Obama campaign discarded 84 trash bags full of American flags...sm
Posted By: ms on 2008-09-06
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after they left Invesco field, after the DNC convention.
You tell me, after reading this article.....who has more character, and who is more patriotic? I feel as if the flag has been spit upon, 12,000 times.
Night and day, my friends. Night and day, between these two candidates.
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Obama's campaign called McCain's campaign.
This was reported an hour or two before McCain had his little news conference. Shouldn't take to heart too much of what McCain says as he is a known liar.
Old news -- instead of trash-talking Obama
 I haven't heard any initiatives out of him yet! Just the trash-talking!
Got tea bags?
Unfortunately, Obama's speech was full of lies
Well...Michelle Obama works full time now...
as does her husband, and their children look beautiful, healthy and well adjusted.
Actually, I believe just the opposite. I believe being governor, actually running a state, is much more of a day-to-day demanding position. Still, she is home most every night. As VP, she will be home most every night. Michelle Obama works full time too, but she is home most every night. As First Lady, Michelle will be required to travel as well...Laura Bush has traveled quite a bit as first lady.
I believe Sarah Palin can handle it and not deprive her children. I also believe that Michelle Obama could handle it just fine and not deprive her chldren. They are both strong women who have a wonderful support system and love their husbands and families...which I don't think precludes them having a career...either as and administrator like michelle obama, or as first lady; and Sarah Palin as governor or VP.
And I think a majority of women in the country would agree with that as well.
Obama campaign
Obama opened a campaign headquarters in our town and one of the first things they did was to put a large poster in the window stating "Felons CAN vote." After an uproar, the sign was taken down, but it left a bad taste in a lot of mouths.
Right, Obama said already during his campaign that
he will bring troops home from Iraq and send more troops to Afghanistan, because there the Taliban is gaining strength again, also Pakistan is increasingly involved, as the Taliban are hiding inside Pakistan, alongside the border.
It 'sizzles' in Afghanistan.
Geez.....Obama has a CAMPAIGN ad....
about issuing a windfall profits tax on oil companies (private profits, earned) and redistributing that to people as a freebie who did nothing to earn it. I didn't make that up. His campaign ad says it very clearly, in his own voice, and then it says "I am Barack Obama and I approved this message." An yes, they run the ad on Fox too, as well as most of the networks.
I have read his tax plan. What I didn't read is how he intends to pay for it. I would be asking the same questions if Hillary was running and saying the same things. But she isn't. He is.
Obama has lobbyists on his campaign as well...
and until recently, Joe Biden's son was a paid lobbyist for several years in Washington and did several deals with dad.
Lobbyists on both sides. Obama worked with lobbyists in Chicago.
Then I take it if Obama had suspended his campaign first...
your post would have been: Not me for a minute! Foolish middle-aged man!
lol sigh
Obama's Subliminal Ad Campaign
Does anyone else find it kind of creepy that Obama is paying to imbed ads in video games?
Or that Major League Baseball has agreed to postpost game 6 of the World Series so Obama can air a 30-minute informercial on all three major stations? (He already wants to kill the American Dream. Now he wants to postpone the American pasttime?)
Or that Obama is outspending McCain 8-to-1? And we're supposed to buy that he's going to cut back spending and balance the budget?
It seems like O's answer to everything is to throw more money at the problem. Tax, tax, tax. Spend, spend, spend.
It looks like we'll finally find out how much it costs to buy an election in America.
Well, I was a contributor to Obama's campaign...(sm)
As a matter of fact, when I checked my e-mail yesterday, there was a note from the DNC asking for donations for the purpose of eliminating the deficit from the election cycle. My guess is that we will now be contributing for Hillary, as we should be, and we will be.
Obama's whole campaign has been hype and hysteria...
lol. Good grief.
That should be Obama's new campaign song - Desparado
Sure fits their campaing right now.
When I said "your campaign" I meant Obama put it from his...
campaign...that is different from someone's supporters putting something out without the stamp of approval of the campaign. I did not mean you personally. Unless you are running for office, you don't have a campaign. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
As far as voter fraud...looks like it is not only the GOP:
The union supporting, Democratic Party pushing, extreme leftist Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has been caught trying to jerry-rig voter applications in Michigan. It is looking like fraud on a massive scale in Detroit as ACORN tries to fill the Democrat voter rolls with fake Democrat voters.
ACORN is being investigated after several Municipal Clerks discovered fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications.
