News flash for you.......their women are scared
Posted By: to death!!!!!!!! on 2008-10-11
In Reply to: And as a westerner, did you show respect - McC campaign trying to blame O for Troopergate. s
They are afraid to even move the wrong way for fear of retribution. THey are afraid to let their daughters go to school because they fear what will happen to them on the way to school. Of course, the women will treat you with respect. The women aren't usually the problem. It's the beliefs the men have forced down their throats and those of their daughters. Don't misinterpret respect for fear, fear of doing anything that could get them beaten to death. There are some more liberal areas where beliefs are not as harsh and families are not so demanding of their women and daughters; Saudi Arabia and Iran are two of them, but even Iranian women are coming under attack again and are fearful of even crossing the street.
Like I have been told by Muslim women in this country who are no longer under the control of men from those countries, they feel such a relief and do not have to fear for their lives every day. They will tell you their sons are taught from a small age to chant verses of hate over and over again, brainwashing them. Only those that are lucky enough to be in a more liberal environment and even leave the country abroad for education purposes realize the difference in the teachings from other religions, where love is actually taught.
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News Flash. sm
Using the term living in ignorance is not calling a name. If you are that sensitive, political boards are not for you.
News flash
from an old crohn who has lived a long time. If you are expecting things to be any better under EITHER regime, I think you're whistling in the wind. Both candidates supported the bail-out that is going to put us all under and I expect we'll become the newest Third World Country. When all is said and done, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We've allowed our country to be overrun by illegal aliens thanks to many bleeding hearts. BOTH of these candidates support "comprehensive immigration reform." We only need the laws already on the books to be enforced. BOTH of them want to reward the illegals already in this country knowing full well that it will further depress wages and benefits but it will sure please the big businesses that they BOTH cater to. We pay lip service to wanting change but how the heck do we get it when we keep wanting "experience" or more of the same when we say we want "change." Ain't gonna happen. I refer to the definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." To quote the person who constantly says it..........SHEESH!!
News flash...(sm)
I have had an abortion. Was it for my own convenience? No. Did I have to have escorts into the building because people like you were outside throwing bottles and yelling murderer? Yes. By the way, they set a bomb the next day that killed quite a few people. I guess that wasn't murder though because it was name of the lord. Did I enjoy ripping my child apart limb by limb and decapitating him/her as you so eloquantly put it? Not so much. Was it really like that even? No. How did I know? Well, let's just say the tape they used to hold the material over the *collection jar* didn't stick very well. What you don't understand is that having an abortion is not an easy decision, but sometimes it is a necessary decision.
So why did I have an abortion? I had 2 choices. I could have the child who was fathered by the man who was my husband at the time, who would have beaten the child just like he beat and raped me, or I could have had the child so it could end up in that list of children you just turned your nose up at. You see, not everybody fits into that nice little box you like to call *girls who just want to get pregnant,* but if that makes it prettier for you, then go right ahead.
I don't have a problem with faith, I have a problem with religion, especially when it impacts social issues that would take away rights of others who are not represented by that religion, or when it presents a double standard (you really don't have to look too hard to find those). A person on this board wrote that politics don't belong in the pulput. I agree. But I also believe that the pulput doesn't belong in politics. Keep your religion, let it teach you whatever it will, abide by it's rules. Just don't expect others to have the same set of rules.
Helping my community: You have no idea what I do and don't do, so I wouldn't be so quick to judge someone you don't know. Maybe you should spend less time running all over the world trying to find that perfect baby that will look just like mommy and daddy and spend more time using that money spent on the kids here that need help. I guess that would be too much to ask for because those children here are just too much of a pain in the a$$ for you.
You just keep on rambling on about how wonderful you are and how $hitty everyone else is. Oh, and might I point out that most christians I know don't help others for recognition (your boasting is disgusting), they help others because they want to and because that is what their faith teaches them to do.
News flash for you.
Palin lost.
Get a new hobby.
News flash, m...
Not everyone believes the same as you. You can be shocked and disappointed all you like, it is not going to change anyone's mind. As a matter of fact, the more I learn about the mindset of the the extreme conservatives, the more liberal I become.
News flash....(sm)
The current debt of the US BEFORE this plan is $10,765,494,601,610.69 as of Feb 14, 2009. It has continued to increase by about $3.58 billion PER DAY since Sept 28, 2007. Hmmmm.....
