Obama's busted bubble....very well written article
Posted By: sam on 2009-02-11
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Great article! Very well written.
As I've suspected for a long time now, he's deaf and *dumb*!!
Thanks for posting this. 
This is a great article written by Jim Cramer...
he is the money guy on CNBC. We listen to him sometimes, have read a couple of his books, and because of watching his show in Sept or Oct of last year, we pulled our money out of the stock market, which was the BEST idea. It is an interesting artcile to some, maybe not to others.
Extremely revealing article written
by a first-generation African-American woman (hard to get by with calling her a racist) in The National Thinker:
Had Americans been able to stop obsessing over the color of Barack Obama's skin and instead paid more attention to his cultural identity, maybe he would not be in the White House today. The key to understanding him lies with his identification with his father, and his adoption of a cultural and political mindset rooted in postcolonial Africa
Well worth reading the entire thing:
Article written by a liberal regarding sanctity of life....
knew there were pro-life liberals; just had to look for some. She does not understand the stand some of you are taking, any more than I do.
Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life
Consistency demands concern for the unborn
Mary Meehan, The Progressive,
The abortion issue, more than most, illustrates the occasional tendency of the Left to become so enthusiastic over what is called a "reform" that it forgets to think the issue through. It is ironic that so many on the Left have done on abortion what the conservatives and Cold War liberals did on Vietnam: They marched off in the wrong direction, to fight the wrong war, against the wrong people.
Some of us who went through the anti-war struggles of the 1960s and early 1970s are now active in the right-to-life movement. We do not enjoy opposing our old friends on the abortion issue, but we feel that we have no choice. We are moved by what pro-life feminists call the "consistency thing" -- the belief that respect for human life demands opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, and war. We don't think we have either the luxury or the right to choose some types of killing and say that they are all right, while others are not. A human life is a human life; and if equality means anything, it means that society may not value some human lives over others.
Until the last decade, people on the Left and Right generally agreed on one rule: We all protected the young. This was not merely agreement on an ethical question: It was also an expression of instinct, so deep and ancient that it scarcely required explanation.
Protection of the young included protection of the unborn, for abortion was forbidden by state laws throughout the United States. Those laws reflected an ethical consensus, not based solely on religious tradition but also on scientific evidence that human life begins at conception. The prohibition of abortion in the ancient Hippocratic Oath is well known. Less familiar to many is the Oath of Geneva, formulated by the World Medical Association in 1948, which included these words: "I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception." A Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1959, declared that "the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth."
It is not my purpose to explain why courts and parliaments in many nations rejected this tradition over the past few decades, though I suspect their action was largely a surrender to technical achievement -- if such inventions as suction aspirators can be called technical achievements. But it is important to ask why the Left in the United States generally accepted legalized abortion.
One factor was the popular civil libertarian rationale for freedom of choice in abortion. Many feminists presented it as a right of women to control their own bodies. When the objection was raised that abortion ruins another person's body, they respond that a) it is not a body, just a "blob of protoplasm" (thereby displaying ignorance of biology); or b) it is not really a "person" until it is born. When it was suggested that this is a wholly arbitrary decision, unsupported by any biology evidence, they said, "Well, that's your point of view. This is a matter of individual conscience, and in a pluralistic society people must be free to follow their consciences."
Unfortunately, many liberals and radicals accepted this view without further question. Perhaps many did know that an eight-week-old fetus has a fully human form. They did not ask whether American slaveholders before the Civil War were right in viewing blacks as less than human and private property; or whether the Nazis were correct in viewing mental patients, Jews, and Gypsies as less human and therefore subject to final solution.
Class issues provided another rationale. In the late 1960s, liberals were troubled by evidence that rich women could obtain abortions regardless of the law, by going to careful society doctors or countries where abortion was legal. Why, they asked, should poor women be barred from something the wealthy could have? One might turn this argument on its head by asking why rich children should be denied protection that poor children have.
But pro-life activists did not want abortion to be a class issue one way the other; they wanted to end abortion everywhere, for all classes. And many people who had experienced poverty did not think providing legal abortion was any favor to poor women. Thus; 1972, when a Presidential commission on population growth recommended legalized abortion, partly to remove discrimination against poor women, several commission members dissented.
One was Graciela Olivarez, a Chicana was active in civil rights and anti-poverty work. Olivarez, who later was named to head the Federal Government's Community Services Administration, had known poverty in her youth in the Southwest. With a touch of bitterness, she said in her dissent, "The poor cry out for justice and equality and we respond with legalized abortion." Olivarez noted that blacks and Chicanos had often been unwanted by white society. She added, "I believe that in a society that permits the life of even one individual (born or unborn) to be dependent on whether that life is ?wanted' or not, all citizens stand in danger." Later she told the press, "We do not have equal opportunities. Abortion is a cruel way out."
Many liberals were also persuaded by a church/state argument that followed roughly this line: "Opposition to abortion is a religious viewpoint, particularly a Catholic viewpoint. The Catholics have no business imposing their religious views on the rest of us." It is true that opposition to abortion is a religious position for many people. Orthodox Jews, Mormons, and many of the fundamentalist Protestant groups also oppose abortion. (So did the mainstream Protestant churches until recent years.) But many people are against abortion for reasons that are independent of religious authority or belief. Many would still be against abortion if they lost their faith; others are opposed to it after they have lost faith, or if they never had any faith. Only if their non-religious grounds for opposition can be proven baseless should legal prohibition of abortion fairly be called an establishment of religion. The pro-abortion forces concentrate heavily on religious arguments against abortion and generally ignore the secular arguments -- possibly because they cannot answer them.