The majority of the fraudulent and duplicate applications are coming from the liberal ACORN group based in Detroit, Michigan, which now has ACORN investigating the problem once again as well as the Secretary of State’s Office turning over some of those applications to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
And it isn’t just Detroit that has found fraud being perpetrated by ACORN.
In recent years, ACORN’s voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Missouri and Washington, with some employees convicted of voter fraud.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is also reporting that the Obama campaign has been forced to amend a report to reflect over $800,000 of previously unreported ACORN donations to his campaign.
ACORN is at the heart of one of the most massive voter fraud campaigns in American history. ACORN is intimate with Barack Obama and is a major supporter of unions throughout the country and is doing its level best (and illegally at that) trying to assure that Obama wins this election.
Have not heard Obama say much about this...but I guess he can't until he returns their money.
Am still researching if McCain has said anything about the GOP shenanigans...which if true, is just as bad and neither side should be doing it. But again, it appears as if both sides are.
Obama campaign cracks down on misleading TV ads...sm
I can find no liberal comments on this, either blogs or liberal media. So my guess is that liberals think this is okay to do and enforce.
The first link below is the local Missouri spot on their website
Obama campaign cracks down on misleading TV ads
The Obama campaign welcomes the investigation. nm
I get emails daily from the Obama campaign. nm
President Obama campaign promises
I hope our new President does go to work for our jobs, meaning all American jobs, as he promised. I did hear him make that promise, but it is not necessarily looking good at this point. To see his offshoring comments, can be seen at www.loudobbs.com.
How do flags go from dumpsters to storage?
Bush and Company ignored the red flags!
The Bush administration was notified about Moussaoui wanting to learn to fly but not to land, and they totally ignored it. There was a lot intelligence information prior to 9/11 that was ignored, yet some people on this forum continue to thank George Bush for keeping us safe. Personally, I think Bush deserves much of the blame for 9/11.
Obama campaign sets record for democrat
ACTION ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAT WORDS, and what transpired this June 30 for the Obama presidential campaign speak volumes for anyone who knows a mote about USA politics! Even though Obama has not and will not accept a single dime from any high-powerful, super rich and corrupting lobbyist; and even though his support base include many ordinary common people of all races and poor small contributors, still he managed to set an ALL TIME record for the most money that a democrat has ever raise in a six month period - not to mention that he is black, a person with Muslim roots, a upstart first term Senator, and an opposer to the Iraq war! This indeed is phenomenal, and a sign that indeed Obama’s campaign is a force to be reckoned with. He said that he has the largest grassroots campaign in history and now, few can muster the courage to try to dispel or argue against his claim.
All I can hope is the Obama campaign picks up this mantra...
because if they do, they are toast and we won't have to do a thing. Do you honestly think there are no parents of pregnant teenagers out there who VOTE? Just keep on spreading this seething judgmental condemnation. Just keep on. It should be copied and pasted onto blogs...what Obama supporters will sink to. What a good idea.
I think I will start now.
Obama campaign gave over 800K dollars
Amazing garbage by the Obama campaign you are fine with....
and dirty doesn't even come close. Have a man investigated because he asked a question?? Talk about UNAmerican. Where is the ACLU? Where are all you liberal civil rights folks?? Where is the outrage? Geez. THAT is truly amazing.
Obama's Campaign to Return Aunt's Contributions.... sm
By Matthew Mosk The campaign of Sen. Barack Obama will refund a small number of contributions made by Obama's aunt, who has been living in the United States illegally, according to a published report.
The woman, Zeituni Onyango, lives in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama's late father.
The Associated Press reported today that Obama's aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya.
Obama campaign reports filed with the Federal Election Commission show Onyango gave $265 to the campaign. Foreign nationals are not permitted to donate to American presidential campaigns.
"Given the information that has been brought to our attention, the contributions are being refunded," Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, told The Washington Post this morning.
The campaign told the AP that Obama was not aware that questions had been raised about his aunt's legal status.
"Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed," the statement said, according to the AP.
"No knowledge of her status." Why does that not surprise me? A man who is so "family oriented" and has such a wonderful extended family with which he goes to Kenya to visit and strengthen his roots with, yet he has no clue as to what their "status" is. 
Obama's top three health care campaign lies
By Phil Kerpen
Lie Number 1: I Won’t Tax Your Health Benefits
What Obama said on the campaign trail (Newport News, Va., October 4, 2008):
“So here’s John McCain’s radical plan in a nutshell: he taxes health care benefits for the first time in history… Well, I don’t think that’s right.”
