Obama’s Friends Working to Amend the Natural Born Citizen Requirement...
Posted By: sm on 2008-12-02
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If Obama is a natural born citizen,
then why doesn't he provide it to the court, along with his medical and educational background? I don't think a scan of a birth certificate does it. Give the evidence to the court. Factcheck.org has the Annenburg connection, so it is not an objective source.
Does that not bother you that he will not do the right thing? If he has nothing to hide, why is this buried in the legal system? Get it over with and provide it to the court.
His mother was a natural-born US citizen...sm
and lived in the US all her life before she gave birth at 18. Your statement only applied. to children born to naturalized citizens who are living outside the US, the purpose being someone who comes to this country and becomes naturalized, then after a few years moves to another country, cannot expect their children that are born in that other country be considered natural-born citizens with the right to run for president. I will double check with my brother tonight, but I am pretty sure that is how he explained it.
Correct, Arnold is not a natural-born citizen. sm
Neither of his parents were American citizens when he was born. He is a naturalized American citizen and cannot run for president unless there is an amendment to the US Constitution.
Obama is a natural-born American...see message
Now you can sleep well. I'm not voting for Obama, but I can't stand it when people stir crap up that isn't true.
natural born does not mean you have to be born physically in the US -
My daughter was born in Germany, but because I am an American she is an American. She has no problems and is considered natural born - that just means you did not have to go through the hoops to become an American citizen.
It doesn't matter WHERE he was born. He was born to an American citizen so he is sm
a native American.
He was never a US born American citizen
Let me repeat - Never was an American citizen, never was, never happened, nothing to denounce. He was born a Kenyan, moved to Indonesia and became an Indonesian citzen. What part of that are you not understading. If you were never an American citizen to begin with there is nothing they can take away. CRIPES ALMIGHTY! How many more times do people have to post that. There are NO documents to ever prove he was. You just don't listen.
Yeah. They have to be born citizen, not
a naturalized citizen. Which is why "the Governor" will never be the Prez.
Obama was born in US, his FATHER was born in Kenya, check it out and sm
Do you really think the campaign would have gotten this far if he was born in Kenya? Did Hannity tell you that? LOL!!!!
Obama must be United States Citizen to be president!!!!
Until he proves to all the people of the United States that he was born a US citizen, how can anyone support him for president! Are we all that desperate?
If Obama wasn't born in the US
then he shouldn't be president. Why? Because if we open that precedent, than anyone from any nation can run for president, and seeing as how many people will vote based on what they hear (or think they hear), all it would take would be a charismatic, young, exciting, progressive, man or woman from another country to come in with a hidden agenda and run for president and get voted in and then show us what he or she really had in mind for our country.
As for people who voted without any idea....
On the second one not one person could really name any specifics, just regurgitated whatever they heard on the t.v., internet, speeches, etc. I especially love the one that said "he's beautiful!" I didn't realize that was a point for voting...
You can also listen to the Howard Stern interviews where they listed Mccain's platforms as Obama's and asked people if that is why they were voting for Obama and they all said "yeah! definitely!" I didn't want to paste those because of the language though.
I'm not saying all of his supporters were dimwits, but a lot of them just voted for him because he was new, young, "hip", black, and a smooth talker. Believe me, being a 22-year-old college student, he appealed to me at first too, until I found out the things he stood for.
Obama & his friends/associates
Wright, Phlager, Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, for the short list.
So the company you or I keep says nothing about your character? If that's true by anyone's views, that's just a downright falsehood. Parents do the same re their kids, etc. Mine sure did, and good thing, too!
Some of Obama's friends are enemies of the USA
Why is Obama friends with Ayers?
OBAMA has and is friends with RADICALS
Obama is the one with radical friends and
Gee...Obama's plan is working better than even he could have imagined..........sm
he has a free thinking A hoodwinked into his way of thinking.
That's okay if you think it is garbage. It really is of no concern to me. However, it would seem to me that an Obamabot has finally grown a spine and come clean, knowing what Obama's victory would do to our country.
You say "negative campaigning." I say exposing Obama for who and what he really is.
Obama has friends who both hate the country and
Funny you say "radical", since Obama and friends
Crooks? No, look at Chicago and Obama's friends.
Obama was born in Kenya, which makes him uneligible to be President...nm
Obama blocked the Born Alive Infant Protection Act....sm
He said there was a law on the books in Illinois to protect these babies. In this article, he says there was a bill federally that he *would have* voted for. He killed the bill in Illinois by sitting on it as head of the Health and Human Services Committee. Which is it, Obama?