Still another, more emotional reason is that so many conservatives oppose abortion. Many liberals have difficulty accepting the idea that Jesse Helms can be right about anything. I do not quite understand this attitude. Just by the law of averages, he has to be right about something, sometime. Standing at the March for Life rally at the U.S. Capitol last year, and hearing Senator Helms say that "We reject the philosophy that life should be only for the planned, the perfect, or the privileged," I thought he was making a good civil-rights statement.
If much of the leadership of the pro-life movement is right-wing, that is due largely to the default of the Left. We "little people" who marched against the war and now march against abortion would like to see leaders of the Left speaking out on behalf of the unborn. But we see only a few, such as D*ck Gregory, Mark Hatfield, Jesse Jackson, Richard Neuhaus, Mary Rose Oakar. Most of the others either avoid the issue or support abortion. We are dismayed by their inconsistency. And we are not impressed by arguments that we should work and vote for them because they are good on such issues as food stamps and medical care.
Although many liberals and radicals accepted legalized abortion, there are signs of uneasiness about it. Tell someone who supports it that you have many problems with the issue, and she is likely to say, quickly, "Oh, I don't think I could ever have one myself, but . . . ." or "I'm really not pro-abortion; I'm pro-choice" or "I'm personally opposed to it, but . . . ."
Why are they personally opposed to it if there is nothing wrong with it?
Perhaps such uneasiness is a sign that many on, the Left are ready to take another look at the abortion issue. In the hope of contributing toward a new perspective, I offer the following points:
First, it is out of character for the Left to neglect the weak and helpless. The traditional mark of the Left has been its protection of the underdog, the weak, and the poor. The unborn child is the most helpless form of humanity, even more in need of protection than the poor tenant farmer or the mental patient or the boat people on the high seas. The basic instinct of the Left is to aid those who cannot aid themselves -- and that instinct is absolutely sound. It is what keeps the human proposition going.
Second, the right to life underlies and sustains every other right we have. It is, as Thomas Jefferson and his friends said, self-evident. Logically, as well as in our Declaration of Independence, it comes before the right to liberty and the right to property. The right to exist, to be free from assault by others, is the basis of equality. Without it, the other rights are meaningless, and life becomes a sort of warfare in which force decides everything. There is no equality, because one person's convenience takes precedence over another's life, provided only that the first person has more power. If we do not protect this right for everyone, it is not guaranteed for everyone, because anyone can become weak and vulnerable to assault.
Third, abortion is a civil-rights issue. D*ck Gregory and many other blacks view abortion as a type of genocide. Confirmation of this comes in the experience of pro-life activists who find open bigotry when they speak with white voters about public funding of abortion. Many white voters believe abortion is a solution for the welfare problem and a way to slow the growth of the black population. I worked two years ago for a liberal, pro-life candidate who was appalled by the number of anti-black comments he found when discussing the issue. And Representative Robert Dornan of California, a conservative pro-life leader, once told his colleagues in the House, "I have heard many rock-ribbed Republicans brag about how fiscally conservative they are and then tell me that I was an idi*t on the abortion issue." When he asked why, said Dornan, they whispered, "Because we have to hold them down, we have to stop the population growth." Dornan elaborated: "To them, population growth means blacks, Puerto Ricans, or other Latins," or anyone who "should not be having more than a polite one or two `burdens on society.' "
Fourth, abortion exploits women. Many women are pressured by spouses, lovers, or parents into having abortions they do not want. Sometimes the coercion is subtle, as when a husband complains of financial problems. Sometimes it is open and crude, as when a boyfriend threatens to end the affair unless the woman has an abortion, or when parents order a minor child to have an abortion. Pro-life activists who do "clinic counseling" (standing outside abortion clinics, trying to speak to each woman who enters, urging her to have the child) report that many women who enter clinics alone are willing to talk and to listen. Some change their minds and decide against abortion. But a woman who is accompanied by someone else often does not have the chance to talk, because the husband or boyfriend or parent is so hostile to the pro-life worker.
Juli Loesch, a feminist/pacifist writer, notes that feminists want to have men participate more in the care of children, but abortion allows a man to shift total responsibility to the woman: "He can buy his way out of accountability by making `The Offer' for `The Procedure.' " She adds that the man's sexual role "then implies-exactly nothing: no relationship. How quickly a `woman's right to choose' comes to serve a `man's right to use.?" And Daphne DE Jong, a New Zealand feminist, says, "If women must submit to abortion to preserve their lifestyle or career, their economic or social status, they are pandering to a system devised and run by men for male convenience." She adds, "Of all the things which are done to women to fit them into a society dominated by men, abortion is the most violent invasion of their physical and psychic integrity. It is a deeper and more destructive assault than rape . . . ."
