1. Ahmadinejad Feted at Obama Fundraiser’s Hotel 2. Ambassador Holbrooke: Don’t Let Ahmadinejad Speak 3. Biden Has Given Little to Charity 4. Palin’s Newsmax Interview Gains Wide Play 5. Hillary Campaign Still Deep in Debt 6. Washington Times Quotes Newsmax Report 7. We Heard: Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin, National Anthem
These stories and more on Newsmax.com. Also, Jodie Evans of Code Pink was at the dinner noted above.
We've been struggling to pay the bills with 2 incomes! sm
My husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary on Sunday the 14th. We were actually better off financially as 21-year-old newlyweds than we are today. My husband pulled hiw wallet out on Sunday and began to flip through the few dollar bills he had when he said, "Do you realize I had more money in wallet the day we got married than I do today?" The poor guy was up sick most of the night and vomited all morning. I told him he couldn't go to work that sick and he said that he had to. He has no more vacation time left, we haven't even started shopping for our daughter yet with Christmas eve less than a week away.
Financially, this is the worst Christmas I have ever had. I don't know how anyone is supposed to "feel blessed" and "share the love," when I'm so stressed out from working so much OT and robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Sorry I have to stop here. I'll come back and try to finish.
Would you believe AT&T just called to let me know my phones are scheduled to be disconnected tonight at midnight? Ironic, isn't it??
"God Bless Us Every One!"
Mixed feelings - Bills speech was excellent.
To be honest I didn't watch her speech - refused to. I didn't feel like listening to her talk about me, me, me and how she feels she really won. So - in all fairness I don't know whether it was a good speech or not. What I have read about her speech is that someone said she said the party needs to be united and support Barack. I read another article that said she didn't do anything to unite the party. And I read another article that said Hillary's speech was a blow to the campaign and because of it Baracks ratings have dropped. I read all of this on the drudge page and I do believe there are both liberals and conservatives there, but I could be wrong. In honesty I can't tell you what I thought of it, and I think my hatred for her really is not fair to her but it does make me biased against anything she has to say.
On the other hand - I thought I hated Bill Clinton more than I did her and I was planning to refuse to listen to his speech tonight, however, found myself to curious so I did listen. Once he got past the praising Hillary & his presidency (which he didn't do as much as I thought he would) I actually thought his speech was very good. Well thought out and I thoroughly enjoyed it and my opinion of him has definitely changed (we just won't tell my mother-in-law - think she'd have a seizure- ha ha ha).
Bill Clinton for the first time finally came out backing Barack and listed the reasons why we need Barack as president, and why he is the right choice. He was sincere, intelligent, and I actually enjoyed his speech.
I have heard that Bill Clinton has planned that he is not going to be there tomorrow when Barack walks out to give his acceptance speech he is going to leave (I guess a protest that Hillary didn't get picked), but after his speech tonight I wonder if that was just a rumor. Time will tell.
I still think he was a horrible horrible present for 8 years (one of the worst presidents in history), but tonight he showed a different side to him and I give him credit for that.
GOP Pays Legal Bills in Vote-Thwart Case
By JOHN SOLOMON, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The Republican Party says it still has a zero-tolerance policy for tampering with voters even as it pays the legal bills for a former Bush campaign official charged with conspiring to thwart Democrats from voting in New Hampshire.
James Tobin, the president's 2004 campaign chairman for New England, is charged in New Hampshire federal court with four felonies accusing him of conspiring with a state GOP official and a GOP consultant in Virginia to jam Democratic and labor union get-out-the-vote phone banks in November 2002.
The Republican National Committee already has spent more than $722,000 to provide Tobin, who has pleaded innocent, a team of lawyers from the high-powered Washington law firm of Williams & Connolly. The firm's other clients have included former President Clinton and Sen. Hillary Clinton and former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros.
Republican Party officials said they don't ordinarily discuss specifics of their legal work, but confirmed to The Associated Press they had agreed to underwrite Tobin's defense because he was a longtime supporter and that he assured them he had committed no crimes.
