More media mantra does not a valid point make.
Posted By: we'll be laughing all the way to the polls and on 2008-08-30
In Reply to: Please do complete a list - Chele
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Executive experience media mantra no answer.
Make sure your complaints are valid before spewing them.
You have a very valid point........
I've noticed on this board alone that if anything is said against Obama, you MUST be a racist! So, unfortunately, on this board at least and probably over the country, if anything is said that opposes Obama, you will be called a racist because that's all they know to do.
Obama wants you to be dependent on the government for all your needs, as so many already do where I live. He will do absolutely nothing to help you, but will only make it worse. Most of us with any common sense know full well you can't help anyone by continuing to keep them down. Obama has every intentio of not only doing just that but bringing in the middle class as well to become dependent on the government, thereby empowering government to become more powerful.......
Unfortunately, I have noticed so many on this board actually believe the government's job is to POLICE their lives. They don't have a clue what their constitution says, what it means, and they actually believe BIGGER government means a better life for them. Most of those that scream racist on this board are just plain lame and very sad indeed and they know nothing else! Working hard to pay your bills seems to fall on deaf ears with those that think free handouts are a blessing. They don't have a clue about the American spirit and no doubt couldn't recite the pledge of allegiance or sing the star spangled banner without looking at the words......
and I say the same....go ahead and flame away. I truly couldn't care less.
That is a valid point to consider
but what about those pregnant woman who are murdered and they are pregnant and the murderer is charge with double homicide. Why is the killing of a fetus okay in one circumstance but considered murder in another. LOL! It starts to get confusing when you look at every little thing.
I just think abortion is something that does need some form of guidelines.
Starcat made a very valid point.
You don't tolerate irresponsibility when it comes to pet owners (which I agree with, by the way), yet you seem to welcome it when it comes to your political party. One has to ask why you continue to sing the praises of and support the most irresponsible administration in US history, yet you express outrage about a cat owner. Just doesn't make sense.
And as far as you being tolerant, one only needs to take a quick look at the conservative board to see how laughable that really is. You and your cohorts post the most intolerant posts I've ever seen anywhere on the internet.
I do agree with you about pet owners being responsible. I am a pet owner and keep my pets under control simply because I love them and want to keep them safe.
A valid point. Substitute "NeoCon" for repub
You got that right. Point is that media
this is exactly the point I have been trying to make -
it is just an issue because people want to make Obama look bad before Tuesday - that bad bad man is going to take all our money and give it to the welfare people!
yes, that was the point I was trying to make
We were helped out by these big, bad government programs, were able to increase our wages and in turn pay more taxes to contribute more.
That was the point I was trying to make
I'm not defending him. I'm tired of the lies.
This adds to the point I was trying to
Cherry picking for democracy, takes the nobility out of Iraq IMHO. Rwanda and Darfur are two good examples of where the UN and US have turned a blind eye waiting on the UN to intervene. Why not wait on them to spread democracy in Iraq? (still waiting?)
2.5 million people are displaced in Darfur, estimated 400,000 dead. 50,000 have left their homes in the last month.
This lady puts it better than I can.
Thank you for your demand for U.S. action in response to the genocide in Darfur (Again, May 15). During the Clinton administration, our nation's leaders refused to call the slaughter in Rwanda by its true name, and, as a result, an estimated 800,000 innocent people lost their lives. The only difference between Rwanda and Darfur is that, today, hundreds of thousands are killed while members of the Bush administration pat themselves on the back for giving the murder its proper label. The sad reality is that using the word genocide--and then refusing to intervene militarily to protect lives--has actually done more harm to the people of Darfur and to emerging international protection mandates than doing nothing at all.
Elisabeth Kidder
Charlottesville, Virginia
your mixing people up to try and make a point but not doing it well
First you compare Obama to her, but then on an issue you compare Obama to McCain because you know you don't have anything bad to compare to Gov Palin with. Then when you talk about Obama you praise him and when you talk above Gov Palin you demean her. Where is the fairness in that?
First, nobody is taking anything away from Obama. He is intelligent, articulated, has a beautiful family, has done quite well for himself both career and family wise.