Excerpted from CNS News: Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion presidential candidate ever.
He is so pro-abortion that he refused as an Illinois state senator to support legislation to protect babies who survived late-term abortions...
...State and federal versions of this bill became an issue earlier this decade because of "induced labor abortion." This is usually performed on a baby with Down's Syndrome or another problem discovered on the cusp of viability. A doctor medicates the mother to cause premature labor. Babies surviving labor are left untreated to die.
Jill Stanek, who was a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill., testified in the U.S. Congress in 2000 and 2001 about how "induced labor abortions" were handled at her hospital.
"One night," she said in testimony entered into the Congressional Record, "a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down's Syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him, and she did not have the time to hold him. I couldn't bear the thought of this suffering child lying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived."
In 2001, Illinois state Sen. Patrick O'Malley introduced three bills to help such babies. One required a second physician to be present at the abortion to determine if a surviving baby was viable. Another gave the parents or a public guardian the right to sue to protect the baby's rights. A third, almost identical to the federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act President Bush signed in 2002, simply said a "homo sapiens" wholly emerged from his mother with a "beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles" should be treated as a "'person,' 'human being,' 'child' and 'individual.'"
Stanek testified about these bills in the Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee, where Obama served. She told me this week he was "unfazed" by her story of holding the baby who survived an induced labor abortion.
On the Illinois Senate floor, Obama was the only senator to speak against the baby-protecting bills. He voted "present" on each, effectively the same as a "no."
"Number one," said Obama, explaining his reluctance to protect born infants, "whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the Equal Protection Clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a -- a child, a 9-month old -- child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. I mean, it -- it would essentially bar abortions, because the Equal Protection Clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an anti-abortion statute."
That June, the U.S. Senate voted 98-0 in favor of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (although it failed to become law that year). Pro-abortion Democrats supported it because the following language was added: "Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being born alive as defined in this section."
Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer explained that with this language the "amendment certainly does not attack Roe v. Wade."
On July 18, 2002, Democratic Sen. Harry Reid called for the bill to be approved by unanimous consent. It was.
That same year, the Illinois version of the bill came up again. Obama voted "no."
In 2003, Democrats took control of the Illinois Senate. Obama became chairman of the Health and Human Services committee. The Born Alive Infant bill, now sponsored by Sen. Richard Winkel, was referred to this committee. Winkel also sponsored an amendment to make the Illinois bill identical to the federal law, adding -- word for word -- the language Barbara Boxer said protected Roe v. Wade. Obama still held the bill hostage in his committee, never calling a vote so it could be sent to the full senate.
A year later, when Republican U.S. senate candidate Alan Keyes challenged Obama in a debate for his opposition to the Born Alive Infant Bill, Obama said: "At the federal level there was a similar bill that passed because it had an amendment saying this does not encroach on Roe v. Wade. I would have voted for that bill."
In fact, Obama had personally killed exactly that bill. Source - CNS News
I have lots of Christian friends who are democrats and support Obama. nm
I think it should be a requirement
It is selfish and foolish to expect your community to provide for you without giving something back. If we want America to be better and the next generation to not be apathetic, then we must get involved and encourage our kids to do the same. Freedom is not free. Besides, the kids would get to pick what they want to do. Lots of organizations mandate service as part of their membership and its not as if any level of government has any money to provide these services anymore.
because it is a requirement --
he is still in charge of running this country. They go where he goes.
Is empathy really a requirement for
a Supreme Court Justice as the President wants to appoint? The oath of office does'nt say anything about it, neither does the definition of the judiciary branch. Here's the oath:
"I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God." http://uspolitics.about.com/od/usgovernment/a/oaths_of_office_3.htm
And here's the definition of the judiciary branch:
The United States federal courts comprises the Judiciary Branch of government organized under the Constitution and laws of the federal government of the United States.
The judiciary (also known as the judicial system or judicature) is the system of courts which interprets and applies the law in the name of the sovereign or state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes. Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judiciary generally does not make law or enforce law, but rather interprets law and applies it to the facts of each case.
Nowhere do I find the word "empathy" in either the oath or the definition of the judiciary branch or description of the Supreme Court however, Obama is bound and determined to add "empathy" to his list of requirements of a Supreme Court Judge.
Here's a good editorial (yes, I know it's from a conservative) about empathy vs the rule of law. I found it quite interesting and expresses my viewpoint as well.
