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Perhaps you would prefer the "original" I got prior to my editing.....

Posted By: Mrs. Bridger on 2009-03-10
In Reply to: This is so one-sided it isn't funny! - Chele

The Little Red Hen called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, 'If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'

'Not I,' said the cow.

'Not I,' said the duck.

'Not I,' said the pig.

'Not I,' said the goose.




'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did. The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.




'Who will help me reap my wheat?' asked the little red hen.




'Not I,' said the duck..

'Out of my classification,' said the pig.

'I'd lose my seniority,' said the cow.

'I'd lose my unemployment compensation,' said the goose.




'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did.




At last it came time to bake the bread.

'Who will help me bake the bread?' asked the little red hen.




'That would be overtime for me,' said the cow.




'I'd lose my welfare benefits,' said the duck.




'I'm a dropout and never learned how,' said the pig.




'If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination,' said the goose.




'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen.




She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, 'No, I shall eat all five loaves.'




'Excess profits!' cried the cow. (Nancy Pelosi)




'Capitalist leech!' screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)




'I demand equal rights!' yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)




The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)




And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.




Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, 'You must not be so greedy.'




'But I earned the bread,' said the little red hen.

'Exactly,' said Barack the farmer. 'That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle.'




And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, 'I am grateful, for now I truly understand.'




But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established.




Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one cared...so long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.








Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs.




Hillary got $8 million for hers.




That's $20 million for the memories from two people, who for eight years, repeatedly testified, under oath, that they couldn't remember anything.





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Wait...let me do a little editing....sm
just kidding...lol
Read prior messages...
Messages seem to say prepared = gun ownership/usage
My point is that prior presidents have had their day..sm
and time when they were covered in mud and IMHO none of it is right, except to say in most cases the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

But, to answer Jeb's and Bush's family mishaps with the what about the Kennedy's line is dodging the point to me.

Bringing up the Lynch and Dean ordeal that's something worth listening to, but you guys just can't let go of old democratic presidents. It's like a thorn still sticking in your side. Everytime something comes up with Bush, you talk about Clinton, or even the Kennedy's, as if that dismisses Bush somehow. Whatever gets you though.
healthcare a problem prior to THIS war and they did
Re: "associations" -- you never answered a prior
Jes' curious............
To answer this I would only repeat my prior statements..nm

Re: "Closing Time" - Was cut off in prior post; please see this one.

This didn't come through very well in my other post.  I'm hoping it's better in this one.  Sorry. 

Closing Time

Jim Kirwan

Since Reagan we've been trying to make "Trickle-Down economics" work: For those to whom promises were made, Trickle- Down has been, not just a failure but it has been the major vehicle responsible for the most massive redistribution of wealth, from the population that has worked toward something, to those that wanted everything. Never has there been such a near total transfer of wealth in the history of the planet. This criminal-conspiracy has done what it was created to do ­ and it must be terminated with extreme prejudice, immediately, if we are to survive.

When 'Trickle-Down' was the political-priority of the day, the high-point in prosperity was to become a 'Millionaire.' Forbes magazine tracked those lucky few very carefully. Today Forbes 500 no longer bothers with 'millionaires' because there are just far too many of them-they have become inconsequential. Thanks to "Trickle-Down economics today the heavy-hitters financially are 'Billionaires' and above: which is all you need to know about how well this hostile-takeover of the American economy has worked.

The problem that this transfer of wealth has created has resulted in the Federalization-of-Privatization: As a result we are all facing another huge round of trickle-down economics, but this time it's being cloaked in a series of stealth-protected measures. These new tactics are commonly called BAILOUT or RESCUE packages, and nothing about their origins or their purposes has been made clear to those of us that will be forced to pay tens of trillions for our own destruction.