"Jim is a longtime friend who has served as both an employee and an independent contractor for the RNC," a spokeswoman for the RNC, Tracey Schmitt, said Wednesday. "This support is based on his assurance and our belief that Jim has not engaged in any wrongdoing."
A telephone firm was paid to make repeated hang-up phone calls to overwhelm the phone banks in New Hampshire and prevent them from getting Democratic voters to the polls on Election Day 2002, prosecutors allege. Republican John Sununu won a close race that day to be New Hampshire's newest senator.
At the time, Tobin was the RNC's New England regional director, before moving to President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign.
A top New Hampshire Party official and a GOP consultant already have pleaded guilty and cooperated with prosecutors. Tobin's indictment accuses him of specifically calling the GOP consultant to get a telephone firm to help in the scheme.
"The object of the conspiracy was to deprive inhabitants of New Hampshire and more particularly qualified voters ... of their federally secured right to vote," states the latest indictment issued by a federal grand jury on May 18.
The Republican Party has repeatedly and pointedly disavowed any tactics aimed at keeping citizens from voting since allegations of voter suppression surfaced during the Florida recount in 2000 that tipped the presidential race to Bush.
Earlier this week, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, the former White House political director, reiterated a "zero-tolerance policy" for any GOP official caught trying to block legitimate votes.
"The position of the Republican National Committee is simple: We will not tolerate fraud; we will not tolerate intimidation; we will not tolerate suppression. No employee, associate or any person representing the Republican Party who engages in these kinds of acts will remain in that position," Mehlman wrote Monday to a group that studied voter suppression tactics.
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean on Thursday questioned Mehlman's commitment to the policy. "This is just another example of his say one thing, do another strategy. Ken Mehlman tells crowds his party is against voter fraud and intimidation, while in the backrooms he supports Republican officials who engage in these dirty tricks," Dean said.
Dennis Black and Dane Butswinkas, two Williams & Connolly lawyers for Tobin, did not return calls seeking comment. Brian Tucker, a New Hampshire lawyer on the team, declined comment.
Tobin's lawyers have attacked the prosecution, suggesting evidence was improperly introduced to the grand jury, that their client originally had been promised he wouldn't be indicted and that he was improperly charged under one of the statutes.
Tobin stepped down from his Bush-Cheney post a couple of weeks before the November 2004 election after Democrats suggested he was involved in the phone bank scheme. He was charged a month after the election.
Paul Twomey, a volunteer lawyer for New Hampshire Democrats who are pursuing a separate lawsuit involving the phone scheme, said he was surprised the RNC was willing to pay Tobin's legal bills and that it suggested more people may be involved.
The new development "really raises the questions of who are they protecting, how high does this go and who was in on this," Twomey said.
Federal prosecutors have secured testimony from the two convicted conspirators in the scheme directly implicating Tobin.
Charles McGee, the New Hampshire GOP official who pleaded guilty, told prosecutors he informed Tobin of the plan and asked for Tobin's help in finding a vendor who could make the calls that would flood the phone banks.
Allen Raymond, a former colleague of Tobin who operated a Virginia-based telephone services firm, told prosecutors Tobin called him in October 2002, explained the telephone plan and asked Raymond's company to help McGee implement it.
Raymond's lawyer told the court that Tobin made the request for help in his official capacity as the top RNC official for New England and his client believed the RNC had sanctioned the activity.
good grief, forget the clothes, the woman charges everthing to Alaska, plane tickets, hotel rooms, l
Did you even read what you stuck out
You put the article out there, it was read and I simply pointed out the person writing it is very biased. He/she obviously does have a bone to pick with whites, but as usual, when someone refuses to actually read what was written, I said nothing about having a problem with whites being a minority. You seem to be the only one obsessed with that view. Having Hispanic presence in this country does not "disturb" me, even though you seem to, as you didn't say it didn't bother you; you said it didn't "particularly" disturb you, meaning it obviously does in some way. Anyhow, you seem to be caught up in thinking illegals mean only Hispanics. Illegals are coming over from a lot of places, many many are criminals. Do you think 8000 (thousand) violent gangs in LA alone from foreign illegals is a good thing? Eight THOUSAND in one city alone multiplied by thousands more in the border states spells BIG trouble. You need to get off the "white" bandwagon and stand up for the sovereignty of your country. I'm assuming you are legal.
