criteria is used to nominate a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Perhaps you should address your question to the nominating committee of that organization.
I only have firsthand knowledge of what other Americans have personally told me, as I wrote above.
Maybe President Chavez has AMERICA to thank for his nomination. Without Pat Robertson publicly advocating Chavez' assassination (defended by the Bush administration of being freedom of speech), and without Bush's price-gouging buddies in the oil industry (which President Chavez is trying to offset so that heating oil will be within the financial reach of the poorest of Americans), maybe Chavez' name wouldn't have even made the list.
Again, if you want the answer to your question, I suggest you contact the Nobel Peace Prize nominating committee.
First of all, if we can get to 60 in the senate he would be able to carry out most of his plans, but that remains to be seen.
If most people get a tax cut, that leaves them more money. If people have more money they are more willing to spend it. This would mean more money from sales tax. Granted, most sales tax just goes to the states, but others also pay into the fed gov --- gasoline, whiskey, etc. In other words, there are more ways than one for the gov to get money. Also, if you combine the ideas he has of job creation (in particular green jobs) then you would have more people to tax as a whole, which would also create more revenue. I think when we look at his tax plan we have to take some of his other plans into consideration in conjunction with this.
I can't believe there are so many people out there who are so party driven they don't care about the truth and ignore what is right in front of them. Amazes me every day. And those are the very ones who, if socialism IS ushered in, will be saying: "How did this happen??"
You seem to be an expert on racism.....
So, gt, are YOU the Jewish expert on this board. sm
So what are your thoughts on Gaza and it's historical and Biblical significance? Do you think Egypt will encroach upon the left bank? How about Hamas and their recent aggressive actions. Do you think they will rebuilt Gaza? What do you think about the relocation of the Gaza settlers? What is the significance of losing Gaza? Do you think the Arabs will uphold their part of the peace agreement, and if so, why? Don't you think Sharon is doomed as far as ever being reelected. Netinyahu is pretty steamed as are most Israeli. Do you think they should vote him back in? Tell us your thoughts.
from an absolute expert on the subj
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama is a Muslim of Kenyan origins who studied in Islamic schools and whose campaign may have been financed by people in the Islamic and African worlds, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said during a recent televised national rally.
"There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama," said Gadhafi in little-noticed remarks he made at a rally marking the anniversary of the 1986 U.S. air raid on his country.
The remarks, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI, were aired on AL Jazeera in June.
"All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man," continued Gadhafi. "They welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success, and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the American presidency.
"We are hoping that this black man will take pride in his African and Islamic identity, and in his faith, and that [he will know] that he has rights in America, and that he will change America from evil to good, and that America will establish relations that will serve it well with other peoples, especially the Arabs," Gadhafi said.
(Story continues below)
Gadhafi went on to lament statements Obama made at a June 4 address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in which the presidential candidate stated if he is elected president, "Jerusalem would remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided."
But it seems Gadhafi was not aware that the next day, during a CNN appearance, Obama explained he meant Jerusalem shouldn't be physically divided with a partition and was not referring to the city remaining in exclusively Jewish hands.
Stated Gadhafi: "But we were taken by surprise when our African Kenyan brother [Obama], who is an American national, made statements (about Jerusalem) that shocked all his supporters in the Arab world, in Africa, and in the Islamic world.
"We hope that this is merely an elections 'clearance sale,' as they say in Egypt - in other words, merely an elections lie. As you know, this is the farce of elections - a person lies and lies to people, just so that they will vote for him, and afterwards, when they say to him, 'You promised this and that,' he says: 'No, this was just elections propaganda.' This is the farce of democracy for you. He says: 'This was propaganda, and you thought I was being serious. I was fooling you to get your votes.'
"Allah willing, it will turn out that this was merely elections propaganda. Obama said he would turn Jerusalem into the eternal capital of the Israelis. This indicates that our brother Obama is ignorant of international politics, and is not familiar with the Middle East conflict," Gadhafi said.
Gadhafi went on to express his hope if elected Obama will implement a "one state solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, meaning Israel would be flooded with millions of Palestinian Arabs who would terminate the country's Jewish nationality.
