the point.
Mrs., if there ever was anyone posturing in a contest, you would definitely be the winner.
I don't intend to argue with you. I have cautioned you because you are putting this board and its owners at risk.
I don't click on links people provide because my
Do not cut and paste long text...provide links!
I worry every time I provide the government
Where will this end up? How long will it stay there? How will it be used? Do I trust the guy presently in office? Congress? Will I trust the next crop of office holders? There is a reason why people are going *off the grid*
I see we have gone from Mrs. Bridger to Dutchess Bridger. sm
Is this rather like going from "community organizer" to "Messiah"?
For Mrs. Bridger
Considering that you obviously have a problem with "rednecks" I thought you might enjoy this picture.
LOL! Hope it made you laugh!
Mrs. Bridger would never admit that. She's
content having her head up her backside. :)
So, what's your point, Bridger?
Ask Mrs. Bridger.....I have a feeling she knows; that's why
If you pull yours out of Bridger's behind you could...nm

Bridger has never met a sin she didn't like.
Mrs. Bridger, you need to chill and light
yourself up another fattie.
As Mrs. Bridger is also known for snappy one-liners,
I figured she was a big girl, and could play catch with the big kids. I was not disappointed, as she fired one right back about lighting up the fattie. Far cry from hollering back that I was a cowardly, racist, slime-sucking swamp dweller [which I may very well be, but that's another subject.]
While I'm sure Mrs. Bridger will waste more oxygen
in feeling she must respond to this post, Obama has thumbed his nose at this country. Common sense is obviously something he was NOT born with, as well as many other O lovers who are obviously so depleted of oxygen, they are following him like little lost sheep to the slaughter. Saving thousands of Americans isn't his top priority; you'll see that more and more as time goes on. He's so busy playing buddy buddy with countries that will NEVER be a buddy to the U.S.,he has forgotten what his job really is, to look out for us first, not worry about befriending (what a joke that is) every terrorist leader out there.
Hey Mrs. Bridger - keep your nasty name calling to yourself
You don't like what I have to say - too bad. I have an opinion and I have the right to express my opinion on this board. I'm not picking out certain posters and attacking them and badgering them every time they post and I'm respectful and follow the guidelines on this board.
This board is to share information, but you've taken it one step further and your now posting to my posts not for the content of what's in it but just because of who is posting. But it doesn't stop with just me. Do you pat yourself on the back every time you insult someone.
Keep your nasty name calling to yourself and I'm not going to answer any of your rude and insulting posts anymore or even open them up.
Bridger, would you learn how to post here?
I scrolled down a few lines and saw nothing, so I thought you had said all you wanted to say. Exited out. Could you not have deleted all those lines?
Again, I am telling you that you are breaking copyright laws here by your posts, no links, just a name, a posting of a full article. You cannot do that. It is infringing on copyright laws.
By the way, are you capable of presenting your own thoughts on any subject without posting someone else's opinion/editorial/comments?
Just wondered if that was a left-wing propensity?
No, Bridger. There is nothing wrong with my post.
I made my comments before I posted a couple of excerpts (allowed to do), I posted the link not once but twice just to ensure if one did not work the other would (not specified in law but something I always do).
Now, you might not like the article I posted, but I complied with copyright laws.
Is it too difficult a thing for you to research copyright infringement laws?
I will guarantee you that boards such as this have been brought down for such violations. Do not be a part of the problem but a part of the solution. Reign yourself in before smeone else does.
Bridger, you are so intent on posturing that
you can't even include the link to your link.
Don't bother posting your link unless you have done your research on internet postings and how copyright laws apply to the it. Most articles are copyrighted, and you must have the permission of the author to post it in full.
Let me give you an example: "You are welcome to make copies for FREE distribution or re-transmit the devotional via e-mail but all devotionals must be copied or re-transmitted in its entirety. However, devotionals may not be posted on any website, printed, or used in any other media without written permission from ****. Each request is considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact ***, Inc by selecting the following link: **
Do you get it, or is YOUR posturing more important than the facts?
Yo! Bridger, great self-promotion!
From Mrs. to duchess to queen. I think you missed she-who-must-be-obeyed. Empress of the known universe must be next. What's above that?
But Bridger, you are a fairy tale.
Only you believe you are real.
Why do you keep calling JTBB Bridger?