Regardless, it's still there, stuck on our shoes... Aah, don't get stuck on color here.... Terrorists
they have been home grown right here in this country.....Ayers, Dohrn, just to name a couple. You know, Obama's pals that his supporters keep hearing the news media they get their info from tell everyone how he hasn't had any dealings with these two or the corrupt white multi-millionnaire realtor he has many associations with AND bought his 1.6 million dollar home from at a STEAL!
His name is Muslim. You want to pretend it's not? Now, that alone is not the issue...his Islamic relationship with terrorists in terrorist countries is the problem, of which you want to ignore. His Islamic teachings is also an issue, of which you also choose to ignore. His own family members say he is Muslim through and through. They say he is NOT a Christian, but of course, you know more than they I'm sure.
Many people were confined against their will just because someone wanted them "out of the way." These were normal people with no mental illness - that is why it is so difficult - don't blame the liberals. Blame your state.
In the legal space between what a society should and should not do, taking action to restrict the liberty of people who are mentally ill sits in the grayest of gray areas.
Our notions about civil and constitutional rights flow from an assumption of "normalcy." Step beyond the boundaries and arrest and prison may legally follow. Short of that, government's ability to hold people against their will is severely and properly limited. Unusual behavior on the part of someone who is mentally ill is not illegal behavior. Freedom can't be snatched away on a whim, or on the thought that a person is hard to look at, hard to hear, hard to smell.
It was only a few decades ago that the promise of new medications and a change in attitude opened the doors of the mental hospitals and sent many patients into society. There, they would somehow "normalize" and join everyone else, supported by networks of out-patient facilities, job training, special living arrangements and regular, appropriate medication. But the transition has been imperfect, long and difficult.
In some parts of urban America there is little professional support for those with mental health problems. A new generation of drug and alcohol-fueled mental illness has come on the scene. People frequently end up on the street, un-medicated and exhibiting a full range of behaviors that are discomforting at the very least and threatening at their worst.
In a memo to RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, GOP pollster Jan van Lohuizen argues that it's dangerous for Republican congressional candidates to distance themselves from President Bush.
President Bush drives our image and will do so until we have real national front-runners for the '08 nomination. Attacking the President is counter productive for all Republicans, not just the candidates launching the attacks. If he drops, we all drop.
Good grief! Taxpayers get stuck with the bill...
and Franklin Raines gets a over a million per year in "retirement..."
Written last Thanksgiving: "Some would argue that two different nations actually celebrated: upright, moral, traditional red America and the dissolute, liberal blue states clustered on the periphery of the heartland. The truth, however, is much more complicated and interesting than that.
Take two iconic states: Texas and Massachusetts. In some ways, they were the two states competing in the last election. In the world's imagination, you couldn't have two starker opposites. One is the homeplace of Harvard, gay marriage, high taxes, and social permissiveness. The other is Bush country, solidly Republican, traditional, and gun-toting. Massachusetts voted for Kerry over Bush 62 to 37 percent; Texas voted for Bush over Kerry 61 to 38 percent.
So ask yourself a simple question: which state has the highest divorce rate? Marriage was a key issue in the last election, with Massachusetts' gay marriages becoming a symbol of alleged blue state decadence and moral decay. But in actual fact, Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the country at 2.4 divorces per 1,000 inhabitants. Texas - which until recently made private gay sex a criminal offence - has a divorce rate of 4.1. A fluke? Not at all. The states with the highest divorce rates in the U.S. are Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. And the states with the lowest divorce rates are: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Every single one of the high divorce rate states went for Bush. Every single one of the low divorce rate states went for Kerry. The Bible Belt divorce rate, in fact, is roughly 50 percent higher than the national average.