I'm sure I'll get criticized for it, but I hope I won't get attacked. I'm asking a legitimate question and would like to see legitimate answers.
No empathy is not a requirement
The requirement for a judge is a good sound knowledge of the constitution of this once great country...B.O. is making a mockery of this country so who ever voted for the change...I hope your happy with what you got..I darn sure am not but I didn't vote for the moron either..
That will be an "obama" requirement to getting
I heard work requirement mentioned a long time ago - nm
O Changed it from mandatory Comm Serv requirement after the outcry
MANDATED community service is not acceptable to me.
Florida has Bright Futures, a scholarship assistance program for State schools. This requires community service. My son did it, and may daughter will do it as well.
BUT it is VOLUNTARY .. you choose to do it or not ..
rewards for service, yes --
mandated, no way; kids will not get anything (or the vast majority anyway) if they are forced to do it ...
ps - I believe in Comm. Service and my kids both do it .. but because they want to do so.
Just my 2 center
Now that's natural beauty....(NM)
This is a natural consequence
of electing a 'rock star' president. I would not be surprised if tabloids begin referring to him as 'Barry' they way they do Brad, Jen, Angie and the rest.
Barry rising from the waves......As guys over 40 go, he's okay, but could use some definition in the pecs and seems just a bit slack at the waist. Not really a show-quality bod, even if he is America's fittest president. Better not quit his day job.
Actually I believe in working hard and working
Are you really that bitter? I'll say a prayer for you.
the natural history of the trout
''Trout pout'' is a term to describe the weird fat lips of people who've had collagen injections. The lips get all poochy like fish lips.
As for the ''racism,'' just a little joke--I was getting tired of all the monkey business in those other threads, so moved on to other animals!
You are right, and I am hoping this may be the natural evolution......sm
of politics in this country. Back in Colonial America, there were the Federalists versus the Rebublican-Democrats, which turned into the "party" system we now have (love your comment about "party!"), big business and big money will always be in bed with the politicians, and that will keep propagating and feeding this political mess, but I have to think if the Libertarian or Independent parties were to have a strong enough candidate with a really well-crafted, timely, imperative platform, we could all vote with our pockets, one voter at at time, to strengthen a three or four-party system over time? Am I just wishing and praying, because I am seeing way too much back-scratching payola going on on BOTH SIDES of the aisles in Congress!
Anchor babies are natural citizens... sm
by virtue of being born on American soil, just as the babies of Chinese immigrants or German immigrants or any other nationality are citizens of this country if they are born on US soil. Granted, the influx of illegal aliens from Mexico has created a problem in that it has burdened the welfare system in this country, but that is not the issue here.
The issue is that Obama cannot produce proof that he is a natural born American citizen. The birth certificate floating around the internet purported to be real is a fake. You can find anything on the internet these days, true or not. Just the fact that liberals shoot down every article posted in support of a conservative's point of view as being "not a credible source" is proof of that.
Mr. Obama is well aware of the questions being raised concerning his birth certificate. If he had a REAL birth certificate, why would he just not produce it and put an end to all the speculation? Because he can't, plain and simple. He flew to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother and "coincidentally" his "birth records" were sealed at the same time. Isn't that interesting?
Mr. Obama lived for 5 years in Indonesia, a country that does not recognize dual citizenship, therefore nullifying his American citizenship IF it ever existed in the first place. There are no records on file where he ever applied for citizenship after returning to the US.
We have to produce birth certificates for our children to attend school today. Why shouldn't the man who would be POTUS have to show his?
Barack Obama is not even legally a black American. He only has one black great-great-grandmother on his father's side while the other 7 were Arab.
That makes him 50% white, 43.75% Arab, and 6.25% black. 12.5% is the minimum required to legally claim any racial status in America.
Obama would qualify as the first Arab-American president, NOT the first black president. That is why they keep saying "African-American" and NOT black because they know he is African Arab and not African black.
Why would you want anyone who has any kind of questionable background leading our country? Would you allow persons of questionable background to teach your children in school? What if that person was suspected of having an inappropriate relationship with a child but it could not be proven? Would you want to run that risk?
I agree that America has more pressing problems that whether the man about to take the helm is a natural born citizen, but do you want someone who is not even an American leading us through these problems?
Scary? What is scary is Obama and friends.
I've heard that natural gas heating costs are expected to TRIPLE this winter!
I have gas heat, and so does my daughter.
