People are ignoring Sally, and for good reason.
Posted By: Waste of time to argue with hatred, move on. nm on 2008-09-06
In Reply to: Sally, they can dish it out but can't take it! - Go Sally
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I'm not ignoring Sally. She can hold her own,
meticlously discredit endless barrages of pub bash, misconceptions, misprentations and misinformation. I for one am preparing to bury the garbage under piles and piles of irrefutable fact by ensuring the focus stays on issues rather than personalities and that pub/NeoCon values are contrasted with O Vision in terms that will expose them for exactly what the pretend they are not...4 more years of same old poop without a change in sight. I suspect other O supporters know exactly what they are up against and what then need to be doing about it...and are doing it as we speak. For me, the quality of my life in the next 4 years depends ensuring Pub defeat in November and I am confident that other dems are similarly motived to do the same.
ignoring the neocons is..a good thing!
It works, Lilly. Its a breath of fresh air to ignore the neocons that frequent the liberal board just to vent their anger, LOL. After ignoring them a few times, you dont even realize they are here anymore. Now when I read posts, I totally zone in on liberal posts.
Condi Rice, OMG. I cant stand that woman!
The only reason you people
continue to bash Fox News is because Fox News isn't smooching Obama's rear end like CNN and MSNBC are. I personally watch both CNN and Fox as well as do my own research so I can get the view points from all around and then I maKe my own decision.
People like you are the reason
gays will never fully be accepted in the mainstream, calling straight people gay & being confrontational about it. Keep it up...
And for good reason......... enemy amongst us
There is good reason not to vote for it.
It will not work. Obviously the pubs aren't the only ones not wanting to vote for it with the 11 dems not voting for it either. I know this stupid thing will pass but it truly disgusts me. It will not work!!!!!!! We are wasting more money that our grandchildren will have to pay. This is ridiculous. The first stimulus package during Bush's term didn't do much good and now this. Sheesh. HELLO! Obviously Obama and dems aren't paying attention. IT DOESN'T WORK!
Exactly.......the parts don't fit and for good reason!!!
i'm sure osama has a perfectly good reason for this
Yeah, there's a reason people like him are referred to as s/m
"fringe". I am so embarrassed that Gingrey groveled at his feet (being from Georgia and all), which shows you how many fringers are in this state (NOT ME!!). I'm like you BB, just a lonely blue dot in a big red state! GET ME OUT!!!
I'd say Israel has good reason to live in fear
If you think what has been going on in Israel for years and years is perception and not a reality then you've obviously not been to or even read about Israel.
now there's a good reason to want him as president. he can play basketball
Bush's lies and people died for NO cause, NO reason!
That's the difference. We gave AL Queida and Taliban a gift they never thought they would receive when we invaded Iraq. They took out the guy who was keeping Iran as quiet as possible, not allowing them to enter their air space/borders. Now, Al Queida has a GREAT recruiting tool!! No, they couldn't have asked for more. And that's the DIFFERENCE!!!
We have good reason, kind of a knee jerk reaction. LOL.
We're constantly visited by the *compassionate conservative* trolls from the other board who come here only to be spew hatred, personally attack posters and to generally cause trouble, despite constant requests from the monitor that they not do that.
I've always been in favor of stem cell research. I believe in science progressing and helping people live longer. I don't believe in forcing the personal religious beliefs of some down the throats of every American.
In all honesty, though, here lately it's hard for me to get excited if I see America making progress in any area because it doesn't matter what bill Congress introduces, votes in favor of and presents to the President. Bush will dismiss what he doesn't like and issue yet another of hundreds of his famous *signing statements.* I don't know why we even bother to have a Congress any more. They've been rendered impotent by King George.
I apologize if you feel you were being treated negatively. If you're someone who is legitimate and sincere about debate, then welcome to our board.
But if you're only here to start trouble, like most of the elephants in donkeys' clothing invading this board lately, then I'd prefer that you just go away. I won't feed any more hatred because I'm just tired of it all. I've climbed down to their level too many times in the last few months, the stench way down there is just terrible, and I no longer wish to engage in their kind of communication.
