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Other related messages found in our database A day's wages for a day's food.......... sm
Ring any bells?
If we were being paid bloated wages, maybe, but
if they want to go any lower than they already have gone (I had a truly insulting offer a few weeks back of 0.0625 cpl with 30 years experience), I say let India have it. MTSOs need to be going in the opposite direction and MTs might want to look into unionization themselves. Peronally, I think we are also worth $28/hr and do not consider that to be an exorbitant for MTs or for auto workers, given the COL. JMHO.
Wrong! He gets away with paying cheaper wages
Joe is looking out for Joe, not Bob, Bill, and Brad who are looking for a "good job." Joe will help Joe if he's making that much, believe you me!
Okay then don't complain because offshoring has lowered your MT wages. n/m Posible new "boon" to the economy? Higher minimum wages??.....PSM
I was just thinking, we did a lot of discussion yesterday about welfare reform, the bloated welfare roles that we have now, and how to end it. How about passing a DECENT, HONEST, REALISTIC minimum wage act that is based on the present economy, the proposed future economay, and will make it more profitable for an American to get a fair-paying job on which he can feed his family, pay his REASONABLE mortgage, pay his bills, etc., instead of having the minimum wage so low that it is actually more profitable for many families to say on welfare, medicaide, and food stamps, along with subsidised housing AND NOT have to juggle three low-paying jobs to do it? Don't you think that if American workers felt they were more faily paid, were being compensated fairly for their efforts, and would bring home enough wages each week to live within comfortable means, that more and more folk would jump off the roles and into a job (of course, we first need the part of the stimulus package to address keeping our companies solvent and employing). Just a thought!!! So we offer substandard wages and attract more people to welfare???
More of your tax dollars are being spent there than at McDonalds or whatever, if we do not get more people working, we also have LESS people paying into the tax system, both federal and state, which subsidises OTHER necessitites. And people complain about the immigrant workers taking jobs? Because of substandard wages and the increased benefit of being on Welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, and Medicaide, it seems only immigrants WANT to do these insultingly low-paying jobs. I am talking about a wage where a family can be together, both parents are not working two jobs, and thus not taking care of the kids, another social problem, and employed taxpayers are also CONSUMERS who drive the economy, but if you are not making a living wage, you cannot participate in the economy. How is this wrong?
Retirement Age
Am I missing some bigger picture? I'm serious with that question.
Last night Barrack mentioned how he's against the raising of the retirement age. Hillary didn't really speak to it, but I got the impression that she also doesn't want to see that happen. Is there some reason other than AARPs very powerful lobby? I mean, in the 60's, the average life expectancy was about 70 years, now it's close to 78. Why shouldn't retirement age be raised? We are not only living longer, but we're living healthy longer. I do realize that not all will remain healthy, but for those there is disability also.
SS is in so much trouble, it just seems to me to be a no brainer that by raising the retirement age, even by just a couple of years, some of those problems can be lessened.
Thank goodness my DH and I took all of our retirement
and investments out of the market about 6 weeks ago, had a feeling something was coming.
People near retirement age will be put out on the
ice floe to die. But since out country is a little short of ice floes, those who have reached the end of their 'productive lives' will be denied medical care and allowed to seek whatever undignified death seems appropriate to them. Adapt or die. Next question?
I am a PT MT receiving my retirement
social security benefits. Here is what the letter I received from the SSA stated:
On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Among its provisions are one-time payments to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries, as well as funding to help the agency address critical needs.
One-Time Payments of $250 For Social Security and SSI Beneficiaries
Nearly 55 million people who receive Social Security and SSI benefits will get a special one-time payment of $250. They should receive the one-time payment by late May 2009. 401K/retirement fund
You can't "take" your pension and 401K out of the stock market if you are not retirement age. We are stuck with whatever the companies we work for invest in. my husband and I have some choices about where we invest our 401K but they all involve mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc.
That's where DH is. Forced to retire because of no work (road construction). The stimulus money went to 2 cities in my state. The rest of the state got nothing towards road construction or very little.
We didn't get last year's stimulus check because we owed taxes and they put the money towards that. Now he's getting screwed out of the $250 because he wasn't retired when this happened. Never fails.
Remember that cartoon of the guy always under the grey cloud? That's us.
Aaaagggggg!!!! I know, I shouldn't of done it. But I just HAD to take a peek. And what I saw was almost too depressing for mere words to describe.
So, this afternoon I logged on to my 401K, just to see how the poor thing has been faring these past coupla weeks. It started hemorrhaging pretty badly a couple of months back, lost first 1/4, and then about 1/3 of its value. But oh, my GOD..... today it's down just a few dollars shy of being only HALF it's former value. A mere shadow of its former self. Now there's not even enough money left in it to buy a decent used car.
I guess now there's only one thing left to do when we reach a point in our lives when we can no longer work, and need to retire. That would involve a gun and a single bullet. Well, mabe 2 bullets. (My aim is pretty bad.....)