Some of this discrepancy can be accounted for by the fact that couples tend to marry younger in the Bible Belt - and many clearly don't have the maturity to know what they're getting into. There's some correlation too between rates of college education and stable marriages, with the Bible Belt lagging a highly educated state like Massachusetts. But the irony still holds. Those parts of America that most fiercely uphold what they believe are traditional values are not those parts where traditional values are healthiest. Hypocrisy? Perhaps. A more insightful explanation is that these socially troubled communities cling onto absolutes in the abstract because they cannot live up to them in practice.
But doesn't being born again help bring down divorce rates? Jesus, after all, was mum on the subject of homosexuality, but was very clear about divorce, declaring it a sin unless adultery was involved. A recent study, however, found no measurable difference in divorce rates between those who are "born again" and those who are not. 29 percent of Baptists have been divorced, compared to 21 percent of Catholics. Moreover, a staggering 23 percent of married born-agains have been divorced twice or more. Teen births? Again, the contrast is striking. In a state like Texas, where the religious right is extremely strong and the rhetoric against teenage sex is gale-force strong, the teen births as a percentage of all births is 16.1 percent. In liberal, secular, gay-friendly Massachusetts, it's 7.4, almost half. Marriage itself is less popular in Texas than in Massachusetts. In Texas, the percent of people unmarried is 32.4 percent; in Massachusetts, it's 26.8 percent. So even with a higher marriage rate, Massachusetts manages a divorce rate almost half of its "conservative" rival.
Or take abortion. America is one of the few Western countries where the legality of abortion is still ferociously disputed. It's a country where the religious right is arguably the strongest single voting bloc, and in which abortion is a constant feature of cultural politics. Compare it to a country like Holland, perhaps the epitome of socially liberal, relativist liberalism. So which country has the highest rate of abortion? It's not even close. America has an abortion rate of 21 abortions per 1,000 women aged between 15 and 44. Holland has a rate of 6.8. Americans, in other words, have three times as many abortions as the Dutch. Remind me again: which country is the most socially conservative?
Even a cursory look at the leading members of the forces of social conservatism in America reveals the same pattern. The top conservative talk-radio host, Rush Limbaugh, has had three divorces and an addiction to pain-killers. The most popular conservative television personality, Bill O'Reilly, just settled a sex harassment suit that indicated a highly active adulterous sex life. Bill Bennett, the guru of the social right, was for many years a gambling addict. Karl Rove's chief outreach manager to conservative Catholics for the last four years, Deal Hudson, also turned out to be a man with a history of sexual harassment. Bob Barr, the conservative Georgian congressman who wrote the "Defense of Marriage Act," has had three wives so far. The states which register the highest ratings for the hot new television show, "Desperate Housewives," are all Bush-states.
The complicated truth is that America truly is a divided and conflicted country. But it's a grotesque exaggeration to say that the split is geographical, or correlated with blue and red states. Many of America's biggest "sinners" are those most intent on upholding virtue. In fact, it may be partly because they know sin so close-up that they want to prevent its occurrence among others. And some of those states which have the most liberal legal climate - the Northeast and parts of the upper MidWest - are also, in practice, among the most socially conservative. To ascribe all this to "hypocrisy" seems to me too crude an explanation. America is simply a far more complicated and diverse place than crude red and blue divisions can explain.
they are adding police and only in the big cities do they have paid firemen. The rest are volunteers.
I look at it this way: If a state can't stay in the black, then they have to cut spending some place that wouldn't jeopardize the safety of the citizens. Threats of cutting essential services like Barney Fife stated today are unjustified. Cut the non-essential services first.
Our governor talks about cutting back on services, laying off government workers, which I think is a good idea because government is too big anyway, but then he turns around and spends more money on non-essential items. Doesn't make sense.
well now that you mention it....sm
Once Foley gets out of rehab, he should go back to his old position over the Missing and
Exploited Children Caucus just to be fair.
And since Studd had a 17-year-old page boyfriend 23 years ago, how dare anyone mention what Foley was doing online. Hassart and the rest of you interested republicans should continue to minimize Foley's actions and play partisan politics (even though this is no political matter and I don't look at it as such). Just so you know, it doesn't look good on you. Daniel Crane (republican, also having an affair with a 17-year-old page back in 1983) didn't resign either - he was voted out. I don't know how or why Studd continued be voted in, but he should have stepped down.
