Just days after the 9/11 attacks, Vice President Cheney, on “Meet The Press,” said the response should be aimed at Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terror organization not Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
When asked if any evidence connected the Iraqis to the operation, Cheney said, no.
But during that same time period, according to Bob Woodward's book, Bush At War, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was pushing for military strikes on Iraq and during cabinet meetings Cheney, expressed deep concern about Saddam and wouldn't rule out going after Iraq at some point.
That point started to come 11 months later, just before the first anniversary of 9/11.
The president and vice president had decided to redirect their war on terror to Baghdad. So, with the help of the newly-formed White House Iraq group, which consisted of top officials and strategists, the selling of a war on Iraq began and the administration's rhetoric about Saddam changed.
On September 8, 2002, not only did White House hawks tell The New York Times for a front page exclusive that Saddam was building a nuclear weapon, five administration officials also went on the Sunday television shows that day to repeat the charge.
He is, in fact actively and aggressively seeking to acquire nuclear weapons, Cheney told Tim Russert on “Meet The Press.
But the White House started claiming that Iraq and the group responsible for 9/11 were one in the same.
The war on terror, you can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror, said Bush on September 25, 2002.
We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases, said Bush a few days later on October 7. He's a threat because he is dealing with Al-Qaeda.
In pushing the Saddam-Iraq-9/11 connection, both the president and the vice president made two crucial claims. First, they alleged there had been a 1994 meeting in the Sudan between Osama bin Laden and an Iraqi intelligence official.
After the Iraq war began, however, the 9/11 Commission was formed and reported that while Osama bin Laden may have requested Iraqi help, Iraq apparently never responded.
The other crucial pre-war White House claim was that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official in the Czech republic in April 2001.
Cheney stated, It's been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a Senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service.
Confirmed or unconfirmed by Vice President Cheney the 9/11 Commission said, We do not believe such a meeting occurred. Why? Because cell phone records from the time show Atta in the United States.
None the less, the White House strategy worked. In March of 2003, one poll found 45 percent of Americans believed Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 9/11.
On the eve of the Iraq war, the White House sent a letter to Congress telling lawmakers that force was authorized against those who, aided the 9/11 attacks.
Yet the Bush administration continues to say it never claimed Iraq was linked to 9/11.
I think I made it very clear that we have never made that claim, White House Press Secretary McClellan repeated on Sept. 17, 2003.
The brutal irony is that while implications, innuendo, or false claims if you will about a 9/11 connection helped take us into Iraq. The Iraqi war itself has created a real al-Qaeda/Iraq link that may keep us from getting out.
I hold up THREE fingers. The rest of the world sees THREE, but you? You only see ONE, and you take the one YOU see, completely ignoring the other two that EVERYONE ELSE SEES, and twist it and manipulate it and turn it into something ugly that doesn't even come close to the TRUTH that EVERYONE ELSE CAN SEE.
Thank you for proving my point.
My grandma used to say, well you are mad, you are going to stay mad, you are enjoying being mad, have decided to be mad and there is no reason to talk you out of it. But then, I already knew that, too.
Thank you for once again proving the truth of what I said about you.
Having said that, I didn't realize that you owned this board. And having said THAT, I leave you with this thought. A litany of complaints is not a solution. Your remarks are divisive and wrong. Your world view outlook is narrow and frighteningly sad and dark. THOSE are observations, not accusations.
You just keep proving my point.
I suppose I should thank you, but frankly I don't feel like it. I have no plans to visit the conservative board. I may go to the libertarian board though. I am anything but a sweetie. And I would certainly never allow you to call me that face to face. But then, that's how you operate, isn't it. One of those people who gets on a chat board and vents their spleen, too cowardly in real life to say these things face to face to anyone.
Thank you for once again proving my point.
You really just can't help it, can you?
Once again....and thanks for proving my point
You are an obvious BO supporter and you see the negative things you want to see out of McCain. McCain supporters, however, don't see that. We see negative things in Obama that his supporters refuse to see and believe. The people who like Palin think she will do just fine during the VP debate. It is all a matter of opinion. We all have the same information and yet we have picked two very different people to vote for. I think McCain will do fine in the next debates. I personally think that this election will be a close one all the way to the end. JMO though.
of how this country is pushing God away. I will pray for you!
Thanks for proving my point.
Wallowing in self pity is a real downer. However, if you keep it up long enough, you are bound to insure O's re-election in 2012, so keep up the good work. Trash talk is what lost this last election and history does have a way of repeating itself.
Thanks for proving my point.
These kinds of negative namecalling posts are exactly the point I was trying to make. Give the man an opportunity to prove or disprove his competency, and then, and only then, you earn the right to question and criticize.
Thanks for proving my point . . .
First of all, I didn't call YOU un-American, unless the shoe fits, and certainly it had nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with me. I could care less. It had to do with those people that won't even consider hearing an intelligent explanation about the plan for this country, and those that openly voice their wish for failure of this adminstration. Now, THAT is un-American.
administration. I predict that for the next 3-3/4 years, whenever a bit of misdirection is needed a memo or report will be leaked or given to the press. Or some prior administration misdeed discovered and fresh outrage manufactured.
