OT - Reminder: Croc Hunter fans, watch Steve Irwin's Memorial filmed
Posted By: see complete message inside on 2006-09-19 In Reply to:
Reminder: Croc Hunter fans, watch Steve Irwin's Memorial filmed at his Australia Zoo's Crocoseum tonight on Animal Planet. The memorial is commercial free and airs from 9 to 10 PM ET/PT tonight and then an encore will air at 12 to 1 AM ET/PT. If you are a fan of our beloved Steve Irwin, make sure to have a DVD or VCR tape ready to record!
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
Debate opinions, argue conflicting viewpoints. Steer clear of personal attacks.
Police Memorial Week
Still another example of a President to be ashamed of. He is the First President to show such disrespect!
Hello everyone,
May 10-16 was Police Memorial Week. It is a week to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving as a law enforcement officer in the United States. The week is filled with various events to honor fallen police officers and their families.To provide you with Just a little background, May 15 was established by President John Kennedy as "Peace Officers Memorial Day" and the calendar week of May 15 is known as "Police Week" according to presidential proclamation 537.
The point of this email is to inform you of something I believe everyone should be aware of. President Barrack Obama did not attend this event. This may seem insignificant, but every year for at the past 21 years the president, regardless of political affiliation, has given a speech on May 15 on the steps of the U.S. capitol to the family members of fallen hero's.
I am sure the president has more pressing issues to focus on than attending a ceremony for the widows, parents, and children of fallen police officers. It is understandable he may have needed to miss the ceremony for a more urgent matter and I say that with all seriousness. But, at the time of the ceremony where do you think Barrack Obama was? He was giving a tour of the White House to the 2008 world series champion Philadelphia Phillie's. I know the Phillie's are important and all, but the man could not take 30 minutes out of his day to take a short car ride 10 minutes down Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol, give a 10 minute speech and then drive back to the Whitehouse?
This is not a political issue and has nothing to do with being a democrat, republican, green party, independent, or whatever other political affiliation you may have chosen. This is about honoring fallen officers and paying your respects. It is obvious we know where Barrack Obama stands when it comes to supporting your local, state, and federal law enforcement officers.
I feel everyone should know what occurred on May 15, 2009. You will probably not hear this in the mainstream media so I would encourage you to share this with anyone and everyone you want. Police Memorial Week
Still another example of a President to be ashamed of. He is the First President to show such disrespect!
Hello everyone,
May 10-16 was Police Memorial Week. It is a week to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving as a law enforcement officer in the United States. The week is filled with various events to honor fallen police officers and their families.To provide you with Just a little background, May 15 was established by President John Kennedy as "Peace Officers Memorial Day" and the calendar week of May 15 is known as "Police Week" according to presidential proclamation 537.
The point of this email is to inform you of something I believe everyone should be aware of. President Barrack Obama did not attend this event. This may seem insignificant, but every year for at the past 21 years the president, regardless of political affiliation, has given a speech on May 15 on the steps of the U.S. capitol to the family members of fallen hero's.
I am sure the president has more pressing issues to focus on than attending a ceremony for the widows, parents, and children of fallen police officers. It is understandable he may have needed to miss the ceremony for a more urgent matter and I say that with all seriousness. But, at the time of the ceremony where do you think Barrack Obama was? He was giving a tour of the White House to the 2008 world series champion Philadelphia Phillie's. I know the Phillie's are important and all, but the man could not take 30 minutes out of his day to take a short car ride 10 minutes down Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol, give a 10 minute speech and then drive back to the Whitehouse?
This is not a political issue and has nothing to do with being a democrat, republican, green party, independent, or whatever other political affiliation you may have chosen. This is about honoring fallen officers and paying your respects. It is obvious we know where Barrack Obama stands when it comes to supporting your local, state, and federal law enforcement officers.
I feel everyone should know what occurred on May 15, 2009. You will probably not hear this in the mainstream media so I would encourage you to share this with anyone and everyone you want. I like Tancreda or Hunter
Both are excellent choices. I was for Tancreda when he first was running and hoped he had won. I think Mr. Romney is okay but I like Tancreda & Hunter better.