What are your thoughts on the issues I've mentioned? Please respond. Thoughtful, intelligent debate, without the use of degrading personal insults, is very welcome here. 
I'll give you one good reason to vote for McCain.
Barrack Hussein Obama.....nuff said.
Good for you! Most people would not recognize
character if it hit them over the head, just sheep who follow along without thinking for themselves, believing the political pundit spitting out garbage.
To gt and the other good people on this board
They're back, and they're back with a vengeance. Their pitiful little lives must be going very badly for them, poor babies. Maybe winter has arrived, and they realize they can't afford to heat their homes, and they're upset and angry. Or maybe they're just basically hateful, vengeful people who have to evict all the old built-up hatred in their tiny hearts to make room for new anger and hatred to reside.
Either way, they just can't seem to leave us alone. I suggest we ignore every single post -- don't even read it and don't respond to it.
There are some people for whom reason is beyond reach, and all we do is feed their hatred.
I say we ignore them until their current hate *wave* passes.
And lots of people are good at
People pay good money to have their links
show up under a certain word search. Do you actually think that this happened by pure chance, or because the google search engine defaults the word failure to immediately pull this POS site by happenstance? It was paid for. What's even more hilarious is how much this poor schlump parted with for that privilege. You all seriously need to find some adult topics to talk about instead of thinking that google has a liberal's brain.
Being kind to other people feels good, too.
Bigotry in the name of religion - Que lastima!
Looks like the good people of Connecticut made the right choice. sm
In a conference call with reporters Wednesday night, Cheney implied that US Senator Joe Lieberman's (D-CT) loss to anti-war challenger Ned Lamont was a victory for al Qaeda types.
If Lieberman is neocon friendly, you want to definitely aim the Raid can in his direction.
Want to take a wild guess on who Cheney meant by al Qaeda types? Christianne Amanpour from CNN is comparing 911 truthers and liberals to al Qaeda and the alleged terrorist threat yesterday.
Thought you were ignoring us
but that's too boring isn't it...
I TRIED ignoring them, but my taxes won't go away!
And shame on you for ignoring the
fact that while, yes, while these groups are based in hatred and bigotry, don't be so naive to think they won't ingest all the viciousness and hate-mongering coming from a previously admired government official running for the highest office in the land as an excuse to rise to, what they perceive as their cause, and plot the assassination of someone who has been protrayed as an enemy of the state. Get real and get off that high horse of yours, cause its going to be a long fall.
Yeah, it was, sorry.....I just don't think poking fun at sick people is a good thing to do....
and that was the thread. I think we are ALL better than that, much better things to talk about than that. So, I apologize...I will keep my indignation on the part of those who are the butt of jokes because of physical deformities to myself. I am better than stinging rebuttals myself..I will take my own advice.
Have a good day, vv, my friend.
If you are ignoring them, why do you continually post about them?
Iim ignoring all the negative dem psychobabble....
...doesn't change anything for me.
Sam = I'm ready for her to hit a home run tonight. It's the most important speech of her life. Can hardly wait....
Watched Romney talk earlier today, and he is such a class act. Looking forward to his speech tonight, too.
and to anyone thinking, I won't read any negative posts after mine, so don't bother....
If I were ignoring them, I wouldn't have a worry
Obama's motto is tax, tax, tax, and of course, he knows he will pull so many in who will follow him because soooo many of them live off the government as it is; he's betting on them. But, of course, there are dems who woke up a long time ago to him, me included. When it smells fishy and looks fishy, it's fishy....and that's putting it mildly.
Ignoring the question is no answer.
Jobs creation. Access to training. A level playing field with wealth distribution. We shall see. It's worked well in the past.
Got anything to say in defense of W's latest blow to the economy and slap in the face to hard-working Amricans?
I am ignoring the hatred below. I agree with you.