He said he was worried Obama may have a "black inferiority complex" whereby he may enact "white men" policies to prove he is no different from "white" America.
"The thing we fear most is that the black man suffers from an inferiority complex. This is dangerous. If our brother Obama feels that because he is black he doesn't have the right to rule America, this would be a disaster, because such a feeling would make him act whiter than the white, and go to an extreme in his persecution and degradation of the blacks.
"We say to him: Brother, the whites and blacks in America are equal. They are all immigrants. America belongs neither to the whites nor to the blacks. America belongs to its original inhabitants, the Indians. Both the whites and the blacks immigrated to America, and so they are equal, and Obama has the right to hold his head high, and say: 'I am a partner in America. This is my land as much as it is yours. If it is not my land, it is not yours either. It is the land of the Indians. You are immigrants, and so are we.'"
Obama was 'quite religious in Islam'
Obama repeatedly has denied he is a Muslim. His campaign site states: "Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian."
But as WND has reported, public records in Indonesia listed Obama as a Muslim during his early years, and a number of childhood friends claimed to the media Obama was once a mosque-attending Muslim.
Obama's campaign several times has wavered in response to reporters queries regarding the senator's childhood faith.
Commenting on a recent Los Angeles Times report quoting a childhood friend stating Obama prayed in a mosque "something the presidential candidate said he never did," Obama's campaign released a statement explaining the senator "has never been a practicing Muslim."
Widely distributed reports have noted that in January 1968, Obama was registered as a Muslim at Jakarta's Roman Catholic Franciscus Assisi Primary School under the name Barry Soetoro. He was listed as an Indonesian citizen whose stepfather, listed on school documents as "L Soetoro Ma," worked for the topography department of the Indonesian Army.
Catholic schools in Indonesia routinely accept non-Catholic students but exempt them from studying religion. Obama's school documents, though, wrongly list him as being Indonesian.
After attending the Assisi Primary School, Obama was enrolled "also as a Muslim, according to documents" in the Besuki Primary School, a public school in Jakarta.
Laotze blog, run by an American expatriate in Southeast Asia who visited the Besuki school, noted: "All Indonesian students are required to study religion at school, and a young 'Barry Soetoro,' being a Muslim, would have been required to study Islam daily in school. He would have been taught to read and write Arabic, to recite his prayers properly, to read and recite from the Quran and to study the laws of Islam."
Indeed, in Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," he acknowledged studying the Quran and describes the public school as "a Muslim school."
"In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Quranic studies," wrote Obama.
The Indonesian media have been flooded with accounts of Obama's childhood Islamic studies, some describing him as a religious Muslim.
Speaking to the country's Kaltim Post, Tine Hahiyary, who was principal of Obama's school while he was enrolled there, said she recalls he studied the Quran in Arabic.
"At that time, I was not Barry's teacher, but he is still in my memory" claimed Tine, who is 80 years old.
The Kaltim Post said Obama's teacher, named Hendri, died.
"I remember that he studied 'mengaji (recitation of the Quran)," Tine said, according to an English translation by Loatze.
Mengaji, or the act of reading the Quran with its correct Arabic punctuation, is usually taught to more religious pupils and is not known as a secular study.
Also, Loatze documented the Indonesian daily Banjarmasin Post interviewed Rony Amir, an Obama classmate and Muslim, who described Obama as "previously quite religious in Islam."
"We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house. If he was wearing a sarong (waist fabric worn for religious or casual occasions) he looked funny," Amir said.
The Los Angeles Times, which sent a reporter to Jakarta, quoted Zulfin Adi, who identified himself as among Obama's closest childhood friends, stating the presidential candidate prayed in a mosque, something Obama's campaign claimed he never did.
"We prayed, but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played," said Adi.
Friday prayers
Aside from a new website to fight purported smears, Obama's official campaign site has a page titled "Obama has never been a Muslim, and is a committed Christian." The page states, "Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ."
But the campaign changed its tune when it issued a "practicing Muslim" clarification to the Los Angeles Times.