Nobody is saying he is exotic and comparing it to her saying she is a quantessential American Story. People are very impressed with Obama's life history. Hawaii is a very exotic sounding state (I've never heard him described as exotic). Ahh Hawaii, beautiful oceans, white sandy beaches - everyone's dream vacation. You make it sound like people are tearing him down because he was born in Hawaii. Alaska is quite different. You have to admit that hunting moose is not your everyday experience but nowhere in any news source or anywhere have I heard people compare where they grew up in to put one down and bring the other up.
Nobody has said that because his name is Barack he's a radical unpatriotic Muslim. He's a Muslim turned Christian period, but not because of his name, and nobody has said she's a Maverick because of what she named her kids.
Nobody has said he is unstable because he graduated Harvard. On the contrary. People have said he is one of the most intelligent persons to have graduated and become the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. That's not an accomplishment many people can say they have and that is what I am hearing everywhere. And who cares how many colleges she went to (this is your first demeaning statement of her by saying they were "small" colleges instead of just saying "5 colleges"). My DH has attended about 7 colleges all because of where he was living at the time and he is far from "well grounded" and I have never heard people say that about her.
Second part of belittling her and raising him up is by saying he is a "brilliant" community organizer. Brilliant may be your view of him, but I would just say he was a community organizer. No need to say he is brilliant and all other words of praise while belittling her. Yes, she was on TV but she was not a "local weather girl" (another cheap shot at trying to put her down). She was a TV News anchor and covered sports. And your description of her time served as councilwoman, mayor, and governor is a little more than insulting. It goes to verify that you just hate her and what she has accomplished. You need to research all the good things she has done and whether you like it or not, she has done a lot of good things for the people and made their lives better. And to try attack the population of Alaska as though it's some kind of negative for her, and make her sound any less by saying they were small towns and state. Governer is governer. Responsibilites are the same wether your a governor of Alaska, Hawaii, California or any other state (give or take a few of the state programs). BTW Alaska is more than twice the size of Texas. And funny how Dean was the frontrunner for the dems when the population of Vermont is smaller than Alaska (yes, I'm sure you all don't want to remember that little tid bit).
Gov. Sarah Palin was on the city council for 2 years, Chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Committee for 1 year, was mayor of Wasilla for 6 years. She defeated a 3-term mayor. She created positions and even reduced her salary. She cut property taxes by 75% and eliminated personal property and business inventory taxes. She made improvements to the roads and sewers and increased funding to the police department. She also procured funding for storm-water treatment to protect freshwater resources. She ran a second term and won by 74%. She's promoted oil and natural gas resource development. She sold a jet, got rid of a personal chef and drives herself to work from her home (50 miles) even though she is allowed a per diem and hotel. She got rid of the bridge to nowhere and she signed into law the AGIA. So your portrayal of what Gov. Palin has done is quite inaccurate while boosting up Obama. Gov. Palin's past qualifications will most definitely contribute and help her to be a good VP.
Obama was a state legislature from 1997-2004, in the US Senate in 2004, and became a junior senator in 2005. You can't even seriously compare the two.
Yes Obama has been married to Michelle for 19 years and their two daughters are beautiful. Sarah has been married to Todd for 20 years and they have five beautiful children. (your comparing Barack to Sarah in all your answers - so why did you jump to John McCain on this one?)
Whatever kind of safe sex education you want to give pre-schoolers (who should be
more concerned with learning how to read and write is just wrong). Gov. Palin did not advocate teaching only abstinence. And she had nothing to do with her daughter getting pregnant. The best of children come up pregnant both in democratic and republican party.
Funny how you were all for Bill Clinton getting ready to be called "First Dude", but now you have a problem with Todd Palin being called "First Dude", and don't even try to justify that one with Bill Clintons background. Are you saying the the VP's spouse is suppose to have a college education? How egotistical of you. Especially since he is a commercial fisherman, for 18 years worked in the oil fields, member of the United Steelworkers, among other things. That's a pretty stable background.
Kudo's to Michelle for graduating from Harvard, but not everyone wants to go to college to be a lawyer (and in my opinion we need less lawyers in DC, not more), but to take away from Todd Palin because he doesn't have a college degree????
And to mention such an insignificant note that he didn't vote until 25? Who cares? And I'm not sure that is even true, but just plain trivial.