I keep seeing your responses to her calling her Bridger. JTBB is certainly no Mrs. Bridger, Col. Bridger, Mother Bridger or whatever she keeps calling herself. I've had discussions with both (and some disagreements). JTBB is respectful. She gives her opinion and she sticks to her beliefs without being rude. Bridger is a whole nother story. She is totally rude and calls others names. Her posts don't make sense and she never has anything to back up her claims.
Bridger, you put the cart before the horse. Read my
lips. DO NOT post the entire article. Post only excerpts from it with link to it.
Do you want the owners of this board in a legal battle? All it takes is someone reporting one of your posts for that to happen. I am warning you for your own good. If you don't care about the owners of this board, others of us do.
Get a grip, will ya? And, get legal.
Bridger, I have finally recognized your problem!
DailyKos. Garbage in, garbage ou.
You really are infatuated with Mother Mary Bridger, huh? (sm)
I think Mother Mary Bridger needs body guards to keep the stalkers away.
Mother Bridger? That would be demotion from Dutchess, yes?
I would like to request an audience with Pope Bridger.
There is so much we need to discuss!
JTBB and Bridger have totally different styles.
You are really grasping at straws here, Louise, as usual.
Bridger, only a cult would knock on your door.
You can't provide them. Just say so. lol.
So are you saying you are not able to provide
one single solitary link, citation or reference? I keep up with all sorts of news, though I must confess I am not a Fixed News fanatic. I am simply asking you to back up your own claim. Either you can or you can't.
It is as American as apple pie to challenge close election results and certainly is not a phenomenon confined to the blue side of the aisle. In fact, a fixed recount was the ONLY way W was able to slither into office in 2000 (can you say hanging chads?).
Are recounts only legitimate when they favor the GOP, as was the case of Saxby Chambliss in Georgia? Thank God we avoided one in Alaska. We could have ended up with a convicted felon being shunned in the Senate chambers and defeated GOP VP candidate/Gov Palin annointing, er I mean appointing herself as his successor. What a disaster that would have been.
In any case, recounts have their place. It does seem that Coleman's claim to victory may have been a tad premature, even though he did arrogantly concede that Franken did have the right to "purse official review." This was mighty big of him, considering it is mandated in Minnesota when the margins are less than 1%.
If you are defending Cornyn in his assertion that the process should "play it self out," why do you have such a problem seeing that happen in Minnesota? Could it have anything to do with the looming threat of supermajority? Suppose we just wait and see which way the ball bounces. If it doesn't happen to land in your court, better luck next time.
but they will also provide
energy and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Getting rid of our dependence on foreign oil is such a big thing.....I would think that would be top priority, but it doesn't seem to be. I still say we look into solar, wind, biofuels, and go ahead and drill where we know we have oil. It is just stupid of us to continue giving money to people who hate us.
Would you please provide a link so we can see what it really says?
Can you provide support for this
All the research I have seen says that ectopic pregnancies cannot survive, that an embryo must be in the uterus to thrive. I would love to see some support/back up of this if you have any (I am honestly curious, not trying to be difficult!)
Just WHO do you think does provide jobs?
the middle class?
Can you provide a link to what you are saying? Thanks. nm
I see sam has yet to provide us with evidence
are going to be given to people who are not paying tax. Show me what in his plan describes a refundable (AKA non-wastable) tax credit. So far, all I can see is that sam does not understand the basic concepts of socialism, Marxism, tax cuts and tax credits. Tax cuts are a reduction in taxes, based on lowering a tax rate. You cannot reduce a rate on tax in the absence of tax due. Tax credits for the most part are paid against TAXES DUE. The 2 exceptions in the US are the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit
So show me where Obama has said that his tax credit would be a refundable/non-wastable credit. Also, naturally, I am still waiting for sam's answer to my original question on how it is that progressive tax reform is only socialist when it is Obama reform but no other president who has reformed the tax structure is a socialist? Please answer that question and the one about the refundable tax credit. Direct answers would be very much appreciated.
Please PROVIDE the examples.
Since these examples are so plentiful, you should have no problem coming up with a few of them.
Actually, this attempt to misdirect attention away from the REAL content of the posts, which you don't like, is what's boring. It's a trick you probably learned from Obama, who figures most people won't even notice that he's changed the conversation.