I wonder what could be costing us so much? How about this?
And you want to complain about spending money that will actually BENEFIT people. 
News flash for you......
We get the fact that this deficit was there before Obama took office. However, there were many dems who voted in favor of the war in Iraq...including Hillary Clinton. Bush didn't do all of this on his own. He did all of this with the help of the rest of the government and within the last few years or so....I do believe dems controlled congress.
All this being said, it still does not make spending 1 trillion dollars okay because....hey Bush already racked up a huge deficit first. Government spending is part of what got us in this mess in the first place and now what is government doing.......SPENDING MORE. I can't help but cringe.
As far as blaming all this money being spent on about all the money that goes to illegal aliens daily. We are talking billions of dollars going to illegal aliens in this country....and I do believe Obama's own aunt is one of those.
news flash
A ton of people are already smoking pot. Probably people you would never suspect. I know teachers, lawyers, doctors, grandmothers, and even the minister of my church.
I think it is a great idea! Besides the income from the tax, we can quit wasting resources on something so absurd.
News flash....(sm)
That wasn't "god" commiting murder. That was one of your run of the mill wacko pro-life supporters. You must be so proud. Since you believe that life begins at conception, what makes it okay to take one life and not okay to take another's? You have to be the most hypocritical excuse for a human I've ever had the misfortune to meet.
News flash - yourself, you need to read
are the one trying to involve religion and "social issues."
News flash, Shelly.
There are millions of people who believe in the concept of God and not all of them believe in the same God you claim to believe in. It may be "your" one and only true God, but you cannot speak for anyone else.
???? Um. News flash. Hillary didn't win - - - nm
News flash. Bush is not running.
NEWS FLASH....prostitutes' business
One madam reported her girls were getting $260 for 60 minutes but now they're hurting because of the economy. Boy, it's pretty bad when our news media thinks it's noteworthy to note the whores are hurting.
Hey, news flash - This isn't O's personal life
And sure you don't care about'd be all over him in a second criticizing him up and down. This is not the O's personal life. I could care less what the O, Michelle, his daughters and relatives do in their own lives.
This is his public life, and the people (our servants) that he has invited to his parties, and the fact that he's spending our tax money to fund his parties!!!!!!!
News flash, Jon Voight is mentally ill.
NEWS FLASH - Michelle wears flat shoes a lot!!
What in the world can we read into this?
This is bulls**t. Pure and simple. But you guys LOVE the troops. News flash. SM
Recruiters are troops.
See link to article from Women's News inside.
What happened to women sticking up for women?
Be scared. Be reeeeally scared.
If it's high you flash it, if it's low you hide
like everything else, isn't it?
FLASH! Your cheap methods won't work here.
Sadly for you, people on this forum are beginning to learn how to think.
First, you don't give your source - THE HUFFINGTON POST! Get a clue that we're on to you and won't let you get away with this crap for even one minute. Try this deception again and we'll bury you.
Second, the way Boehner used the word "torture" was taken entirely out of context as he did not call our methods torture, nor did he agree that this is what they amounted to.
Here's what Boehner said - and you'll notice that it is completely different from what you are TRYING so very hard to mis-portray:
"House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is upset with the Obama administration for releasing the torture memos and thinks the time for a public debate is over — even though the debate just seems to be heating up.
"I don't — I don't see a lot of value in looking back. ... This is another side show here in Washington," he told reporters during his weekly news conference.
"When it comes to what our interrogation techniques are going to be or should be, I — I'm not going to disclose, nor should anyone have a conversation about what those techniques ought to be. It's — it's inappropriate. All it does is give our enemies more information about us than they need."
A reporter (me) interjected: "Do you think it's inappropriate to have a public conversation about the techniques we use?"
Boehner: "Oh, I think that conversation has occurred. The president has made decisions, and we should move forward."
Me, again: "But you think — you just said it was inappropriate. You don't think ..."
Boehner: "I don't — I don't see that we're going to learn anything that — that clearly members in a bipartisan way, the congressional leaders, didn't already know about these techniques."
John Bresnahan: "Shouldn't the American public know [inaudible]? Shouldn't they have an idea?"
Boehner: "Well, listen, I — I'll take a deep breath here. [Grabs podium and inhales.] We're talking about terrorists who are hell bent on killing Americans. All right? And — and 3,000 of our fellow citizens died. And there were techniques that were used by Americans and our allies around the world that helped keep America safe."
