Obama/Biden ticket wins, more dems elected to congress...sm
Posted By: my take on 2008-09-22
In Reply to: A Realist's Observation... - Sara
and something will FINALLY get done.
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If the McCain-Palin ticket wins...sm
the actuarial tables say McCain has 1 in 5 chance of dying in office and Palin becoming president. Oh, no, Mr. Bill ! !
Palin wins hands down 73% to Biden 25%
Way to go Gov. Palin! Bright, confident, knowlegeable, cheerful, intelligent, aware of what's gone wrong with our economy and how to fix it, knows foreign politics, knows the voting records of Obama, Biden & McCain. Knows how to help the every day americans get ahead in life. Smart on education, highly intelligent about being energy independent. Knows that America needs to take back Washington and make it work for us and knows how to get it done. Already has the experience of being governor. Anyone notice that whenever she said that Obama/Biden would raise your taxes Biden never said disagreed. Gov. Palin connects with everyone and that will come out. Biden made at least 6 mistatements tonight and I think Americans will see that Obama/Biden will say anything thinking they'll get people's votes. I'm waiting for them to come out with Clinton's old line "I feel your pain".
Gov. Sarah Palin is going to be very good as Vice President Sarah Palin. I can't wait! 
Biden is the biggest fool out there this campaign, wins hands down.nm
Yep, the dems in congress won't do anything
until they have a dem as president. They know if they do something positive, such as helping us with our oil/energy problem, Bush will get the credit and they won't stand for that.
That is the facts people and it is so unbelievably ridiculous that these people who we vote in and pay 6-figure salaries to won't do their job. It's a huge joke and it scares the crap out of me.
Dems are in control in Congress
If you're looking for someone to blame, you're going to have a short walk to the nearest mirror for voting those boys into power.
Dems never had control of congress.....
With Cheney's vote and the veto pen - but that's convenient to ignore, isn't it? All about family values? right? No child left behind? Sure, uh-huh. Talk about swallowing the Kool-Aid - all that Rovian campaigning propaganda brought Kool-Aid to new heights.
oh and by the way....you Dems have had a majority in Congress for awhile now...
and what has been accomplished? Why haven't you been busy overturning every ill those nasty Repubs have done? LOL...Congress has even a lower rating with the public than Bush does..do the math, if you can. lol.
oh, yeah? like the Dems in congress? with lower
Apparently the dems in congress are not more concerned...
about the economic crisis. They have enough votes to pass this without the Republicans who voted no. So why don't they? Because they care more about their political backsides than they do about the effect of the economic crisis on the middle class they profess to love so much. What a lovely bunch of hypocritical coconuts.
Congress dems lowered your earnings?
Got any idea how silly you sound? Are you an MT? If so, you might want to consider some other factors, such as companies who are phasing out their US jobs market in favor of outsourcing that of late has put our earnings into a free fall.
If Obama wins, it has nothing to do with God.
Can't wait until Obama wins so I can be
Obama does it again!!! Wins 3 states tonight!!!
is anybody else as excited about this as much as I am! I hope he gets the nom
Sam will be silenced in November when Obama wins!
Rest assured, I will not waste one more moment discussing issues that require thoughtfulness and intelligence with women who have none, such as you and your fearless leader sam! I will sit back quietly and wait for you both to be silenced in November when Obama and Biden are elected President and Vice President of these great United States. In the meantime...talk amongst yourselves.
Question....if Obama wins the election...
and it is determined that Iran is on the brink of a nuclear weapon, and Obama decides to go to war before they use it (pre-emptive war)...and he has said he would never take the military option off the table...if he and Congress decided to invade Iran...would you guys support that?
If Obama wins we cal all learn Farsi -
I am praying that Obama wins this election
I do NOT want a president/VP that condones racism, hate filled rhetoric, anti-american views. Palin supports the Alaska Independence Group and they are anti-government and want a separate america and now Palin and McCain are basically encouraging the same thing. Obama brings unity and diversity and I am glad that he is running. What a breath of fresh air. I dont care about what anyone here has to say about the rumors of this and that concerning Obama. They have all been started and expounded upon by McCain/Palin campaign and they are lies. And WHY is it okay to give the wealthy the breaks in this world and that is an acceptable republican concept but as soon as someone says they are going to look out for the little guy and SPREAD THE WEALTH of the ecomony evenly, they are suddenly a socialist? Did McCain NOT approve the bailout plan that is buying STOCK into our banking system? Did McCain NOT approve the plan for the goverment to own half of America's mortgages? Dont talk to me about socialism McCain until you look at yourself. And by the way, people try to associate Acorn with Obama and voter registration fraud. What about the GOP intimidating people to change their party and telling them they HAVE to change their party in order to vote for a sexual predator law????? That is voter fraud and McCain is the GOP.