What's happening is this: First they used compromised laws to squash diversity and opinion within the entire field of communications, under Clinton and Powell's kid that ran the FCC. Together, competition was eliminated and monstrous empires were created that absorbed their competition outright. Once this happened, the entire edifice for total information management was in-place, using household names to lie to the public every minute of every day, whether on television or in print-with very few exceptions. With that completed effort it was easy to move directly onto the openly fascist path to WAR on a variety of fronts, supported and applauded by the very organs that were supposed to question whatever government does, on behalf of the people, as part of their constitutionally protected-jobs as so-called journalists. With the constitution gone, and the only allegiance worthy of that name having become the private for-profit motives that greed and arrogance breeds; in the sewers of those ruined lives where these so-called leaders "live," the current outcome is all that we should have ever expected from these new-age barbarians. (1)

We're still in the Twilight Zone; where Obama is just another man waiting to start a job, except that he seemingly can't wait to begin so he formulates their plans and then rushes to the nearest podium to expound upon the glories of what these programs (or pogroms) are pointedly designed to do; for them and 'to' us. And the sheep wait patiently to board the trains that will take them to the slaughterhouse.

The larger picture has or course remained hidden from the general public. What continues to go unnoticed is the number of profligate cities and towns, not to mention states that will have to be bailed out by the feds. Once this begins to happen, 'the rights' of states will disappear completely along with any independence from the federal-government. Remember the formula upon which bailouts are based: The crucial money provided is conditioned upon a federal "ownership stake" in everything that needs the money, and when this is applied to the states then all they have left to trade with is their broken-economies and their people who shall both become the property of the federal government that is today a private-corporation that serves only the privately-owned central banks and by extension the multi-national corporations. This is about to happen now to several states, including California; the sixth largest economy in the world. (2)

'BTW the "corporation" mentioned above has been bankrupt since 1933, and the result of that bankruptcy is that the USA went into receivership to the privately-owned Federal Reserve. The Dictator was correct when he said: "The constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper," he was actually telling the truth. It was probably the only truthful statement he ever made in nearly eight years.

The owners have simply allowed us to believe we have a constitution. Every law, code and statute world wide is based on the Uniform Commercial Code and has been in place since 1950. Of course no one in a position of power ever bothered to mention this to us did they? One must understand the UCC to understand how and why so many have gotten away with so much: And now they are upping the ante, to take it all.'

This explains why every courtroom and every government building has flags hanging that really are not American flags even though they appear to be. Each of them has gold/yellow fringe around them. They give us smoke and mirrors that mask what they created, which allows them to continue to say 'we have a constitution and a democracy.' Of course America was created to be a constitutional republic, not a democracy. There is a huge difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic. The rights of the few and the many, can only be protected under a Republic, while under a democracy, the majority rules-absolutely.

There are however a few places that are still holding out against the one-world-order and the New Barbarians. Among these are Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan, possibly Iran and certainly Greece.

"Socialist leader George Papandreou called for early elections, saying the conservative government could no longer defend the public from rioters.

The government has a single-seat majority in the 300-member Parliament and opposition parties blame hands-off policing for encouraging the worst rioting the country has seen in decades.

'The government cannot handle this crisis and has lost the trust of the Greek people,' Papandreou said. 'The best thing it can do is resign and let the people find a solution ... we will protect the public.'" (3)

If America is to survive then we must stop this wholesale giveaway of everything that was once part of this society. The relationship between profits and earnings must be freed from the stranglehold that management has created in order to siphon off all the profits and wreck the companies they work for. In addition, the idea that government can function in any capacity as a major stakeholder in any form of private enterprise beggars the imagination far beyond any real possibility for saving anything; except the criminals and their enterprises that created this "crisis" in the first place. The 'economy' must be based on a bottom-up profit motive, based on the real wages of those that create the wealth for those at the top - and not upon the insanity that it is now! People must come first, and the corporations must be controlled at every level by the public!

There is no longer anything like responsibility anywhere in government or the private sector to anything except what can continue to be stolen, either by flawed and fraudulent bailouts, or through the strong-arm tactics that are currently acting "under- cover of law" and that are neither legal nor functional. Obama in this venue is neither a savior, nor a friend to the people that supposedly 'elected' him-he is just the instrument of the new global-government engine designed to finish the job and to close down this nation, once and for all! Americans need to watch what happens in Greece and follow their example, if there is to be an America to fight over in the future.

