this if you have any (I am honestly curious, not trying to be difficult!)
Just WHO do you think does provide jobs?
the middle class?
Can you provide a link to what you are saying? Thanks. nm
Please PROVIDE the examples.
Since these examples are so plentiful, you should have no problem coming up with a few of them.
Actually, this attempt to misdirect attention away from the REAL content of the posts, which you don't like, is what's boring. It's a trick you probably learned from Obama, who figures most people won't even notice that he's changed the conversation.
We notice that you're changing the conversation, so you lose.
Please PROVIDE the examples.
Since these examples are so plentiful, you should have no problem coming up with a few of them.
Actually, this attempt to misdirect attention away from the actual content of the posts, which you don't like, is what's painfully transparent and truly boring.
I won't answer your absurd accusations again and return the other readers to the program previously in progress. You just carry on with yourself.
In an effort to provide some information sm
I was on vacation when the posts were made, but a friend of mine copied them and sent them to me. They were no exactly death threats, but under a post wishing President Bush Happy Birthday, there were two posts saying something to the effect that they hoped Bush died and burned in hell. Also, every single thing you accuse conservatives of in this long post, every SINGLE thing, has been committed on this board by liberals. You might also notice that most of the conservative posters have stopped coming over here, something the liberal posters have not been able to do, as their drive-by postings still appear sporadically and predictably.
Please provide substantiation for your claim.
After all, you are not GW who can manipulate the truth as he pleases. But anyway, please provide the "burn in hell for eternity" quote that seems to appear over and over. I notice that this "quote" also changes slightly each time it is "quoted."
I will provide an answer to your question
I feel it is in poor taste to adopt the moniker of a liberal-leaning poster on a liberal board and then post anti-liberal messages. This is common sense and if you have to ask why it matters...well you are probably lacking common sense, as well as basic manners.
But thought I'd try explaining it anyway.
?? (am changing to Teddy, a less ambiguous moniker)
Saddam Hussein would provide anyone...
with anything if he thought it would be used to help bring down the United States and would make a "deal with the devil" (Al Qaeda) in order to attack the US, and I think anyone who thought differently would be disingenuous to say the least. Mortal enemies are often joined together by their hatred of some other this case of the United States, and Americans.
As to the 18 generals lined up behind Obama...what about the hundreds not lined up with him?
We will definitely disagree on this one.
Have a good night.
can you provide me a source so I can hear it? x
Please provide details and link regarding
42 meth labs in Wasilla. I have not heard of this. Was it while SP was in office as mayor there, or what?
I truly want to know....thanks.
6 mil provide a bit more of an incentive to recant.
How did the McCain provide this info??...
Show me where Obama has said he would provide
did not earn income. Try to stay on task with this Sam. The associations argument is a one-way conversation headed toward a dead-end destination. Let's talk PROGRESSIVE TAX...which is the central issue here.
SP seems to be fine with windfall them what you like, rebate of whatever, but they are still windfall profits redistributed oil company revenues to the owners of "collectively owned resources"...her words, not mine.
Did you look at the chart? Do you have any comment on those telling historical rates? What about McCain's intent to keep the progressive tax structure as is...since it has serve our CAPITALIST economy well in the past.
Your argument is bankrupt. No soup for you.
Interesting that you provide a link
directly addresses and refutes your allegations that Snopes is steeped in liberal bias.
Is a more reliable source? has condemned this anonymous attack against and lauded the website as an "excellent" and "authoritative" resource.
What's ironic about the claim that is more reliable than Snopes is that when you compare the contents of the two, their findings rarely diverge in any substantive way (does that mean is biased too?).
Where the sites do differ is in the depth and quality of their coverage. On the Mikkelsons go to great lengths to address the finer details of each text. They supply critical analysis, as well as background and contextual information. They cite sources.
Not to disparage owner Rich Buhler -- who does maintain an up-to-date and generally trustworthy resource -- but by comparison his analyses tend to be perfunctory, and his sourcing minimal at best. boasts a 12-year record of providing accurate, dependable information and analysis, and in that time has earned the confidence of the media, government agencies, the business community, and the general public alike.
Given all of the above, Snopes is surely the preferable resource.
You won'the provide links because you have none, and
FREEREPUBLIC???? Are you kidding me? They are known to be the whackiest of all the whackos. The majority of republicans even disown them, but that certainly explains a lot about your mentality.
Well a hand up will not provide the people of New Orleans with sm
what they need in this time of crisis.
What are you smokin'? Do you think these people don't need emergency money now, they have lost everything.
Good grief. There are mannnny Americans who still live paycheck to paycheck and if the little they have is wiped out, they have nowhere to go. But some people don't see it that way. I call them the I got mine generation.
I guess Harvard fails to provide that course, eh?
Then why didnt O just provide the REAL documents
No bridger, you don't provide the links every time. That's
the point.
Mrs., if there ever was anyone posturing in a contest, you would definitely be the winner.
I don't intend to argue with you. I have cautioned you because you are putting this board and its owners at risk.