What Obama says now:
Obama ally Sen. Max Baucus told the Washington Post that Obama is now willing to tax employer-provided health benefits. Baucus said: “Yeah, it’s something that he might consider. That was discussed. It’s on the table.”
Limiting or ending the tax-free status of health benefits makes sense if it’s used to cut other taxes and put all health insurance—employer-provided or not—on a level playing field. The existing benefit is an artifact of World War II-era price controls and creates a tax penalty for people who buy their own insurance.
But unlike the McCain plan, which would have taxed employer-provided health benefits and used the money to pay for a new health care tax credit, the plan now being considered by Democrats, including Obama, would tax employer-health benefits to fund increased government health care spending. For the 250 million-plus Americans who already have health insurance, this is a raw deal—they pay more taxes and get nothing in return.
Lie Number 2: I Won’t Force You to Buy Health Insurance
What Obama said on the campaign trail (Janesville, Wis., February 13, 2008):
“The main difference between my plan and Senator Clinton’s plan is that she’d require the government to force you to buy health insurance and she said she’d ‘go after’ your wages if you don’t.”
What Obama says now:
President Obama sent a letter to Democratic Senators Ted Kennedy and Max Baucus yesterday that says—using the new code word “responsibility” to refer to the same kind of mandate he slammed in Hillary’s plan:
“I understand the Committees are moving towards a principle of shared responsibility — making every American responsible for having health insurance coverage, and asking that employers share in the cost. I share the goal of ending lapses and gaps in coverage that make us less healthy and drive up everyone’s costs, and I am open to your ideas on shared responsibility.”
While President Obama did say he would like a waiver process in hardship cases, there is no reason to have a mandate other than to force people to buy insurance who don’t want to, mostly young people who are healthy and want to spend their limited income on their young careers and families. According to the Census Bureau, about 60 percent of the uninsured are under age 35, with the highest rates in the 18-24 bracket (28.1 percent uninsured) and the 25-34 (25.7 percent uninsured) bracket. This is about forcing some people who don’t want health insurance to pay for other people through a new government program. It’s more spreading the wealth around.
President Obama is poised to accept this provision for the same reason Sen. Clinton proposed it—to buy off insurance companies. Democrats learned a lesson from the 1993 HillaryCare fight when the insurance companies stopped a Washington health care takeover. The mandate is a giveaway to insurance companies to buy their support this time by forcing healthy young people who use less health care to pay insurance premiums.
Lie Number 3: If You Aren’t Rich, I Won’t Raise Your Taxes
What Obama said on the campaign trail (September 12, 2008, Dover, N.H.):
“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”
What Obama says now:
Well, it’s hard to keep up because new ideas are floated every day, but they all would involve taxing people who make less than $250,000. In fact, even his income tax hikes for the rich have now been dropped down to start at $235,000. Then there’s the soft drink excise tax, the cap-and-trade energy taxes, and most recently the VAT, a form of national sales tax. And of course the tax on health benefits I mentioned above would also break the only-tax-the-rich pledge.
What all these proposals have in common: we all pay, big-time, likely trillions of dollars in higher taxes for “free” government health care. In fact, that’s probably the biggest lie of all—that government health care is free.
Dems throw flags in garbage
Click the link below. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How unpatriotic.
Thrown Away Flags Story False
Days before the anniversary of September 11, on the same morning that John McCain and Barack Obama released a joint statement pledging to avoid politics in light of the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, McCain's campaign accused Democrats of throwing away 12,000 American flags.
"The campaign says the flags were recovered from Invesco Field after the Democrats concluded their convention there," Fox News reported, "and they are going to be used as part of the warm-up ceremonies before McCain takes the stage" for a rally in Colorado Springs, Col.
But according to a senior official involved in organizing the Democratic convention, the McCain camp is simply lying about the flags.
"All of the flags at Invesco were picked up and put in bags and into storage, along with the unused flags and campaign signs. The flags were going to be donated, and the signs were going to be sent out to be used elsewhere," the official said, speaking anonymously since he was not authorized to talk to the press.
Fox News' Carl Cameron and Bonney Kapp reported that they had "been told" that "a vendor at Invesco Field found the flags, which were going to be thrown out, and turned them over to the McCain campaign."
The Democratic convention official says that's not true.
"It's pretty reprehensible on their part," he said. "Someone made an assumption, took the flags, and essentially lied about what was going to happen to them. I mean, c'mon, we were never ever going to throw out flags."