In the meanwhile, here is some of what's happened here already.

"With the focus on privatization, public-private partnerships, (dismantling local control); anyone with any common sense about them can see that; incrementally the power of the people is being given over to corporate control through various venues. Once upon a time we were subjects, then citizens, and now consumers. Everything is for sale. TV 'programming' is set up to entice "consumers" through the 3000 daily ads to buy, buy, buy! Utilities-waste- nursing homes, and even the people's water (once in local control) is open to the highest bidder or those with the most influence. In "public private partnerships or privatization" (despite the lofty high pitch sales rhetoric) means only one thing, a plundering of the people's money. Profits take precedence over any and all health or environmental concerns. It's pigs at the trough time, locally- state wise and nationally. This is not just happening in one or two isolated places but across the nation. Because we are narrowly focused (many times only one newspaper) parochially; we have little to no idea of the larger picture and what is being set in place.

As I read of various happenings across the nation; I am struck with the usage of terms and language being introduced into the public arena; with no explanation as to their meaning (if any). I asked a state politician a few years back what this terminology we're hearing lately of, "regional or regionalization" meant? He brushed the whole thing aside as inconsequential and told me that is was of no importance. Obviously, for me, that was an unsatisfactory answer. Most especially, since on the local level, I could see that it meant a great deal. It appeared to me, that ever so insidiously, local control was gradually being usurped by "regional" control of unelected officials. Consultants (strangers) were replacing local people in places of city government (at lucrative salaries). The sense of community (calling city hall etc.) was being replaced by various business entities, having little to no attachment to the heartbeat of the people. How could they, being strangers, with no sense of native pride or concern? Words like "regional, stake holder, empowerment zones, enterprise committees, visioning councils, smart growth, sustainable development etc;" had replaced understandable language! I didn't imagine that the usage of these terms across the nation (if you look) meant "nothing"." (4)

It's 'Closing Time' America, because unless you begin to do more than just watch, this place won't even be a footnote to the ruin that is planned for these people and this place that once held so much promise for everyone.


A search warrant under FISA prior to 9/11
As you can see from the article cited below, Holder did not have that evidence. He was not the only person responsible for "not allowing" the laptop contents search. Seems there was a problem with intelligence sharing between the US and France. His decision was also defended by the FBI director. Unless being able to predict the future is a qualification for the AG, it seems that you could find a better reason to be losing sleep.


Prior military wife myself - know how it works -
Judging by some of the prior town meetings

1.  Gimme a house.

2.  Make my boss pay me more (than I'm worth).

3.  Gimme.

4.  Gimme.

5.  Fix everything for me.

This is more the behavior of subjects toward a monarch than citizens toward a president.  Thanks, think I'll just stay home and improve my own life. 


In a prior post I made the following offer:


.....no amount of money would induce me to volunteer to be tortured (you know, beaten cut, burned - severe pain or harm).  But cut me a check (certified only, please) with a number followed by a whole lot of zeros and I would be waterboarded (strictly in the interest of science).  Our special forces are trained to withstand this and other 'harsh' interrigation techniques......  It's scary and unpleasant but way different from having your fingernails pulled out or a field generator and alligator clips used.

I had in mind more like $500,000, but yeah, for enough money I would certainly consider that an offer I couldn't refuse. 


The prior poster was explaining the church ministries
those ministries were consistent with Obama's life experiences, his political career and his current campaign platform. Voters like a consistent candidate with a consistent message, a concept that seems to elude many McCain supporters and certainly goes right over the heads of his campaign managers.

The previous poster was implying that perhaps members of the congregation, both past and present, find value and purpose in those ministries and often choose to participate in the church ministries that service their immediate communities and benefit those who are in the most need wherein, according to Matthew's gospel, the Spirit of Jesus dwells. Some of us really like that about Obama and find it admirable that he embodies this decidedly Christian principle and understands that that we all will be judged by the measure of how we treat the least among us.

