with Korea, Iran, (but hey, remember when we harbored the Shah of Iran so he could get the best of care when he had cancer?? We were not worried about war atrocities by him back then!!), we are Big Brother, we can have all the nukes we want, you can't. We turn away from the Sudan and Darfur, the abominable atrocities, bloodshed, rape, torture, social cleansing, etc., because they are poor and we do not need anything from them. But boy, if we had some oil interests there, we would be there in a heartbeat! What a social conscience this nation has!
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
The rate at which infants die in the United States has dropped substantially over the past half-century, but broad disparities remain among racial groups, and the country stacks up poorly next to other industrialized nations.
In 2004, the most recent year for which statistics are available, roughly seven babies died for every 1,000 live births before reaching their first birthday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. That was down from about 26 in 1960.
Babies born to black mothers died at two and a half times the rate of those born to white mothers, according to the CDC figures.
The United States ranks near the bottom for infant survival rates among modernized nations. A Save the Children report last year placed the United States ahead of only Latvia, and tied with Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia.
The same report noted the United States had more neonatologists and newborn intensive care beds per person than Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom — but still had a higher rate of infant mortality than any of those nations.
Doctors and analysts blame broad disparities in access to health care among racial and income groups in the United States.
Not surprisingly, the picture is far bleaker in poorer countries, particularly in Africa. A 2005 World Health Organization report found infant mortality rates as high as 144 per 1,000 births — more than 20 times the U.S. rate — in Liberia.
Saying it is so or isn't so doesn't make it the truth.
Yes, Saddam was a face of terror, one of many in the world...and not just in the middle east. Try Africa.
The posting you don't believe has facts as stated by multiple investigations sponsored by the U.S. as well as countless Middle East and terror experts. They appear to be the truth. That Saddam was able to keep the lid on violence in his country is backed up by the history of Iraq under his reign. Very easy to check on.
Ever hear that phrase better to be silent and be thought intelligent than speak and remove all doubt? You people are ignorant of history and that is what is wrong with the country. You embarrass liberals by debating with stupidity and posting replies to an historically correct post. Please stop it.
is it our government's job to make the world's people happy?
No, what I don't care for is people who won't own up to what they said.
Other than that, no problemo bucko!A lot of people care and....
A lot of people care because she's going to be the first lady, and the first decent First Lady we will have had since probably Jacqueline Kennedy, and second, if you believe that line above then you evidently did not hear her whole speech or probably listened to the other side twist it. She clearly stated that she was not talking about being proud to be an Amercian in whole, she was talking about the way politics has gone overall. Sheesh!!! I'll tell you there are a hundred or more people like her. We are pround proud of the way our the way politics are being run. Next time people should listen to her speech and not what the other side spews it into.
A lot of people care
This is a big deal for both Obama & McCain. I've been saying all along that Hillary will be anything she can to get McCain elected so she can run again in four years. I've also heard she and Bill will be voting for McCain so they can have their chance again.
It is a big deal!
Could not care less about what he says. If people
Obviously people do care or there
wouldn't be a political board on here.
Very few politicians care about the people either.
I am sure there are people dying now who have no health care...
there are millions dying who DO. You really think that preventative and "maintenance" health care are going to "drastically" cut the number of catastrophic events...how do you figure that? Are you going to change the way people think? I would like to know the percentage of people who ARE insured who do preventative and maintenance health care? I know a whole lot of women who don't go for Paps and mammos every year, who are covered, simply because they don't want to. Has nothing to do with being insured or not. In fact, I would be willing to bet that a lot of people who are insured don't even use it until they have that catastrophic event and that is when they use it...that is what they think they have it for. And Obama and his advisors know that too...if he wants that kind of rationale to work then he is going to have to think of a way to force people to engage in preventative and maintenance health care...well maybe that is where the national security force comes in. Sigh.
How's that for a kick in the head?
Clinton left office with a 1/2 billion surplus....Reps come in and squander it, plus rape America's wealth.... What a bunch of thieves! Now, the American people can pay for their thievery. Forget about those hopes and dreams, people...they are GONE!!!
