Not to mention that the "Jihaad" holy war itself was caused directly from Daddy Bush having to
Posted By: Cyndiee on 2009-01-26
In Reply to: Bush and Company ignored the red flags! - Bushwacked
rush in with Desert Storm in order to secure the oil wells, securing the oil for all his oil baron friends and himself. Bin Laden himself said that when we rushed in, we had "tainted" Muslim soil and felt he had to retaliate. Of course, these are the ravings of a madman, but Bush policies directly inflamed the already hostile Taliban fighters. Also, the Bush and Bin Laden families have a long history in the business world, and the night of September 11th, the government made it pssible for Bin Laden family members in this country to flee and not face retaliation........please look it up in the newgroups, I have seen many amazing documentaries about these facts on Discovery, History Channel, Military Channel, and some of the news channels.
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And to go a bit further into history, Daddy Bush had to do Desert
"for the freedom of the Kuwaiti people", even though the average Kuwaiti at the time was far more prosperous than the average American, we were shown the peasants on the borders. Ethnic cleansing goes on for generations on the African continent, but do we rush in there to save the people. Nope. We don't have oil, or any other money-making interests there! Guess where the Bush family got most of their wealth....Bingo, oil wells! Now, let's connect the dots on this. Osama Bin Ladin himself (may he rot in he!!) said in many interviews and videos that the Jihaad started the moment Daddy Bush did not heed the warning and stay out of the Muslim desert. We went, and THAT is what started all the POINTED ATTACKS on Americans. So if you really want to trace things back, it goes back to Bush, the first one! JMHO. And oh, just what was it we accomplished with Desert Storm besides securing those Kuwaiti oil fields????
Bush is the one that CAUSED this economic meltdown.
The present crisis was not caused by Bush or McCain...
both approached the Democrats a total of 4 times trying to get Fannie/Freddie regulated. We can't afford Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, AND a Democratic president. Whatever else Bush is or is not, he is NOT responsible for this current financial MESS.
Hello?! 8 years of Bush cratered the country & caused this
nightmare in the first place. They are all frantically trying to keep us from another Great Depression caused by Bush & republican control. I personally think the damage runs so deep that it can't be stopped in time, but at least they're trying! Maybe next time the idiots will remember what Bush & his cronies have done & will be smarter than to vote republican...
What the sugar daddy giveth, the sugar daddy can taketh away.
Israel could NEVER carry out any of this without the constant infusion of US tax dollars that has been shipped to them ever since 1949. Rense seems to think it amounts to about 3 trillion dollars.
Daddy used to say
you are known by the company you keep.
I think you have daddy issues.
You have daddy issues.
Baby daddy's mommy arrested on drug charges
Nothing wrong with that, my daddy was a gardener, I know 1,000 ways to make zucchini, if you are int
I cannot figure what ever caused you to
have such deep hatred for Republicans, especially President Bush. It certainly isn't anything he ever did as president as your posts indicate that your hatred for him began at his first inauguration. I also get the feeling that you will never be able to let it go, as you constantly bring it up in almost every post you make. The major difference between you two that stands out is that he is a Christian and you are an atheist. He does not believe in abortion and you chose to have one. Maybe you have a guilt problem that you are trying to overcome before you can move on?
However, I can't see how you can use your hatred for Bush to justify Obama speaking to the French town hall meeting and, essentially, telling the world that America is not special to him and that Europe is the greatest nation. How can you say that is doing an awesome job?
It was too lenient on the ones that caused this mess (sm)
That's why it didn't pass last week. It was too one-sided.
Some of this is a rescue caused by those buying
I hate to say it but BOTH parties caused it!
Wake up, America.
My post below that caused such a
I have asked that this post be removed because it apparently was really upsetting to some people. While I normally don't post like I did below, I did it for what I had hoped would be a shock value, but it backfired on me. I had hoped that my shock value would be that it would get some people to understand my position, but that didn't happen. Therefore, I decided to ask the moderators to remove it.
I believe everyone knows my position on gay marriage and abortion as I have stated them numerous times on this forum, so I will try to refrain from responding to any posts involving those issues, at least whether as to whether they are right or wrong. Moral issues will always be that....moral issues...and are viewed through the individual's moral lens or compass. I cannot change any one's to match mine, nor can anyone change mine to match their's. Let's just leave it at that. 