Same BS, different day to keep everyone scared.
At a time when even so called ‘respectable, unbiased’ news (organizations) MSNBC (cough cough) are covering the growing possibility of Government involvement in 9/11, on a day that Israel decides to go ahead and bomb Beirut proper, when Lamont wins on an anti-war ticket (Bush accused competing Democrats as being weak on terror), we suddenly hear of this ‘plot’ to kill thousands on airliners. What is the probability that the timing of this disclosure was carefully crafted to deter antiwar sentiment during stateside elections, create doubt about government involvement in 9/11 and foster complacency about the destruction of Lebanon?
Don't be
“When viewing the tape of Obama’s “57-states” statement objectively, it is plain to see that he was pretty much operating on coffee fumes and airplane exhaust at that point in the campaign (early June). I wonder how well any of us could speak if we had been to all but 2 states in the union in less than as many days? His entire statement was halting and sporadic, certainly not characteristic of his normal style of speaking when he has had adequate sleep. Stop and think, just for a minute. How many times zones did he flew over, back and forth from coast to coast, and how often did he appear in 2 states on the same day? Would it have been humanly possible for him to sock away 8, 6, or even 4 consecutive hours of sleep while keeping such a schedule? His eyes were beet red and, when he stopped before he said the “7”, they actually rolled back and forth and up and down (doll’s eyes), like my own do when I have highway hypnosis. My impression was that the pause was taken because he could not even remember if he had said “50” or “40” since he was so zonked out. If he had said “40”, then the “7” would have made sense (off by one, if he had missed 2 states, or maybe he had missed 3 and 47 would have been correct), again, considering how tired he looked and sounded. Try to ignore all the pathetically desperate spin that is out there over this just for a moment and give this some real consideration. He is a human being, flesh and blood, with physical requirements (food, water, SLEEP) and limitations. Any real human being probably should be able to understand how this could have happened. One thing is for sure. It did not happen because of senility or Alzheimer’s.
To suggest that Obama does not know how many states there are in the union is absolutely absurd. He is a Harvard graduate who is running for president. He knew how many delegates he needed and he knew how many states those delegates would come from. You can make anything you want out of a statement if you take it out of its context. This just goes to show you how low his opponents are willing to stoop with their personal attack machine, especially when they are not able to effectively argue ISSUES. Has he actually exhibited the same PATTERNS that are described in the other posts about McCain (and clearly apparent)? Think about it, minus the spin, and be honest.
If you are really worried and want any real answers about whether Obama is all for show without any real substance, stop trying to find them in chat rooms, on CNN, Fox or YouTube. Clear your brain out and start from scratch. Without prejudice, start with HIS words. You can find them on his website, under issues or in his speeches. Read and listen to HIM, not his detractors. Try his books. Read some unbiased, factual biographical information (actions speak louder than words). Like the OP said, “rise above” the media. They want to put you down in the gutter and keep you there. Don’t let them.
About his past associations. How much do you really know about them? Where did you hear about it? Did you consider your sources? If you are referring to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, you will find some of those answers in his books as well (written way before the controversy erupted on CNN and Fox). Caution. There are no direct answers. You will have to do a genuine search for them, but they are there. That, too, requires an objective read and the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a few minutes…and in this case, the shoes of a young biracial, international American man, confused and seeking clarity on what it means to be black. If you give this an honest effort, you will not find the same answers that the media outlets are trying to shove down your throat. You certainly cannot get an accurate portrayal of his character from cheap, filthy gossip, innuendo and speculation. If you want a make a real assessment, eliminate the middle man and go one-on-one….then make up your mind.
If all you hear is that he would raise taxes (another tired, tired conservative battle cry), then you have not been listening. Bill Clinton did not balance the budget with astronomical tax programs. He did it with spending restraints and eliminating pork and budget bloat. If we were not bankrolling the Iraq, Afghanistan and the war on terror ($859 billion dollars so far), tax hikes would not happen at all. Diplomacy is much, much cheaper and a whole lot more effective.
Why would anyone expect the health insurance plan to be free? Question is how much would it cost, will the coverage be better or worse, will it be accessible and affordable to more or less than the now insured. Before you slam the plan, read it. He is keeping no secrets from you. You have only to look around to other developed nations and their health care systems and compare them to ours to know just how much room there is for improvement.