Noticed Fox covering mostly, others ignoring
for the most part. From what I noticed on Fox the crowd seems to be extremely small. Some talk on Huffingtonpost about tea bags not being able to be dumped where they wanted them to go and now truck driving around with all those bags. I think this was mostly a big to do about nothing really.
Why do you insist on ignoring the facts?..(sm)
They are not trying to "teach our children that homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle." They are trying to teach our children how not to beat the crap out of someone who is different, including homosexuals. How hard is that to understand? If people were teaching this at home, they wouldn't have to teach it at school.
Its called TOLERANCE, not acceptance.
you keep ignoring the fact that 90% of the tortured
Abu Ghraib detainees were proved to be innocent, therefore NOT terrorists.
I do not recall that Clinton was involved in any torture, or was he?
and you keep ignoring the fact that you are trying to distract
your post is old news. Go back and then you might as well start drudging up all the stuff on prior presidents that you fell they did something wrong.
We've got enough trouble going on with the current admin to last us a lifetime.
You think people smashing store windows and setting fires is good?
if you codone that then you have serious issues.
I thought he gave a good speech. I hope all people listened
I don't think this quote refers to ignoring a threat...
I think it speaks about creating and justifying a war, and in the Iraq war's case, a hasty and simple-minded war. I don't know what Goering's thoughts were, but my own are that war should be a last resort and that seems like common sense. This is in no sense to be construed as downplaying the threat of Islamic terrorism. I would like to mention there that a big complaint about the Iraq war was that Bush ignored or didn't wish to consider the advice of folks who had a solid background in the Middle East. The insurgency and threatening civil war were all predicted when we went to war but the advice was ignored. Bush, it seems, reversed the usual order in which a country is forced to go to war: He decided FIRST that he would go to war, then created justification, then ignored all the sage advice that Iraq was a potential powderkeg, and then he did what Goering prescribed to get the U.S. to rally around his cause (or at least some of the U.S.). That's how it appears anyway. I hope I am wrong about this but with the mounting well-documented evidence to the contrary I believe this will become the ultimate truth of the matter.
And ignoring posters who ask intelligent questions (below) because you don't know the answers
I live very happily with myself by ignoring the gnats of society and all of their
self-righteous, superior, ignorant, totally irrelevant and insignificant DISDAIN.
Have a happy day. 
Here, here, satellite sally. We have not
had a tax cut but a tax increase in the last 8 years. Wonder how many people know that they did not get a tax cut, but an increase? The taxcuts that JM is talking about are for the rich, not middle class. JM lies about Obama going to tax the middle class. The lying liars and the lies they tell. Amazing people don't or won't see through it all. Seems all the pub followers know is what they hear, instead of finding out for themselves where the country is headed, straight into another depression and may be a great depression as in the 1920s. Not to increase taxes on the rich? How are JM and pubs going to pay for their wars? On the backs of middle class? I think not as there will be no middle class to exploit.
Sally, you really are a mean person.
Just look at what Sally posts and says
Sally, they can dish it out but can't take it!
sally bring your
post regarding Mccain's lack of support for troops up the top. It is highly relevant and I think it is buried in the muck and name-calling below.
sally, not to be a pain in the
tuckus, but can you bring up the post regarding mcCain's votes regarding vet's issues? I tried to find it - really - but I can't.
and the answer have nothing better to
do today, right?
Head up. This just in. Sally is not the only
I posted this piece and I ain't Sal.
geez sally, is it also your god given
to be banned from posting on this web site? Because your heading that way. We'd be better off without you, but to be fair, why don't you just clean up your act?
There is a rule against profanity. You might want to look into that one, posted by the Moderators.
Beware of Flaming!! Moderation is Kept Minimum on this board. Posted By: Administration On: 2008-08-27
Reply by Email!
Before you start reading/making posts on politics board:
- Beware of Flamed messages & Flamers here.
- Politics board is moderated on a less-stringent level to allow freedom to express opinions related to issues discussed.