Loesch, de Jong, Olivarez, and other pro-life feminists believe men should bear a much greater share of the burdens of child-rearing than they do at present. And de Jong makes a radical point when she says, "Accepting short-term solutions like abortion only delays the implementation of real reforms like decent maternity and paternity leaves, job protection, high-quality child care, community responsibility for dependent people of all ages, and recognition of the economic contribution of child-minders." Olivarez and others have also called for the development of safer and more effective contraceptives for both men and women. In her 1972 dissent, Olivarez noted with irony that "medical science has developed four differ ways for killing a fetus, but has not "developed a safe-for-all-to-use contraceptive."
Fifth, abortion is an escape from an obligation that is owed to another. Doris Gordon, Coordinator of Libertarians for Life, puts it this way: "Unborn children don't cause women to become pregnant but parents cause their children to be in the womb, and as a result, they need parental care. As a general principle, if we are the cause of another's need for care, as when we cause an accident, we acquire an obligation to that person a result .... We have no right to kill order to terminate any obligation."
Sixth, abortion brutalizes those who perform it, undergo it, pay for it, profit from it, and allow it to happen. Too many of us look the other way because we do not want to think about abortion. A part of reality is blocked out because one does not want to see broken bodies coming home, or going to an incinerator, in those awful plastic bags. People deny their own humanity when they refuse to identify with, or even knowledge, the pain of others.
With some it is worse: They are making money from the misery others, from exploited women and dead children. Doctors, business and clinic directors are making a great deal of money from abortion. Jobs and high incomes depend on abortion; it?s part of the gross national product. The parallels of this with the military industrial complex should be obvious to anyone who was involved in the war movement.
And the "slippery slope" argument is right: People really do go from accepting abortion to accepting euthanasia and accepting "triage" for the hunger problem and accepting "lifeboat ethics" as a general guide to human behavior. We slip down the slope back to the jungle.
To save the smallest children, save its own conscience, the Left should speak out against abortion.
Mary Meehan has written for Inquiry, The Nation, The Washington Monthly, The Washington Post, and other publications.
The Bubble of Obama Supremacy
July 24, 2008
The Bubble of Obama SupremacyBy Kyle-Anne Shiver
‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities.' --The Gospel of Matthew 25:23 (New American Bible) Parable of the Talents
America is a unique country. We are the new world, not the old. We elect leaders in a reasonable step-by-step fashion, honoring lifetimes of experience and wisdom, proven abilities to do the job, much in keeping with Jesus' parable of the talents. Once a person proves capable at the small job, we give him a whack at a bigger one.
It's the American way.
Our Founders were wise to dump European monarchy in favor of government of the people, by the people and for the people. And because of our Founders' direct experience with capricious rulers, American tradition has shied away, in every generation, from putting our leaders upon larger-than-life pedestals.
Hero worship of politicians just reeks of old-world kingdoms, and thus produces visceral disgust among Americans.
As Herbert Spencer so wisely noted, "Hero worship is greatest where there is least regard for freedom."
And that's just not us, is it? We revere freedom too much to indulge in hero worship of our leaders
As Americans, we honor reasoned discourse, and spurn emotionalism in our elections.
As Americans, we honor accomplishment, not birthright.
As Americans, we listen, consider and carefully elect.
We don't fawn and follow. We don't faint. And we don't coronate.
So, how has it come to pass that we now have a mere candidate for the Presidency of our United States of America, who is being received upon foreign shores as though he were not only already our President, but also our king?
Barack Obama is an American anomaly. An enigma. An aberration.
- Never in American history has a man with so pitifully little on his resume received such adoration.
- Never in American history has a candidate had the temerity to mimic our Presidential seal the place it upon his podium.
- Never in American history has a mere interviewee deigned to write the rules for our interview.
- Never in American history has a mere candidate had the gall to travel abroad with a press corps and secret service in tow to give "fake press interviews" for manipulated "news" coverage.
- Never in American history has so little respect been given to our electoral process.
The whole disgusting spectacle just smacks of old-world Europe, those folks so quick to hail a Bonaparte or a Hitler.
And sadly, oh-so-sadly, the comparisons don't stop with the fawning masses surrounding our audacious whippersnapper, Obama.
Two Dealers in Hope
A leader is a dealer in hope. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte is not one of my personal favorites, as historical leaders go, and it's really quite interesting that a guy, who seized power through a military coup d'etat put so much stock in the old diabolical lure of souls, hope, when one might presume that he could have just as easily relied on bully force alone to motivate his people.
And, of course, Napoleon's purpose was nearly the perfect opposite of Obama's. Napoleon wanted to conquer the world for France. Obama wants to take American sovereignty and submit it to the whims of the global community. Opposite ends, employing the same old tacky lure.
"What if," says an Obama ad, "there was hope instead of fear?" Obama's book, The Audacity of Hope is, not surprisingly, a portrait of utter despair and hopelessness, the kind aspiring rulers usually paint just before they offer themselves as the cure.
In Obama's America, as presented in his own written words, our Country is in dire need of a new era, abundant "change" to fix our "broken souls," to fill up that "hole" in our lives.
What do Americans want, according to our new sage, Barack Obama?
"They want a sense of purpose, a narrative arc to their lives, something that will relieve a chronic loneliness or lift them above the exhausting, relentless toll of daily life. They need an assurance that somebody out there cares about them, is listening to them -- that they are not just destined to travel down a long highway toward nothingness."
I'm not sure which to reach for here, my hanky or my Pepto Bismol.
