No, shallow Sally. Repubs are smart, but lefties
Posted By: like to spread trash amongst themselves. nm on 2008-09-06
In Reply to: Are you calling your fellow pubs ignorant?: - sally
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Could you be any more shallow?
I didn't make fun of Bush for mispronouncing words, I despised his ACTIONS! Also despised the fact that a COURT-APPOINTED moron was given the power of the highest land in the country. And that my friend is what should concern YOU and all patriots!!
Bush will go down in history not just as an ignorant (not the same as unintelligent) war lover who lied us into an immoral war - but who also deregulated industry to the point wee are in free fall economically.
Did the Democrats do anything to stop him? NO. They are equally to blame.
But the poster scares me a bit: He or she thinks the issue is about the correct pronunciation of "words"!!
Did it ever occur to you poster, that Mr. Bush DESERVES our disdain becausee of his sick policies?
He also DESERVES a fair TRIAL, here's hoping he gets one.
Just as shallow as you I guess - see message
Read your own post. You said "it'll be music to my ears just not to hear the word new-cu-lar anymore". Your the one who said it. Now you say you didn't make fun of Bush for misprouncing words???? Excuse me, that is exactly what you did and that is what I call shallow.
Yeah, I despise Bush's actions and what he and congress has done to our country, but I'll post on issues, not the way he prounces words. That's why I said I can't wait til Obama misprounces a word. So I guess in your opinion it's shallow to make fun of the way Obama prounces words, but it's not shallow to make fun of the way Bush pronounces words. You don't like the fact that Bush was elected? That's would be a whole different issue. Most democrats still to this day believe what they want to believe no matter what the facts are. What's worse is having the filmakers and hollyweird people with money be able to make movies to support their viewpoints, whether they have the facts right or wrong, and then unfortunately some igs will believe it. But then again that is not what your post was about. Your were making fun of the way Bush pronounced nuclear.
You keep saying he's ignorant. Well that's your opinion. I have no love for Bush whatsoever. Can't stand the guy and didn't vote for him. But I don't like him based on what has happened to the country.
I do agree with one of your statements...Did the democrats do anything to stop him? NO. They are equally to blame. However, makes me wonder what dirt does he have on them that they won't do anything. I'm just sick of politics altogether - both sides.
If he deserves our disdain because of his policies and actions then fine, state that, not how he pronounces words. Those were your words in your post.
I believe we are on the same side. We both can't stand the guy, but to make fun of someone because of how they pronounce words? That's exactly what you did.
Here's another tidbit of information.
As I posted a message earlier, an ad to take an IQ test pops up. It says Obama's IQ score is 125. Are your smarter than Obama. Another time I posted the same place to take the IQ test popped up and it said George Bush's IQ is 125. Are you smarter than George Bush. Looks like they both have the same IQ according to this place. I didn't believe it of course, after all the thousands and thousand of people saying that he is so unintelligent. So I researched further and found various websites that say based on his SAT's Bush's IQ is 129.
On other sites I'm finding that based on Obamas SAT scores he has an IQ between 115 and 120. However, in all honesty there are sites that say Obama refuses to release his IQ score. Other sites are saying it is higher, but they all say the same thing. Obama won't release his IQ score. Then I think...Obama not releasing information????? Naaaaa say it ain't so. :-)
Your first sentence really shows was a mean hate filled shallow person you are.

This is so typical of you lefties. sm
Cut and run. It's your mantra. For all your crying about the innocent civilians killed in Iraq, that is NOTHING compared to what will happen when we leave. But you never mention that. Just like Vietnam. Well, at least your are consistent.
That's the problem with lefties.
They decide what is worthy of being called 'truth' and what is not.
Like a cockroach hiding from the light.
I fall in to the you lefties are evil
A question for everyone...righties, lefties, and in between!
I just want to pose this question...
If you were followed around night and day, every little thing you said or mumbled recorded and written down, how many of you would be torn to shreds if the media decided they wanted to say something about you? I know I would!
