Notice how O lovers got suddenly quiet
Posted By: that's a shocker! nm on 2009-03-13
In Reply to: It is amusing and very - MsMt
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Notice how all the O lovers get strangely quiet
Hmmm..... Obama supporters suddenly quiet
Suddenly, I think I get it. (SM)
These are the same Bush worshippers who go around spouting "My God is better than your God," who didn't care when Bush claimed to have a direct line to God, who told Bush to (1) run for President and (2) invade and occupy a country that hadn't attacked us.
I've NEVER heard Obama claim that God "says" things to him. He's looking to the American will of the people to come together to do GOOD things for this country.
I think they're all sore because they hoped Bush would bring about the "Rapture," swoop them all up and leave the rest of us losers down here. (I admit, at times, under Bush, I wished someone would swoop ME up and take me outta here, as well. In fact, in all honesty, I wished my fatal disease would hurry up and just take my life already.)
Under Bush, people lost hope. People lost jobs. People lost their own money when it was stolen by Wall Street, which Bush rewarded.
Bush never once cared about normal, everyday people. In fact, he did his best to try to make the middle class extinct. Obama SEES this. He SEES that millions of Americans are losing jobs, don't have health insurance, and can barely afford to feed their families. He wants to FIX this.
To me, he's the good guy. To them, he's some sort of Anti-Christ because he wants to do GOOD things for people.
I'm seriously fearful that someone of the ilk of some of these posters will see to it that Obama is killed. Maybe God will "tell" someone to do that, like God "told" Bush to invade Iraq.
We're living in very dangerous times indeed, but it seems like the terrorists we need to worry about MOST right now are the homegrown ones.
Suddenly they DO? Right back at ya. :) nm
Biden was right, but, of course, now he suddenly
So he has Downs? Is that why he was so quiet?
in that noisy situation! He WAS cute, though, as were all of his sibs.
The conservative board is quiet because SM
you and your bully friends made numerous and repeated drive-by postings. Do you know what a drive-by is. It's where you go merely to harrass and cause dissention and then scoot on back over here and brag about it. If you behaved like this in your own personal life, you be shunned and ridiculed. Instead, you and your friends here fall into that dysfunctional class of people who can only be tough on-line.
That baby sure was QUIET throughout that whole noisy
What difference does it make who I am? Are you suddenly the liberal welcome wagon?
Go back to your board. You're not wanted here. 
Suddenly the Repubs are worried about the political divide?
Oooh yeah, that's believable. Now that the ball has most definitely flown your court, you want to make sure EVERYBODY plays by the rules. Well let us tell you, the time to be polite was years ago, bucko, and your side blew its credibility in that respect. It was your senseless rampages that tore the political fabric of this nation from stem to stern - over NOTHING. So just sit back, shutty as they say on the main board, and take it on the chin like you deserve.
Asked for proof, suddenly she's too busy. LOL. Figures. nm
Exactly! They're eerily quiet on some issues, no?
The media is being quiet because it doesn't mean what you say it means. sm
Have you considered reading up on this bill a little more? I am not trying to be confrontational, but it seems to me this is all a misunderstanding on your part as to what this bill is really about.
A Quiet Windfall for US Banks (While You Weren't Looking)
Here's you starter-kit that went under the radar screen, tax and spend lovers...
» Washington Post: A Quiet Windfall for US Banks
The wasilla meth labs were kept quiet too... and sm
for all the rabid repubs talk about the "media"... nobody really bothered Willow or Brillo or Bristol and nobody really publicized the big anti Palin rally by Alaskan women! You gotta wonder! Palin should keep her piehole closed. She got an enormous break and still screwed up.
Gotta be thankful to her though, for giving Obama more votes.
Keeping information quiet because we worry about the pirates??????
That never stopped the MSM from giving out troop movements, information etc during the height of the Iraqi war did it? What about the "embedded" journalists over there. And I use the word journalist loosely.
Her point is that Obama voted repeatedly against tax breaks for the middle class and suddenly he'
the middle class person's best friend! Funny how now he wants to help us, when each time he had the opportunity to, he voted against it.
Again I say...they O lovers DON'T like
Why don't you come up with something besides "O lovers"?
really annoying.
What's with the O lovers anyway?
Obama represents to democrats an upstanding individual who we believe will be able to bring about a more efficient government and restore credibility to the nation (among other things). We hope this can be accomplished. However, when even the slightest hint of a rumor comes along (nevermind the source), you guys are all over it acting like it's true before any facts at all have surfaced. Because dems defend against this constant tirade of rabid pubs, we are automatically called O worshipers? Actually, in this case we were called O worshipers in the original post...LOL.
I guess that would make you guys Fox News worshipers. HAIL TO THE BIG O'REILLY! -- you know he's selling door mats on his show now...ROFL...can't wait to get that big ticket item. NOT.
