No "witchhunt", just truth. Disturbing, isnt it?
Posted By: Used to like Obama, but he is just a liar.nm on 2008-11-01
In Reply to: The witch hunt is getting desperate - Part 2. sm
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This is just 1 paragraph taken from a much longer article but it is something I did not know. This does not bode well for anyone. This is worse than Chalabi as informant and/or US hand-picked Iraqi statesman of some sort or the other.
Interestingly, some of the earliest suicide bombings commonly attributed to Hezbollah, such as the 1983 attacks on the US embassy and marine barracks in Beirut, were believed by American intelligence sources at the time to have been orchestrated by the Iraqi Dawa party. Hezbollah barely existed in 1983 and Dawa cadres are said to have been instrumental in setting it up at Tehran's behest. Dawa's current leadership includes none other than the new Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, feted last week in London and Washington as the great hope for the future of the Middle East. As the old saying goes, today's terrorist is tomorrow's statesman - at least when it suits us.
Hardly an American-like comment.
I find it "interesting" that Obama won't meet McCain for a town hall setting at any military bases. Anyone who is a POW for 5 years is more than a patriot.
This "meeting place" has become so "out there" I may as well be on the moReon, Huffpost, or Daily Kook sites!
This is clearly embarrassing.
Your responses are disturbing.
I don't believe I have ever seen a more angry and irrational person.
If true this truly is disturbing
I watched this and sat in tears. If this is true its absolutely horrible. This is basically murder and everyone who doesn't help these babies live has played a part in their murder. How can this lady say she witnessed it and held the babies until they died with no emotion in her face or even a quiver in her voice. I'm not for Barack. There are a lot of disturbing things about him that have made me decide not to vote for him, but this I just cannot believe. It almost sounds like some skit someone wrote for this lady to recite. I know lots of nurses and have worked at lots of hospitals in different states and this is just something that is unheard of. I will still not be voting for Barack, but not because of this. It sounds like, and I believe, this is probably put out by the republicans and I just don't believe it. Nobody brings a baby somewhere and leaves them on a table in some room with a toilet in it for the baby to die when the baby is alive and just walk away. That is not hospital policy at any hospital I know of, and if I met this lady in person I would tell her she has no business being a nurse.
On the other hand I will also not be voting for McCain. If I hear him say in his condescending tone once more "my friends" I think I will put my boot through the TV. He also is not someone I trust.
Man do politics really suck!
What I find disturbing about this is
I believe the GOP is in shock, fractured, incapable of accepting defeat and pretty clueless about how to pick themselves up and put themselves back together. As a consequence and coupled with their gut-level adversion to Obama, I think we will be seeing a whole lot more of these desperate, destructive tactics for quite some time to come. It's sad, because if there were ever a time in recent history we need to be pulling together, that would be now.
Very disturbing concept.
I don't believe it will pass the constitutional smell test, but you're right to be concerned about the potential for abuse - i.e., being used against citizens in the name of "national security". This very possibility is the reason the military services are strictly prohibited from conducting anything but humanitarian operations within the contintental US. It is also one of the reasons we have never had a federal police agency (as opposed to federal investigative and special enforcement agencies).
The record of such paramilitary organizations in other countries is rife with examples of abuse and we should absolutely march in the streets if necessary to prevent such an organization from ever being formed in this country.
she isnt the OP, I am
and how do you know that it is a lie? Besides that article did not say that he IS just like Hitler. The man was comparing some of Os ideas to that of some of Hitlers programs that he started up upon gaining power. And there is NO lie in that. It is just like the bailout, these are socialists principles, the gov buying stock in banks and owning some of our major corporations, is this a lie too?
One thing I find VERY disturbing
is that there have been several posts on these boards in the past regarding the rampant child sexual abuse that happens in this country, and I've always been amazed how those on the right didn't post anything objecting to this. I would think members of the party that claims to have all the *family values* in this country would be outraged at the sexual abuse of children, yet not a whimper of disgust from them.
Equally alarming is the fact that the leader of the Oregon Christian Coalition resigned recently because of charges that he sexually abused female family members, which, last time I checked, this was called INCEST. I posted the the article concerning this, and again, you could hear the proverbial pin drop -- not one word of outrage. Only one post from them, *winking* as they said *We should lock up all the evil perverted conservatives.*
Is there something wrong with ME because I believe we SHOULD lock up all the *evil, perverted* people, whether they're conservatives or not?