"They" are banking on people's inattention. Using the technique of repeating a slogan until it sticks. I think the real problem in our political system is that many voters are too passive to really research and think, just watch the attack ads and go with the slogans.
Bush may have only made one smart decision his whole life, and that was having someone even more evil, twisted, and money hungry than himself be his vice president. Even the harshest Bush critics don't want him impeached because no one wants Cheney, aka the Devil's spawn and the King of Corruption, running things! I don't care if I sound outrageous and mean - I am so sick of the Bush administration's corruption I could just scream - or cry. Their crimes cannot continue! But it's like Bill Maher said, this country has f@!* up fatigue. Our tolerance for the outrageously inappropriate actions of this administration is getting pretty high. Nothing they could do would shock me at this point. blah.
No, in this culture we live in today, to remove contraception would be idiotic. Sex has been reduced to "expression," having one partner for life has disappeared, multiple partners are fine, yada yada...in that kind of culture to remove birth control would be nuts. Think what the abortion rate would be if that was done...good grief.
By education and programs that doesn't mean dispensing actual birth control. At many schools kids can get condoms. Nearly every health department in the country will dispense birth control and any planned parenthood place will, and that is not going to change.
If you want to reach kids, put those programs on the internet or introduce that kind of information to the shows the kids watch all the time. If you want the information to get to them, that is where it should be covered.
Thank you for taking the time to lay it all out
They will immediately go to Palin flaming because that's all they have. They can never refute any proof made on this board because they can't find any to refute with. Instead, they keep going round and round with the only thing they can remember from TV, Palin this, Palin that.
You don't see the republicans putting down Biden because they are decent people, unlike the dems on this board who refuse to see. AND, the dems on this board know that Biden LOVES McCain and they know in their hearts Biden can't stand Obama; he already said so.
God isn't the problem....taking God out of our
fabulous? When he is taking away a better one?
Letting Bush's tax cuts expire? Have you done the math?
profit taking
The rules have not changed yet and the hedge funds are still running loose, betting ups, betting downs. Everything they were doing to get us into this mess is still going on and still legal. Leverage is still high.
Taking money out
is actually a good idea, since there has been talk of bank runs under the current situation THAT IS NOW HAPPENING UNDER GEORGE W. BUSH.
For me, taking time every now and then
to look back and reflect on what we come from, where we're at, how far we've come and how far we have yet to go is a good thing. An Abe-Lincoln themed inauguration seems to be as appropriate of an occasion as any. I cannot pretend to understand how it feels to have the pain of slave ancestors' stories dragged up and thrust in my face, but I can speak to pain of a different sort.
The sight of hordes of GWTW southern belles all bedecked en masse in pools of pastel puke conjures up the shame I inherited from my own white ancestors. As a child, I felt plenty of it growing up in a southern metropolis in the 50s where cotton was still king and the vestiges of plantation life were still palpable and, at times, visceral. As a child, I lived in a wealthy community where some household "help" still stayed in "servants' quarters" behind the main residence (gag me). These were the days of segregation and separate but unequal when and the "N" word was still socially acceptable.
Enter MLK and the revolution of the 60s and 70s that turned our country up-side-down, thank you Jesus. The progress has been slow but steady since then, but the fact that I can still feel the stinging shame of where I came from and that you can still feel such outrage over a historical parade lets us both know that we have not yet reached the Promised Land.
When I watch the Azalea Trail Maids next Tuesday, they will not be marching toward me. They do not have the power to bring back the past and slap me in the face with it. Every step they take will be one step further away, back into a time we best not forget anytime soon, and I will be reminding myself that they are indeed GONE WITH THE WIND.
PS. I too am hoping for brisk winds that whip right past those pretty pastel pantaloons and chill them straight to the bone.
I appreciate you taking time out....(sm)
to respond to my post in such a reasonable and adult manner. Keep up the good work! You must be so proud.
Government is taking over
everything and they aren't even smart enough to run the government let alone every business in the US. I just cannot believe you Obamabotics find this okay. This is total government control going on here!!!! This is scary crap!