If the sky falls, it wil be because Obama caused it
Just because someone doesn't LOVE your precious Obama, does not mean we are the pot stirring trolls as you call it. You want to believe Acorn is wonderful, well go ahead; just remember, free speech is exactly what Obama is trying to do away with.
You won't even be able to sit here and write your garbage much longer if he has his way.
I'm sorry, you are aware of what caused the financial crisis aren't you?
or you will just blame BUSH BUSH BUSH/CHENEY.
Please, do some research.
If my memory serves me, it started going downhill when a democratic congress took over.
Not only that, this MORTGAGE crisis was set into effect by the CLINTON administration and helped by a DEMOCRATIC congress.
Now let me be clear, I do not think Bush was a great president and he made mistakes, but DO NOT tell me that this financial crisis was his doing. I know you are going to flame me, but don't ignore the facts! Actually, that's what liberals do so nevermind, go ahead anyway.
No dupa - the shrub caused the crash and burn.......
Memory loss can signify medical issues which need to be attended to. Also, delusions can spell multiple significant issues which need to be addressed ASAP. Go with God.
White people with blue eyes caused this
According to Brazil's President "White people with blue eyes causes the economic crisis".
Glad I've got hazel eyes. Whew! Glad to know it's not my fault.
javascript:editor_insertHTML('text',' ');
Well point to the law that directly gives
our military authority over the U.N.? Where is the AGREEMENT that says we have to approve military action through the U.N.? It was not covered in my college political science class or the numerous classes I took between high school and college. We have consulted the U.N. before taking military action AND consulted and worked with the UN for YEARS on the Iraq situation. Iraq/S Saddam consistently and constantly thumbed his nose to the U.N. authorities and broke inspection agreements. I know that not every one in the U.N. supported the war, but if I'm remembering the correctly there was not enough opposition to put up a direct U.N. declaration to oppose the war.
I think we are reading different versions of history and the laws of the land.
Post directly above this
Huh? Two of the posters are directly below
Really? A lib posted directly under here
and presented an interesting challenge to sm about the Bloomberg article in "while analyzing those millions." Instead of claiming that liberals "always attack the messenger," talking about how they don't want to be educated, making wisecracks about mindreading and trying to belittle them for ALWAYS being on the attack, why don't you pitch in and help sm answer that little puzzler about the FDIC funds referred to in the article? So far, we see no one stepping forward to answer that challenge. It's not that hard. She gave 2 clues.
Well I actually do believe he was talking directly
about the O when he was addressing their failed PM. Two failures in charge of countries. I think if the PM can come sliming here begging for money, this guy should come over and explain to our congress (cos they don't evidentally get it) what they have done to the economy of the world. But the speach he gave might as well been talking right to the enlightened one.
It was a reply to the post directly above it...
"In his private career, seems like he did a lot of work for the poor and several civil rights cases. I guess that would make some conservatives a little afraid of him :-)"
It is the taunt I was replying to. Democrats have not in the past had a stellar reputation for championing the civil rights of African Americans and I pointed that out. And they became interested in the poor African American AFTER they finally got the right to vote. Coincidence?
Again, respectfully...replying the the taunt.
To answer your question directly
Would I accept less to save a MTSO, no I would not, but then we're not making near what the auto workers are making, apples and oranges. I feel I pesonally have to take a stand regarding ASR and pay for such. What they're asking us to take is ridiculous. Regardless of global economy, we still live in the good ole US of A and have a certain standard of living to uphold. As long as it is possible I will not do ASR nor will I edit reports being typed abroad. I left MQ last year, refusing to put up with their nonsense. Thankfully I only have a few years til retirement.
I did address it directly. In the post above....
and you proved my point about the attacking. Typical dem.
Took your advice - went directly to the source -
Okay, went to the source. Says the same thing - Obama 49, McCain 47 with likely voters.
Drudge shows the facts. You were okay with them when they favored your candidate.
What I am hearing is if Obama was so much better than McCain he would certainly have a much larger lead (like 20 points or more), but he doesn't, which goes to show that it is a very close race and you need to prepare yourself that either candidate could win.