Social Security is a retirement "insurance" sm
as with any insurance you usally do draw more than you pay in! If you have a (for example) $250,000 life insurance policy, do you think you are going to pay in $250,000 for it?
All this complaining about people drawing SS but I tell you if you are paying in and happen to have a catastrophic illness and have to draw disability benefits, you will be glad you paid in.
Exxon CEO's retirement package and talks of
Senator rips ex Exxon CEO's retirement package
By Tom Doggett Tue Apr 18, 4:53 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Amid record oil prices and soaring gasoline costs, Exxon Mobil's $400 million retirement package to its former CEO is a shameful display of greed that should be reviewed by Congress and investigated by federal regulators, Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan (news, bio, voting record) said on Tuesday.
Dorgan said he wants Exxon Mobil officials to appear at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing to explain how the corporation justifies giving its former boss, Lee Raymond, such a huge retirement package.
There can be no more compelling evidence that the price gouging and market manipulation which has produced record oil prices is out of control, and is working to serve the forces of individual greed and corporate gluttony at the painful expense of millions of American consumers, Dorgan said.
Dorgan's criticism of Raymond's financial package came on the same day that U.S. crude oil prices hit a record high of more than $71 a barrel at the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Higher crude oil prices are helping to push of up gasoline costs. The Energy Department reported prices jumped 10 cents over the last week to a national average of $2.78 a gallon, up 55 cents from a year ago.
President George W. Bush said on Tuesday he was concerned about the impact high gasoline prices were having on families and businesses.
Exxon earned the wrath of many lawmakers when it reported more than $36 billion in profits last year as energy prices paid by consumers soared.
Dorgan said he will push to win passage of his legislation that would impose a windfall profits tax on big oil companies and rebate that money to consumers, unless the companies used their earnings to explore for and produce more energy.
I think a sensible public policy would insist that the big oil companies either invest those windfall profits in things that will increase our own domestic energy supplies, or we should return some of that money to consumers, Dorgan said.
Using them to drop $400 million dollars in the pocket of a big oil executive is simply unacceptable, he added.
Exxon Mobil has defended Raymond's retirement package, saying it was pegged to the rise in the company's profit and market capitalization that occurred during his tenure.
On a weekend when we are all preparing to celebrate our independence, some of us can get ready to kiss that very same independence goodbye.
If Bush stays true to his "base" and the Democrats are unsuccessful in what I hope will be a very aggressive filibuster (if the candidate does turn out to be someone who is unwilling to substitute the Constitution for the Bible), we will have conservatives chipping away at our independence: controlling our lives, our deaths, defining which God is "politically correct," who people with the "wrong" orientation are "allowed" to love, etc., etc., etc.
I wonder how much "independence" we will have left to celebrate on July 4, 2006.
Could be, he's never come on TV? Years ago maybe?
oh, okay, but he followed him for 20 years!
Which was 4 years ago....
You were 16 years old once...
what if it was said about you, about your daughter if you had one....or about your mother when you were 16?.....come ON now. YOu know how vulnerable girls are at that age. That was a really really really LOW below the belt hit. Mean and nasty.
Except for the first 6 years.
In other words, 75% of the time. Even when they did, they didn't. It's kinda hard to advance a meaningful agenda when being subjected to the acid ink in the runaway veto pen.
I think it's because he's up in years
I also get the same impression, but to be realistic one must consider that she may become President if something were to happen to him.
what, are you now 2 years old?
i just have to roll my eyes sometimes.
Well, a few years ago when we had that...
stocket market tank (all though it did not last all that long) was enough for me...took my 401K money (not a huge amount, but I need it to be there) and put it in traditional IRA's that in federally insured bank. I am not young enough to let it build back up with stock market ups and downs. Younger folks a lot more years in the work force can wait for it to build back up (and it always has), but I can't take the risk.
I don't think small private banks are at risk.
It was much worse than this when Carter was in the White House and we managed to get through that...this too shall pass. A little saying I once heard seems to sum it up...."When one door closes, another opens, but it is he11 in the hallway for awhile." :)
The only way we'd get another 8 years is
if the dems are still in control against a pub president.
I heard the above comment in either an ad or in the debate itself and I almost flipped. You don't hear much about it yet, but it will come out sooner or later (and hopefully sooner).
Our kids will tell stories about us working six days a week, all hours of the day and night to stay at home with them. About how we had no health insurance, but somehow we managed to pay those hospital bills. How the mortgage broker tried to get us to refinance one more time, but we saw through the scam. How did we ever make a car payment for 5 years without going crazy? How we competed with workers in a virtual world and still managed to out produce them. Maybe they will think that we were pretty tough too. I think we are!
Just the first of many to come in the next 4 years....
sorry, I have to raise taxes; sorry, I have to continue the war in Iraq; sorry, I can't provide healthcare for everyone; sorry, I have to change the constitution; sorry, I can't keep any of the promises I made while campaigning; sorry, I have no experience dealing with terrorists, sorry, I fooled you into voting for me.