We had the DHS document casting suspision on 'radical conservatives.' Now we have the torture memo going back to heap more blame on the Bush administration for policies which Pelosi apparently signed off on. I doubt, though, that the rest of the congressional briefing minutes will ever be 'leaked' which show that she and other democrats were quite aware of the interrogation techniques being employed.
Meanwhile, activities we should legitimately be angry over are going on, which we are not supposed to notice. Hey! No! Look over here! Crazy conservatives! Torture!
Let me just go on the record as saying that no amount of money would induce me to volunteer to be tortured (you know, beaten cut, burned - severe pain or harm). But cut me a check (certified only, please) with a number followed by a whole lot of zeros and I would be waterboarded (strictly in the interest of science). Our special forces are trained to withstand this and other 'harsh' interrigation techniques. I believe Demi Moore actually was waterboarded for the movie GI Jane. It's scary and unpleasant but way different from having your fingernails pulled out or a field generator and alligator clips used. Or listening to an Obama lecture. Now THAT's torture!
Tell me, I'm assuming that you also think that having sex out of wedlock is also a "bad behavior." So, do you teach your kids to yell names at people like that? How about people who smoke cigarettes? What label to do you put on them?
in showing that you all have no idea what Christianity is all about. In one breath you are praising Christ and all his attributes, but in the next breath you reject Him. You embrace all the good, loving, warm fuzzy attributes of Christ, but you neglect to see what his sole purpose in coming to Earth was and that was die to atone for our sins and the evil wrought in this world. Christ cannot look upon sin, and we are all sinners every one of us, and that's why he had to die. He took the spiritual death we should have had to face ourselves. That's not warm and fuzzy, but it's certainly love above all comprehension. All He asks is that we accept His atonement and turn from our wicked ways. It doesn't make us perfect sinless people, but it changes our heart and how we look at the world.
Personally, I don't agree with everything Pat Robertson says because Pat Robertson is not God. He's a man, but there is a certainly a judgemental side of God. I hope many of you can see that before you face him as your judge once you leave this Earth. Then it will be too late to change your mind. I hope you won't let people like Pat Robertson or even someone like me keep you from truly knowing the love of Jesus Christ.
Now that I've totally violated board rules by evangelizing on the politics board I will leave.
Actually I don't know much about Mr Icke; granted he may be a deep thinker, in some ways. However, I think he is slightly off-kilter for that single book / theory about the reptilians. Can we judge his credibility regarding other ideas because of that book? Yes? Unless he's just spouting theories to make some $$ off the gullible public?? Possible, no?
I'm actually quite a fan of conspiracy theorists and those who think outside the box (esp coverups, religion, war, etc, in these horrific days of Bush-Cheney domination).
You said you enjoyed proving people wrong...
then provide your source. And provide some more current statistics. That is all I asked for. A simple request. If you can't, you can't. No biggie.
See? You're proving the very point made about
right wing rage. Sure hope you and your fanatic friends don't all own guns......
And the word is hypocrisy, thanks for proving my point!
Making a generalized statement about the tremendous crowds that Obama draws being moochers is really about the most pathetic, ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You make me laugh!!
Thanks so much for proving my point about the angry, hate-filled left. sm
You did a perfect job of it. You are incapable of thought other than that driven by hate. Your debates are screeds and your voice is strident and laced with the same adjectives...the word liar comes to mind. Which, of course, you are.
You are a liar. SM
I'm glad to say it and it is true. As far as Iraq, of course, you twisted that all out of context. Lurker asked if I would go to Iraq to help rebuild and I said yes, if I could I would, but please don't tell the truth and continue to twist because you are twisted. Now, that felt good to FINALLY call you a liar. You have used that word with every conservative poster and we are all pretty darn sick of it. Liar. Liar?
A conservative calling someone a liar? Pot-kettle-black
Once a liar, always a liar!!!!
Liar, liar
Politicians lie. Is everyone just figuring that out? Why get into an argument over who's lying. Just tell me what you're going to do for me, how I'm supposed to pay my mortgage when you keep sending my job overseas, how I'm supposed to send my kids to college when you keep sending my job overseas, how I'm supposed to pay these ridiculous prices for gas when you keep sending my job overseas.
The first guy that can do that without mincing words and blaming everything on the other gets my vote. I don't care what color you are, whether you screwed around on your wife, who you have in your back pocket, whether your running mate is an old fart or a woman.
GW is a liar.........
So I guess that makes him a fake, too. WMDs, he really gave a rat's about Katrina, billions of dollars just "vanished." Harriet Myers for supreme court??? LOLOLOLOLOL - at least Obama isn't a freaking moron!
What a liar!
President Obama gave a speech in Illinois saying that if we pass this stimulus bill that the CEO of Caterpillar promised to hire back employees. After Obama's speech, the CEO of Caterpillar got up and said that he just wanted to clarify that whether or not the stimulus package passes, they will continue to lay off people for some time and this hire back will be further in the future and I'm sure that means if this package actually works.....which it won't.