Orielly, post memorial day comments...sm
*While most of us were celebrating the heroism of those who have died defending America, some Afghanis were rioting and some Iraqis were killing civilians. In Kabul, a traffic accident led to rioting by young men who hate America. And in Iraq, a CBS news team was bombed by terrorists. The chaos in Afghanistan and Iraq will never end, because there will always be people who hate Americans and we are an occupying force in those countries. So what should the USA do? Well, the first thing is to be realistic. If we could go back to the fall of 2001, right after 9/11, you'd still have to invade Afghanistan. No way could the USA allow Al Qaeda to remain there. But Iraq should be a lesson learned - we cannot ever again put American boots on the ground in a hostile Arab country. There were other ways of removing Saddam. That being said, the John Murtha solution of cutting-and-running would lead to greater conflicts down the road as Iran would dominate the gulf. Also over the weekend, Congressman Murtha, who continues to duck The Factor, spoke harshly about the investigation of Marines who may have murdered some Iraqi civilians. What is Murtha's intent? Is this an 'I-told-you-so' because he opposes the war? Murtha should answer that question because 95% of the military is performing heroically overseas. In the chaos of war perspective and fair play are vitally important.*
I think the Iraqi citizen murder allegations should be checked into. I also think ORielly made some other valid points like the lesson learned (what we already knew before and they are just figuring out) on putting boots on the ground in Iraq. What do you think?
I'm surprised Dubya didn't attend this since he recently told Larry King that Lay was such a *good guy.*
Friends remember Lay at memorial service
By KRISTEN HAYS, AP Business WriterWed Jul 12, 7:17 PM ET
Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay was a high-powered businessman, philanthropist and family man who didn't succumb to despair despite the scandal that destroyed his company and left him a vilified felon, friends and family members said at a memorial service Wednesday where mourners included former President George Bush.
Lay's 90-minute service drew some of the high-profile guests who were close to him before he was convicted in May of fraud and conspiracy for lying to investors and the public about the energy company's financial health. Enron collapsed in late 2001.
Neither the Bushes nor former Secretary of State James Baker III, Houston Astros owner Drayton McLane Jr. and noted heart surgeon Denton Cooley spoke. The Bushes sat directly behind Lay's wife, Linda.
Instead, Lay's family and friends sought to show a kinder view of him than had been seen publicly since the company's collapse. Some expressed bitterness over their — and Lay's — steadfast belief that he was wrongly convicted in one of the biggest corporate frauds in history.
I am angry because of the way he was treated in the last five years of his life, and I think I'll leave it there, leave it at that, said Lay's stepson, David Herrold, who attended much of the four-month trial.
I am glad he's not in a position anymore to be whipped by his enemy, Herrold said to the hundreds in attendance at Houston's First United Methodist Church, which Lay attended for 12 years.
His mother, Linda Lay, dabbed tears with a handkerchief.
Lay died of heart disease July 5 in Aspen, Colo., where he was vacationing with his wife. About 200 friends and family, including his co-defendant, former Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling, attended a small memorial service there on Sunday.
But Skilling decided not to attend Wednesday's service because of heavy media coverage, said his attorney, Daniel Petrocelli. His wife, former Enron corporate secretary Rebecca Carter, attended both services.
As guests entered the sanctuary, they passed a framed photo of a smiling Lay wearing a red Enron T-shirt, blue athletic shorts and gym shoes. Two large bouquets of sunflowers sat on either side of the pulpit, while two burning candles sat on each side of an open Bible in the center.
The Rev. Bill Lawson, prominent pastor of the African-American Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston, said the Lay he knew wasn't the target of late-night TV jokes or a pariah. Lawson called Lay a victim of a lynching and praised mourners for staying friends with him through the scandal.
The folks who don't like him have had their say. I'd like to have mine and I don't care what you think about it, he said, eliciting brief applause. Now his grandchildren won't ask, `Why is Papia in jail?' No more persecution. That is behind him, Lawson said.
Lawson evoked leaders who he said were vilified in life but vindicated by history, including the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Minutes before Wednesday's service began, shrieks pierced the sanctuary as Lay friend and former Houston Mayor Bob Lanier, 81, collapsed in an aisle. Carter and Lawson comforted Lanier's distraught wife, Elyse, before paramedics whisked him to a hospital, where was in stable condition with an irregular heartbeat.
Lay and Skilling were the faces of Enron throughout the company's meteoric rise from a stodgy pipeline company to a powerhouse energy trader.
Their reputations shattered alongside the company as their images switched from business visionaries to perpetrators of fraud that fueled a spectacular crash that evaporated $60 billion in market value and left thousands jobless.