So you and your buds bash us on *your* board and suddenly, once you reach this board,
some respect?
You publicly post on the other board that you *try not to visit the bog of eternal stench.*
Well, doesn't look like you are trying all that hard. Or is that another example of Conservative honesty, like your buddy on the other board lies 3 times before suddenly deciding to be *up front* (in her own words) about the whole bogus line of crap she was spouting.
You and your 2 friends don't respect anyone unless they're a member of your little club, think exactly as you think, belong to the same political party as you belong, and believe in the very same little narrow SUBsection of one particular religion.
That's what I interpret from YOUR WRITTEN WORDS. Your posts don't show respect. They only show twisted *facts*, ignorance, anger and hatred.
You can't be *respectful* on your own board but suddenly, when you come here - HERE - the place YOU call *the bog of eternal stench* you suddenly discover some respectability during your mouse click from there to here?
Please. Some of us aren't as stupid as you think we are.
You're becoming quite a bore. You and your friends stated you don't want us on your board, but you're not happy unless you're picking a fight. You and your *gang* told us to leave and not to post on *your* board. Maybe that should work both ways.
Out of ALL the problems with radical Conservatives, maybe the most annoying thing is that you don't believe in equality at all. You believe in SUPERIORITY. Somewhere along the line, someone made you think you were special and above everyone else. Sheesh! You're not happy unless you're dictating to everyone else in the country what they're allowed to do in their own personal lives regarding life, death, science, etc. You even think YOUR GOD IS BETTER than everyone else's.
You want to make the rules, censor people and tell them which boards they can and cannot post on, but YOU want to invade them all and spew your ignorance and hatred.
In my heart, I believe there are sincere, honest, intelligent Conservatives out there who are capable of a sensible debate. I've seen them. (I hope you don't chase them away, too.) But and your crew don't fall in that category, and this will be the last of your inane posts I will subject myself to.
Talk about stench. Just read your very own posts.
For any and all animal lovers. sm
I am a member of Defenders of Wildlife. This is a copy of an e-mail to that I was sent about Palin and the wolf hunting. The link on the bottom is the link to the TV commercial that members donated for to be shown. I am not sure where all it will be shown but in case it isn't in your area you might want to check it out. It makes me sad watching it as I love all animals, never wear leather or fur and am vegan.
Have you ever heard of aerial hunting? It's a brutal practice. Wolves are shot from low-flying aircraft or chased to exhaustion, then killed at point-blank range.
Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for Vice President, promotes this barbaric practice, exploiting a loophole in the Federal Airborne Hunting Act to allow private wolf killers to shoot down wolves using aircraft. To encourage the killing, she even proposed a $150 bounty for the left foreleg of each dead wolf!
We have to get the word out about this! Please watch this powerful new television ad by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, and then share it with every wildlife lover you know:
Oh Obama just keeps getting
This just coming out.........former Obama staffer (while working with Obama) now coming out that he sat in a meeting with an Islamic organization in Virginia back in September, in which Mr. Asbahi was present, Obama's liason. Now that man alone has a very close relationship with Islamic organizations and it just keeps getting deeper. This Islamic organization has ties with terrorists organizations to include CAIR who was also listed as a coconspirator in terror related groups.
It just keeps getting more interesting. For those that doesn't know who Asbahi is, you need to keep your eyes wide open. Obama is knee deep involved with Muslim and Islamic organizations, even though he has made a point of using his liasons, who are mostly Muslim, to do so now that he is running for President.
Believe me, the O lovers on here hate that
Exactly!! Most O lovers in a delusional
I think that's what O lovers are afraid of....
Of course she doesn't have the power to single handedly divide the country. She says what she believes and she is either liked or not. Some agree, some do not. I couldnt' care less what she wears or all this other nit picky garbage the O lovers have resorted to out of desperation.
A true sign of desperation is pulling out such ridiculous notions and accusations and worrying about her wardrobe. Who cares? At least her money isn't coming from terrorist organizations to help her fund her wardrobe, campaign, or anything else for that matter.
Too bad O lovers don't care where his funds are coming from. They are afraid to find out because the truth "won't set them free".
Wonder what these Obama lovers will do once he
Aw, according to the O lovers on this board
that math doesn't equal either. That's why I didn't put Ayers and the rest in the mix. There's enough between the Blago's and Rezko to equal the O.
The post with reading the other document....I saved it and hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to read the whole thing (49 pages!).
I just have to find the time to do all I need to do with Christmas coming up. I'm about stretched to the limit now.
No, you're just in a sea of O lovers ......
And before the O lovers say it ain't so.... remember
That's like starting a forum for pet lovers
And then saying they can only talk about pets they don't have any more, not their current ones! Or a car enthusiasts forum where people can only speak of vehicles they used to own, not what they currently drive.
What's the point in this forum, then, to only talk about the future or the past, not the present? How ridiculous!