Emails to three McCain spokespersons inquiring where the flags were found and how the McCain campaign obtained them were not returned.
UPDATE: DNC spokeswoman Karen Finney issues a statement: "American flags were proudly waved by the 75,000 people who joined Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention. John McCain should applaud that, but instead his supporters wrongfully took leftover bundles of our flags from the stadium to play a cheap political stunt calling into question our patriotism. On the same day he agrees to join Barack Obama at Ground Zero on September 11, John McCain attacks the patriotism of Obama supporters who so proudly waved the American flag at our historic event in Denver just days ago."
Just wait a minute. The flags were reported
Obama. He knows the American people
want to see a debate between the two people who are running for president, one of whom will inheret a BIG MESS. McCain hasn't worried about voting for anything in a looonnnngggg time. This is all a ploy, and he GOTCHA! Teehee.
Obama campaign launches voter fraud web site
Explain this: credit card fraud from Obama campaign
ct 14 2008 12:00AM http://sayanythingblog.com/index.php
Keep a close eye on your credit card bills this election season lest you end up paying for a contribution you didn’t approve to a political candidate you don’t support
A North Kansas City couple has been left scratching their heads after they became the victims of a political scam
Steve and Rachel Larman say a strange credit card charge appeared on their statement this month ? a $2300 donation to Barack Obama?s presidential campaign. The Larman?s say they don?t want this to be about their political affiliation, but they say they?re not about to give the Obama campaign any help from their pocketbook
They said they notified Chase, their credit card bank, to report the fraud
?(They) said that they had seen-they were familiar with this,? said Steve Larman. ?It was fraud, they believe through telemarketing but they were going to be doing some more investigations.? The Larman?s don?t want their politics to enter into what is essentially just a fraudulent charge. But they say that the charge involves the Obama campaign adds insult to injury for the registered Republicans
?They (Chase) kept on asking me ?are you sure you wouldnt have gone to a site in support of Obama?,? said Rachel Larman. ?And I repeatedly said ?Im voting for McCain - I would not be going to an Obama site?.?
Chase dropped the charge from the Larman?s card. The couple is thankful thay they caught the charge on the card, but worried that others may not see that type of fraud on their own credit cards before it?s too late.
This wasn’t just some random prankster. $2,300 is the exact amount of the maximum any individual can give to a federal candidate for office
Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden...sm
Seems like if any news source asks any tough questions, and not softball easy ones, that the Obama campaign cuts them off.
Sounds like Socialism 101 to me....silence any nonbelievers at all costs
Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden
posted by halboedeker on Oct 24, 2008 11:12:15 AM
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WFTV-Channel 9's Barbara West conducted a satellite interview with Sen. Joe Biden on Thursday. A friend says it's some of the best entertainment he's seen recently. What do you think?
West wondered about Sen. Barack Obama's comment, to Joe the Plumber, about spreading the wealth. She quoted Karl Marx and asked how Obama isn't being a Marxist with the "spreading the wealth" comment.
"Are you joking?" said Biden, who is Obama's running mate. "No," West said.
West later asked Biden about his comments that Obama could be tested early on as president. She wondered if the Delaware senator was saying America's days as the world's leading power were over.
"I don't know who's writing your questions," Biden shot back.
Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife.
"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.
McGinnis said the Biden cancellation was "a result of her husband's experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West."
Here's a link to the interview: http://www.wftv.com/video/17790025/index.html.
WFTV news director Bob Jordan said, "When you get a shot to ask these candidates, you want to make the most of it. They usually give you five minutes."
Jordan said political campaigns in general pick and choose the stations they like. And stations often pose softball questions during the satellite interviews.
"Mr. Biden didn't like the questions," Jordan said. "We choose not to ask softball questions."
Jordan added, "I'm crying foul on this one."
Is it true that Obama's website has scrubbed his 25 campaign promises? sm
I heard they are no longer there, and have been scrubbed off. I looked and can't find them.
Any thoughts on this, or am I looking in the wrong place?
Some Obama campaign promises are put on hold as the economy sinks
More doom and gloom, and more campaign promises will not be kept.
Is it just me, or does our President Elect look less and less, with each passing day, like the man that so many put into this office....and more and more like the rest of knew him to be?
Some Obama campaign promises are put on hold as the economy sinks
Sunday, January 11th 2009, 4:00 AM
Tackling the troubled economy is going to require Americans to sacrifice - and it means some campaign promises will have to be put on hold, President-elect Barack Obama says.