Ah, but we should not fear, little ones, for Barack is here. And he brings on his starlit wings and with his rising sun...hope.
And for generations to come, we shall remember Barack's coronation (or is that inauguration?) as the "moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..."
Who does this man think he is?
If I were going to put my hope in a mere mortal, I certainly would not invest such a precious commodity in a man who took taxpayer money for a state senator's job and voted "present" 130 times, any more than I would give the title "valedictorian" to the student with the worst attendance record.
I would not put my hope in a man who promised his district's poor better housing and then got in bed with a slumlord, a man who used taxpayer funds to produce rat-infested, uninhabitable dwellings instead.
I would never, ever put my hope for the whole country, much less for the entire planet, in the hands of a man who could not even change one racist preacher's mind or convince a single Chicago neighborhood to forego gang warfare for honest work.
Barack Obama is riding within the biggest fantasy bubble this side of Oz.
Another Inconvenient Truth
The cry of "change" has been used by demagogues and revolutionaries throughout history, as they fan discontent. The worst of the lot was a European who brought his political party to power using the same ephemeral change mantra as Obama's.
Adolf Hitler plastered early 1930s Germany with posters declaring his noble democratic socialist intentions:
Peace and equal rights.
All must be different.
However, Adolf Hitler's notions of peace and equal rights turned out to be quite different than those of the rest of the civilized world. And his quaint, little slogan, All must be different, certainly produced different results, but they weren't exactly pleasing to all the Jews, nor to the Christians, who learned sadly after the fact, that for Hitler, different meant replacing Christ with himself.
Of course nobody is accusing Obama of being another Hitler here. But I have always looked askance at those who sell dreams of "change." So, when Obama emblazons everything within his grasp, including his super jet:
Change you can believe in
he seems to be calling out to those mortal-worshiping Europeans in a voice to which they can certainly relate, but in America those open-ended declarations from power-seekers tend to fall upon deaf ears. Americans traditionally are extremely skeptical of such messianic claims.
So, what to make of Obama's appearance this week before fawning European masses at Berlin's Victory Column, planted where it is by Hitler's architect Albert Speer as the central focal point of Imperial Berlin, to be renmed "Germania."
Poor planning perhaps. Horrible judgment, certainly, at least in the eyes of most Americans.
Nevertheless, while the Europeans fawn and faint for Obama this week, Americans sit on the other side of the Pond, wondering when someone will have the guts to call attention to the fact that the "Emperor's clothes" might not be all we've been told to believe.
A European Mindset Inflating Obama's Bubble: George Soros
After spending 25 million dollars in his "life or death" mission to defeat President Bush in 2004, and coming up with nothing but a souvenir Kerry t-shirt, George Soros is apparently pulling out all the stops this year. And Barack Obama is his man.
Soros, a Hungarian-born naturalized American citizen, prides himself in being able to speculate on currencies and reap astronomical profits. Since the early 90s, he has become increasingly involved in global politics, especially in his adopted country, our U.S. of A. He bought Obama stock early on, by contributing heftily to Obama's 2004 Senate campaign, then as a personal presidential backer.
And when Soros talks, Democrats listen. He has become their number one financier, and his pockets are 7-billion-dollars deep.
Soros, however, does not seem to believe in the nation-state concept and has been pushing with all his monetary might for a system of global governance, with global taxation powers, in which he and his power-broker comrades could better do their "good deeds," without the hindrance of those pesky things like borders, national constitutions, and individual defense interests.
Soros also owns more than 250 global publishing outlets, which are fed storylines from his Open Society Institute. Soros' political presence is shadowy, but if one looks closely, one cannot miss the emanations and penumbras of his backing of Obama's campaign.
When the Jeremiah Wright affair was exploding in his candidate's face, with a reluctant mainstream media finally forced to show the pastor's racist rants, while YouTube Wright snippets were wracking up hits so fast that it looked as though Obama's boat might sink, Bill Moyers did a one-on-one interview with Wright to let him explain himself. Moyers is a former trustee of the Open Society Institute, and one of Soros' "closest confidants and political collaborators." (David Horowitz and Richard Poe; Shadow Party; p. 240)
Moyers is also infamous for his remark on the Charlie Rose show, 2004 election night:
"I think if Kerry were to win this in a tight race, I think there'd be an effort to mount a coup, quite frankly."
When asked by Rose to explain what he meant by "coup," Moyers replied,
"I mean that the right wing is not going to accept it."
Americans get disappointed; Europeans mount coups.
When Wesley Clark, the Democrats' favorite retired army general, attacked John McCain's "qualifications" for the Presidency, especially his military credentials, our watchdog mainstream media seems not to have thought it relevant to point out that Wesley Clark currently sits on the board of another of Soros' groups: The International Crisis Group. Soros, in addition to heavily funding the group, also sits on the Board with Clark, as do some other Obama "people," Samantha Power and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Richard Armitage, the leaker of Valerie Plame's name, is also a member, as is Kofi Annan.
Barack Obama may be an upstart with a flimsy resume, but he travels in some very fancy circles, especially among those who adore Europe and truly wish America were much more like her.
Unfortunately, for Soros, his European mindset and his European-style game plan for Obama, his candidate, Americans tend to think of Europe as a nice place to visit, but not many of us really want to live there.