My best guess is that the previous poster does not necessarily believe that Christian evangelical pastors of any and all colors are exactly void of fanaticism, bigotry and hatred. Rev Wright certainly may have appeal to some members of that congregation whose core beliefs he reflects, just as John Hagee has a certain appeal to some of his congregation. Having said that, there is still no direct evidence that Hagee reflects McCain's core beliefs any more than there is evidence that Wright reflects Obama's...except in the minds of those who are in charge of the hate patrol.
compared to the prior president anyone is a great orator

Listening to one of his speeches is a breath of fresh air compared to listening to Bush.....I'm betting O will make less speaking mistakes in his entire presidency than Bush made in any one given month during his.

I prefer Olive Oil myself. Anyone? NM

What term would you prefer? I am sure you have
Neighborhood I would prefer
Well, the one I would prefer I can't afford but that ain't the rich guys fault. We live within our means and don't blame everyone else. I ain't a hate all rich people kind of person. Those RICH people you so detest employ people who actually work for a living. Who do you think the folks you know would be working for if not someone with money to start/open/run a business?

Would you prefer he receive a

declaration of war from these leaders?  He can't possibly be responsible for RECEIVING letters from people.  This is ridiculous and serves to do nothing but fan the flames of hate and fear.  Please open the link I provided and look at the graphs.  George W. Bush has completely destroyed any trust, respect or credibility the United States once had.  The WORLD wants a leader they can trust.  The WORLD simply doesn't trust the Republicans after eight years of Bush.  Open the link and see for yourself.

And the thread you started above is simply false.  Public service will NOT be mandatory.  He's trying to bring back a "Peace Corps" style attitude to America and wants to REWARD those who CHOOSE to perform community service with help paying for their college tuition.  The rich kids can still float through and don't have to do anything, but the poorer families -- and they are increasing in the USA every day with every job lost -- are offered a way to help pay for college tuition.  That's hardly sinister.

"Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country" used to hold a positive meaning in this country. 

Maybe some Americans have gotten too greedy and spiteful for those words to mean anything today, but they still hold meaning for many of us.

I think I would prefer Germany,
Austria, Greece, or maybe even Moldova.

I would prefer to teach my

child about it and explain to them that even though this lifestyle is not acceptable, they are people too and we should not treat them poorly.  If parents don't teach their children and they bully gay people, dorks, dweebs, smelly kids, etc........the school has every right to punish them for acting that way whether it be writing sentences over and over, calling the parents, etc.  You do not have to single out homosexuality and teach this to children as an example of tolerance. 

Besides, I said below that on the news they keep talking about how same sex marriage is more accepted by people.....particularly younger people and yet here you are saying that this should be taught in schools because younger people aren't tolerant?   So which is it?

You're being rude and obnoxious and I prefer to not

who simply doesn't "get it."

If you feel that invading Iraq is protecting our borders with Mexico, then you are direly in need of a geography course.