"Everybody's going to have to give. Everybody's going to have to have some skin in the game," Obama said on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" set to air this morning.
Obama's comments came as the President-elect, who takes office Jan. 20, responded to a new national unemployment report by saying in his weekly address Saturday that he'll save or create 3 million to 4 million new jobs.
"Our challenge is going to be identifying what works and putting more money into that, eliminating things that don't work and making things that we have more efficient," Obama said on ABC. "I want to be realistic here. Not everything that we talked about during the campaign are we going to be able to do on the pace we had hoped."
Obama agreed that his administration is going to involve some version of a "grand bargain" - changes in areas like tax reform, Social Security and Medicare will come at a cost.
Addressing the nation as his team released figures on the job situation, Obama said in his weekly radio and video address that 90% of the jobs will be created in the private sector. The remainder are "mainly public sector jobs" such as teachers, cops and firefighters.
The report released by Obama's team Saturday projected the creation of 678,000 new construction jobs and 408,000 manufacturing jobs by next year under an estimated $775 billion stimulus plan.
Among the sources of the new jobs Obama cited: designing more efficient cars and building solar panels, infrastructure roles such as repairing roads and bridges, and jobs in the health care and education sectors.
Obama said economists predict that if Congress doesn't agree on a large-scale stimulus plan, the U.S. will shed as many as 4 million jobs before the recession comes to an end.
Obama also vowed to procure "bipartisan extensions of unemployment insurance and health care coverage" and a $1,000 tax cut for 95% of working families.
"Given the magnitude of the challenges we face, none of this will come easy. Recovery won't happen overnight, and it's likely that things will get worse before they get better," Obama warned.
Funny i heard the exact same line from the Obama campaign spokespeople...
this morning. Almost word for word. I would think being endorsed by an outfit under investigation for voter fraud in 10-12 and more states every day would not be a good thing...but that's just me.
Well as far as voter fraud my friend...so far it is all ACORN all the time, and ACORN is not registering Republicans. For a supposedly "neutral" voter organization....kinda tells the tale, don't you think?
I heard 1 time during this entire cycle about possible Republican voter fraud and that was on the part of 1 man. This is a coordinated, organized effort to steal an election.
Excuse me...in Ohio they registered and voted in a single day so there HAVE been votes cast. And when law enforcement investigates or indicts on voter fraud...they are pretty sure fraud occurred. ACORN has even owned up to the fact that yes, there will be fraud, but they can't monitor the people they hired (felons on work release in one state) and can't check every registration.
Obama DOES have a relationship with them. He spoke at their convention last year. He worked with them on Project Vote and helped train the folks going out to register.
Give him a pass, I don't care. Just don't call people cowardly or hate filled because they aren't on the Obama train. That makes you look hate-filled and cowardly...same thing you accuse others of.
An American businessman's letter to Obama...sm
An American businessman's letter to Obama
Posted on Saturday, October 25, 2008 05:06:19 by tnye
Mr. Obama,
Given the uproar about the simple question asked you by Joe the plumber, and the persecution that has been heaped on him because he dared to question you, I find myself motivated to say a few things to you myself. While Joe aspires to start a business someday, I already have started not one, but 4 businesses. But first, let me introduce myself. You can call me "Cory the well driller". I am a 54 year old high school graduate. I didn't go to college like you, I was too ready to go "conquer the world" when I finished high school. 25 years ago at age 29, I started my own water well drilling business at a time when the economy here in East Texas was in a tailspin from the crash of the early 80's oil boom. I didn't get any help from the government, nor did I look for any. I borrowed what I could from my sister, my uncle, and even the pawn shop and managed to scrape together a homemade drill rig and a few tools to do my first job. My businesses did not start as a result of privilege. They are the result of my personal drive, personal ambition, self discipline, self reliance, and a determination to treat my customers fairly. From the very start my business provided one other (than myself) East Texan a full time job. I couldn't afford a backhoe the first few years (something every well drilling business had), so I and my helper had to dig the mud pits that are necessary for each and every job with hand shovels. I had to use my 10 year old, 1/2 ton pickup truck for my water tank truck (normally a job for at least a 2 ton truck).