Your mother is fortunate to have you and your sisters to help her. Makes me worry about all the elderly people barely scraping by on Social Security who have no family. I guess they and the other poor people are just considered to have no value and are disposable. I guess someday I'll be disposable, as well.
I totally agree with what Putin said. Of ALL the places in the world to force change upon, the Middle East is probably the worst one! Change does have to come from within. Their culture is so different from ours, and I believe we should respect all cultures that are different from ours. Sometimes I wonder who would win an election in Iraq if Saddam was suddenly back on the ballot. When Bush debated Gore in 2000, Bush claimed to be against nation building (though he said Cheney was in favor of it, which leads me to believe that Cheney really IS running the administration, as has often been alleged).
I always watch closely when Putin and Bush have press conferences. Putin should be called Pukin because he's always got this look of disgust on his face, as if he's about to run out of patience with Bush and his idiocy.
I remember when we first began to brag that the Cold War is over. I always thought that was a stupid thing to say, because it's never over till it's over. History will be the judge of that. I often wondered how a country full of people who were accustomed to having their vital needs met by their government as a RIGHT, rather than a privilege, could possibly survive in the dog-eat-dog, sometimes unscrupulous atmosphere of capitalism. As far as I know, Putin isn't all that enamored with capitalism, and I'm just waiting for Russia to once again become communistic or maybe socialistic. I guess time will tell. 
that's because he is a U.S. citizen
This is exactly why a citizen who
has the right to a voice won't use it for fear of being ridiculed and/or totally shredded by the coverage. In some cases, he or his family may find themselves under attack. Shameful. But I am sure we are all equally protected by HIPPA!!!
a citizen of the
bustling metropolis of Zberg uses a "fancy" word like rhetoric - town must be proud of their new mayor. Yee-haw!
How can you vote if you are not a US citizen?
You say you will vote for McCain if Hillary is the dem nominee. Then you say you will never become an American citizen if she is elected president. Color me confused...
Yes, and I believe Sarah is a least a US citizen.
Only if every citizen gets $75,000, homeowner or not!
If you give $75,000 to every homeowner to pay their mortgage, you better give $75,000 in cash to each and every citizen who is not currently a homeowner. By the way, I notice that the right-wing posters are all for this pay-my-mortgage idea. What happened to the right-wing mantra about the democrats wanting everything for free? It looks like you guys will be the first in line to get your mortgage paid!
Arnold is a citizen but
He can't run for president because he is not a natural citizen.
No-bama, No-citizen...
Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week, after a federally mandated deadline requiring Obama’s lawyers to produce a “vault” copy of his birth certificate expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers.
The lawsuit, filed by former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg — a self-avowed supporter of Hillary Clinton — alleges that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus “ineligible” to run for president of the United States. It demands that Obama’s lawyers produce a copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he is a natural-born U.S. citizen.
Berg's suit and allegations have set off a wave of Internet buzz and rumors, though Obama could easily have put the matter to rest by providing the federal court with the basic documentation proving he is eligible to take the oath of a president. But Obama has apparently decided to deny the court and the public that documentation.
The Constitution provides that any U.S. citizen is eligible to become president if the person is 35 years of age or older and is a natural-born citizen; that is, born in the territorial United States.
By failing to respond to the Request for Admissions and Request for the Production of Documents within 30 days, Obama has “admitted” that he was born in Kenya, Berg stated this week in new court filings.
Berg released a long list of “admissions” he submitted to Obama’s lawyers on Sept. 15, and asked that they produce documents relating to Obama’s place of birth and citizenship.
Instead of responding, lawyers for Obama and the DNC asked the court to dismiss the case. But Judge R. Barclay Surrick of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has issued no ruling in the case that would have given Obama’s lawyers more time.
“There are lots of legal ways to stonewall,” a well-placed Republican attorney told Newsmax, who was not authorized to comment officially on the case. “But failing to respond is not one of them.”
“The first thing they teach you in law school,” he added, “is don’t put a complaint like this in a drawer. That’s how a nuisance case can become a problem.”
The 30-day deadline for defendants to comply with a discovery request is set forth in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures.
“It all comes down to the fact that there's nothing from the other side,” Berg said after he filed a motion on Thursday for summary judgment.
“The admissions are there. By not filing the answers or objections, the defense has admitted everything. [Obama] admits he was born in Kenya. He admits he was adopted in Indonesia. He admits that the documentation posted online is a phony. And he admits that he is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president of the United States.”