R. Murdock on the economy if Obama wins
This would not only affect our economy, but also the economy of other countries. I learned something new.
Go Obama/Biden! I don't like it and will VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN!
Obama has shown great judgment in the people who surround him. He picked a great VP choice, and his wife is impeccable as a helpmate and is a fantastic role model for the American children.
As I am sure if Obama is elected....
as the babies mount up dying in the closets of hospitals and we turn into a socialist state I will be very, very ill as well...but my conscience will be clear.
How is Obama getting elected ...sm
saying the majority of Americans don't put the country first?
Obama said what he had to to get elected. Now
When Obama was elected
those who supported the opposition and who warned of the types of sweeping changes to come during his presidency were told not to jump to conclusions based on what he had said during the campaign, or with whom he had chosen to associate throughout his life but to ''give him a chance'' to show the American people what he would actually do. We were told that racial prejudice and sour grapes were behind our feelings and that Obama would prove himself worthy of the office. To me, in just four months he has proven the exact opposite and further demonstrated a lack of character.
I did not necessarily want McCain in office. I voted the ''NObama'' ticket because I felt McCain would be slightly less destructive to our country and because I was pretty sure he is not a marxist. Voting third party would have been a wasted vote.
Sure, had McCain been elected I would have told his opposition to give him a chance to prove his worth as well. (I believe McCain's character has already been proven; I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong.) But if he then demonstrated himself, through his words and actions, to be a screwup and/or a liar I would be posting exactly the same type of opinion.
So you don't care if Obama is elected only by
voters who don't actually exist......including illegals?
LOL....better hurry because if Obama gets elected...
he will be after your moose gun. lol.
That is really funny.......Obama got elected
BECAUSE so many who voted for him really didn't listen to anything from anybody. Those on the street made fools of themselves by not even knowing anything about him, who his running mate was, or what his policies were........ yea, they didn't listen alright.....ignorant all the way to the bank to cash that free paycheck!
If Obama gets elected, then it was meant to be! Go, Obama!
Do you know what will happen if Obama is elected as prez? sm
It will be an Obamanation! Or an abomination..You choose.
I hope you hold him to it if he gets elected. If Obama...sm
get elected, and I hope he does, I will hold his feet to the fire and make sure he lives up to his promises.
The only good thing about Obama being elected
would be that in four years, we can vote him back out. I'm with you, sm, less government, less government spending.
Media Malpractice...How Obama got elected....sm
"Promote then as an object of primary importance, Institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened."
George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796
On November 4th, 2008 millions of Americans were shocked that a man of Barack Obama's limited experience, extreme liberal positions and radical political alliances could be elected President of the United States. For many of these Americans, the explanation was rather simple... the news media, completely enamored with Obama, simply refused to do their job.
On Election day twelve Obama voters were interviewed extensively right after they voted to learn how the news media impacted their knowledge of what occurred during the campaign. These voters were chosen for their apparent intelligence/verbal abilities and willingness to express their opinions to a large audience. The rather shocking video below seeks to provide some insight into which information broke through the news media clutter and which did not.
All of this was conducted for a forthcoming documentary on how the news media impacted the 2008 election. Please get on our mailing list and return to this website in the coming months for more information on the film, "Media Malpractice... How Obama Got Elected"
Because obviously interviewing a relative handful of Obama voters, while interesting, is hardly scientific proof of anything, we also commissioned a Zogby telephone poll which asked the very same questions (as well as a few others) with similarly amazing results.
Zogby Poll
512 Obama Voters 11/13/08-11/15/08 MOE +/- 4.4 points
97.1% High School Graduate or higher, 55% College Graduates
Results to 12 simple Multiple Choice Questions
57.4% could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)
81.8% could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)
82.6% could NOT correctly say that Barack Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)
88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)
56.1% could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).
And yet.....
Only 13.7% failed to identify Sarah Palin as the person on which their party spent $150,000 in clothes
Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her "house," even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!
Only 2.4% got at least 11 correct.