Or is there something else more sinister going on within the Christian Coalition, where incest isn't really a big deal? Given the consistent lack of outrage over this issue from conservatives, it makes me wonder. Makes me wonder what Harriet Miers' views are on this issue.
America, what is happening to you???!! 
Your anti-Americanism is disturbing. sm
*Sorry arses* You compare the Revolutionary War to World War II. You call names and label. You are violently nearly out of control with your anger and your very wording borders on horrendously out of control. Do people really take you seriously in discussion. If so, why?
I find it rather disturbing that Obama
is wanting to control executive pay. Why does our government have a right to tell people what they can make? Besides, aren't these the same loser who get a raise every year no matter what. How about we cap what these losers can make and get rid of their benefits and maybe they will actually start working for the American people and not their own person gain. I'm so sick of our government. Nothing but crooks!!!!
Someone is looking ridiculous and it isnt me
Face to face? What is this a threat, LOL? Sweetie, I would tell you face to face any day what my ideology is, what my priorities are and whatever else you deem is necessary to discuss with me. You wouldnt **let** me call you sweetie face to face? I think you truly need to step back and take a deep breath..You are looking ridiculous.
Isnt that just nauseating? SM
These people who support McCAin and his whacko side show Palin just make me so ill. Its like they just crawled out of their backwoods society to make an appearance because for once in their life they have something brought to the table that you dont even need smarts to talk about... Racism. It doesn't take a genius to be a racist.... These people are so shallow and closed minded. Racism to me is nauseating. It is something I just cannot even stomach.... In the same way I cannot stomach Hitler.
And the whole issue of patriotism.... America is all about multiculture. Americans come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and ethnicity... YOu want to talk patriotism.... Then maybe you should support your "Native Americans." If you want patriotism, then look no further than the purebreed americans..... I mean if you are going to take it back to its roots. Otherwise, get used to the fact that we are not all the same and get off your high horse, you stupid old white folk!!!!
And if I have to hear one more time about how Obama is going to be "Taxing us" I could just scream. He wont be taxing me. I for sure do not make over 250K a year. And for people who are concerned about "businesses" being taxed and not able to hire people..... When was the last time you encountered a company that cared about their employees anyway... They have been taking advantage of their employees for years.... Cutting benefits, not keeping up with pay increases, outsources rather than hire you anyway.
Well enought ranting for me.... All I can say is God Bless Obama!!!!! And if he doesn't win, we are all in for some deep doo-doo.
It isnt that simple. What you do is the same as
too bad HE isnt president!
Why can't we see that this stimulus is going to bring us down?
Frankly gt you are pretty disturbing all by your lonesome. I'd like to think
there's only one of you.
Disturbing info about concentration camps in U.S.
Now, I know what you might be thinking - U.S. concentration camps?? Really the stuff of tin-foil hatters on the Internet fringe! I've been hearing about them for years but sort of wrote it all off as the wackiest of the wackiness out there - after all where are they? Who has seen them? Couldn't happen here.
So, I'm really not sure what to make of this - it's the third or fourth report I've heard recently and getting harder to ignore. Article:
Early Warning! Is Bush Preparing to Wage War on Americans?
He has asserted his power to do so amid reports that there are some 800 detention camps throughout the US, staffed, as yet empty but ready for operation. Armed guards are reported to be in place. [ See: INN World Report (Free Speech TV), February 7 broadcast]
The official cover story is that FEMA maintains these facilities in the event of a mass influx of illegal immigrants or in case of national emergency. It is more likely, that the detention camps are created to house political subversives.
(1) The President is now claiming, and is aggressively exercising, the right to use any and all war powers against American citizens even within the United States, and he insists that neither Congress nor the courts can do anything to stop him or even restrict him.
—Glenn Greenwald: The NSA Fight Begins - Strategies for Moving Forward, The Huffington Post
The Pacific News Service meanwhile reports that Homeland Security had awarded a $385 million dollar contract to Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency.
That's only part of the article but gives the gist of the story with several more references for the subject. I find it very chilling. Not surprising particularly, but still very chilling. Six years ago I didn't believe it at all. Now? I might!
oops got cut off...Her preaching/her words that are DISTURBING...SM
to say the least!!!!
I don't agree with every single thing my pastor says.
W's clueless response is equally as disturbing.
"So what if the guy threw his shoe at me?" Bush told a reporter in response to a question about the incident.