Soros has done all in his power to burst what he calls the "Bubble of American Supremacy," but so far, our economy has proved too resilient and our people too attached to our way of life, our freedom and our sovereignty.
Soros is betting on this Obama bubble of inevitability, the inflation of which has been helped so much by Soros' own machinations.
I'm betting on America.
The fact that an article was written does not make it fact. I hope you know that. nm
It was written AFTER Obama came in....
You bet they're busted.
I'm not sure what irks me more: The fact that she is a compulsive, pathological liar or the fact that she's a LAZY one or the fact that she thinks we're all stupid here and can't see what she throws in front of our faces.
My granddaddy used to say, If someone's going to be a good liar, they'd better have a good memory. Maybe she's just got too many different identities living in that lil brain of hers that it's impeding her ability to remember things that she's already written on this board that are visible to everyone, including her.
Every time I see the initials MT I see Mutilated Truth and know, from all the other times she's been caught in lies, that whatever she writes has no authenticity. I have to admit, sometimes seeing her posts is like watching a car wreck, and against my better judgment, I sometimes peek. Lately, though, she/they is/are so WOD (way out dere) that she's/they're becoming more scary than anything, and the sympathetic humanity in me sincerely hopes that she gets the help she so desperately needs soon, before she goes postal and hurts someone in real life, as her rage seems to be increasing and getting out of control.
What car? We can't get ours inspected with a busted
windshield. Won't buy a windshield because the transmission is going. It's an older car and we can't afford to buy another one.
Bush busted again for the second time in 2 months...
by the courts for criminally violating the US Constitution. When are they going to impeach him? We get 24/7 front page JonBenet coverage (very sad story), but nothing on the crooks in the White House. All the drama with Watergate and Clinton IMO pales in comparison to what is on this President's mantle. What a mess. 
Well, bubble gum........
I have probably paid more taxes than you have earned in your lifetime. So blow it out your face which is lodged securely between your legs.
Sorry to burst your bubble
But I have NEVER used those words. I don't have a horse in this race but I have sat and read posts on this board that about McCain and Palin that are sickening and downright hateful, but Obama supporters have no problem with that. But when Obama is slammed, boy they come out with all the "racism this and racism that". Only when it suits you do you see anything as racist.
What bubble do you live in?
The KKK is still out there and the more white bigots feel threatened, the more will join up.
My biggest fear right now is something happening to President Obama. Not only would that be very sad for our country and his wife and daughters but I can't even begin to describe the riots that will follow. We could very well be seeing the beginning of another civil war with racism, once again, at the heart of it. Truly scary when you think about it.
SOrry to burst your bubble....McCain ain't my
But that doesn't mean I do like so many Obama followers and let him lead me into rubbish. You can't refute one thing devious that Obama is involved in.....that's what happens when you have no facts to counter argue anything on this board....just throw out generic insinuations and assume that person must be a republican. You do this because you really have no facts to back anything up you say about Obama.
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but
Wal-Mart is mostly foreign made goods, even though the company is American.
I hate to burst your bubble, but, there
was perfect that ever walked on the face of this earth, and we killed him! You and Oldtimer are dreaming, baby.
Sorry to burst your rant bubble, but...
There are Christmas parades, Easter parades, and Christian cruises, so why shouldn't there be gay pride parades and gay cruises?
I won't respond to the rest of your rant because, frankly, it made me dizzy just reading parts of it!
Doesn't burst my bubble, I'm not voting for O anyway. nm
BBC publishes anti-Obama article--whoa!
The BBC is very liberal, so this is quite shocking!
Viewpoint: The case against Obama Peter Wehner Former deputy assistant to President Bush
If the polls hold, the American people will elect Barack Obama as their 44th president. He is a man of prodigious political talents who exudes grace, equanimity and self-possession. He is unflappable, possesses a first-rate mind, and is capable of inspiring rhetoric. And he would be a very bad choice for president. On the most important issue he has confronted as a legislator, the surge of forces in Iraq, Senator Obama was a harsh critic. His opposition to President Bush's new strategy was wrong. Much worse is the fact that Obama continued to oppose the surge at every stage, even after it was obviously succeeding. To this day, even as he finally concedes the surge has "succeeded beyond our wildest imagination," Obama insists his opposition to the surge was correct. Senator Obama's view is that a defeat in Iraq would somehow help our efforts in Afghanistan. Indeed, if Obama had had his way, all American combat troops would have been withdrawn from Iraq by March 2008, which would have led to civil war and genocide; an unprecedented victory for al-Qaeda and Islamic jihadists; and a boon to Iran. This fact is, by itself, a shattering indictment to Obama's judgement, and in the area that is the most important responsibility of a president: his duties as commander-in-chief. Extreme liberalism I suspect, too, that Obama will, as his running mate has said, invite an international challenge early on. Obama appears to be a man who dodges conflict and hard decisions; the result may be dangerous displays of indecision and weakness. Beyond that is the fact that Senator Obama, while exuding a centrist style and employing soothing rhetoric, has amassed a record that places him on the extreme left end of our political spectrum, whether the subject is taxes, trade, healthcare, the size and role of the federal government, the federal courts, missile defence, or virtually any other policy area. In fact, Senator Obama has been judged by the non-partisan National Journal as the most liberal member of the Senate. His record as an Illinois state senator is, if anything, more troubling. He opposed legislation that would have prevented infanticide against children who had survived abortion attempts. Senator Obama has presented himself as a post-partisan figure. Once again, however, his record belies his claim. He is among the most reliably partisan voters the Democrats have. He has not opposed the special interest groups of his party on a single important issue. And he has no impressive bipartisan achievements to his credit. Senator Obama is, in short, an orthodox partisan, a man of left-leaning instinct who has - through the power of his rhetoric, head-snapping shifts in his position, and the attractiveness of his personality - won people over. Race card Even Senator Obama's claim of being a practitioner of a "new politics" is fraudulent.