I'm sorry people but this stimulus will not work. Obama promised to look out for the middle class and the low class. So far, he is doing nothing but helping the low class and he is going to crush us middle class folk. The rich will survive but it will be the middle class that suffers.....once again.
If a certain poster is a liar...
(or if anyone is, from the president right on down)...and of course this is fully documented and there is no question about it...and then they ask us to believe a claim of high personal integrity...well, er, that's asking a little too much. One has to wonder, do they believe their own delusions? Do they really think the house of cards is never going to crash down? Or do they just want us to think it?
Personally I prefer a far less complicated arrangement. You intentionally lie, you are bad and no one should respect you anymore until you learn how to tell the truth.
I don't appreciate you calling me a liar
and neocons liars in general (BTW, I'm not a neocon), and I refuse to discuss the gross inaccuracies in the article above with a person who thinks we're all liars. It's blatant waste of time.
Again with the liar. Sheesh is right. NM Would a liar know the truth if they saw it? sm
Nahhhhhhhh....I don't think so. Besides, you continue to skew things. Some of us know that. You aren't fooling anyone.
No, my dear, YOU are the liar.
Scarborough's record is public and well known.
So is the objectivity and blatant refusal to ever tell the truth of Bush and his worshippers.
Bush isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I can see why you love him.
Why don't you go back to the CON board? You're showing your colors more and more with each post, and they ain't a pretty sight.
And so is anyone who can claim to *see* how someone she's never met will celebrate any holiday.
If you want to go into lying....Your #2 guy...we KNOW he is a liar...
so what is the difference? It is on tape and video that he said he would be proud to be on a ticket with John McCain. Certainly not the story he is telling now, is it? So he was lying then or he is lying now. Either way...he's a liar.
What do you expect from a liar?
He's been caught lying through his teeth so what else is there to do but lie? He seems to get by with that easily......
"I was astonished to hear him say that he was surprised I 'didn't have the guts' to do that, because the fact is, the question didn't come up in that fashion," McCain said of the last debate. "I think he's probably ensured it will come up this time."
McCain made clear that he still thinks it's an issue. "It's not that I give a damn about some old washed-up terrorist and his terrorist wife, who in 2001 said they wish they'd bombed more. What I care about, and what the American people care about, is whether he's being truthful."
The consistent problem I see with Barrack Obama is that these sketchy associations pop up and he denies them and then when proof is made that he did know these people or associated with these people or organizations, he will then admit that he did. Like McCain said.....it isn't even the fact that he has associations with these people.....it is the fact that he consistently denies stuff and then turns around and changes his story. That is lying. He is consistently lying.
Ayers was just a guy in his neighborhood until proof came out that they were on a committee together etc. Obviously not the truth, Mr. Obama. Why not be truthful if it wasn't a big deal.
Rev. Wright never said anything like that in the 20 years he went there. Sure...I don't believe that either. As well as the fact that when Rev. Wright was first initially in hot water, Barrack Obama said that he could no sooner denounce Rev. Wright as he could family. Later Barrack denounced him to save his political career.....so another lie from BO.
Acorn....he was not associated with Acorn and now he was their lawyer at one time. He trained their employees. He gave them 800,000 dollars........not associated my rear end.....another lie.
Do you not see a pattern here........lies lies and more lies.
He will look out for the middle class.......lies. He will given 95% of people tax breaks when not every person pays taxes to begin with........lies.........lies...........lies............lies........HELLO......LIES.
on your party as I am a registered democrat -- got my "Are you supporting Obama?" call just last week. I told her then that I was undecided, but over the last few days, I have finally come to a decision. I'm voting McCain.
Your immaturity disproves your credibility (are those words too big for you?).
What are you going to say when you appear in front of God?
With all your lies and being a hypocritical smarta$$???
We'll see who laughs last.
Liar and a crook
As a long time IC there is no way he could forget to pay his self employment taxes...no way at all. I use one of those at home programs and there is a screen for you to input that you are an independent contractor and then it fills out the self employment part. He knew but he just did not pay and got away with it. The IRS even took off his penalties and interest for 2003 and 2004. THey wouldn't do that for you or I. And he didn't pay them until he knew he was being nominated. He's a crook plain and simple but Obama's government is going to be different??? Yeah, right...crooks and thieves all of them.
But calling me a liar when you know nothing about me is...
so mature. At any rate, I did not make bad decisions. We bought the house three years ago (at the height of the market) and still paid less than it is worth today--in a West Coast state, no less. I would say that our decisions were just fine. And we did it without family money. My investment is sound and I will be fine. I just don't care for the fact that people who are defaulting on loans can refinance at lower rates, but if you are a responsible person who pays on time every time, you are SOL. This should irritate you, as well, if what you say is true. My big point was that even though my property assessment by the state went down in value, we will still b e paying more in taxes this year. That was it. And no, I am not lying.