Obama has opened his mouth and stated his opinion
Posted By: whatwillhesay on 2009-01-03
In Reply to: Israel has lauched ground operation...(sm) - Just the big bad
about everything else during this transition, why so silent on Israel?
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Obama said...from his own mouth...to Joe the Plumber....
when Joe said, "Why do you want to tax me more?" to which Obama replied: "It's not that I want to tax you more. I think the guys below Joe deserve a shot too." I agree with that..just not the way Obama wants. They deserve the SAME shot JOE had. Work several years to GET to the point where you can buy a business...like JOE has. Don't TAX the JOES of the world MORE so you can cut people who have not worked that hard a check for which they did NOTHING. That is not fair, gourdpainter. No way is that FAIR.
Why not have a straight across the board percentage tax, no deductions, no NOTHING. Yes, the rich would pay more than the poor because they make more, but it would be FAIR. It would not be taxing any class of people at a HIGHER rate and divying it out to the ones below them who did NOTHING to earn it.
Obama is a socialist. He says so in his plans, he said so to Joe the Plumber. Why aren't you listening?
Yeah, what's wrong with that - only stated what Obama
From Barack Obama's mouth to your ears...
"We are better than this."
Well, we SHOULD be better than this. Can't we leave the name calling and mean spirited personal comments about individuals by the wayside that has nothing to do with the discussion? Especially people impaired by illness? This sounds like a junior high school lunch room.
Get it right...President-elect Barack Obama stated it
was people's choice if they chose to have an abortion. Nevertheless, you live in america and he is your president as well, just go ahead and face the fact. It does not matter whether you trust him or not, he is your president, RESPECT him as such!!!!!!!
I answered you, sam. You are putting words in Obama's mouth
show me where O said he would give rebates to people w/o income and show me where he said they would get a tax break. This question has been answered already. Read the previous post BEFORE you throw out another dodge to my still unanswered question about progressive tax system being socialist, the rebate and your outlandish claims about what you think Obama said.
Nice mouth. You kiss your mother with that mouth? sm
No, and please try and comprehend what I am saying, gt broke the truce when she attacked me. Can you comprehend that? I was staying off your board until I saw that gt actually attacked me in a thread that ended up in a truce with another poster. You are really really not a nice person. I will pray for you.
My opinion is based on what Obama says and does...
not some anonymous right-wing wacko on a silly medical transcription site, who thinks fear mongering is the way to scare people into voting Republican. I get a good chuckle from your silly posts, and they prove wihtout a doubt that I have made the right choice in supporting Barack Omaba for President of these great United States.
You could stand on your head and spit fire, and all that would prove is that you are eligible for the circus!
Barack Obama for President 2008!
Yep, I bet O is going to be so sorry he opened this
It opened fine for me...all 451 pages! nm
Oh, gourdpainter, you opened up a can of worms -
Now, they will start comparing Obama to Satan and warn the world that he is going to change America into He!!
Thanks, that opened and seemed pretty generous to me. n/m
The link opened fine for me.
I just copied the link in its entirety, went up to my address bar, clicked Control V to copy it in, went to the end of the address bar and clicked "Go," and it's the second one down on the left-hand side, entitled, "The Torture Documents are in the Mail."
Hope this helps. 
Change the World.......has opened my eyes to his
Bush opened the door to socialism...
I'll admit that.
And your Obama will take full advantage of it.
You're the one that can't understand, and it's useless to even talk to you at all about it.
Won't even try anymore, just let you go merrily on your way down the socialist path Obama has you on, and he has you right where he wants you.
Ignorant of what he's going to do.
Poster opened Post called "Swine Flu"
Your argument that the above poster was chosing sides is ludicrous. The title of this post is "Swine Flu" and since we are all MTs, why wouldn't she open it to read it to TRY to get some useful information. But that is such a waste of time on this board. I don't blame the above poster, and in fact, I think they are right on target.
I just recieved a package back in the mail OPENED AND EMPTY...
with a letter from the postoffice asking what it was I mailed off so they can search for it. Never had this happen before.
Your opinion of torture is your opinion. Tough
History is history and opinion is opinion. You need to learn the difference.
you stated this better than I could have.
I sickens me how the victims of this disaster are now being blamed and vilified by people on the conservative board!
My son (age 20) told me that he met some people last night who were speaking the same way - in essence, that it was the fault pf the citizens of New Orleans for not getting out in time, etc, that they deserved to not be rescued sooner, and that the government was not to blame at all.