A year and a half after I started the business, I scraped together a 20% down payment to get a modest bank loan and bought a (28 year) old, worn out, slightly bigger drilling rig to allow me to drill the deeper water wells in my area. I spent the next few years drilling wells with the rig while simultaneously rebuilding it between jobs. Through these years I never knew from one month to the next if I would have any work or be able to pay the bills. I got behind on my income taxes one year, and spent the next two years paying that back (with penalty and interest) while keeping up with ongoing taxes. I got behind on my water well supply bill 2 different years (way behind the second time... $80,000.00), and spent over a year paying it back (each time) while continuing to pay for ongoing supplies C.O.D.. Of course, the personal stress endured through these experiences and years is hard to measure. I do have a stent in my heart now to memorialize it all.
I spent the next 10 years developing the reputation for being the most competent and most honest water well driller in East Texas. 2 years along the way, I hired another full time employee for the drilling business so that we could provide full time water well pump service as well as the well drilling. Also, 3 years along the path, I bought a water well screen service machine from a friend, starting business # 2. 5 years later I made a business loan for $100,000.00 to build a new, higher production, computer controlled screen service machine. I had designed the machine myself, and it didn't work out for 3 years so I had to make the loan payments without the benefit of any added income from the new machine. No government program was there to help me with the payments, or to help me sleep at night as I lay awake wondering how I would solve my machine problems or pay my bills. Finally, after 3 years, I got the screen machine working properly, and that provided another full time job for an East Texan in the screen service business.
2 years after that, I made another business loan, this time for $250,000.00, to buy another used drilling rig and all the support equipment needed to run another, larger, drill rig. This provided another 2 full time jobs for East Texans. Again, I spent a couple of years not knowing if I had made a smart move, or a move that would bankrupt me. For the third time in 13 years, I had placed everything I owned on the line, risking everything, in order to build a business.
A couple of years into this, I came up with a bright idea for a new kind of mud pump, a fundamentally necessary pump used on water well drill rigs. I spent my entire life savings to date (just $30,000.00), building a prototype of the pump and took it to the national water well convention to show it off. Customers immediately started coming out of the woodworks to buy the pumps, but there was a problem. I had depleted my assets making the prototype, and nobody would make me a business loan to start production of the new pumps. With several deposits for pump orders in hand, and nowhere to go, I finally started applying for as many credit card as I could find and took cash withdrawals on these cards to the tune of over $150,000.00 (including modest loans from my dear sister and brother), to get this 3rd business going.
Yes, once again, I had everything hanging over the line in an effort to start another business. I had never manufactured anything, and I had to design and bring into production a complex hydraulic machine from an untested prototype to a reliable production model (in six months). How many nights I lay awake wondering if I had just made the paramount mistake of my life I cannot tell you, but there were plenty. I managed to get the pumps into production, which immediately created another 2 full time jobs in East Texas. Some of the models in the first year suffered from quality issues due to the poor workmanship of one of my key suppliers, so I and an employee (another East Texan employed) had to drive across the country to repair customers' pumps, practically from coast to coast. I stood behind the product, and made payments to all the credit cards that had financed me (and my brother and sister). I spent the next 5 years improving and refining the product, building a reputation for the pump and the company, working to get the pump into drill rig manufacturers' product lines, and paying back credit cards. During all this time I continued to manage a growing water well business that was now operating 3 drill rig crews, and 2 well service crews. Also, the screen service business continued to grow. No government programs were there to help me, Mr. Obama, but that's ok, I didn't expect any, nor did I want any. I was too busy fighting to make success happen to sit around waiting for the government to help me.
Now, we have been manufacturing the mud pumps for 7 years, my combined businesses employ 32 full time employees, and distribute $5,000,000.00 annually through the local economy. Now, just 4 months ago I borrowed $1,254,000.00, purchasing computer controlled machining equipment to start my 4th business, a production machine shop. The machine shop will serve the mud pump company so that we can better manufacture our pumps that are being shipped worldwide. Of course, the machine shop will also do work for outside companies as well. This has already produced 2 more full time jobs, and 2 more should develop out of it in the next few months. This should work out, but if it doesn't it will be because you, and the other professional politicians like yourself, will have destroyed our countrys' (and the world) economy with your meddling with mortgage loan programs through your liberal manipulation and intimidation of loaning institutions to make sure that unqualified borrowers could get mortgages. You see, at the very time when I couldn't get a business loan to get my mud pumps into production, you were working with Acorn and the Community Reinvestment Act programs to make sure that unqualified borrowers could buy homes with no down payment, and even no credit or worse yet, bad credit. Even the infamous, liberal, Ninja loans (No Income, No Job or Assets). While these unqualified borrowers were enjoying unrealistically low interest rates, I was paying 22% to 24% interest on the credit cards that I had used to provide me the funds for the mud pump business that has created jobs for more East Texans. It's funny, because after 25 years of turning almost every dime of extra money back into my businesses to grow them, it has been only in the last two years that I have finally made enough money to be able to put a little away for retirement, and now the value of that has dropped 40% because of the policies you and your ilk have perpetrated on our country.