Thanks for that info. I did go directly to this man's site...
and he talks about his email there also. I don't put much stock in any web-based sites; too much can be fabricated through the guise of anonymity.
I am talking Palin directly
That person who protrayed herself to be so righteous, so godly, Miss Goody-Goody has lots of skeletons in her closet yet to be all shaken out. It was really, really important when all just held onto every little word or piece of clothing that did not belong to her in the first place discussed. I am glad to see her falling off that high horse, yes I am.
Bravo Zauber..well said and directly to the point..
I will never understand how people think that opposing an erroneous(in this case fictional and delusional) government policy is unpatriotic and a detriment to our troops. I don't want to see any more die for reasons that do not nor have ever existed.
If someone ever posts something directly about one of Obama's children...
like that nastiness posted about Sarah Palin's daughter, I would be criticizing that as well. THere is absolutely NO reason for bringing a candidate's children into the political battleground. I have seen nothing posted here about lies about Obama's family other than some posters taking shots at the way the two women dress, and Cindy McCain got it as bad as Michelle Obama. I think that is pretty silly on both sides. I saw someone post what Michelle said about being proud of her country. It went away pretty quickly. I saw a lot of worse things about cindy Mcain winning her battle over prescriptin drug addiction, but the posts were much more hateful, mean, and personal.
Michelle Obama was out stumping for her husband and she said something in public people thought she should explain.
Barack Obama used drugs in his youth and was open about it. No one here condemned that. yet they tore the hide of Cindy McCain in strips because she admitted an addiction to prescription drugs because of an injury. do you find that fair? At ALL fair?
Why can't we at the very LEAST leave minor children out of this???
That should read: McCain directly denied
then continue reading the above post. time for another cup of coffee.
The moderator asked you to stop directly below this post.
You don't know the meaning of the word *respectful.* You want to come here and censor this board and lay down the law about what is *newsworthy* and what isn't, the same way you people want to control every aspect of every American's life. How ya makin' out in that regard? Not too well, eh? 
You and your other sidekick(personality?) below don't come here to debate.
You come here to incite, and regardless of your promises, you'll never leave. Nobody is bothering you on your board, and you have to release your evil vile hatred somewhere or else you will explode, so you come here.
If you want to see vicious, consult the nearest mirror.
Typical pub. Can't address a single issue directly.
Holy cow..............
#34 would scare the crap out of me. This is no different than him and his corrupt ACORN encouraging lending institutions to give home mortgages to those who don't qualify as well. No difference there except in a few years, we'll all be bailing out small businesses because thousands were given loans they didn't deserve.
Reform bankruptcy laws. They've already been reformed. Too many over the years getting themselves in a deep hole on their own and wanting to bail and not pay their bills. Not sure what he thinks is going to be different there. Of course, this would fly in the face of #25 altogether but who cares, it's all good, butterflies and buttercups!!
All these expanding family medical leave act and flexible work arrangements just tell me how out of touch he really is with small businesses. There is no way businesses with a handful of employees could continue to function with that stuff. He has no business mandating that; that will only hurt many business owners who are forced to let an employee leave and no doubt, with Obama at the helm, with pay which will put the businesses under in a heartbeat; only he uses encourage companies to adopt paid leave policies, which in some way will turn into do it or else.
20. Create network of public-private business incubators.
Wow - that would mean doing business with state/feds. Government involvement again. Bad, bad, bad.
15. Create National Infrastructure Investment Bank - bad, very bad - I see government involvement -- bad, very bad.
One thing you failed to mention, how do you propose he pay for all this? Who is going to pay all the NEW positions appointed to see that ALL this gets done? WE ARE! Notice you don't actually see the words "tax increase" anywhere? The big white elephant in the room not being talked about.
Holy cow, where have you been? There's
a list a mile long of all his questionable associations and those known for a fact he is associated with. You just choose to ignore it. Everyone from terrorists to real estate corruption, one realtor involved in serious corruption whom Obama bought his home from at a REAL GOOD DEAL! Yea, no association there. Every time you turn around, this guy is buddies with some real bad folks.
Believe what you want though.