Frank and Clinton were dealing with adults, so I look at their situations completely different. And talk about outrage and hypocrisy, look at the people who were probing Clinton with their own hands in the cookie jar (or should I say intern jar). Still much different than pedophilia.
Now that you mention it
You totally missed the part where I said they were all wrong. They were ALL wrong. Studd did have an underage page boyfriend, physical sex with an underage boy and BRAGGED about it. Foley had internet sex and at least had the good sense to be ashamed of it instead of holding a press conference to DEFEND his behavior, or like Frank, throw out his gay roommate who was running a sex trade out of his apartment (I swear I didn't know he was doing that...YEAH RIGHT). You also glossed over the fact that Clinton, while in office, after an oath to uphold the laws of the United States, lied his rear off on TV in front of ALL of us on national television...this is not disputed, the man committed perjury. And somehow you excuse that kind of behavior, but want Foley's head on a platter? Yeah, that makes real good sense. Inever defended Foley; I don't care what party he is in, what he did was WRONG. I don't care what party Bill Clinton was in, what he did was WRONG. Studd was WRONG. Barney Frank was WRONG. All equally WRONG. I doubt if all the boys Frank's roommate was running through his apartment as prostitutes were all adults. Monica Lewinsky was 21...barely legal. So that somehow makes it okay for Bill to cheat on his wife in the White House and then commit perjury. Yeah, that makes perfect sense (in YOUR world maybe). You proved my hipocrisy point by saying you look Frank and Clinton completely different. I said they were ALL wrong. You continue to say what Foley did was somehow worse. At least he kept his perversion on line and his hands off... not like Clinton and Studd. Get a grip. They are ALL wrong. Mark Foley did not do what he did because he was a Republican; Clinton, Studd, and Frank did not do what they did because they are Democrats. They are all morally corrupt. Period, end of sentence.
not to mention all the
Not to mention the half mil or so those execs spent on a luxury vacation just hours after they got the bail-out money. This is INSANE. I think to a large degree things are playing out just as dubya and his side-kick Cheney had planned. Those two, in my humble opinion, are a couple of EVIL men.
I say no bail out for anyone. What's done is done. The idiots in Washington need to SHUT UP and in particular, the sensation-seeking talk shows need to also SHUT UP. They all need to start talking about bringing jobs back to AMERICA and if there was no demand for credit from consumers, there would be no credit crunch. Live without your means. If you bought a $100,000 house you couldn't afford and it's now worth $50,000, tough toenails! People who bought into the "home equity line of credit" BS deserve what they got. I don't believe I would care to subsidize their stupidity. Now it's about the seniors, TV ads for reverse mortgages for them. Seniors who buy into that garbage, I'd like to sell them the Garden of Eden!!!!!
I don't know the answer to immediately get rid of all these bums in the government. I wish we could have a general election and fire every single one of them....DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN!!!!
With that I'm off to cook the trout we caught this morning.
of God being involved in this election. I do think that God will be involved in this election. However, our country has pushed Him out of our lives so much that it wouldn't surprise me if He let us fall flat on our faces. I hate to say that, but you can't pray in schools. People don't want to say the pledge to the flag because of His name being mentioned. The 10 commandments are being removed from court houses. Seriously....what have we become? I understand the concept of keeping church and state separate but it seems more to me like we are removing Him totally and that upsets me. The mere mention of him by a candidate, particularly a repubican one, gets people in an uproar about religious fanatics and Bible thumpers, etc. It is just sad.
I hope that we pick the candidate who will get us out of this crisis, but maybe that just isn't in His plans. Whatever may happen, I just pray that God gives us the strength to take on any challenge that may face us....because let's face it people....we are going to have major challenges if either candidate is president.