As long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree and we shouldn't wear our feelings on our sleeves, a little more oversight on here would be good. What we do not want to see is overzealous moderators that ban every thread that may be controversial on politics board.
If it's lewd, pornographic, slanderous, blatantly mean spirited, then that's one thing. Otherwise, let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don't like someone, just ignore that person. It's not rocket science, you know?
Use the Golden Rule if all fails. Trolls are going to come over here from other sites/forums to irritate us. Once they see that no one replies to their senseless posts, they'll stop. Again, ignore them. It's easy!
Please don't see this sticky message as a license to flame, but as a license to open discussion.
Sally, that was the best description of her
'SLUG' - harhar --- LOVE it.
Thank you, Superficial Sally!
So you diagnosed McCain with congestive heart failure.
Funny. I was thinking Obama looked like he had manorexia. Or AIDS.
This is the reason we are in Iraq and it's the same reason I didn't vote for him in 2000: Didn't
his own personal reasons.
The Downing Street memos have brought into focus an essential question: on what basis did President George W. Bush decide to invade Iraq? The memos are a government-level confirmation of what has been long believed by so many: that the administration was hell-bent on invading Iraq and was simply looking for justification, valid or not.
Despite such mounting evidence, Bush resolutely maintains total denial. In fact, when a British reporter asked the president recently about the Downing Street documents, Bush painted himself as a reluctant warrior. "Both of us didn't want to use our military," he said, answering for himself and British Prime Minister Blair. "Nobody wants to commit military into combat. It's the last option."
Yet there's evidence that Bush not only deliberately relied on false intelligence to justify an attack, but that he would have willingly used any excuse at all to invade Iraq. And that he was obsessed with the notion well before 9/11—indeed, even before he became president in early 2001.
In interviews I conducted last fall, a well-known journalist, biographer and Bush family friend who worked for a time with Bush on a ghostwritten memoir said that an Iraq war was always on Bush's brain.
"He was thinking about invading Iraq in 1999," said author and Houston Chronicle journalist Mickey Herskowitz. "It was on his mind. He said, 'One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief.' And he said, 'My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it.' He went on, 'If I have a chance to invade…, if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency.'"
Bush apparently accepted a view that Herskowitz, with his long experience of writing books with top Republicans, says was a common sentiment: that no president could be considered truly successful without one military "win" under his belt. Leading Republicans had long been enthralled by the effect of the minuscule Falklands War on British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's popularity, and ridiculed Democrats such as Jimmy Carter who were reluctant to use American force. Indeed, both Reagan and Bush's father successfully prosecuted limited invasions (Grenada, Panama and the Gulf War) without miring the United States in endless conflicts.
Herskowitz's revelations illuminate Bush's personal motivation for invading Iraq and, more importantly, his general inclination to use war to advance his domestic political ends. Furthermore, they establish that this thinking predated 9/11, predated his election to the presidency and predated his appointment of leading neoconservatives who had their own, separate, more complex geopolitical rationale for supporting an invasion.
Conversations With Bush The Candidate
Herskowitz—a longtime Houston newspaper columnist—has ghostwritten or co-authored autobiographies of a broad spectrum of famous people, including Reagan adviser Michael Deaver, Mickey Mantle, Dan Rather and Nixon cabinet secretary John B. Connally. Bush's 1999 comments to Herskowitz were made over the course of as many as 20 sessions together. Eventually, campaign staffers—expressing concern about things Bush had told the author that were included in the manuscript—pulled the project, and Bush campaign officials came to Herskowitz's house and took his original tapes and notes. Bush communications director Karen Hughes then assumed responsibility for the project, which was published in highly sanitized form as A Charge to Keep.
The revelations about Bush's attitude toward Iraq emerged during two taped sessions I held with Herskowitz. These conversations covered a variety of matters, including the journalist's continued closeness with the Bush family and fondness for Bush Senior—who clearly trusted Herskowitz enough to arrange for him to pen a subsequent authorized biography of Bush's grandfather, written and published in 2003.