Holy cow is all I can say
Cos I can't say the other word after holy on this board. Watch the video clip. Before I watched it I thought Ayers? So what, he's just disgruntled. Wright? Who cares, but after watching this video clip I have never been so truly utterly disgusted and nauseated ever that I can remember. I want to shout at the top of my voice if I could like Rev. James David Manning....what is wrong with people! Why can't they see it. is the video.
Evidently, pubs didn't care that McC directly denied
tried to diffuse all the scare tactics fall-out. What I want to know is why would McC supporters and their campaign turn a blind eye to a frightened senile old woman and keep right on pushing agendas that will produce more such embarrassing moments for their own candidate? Is this the kind of leadership we can expect under a McCain regime? How disconnected is this candidate from his own campaign management and supporters? Is that really the picture you want to paint for him? How much more fuel do you guys intend to use to stoke the fires of ignorance, division and deceit?
McCain seemed really sad last night when he tried to reassure that shaking, frail, senile old woman, but instead of looking presidential, he just looked like a beaten down has-been. Congratuations on an utterly moronic campaign strategy. Enjoy the fall-out.
Yes, the chips exist honey. I was speaking directly to the hysteria evoked
It shows a distinct lack of knowledge about the world and the peoples who inhabit it.
As to those that perpetuate this mythos...well, if you allow anyone to prey on your fears, you give them power over you. People need to investigate all sides of an issue, not just the perspective they agree with or the one spoonfed to them.
Yes, they scare the holy
and I consider myself a Christian. I just don't see the Christian in a LOT of what these people advocate. Looks, smells, and feels more like a political power grab.
This is a good one:
Bush and the Bible: A Letter to George Bush
Dear President Bush,
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from you and understand why you would propose and support a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. As you said in the eyes of God marriage is based between a man a woman. I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination... End of debate.
I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.
1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev.21:20 states that I may ! not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle- room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help.
Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
holy moly!
That would explain a few things wouldn't it? I was surprised when I heard Clinton came out ahead considering the numbers from the day before showing Obama ahead by a landslide. However, I did anticipate that he wouldn't take New Hampshire. But why on earth would Clinton's group care about Paul? So far, he is not even on the radar as a potential threat to her.
Especially among the radical and oh-so-holy
Incredibly homophobic, too. Ever hear anything so silly as that 'pray-away-the-gay' convention going on up in Palin's hometown?
Holy crap...I believe in everything
Al Queda says. Sheesh. Are you friggin kidding me? Who isn't to say they are just saying this to scare people into ushering in Obama because they like him. Besides, as for McCain following Bush's failed war.....we are winning....the surge was successful....get a clue.
Do you honestly think that if AL Queda does something to us that Obama will just sit back and not do anything? Obama has said he will not take military action off of the table. So this whole.....Obama will stop the war can't count on that because you don't know what those freaky psychotic terrorists have up their sleeves. It all sounds good as another failed promise though huh....I will stop the war. Just like he won't raise taxes on middle class even though raising taxes on businesses will trickle down to us and they will jack up prices of their products and we will pay for the tax hike that way....not to include the fact that all of Obama's plans cannot be covered by taxing the rich alone and he will have to raise taxes on the rest of us folks as well.....WAKE UP AMERICA!
Holy cow! You could use some religion...
Muslim or otherwise!!
holy cow honey...
calm down. I simply was stating that gay is not the cultural norm. There was nothing in my post having anything to do with violent or anything else that you are talking about. It is not "typical" to be gay, whether you like it or not. If you dislike me for not sharing your particular opinions, so be it. I can live with that.
Holy cow. A serious post.
I would be awestruck, except it is "know what," not "no what." Nice use of "whomever" though.
Holy trainwreck Batman...
Good grief, how things morph. I will answer a couple of things I read down the long, very very long thread that evolved from this post. First, I put liberals only, not as an invitation to read as someone suggested but as a heads up that if you are not liberal you will not like this. The writer, I believe, spiced this piece up with humor...ergo, the feral eyes making her look like all 4 of the Horsemen..come on, that was funny, and my most favorite line in the whole thing was that our Christian nation upholds the death penalty (I am paraphrasing I know) without an ounce of cognitive dissonance. Now that was good. I personally have heard Coulter say she is Christian on a couple of occasions. As I have said, I don't watch her if I can help it, but the few times I have seen her, she has brought up the fact that she is a Christian. I agree with the writer; I think I may want to find a new moniker for what it is I believe because if Coulter is Christian then evidently I am something else because I thankfully and gratefully am not 1 scintilla predisposed as she is.