An article in March by the Chicago Tribune apparently disputes Adi's statements to the L.A. paper. The Tribune caught up with Obama's declared childhood friend, who now describes himself as only knowing Obama for a few months in 1970 when his family moved to the neighborhood. Adi said he was unsure about his recollections of Obama.
But the Tribune found Obama did attend mosque.
"Interviews with dozens of former classmates, teachers, neighbors and friends show that Obama was not a regular practicing Muslim when he was in Indonesia," states the Tribune article.
It quotes the presidential candidate's former neighbors and third-grade teacher recalling Obama "occasionally followed his stepfather to the mosque for Friday prayers."
Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, notes the Tribune article "cited by liberal blogs as refuting claims Obama is Muslim" actually implies Obama was an irregularly practicing Muslim and twice confirms Obama attended mosque services.
In a free-ranging interview with the New York Times, Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
The Times' Nicholos Kristof wrote Obama recited, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent," the opening lines of the Muslim call to prayer.
The first few lines of the call to prayer state:
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah I witness that there is no god but Allah I witness that Muhammad is his prophet ...
Some attention also has been paid to Obama's paternal side of the family, including his father and his brother, Roy.
Writing in a chapter of his book describing his 1992 wedding, the presidential candidate stated: "The person who made me proudest of all was Roy. Actually, now we call him Abongo, his Luo name, for two years ago he decided to reassert his African heritage. He converted to Islam and has sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol."
Still, Obama says he was raised by his Christian mother and repeatedly has labeled as "smears" several reports attempting to paint him as a Muslim.
"Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian. I have been sworn in with a Bible. I pledge allegiance [to the American flag] and lead the Pledge of Allegiance sometimes in the United States Senate when I'm presiding," he told the Times of London earlier this year.
There are factual economic, social, Constitutional, military and financial consequences of forgetting what damage an ineligible POTUS will do to our Country and the Constitution. These consequences are so serious that our government will not exist if we forget the rule of law, and what our Constitution demands. These are succinctly addressed in an article by Edwin J. Viera, Jr. entitled “Obama must step up or stand down now”.
Of the nine (9) reasons why Obama should step down if he has not proven his eligibility, the two that most notably concern me are:
No laws of Congress are valid
“Congress can pass no law while a usurper pretends to occupy “the Office of President.” The Constitution provides that “[e]very Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States” (Article I, Section 7, Clause 2). Not to a usurper posturing as “the President of the United States,” but to the true and rightful President. If no such true and rightful President occupies the White House, no “Bill” will or can, “before it become a Law, be presented to [him].” If no “Bill” is so presented, no “Bill” will or can become a “Law.” And any purported “Law” that the usurper “approve[s]” and “sign[s],” or that Congress passes over the usurper’s “Objections,” will be a nullity. Thus, if Obama deceitfully “enters office” as an usurper, Congress will be rendered effectively impotent for as long as it acquiesces in his pretenses as “President.”
He Could not be Removed Except by Force
If Obama does become an usurper posturing as “the President,” Congress cannot even impeach him because, not being the actual President, he cannot be “removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” (see Article II, Section 4). In that case, some other public officials would have to arrest him—with physical force, if he would not go along quietly—in order to prevent him from continuing his imposture. Obviously, this could possibly lead to armed conflicts within the General Government itself, or among the States and the people.
Bear in mind that as an imposter Commander–in-Chief of the Armed Forces, “he will be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from anyone in those forces. Indeed, for officers or men to follow any of his purported “orders” will constitute a serious breach of military discipline—and in extreme circumstances perhaps even “war crimes.” In addition, no one in any civilian agency in the Executive Branch of the General Government will be required to put into effect any of Obama’s purported “proclamations,” “executive orders,” or “directives” (Viera, J.).
I'm sorry you think you are so morally righteous that you have the right to condemn others....
I rather doubt that. No doubt!
I often wonder how Obama can keep his cool.
It was also pathetic when McCain carried on and on during the last debate about how someone said something unpleasant about him at an Obama rally and he felt Obama didn't stick up for him.