You see, Mr. Obama, I'm the guy you intend to raise taxes on. I'm the guy who has spent 25 years toiling and sweating, fretting and fighting, stressing and risking, to build a business and get ahead. I'm the guy who has been on the very edge of bankruptcy more than a dozen times over the last 25 years, and all the while creating more and more jobs for East Texans who didn't want to take a risk, and would not demand from themselves what I have demanded from myself. I'm the guy you characterize as "the Americans who can afford it the most" that you believe should be taxed more to provide income redistribution "to spread the wealth" to those who have never toiled, sweated, fretted, fought, stressed, or risked anything. You want to characterize me as someone who has enjoyed a life of privilege and who needs to pay a higher percentage of my income than those who have bought into your entitlement culture. I resent you, Mr. Obama, as I resent all who want to use class warfare as a tool to advance their political career. What's worse, each year more Americans buy into your liberal entitlement culture, and turn to the government for their hope of a better life instead of themselves. Liberals are succeeding through more than 40 years of collaborative effort between the predominant liberal media, and liberal indoctrination programs in the public school systems across our land.
What is so terribly sad about this is this. America was made great by people who embraced the one-time American culture of self reliance, self motivation, self determination, self discipline, personal betterment, hard work, risk taking. A culture built around the concept that success was in reach of every able bodied American who would strive for it. Each year that less Americans embrace that culture, we all descend together. We descend down the socialist path that has brought country after country ultimately to bitter and unremarkable states. If you and your liberal comrades in the media and school systems would spend half as much effort cultivating a culture of can-do across America as you do cultivating your entitlement culture, we could see Americans at large embracing the conviction that they can elevate themselves through personal betterment, personal achievement, and self reliance. You see, when people embrace such ideals, they act on them. When people act on such ideals, they succeed. All of America could find herself elevating instead of deteriorating. But that would eliminate the need for liberal politicians, wouldn't it, Mr. Obama? The country would not need you if the country was convinced that problem solving was best left with individuals instead of the government. You and all your liberal comrades have got a vested interested in creating a dependent class in our country. It is the very business of liberals to create an ever expanding dependence on government. What's remarkable is that you, who have never produced a job in your life, are going to tax me to take more of my money and give it to people who wouldn't need my money if they would get off their entitlement mentality asses and apply themselves at work, demand more from themselves, and quit looking to liberal politicians to raise their station in life.
You see, I know because I've had them work for me before. Hundreds of them over these 25 years. People who simply will not show up to work on time. People who just will not work 5 days in a week, much less, 6 days. People always looking for a way to put less effort out. People who actually tell me that they would do more if I just would first pay them more. People who take off work to sit in government offices to apply to get free government handouts (gee, I wonder how things would have turned out for them if they had spent that time earning money and pleasing their employer?). You see, all of this comes from your entitlement mentality culture.
Oh, I know you will say I am uncompassionate. Sorry, Mr. Obama, wrong again. You see, I've seen what the average percentage of your income has been given to charities over the years of 2000 to 2004 (ignoring the years you started running for office - can you pronounce "politically motivated"), you averaged less than 1% annually. And your running mate, Joe Biden, averaged less than ¼% of his annual income in charitable contributions over the last 10 years. Like so many liberals, the two of you want to give to the needy, just as long as it is someone else's money you are giving to them. I won't say what I have given to charities over the last 25 years, but the percentage is several times more than you and Joe Biden. combined (don't you just hate google?). Tell me again how you feel my pain.
In short, Mr. Obama, your political philosophies represent everything that is wrong with our country. You represent the culture of government dependence instead of self reliance; Entitlement mentality instead of personal achievement; Penalization of the successful to reward the unmotivated; Political correctness instead of open mindedness and open debate. If you are successful, you may preside over the final transformation of America from being the greatest and most self-reliant culture on earth, to just another country of whiners and wimps, who sit around looking to the government to solve their problems. Like all of western Europe. All countries on the decline. All countries that, because of liberal socialistic mentalities, have a little less to offer mankind every year.
God help us...
Cory Miller
just a ordinary, extraordinary American, the way a lot of Americans used to be.
