Obama truly believes he is "the one". McCain would
Posted By: be a good leader. Obama wants to be God.nm on 2008-10-13
In Reply to: That was a truly lame comeback to this thread. - ..by the way, McCain is not Bush.nm
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John "The Economy is doing Well" McCain? nm
"The reign in Spain falls mainly on McCain".
He also terms global warming "a serious and urgent economic, environmental and national security challenge" and adds that "the problem isn't a Hollywood invention," according to excerpts of planned remarks his campaign made available Sunday.
Maybe Senator Obama believes in following the
"First Admendment" to the Constitution of the United States.
I hope President Obama is watching "The View". sm
T. Boone Pickens is on there -- he is one brilliant man, and President Obama needs to pay attention to that this man has to say!!
If he believes what you just said, then no
The Federal Reserve IS the reason for this problem and has been the same problem each and every time this country has seen economic downfall, all because of banks and reserves. Please take the time to watch this and it will help you understand.......this is a wake up call for why government SHOULD NOT EVER be this big
Have you EVER known the government to do anything worthwhile with your money, and now this????
If he believes that, then YUP.... his is
... that the U.S. is turning into an armpit. Makes me wonder which other country in the world will eventually take us over. (If anyone would even WANT TO, that is.)
So anyone that believes in God does not have
Uh huh. Like anyone here believes you -
And yes, you ARE wasting your time here.
Between McCain and Obama
Do you think either candidate is more "real" than the other? Is one of them truly a "what you see is what you get" sort of person, or is one of them liable to turn tail and be the opposite of what we see now?
Thoughts, opinions, comments?
I had hoped to include Hillary in my list, but I guess that won't be necessary now. Bummer.
I think this whole politics thing is amusing. I believe people are fed up with the politics of the White House and where this administration has brought us in 8 years, Iraq, threatening Iran, many enemies in other nations who used to be friends, etc. Obama is accused of not knowing much and McCain of being too old to run. I think maybe both are true. I am waiting for a debate between these two men to see if I will even bother to vote, because in MHO all politicians will lie to get where they want in office. All I do know is that this country is going in the wrong direction and needs to change quickly. That is why I believe a woman should be in the White House. No Hillary did not win, but there needs to be a strong woman in there to run the country and straighten this horrible mess out, which includes global warming, health care, aide for elderly and food for the poor and help for the poor. We need to concentrate on our country more to help the poor/sick/elderly, and stop the oil companies from making such huge profits while we decide on food or gas for the week.
Obama vs McCain
Not in any way to make light of John McCain's service to this country. If being a Viet Nam POW qualilfies anyone to be president, maybe my husband should consider running. No? Why not? He has the "qualifications." We are, or should be, electing a leader of this great nation, not a war hero. Perhaps J. McCain has integrity and other qualities but I see nothing that makes me want to see him be our next leader. I can say the same about Obama. My personal opinion, we don't even have a candidate that I can support as the lesser of the evils. Having always been registered a Democrat, I have changed my registration to Independent. McCain will bring us 8 more years of George W. Bush and we can't afford it. Obama will bring us........well, who knows? I believe his slant is more toward African-Americans rather than plain old every day AMERICANS. I don't care what color he is, if I really believed he would turn our economy, energy, SS, Welfare and the list goes on, around I would vote for him in a New York minute. Unfortunately I think he is saying what the American people want to hear and McCain..........well, his platform seems to be all about HIM and the time he spent as a POW. <sigh>
Take away McCain's military service...no more or less than thousands of other men who are not running for office and thus usually don't even like to talk about their war experience.... and there is not a whole lot of difference in the two men. BOTH have an agenda and NEITHER has anything to do with putting country first any more than George W. Bush (or Bill Clinton) had an agenda that put country first. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this mess. Well...maybe all of them would put country first right after themselves and their cronies.
Obama, no McCain, no Obama, no McCain
That is how I have been going over the last couple months. I just don't know any more and frankly I'm getting tired of it. I voted for Obama over Hillary, then was a strong supporter of Obama. Heard some stuff I didn't like so I switched to McCain, then heard some stuff and switched back to Obama, now with the economic crisis and what the democrats have done, I am looking towards McCain again. Let me explain why (please take pitty on me and don't flame me too bad :-), but with that said let me tell you why.