"Let me talk about the guy throwing his shoe. It's one way to gain attention. It's like going to a political rally and having people yell at you. It's like driving down the street and having people not gesturing with all five fingers. ...These journalists here were very apologetic. They ... said this doesn't represent the Iraqi people, but that's what happens in free societies where people try to draw attention to themselves."
So what? How many agree that this guy was seeking attention? Only on the W planet would the alleged leader of the free world be so unconscious and so casual about this deepest of insults. Who cares? Not W, evidently.
Isnt the fall just great?
Isnt this time of the year great? My favorite holiday is Halloween. Cant wait! It has been in the 40's overnight this past week, so nice. Now if we just could have some rain.
Sad, isnt it? America did not become successful
can you not read? My name isnt Chele
lets get it straight here before you start droning on and on.
Unemployment isnt even down to the Carter
Isnt he terrible? I tried watching too and he comes
karma is a b___h, isnt it, Bush?
My parents were wise people and totally non predjudiced, non bigoted..They screwed up in many ways, but they did not pass judgment on the color of someones skin or how rich or poor someone was..and they taught me what goes around comes put good into the world, you will get good back, you put bad, it will come back to you..I honesty have to say, at times it has been hard believing that cause it takes so darn long, IMO, for retribution to take place, for right to come around, however, in my life I have always seen the **bad ones** get theirs, over time it happens..karma works..I am now seeing karma once again. Bush for five and one half years has torn our country down, has divided it's people, has pushed away the world and in turn we have lost respect throughout the world, has waged a war on innocent people..he is getting his now, his karma has come..I sit back and watch it all and am thankful to the powers that be..
Oh geez..isnt that called *Heaven* ?
Oh geez, me neither, Libby, me neither..but probably not in my life time.
At least she isnt fighting the court by refusing
This shows a true and disturbing lack of knowledge regarding the Israeli
Arab conflict. You surely realise that. I hope this was a unfunny one at that.
Isnt it pitiful? Talk about stolen election!. I am in
the moral majority spoke in CA but that isnt good enough
They banned it, voted against it. The state of CA spoke but the gays are not happy with that and have to march. They will push and push till they get their way. Whether it is against God or not. what a shame.
Good question.-and it ISNT fair. Notice how Obama
The truth sounds rude when put bluntly but still is the truth. nm
!!!! hahaha
Liberal truth vs. Conservative truth.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but...It's probably the
reason why I am voting democrat...they seem more honest than the the republicans and it looks like people are starting to get smart and *bailin' Palin*... We don't need to keep hearing her *greatest hits" version of her acceptance speech over and over and McSame's POW story...that was then, this is now...we need REAL change and we need it NOW. I don't need someone to push the red button, I need someone to fix the economy!
Truth? The truth is she is nuts!
give me a freaking break, okay? The truth needs to be posted over and over and over again.
the truth
So true and so well put.
You could not be further from the truth. NM
Now, now, now... let's tell the TRUTH, which is NOT:
His first guest on his first show was Madalyn O'Hair (very appropo, since he is himself an atheist).
History IS important. Check yours.
Phil Donahue is a Catholic.
Where's the truth in the above?
It's just your fantasy of wanting Bush to get caught getting a B.J....and quoting Marey Carey, a former porn star. Any credibility you had you just flew out the window.
The truth is that no one really knows the truth about
I think their secrecy surrounding the matter is creating oddball theories. I do not know if I would call them a subculture, but I know the 911 truth movement is quite large (millions). This will even be used as a political platform for a few running for office. One that comes to mind is Robert Bowman running for Congress.
If you believe – That the Bible is the inspired Word of God That Jehovah God is a God of integrity and it is impossible for Him to break covenant because of His character, That Jesus Christ is our example, and we are to follow Him, Then there is no Biblical alternative to supporting Israel and the Jewish people.
Are you all nonbelievers here?
We already know the truth. nm
The truth (as you see it)
Quotes from Mizz Coulter:
Freedom of Speech
* They're [Democrats] always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment.
o University of Florida speech; October 20, 2005.
* I'd build a wall. In fact, I'd hire illegal immigrants to build the wall. And throw out the illegals who are here. [...] It's cheap labor.
o Fox News; The O'Reilly Factor; Transcript via Media Matters; April 14, 2006.
o On illegal immigration
* VESTER: You say you’d rather not talk to liberals at all? COULTER: I think a baseball bat is the most effective way these days.
o (FOX News Channel, DaySide with Linda Vester, 10/6
New York Times
* My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.
o New York Observer article; August 26, 2002.