It seems like "we the people" want to pick at every little thing ever said by these people. They are still humans! Did anyone of them know that they were going to be running for president 20 years ago? Probably not. Maybe some dreamed, but heck when I was a little girl I dreamed of being the first female president! But even at 21 if I ran for it now (I know technically I can't because I'm not old enough) if they started digging into some of the dumb things I've done I'd be thrown to the wolves! (no pun intended)
We really need to get off of their backs on some things. Seriously. Don't just take what you hear on the news or read on here and use it as your judgment. Research and find out the full context. Find out if Palin was just making a passing comment about Russia as her neighbor, or if Obama was just using an old American saying "lipstick on a pig" and on and on.
It scares me to think how many people in this nation are going to vote based on hearsay.
Of course I'm sure that no matter who gets in office if they don't wave their magic wand and make everything better there will still be plenty of complainers. The truth of the matter is until EVERYONE can work together (not just the government) we will never get things in order.
Just some thoughts.
javascript:editor_insertHTML('text',' ');
So, do all lefties not believe in free speech then?
I would quit trying to talk to these lefties.
They said this about the lefties when Bush was President. sm
If you weren't with Bush, you were with the terrorists, or the Clintons with their vast right wing conspiracy. People who shot their mouths off about Bush are in the DHS database too.
You lefties are so fair....the fairness is staggering...
attack him for not paying attention to hurricane and then attack him for paying attention to hurricane. Just proves that all you want to do is attack, attack, attack.
I guess we lefties will hafta give the right a break
Why doesn't the right give the new government a break, and try to work with it instead of undermining any attempts at fixing our country's myriad of problems?
(Because they CAN'T, I guess).
time for the lefties to pile on and yuk it with your poor attempt at humor.nm
You lefties are so naive. Obama has plans for worse for our nation.
Palin really seems to scare the loony lefties and mainstream media
One has to wonder why they continue to expend so much time and effort on trying to villify, ridicule and harass this woman - who isn't running for any office at the moment.
Personally, I think it's highly unlikely that Palin would be nominated or run in 2012, but why are the Democrats already worrying about the next presidential race? Hmmmm? Passing strange, if you ask me, considering what we've got on our plate to deal with right now.
You loonie lefties must be simply dancing with rage today, eh?
Oh yeah - and by the way, another little bit of advice: Be careful what you wish for. And I do mean VERY careful. It's been simply amazing watching the radical left fashioning for themselves a two-edged sword on which they themselves will undoubtedly be impaled.
Here, here, satellite sally. We have not
had a tax cut but a tax increase in the last 8 years. Wonder how many people know that they did not get a tax cut, but an increase? The taxcuts that JM is talking about are for the rich, not middle class. JM lies about Obama going to tax the middle class. The lying liars and the lies they tell. Amazing people don't or won't see through it all. Seems all the pub followers know is what they hear, instead of finding out for themselves where the country is headed, straight into another depression and may be a great depression as in the 1920s. Not to increase taxes on the rich? How are JM and pubs going to pay for their wars? On the backs of middle class? I think not as there will be no middle class to exploit.
Sally, you really are a mean person.
Just look at what Sally posts and says
Sally, they can dish it out but can't take it!
sally bring your
post regarding Mccain's lack of support for troops up the top. It is highly relevant and I think it is buried in the muck and name-calling below.
sally, not to be a pain in the
tuckus, but can you bring up the post regarding mcCain's votes regarding vet's issues? I tried to find it - really - but I can't.
and the answer have nothing better to
do today, right?
Head up. This just in. Sally is not the only
I posted this piece and I ain't Sal.
geez sally, is it also your god given
to be banned from posting on this web site? Because your heading that way. We'd be better off without you, but to be fair, why don't you just clean up your act?
There is a rule against profanity. You might want to look into that one, posted by the Moderators.
Beware of Flaming!! Moderation is Kept Minimum on this board. Posted By: Administration On: 2008-08-27
Reply by Email!
Before you start reading/making posts on politics board:
- Beware of Flamed messages & Flamers here.
- Politics board is moderated on a less-stringent level to allow freedom to express opinions related to issues discussed.
As long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree and we shouldn't wear our feelings on our sleeves, a little more oversight on here would be good. What we do not want to see is overzealous moderators that ban every thread that may be controversial on politics board.