I feel that Obama can speak better than McCain. Gotta give him credit for being an eloquent speaker, however that doesn't mean that his ideas are right for America. I'm learning about his voting record and the programs he will be pushing for, and if I wanted to live in the type of economy Obama wants if he is elected I mind as well move to Cuba or another country that is socialized. Yes he understands our economy but he's making all the wrong decisions and we are going to be further in debt. I just found out today that 700B dollars is not a figure they need. They made that up out of thin air. They need close to a trillion dollars, but they were afraid if they ask for a trillion it will raise suspicion so they picked 700B out of thin air. And that money will be pocketed by them and then they'll need more. Kucinich said today where do you think we're going to get 700B from? We'll get it from banks. And we'll give it to banks. And then more faux money and debt and loans will go out and we will not be any better. And this is what Obama is going to approve. Obama does not care about people like you and me. He is for the 1% of the rich (him and his friends). I don't think he is qualified to make any decisions about our economy. And Pelosi and Franks should be fired on the spot! We should remember as a democratic congresswoman pointed out that we have enemies both foreign AND domestic. That means here in our country, and as far as I can see they are the democratics that are destroying our economy. NOT ALL DEMOCRATS. I wanted to make sure I made that clear. There are plenty good democrats who know this bill is wrong and are voting agaist it - good for them, but there are the other ones (along with some republicans) who are out for themself. We need a strong leader to lead us in the direction of bringing our economy back up and I believe that person is John McCain.
Second, I don't feel safe with what Obama is proposing to sit down with our enemies and have a nice big group hug and everything will be all better. That's not the way it works and McCain understands that. I feel safer with McCain in there on foreign policies and the ability to keep our country safer.
Biden - Don't know much about him except he's been in the senate a long time, which is good because Obama is fairly new so he would be big help. Personally I like Biden, so have no quams with him. I think he can put his foot in his mouth enough if you get him talking long enough. It also doesn't help that he was even saying Obama is not qualified to be president, but time will tell.
Palin. She's better than a lot of people are giving her credit for. I know your probably saying pleeese, but put your hatred towards her aside. She has a lot to learn, but so does Obama. He's had an 18-month lead on her, and with help she is learning fast. I heard the leader of Pakistan tonight and he said after meeting with her she was intelligent and he thinks if McCain and Palin are elected she will do just fine.
I like her resume and knowlege of the economy and plans for getting us back on the right track better than Obama's. BTW - I did watch one of her interviews and she did quite well. She was very intelligent and articulate in what she was saying (completed full sentances throughout the whole interview, finished her thought processes, etc), but then again she was being interviewed by someone who treated her with respect and didn't try to pull any of the "gotcha's", or look down at her cross-eyed like Couric did. Couric has the interview skills of a beanpole, so don't know why anyone even watched it.
I am looking forward to the debate on Thursday. I know a lot of you have already got it in your minds that she has already lost the debate and that is unfortunate. I am anxious to hear Biden talk. I do like him and had wished he had won the nomination over Obama.
My feeling on Palin is that given a chance and good mentors she will do just fine as VP and I always remember our founding fathers didn't have half the experience she does and they made this country great in the beginning. Now politics is just filled with lawyers, crooks and liars.
So...if Obama and Biden win I won't be crying, and if McCain and Palin win I will be fine too.
Obama : McCain
It was McCain's best debate, but it was not good enough. Obama is 9 points ahead or even more and winning. It is too late for McCain.
The election is Nov 4.
Obama vs McCain
Obama is a socialist from the word go and will have social medicine, not good.
All this crap about Obama's "radical relationships." Why is it that McCain has not brought up preacher Wright. He hasn't spared anything else to trash Obama so why is he sparing him on that? And don't tell me it is "off limits." I'm not buying that. Nothing else is "off limits." Unless maybe Obama/McCain have made a deal not to bring up that in exchange for Obama not bringing up something that would bring McCain down. I heard preacher Wright with my own ears and that is something *I* would like to hear addressed. I do not call Wright "reverend" because I don't believe he deserves the title based on what I know. If McCain is so righteous and he11 bent on "saving" this country why doesn't he hit Obama with that accusation.....that might have some legitimate place in this campaign?
Obama : McCain
Obama has a dynamic mentality to which McCain's mentality just pales.
This is it.
LOL! She believes she can do anything ugly she wants because she
wraps herself up in the Bible and Jesus is her *special friend* and just gives her a wink and a nod every time she does something heinous. At least that's what she herself said in a post not long ago. (Aggressive denial by her to follow, I'm sure, like she lies about everything else.)
It's obvious that none of these people have Jesus in their hearts because there's no room for love and peace and truth in those jaded, hateful, dishonest, angry people. I wonder if they even have a hint of how laughable they really are! LOL! 