Much of what Obama has presented about himself is a mirage - an impressive one for sure, but a mirage nonetheless
He has run ads about Senator McCain's position on healthcare, social security, immigration, and the Iraq war that are demonstrably false. After saying he would never do such a thing, Obama and his supporters have employed the "race card" in a disturbing fashion - with Obama warning that key Republicans would use the fact that he's black against him, and later saying that George Bush and John McCain were going to try to frighten voters by saying Obama has "a funny name" and "doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills" (both claims are untrue). And Senator Obama's intimate 20-year relationship with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright - an anti-American extremist - is troubling. It reinforces the sense that much of what Obama has presented about himself is a mirage - an impressive one for sure, but a mirage nonetheless. And even if you were inclined to believe that Senator Obama will govern as a centrist - a questionable claim, given his record - the Democratic Party will hold a commanding position in the House and Senate. Speaker Pelosi and majority leader Reid and their committee chairmen - many of them partisan, ideological, and ruthless - will exert enormous pressure on Obama to move left. From all we know about him, Senator Obama will not resist it or defy them. And that, in turn, will lead to overreach. Which is why even though next Tuesday will be a difficult day for Republicans and conservatives, the wise ones will understand that our moment will come again, and perhaps sooner than we think. Our task is to be ready. VIEWPOINTS Peter Wehner is a former deputy assistant to President George W Bush, and currently a senior fellow at the Washington-based Ethics and Public Policy Center. This is one of a series of comment and opinion pieces published on the BBC News website in the run-up to the US election.
Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/world/americas/7700913.stm
Finally an article on the truth of Obama's big tax cuts and plans...sm
It's been hard to find this story and the facts lately, and I'm glad you posted this.
It really sounds like Obama is trying to "buy" the votes of all the people in America in the lower income bracket.
Very sneaky and scary, as most people believe him.
Each brown place in the link takes you to a different article that supports this article...nm
Very well written
Too many responses below are too long that I got lost reading them all so hope I don't repeat anything. Your post was very well written and I agree totally. I'd love to see this speech spoken by one of the candidates.
really? well it is written that he was a muslim
A very well written post
piglet. What would you like to discuss?
Well written message
Thank you. I am so tired of people making acusations against Obama and most of it is meaningless. Most of them don't research, they just repeat things they hear. After reading about McCain and his history and what he is like now, read the post below called "I did my homework". I can't see why anyone would vote for anyone with McCain's temper and history. I'm going by his voting record too. If people want America to live in fear and lose all our freedoms that the country was founded on then go ahead and vote for McCain.
Ditto that, well written
That is exactly how I feel and I have medical insurance because I work two jobs and can barely afford it and everything else for my small family. But I am not crying and whining about what I don't or can't have. My parents raised me with good sense and wisdom. When my life isn't going the way I want it to, it is up to me to change it, not someone (or government) else. I do not support the culture of government handouts. When you reward less than ambitious people to not work and expect nothing from them, you get nothing in return. There is no investment in that. I love President Clinton's welfare reform that gets people into training for jobs to get them off welfare. It is not a perfect plan, but is a step in the right direction. And, yes, those training opportunities are in every state.
you have written the 11th
commandment - Two wrongs DO make a right.
No, because she had not written a book about one of the...
participants and it is in her best book selling interest if he WINS. She makes no secret she supports him. A moderator is supposed to be NEUTRAL.
Books have been written
on the insidious & frightening merging of the right wing (currently occupied by the republican party) and the Christian religion. Certainly there are individual exceptions, but the political party defines itself in large part by its religious beliefs, which as I understand from the media and from the posts on this very board, involves preservation of life at all costs, period. Here's a scary watch: The documentary "Jesus Camp."
As far as my world view being narrow, I would say that the difference is that I'm willing to let people believe whatever they want to believe, & if I don't like it I can change channels. As opposed to Christians (granted, maybe the most vocal ones, who are the only ones I've had occasion to hear), who do not appear to be satisfied until everyone thinks the way they do. I think everyone has a right to personal beliefs, but that right STOPS at the point where it infringes on my own. As opposed to Christians (ditto above reference) who seem quite happy to legislate the world to their own belief system. To me, that's what the narrowness involves.
I agree with you CDW, very well written nm
Since it was written by holdovers from
they apparently have not changed their SOP.
How you interpret the written word is beyond me.
I believe I said in order to be forgiven, one has to 'fess up, own up, repent and go and sin no more. This is a 1 on 1 deal with God. I have repeatedly said, in response to many issues, that God judges, not us but what I get is God will judge W and anyone else with whom we agree and who are we to say anything different but the liberals, the people of other faiths, poor people, the spiritually bankrupt people, the **undeserving poor** as opposed to the ***deserving poor***, now that is a different story. We can and ought to judge them as harshly as possible; speaking out of both sides of one's mouth it would seem to me. In response to my unChristianness I have enclosed the definition of repentence with Bible ***links***.