If it's lewd, pornographic, slanderous, blatantly mean spirited, then that's one thing. Otherwise, let people express his or her opinion and move on. If you don't like someone, just ignore that person. It's not rocket science, you know?
Use the Golden Rule if all fails. Trolls are going to come over here from other sites/forums to irritate us. Once they see that no one replies to their senseless posts, they'll stop. Again, ignore them. It's easy!
Please don't see this sticky message as a license to flame, but as a license to open discussion.
Sally, that was the best description of her
'SLUG' - harhar --- LOVE it.
Thank you, Superficial Sally!
So you diagnosed McCain with congestive heart failure.
Funny. I was thinking Obama looked like he had manorexia. Or AIDS.
I've got a question for the lefties. How are we supposed to elicit valuable, possibly life-savin
information from a terrorist if we don't use enhanced interrogation techniques? What do you suggest? We serve them a buffet and politely ask what their next target is? And when they refuse to talk, we just say well, thanks anyway, go with Allah?
Enhanced interrogation techniques or torture, if you will, is a necessary evil in this perpetually dark and dangerous world we live in.
Just ignore mustang
..there is nothing of substance or value in his/her/its posts, except trying to upset republicans. Just ignore it.
Speaking of substance, Sally, that is what your
Give it up sally, they are just baiting
It is really a shame that you cannot have an intelligent discussion or exchange of information, not rumor or innuendo, on this board, or any other in my experience. As an MT you would not put something in a report that you could not verify, yet over here it is very common. The guy who says he is a college grad is probably 16 years old. They are just getting their jollies stirring the pot.
I'm not ignoring Sally. She can hold her own,
meticlously discredit endless barrages of pub bash, misconceptions, misprentations and misinformation. I for one am preparing to bury the garbage under piles and piles of irrefutable fact by ensuring the focus stays on issues rather than personalities and that pub/NeoCon values are contrasted with O Vision in terms that will expose them for exactly what the pretend they are not...4 more years of same old poop without a change in sight. I suspect other O supporters know exactly what they are up against and what then need to be doing about it...and are doing it as we speak. For me, the quality of my life in the next 4 years depends ensuring Pub defeat in November and I am confident that other dems are similarly motived to do the same.
Now maybe you see what we've had to endure at Sally's
and the left hands in recent days.
The mirror in your hand, with the reflection peering out, is not so pretty, is it?
That's the double standard here.
My post just happened to rile you up, the way yours have tried to rile us all day.
What a waste of time and energy, on both sides, when there are so many other important things to discuss.
Sally, you actually make me laugh, thanks.
Just when you think Repubs,8816,1106213,00.html
Saturday, Sep. 17, 2005
Looking for a Corpse to Make a Case
Senators look for a wealthy casualty of Katrina as evidence against the estate tax
Federal troops aren't the only ones looking for bodies on the Gulf Coast. On Sept. 9, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions called his old law professor Harold Apolinsky, co-author of Sessions' legislation repealing the federal estate tax, which was encountering sudden resistance on the Hill. Sessions had an idea to revitalize their cause, which he left on Apolinsky's voice mail: [Arizona Sen.] Jon Kyl and I were talking about the estate tax. If we knew anybody that owned a business that lost life in the storm, that would be something we could push back with.
If legislative ambulance chasing looks like a desperate measure, for the backers of repealing the estate tax, these are desperate times. Just three weeks ago, their long-sought goal of repeal seemed within reach, but Katrina dashed their hopes when Republican leaders put off an expected vote. After hearing from Sessions, Apolinsky, an estate tax lawyer who says his firm includes three multi-billionaires among its clients, mobilized the American Family Business Institute, a Washington-based group devoted to estate tax repeal. They reached out to members along the Gulf Coast to hunt for the dead.
It's been hard. Only a tiny percentage of people are affected by the estate tax—in 2001 only 534 Alabamans were subject to it. And for Hill backers of repeal, that's only part of the problem. Last year, the tax brought in $24.8 billion to the federal government. With Katrina's cost soaring, estate tax opponents need to find a way to make up the potential lost income. For now, getting repeal back on the agenda may depend on Apolinsky and his team of estate-sniffing sleuths, who are searching Internet obituaries among other places. Has he found any victims of both the hurricane and the estate tax? Not yet, Apolinsky says. But I'm still looking.—with reporting by Amanda Ripley/Washington
And the Repubs don't?