Obama lovers do not care
They want Obama in office even if he has to buy his way in there and buy votes to boot. They know about the voter fraud going on but do not want to hear about it. They know their candidate is paying a corrupt racist organization that has already had indicted members to buy his votes into office.
You won't get a response.....O lovers hate
Don't expect any answers from O lovers on this
If Obama hasn't told them, they wouldn't know....they need him to think for them. He won't even give the amount needed to run his social programs, let alone all the other pie in the sky stuff he wants to do, stuff they do in socialist countries where everyone pays through the nose more than us and the government takes care of all of them, like Obama wants to do, take care of all of us while he screws us all over.
Most of those "plans" he has would put so many businesses out of business it is scary to even think about it. All this stuff he wants mandated...well, if small businesses have to enact that garbage, they will go under. Not the rich! The very middle-class he seems to have convinced this O lovers on this board he wants to take care of.
But Obama lovers don't want to talk about the
Oh those O lovers can't read between the lines
right to the slaughter. He has changed his policies several times. He sways with the wind and gets his advisors to revamp "his" policies every time the wind changes direction. Which is why all those that believe those numbers mean anything, are fooling themselves.
You can't 3.5+ trillion dollars worth of government increase by Obama with those small little amounts the O lovers keep reciting on this board. They're making your case and too dumb to know it.
If it's ONLY a few more dollars, how do they think he can pay 3.5 trillion dollars in government increases with that?
For all those O lovers who jumped on the plumber
Obama stated today, while trying to turn the plumber thing back towards McCain as if he NEVER said "spread the wealth" this.......
"How many of you know a plumber that makes half a million dollars?". McCain never said that, Obama did. Obama told the plumber that the business he was looking at buying which may or may not make 250K would be taxed to "spread the wealth" around. Boy, he's desperate now.
Now for all those O lovers who have had such a hatred all of a sudden of a "rich" plumber, how ya gonna back peddle on that one? You and Obama need to get on the same page...... now even Obama says a plumber can't make 250K! What a joke he is.
Still waiting for those O lovers to refute any of this
narrow minded? yup that is the O lovers
P.S. - last time someone was called stupid they were banned.
You don't like what I have to say fine. Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself. No need to be rude - oh wait! Your an O lover. Guess you do feel you have the right to be rude.
As Ben Franklin said, which fits perfectly about your post, .... "Better to keep silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt".
Exactly! ..and ignorance is bliss to those O lovers
Oh, but it IS funny! You just dont get it. O lovers
No, what I seen is O lovers are getting a wakeup call
O lovers have nothing else to say because the majority of the US citizens are saying it loudly with every phone call to the white house and it just ain't looking for for Obama, no matter how much he smiles and tells you everybody wants him......well, they ain't wanting him right now.
O lovers just living in denial..... he has let them go
Why do O lovers always object, even when the truth
Ever notice that
the higher gasoline/oil prices get and the harder it becomes to be able to AFFORD to be an American, the angrier they become and the more they troll?
Poor babies. They can't focus their anger and rage at Bush because then they'd have to admit that they voted for an idiot, and, just like Bush, there's no way they can ever admit they're wrong. So they have to come here and attack us instead.
I think the more the Republican party falls apart, the more difficulty they have affording even the most basic of necessities, the more bitter, angry, hateful trolling is likely to be inflicted upon us.
Anyone else but me notice?
 Did any of you notice that 3 months ago, there were far more posts on the conservative board, and now there are more on the liberal board. Could this mean more people are starting to doubt this administration, or just trolling? Just an observation. Personally I think it is the former rather than the latter.
Did ya notice?
The answer wasn't that your vote should count FAIRLY.
The answer was that you should just LEAVE the red state instead.
Doocy sitting on the plush couch in his 3-piece suit trashing Americans who are in the middle of a war zone. It's beyond me. I don't get it.
So what if they were complaining? What's his biggest complaint, the coffee's not fresh enough.
Of Course We Notice...
The "drive-bys" are so incredibly in the tank with Baroma! The lovefest has been far more nauseating than it ever was with Clinton.
How sad it is that McCain (who frustrates the krud out of me often times) is supposed to "hide" the fact that he was tortuored by those who wanted to destroy us for five LONG years? The enemy has changed, but their hatred of America has only worsened.
It's very likely that if Baroma wins that he'll be the first to be tested (like W was on 9/11). It could also certainly happen to McCain, but it's quite safe to say how he'd handle another 9/11 type situation. Sadly,this should give everyone a jolt: "Karachi Kids."
We will never forget...
Did you notice....(sm)
the cartoon in the New York Post? Yeah, that's one of the papers owned by Rupert Murdoch -- the same guy that owns Fixed Noise.
See cartoon below:
Did you notice....(sm)
the cartoon in the New York Post? Yeah, that's one of the papers owned by Rupert Murdoch -- the same guy that owns Fixed Noise.
See cartoon below: