No she is not confused, Beck has taken up
Posted By: that talking point too. -AR on 2009-04-16
In Reply to: Wasn't that Ann Coulter? - truffle
btw, I don't mean to offend you with the Colbert clip. It just came to mind as an example when I read the thread.
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Beck was around, just not on Fox.
He had a radio show and had a show on Headline News in the evening. I don't have time to dig any up, but clips of his Headline News show would be interesting to compare to his recent Fox performances.
Glen Beck is going to go through
each earmark and I think, (sorry my blood is boiling), he's going to name each one who put that earmark in. If not, he is going to break it all down.
I hope you all get to see him again tonignt. He's also on early mornings if you don't see him at 7 EST, 9 EST.
normally i like glenn beck
but he is taking this waaaaay too defensively - i thought that rev lowery was hilarious and "groovy"! and there were plenty of baby boomers who shook their heads and smiled at him as well as obama because we had heard this before. i will be 44 this year, born in 1965, and my mother was born in the first year of the baby boom, 1946. when she and my father divorced in the early 1970s, she could not even rent an apartment because she was not married, nor get a loan because she was not married. we had to move back in with her parents in order to have a roof over our heads because, without a husband, she was a nonentity. but the times were a'changing. and as a young child, i heard often cool things like what lowery said...and bra burning to boot, not that my mother was hip enough to ever do that, but she worked two jobs and went to community college and eventually was able to build us a home (yes, through farmers home administration - thank god for them or we could never have broken through the discrimination against women at the time). through her brave choices (we could have lived with her parents forever - but she wanted her own life) and her choice of friends, black, yellow, red and white - at time when nice white girls who were prom queens and cheerleaders should not be seen with any of them, she showed me that the world is huge and that sometimes we have to laugh at our white selves :-)
I like Glenn Beck. He used to be on CNN
Probably because he was not really for Obama. Anyway, he brought up today that there are sections in the 677 some page stimulus that do not make sense at all. For example, the immigration section states something like: Article 45677 is to follow ACT 6544434 and then to follow 664444 and should be proceed with ACT 6654434 and so on. Glenn Beck said he had his top advisers and lawyer friends try to figure out what does it really mean and guess what? NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS.
So there are sections in this stimulus package and we have no idea what it means and some of the parties want this passed quickly? Why? So it will try and fix the economy? The first bailout did nothing?
I like Glenn Beck. He used to be on CNN
Probably because he was not really for Obama. Anyway, he brought up today that there are sections in the 677 some page stimulus that do not make sense at all. For example, the immigration section states something like: Article 45677 is to follow ACT 6544434 and then to follow 664444 and should be proceed with ACT 6654434 and so on. Glenn Beck said he had his top advisers and lawyer friends try to figure out what does it really mean and guess what? NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS.
So there are sections in this stimulus package and we have no idea what it means and some of the parties want this passed quickly? Why? So it will try and fix the economy? The first bailout did nothing?
So that is why we are to call our representatives to try and stop this stimulus package so we can basically digest what is really involved. After all, how much money is involved? A LOT! Talk about jumping the gun with a A LOT OF MONEY.
What is it with Glenn Beck?....(sm)
I think this link pretty much sums up Glenn Beck. Pay close attention to the "Beckisms." And you guys are clinging to his every word.
Well, if she was talking about Beck...(sm)
then she's still wrong. I do believe this is the guy who said he was tired of the whining of 911 victims and Katrina victims. Yeah...he has such a big heart.
Nope...that was Beck...(sm)
Beck on the view....(sm)
I love the part where they ask him if he checks his facts.....ROFL.
I saw that yesterday and Beck actually
looked like the clown here. He was caught dead-handed with stretching the truth- he did go over to Fox, is that not right? Anyway, he told some big ones on his radio show, they had tape and Barbara and Whoopi both called him on the carpet. Barbara asked him did he not check his facts before throwing them out. He does work for Fox now, correct? I loved when Whoopi talked about that big pile.... Priceless.
Don' know how many of you like Glenn Beck but here's a link to see
About Wal-Mart.
Yeah, and they finally got rid of Beck,
longer Lou lasts on CNN. He is the only one left there who reports with his eyes open.
Beck went to greener pastures.