America most certainly won. What planet have you all been living on for the past eight years??? The last administration did NOTHING for us. How do you think we got in this big mess - you really have to stop watching Fox noise and start looking at all the facts.
Sally sells seashells by the seashore
Officially welcoming sally onboard.
I figured out Silly Sally! See inside!
Sally is just Sam's left-sided alter ego.
What you are feeling is what Sam puts us through the 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. You guys already unanimously supported her recently and the O team will do the same for Sally. In case you haven't noticed, the dems are pretty energized now that the convention is over. Gloves are off and we'll be taking it to the mat until the final election returns are in. You have a choice. Give respect and get it back or sling your mountains of mud and wait for the avalanche. Dems were way outnumbered last earlier in the summer but the playing field is level now. This is the democratic process you claim to so staunchly defend, so quitcha btchin' and go blow your nose. It's gonna be a long haul until Nov 4.
Repubs love that pig sty!
Let the dukey fly,I say - there was too much one-sided flinging back in the 90s and the Cons weren't the ones getting dirty.
What I find really amusing is that the Cons want to smirk and say go ahead and indict - we'll just indict you for all your nasty little crimes too! - as if that's a bad thing:) Repubs don't seem to realize that the Dems don't support criminality in their leaders the way Cons worship it in their own.
Asking Repubs to use imagination?
Exercise in futility - as you can see by the comments below, they don't seem interested in imagining what is happening to their own country. Actually sometimes I think they don't give a XXXX. Spying on Americans, arresting dissenters, confirming activist judges with pro-corporate, pro-governmental-power agendas, trashing the Constitution in favor of fabricated time of war emergency - all that's just dandy. Goes right along with how they think the USA should be. Why bother themselves to imagine where all this leads?
And, why bother themselves to consider what major role they are playing in assisting and abetting the murder of America?
La de da, all's great in Bushworld - why think at all?
Filibustering is what repubs do best.
I see this on the other message boards as well, I believe it is actually coordinated, to monopolize the discussion, to sway undecided voters maybe or convince themselves that we are the ones who are wrong.
It is exasperating. I block most of them when I can and do not engage unless someone writes "I'd vote for George again in a second." Then, well, I have to slap them with a response but it is hopeless, they don't even hear.
There are two Americas now, the rich and the poor, the pro-choice and pro-"what happens in your uterus is my business and don't you forget it."
Best advice: Do not engage.
oops typo, *Not Without My Daughter* (Sally Field).....
People are ignoring Sally, and for good reason.
That issue defines liberals these days, sally...
I do not define them, they define themselves. My mind is much more open than yours. lol.
geez, sally, wash your fingers out with
you swear and name call more than a drunken sailor on shore leave.
Repubs always gripe about "politicizing" -
I would venture to guess that the Kings know more than any nay-sayer about politics and how it can affect a life - no reason whatsoever to exclude politics from a service in Mrs. King's honor. And judging by the reactions of the crowd, all comments were received in the spirit offered and were much agreed with and appreciated. You don't give standing ovations otherwise.
In mentioning long, lengthy, hop-on-the-bandwagon, take-every-chance-to-get-your-word-in, excessively drawn-out and tiresomely-exaggerated, politicized and moronic tripe-ridden ceremonies however, one name does come to mind.... Reagan! Now I think he was a decent guy, even if he chose to ignore the sharks and jackals around him who were busy at genocide - but weeks and weeks? Seven hours would have been just fine for that one too, I'm sure you'd agree.
Sheez! How do Repubs defend this?
Boggles the mind! But also learned another curious thing tonight - several people have told me they can't buy any ammunition for their guns, I think they told me AR15's or whatever the civilian model of an M16 is? - they said the rounds are not available by mail or at stores and they are told it's all being stopped at the ports and sent to Iraq. Say what??
Anybody else having a similar experience or know anything else about this? Would be curious to know if the situation in Iraq is really so bad that all civilian ammo has to be confiscated so it can be sent there.