I simply prefer not to post here. SM
I have a hectic and stressful enough life as it is, as many MTs do.  I don't know anything about the other issue. I use to go to MTDaily and there was always trouble there with the ISP thing and their own prejudice.  So I don't go there anymore.  I suggest that might be an option for you if you feel the way you do. 
I prefer to think of them as straight thinkers.
Because, unlike you and others on this board, they understand and realise the dangers we face and have chosen to not make it political.  Theirs is not a blind Bush loyalty, much as yours is a blind Bush hatred.  That virulent malignant hatred has put all of this fine country, not my own, but fine nonetheless, at great risk. Somehow, despite contrary facts that are palpably clear in the historic record, American and European leaders have managed to convince themselves and the world that the most terrible wars of the 20th century occurred because nations didn�t do enough talking to resolve their differences when, in fact, they occurred because shortsighted, peace-minded leaders (think Jimmy Carter) allowed good intentions and wishful thinking to take the place of an accurate assessment of the identity and intentions of their adversaries.  Unless the West adapts more quickly than do canny Islamic terrorists in this constantly evolving war, cease your internecine fighting and stop forgetting what we�ve learned about our enemies�there will be disasters to come far worse than Sept. 11.  Sometimes I believe you almost wish for it.  I might also add that your incessant q/Bush lied/q mantra is no defense for your actions.  But we do know, especially after events in Lebanon and the foiled British bomb plot, that we�re in a war in which failure is not an option and for which repeating �Bush lied� is not a strategy. Americans will not put in power a party that accepts the proposition that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism, that thinks Wal-Mart is a plague on the poor and that wants to repeal the job-creating, economy-boosting and deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts. They will not put in power a party that thinks death is a taxable event and that success should be punished. They will not pass the reins to a party that denies us access to energy reserves offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and which thinks energy independence means building windmills and hugging caribou. If you want your party to win, stop the constant litany of complaints, with which this board is riddled, and do something constructive.  A litany of complaints is not a strategy.
I would prefer her as HIS running mate, but...
I would be fairly happy with either!  I have mixed feelings about Hillary, but like I've said, I'm sure she would do a fine job.  I just happen to reeeeally prefer Obama.
and you would prefer what, that he say, yes, I am a rock star
I'd prefer someone less prone to lying.
Not saying that MO doesn't either. Just saying I would like the First Lady to be more truthful.
I said I prefer to wait for the investigation and
Letting an official process play itself out is what open-minded, objective people do before they make judgments.
Americans prefer O tax plan


I prefer Muslims to Christians!
I find the Muslims I know to be well educated, polite, family oriented, and very gentle people. I cannot say the same for the Christians I have met. This is based on my own personal experience, so there is no need for flaming from the right-wing Christian fanatics.
I would prefer that the government not tear down
even dishonest citizens.
I'd sure prefer lobster to crow. LOL n/m

I prefer my jokes to be funny.
Nothing funny about that post. The only way to describe it is pathetic.
Most of us grownups would prefer to skip the HM
get down to business.
and I prefer the ganja green tea.....nm
I prefer Ron Paul..........over Obama or anyone else
Would you prefer Obama's arena be less than it was in Germany?

The guy has a great audience and my only fear was he would take on the black agenda when our country if falling apart - There is so much to do. 

Yeah, give the man a stage that at least is proportionate to foreign countries' stage given to an American politician.  Geesh.  

I didn't see crowds gather for anyone else.  When a crowd that size gathers for a person, they can have any darn stage set they want.  As they deserved it. 

Not 'spoiled & lazy' just prefer not to live in their

I prefer the definition of economic meltdown.
Ignore it and your campaign will go down in flames.
I prefer to strengthen the Independent Party
I prefer to keep my focus on the positive measures
give the process a chance to unfold. Had enough of the prophets of doom.
You would prefer he not have staff on day 1? Or have a plan of action? sm
He has done nothing that previous Presidents-elect have not done in the days between election and inauguration.
I prefer the Dorothy Parker version

(Look it up, they prolly would not let me use the words here....)

If you prefer your pols to speak AND THINK in sound bites, then W's your man!
you've gotten exactly what you deserve. It's unfortunate for the rest of us -- those who can process whole ideas -- that we got what you deserve as well.
Al Gore is a brillliant, articulate, experienced politician who speaks the truth. This oountry is a train wreck. Intelligent, thoughtful public discourse has been replaced by jingoism. A president spouting platitudes and repeating the same refrains over and over again in answer to serious issues brought us the debacle that is Iraq and the tragic spectacle of the Superdome after Katrina.
I'm pretty sure that what I have to say is going to go over the heads of some of the posters on this board, because it's your fear of real ideas that got us where we are.

I prefer watching re-runs of Colin Powell's
Exactly. Some people prefer sticking their fingers in their ears to