Love Glenn Beck
He has such a great way of pointing out the obvious. You do have to wonder why they all keep wanting to raise the taxes on the wealthy when that would include the majority of them - now we know! They don't pay!!!
Another Glenn Beck Video
Wikipedia and Glen Beck bio
Well, we all know Wikipedia is not the best place to go for information. It's also one-sided. The below sentence really popped out at me at Beck's leaving:
"Though, as some have noted, this will leave a gaping hole in CNN's "department of embarrassing conservatives we keep around to help us appear unbiased," insiders expect that other irritable commentators will continue to step up in this area. "
Tell me, now, that CNN is not biased. Glenn Beck can be irritating at times, but he does have some good points.
Take the man whose stepdaughter disappeared 2 years ago in Mexico. He promised the father he and the network (CNN) would follow up on the story until they found out what happened to her. CNN refused to follow up, so that is one reason Beck left. Now he is on Fox and has talked to the father again and this time, he promised again that he and Fox will follow up on his story. He stated he now works for a network that cares for people.
As in every network story on any channel, you either believe everything you hear, or you watch, listen, learn, then take it for what it's worth. I chose, and it's still my right, to listen to all sides and make decisions based on all sides.
My point of the above post was to irony of cigarette taxes paying for children's healthcare. That was it. Federal studies show that taxing cigarettes does not fill the coffers. It has the opposite effect. As cigarette taxes go up, people quit smoking. So there is a deficit in taxes to pay for programs from the get go.
Glenn Beck mentioned this
last week on his show. He is having a special show in New York this Friday. He is wanting all the people who care for their country to come together. We are to look at his website and join in on "We Surround Them".
Beck and O'Reilly and Hannity...
and for that matter Olberman and Matthews are not journalists, so-called or otherwise. They are commentators, which means they comment on the news, not report it. They share their opinions about news stories and have other people on their shows to discuss their opinions. It's not news, it's not reporting, it's simply opinion and people that watch it know that.
People that watch Fox are not uneducated or 'dittoheads' - it just so happens that our opinions and feelings about government and what's going on in this country and the world jive with most of the opinions on Fox. If you watch MSNBC or others it's because your opinion jives with what they're saying.
It doesn't give either group the right to say the other is brainwashed or pathetic, it just means we are of a different mindset and personally, I don't think that's a bad thing - if everyone was always of the same mindset, the Revolutionary War would have never been fought and we'd all be singing God Save the Queen.
You just have to remember to respect that people have different ideas and beliefs than you do - you don't have to agree, but at least have some respect.
You don't have to watch Glenn Beck...
to know his background. A simple Google search is all that's necessary. Glenn Beck is nothing more than another washed up disc jockey just like Rush Limbaugh.
I am glad Beck moved to Fox.
Gee, BB, looks like you watch BECK faithfully
Beck is great! Too bad he left CNN.
Glenn Beck: Does anyone in Washington Pay Taxes?
He's really getting ticked off again.
Glenn Beck's problem?? He is a realist.
He is not hoodwinked by the powers that be.
Glenn Beck is making an impact
and they can't stand it.
Go Glenn!
Oh, you forgot to call Glenn Beck
fat, too. How ridiculous.
Glenn Beck is awesome and extreeeeemely intelligent.
Oh, Glenn Beck is intelligent. It's the people
Right! Beck is a threat to the left so as usual,
Ok - still confused
I'm reading all these posts to the original poster and I am just lost. I have no idea what all this means and don't know what it has to do with politics. Guess I am just dense tonight.
You got me confused with sam. I really
I'm a little confused.
I watched Bush's blurb last night. Can someone clearly explain to me how what he is proposing will get us out of trouble? I'm being sincere, I just don't get it.
I'm a little confused...
what happened? I'm sorry I haven't been watching the news lately... :(
I'm confused . . .
You respond to one divisive post with your own divisive post, but you agree with me? I am an independent who has actually voted for Republican, Democrat and third-party candidates, so I am certainly not closed minded. I am just bored reading the same arguments over and over and over.
ok, am way too confused
too many posts, too late in the day, not enough caffeine, think I better take a break from this. My apologies if I offended you. I just have very strong beliefs and I get defensive when people bash me and I defend myself and they turn around and say its all my fault.