We notice that you're changing the conversation, so you lose.
Please PROVIDE the examples.
Since these examples are so plentiful, you should have no problem coming up with a few of them.
Actually, this attempt to misdirect attention away from the actual content of the posts, which you don't like, is what's painfully transparent and truly boring.
I won't answer your absurd accusations again and return the other readers to the program previously in progress. You just carry on with yourself.
In an effort to provide some information sm
I was on vacation when the posts were made, but a friend of mine copied them and sent them to me. They were no exactly death threats, but under a post wishing President Bush Happy Birthday, there were two posts saying something to the effect that they hoped Bush died and burned in hell. Also, every single thing you accuse conservatives of in this long post, every SINGLE thing, has been committed on this board by liberals. You might also notice that most of the conservative posters have stopped coming over here, something the liberal posters have not been able to do, as their drive-by postings still appear sporadically and predictably.
Please provide factual evidence of this...
....but MUST be from a nonpartison source absolutely. Actually I thought it was just as much the case with the Republican party, but I freely admit that I have no concrete statistics at this point to back that up.
Please provide substantiation for your claim.
After all, you are not GW who can manipulate the truth as he pleases. But anyway, please provide the "burn in hell for eternity" quote that seems to appear over and over. I notice that this "quote" also changes slightly each time it is "quoted."
I will provide an answer to your question
I feel it is in poor taste to adopt the moniker of a liberal-leaning poster on a liberal board and then post anti-liberal messages. This is common sense and if you have to ask why it matters...well you are probably lacking common sense, as well as basic manners.
But thought I'd try explaining it anyway.
?? (am changing to Teddy, a less ambiguous moniker)
Saddam Hussein would provide anyone...
with anything if he thought it would be used to help bring down the United States and would make a "deal with the devil" (Al Qaeda) in order to attack the US, and I think anyone who thought differently would be disingenuous to say the least. Mortal enemies are often joined together by their hatred of some other this case of the United States, and Americans.
As to the 18 generals lined up behind Obama...what about the hundreds not lined up with him?
We will definitely disagree on this one.
Have a good night.
can you provide me a source so I can hear it? x
Please provide details and link regarding
42 meth labs in Wasilla. I have not heard of this. Was it while SP was in office as mayor there, or what?
I truly want to know....thanks.
6 mil provide a bit more of an incentive to recant.
How did the McCain provide this info??...
Show me where Obama has said he would provide
did not earn income. Try to stay on task with this Sam. The associations argument is a one-way conversation headed toward a dead-end destination. Let's talk PROGRESSIVE TAX...which is the central issue here.
SP seems to be fine with windfall them what you like, rebate of whatever, but they are still windfall profits redistributed oil company revenues to the owners of "collectively owned resources"...her words, not mine.
Did you look at the chart? Do you have any comment on those telling historical rates? What about McCain's intent to keep the progressive tax structure as is...since it has serve our CAPITALIST economy well in the past.
Your argument is bankrupt. No soup for you.
Interesting that you provide a link
directly addresses and refutes your allegations that Snopes is steeped in liberal bias.
Is a more reliable source? has condemned this anonymous attack against and lauded the website as an "excellent" and "authoritative" resource.
What's ironic about the claim that is more reliable than Snopes is that when you compare the contents of the two, their findings rarely diverge in any substantive way (does that mean is biased too?).
Where the sites do differ is in the depth and quality of their coverage. On the Mikkelsons go to great lengths to address the finer details of each text. They supply critical analysis, as well as background and contextual information. They cite sources.
Not to disparage owner Rich Buhler -- who does maintain an up-to-date and generally trustworthy resource -- but by comparison his analyses tend to be perfunctory, and his sourcing minimal at best. boasts a 12-year record of providing accurate, dependable information and analysis, and in that time has earned the confidence of the media, government agencies, the business community, and the general public alike.
Given all of the above, Snopes is surely the preferable resource.
Well a hand up will not provide the people of New Orleans with sm
what they need in this time of crisis.
What are you smokin'? Do you think these people don't need emergency money now, they have lost everything.
Good grief. There are mannnny Americans who still live paycheck to paycheck and if the little they have is wiped out, they have nowhere to go. But some people don't see it that way. I call them the I got mine generation.
I guess Harvard fails to provide that course, eh?