Only .5% got all of them correct. (And we "gave" one answer that was technically not Palin, but actually Tina Fey)
Yeah, that is how Obama got elected. ACORN
NM for you.
I agree, but congress will never let Obama
do everything he wants to do anyway. They never do for any president. When they do agree on something, congress will always have something in it for them or their interests and the middle class pays out nose for it.
I blame Obama and all of Congress for this one.
Dems voted for it, Biden voted for it....
Bill Clinton signed it into law. Plenty of blame to go around. McCain asked for regulation of Fannie/Freddie in 2005. Dems blocked it. The Dem record is slightly worse in the regulation/deregulation arena.
But...plenty of blame to go around.
That's Obama bin Biden
Obama/Biden looking better and better.
I guess we're all human, but still....
if obama/biden
were for preemptive war, suspension of habeas corpus, torture, and no oversight of corporations resulting in Halliburton, Enron, and banking industry scandals, I would not consider voting for them, no matter how compelling their personal stories or charming they may be. That is why I vote democrat.
Obama + Biden....sm
oreos with no milk....
less than nothing there
Only if you want to say Obama Biden Laden
Which I don't know where the Laden comes in. I don't see the similarity unless you want to see it. You need to get Osama Bin Laden out of your minds and grasp reality. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are two great men in politics. Osama? He's been out of my mind ever since Benazir Bhutto said she knew who had killed Bin Laden (then she was assissinated).
this is in regards to Obama choosing biden for VP
it's not original but it is fitting.
this is in regards to Obama choosing biden for VP, Huckabee said
"it's like going to Baskin Robbins and picking vanilla" LOL
I love it. The man who supposedly is about change, doesn't select a VP that's anything different than any of the other demos out there.
So this is you NOT bashing Obama/Biden?
Joe Biden told the truth about his "old friend," John McWayne. He also has a right, if not a mandate from the party, to take issue with failed policies and to define exactly how a McCain coronation would be nothing more than 4 more years of the same old poop.
Whether or not their "friendship" survives the battleground of election politics not a burning concern. The nominee needs to be loyal to the cause of the party. Joe Biden most definitely is that. Once and for all, for some it's all about personal attack politics, but for most of us, it is about issues, issues, issues. BTW, the bus analogy is getting a bit tired by now. It's value was spent long ago during the Rev. Wright rampage.
That snipe about adoring throngs is typical Fox News reporting replay, designed to misconstrue, mislead and spin the reality of the moment. Fact is that Obama has attained celebrity status, not only among his supporters, but all over the globe (85% approval rating in France for example), because those "followers" recognize the charisma that arises out of such personal characteristics as sincerity, honesty, credibility, integrity, intelligence, determination to succeed against all odds, perseverance, courage, compassion, imagination and vision, to name a few. John McCain has about as much charisma as a weather-worn doormat. They also identify with the simplicity of his message of hope, dissatisfaction with the status quo and change.
On the question of inexperience. Let's put this in a little perspective. Obama: 4 years state-level Illinois senate, 4 years US Senator. To say he has "no experience" in foreign policy affairs would require overlooking the fact that those 4 years were war on terrorism years. He at least knows the ropes. In comparison let's begin with the 2 best examples of inexperienced presidents. These guys managed to leave behind them legacies as the most brilliant and inspired leaders in our nation's history. To further illustrate the point, there are a few more examples cited.
1. JFK: Despite 6 years in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and 7 years as a US senator, he was relentlessly dogged by his own party's elders for being the new kid on the block, based primarily on his youth. When placed in context, his credentials become fairly impressive, to say the least, considering he had achieved 13 years of experience by the age of 46 (one year younger than Obama), when he was sworn in as president. Like Obama, Kennedy's rising star was launched at age 40, when he became a first term US Senator who later entered the presidential race after an electrifying convention speech in 1956. The cronies did not take him very seriously at first. When challenged by his party's colleagues on this issue, he replied, “Experience,” he said, “is like taillights on a boat which illuminate where we have been when we should be focusing on where we should be going.”
2. Abraham Lincoln, perhaps the most inexperienced of them all and a political late-bloomer, was elected president at age 52 after 2 short years as a US Senator from Illinois. This beginner managed to make one of the most significant contributions to the progressive advancement of American values that, to this day we continue to elaborate.