Are you kidding me?!!?
i have no doubt... NM
somehow I doubt that
LOL...I seriously doubt that...(sm)
I tend to have that bad habit of going by facts -- not speculation.
I doubt it...
I am qualified to do other things. I do this job so that I can stay home with my kids. I could make more money elsewhere. Also, I never did say that I have easy doctors, just doctors that I am used to. I know what mushmouth things they say. I don't have medical benefits. If I needed them, I would have to do some other kind of work. I just think that it is silly to pay the auto workers more than they are worth because of unions. I understand that you are pro union and all, but there is no need to say that I will clean toilets. Come on Gourdpainter, are you having a bad day?
Oh...there is! Same ones no doubt that put him through
No doubt.....
I doubt it, too. (sm)
I expect to be called a bunch of names after people don't even bother to read it or watch the video.
But thank you for such a nice, civil comment. They're hard to come by these days on this board.
I doubt that this had anything to do with...(sm)
how much he loves his country, much less his race (yeah, you really went out on a limb on that one). What it has to with is what he's teaching the kids. From what I understand he directs his students to his website, which is a conservative web site. That's where I have a problem. We don't need to teach partisan politics in a history class, we need to teach history...the facts.
I doubt they notice.
They are too busy cheer-leading every single thing he does and trashing anyone who disagrees with them. They seem to follow blindly, unquestioningly, and would rather not think independent thoughts. At least that's what they've led me to believe about them. You're absolutely right about Jimmy Carter, too. He does wonderful work with Habitat for Humanity. It's amazing how the group that should be the most tolerant and accepting and loving is the group that is the most ferocious, biting, hateful and angry.
I seriously doubt that is who she had in mind. ...
I seriously doubt your statistics.
And the truth is, the man whose article you posted has an agenda. I don't listen to things like this from either side. Conspiracy theories are tiresome.
I don't doubt one word you say.
Especially considering Bush's fondness of scare tactics. I don't know if she drinks or not (I've often thought she looked, sounded and acted drunk), which makes me wonder if she might have one too many someday and spill the beans. Either way, she doesn't seem like a very stable person.
I'm sorry about your career. You weren't one of those CIA whistle blowers, were you? We've all seen, through this administration at leas, that honesty in government is a big no-no, and if anyone tries to divulge their dirty tricks, they're lives are destroyed.
I have no faith in any kind of so-called change from any current member of the Democratic party. doubt any of them have read
it either. Probably pulled off some Fox website. the post is not for discussion. You are supposed to read the quotes pulled out of their context and say to yourself, Wow, he is a black man. He is not like me. He scares me. I am afraid. I will vote for the elderly white man even if he cares not a whit about my life. It is a basic crude, race baiting post.
No, he is a socialist first.........and no doubt his
It is known for a FACT that the Obama campaign has contributed over 800K dollars to ACORN, a corrupt organization committed to voter fraud with many members of ACORN indicted for those crimes and more...... you figure it out.
And pleeeze do not tell me Obama doesn't know anything about this...
I have no doubt, we have a split
board. Someone loves arguments and has a heck of a lot of time on her hands. She is never here all at one time, if you watch closely. Uses one moniker to try to sound decent, and multiple others to incite arguing. Let's try ignoring and maybe it will go away.
Sincerely doubt that
Sam was never duplicitous. I seriously doubt it is untrue.
Emotions are running way too high, especially in the Republican rallies, and I DO watch them. If ever there was a plant in the audience it was the black man that stood up and said, "please, sir, I'm begging you....." Notice Mc went up and hugged him and then addressed the poor woman who was "scared" of Obama because he was a terrorist. Anyone remember Mccain saying, "no, no maam, he's not." Do any of you republicans ever pay attention? i have no doubt He is coming
than we think.
I don't doubt that he IS. Remeber he said...
start at the BOTTOM. And that is EXACTLY what he meant.
I doubt you even read
did you?
This person has gone to exhaustive measures and would appear to be very knowledgable in photography and computer graphics. There is a lot of proof in this article.