Okay...if he really believes this "stuff" why does he not...
lead by example and conserve...he lives in a house the size of a small town in some countries. He uses more electricity than 4 or 5 households. I don't know what he drives, but I do know that every time he flies coast to coast he puts more emissions in the atmosphere than someone driving a HUMMER for TWO YEARS. And he does that how many times a month??? Geez. I am sure you mean well, but...if he is really so interested in saving this beautiful planet...he should be the FIRST to conserve. THis is his job now. It is all about the money.
I realize that not everyone believes the same
And sorry to offend you but in fact the poster is a fanatic, in my opinion.
Also, it's not a FACT that Palin is a fanatic; she is a Christian. You call her a fanatic, your opinion.
Well, I happen to be one who believes
God has a sense of humor. After all He created us didn't He? Yeah, I "profess" to be a Christian but I take a pretty dim view of self-righteous "Christians" who question other's opinions and thoughts that don't fit into their definition of "Christian." Christian = "one who follows Christ" or tries to in my case. I am not perfect but I'm not the one to tell you that you "profess" to be a Christian. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't, I don't know.
Don't give a fig who believes it or not.
To "the truth is out there"
I tried to email you and don't think I had a problem, but please check your email to see if you received anything from me. (Hope so.)
Will be leaving the computer for a bit but will be back later this afternoon.
Have a great day! 
He believes in abortion. NM below
Go Obama - go home McCain
My best friend that I was in the Army with 20 years ago just told me that her son went to Kuwait last year, her daughter graduated from high school last year and went straight into the Army and is now in the middle east, and her husband who is a police officer and was in active duty (they met in the army) and the reserves just got called to go over all within the last year. I say Go Obama! We need our troops home in a reasonable time frame. MCain is a war mongerer and will keep this going for the next 100 years (as is his words), and I've heard Hillary is just like McCain and they are on the same team together (what that means I don't know but that's what an article said). I know they are friends and work closely together. So I say please, please, please let Obama win!
Who is scarier (McCain or Obama) and why?
I would like to know who you think is a scarier candidate and why. Please give facts (not rumors you have read or heard like for example - do not tell me that you believe Obama is a muslim, or that you don't like his middle name or think he's the antichrist, or McCain is not a christian or this or that). I am looking for some facts. Like he supports this or that and his experience he has done this or that. Just curious who thinks who is a scarier choice for president. Both of them right now are not high on my list and whoever is chosen for president will be just that (chosen by the higher powers than us).
McCain has been saying the same thing Obama has been saying...
politics as usual in Washington needs to stop...Obama chose a 30-year plus washington insider and McCain could not havechosen someone much further from washington politics. He has bucked his party when he felt they were not representing their members as they should and so has she. She cleaned up a good ol'boy nest of corruption in Alaska, where, I might add, she enjoys an 80% favorability rating, and that is unheard of. I don't think 80% of Alaskans are Republican. That means to me she is a great governor and certainly knows what she is doing.
She is young..like Obama. She represents change from Washington poltiics...like Obama. She comes from meager beginnings...like Obama. She served in City council (Obama served as community organizer). She served as mayor. She has served as governor. She has a beautiful family. So does OBama.
What means the most to me is one part of her speech no one really made a big deal about, but it spoke volumes to me. She said you should serve with a servant's heart. She has demonstrated she will buck her party to clean it up, and if it comes to party or her constituents, her constituents trump the party. That means a LOT to me. That means she cares about the little people and it is not just words, it is actions. McCain has done the same. I have admired her greatly for a long time, and i think she is exactly what America needs in washington.
Obama is the chicken, not McCain
McCain isn't the one who's afraid, Obama is, so he's spouting off, trying to make McCain look like an unworthy opponent. Everybody knows that Obama knows he can't debate, so this is just a ploy of his. I guarantee you that if McCain was still planning to be present for the debate, Obama would be keeping his mouth shut, and studying up on "How to Debate and Look Like You Know What you're talking About".
Anybody that can't show respect to our American Flag has no place in this country, let alone be its leader.
McCain has true concern for the country. Obama is only concened about himself and the campaign. I fear for this country if this fool gets in office. Change....what change???Everytime somebody else gets in office there is change. Cheap words for a phony, no good, cam't make up his mind, dolt!
McCain Obama and FMFM
Article on both candidates and Freddie and Fannie
And Obama said McCain was right.... nine times....nm
Obama did well. He actually looked at McCain.
McCain wouild not look at Obama at all. He just looked at the camera and the commentator with his fake smile.