What is Repentance?
Repentance comes from a Greek word meaning to change one's mind. It is much more than feeling sorry about what has happened or regretful about circumstances and their outcome. The key element is the concept of change, of turning completely around. It involves both a turning from and a turning to. In the Bible it means to be converted; to undergo a radical change of heart and life, a complete turnabout of life.
The Shorter Catechism says Repentance unto life is a saving grace, whereby a sinner, out of a true sense of his sin, and apprehension of the mercy of God in Christ, doth with grief and hatred of his sin, turn from it unto God, with full purpose of, and endeavor after, new obedience.
The change of mind and heart comes as we move from a state of rebellion against God and the idolization of our selves (Rom 1:21ff; 3:10-19, 23). We agree with God in His assessment of us - we are sinners in thought, word and deed - under His wrath and curse. No longer do we seek to justify ourselves, excuse our sins, or try to merit salvation. Rather we comprehend the awful truth about ourselves - that we are spiritually dead in our trespasses and sin - and the wages of sin is death, and after that will come judgment. (Eph 2:1-3; James 1:15; Rom 6:23; Hebr 9:27).
True repentance is not putting on sackcloth and ashes, a negative preoccupation with ourselves. However to turn from sin and live for Christ, we must see our sin for what it is and how it affects our thinking and actions and this can be done most clearly as Christ bears it to the cross - God's response to our sin is such that he couldn't spare his own Son. (Rom 8:32)
Repentance includes Confession - the acknowledging of our sinfulness to God and our admission to Him that apart from Christ we are unable to please God. It includes knowing God's forgiveness, we can turn away from sin when we know our sinfulness no longer keeps us from God. And true repentance leads to new obedience. We are turning to newness of life, living now as God would have us to live.
True repentance can only come at the foot of the cross. It is inseparable from faith for this reason. Repentance is admitting that we are as God sees us, and He knows every secret within our hearts (Psa 139, Matt 6:4, 6). Faith embraces the Savior he offers for our salvation.
Only as we realize what our sin is before God, will we experience true godly sorrow for our sins (Cf 2 Cor 7:8-11) Worldly sorrow regrets the consequences, feels remorse that I'm guilty - it leads to death. If we dwell on our sins rather than viewing them in the shade of the cross - we would be driven to despair and hopelessness. But godly sorrow leads to repentance and salvation - we see ourselves as we are and hate our sin, humbling ourselves before God. True repentance is being honest with ourselves and with God without fear - because we trust God has dealt with that sin on the cross. (Rom 8:1ff)
P.S. All humans make mistakes. All presidents are human, ergo, all presidents make mistakes.
Well written, I agree with you Amanda
Saw this on a blog, written by a soldier....sm
Apparently written in response to negative posts regarding our country, the election, the republicans, etc. I felt this soldier's viewpoint is very, very important.
I will tell you about America!! I have been a soldier. I have seen American men and women of all RACES and religions that courageously and proudly serve their country. Many of them made the ultimate sacrifice for their country with their lives. I read these comments putting down what these finest of Americans have done It makes me really ANGRY. These people that put our country down have NO appreciation of the freedoms that they have because of the sacrifice of these military heroes!!
I know that in America we have problems and although it has taken along time to fix many of these problems, we still FIX things. That is what Americans do. There have been racial problems but in 1862 there was slavery .A Christian republican president (Lincoln) issued the Emancipation Proclamation that ended the slavery and set our country on the road to racial equality. We are not entirely there yet but we have come a long way. It would have been impossible in years past for a black man like Obama to make 4million dollars a year not to mention actually run for president.
The capitalist system that he is trying to destroy has been really good to him.
I have been around the world and I have seen “civilized” socialist European countries that have a 6o% tax rate on the working class in order to “spread the wealth” and few personal freedoms. I have seen third world countries where one in three babies die due to water born disease. I have also seen American Christian organizations voluntarily drilling wells to help these people survive. I have seen Americans risking their lives to provide medical assistance to people that have no access.
When that enormous tsunami hit Indonesia, Who was there first??? America was there first. American Marines put down their weapons and began digging the out survivors as well as those who didn’t survive. Americans set up water purification units to provide safe drinking water, setting up field hospitals aiding the injured, setting up temporary housing for these victims and food services for the victims. America was there FIRST!!
I have seen countries where the middle class live in filthy squalor, with open sewers and trash in the streets, living under oppressive totalitarian regimes. I have seen communists that plunder, murder, rape and torture the very people that they are supposedly “liberating”.
You people who want to believe that America is so bad really don’t have a realistic view of the world. NOWHERE in the world do people have a higher standard of living due to our capitalist free market system. NOWHERE in the world do people have the personal rights that we have in America. NOBODY in the world puts so much effort in to helping other people, even some that are not very friendly to us. NOBODY matches our humanitarian worldwide efforts. Why do you think that so many people want to get to America????