Ask yourself these questions. Does anybody ever really “win” a war? Have our wars made us any more safe or secure? Doesn’t avoiding war and preventing war have any appeal to you at all? Don’t you think that, in the 21st century, we just might be evolved enough to figure out some other solutions to our conflicts and threats? For example, just how much good do you think it will do to put us back into a cold war with Russia? A guy who looks into Russian eyes and sees KGB does not know how to do anything else but that. Careful what you ask for.
Because they are scared.
And it's the nature of the beast!
scared now
i am not one that can see one thing and that just turns my mind right around when it was so decided already. BUT, in this case, I dont know what to think. I am SHOCKED. I cant believe it. I wanted so bad to vote for O. I am so upset. I cannot vote for O. I just dont feel right about it as a Christian. It doesnt matter if he doesnt support these views of him. He knows it is being done and is not doing anything to correct peoples worship of him. If he is a God fearing Christian, he should be doing this first thing. That is my opinion, no one will change that. Now I am not voting. Not at all. I dont care if it is wasting my vote, voting for either one at this point is a waste. Not going. NOPE.
You are not alone, there are many more that think that way too. be scared, be very scared. nm
I believe him and I'm scared.
Anyone here ever been the recipient of Medi-Cal/Medicaid benefits? Fasten your seatbelts..
I have a lot of friends and acquaintances from Canada who migrated HERE because of inadequate health care in their own country. Months-long waiting lists for routine procedures, days on gurneys in the halls and waiting rooms of the ED, lack of anesthesia for childbirth..etc., etc. Sounds crazy but it's reality.
We have a lot to look forward to.
Wow! Now you really scared me! Is it really THAT bad?..nm
GT things everybody's scared of her
Not me. My theory is that gt is a person who doesn't have any power over anyone and comes to this board to be some kind of faux dictator. It's really pretty sad and she's almost single-handedly shut down any meaningful conversations with her hateful pukings.
I'm not scared by gt one bit. I've figured her out. She's really a very pitiful hate filled person who wouldn't have been allowed to stay on the board in the old format.
Somebody is scared! Too funny.
Maybe you should be scared, because more than likely a big scary, American-hating Democrat will be elected by all of us God-less, America-hating liberals. LOL! I know I'm scared with George I have no brain W. Bush running things, so maybe it is your turn. Liberals are not godless and do not hate America - they just have a different view than yours - gasp, how horrible right? A different view in America! Maybe you are the one that lives in the wrong country.
And how hypocritical of you to say that you grew up on welfare but don't want others to have that option! How do you know you would be either alive or healthy if it hadn't been for the welfare that took care of you? The ignorance of all of your statements astounds me, but this is America after all, and you have a right to your own opinions, obviously.
Some people are so scared of anything that isn't
Do some jumping jacks.
Write a letter.
Take up a new sport.
Make love.
Take a pole-dancing class.
Anything to get away from your computers and -----
(---- clear out your mind)!
We should all be very scared of people like this . . .
Not scared at all....even your O said not to be cocky.....see ya on....
Let's just wait till "real" people get in those polls can accurately predict the outcome, this time included.
I am running scared
Of course you are right, Obama is closet Muslim. He was been faking practicing Christianity for 20+ years, even going so far as to have his daughters baptised just to fool us. Wow, why didn't I realize it until just now.
Oh, and the Muslims really hate the Jews. I better go find an attack to live in when Obama is elected.
Thanks so much for your help in getting me to see things so much more clearly now.
Here's something for you scared folks. s/m
Here in NW Arkansas I've had the inside scoop for some time on a situation that ought to scare the living dickens out of everyone who works for a living.
I have known for some time that Don Tyson was going to come out of retirement and take over the reins of Tyson Food again. The news story broke yesterday. By the way, Don Tyson is a rabid Republican. None of the following is heresay, I know the guy.
Most of you probably find Tyson products in your local grocery. If you eat at McDonalds you eat Tyson chicken tenders.
In the farming area where I live probably 75% of the people have either worked in some facet of the chicken industry or they have retired with a fortune they made in the chicken industry. Most people contracted with Tyson to raise their chickens. Low income workers worked in the hatcheries and chicken processing plants. Not to mention the people who had good jobs in the corporate offices. Within the last several years Tyson replaced their low income workers with illegal aliens. They started building their own chicken farms and imported Mongs from (Minnesota or somewhere) to run them at much less cost than their contract growers but they are so big they didn't replace all of their growers.