I conducted those interviews last fall and published an article based on them during the final heated days of the 2004 campaign. Herskowitz's taped insights were verified to the satisfaction of editors at the Houston Chronicle, yet the story failed to gain broad mainstream coverage, primarily because news organization executives expressed concern about introducing such potent news so close to the election. Editors told me they worried about a huge backlash from the White House and charges of an "October Surprise."
Debating The Timeline For War
But today, as public doubts over the Iraq invasion grow, and with the Downing Street papers adding substance to those doubts, the Herskowitz interviews assume singular importance by providing profound insight into what motivated Bush—personally—in the days and weeks following 9/11. Those interviews introduce us to a George W. Bush, who, until 9/11, had no means for becoming "a great president"—because he had no easy path to war. Once handed the national tragedy of 9/11, Bush realized that the Afghanistan campaign and the covert war against terrorist organizations would not satisfy his ambitions for greatness. Thus, Bush shifted focus from Al Qaeda, perpetrator of the attacks on New York and Washington. Instead, he concentrated on ensuring his place in American history by going after a globally reviled and easily targeted state run by a ruthless dictator.
The Herskowitz interviews add an important dimension to our understanding of this presidency, especially in combination with further evidence that Bush's focus on Iraq was motivated by something other than credible intelligence. In their published accounts of the period between 9/11 and the March 2003 invasion, former White House Counterterrorism Coordinator Richard Clarke and journalist Bob Woodward both describe a president single-mindedly obsessed with Iraq. The first anecdote takes place the day after the World Trade Center collapsed, in the Situation Room of the White House. The witness is Richard Clarke, and the situation is captured in his book, Against All Enemies.
On September 12th, I left the Video Conferencing Center and there, wandering alone around the Situation Room, was the President. He looked like he wanted something to do. He grabbed a few of us and closed the door to the conference room. "Look," he told us, "I know you have a lot to do and all…but I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this. See if he's linked in any way…"
I was once again taken aback, incredulous, and it showed. "But, Mr. President, Al Qaeda did this."
"I know, I know, but…see if Saddam was involved. Just look. I want to know any shred…" …
"Look into Iraq, Saddam," the President said testily and left us. Lisa Gordon-Hagerty stared after him with her mouth hanging open.
Similarly, Bob Woodward, in a CBS News 60 Minutes interview about his book, Bush At War, captures a moment, on November 21, 2001, where the president expresses an acute sense of urgency that it is time to secretly plan the war with Iraq. Again, we know there was nothing in the way of credible intelligence to precipitate the president's actions.
Woodward: "President Bush, after a National Security Council meeting, takes Don Rumsfeld aside, collars him physically and takes him into a little cubbyhole room and closes the door and says, 'What have you got in terms of plans for Iraq? What is the status of the war plan? I want you to get on it. I want you to keep it secret.'"
Wallace (voiceover): Woodward says immediately after that, Rumsfeld told Gen. Tommy Franks to develop a war plan to invade Iraq and remove Saddam—and that Rumsfeld gave Franks a blank check.
Woodward: "Rumsfeld and Franks work out a deal essentially where Franks can spend any money he needs. And so he starts building runways and pipelines and doing all the necessary preparations in Kuwait specifically to make war possible."
Bush wanted a war so that he could build the political capital necessary to achieve his domestic agenda and become, in his mind, "a great president." Blair and the members of his cabinet, unaware of the Herskowitz conversations, placed Bush's decision to mount an invasion in or about July of 2002. But for Bush, the question that summer was not whether, it was only how and when. The most important question, why, was left for later.
Eventually, there would be a succession of answers to that question: weapons of mass destruction, links to Al Qaeda, the promotion of democracy, the domino theory of the Middle East. But none of them have been as convincing as the reason George W. Bush gave way back in the summer of 1999.
Just ignore mustang
..there is nothing of substance or value in his/her/its posts, except trying to upset republicans. Just ignore it.