A jury convicted Lay of six counts of fraud and conspiracy and Skilling of 19 of 28 counts of fraud, conspiracy, insider trading and lying to auditors. Lay also was convicted of bank fraud and lying to banks in a separate, non-jury trial related to his personal banking.
Lay died awaiting their Oct. 23 sentencing, and his lawyers are expected to ask a judge to erase his conviction because his death left his case unfinished. Skilling still faces sentencing on that date and could be ordered to serve decades in prison.
Beau Herrold, another Lay stepson who manages the family's finances, read from a letter he had begun writing to U.S. District Judge Sim Lake that he intended to deliver before Lay's sentencing.
In the letter, he described Lay as a devoted husband, father, grandfather and brother who always found a way to make time for family. Lay is survived by his wife, children, two sisters and 12 grandchildren.
Associated Press photographers David Phillip and Pat Sullivan, viedographer Rich Matthews and writer Chris Duncan contributed to this report.
Yes.. and she's a marathoner, hockey player, hunter and fisherman!
This is not your every day kind of politician. She is a REAL woman, and someone that I can truly identify with. I was so-so on McCain, until now.
Thank you for posting a reminder.
I hope that all can see it, because right now, I can't. For Ron Paul Fans.
He thinks McCain is the better man. He stated he doesn't even know what the O is all about.
Wow. Good reminder! nm
For Ron Paul fans. sm
The article is on Huff Post, but is positive. There have been a few good articles there lately on Dr. Paul since his transparency bill (HR 1207) now has more than half the House as cosponsors.
I do think being pro-life and being against abortion are two different things. I don't think McCain cares anything about the life of "adults" and will send anyone to their death in a heartbeat to fuel the war he wants to continue.
You are absolutely 100% correct on not laying the whole war thing on the republicans. Largely the democrats voted for it (not all but a good number of them - including Hillary). However, with that said we have Mr. Cheney - need I say more. I used to like him until I started reading more about him and his role in the decisions that go on. Bush is an imbic!le, hence Cheney is really the decision maker. Bush is just a puppet and Mr. Cheney is the puppet master.
On a different note - this morning I was listing to a show and have heard now that it's pretty obvious that at the convention Barack will announce his running mate is going to be Hillary. If that happens, no matter how much I dislike McCain I WILL be voting for McCain. I will do anything I have to to keep her far away from the white house. I just wish McCain would stop saying "my freinds" every 5 minutes in his speeches. It's very condescending and irritating as all get out. One time we listened to his speech that ran aproximately 5 minutes in which he said "my friends" about 18 or so times. It's like everytime he starts a new sentance he begins with "My friends".
As for the nurse in the video...she should be thrown in jail for acting immoral and aiding in the death of an infant(s). I'm against abortions. First, there are too many childless families in America who are desperate at any chance to have a child. No reason to murder the innocent child. But partial birth abortions...I really started hearing about that when Clinton was president and he signed whatever it was approving this. It's totally disgusting and nauseating and anyone who is doing or or agreeing to have it done should be aborted themselves!!!! They can justify it any way they want to - it is still murder and dispicable! It really saddens me to think people actually think this is okay. But when they go down that road they are not human beings anymore - they are sub-human.
Any of you McCain fans read this?
Just a reminder -- election is less than 12 days away . . .
For you Palin fans...I thought this was hilarious.
He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into Sarah Pailin's field, on the other side of her fence. As the lawyer climbed over the fence, Sarah drove up on her tractor and asked him what he was doing.
Obama responded, 'I shot a duck and it fell onto this field, and now I'm going to retrieve it.'
Palin replied, 'This is my property, and you are not coming over here.'
The indignant Obama said, 'If you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything you own.'
Palin smiled and said, 'Apparently, you don't know how we settle disputes here.
We settle small disagreements with the 'Three Kick Rule.''
Obama asked, 'What is the 'Three Kick Rule?'
Sarah Palin replied, 'Well, because the dispute occurs on my land , I get to go first, I kick you three times
and then you kick me three times and so on back and forth until someone gives up.'
Obama quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take a woman at this game.
He agreed to abide by the local custom.
Sarah slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the Obama's groin and dropped him to his knees.
Her second kick to the midriff sent the Obama's last meal gushing from his mouth.
Obama was on all fours when her third kick to his rear end sent him face-first into a fresh cow pie.
He summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet. Wiping his face with the arm of his jacket,
he said, 'Okay, Now it's my turn.'