And I'm sure those conservative posters on the other board probably consider themselves good Christians and not racist at all.
Meanwhile, it is apparent that our president could do (or not do) anything at all and they will blindly defend him...
I'm going to focus on the positive and not visit that board at all.
We have sent money to the Red Cross and all my children donated clothes to the Salvation Army. This morning our priest said that some evacuees may be relocating to our area, and our parish will welcome them! These are our brothers and sisters in Christ...
good night and peace to ya'll
As I stated above.......... sm
if this situation were to occur, and it does seem that it is with the advent of ASR, then our line rates would be lowered to those paid to Indian MTS, just as the UAW was offered what is paid to foreign auto workers. I could not survive on 0.05 cpl or less in our economy. I doubt anyone else could either.
I'm really sorry to hear about your hubby's situation. I know anyone in the housing industry is facing much the same situation. There is really not a lot of new house construction going on and there is no much call for a trim carpenter in most commercial building.
My opinion is to bring MT back inhouse and pay us a decent HOURLY salary. We deserve it as much as the next person.
he also stated that he
respects other people's beliefs that are different from his own and supports separation of church and state. I guess all we can learn from this issue is that Joe Biden will never personally have an abortion. Good job, Joe.
As stated above . . .
according to her a heterosexual relationship can be equated to a plastic cup and a turkey baster.
You stated
"My point is proven by your post. You stated that when Obama gets into office, for me to look around and see how many names I can pronounce.. "
This happened under Clinton before Bush. Can't pronounce half the names now. Guess I fell down on my research a bit as I didn't see anything about the "Muslim for Stowe, OH" appointed by Bush.
VERY well stated!! :-) thank you
this is just too awesome on SO many planes!!!
Very Very well Stated
Yes, the moral compasses do seem to change from day to day on here, you are right.
Thank you for this post. It is very well put.
What I do not like is what comes out of her mouth; otherwise she is
is quite pretty to look. Frankly, though, I have never liked real aggressive women like that - had too many in my life cause me too much grief and misery. They shoot their mouths off and then rely on their male partners to take care of the dirty work that needs to be done.
I especially have a negative feeling toward people in general who use their religion to gain power and money.
@$$ 2 mouth is not OK
Tell me - do you eat with that mouth? nm
Excuse me? JM has clearly stated his will be
What would be a lie about verses stated
I stated in my post that I had
posted that below. If you find it a waste of time, please feel free to ignore what I've said instead of being hateful.
Where is that stated, and what does nawnaw mean??
Yes, that is what he stated, but it was not true....
hospitals were allowing babies to die. And that was his SECOND excuse when the first one about Roe v. wade didn't fly. Do you take EVERYthing he says at face value?
You mean 120,000, not 250,000 as stated on Fox news.nm
I do believe that to as I stated in my message
But we have been told over and over that we have been lying about Obama, and these are not the two issues that keep coming up. We ask what lies are we being accused of telling so we can provide credible sources but nobody comes back with anything. Most likely because what we expressed as our fears and the sources we provided were truths.
But they are "credible" as you stated above. sm
yeah, right.
More accurately stated, this is
the disaffected, sour grapes poor-me's, hand-wringing over-wrought imaginary concept of O's plan, courtesty of the eve-of-destruction clan who does not have the courage to depict it accurately or conduct an informed pros-and-cons discussion since they are trying to promote their recently out-voted world view.
What is racist about what the OP stated?
Bristol also stated that she would...
have preferred getting pregnant 10 years later, having finished her college education and having landed a job.
Sounds to me that she was prevented to make her choice.
He stated they have already identified....
numerous projects and programs that are outdated or do not work, which he will be eliminating, that will save us 2 trillion dollars........I believe he will cut our deficit. That savings right there more than pays for the current stimulus bill.
Oh come on! She stated she was nervous.
at that age and up in front of an audience and national TV. Oh please!
And has the mouth to match....sm
I did not put words in your mouth....
if you are pro choice, and if you had to vote on the issue you would vote for it I assume...that means you support abortion. That is the plain and simple fact. There is no law now which states when an abortion has to occur. They can do it any time they get good and ready, beyond three months.
My dear kam, my "religion" does not tell me that a baby has a soul before it is born, my sense of morality and my heart tell me that. And just because you say a baby does not have a soul before it is born, that also does not make it so. If I am going to err, I most certainly would want to err on the side of the child. But that is just me.