P.S. Yes, Mr. Obama, I am a real American... www.cmillerdrilling.com
Don't want a fight, just want to ask, Does Obama respect the American Flag?
I saw this picture of his airplane before the makeover

and here it is after the makeover

His "symbol" "slogan" "trademark" or whateverthatis replaced the flag. I'm
sorry but I just don't understand why unless he has no respect for it.
Can someone explain without getting upset; just explain it.
I have heard Obama say that every American will have health insurance
and while that is a lovely thought, it is not a realistic one. Look what happened with children in Hawaii. People began dropping their own private insurance in favor of the public insurance and caused the system to fail. Unfortunately, health care is expensive and cannot be guaranteed by the government without a price. I think that it is a nice plan, but will ultimately fail because we have a lot of lazy people who think that Obama is going to be their goose that laid the golden eggs. It's as if some people here (and it is the deep south) believe that if they vote for Obama, he is going to ensure that everyone drives a Cadillac and eats lobster. It is silly and unfortunate. These people are still living in FEMA trailers. Did you know some people actually steal them? Now--don't get me wrong, I am sure that there are some hard luck stories of people with health problems and such that cannot get out of their FEMA trailers, but the vast majority of them are just lazy. It has been three years.. but I digress. I think that radical government change happens very slowly and Obama is ushering it in. My opinion. Feel free to disagree, but I feel that these programs are stepping stones. Oh--and TriCare is the military plan.
Obama is a natural-born American...see message
Now you can sleep well. I'm not voting for Obama, but I can't stand it when people stir crap up that isn't true.
OBAMA WON, the American people have spoken loudly
Question..... if Obama is so worried about American jobs
being lost, then why hasn't he enforced E-Verify and stop letting illegals take American jobs? Why hasn't he enforced closing the borders and deporting all the illegals locked up in our prisons right now, the ones I feed, clothe, and shelter while they sit in gangs and run the prisons. Why hasn't he stopped all outsiders from entering this country to work and take ANY American jobs, even on a work visa? Why isn't E-Verify being enforced? He doesn't seem to worried about all the real issues, which is allowing illegals and foreigners on work visas to come and take the jobs. Strange, no democrat is talking about that. NO ONE is talking about that. There is currently a bill on the Senate floor that will allow 300,000 illegals to take construction jobs in OUR country.....you know what bill that is? The stimulus package.. funny how no one is talking about what few jobs will be developed will be given to illegals. There will be absolutely no enforcement that will see that ONLY Americans get those jobs.
How come no O lovers are concerned about that?
just as i hope African American's aren't voting for Obama for that reason!
NM (i suppose that means "no more"? or something) im still a bit new to the board!
The American people didn't listen to the anti Obama sentiments sm
That Ayers crapola is not applicable. All that bashing of Obama is over SOUR GRAPES BABY!!! WE WON, YES WE CAN, YES WE DID
You think he's full of himself? Well, I think you're full of something else. SM
Something brown. You think on it for a couple of months and I bet you'll figure it out.
I was brought up Buy American made products, keep American jobs.
Always bought American made cars and bought products from companies where my family was employed. Now look at America? We are definitely connected all around the world.
My feeling? Obama states he wants to start from the poor upward. Not the other way around like it has been for quite awhile. That to me does not necessarily mean just in America, but around the world by taking the poorest countries and working upward so America's pay wages and everything else will be so low and comparable to the poorest countries. After all, we are now connected together.
Cannot wait to see what will happen with the Swine flu this fall with the second wave and what it will do to the economy of all the countries combined at once.
Any child born to American parents is an American -
I am sorry, but I respectfully disagree with you - any child born to American parents is an American even if they are born overseas. The birth has to be registered with the United States, but they are still an American even if they are born in the foreign hospital.
I have 2 cousins who were born in Japan and they have no problems at all being "American".
I guess that black smut on my fireplace needs to be put in the trash.......after all, it's sitting around and not accomplishing a thing
And more trash......
I guess that white toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe needs to be flushed as it is just dragging me down and is the subject of ridicule.
Trailer trash?
Unfortunately for you, my dear, your use of the expression "trailer trash" negates any of your statements as worthwhile. It's rather comical how you rant about the evils of someone with ambition and goals in one sentence, and then in the next sentence insult all those who live in a trailer park. I guess I'm guilty of a little prejudice myself, as anyone who calls anyone "trailer trash" I consider that person a "snob", and a much less desirable person than the one who lives in a trailer park. It's a juvenile and over-used term and actually reveals a flaw in YOUR character.