I scored 64.71% with Obama and 17.65% with McCain -nm
57% obama; still voting for McCain
Some things like abortion, death penalty and guns really aren't as important as my taxes and his spending of my taxes.
McCain ain't my candidate and Obama definitely
Not true. It is Obama 49% and McCain 43%. nm
I already hid my money. Might be if Obama is elected I can bring it out of hiding. Keep it hid if McCain is elected...........more of G.W. Bush.
Here it is! The tax cut calculator!!! Obama vs. McCain sm
This is great!
McCain has a plan...just like Obama has one....
read about it on his website. And if you didn't turn off the TV every time he spoke, you would know he has a plan. LOL. What I don't want is the last TWO years, when the Democrats sat on their hands and did nothing while Freddie/Fannie ruined the economy. What I DON'T want is a socialist President and a democratic majority, and I will have NO part in bringing that about. For the first time in my LIFE I am voting a straight republican ticket.
McCain said that Obama was not a socialist - nm
McCain says Obama not a socialist
On Larry King last night.
Even McCain said Obama was not a socialist
on Larry King the other night when asked
What McCain really thinks of Obama.
Comparing McCain's and Obama's
life achievements it was obvious I could never vote for Obama. However, as comparatively better as McCain seemed to me, it was still obvious that they were promising to take us in about the same direction, only at slightly different speeds. Still, rather than not vote, or throw my ballot away on a third party, I went for McCain, choosing someone who had served well in the military over someone whose main claims to fame were socialism, gutting the constitution and 'community organization.' Maybe conservatives will have their act together a little better by 2012 and the choice will be clearer.
McCain gives praise to Obama...sm
This is for all of you who constantly pick on Obama and hope for Obama's downfall.
Cheers to McCain....... a respectable and decent loser!
McCain: Obama has 'done well' as president so far
WASHINGTON – Sen. John McCain says his opponent in last year's presidential campaign, Barack Obama, has "done well" in his first five months in the White House.
The Arizona Republican says that using a legislative scorecard to judge the presidency so far, Obama has achieved all his legislative goals.
On the down side, McCain says that Obama's successes in Congress have come with little or no Republican support.
McCain also is critical of Obama for setting a date for closing the detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay without first developing a comprehensive plan for what to do with its prisoners.
And the Arizona senator says Obama should speak out more in support of protesters in Iran.
McCain appeared Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation."
"The great unwashed??"
American citizens practing their right to free speech.
but I'm sure the vast majority believes
that life begins at conception, however, I know I'm not going to change your mind, so I'll leave it at that.
Jon Stewart - "The Miami Seven" sm
Half of U.S. still believes Iraq had WMD
Half of U.S. still believes Iraq had WMD
By CHARLES J. HANLEY, AP Special Correspondent Sun Aug 6, 7:43 PM ET
Do you believe in Iraqi WMD? Did
Saddam Hussein's government have weapons of mass destruction in 2003?
Half of America apparently still thinks so, a new poll finds, and experts see a raft of reasons why: a drumbeat of voices from talk radio to die-hard bloggers to the Oval Office, a surprise headline here or there, a rallying around a partisan flag, and a growing need for people, in their own minds, to justify the war in
People tend to become independent of reality in these circumstances, says opinion analyst Steven Kull.
The reality in this case is that after a 16-month, $900-million-plus investigation, the U.S. weapons hunters known as the Iraq Survey Group declared that Iraq had dismantled its chemical, biological and nuclear arms programs in 1991 under U.N. oversight. That finding in 2004 reaffirmed the work of U.N. inspectors who in 2002-03 found no trace of banned arsenals in Iraq.
Despite this, a Harris Poll released July 21 found that a full 50 percent of U.S. respondents — up from 36 percent last year — said they believe Iraq did have the forbidden arms when U.S. troops invaded in March 2003, an attack whose stated purpose was elimination of supposed WMD. Other polls also have found an enduring American faith in the WMD story.
I'm flabbergasted, said Michael Massing, a media critic whose writings dissected the largely unquestioning U.S. news reporting on the Bush administration's shaky WMD claims in 2002-03.
This finding just has to cause despair among those of us who hope for an informed public able to draw reasonable conclusions based on evidence, Massing said.
I don't see where anyone believes Bush has done no wrong
It's the fact that several of us don't believe he is the cause of all the suffering in the world like many of you here do. Some of us are not blinded by Bush hatred nor are we Bush loyalists to the point where we think he's done everything right. I believe several of the *crashers* on this board have said that, but you refused to either read the body of their posts or believe what they say.
Oops! Don't say Amen - not everyone believes the same!