Yes, I want state to state decisions to be made. That is what democracy is about. You hawk about choice, choice, choice. Every American should have the right to vote on this question. You want to allow a woman a choice to kill her baby, you don't want to allow me a choice to vote on the matter. Talk about hypocritical. Sheesh.
As you have stated ad nauseam, if a woman wants an abortion, she is going to get one, and I don't think having to travel to another state is going to stop her. Might be a little inconvenient, but I am sure those as liberal pro-choicers could set up buses, etc., to haul those women who want to have their babies killed to wherever they are killing babies.
You say you are not pro abortion...that must mean on some level personally you think it is wrong. That comes from your personal sense of morality, and since you are obviously not a "religious" person it does not come from God (although I do not believe that, but that is neither here nor there and not a discussion for this board). There are many people who are pro life who are not, as you say, "religious." They just believe that killing babies is wrong. The National Right to Life Committee is comprised of many non-"religious" people as well as "religious people." Believe it or not, there are people out there who just believe killing babies is wrong.
As to the SCHIP thing...that has nothing to do with the moral right or wrong of abortion. Why are you so concerned about health care of those children, and not concerned about the millions aborted every year? 98% of which have nothing to do with the health of the mother, rape, or incest? Why not limit abortion to rape, incest, or life of mother in danger? Why use it as a form of birth control? Because that is what 98% of abortions are. And if that is okay with you, so be it. I have a right to be against it, just as you have a right to be for it.
And, by the way, I also have a right to my "religion." Guaranteed by the Constitution of these United States of America. Just like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...there is no proviso "unless you are an inconvenient fetus, then all bets are off."
Have a nice day.
Not what i said at all...please do not put words in my mouth...
I have to say that now that Obama has said to pull out all the troops immediately would not be the thing to do, I feel slightly better about him in that respect. However, to say he would sit down with Admadinejad without any constraints...that worries me. And also what worries me is that in a nuclear proliferation talk when talking about getting rid of your weapons and Ahmadinejad..or Medvedev says basically "you first," he might actually do it.
Third...nuclear nonproliferation will only work if all sides agree. Russia will never give up its nukes. Ahmadinejad will never give up his nukes, certainly of his own free will he won't. Israel cannot give up their nukes..to do so would be suicide. If we give ours up...suicide. And I don't think Obama gets that. Sorry, I just don't. Not a slam..my opinion. And I have to vote on what I think and feel based on all I know...not what any party tells me I should do.
Shut your mouth......Or Else
You can tell as soon as she opens her mouth
I can already see through McCain's tricks. He will play the "too harsh on the little lady" game when it comes to anything to do with Palin. I say he disrespects women because of he didn't care enough to pick a qualified candidate, just selected one he throught may rouse the dems. If he really had respect for women, he would have picked a much, much better woman than Sarah Palin, one who has much more experience and one who "takes care of things at home first."
Obama is articulate; McCain is the same; are you not seeing that?
All he has do to is open his mouth....
and stick his size 13 in it. But I don't see you criticizing him. Franklin Roosevelt on TV after crash in 29...only it was Hoover and no TV at that time. Oh I think that ad is terrible. But it's your ad. We did that? Yes, you did that. Well, then we should take it down. Read my lips, NO CLEAN COAL. Obama is FOR clean coal technology.
Still waiting for your critique of Biden.
Nah, we have to hold our mouth in a
different position in that case. Must have been something else.
Out of Richardson's mouth too (nm)
You must also believe every word out of his mouth, too...nm
Words from his mouth were
in the context of coal being the dirtiest kind of energy and how all energy providers will need to obey guidelines regarding clean air and greenhouse gases, including coal providers.
His "words" were as follow:
"This notion of no coal, I think, is an illusion. We have to figure out how to use coal without emitting greenhouse gases and carbon, how can we sequester that carbon and capture it. If we can't, we will still be working on alternatives."
He said that if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it, that he thinks that is the right approach.
However, if the coal industry wants to continue as is without any changes, they can still build a plant, but it will bankrupt them to do so if they cannot or will not meet the standards that comply with clean air and greenhouse gases.
Clean air, what an evil plan!
But go ahead, spin it, flip it, and toss it around until it's upside down and carries the complete opposite meaning of the original true statement.
Once again, I refer you to the link I posted previously, where the United Mine Workers of America endorse Obama's plan and reveal how McCain twisted it.
If the United Mine Workers of America are okay with his plan, then so am I. 