Anyway...again apologies if I offended you and many apologies if I've been replying to the wrong person.
I'm Confused SM
I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight . . .
* If you grow up in Hawaii , raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.' * Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.
* If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim. * Name your kids Willow , Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable. * Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become
the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.
* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society. |
* If , while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with
no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant , you're very responsible.
* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America 's.
* If you're husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one
DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA , your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now. |
I think you are a little confused sm
It's not about giving part of my money to you, it's about fairness in taxes. Right now, GW Bush gives a great deep tax cut to people making over $250K and he is just going to take that tax break and apply it to those making less and who are now struggling with their salaries trying to pay for gas etc. A lot of the time, the rich aren't even asking for the greater tax break... GW just applied it across the board. They will still be rich but the middle class needs a break. This isn't about welfare. It's about working families like you and your husband. You will not get a handout. You will still pay taxes but you will not pay a inordinate amount that is out of proportion to your income. That's all it is.
I'm confused...
in your original post you were talking about minimum wage earners and then you say you paid them very well - which is it? Not trying to argue, just trying to understand who thinks minimum wage is paying very well?
I'm confused. Her? Him? Who?
I think you are confused.
You contradict yourself in your own post.
you must be confused
My previous post said PEOPLE were to blame for not living within their means. Nobody forced them to take out loans they knew darn good and well they would never be able to pay back.
It really burns me that I am going to pay for THEIR stupidity. I live within my means. Everyone else should too.
I seriously don't think you mean to say that they were forced into taking these loans out. If that's what you meant, you must be delusional.
I am NOT confused.
I did not say they were forced to take them out--I said that lenders were forced to give them out. Had that not happened, this mess would not have happened. It does NOT just affect the people who live outside their means, it affects the whole economy; therefore, I hold those responsible for forcing the loans to be given more responsible than those greedy enough to take them! If you see it differently, perhaps you are delusional.
you are confused
America is very unusual in that if you are born here you are a citizen. Most other countries are NOT like that! You are a citizen of the country of your parents! Please look this UP!
Oh, I am NOT confused, but I would be if I
I think you have me confused
with another poster. I have 3 kids, all teens. My husband and I both work 2 jobs. The last vacation we had that was more than a day's drive from our home ---- oh yeah, never. We live in the midwest and have never even seen the ocean.
I disagree about the minimum wage hike being the answer. The problem is the huge percentage of the population that has zero work ethic. Even if you raised the minimum wage, those with the entitlement personality would still only work to get enough for their immediate gratification. They won't do the math and see that if they stayed in this higher-minimum-wage job for an entire year they would finally get ahead of the game. They only want to get ahead of the game on somebody else's blood, sweat and tears. I don't feel sorry for them if they are not willing to work.
It's not fair for the young teen who is busting his butt at McDonald's or some other minimum wage job to sock it away for college or his first car to get let go because the minimum wage was raised.
I'm glad you want to help people - I do too. It's just not the right solution to the problem. Dear.
I don't think they are the ones who are confused, here.
You must have me confused with
someone else. I have never quoted the bible.
You must have me confused with
someone else. I have never quoted the bible. 135? Really? I would think that'd help you keep posters and their messages straight.
You must have me confused with
someone else. I have never quoted the bible. 135? Really? I would think that'd help you keep other posters and their messages straight.
I'm doing okay, just a little confused (LOL
I'm starting to get some rather worrisome, more classic symptoms of my cystic fibrosis, so I might not be around as much for a while again.)
As far as JTBB, I hope she's okay, but I doubt that anything could hold her back. Same with "m". And I'm glad. You and those two are my favorites on this board, and if there weren't polite, decent, "follow the Golden Rule" type on this board, I'd have no reason at all to visit here.
Don't know if you'll be seeing me in the next few days. If not, I hope you have a great week. You're definitely a class act. 
By the way, you're welcome, but the way I see it, it wasn't even a compliment, it was merely the truth!
Glen Beck has a good program tonight.
He's on again at 9 p.m. EST. I'm watching it now and it's very interesting. Watch if you can.
Glenn Beck starts his new show tonight
I can't wait. I've missed him. Sometimes he makes sense, sometimes he doesn't, but he sure does tell it like it is.