Not to mention, it's
You know, now that you mention it, I
is going to vote for, after all he doesn't think Obama has enough experience and he thinks McCain does, and he would be glad to run on a ticket anytime with McCain. Has he ever retracted those statements? Hillary said McCain has 30+ yrs of experience and Obama has a speech he made in 2000. Does she still stand by that statement, you betcha!
Sorry, I did not see any mention
WASHINGTON -- A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may -- may not, I hope not -- but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military.
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
Obama's comments about a national security force came during a speech in Colorado about building a new civil service corps. Among other things, he called for expanding the nation's foreign service and doubling the size of the Peace Corps "to renew our diplomacy."
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Broun said he also believes Obama likely will move to ban gun ownership if he does build a national police force.
Obama has said he respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms and favors "common sense" gun laws. Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he'll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault weapons and concealed weapons. As an Illinois state lawmaker, Obama supported a ban on semiautomatic weapons and tighter restrictions on firearms generally.
"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun said. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
Obama's transition office did not respond immediately to Broun's remarks.
I don't see mention........... sm
of pilots being laid off, only that some of the leased jets are being returned to the leasing company. Apparently, they are retaining some of the jets and will therefore need pilots for them. My personal opinion is that ALL company jets should be returned as a part of their cost-cutting measures. SEVEN jets for 1 company seems just a little ridiculous. The pilots, though, will likely be able to find work with one of the major airlines if all the jets are returned.
Not to mention all of the
blatantly broken promises from the president. The man who is actually the commander and chief of our country and they want to spend time talking about a teenager who got knocked up. I guess it doesn't matter that Obama obviously bowed to the Saudi King and then turned around and lied about it and said he only leaned forward because the man was short. Well....I do believe the queen is about as short as they come and I didn't see him bowing to the queen. But hey....why focus on lies made by the president or the amount of money that he and his administration are spending when we could focus on important issues like Sarah Palin's daughter. I guess as long as we drink the kool-aid and focus on the important issues we will truly hsee ow great Obama the all powerful really is.
i wish she would mention that little point
running to polls and voting for her.
Did I mention at any time anything about
SP pregnant child? At all? Anywhere? You keep injecting her into the conversation, a conversation where she was never mentioned, has nothing to do with her, or with any other politician really, but you get after everyone else for bringing up the fact that SP daughter is pregnant. How can we let it rest if you keep bringing it into the coversation.
I am an independent and it does bear looking at, but the whole article was just ridiculous to me. If someone is going to say that someone follows a communist give me something more substantial than rallies and cheers, etc.
I do believe you just insulted me....not to mention...sm
my husband.
Be that as it may, I come to expect it of certain posters on this board.
If you can't understand it, then I can't explain it to you. You'll only call me worse names, so why should I bother?
I believe I was the first one to mention Alinsky...
and actually, Obama is the expert...he taught the Alinsky method and used it in his community organizing for years. You can educate yourself if you choose to, or you can repeat democratic talking points and post criticizing others instead of valid points. Up to you...but it appears which road you have chosen.
Exactly, and the sources you mention actually...
back up their facts that are easily checked, not just commentary or their personal spin on things. THAT is what people need to look at. Even if they are watching those other things, when they hear something, don't take it at face value. Research it, look for facts, not statements. Trust YOURSELF.
Why don't you ever mention the other 4 in the Keating 5 were....
Democrats? Three of whom were much more than "rebuked." The Keating 5 was a small part of the article. The lead with the pic of the "indicted" guy has been refuted...and Obama also has an "indicted" friend..Rezko. But you did not bring that up either. Forgot to mention.
Also the show last night stated that Obama keeps saying we are going to CHANGE and people chant, YES WE CAN. What is this change? Anybody know? Because O'Reilly Factor and everyone else want to know what this CHANGE is. Obama inspires us, but for what? What is this CHANGE he is going to do?
PS. I fogot to mention
We'd be perfectly fine with their sabotage of our economy, aggressive advancement into our camps for further residential land-grabbing takeovers and a blockade of food, medical supplies, fuel and money. No, we wouldn't raise a finger, now would we?
Of course, you forgot to mention, the
the other fair and balanced reporters.