Palin smiled and said , 'Na, I give up. You can have the duck.'
Now, the specific article that the link takes you to about the Clintons, I have no argument with that...
Maybe others who went to this site already knew that it is right wing - but I didn't. And, in case others didn't, I wanted to point it out. We have to be careful what we feed our brains. I had never heard of it before, and saw a lot of awful inflammatory headlines there and wondered why.
I did a quick Google by searching "is worldnetdaily reputable" and the first link is very informative.
Bill O'Ego is SO desperate to get his "religious" viewers riled up so they will unite and vote repub. Last night, he was outraged (he and Hannity have so overused that emotion) because a Catholic church in San Fran did not respond with hatred and/or violence when two people presented to church in outlandish outfits to receive communion. The film shows them standing in line quietly and receiving the wafer and walking away. O'Ego felt it was a great ATTACK on his religion and felt that this should be BIG-BIG news. Claims the media is covering it up. He said if HE had been there . . . well . . . you know what a big he-man he is . . . It is obvious he is trying to divide people. According to my reading, jesus said turn the other cheek, and love one another. Ann Coulter then appeared and they discussed how she was so innocent and being attacked. Oh me brothers . . . .
Better watch it.....sm
The kind, loving, nonjudgmental christians on this board will roast you for being anything but what they deem is RIGHT. They'll burn in he11 before anyone else just for being what they are - living a lie.
8 & 11 PM CST watch this
Hannity's America, Foxnews.com. Investigating Obama's friendships, etc. Can you handle it?
Incidentally, Mike Huckabee has a new show on Fox, too. It's also on today, at 7 PM, CST. The first one last week was really good.
Look, I wouldn't question it, but he can't tell us to be "our brother's keeper" and then not keep his own brother!
I would just like to see some more walking the talk, ya know? If he is really big into helping the down trodden and lifting up everyone, I'd like to see him out there doing it. And not just to get ahead in politics either (so we can't really count community organizer).
Exactly. Just tax us all or watch our
trillion dollar deficit grow even worse.
Better watch out for........... sm
them thar revenuers! hehehe
Watch it,
Watch out....
you will probably be accused of being a racist! Next up, some witty, snarky acronym for Bush....c'mon, you can do it! BTW, your acronym sums it up.
O'Reilly and Barney Frank last night? Frank answered that question to some extent.
The thing you guys don't understand (or are ignoring) is that healthcare is a HUGE expense out of the federal budget as it is now. At this point it is absolutely essential to get that cost under control, which means reform. Cutting the cost of healthcare and yet making healthcare available to everyone is a win - win situation.
gonna watch it
Im gonna watch the comet explode. I think its Sunday night. Gotta check..however, whenever it is, I will be out there watching my beautiful uncluttered unsmogged desert sky.
Watch that propaganda now!
It's simply not true that Cindy Sheehan had "nothing but praise" for Bush and has now done a 360-degree turn. It's Drudge and Limbaugh nonsense with quotes taken out of context and spun to try and seem....what? It's nothing if not illogical. Aren't those intent on smearing her loudly proclaiming that she has been anti-Bush and anti-war since long before her son was killed? Then why would she fall all over herself praising him AFTER her son was killed? It makes no sense at all, but the attackers aren't really big on making sense apparently. They just throw all the garbage at the wall and see what might stick, that's how they operate.
What I really don't get is what the attackers are meaning to say. Even if it were true that Ms. Sheehan "did a 360" - point please? So what? So perhaps she was trying to make the best of a bad bad situation and least be respectful toward the president in consideration of his meeting with her and other family members - but since then, as she says herself, we have had the Downing Street proof, we have learned there were no WMDs at the time we invaded, we have learned all sorts of unbelievably horrible things - why SHOULDN'T anyone let those things change their views?
Now she just wants to know what this "noble" cause is that the President keeps referring to, and she wants to ask him to stop using the dead to justify making more unnecessary dead. But oh no, she must have an AGENDA! - well seems like that's it, isn't it? She wants to know and she wants him to look her in the eye and explain himself. And why shouldn't he? Or more precisely, why can't he seem to be able to do it? If he is sincere in his beliefs and committed to the cause, considering he's such a straight-talking nice guy, what's the problem? What is the big deal? It could all be over with in an hour. Why won't he just do it?
I don't watch O'Reilly. ?????
I don't watch TV. Especially the TV news. Never have. nm
Another reason not to watch FOX! LOL