In a contentious case, lawyers on both sides will haggle over the production of documents, and will frequently go beyond the deadlines, several lawyers told Newsmax.
“The rules are more often complied with in the breech rather than the observance,” a senior trial attorney who has close ties to the Democrat Party, but is not involved in the current case, told Newsmax.
“Lawyers frequently do not return telephone calls or meet discovery deadlines because of sheer inadvertence. Therefore, we do not consider a failure to respond as a ‘violation,’” he said.
Allegations surrounding Obama’s place of birth have been swirling for months. Earlier this year, the Obama campaign sought to put down the rumors by making available a computer-generated Certification of Live Birth, issued in 2007 by the State of Hawaii. [See the Certification of Live Birth — Click Here.]
Respected conservative blogger Ed Morrissey called the Berg lawsuit a “conspiracy theory” that had been put to rest by the Obama campaign over the summer but ”has arisen like a zombie yet again to suck the credibility out of the conservative blogosphere.”
However, the 2007 document produced by the Obama campaign omits key information that normally appears on birth certificates in the United States, including the name of the hospital where he was born, the size and weight of the baby, and sometimes the name of the doctor who delivered him.
In addition, the critics of the 2007 document note that Obama's father is described as “African,” a term used today. The formal language in official documents at the time — 1961 — would have identified his race as “Negro” or “Colored.”
The Web site snarkybytes.com has produced a vault copy of a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth from 1963, issued by the Hawaii Department of Health. [See the vault copy — Click Here.]
In addition to naming the hospital and more details about the baby, the 1963 vault copy also includes the “usual residence of the mother,” and the “usual occupation” of the father. None of this information appears on the 2007 Live Birth certificate produced by the Obama campaign.
Berg has been a perennial political candidate in Pennsylvania, having run in Democrat primaries for attorney general, lieutenant governor, governor, and other offices without success. He served as deputy attorney general of the State of Pennsylvania from 1972-1980.
His credibility was tarnished by work he did for the far-left “9/11 for the Truth” campaign, which alleged in a federal lawsuit that the collapse of the twin towers in New York was caused by “controlled demolition” ordered by the president of the United States.
Nevertheless, in recent weeks, lawsuits have been filed in seven additional states demanding that Barack Obama produce an original vault copy of his birth certificate, to dispel the rumors that he is not a natural-born United States citizen.
The latest suits have been filed in state and federal courts in Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia, New York, and Connecticut to compel Obama to release his birth records.
Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state superior courts to force the states’ secretary of state, as the chief state elections officer, to require Obama to produce original birth records from Hawaii, or else decertify him as a candidate for the presidency.
Ironically, Obama mentions his birth certificate in passing on Page 26 of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams of My Father.” “I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school,” he wrote.
Lawyers for Obama and the DNC did not return calls for comment on the current status of the case, or explain why the Obama campaign did not simply put to rest the whole controversy by releasing the birth certificate that Obama apparently cherished as a teenager.
In the past, questions about Sen. John McCain's legal status have arisen. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone at a U.S. Army hospital. McCain had legal experts vet his constitutional qualifications, and he also disclosed a copy of his birth certificate.
born in Kenya folks.......not born in the USA!
Okay, I get it. You are for a private citizen....
being subjected to a background check for asking a question. That says more about you than what you say about Joe.
The difference between you and me is...I would be as outraged by this if had been done to someone who asked Obama and a question and was subjected to this. But of course, we know that isn't going to happen, now don't we?
So much for liberals championing civil rights. What a joke that has become!!
His MOTHER was a U.S. citizen
Good Lord, this gets more ridiculous every day.
700 billion dispersed to every citizen would only come to
His father was a Kenyan citizen. We all know that. What is ...sm
your point. He was not adopted by his Kenyan father. The point is that his mother was an American citizen. It doesn't matter where he was born. What is it that you don't understand about that? Mexicans and Canadians, as well as students and others from many other foreign citizens give birth every year and their children are American citizens. If what you say is true, and I do not believe it for a minute, why would you think that an American citizen giving birth in a foreign country would not automatically convey citizenship onto her baby? Get real. This is not what the constitution intends. This is just a diversionary tactic by desperate people.
Ummm....I am a concerned citizen. What he does now...
affects we the people directly. He HAS the job. Someone has to scrutinize him...his faithful certainly aren't going to. This choice just shows he intends to continue his Chicago connections. All that denial...little white lies? Now that he has the job...he doesn't care. So far not feeling really trustful toward the O.