You people that put America down should really open your eyes and take a good honest look at the rest of the world. You should also question the anti-American rantings of people like Mr. Ayers, Mr. Wright and those associated with them. If these people had spouted this stuff in 90% of
other countries, they would have been thrown in prison or would have wound up in an unmarked shallow grave somewhere. Instead Mr. Wright lives in a 1.2 million dollar home and Mr. Ayers is a professor in a prestigious university.
Again, only in AMERICA…..
never saw the S-word written like that before - too funny
Your post was well written but hypocritical.
You admonish us to come together while in the same paragraph stating Republicans are to blame for everything gone wrong in the last 8 years. You speak of cluelessness, simplemindedness, backwardness, etc. etc. etc., insulting the past administration and anyone supportive of it while proclaiming the virtues of a man whose potential and abilities have not yet been proven. Your post is insulting, opinionated and presumptious, yet you are bewildered and dismayed by those not joining you on the Obama-idolizing bandwagon.
How dare you reduce this to an accusation of racial prejudice? How is such an assumption not hateful in itself?
It is precisely this kind of holier-than-thou attitude that creates and perpetuates devisivenss in the world!
I have already written the author of this- others should email
Doctors swamped, having to dictate from a zoo. Honestly. How many of us have heard doctors dictating from the bathrooms, doing their business 1 and 2, their homes with dogs barking, eating, snorting, and the list goes on. Also as an Editor was amused by the fact "only doctors are allowed to edit reports or change." I do not know of any physicians here in the US doing that. As far as what is not to like, when my hospital tried to send work overseas the physicians up in arms because of the horrible work they got back. That did not last long with them when the doctors spoke.
if one cannot interpret what is written in the Bible
the results are catastrophic.
Please direct me to the bible verse where it is written
about the right to bear arms. I missed this.
"They are no more pro war than God is. They do believe in the right to bear arms..."
that's your problem. You put too much stock in a book written
Why do people say no flames please when they make inflamatory statements? You must like the attention.
That's when the letter was dated. It could have been written the day he released it.
Why would he quit the day after his dad accepted the nomination and not release the letter then?
here's a link to written text -eye opening
nothing hateful written; it is not Totally Unnecessary.
Beautiful psalm, written by David
This is a beautiful psalm, written by David, not by G-d, and therefore, is not part of Jewish law.
And where is that written, if you are conducting the job or position for which you ran with integrit
where is it written that you give away your right to privacy? Are you kidding? I am so sick of the media mentality that just because someone has chosen a profession, such as politics, acting, the arts, etc., that EVERYTHING is fair game, you can never have a private moment in your entire life (or term), you may be hunted, haunted, treated like an animal in a zoo.....yes, you are a public figure, but still a human being with rights, and that means a right to privacy. To think otherwise is mercenary, cold, and totally out of touch with humanity. Actors play parts to entertain us, give us pleasure, help us escape, but they can never ever escape the papparazzi at any time, when off camera??? What a cruel and voyeuristic society we have become!!!!
It would be even funnier if it was written by the guy with the "wide stance"
what is it with those guys and airports? Larry Craig - what a twit! At least Spitzer likes women! In this economy, it's probably the only guaranteed job - and tax-free!
If there already exist specific written policies
pertaining to personal workspace adornment (size, number and/or appropriateness of photographs, posters, banners, political content, sports memorabilia, etc.) then I would agree with you. If you don't like the policy, don't work there. Your office is not your personal gallery.
If the company doesn't want somebody hanging up a Soviet flag, then they're probably going to have to prohibit Old Glory as well.
However, if this is a policy formulated on the spur of the moment to appease a complainer, then I disagree. What's next? An Ohio State fan complaining about a Michigan pennant in the next cubicle?) Nor do I agree that new policies should be formulated after the fact to deal with an existing situation just because nobody foresaw it. If it's an important issue, then a rule should already cover it.
If this is a public area (waiting room/reception area) then I am sure the company must have had the foresight to write a standard regarding decor, since all visitors will see this. In my opinion, if it ain't covered in that policy, it should be okay.
Interesting that people voluntarily come to this country, going to considerable effort to get here, then so easily become offended and need special accommodations. What is it they don't understand about "liberty"? If an American coworker complained about the Ugandan flag in a neighboring workspace, there would be h*ll to pay! Disciplinary action against the complainer. Law suits! ACLU involvement! Paid leave and free counseling for the Ugandan employee to get over the trauma of the event!
paranoid and delusional, is this written in the Bible?...nm
Applauding! What a great post, to the point and well written.
I don't think some people realize the seriousness of the illegally invading a sovereign nation for what is truthfully nothing more than regime change, after being dishonest to the entire world about the true reasons for invading this country.
If/when it happens, they still won't get it. And if/when more Americans are killed by terrorists because this president was too stubborn to care about America first and refused to implement most suggestions of the 9/11 Commission, the ones who survive the next terror attack will still be kneeling down and kissing his boots because they are preprogrammed to believe this man can do nothing wrong.
LOL! Not bright enough to respond intelligently to a wonderfully written
The book of Revelations was written thousands of years ago.
Why do you think it pertains in any way to our time and not to the time in which it was written? Why do people think it is some sort of prophecy for their particular lifetime? Does no one study the history of the bible anymore? I am so saddened and appalled by the lack of theological and historical education in churches. If people don't even understand the documents of their own faiths,then there is never any hope for understand people of another faith.