* Of course I regret it. I should have added 'after everyone had left the building except the editors and the reporters.'
o; June 26, 2003.
o On her (above) statement concerning Timothy McVeigh
* [Learning difficulties are a cover for] rich parents with dumb kids...That's why 'Pinch' Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, is alleged to have dyslexia - because he's retarded.
o The Independent; August 16, 2004.
o Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., publisher of New York Times
Stevens, Justice John Paul
* We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens's creme brulee. That's just a joke, for you in the media.
o Philander Smith College January 26, 2006 [6]
* I think [women] should be armed but should not vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.
o Comedy Central; Politically Incorrect; February 26, 2001.
* It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 - except Goldwater in '64 - the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.
o [8]; May 17, 2003.
* I think the other point that no one is making about the [Abu Ghraib] abuse photos is just the disproportionate number of women involved, including a girl general running the entire operation. I mean, this is lesson, you know, number 1,000,047 on why women shouldn't be in the military. In addition to not being able to carry even a medium-sized backpack, women are too vicious.
o Fox News; Hannity & Colmes; May 5, 2004.
* I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote.
o Fox News; Hannity & Colmes; August 17, 1997.
Liberals hate religion because politics is a religion substitute for liberals and they can't stand the competition.
* Slander (2002) ISBN 1400046610, p. 194
Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now.
* Slander (2002) ISBN 1400046610, p. 5-6
I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo.
* Her column; December 21, 2005
* Governmental responsibility
* We were terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary to our purpose of bringing down the president.
o Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter’s Story (1998), pg. 183.
o Paula Jones
* If those kids had been carrying guns they would have gunned down this one [teenage] gunman. ... Don't pray. Learn to use guns.
o Politically Incorrect; December 18, 1997.
o Heath High School shooting (where a gunman killed 3 students at a prayer meeting at the school). When she said Don't pray, Coulter may have been asked whether she approved of praying in school.
* [A] cruise missile is more important than Head Start.
o From a speech, November 2001, rebroadcast by C-Span in January, 2002.
o Education spending vs. defense spending
The list goes on:
These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's deaths so much. -on 9/11 widows who have been critical of the Bush administration
We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee. That's just a joke, for you in the media.
Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole.
There are a lot of bad republicans; there are no good democrats.
We need to execute people like (John Walker Lindh) in order to physically intimidate liberals.
Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots.
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.
Liberals are stalwart defenders of civil liberties -- provided we're only talking about criminals.
We've finally given liberals a war against fundamentalism, and they don't want to fight it. They would, except it would put them on the same side as the United States.
Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the President.
The swing voters -- I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don't have set philosophical principles. You're either a liberal or you're a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster.
How about this truth.
All life is sacred or no life is sacred, no exceptions.
Once again, not really the truth
I'm starting to get irked. What is with all the manipulation of the truth? Why can't you guys stick with fact? Nixon denied what he had done, LIED blatantly for a long time until there was so much evidence against him that he FINALLY had to come clean. Yes, much like Clinton. I don't need to change historical facts to fit my own agenda like you do, e.g., also the Summerby comment.
Your claims are ridiculous and I don't know why you are making them. You seem too intelligent for such complete hogwash. Really.
I don't know why to tell you the truth....
...and I don't think it is a "Republican" site per se. It is definitely a conservative-leaning site. I am not a registered Republican except in primary years. I do not owe my alliegance nor vote to any political party. But I admit, the further left the Democratic party goes, the less likely I will ever vote democratic again. I have in the past. But it is doubtful that I ever will again. But...I digress.
I hear you about the complete bashing and name calling. And yes, you can make your points, counter the points of others, without bashing and name calling. I get angry too, and i think some of the things I see posted here at But I get up, walk away, bite my lip, and then try to post after that initial wave of &(A(&
Have a good night, kiki :)
Why not tell the truth for once?
You introduce an issue, someone does not agree with you, and then the attacks start. Eight, nine, ten bashing posts to my one. Now who does that seem like is monopolizing the board. THis is not a dem board. It is a political board. You do not tolerate any dissenting opinions. You should really try to actually be democratic...that is your party name after all.
Ain't that the truth!! nm
Actually he DID tell the truth once...
when he said the big O was not ready to be President as it did not lend itself to on-the-job experience. He hit that nail square on the head.
Here is your truth. sm
Guess Olbermann is wrong about date - JUNE OF THIS YEAR.
not sure how much truth there is to this
i've heard it's not over.. hill may still run with obama