GP, my DH and I have been saying this for years. sm
We have long been advocates of sending the illegals back, closing our borders, cut the pork, etc. I am so glad there are others out there. This is going to my sens and reps. Especially as DH gave them all an earful yesterday. We need everybody out there to send this along.
I don't have 10-20 years. I have 4
unless I want to work until I'm 70 or 80. What kind of mind will i have then? Will I be able to figure out what a doc is saying?
I'll probably be one of those homeless people in another 10 years unless they straighten out all the problems. I certainly will not be able afford the taxes we pay on our property, even though it's free and clear of a mortgage. At tha rate they expect taxes to rise, I'll be out on the streets.
The O will not be able to stop it. There's too many factors changing the economy. I'm just hoping things wil l straighten out, but I no longer have any faith in our government, no matter who runs the country. The so-called respresentaves are only out for themselves in the past few years and it doesn't matter who's in charge.
Write your congressmen or senators and what do you get? A "canned" letter that they will take your suggestions "under consideration" and "are doing whatever they can to fix the situation". I'm tired of it. It's the same old, same old.
O has reneged on some of his promises already. He spoke in all those other countries when he was running for prez (and isn't there a law against going to a foreign country to make promises(?) if he becomes president? He smoothed over so many countires that they thought they were finally going to get a prez that would straighten out the U.S. and all of a sudden, he is for Israel and against the Muslin terrorists communities. "Scuse me, butl lying to other ountries doesm't cut it.
I can only hope that O will keep some of his other promises bvut I don't see how he can with the economy the way it is at this pointl So all those people who voted for O with the hope of change (remember those who stated they would not have to worry about their mortgage, etc.), it ain't gonna happen.
O is a smooth talker and I almost fell for his ideas, but when I started to really think about it, there's no way he can accomplish all he plans to do, even in 8 yeras.
Well, I'll get off my soap box now. These opinions are mine and mine alone. You may not agree with my thoughts, but there's no reason to bash me for my honest opinion.
It's a fact that the economy always downturns under a democratic congress....double whammy with a democrat in the white house, too.....oh joy, what a ride we're all in for.
Yes, I am better off than I was 8 years ago...(sm)
However, since two years ago and the democratic majority in congress, I am a bit worse, down 20% in earnings.
But still much, much better than the Clinton years.
Bracing for getting even worse under Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Franks, and that whole lot.
It's a fact of economics, that there is always a downturn under a democratic congress....double whammy with a democrat in the white house, too.....oh joy, what a ride we're all in for.
Where were you for the first 6 years
Perhaps you were the one on another planet. Their failures led to the Dems getting control of Congress in the first place.
he's 10 years old
you total doofus. Make him a villain. Guess Art Linkletter was an enabler.
According to the chart you posted, it took 5 years for it to take effect. People don't have 5 years. They are drowning now.
Some of the stimulus package plans have government programs in that supposedly are to be taken over by the states after 3 years. How can the states absorb these $$ when they're drowning already?
Now, this morning, I heard on the news that they may be nationalizing some banks and, no, it wasn't Fox. I also saw a clip where O was being interviewed by Tim Russert in 1996 and O stated he was NOT going to run for president in 2008. He was elected as a Senator of Illinois and that was going to be his job. He flipped pretty quick, didn't he?
Throughout the years...
I've seen several documentaries on TV about this kind of behavior in Mexico. The kidnappings and murderings have been going on for quite some time really. However, they are getting much worse. Government is losing to the drug cartel and the country is about to go bankrupt. I would seriously warn anyone considering going to Mexico. This isn't all fun and games. This isn't the time for "that couldn't possibly happen to me" attitudes. This is serious stuff. Stay the heck out of Mexico!
Well he was 8 years old.......
11 years ago before there was so much talk about all of this. When I was 8 years old I had a little boyfriend that I would hold hands with, etc. Well, I'm not sure I could call it an "attraction" but I knew I wanted a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. He knew he wanted a boyfriend even at that young age. He is 19 now.
Several years ago
my dad said to dig a canal across the US/Mexico border and fill it with allegators. LMAO!
Maybe I should have said 35 to 40 years ago...
... i.e. at the height of the hippie "free love" era. I know I certainly heard it a LOT from some of the people around me; although I wonder now that I am old and cynical whether the girls blew off marriage as a "piece of paper" 'cause the guys persuaded them that a piece of paper wasn't necessary to prove their love, thus neatly paving the way to duck out of the relationship later, at will, bypassing those pesky legal entanglements....
And for what it's worth, Donny Osmond never did float my boat; by the time he came along I had long since outgrown his apparent demographic.
More like he's had it done to him for years.
EX: "I hope Obama fails."
Taken completely out of context of what he actually said, but continues to be the main bashing point.
When? Only these four years, maybe, when he was
in Jakarta, at the age of 7 to 11, attending a CATHOLIC school!