What some of you call the "low lifes" worked in this chicken business, a dirty, nasty job. Some of them did this because there is nothing else they can do. They are uneducated, some are not too bright but they WORK. I know one who can't even read and write. Most of them now drive 25-30 miles to Fayetteville to work in fast food, as janitors or whatever low-paying job they can find and you see their old jalopies by the side of the road where they've either broken down or run out of gas. These "low life people" don't want handouts, they want to work. I feel sorry for them.
Now the news flash? Tyson has bought chicken processing plants in Argentina, Brazil and China because "the cost of feed is making it cost prohibitive to do business here." This is going to not only take jobs out of this country, it is going to leave many farmers who are still growing chickens (and pork) not only unemployed but with thousands of dollars in debt because of the investments they have made in chicken farming. 20 years ago it cost $100,000 for a farmer to build a commercial chicken house. I shudder to think what it costs today. The plan is to raise chickens abroad and process them and bring them home to America.
So all of you who work for a living whether you work in the chicken industry or another, had better be scared. John McCain from his own mouth proclaimed himself to be the biggest free trader ever. Free trade hasn't worked too well for Americans has it?
The inside scoop is buy Tyson stock now. Not me. I will NOT profit by costing American people their jobs.
I've changed my plean from "God Bless America" to "God Have Mercy on America."
How does this relate to the election? For one thing I don't think we need another "biggest free trader ever" in the White House.
Thanks for reporting this, but I am scared.
I know from 9/11 that Osama wanted to hurt us financially. In fact, I was waiting for a terror attack 2-3 weeks after our financial crisis to hit us in the US. Then with the elections and all, I forgot about it, but now this is brought up again. Did you hear about the Russian Nuclear Sub and had 20 deaths reported on that sub? What were they doing?
I must admit we should stock up on supplies like food, water, etc. Remember the 2000 crisis known as Y2K? I went to a lot of meetings about the Y2K. I know we are not having a Y2K problem, but it did help me to understand on what to do if power went out, food famine, money, etc.
I know all about the Palo Nuclear Power plant outside of Phoenix. In fact everything about it. Even visited the silly place. Too much knowledge actually. Care to know about it, email me. I know about the electric grid and how we could be out of power for months and how the grid is all connected to most states, except Texas may pull through it. I know why we have to have 3 day supply of water, because that is how long it will take someone to get to your neighborhood to give you more water each day in case you need it. Gosh, I even bought books about Y2K and should probably read those again because it tells you about how to handle a crisis.
Hope you live in a good neighborhood and better get to know your neighbors. You all might have to come together some time down the road during a crisis, otherwise, you could be at war with each other, stealing things, using guns and all because of fighting over things. I am thinking of worst case scenerio of course.
I think the right is scared cuz we've got em
If they don't get OVER that fear, they just might END UP with 'the runs'.
Nah, not scared. Just disappointed.
That the ignorant have elected the inexperienced and we're all gonna spend the next 4 years paying for it.
Not scared. Just disappointed.
That the uninformed have elected the inexperienced, and now we're going to have to pay for it for the next 4 years.
If I were as scared as most on this board
I would definitely invest in a bomb shelter, and go hide out until the presidency is years gone by. What a bunch of crock. Scared. You sound like a bunch of little sissy girlies, not women. Do you still have to hide behind your mother's skirts. Ohhhhh, I am so scared- (shaking going on here).
saw him on Bill Maher and he scared me!!!
Running scared? Ahhhh, don't think so
when McCain loses. The only way he will win is if they cheat - which we all know is possible - just ask Gore.
You people are scared to death of her.
shock - blatant - scared
Picked up the emotional tone of this post. Recent study said that those who startle easily at small noises usually vote republican. Individuals who are on a more even keel usually vote democrat. Interesting to see the intertwining of theory with reality.
Scared of the map? Check out the post
and THEN wait for that election. T-minus 10 and counting.
I'm so scared I can't even type straight
I meant attic, lol!
I never saw so many scared people in all my life. s/m
I must be living on a different planet, listening to an Obama poster. What he actually said was "WE can change American and WE can change the world."
if you want to be scared, go the the mcdonalds at walmart....nm
How pathetic. I am not scared by intelligence.