And Ward Churchill...he is a quite accomplished writer and educator I have 2 books of his that deal with the American Indian and the boarding school debacle. They were very well written and researched. When I first heard what he had said I wasn't sure what he even meant. It sounded pretty off the wall to me and I still think so and I still think he owes an apology to the victims' families. I have an idea of where he was coming from, being a half breed myself, but nonetheless, he should not have said it or found a much different way of saying what he meant. Aho. Soft Winds.
Holy cow! Even the llamas sat down in protest.
As far as your imagined knowledge of where I get my information, I refer you back to your very own post above:
You infer that you know how and where I get my information. If you're so freaking clairvoyant then what are you doing here? The elitism just oozes from you.
You made a fine point in your other post: Those in glass houses best not throw stones.
Do you practice what you preach?
I don't know if you took the time to actually read the article I posted. Nowhere in my post did I negatively pass judgment on you, as you have me. Everywhere in my post, I discussed how and why I feel the way I do and I stuck to the issues.
What made me suspicious that the White House was behind the Israeli-Lebanon war was simply the sense of deja vu all over again, as if I were viewing the summer rerun of the Iraqi war because it was all carried out Bush style:
1. The use of shock and awe.
2. The feeling that the Israelis could easily win against Hezbollah when in fact Israeli troops also encountered fierce resistance from Hezbollah guerrillas, who took a page from the Iraqi insurgents by using explosive booby traps and ambushes to inflict heavier than expected casualties on the Israelis.
3. Not enough troops deployed.
4. Reservists complaining of not being supplied with enough body armor.
5. Other soldiers found equipment to be either inferior or inappropriate for battlefield conditions.
6. And once again, animals proved they are smarter than humans: One Israeli plan to use llamas to deliver supplies in the rugged terrain of south Lebanon turned into an embarrassment when the animals simply sat down.
The only element that was missing was the mythical claim that they would be greeted as liberators but who knows? Maybe all those roses just couldn't be delivered because the roads in Lebanon had been destroyed.
I totally agree that there are radical Muslims who want to kill us. What I totally disagree with is Bush's belief that everything can be solved with bombs. The United States is quickly becoming the most hated country in the world because of Bush's total lack of diplomacy, and I'm afraid that he is only provoking more terror attacks as a result.
The world doesn't like to be bullied by a country with a president that clearly wants to dominate the world. Ask the Soviet Union. Whoops. Sorry. The Soviet Union doesn't exist any more, do they? At least for the time being. I personally predict that even though Bush claims to know Putin's heart, we're soon going to discover that you can't take the KGB out of the Russian, and maybe, just maybe they're finding pure greedy capitalism isn't all it's hyped up to be. I believe Putin is going to prove to be a very dangerous and painful thorn in America's side, only proving once again that Bush's judgment is very poor.
I'd be glad to debate you further, but if you're going to continue to make it personal, pretending to know who I am, what I feel and where I get my news, then I'm not interested in communicating with you any further and once again refer you to your very own quote to another poster: You infer that you know how and where I get my information. If you're so freaking clairvoyant then what are you doing here? The elitism just oozes from you.
Holy crap....I teared up on that one.
I can't even imagine knowing that I was alive only because the abortion my mom tried to have failed. I know my mom was given the option of abortion with me because she was older and they were afraid it would put too big of a strain on her kidneys. Thankfully, my mom refused.
What I have NEVER understood is how abortion is not considered murder and you can legally have an abortion. However, if a pregnant woman is shot in the abdomen and her unborn child is killed, the gunman can be put on trial for murder or if the unborn child and mother both die it is considered a double murder. Why is it murder in one instance and not another. It is still taking the life of an unborn child. Just because one is wanted by its parent and the other isn' I guess that makes abortion okay since the parents don't want it....just kill it.
I'm sorry....I know you guys are tired of abortion debates. This is just my opinion. You all are welcome to your own opinion in this matter. So don't bash. If you don't agree....fine.
in your case, maybe some holy water would help
Since you cannot be happy for anyone but yourself