3. GW Bush had no experience beyond one 4-year term of state level politics as governor. The mockery he made of "representing" the best interests of Texans is well documented. His failures in virtually every business venture he ever tried and his silver spoon sense of heritage was the stuff of legend in the Lone Star State. He was a horrible governor. His tenure as president has been an utter disaster.
4. Bill Clinton had a little more on the state level, but no federal level experience. At least his state-level experience reflected well on him in that regard: 2 years as Arkansas Attorney General (1977-1979), and 11 years total as Governor (1979-1981 and 1983-1992). Must have been doing something right for his constituents, since they kept bringing him back, just like they did when he served 2 terms as a rookie pres.
5. Ronald Reagan. Lots of on-screen acting experience in Hollywood, 8 years as a Governor, none whatsoever on the federal level. Want to dish about the rock star/"celebrity" candidate? Guess not. California, home of Hollywood, is entitled. They have another celebrity governor who, like Reagan, won that office without any prior political experience whatsoever.
6. Jimmy Carter. Three years in the Georgia State House of Representatives and 4 years as Governor. No federal experience.
Does not seem to have been much of a REAL issue in the past…probably still isn't. That "so-called" bad image of the US among world leaders is justified and well deserved. Fact remains that, while others before him had their hand in this erosion of US standing, George Bush's contribution in this regard is unmatched in recent times. Piece of work, that guy. Denying this will not make it any less true. Don't waste your time speculating on how well received Obama will be tonight or how seriously he will be taken. For most of us, including, Ahmadinejad or Medvedev, we are drop dead serious about the direction the our country is going and will be looking way, far beyond spineless, impotent personal attacks and examining the question of how many among us and across the globe share his vision of the future….same questions the republicans will have to face, at long last, next week.
Biden also said that Barack Obama was not...
ready to be President. I believe his words were: "THe Presidency does not lend itself to on-the-job training." Not what he is saying now. Let's be real about this.
Obama and Biden vote
What you don't realize is that when the vote took place, Pubs were in charge of house and senate. They always throw in crap (like the Bridge to Nowhere) in with the budget. In order to get anything done for the American people, the Democrats have to vote yes even though there are things in there that they don't agree with. That's how the Pubs do it. Lumping everything together instead of the way it's supposed to be done. Democrats have to compromise in order to get anything done. Pubs never do. They always want their way, like little babies, instead of doing what's right for the country. Like when congress went on vacation in August, they threatened a government shutdown if Pelosi refused to bring up a vote on drilling. Then when the government's shut down and more people suffering, they blame the Democrats when it's all the Pubs' fault. And stupid Pubs just listen to everything that comes out of their mouths and believe it. Wake up people! Watch CSPAN once in awhile and see the truth for yourselves!
READY TO BE PRESIDENT!! Which is worse??? Geez.
Joe Biden also said that Obama was not ready...
to be President. Is HE sticking by that? Sorry to you to...lol
Obama and Biden are sinking themselves....sm
every time they open their mouths lately. They don't need help from anyone else.
Regarding the O, did you know he lied in one of his memoirs? Said he worked for an investment firm (or something like that, my husband told me this story). Said he felt he sold out by going to work, sitting in the corner office, and selling stock (or whatever he said he sold). So he left that job and went out to do community organizing.
Turns out...and this from a guy that worked with him at the time...there was no corner office. No one wore suits, they all wore tee shirts. And they wrote financial ad copy.
Now mind you, this guy that actually worked for him, says he didn't tell the truth here on several levels, about this position and job and all, in his, you know, memoir...but hey, I'm voting for him anyway....
So he lies, I know it, I'm still voting for him.
Go figure....
NOW supporting Obama/Biden...
Joe Biden didn't think Obama was up to the job of...
Presidency either...and you don't get any more Democrat than Joe Biden. Of course, that all changed when he got added to the ticket.
There are a few conservatives who don't like John McCain...that is no secret. He has stepped on a lot of toes in his career because he puts country first and party second. That makes as many enemies as it does friends.
And it makes him, in my opinion, just what we need. I am ready for a President who puts his country first.
As to Sarah P and her photo ops...no different than Barack and his trip to germany and Israel. He only took news outlets in the tank for him and they would not dare ask him a tough question. Let's at least be fair about this.
Why doesn't Obama let Biden take over for him...
and go to DC and show leadership like McCain is? Didn't hear Letterman making that point. And you won't either. lol.
Yeah, Biden just knows that Obama needs