This post is just another liberal post trying to trash and demean decent people, not giving credit where credit due, while propping up your candidate, with inflated statements.
Ok, much clearer now to you?
every grunt you make just proves my point.
This is absolutely hopeless.
You obviously live in a make believe world.....point
You make a good point, but I think the real credit for African American
is education. You can take away all of the social programs you want to, but if there is not progress in education, you still have poverty.
The Ǝ more years' mantra -
... is meant to do just that. Convince people that they don't need to know anything other than 'McCain=Bush.' But that's why you hear so little about the Global Poverty Act. It doesn't help Obama if you know all the details. Especially now, it may turn a lot of people off. We're grappling with our own financial crisis. Now is not the time to insist we shore up the economies of the entire Third World.
I hope everyone takes a deeper look into the actual policies of BOTH men. Not all 'change' is good change. I don't want to have anything to do with moving America toward socialism, where things like 'redistribution of wealth' such as the GPA proposes becomes a political priority.
Country First. If I can't afford to feed my own children, how am I expected to help feed someone else's?
So you're saying the left controls the media? I thought the media produced the story.
I haven't seen or heard one thing blaming Obama's crew for this. Where can I read about the right aligning to attack the left? Where did you find this information? Or is this just your observation and opinion of things?
Is shoot the messenger the new mantra here.
You have no idea what my politics are. Do you know who Richard Cohen is? He is a very far left liberal columnist and he thought it was over the line. See, this is why no one, from anywhere, can have a discussion with people on this board. If someone doesn't agree with you, they are a *neocon* whatever the heck that is. I find that mindset disturbing. You are not worth arguing with. All you can do is label. Pathetic.
Speaking of the media, let's take a poll who thinks the media has run amuck sm
and which ones do you think are the most ridiculous? Fox News, NYT, AP, Wash. Post, CNN, your choice.
Republican Mantra - Scare Tactics
You better vote for John McCain or the Boogeyman is going to get us. McCain couldn't even keep himself free from the enemy, how is he going to keep the entire United States free from them? Oh, I know, he is going to send Sarah Palin after the Boogeyman...she'll protect us!
Time to find another mantra. McCain has
Time to take that broken record off the turntable and start singing another tune. You guys are looking more and more idiotic each time you drag out these impotent attacks. How long is it going to take you to realize how much harm you are doing TO YOUR OWN CANDIDATE. You have Obama looking more presidential than ever and McCain is coming off as a candidate who cannot even control his own campaign and is out of synch with his own supporters. The very least they need to do in the next 24 days is to try to stay on the same page with their candidate. After all, he has sent a clear signal that his own HUMANITY will not allow him to tolerate the dirt you guys are trying to shovel...especially in view of those lovely death threats that keep showing up at the Palin rallies. Give it up. the tactic is bankrupt.
Change....I'm so sick and tired of that mantra.
Change into what? I'm sorry, but the only change that we will see with Barrack Obama in office is a bigger government with enough power to take away our liberty. Yes, people have already lost their jobs and they will continue to lose their jobs especially if Obama raises taxes on businesses. This promise of change and you all assume that it is a change for the good. Obama has done nothing but step on people and use radical associations to boost his political career.
And you know what....I hope to God that I am wrong about Barrack Obama because if I'm not.....we, including you, will be singing a different tune about Barrack Obama and it won't be a song about how great he is....that is unless he makes us sing a song about how great he is.
As for the gun thing....this is a legit concern. It may not be one of yours, but don't give people crap when they feel that it is. Every dictator takes away the weapons from the people so they have nothing to use in their defense. Look throughout history. How many times has a dictator come into power and the people praised him and thought he was great until he flipped the switch and took total control of everything.
This sharing the wealth...the pub mantra that escapes no one.
"collective ownership of resources" in Alaska (straight out of the moose's mouth)....that VERY different, too?
BTW, tax cuts, tax credits, progressive tax system is VERY American and not the least bit socialist. Letting tax cuts expire and tax rates return to their previous levels is hardly a radical policy. Rich folks have ALWAYS paid higher tax rates under the progressive tax order. Until that system is replaced, there is nothing unusual at all about the proposal to adjust the rate, or the candidate who is proposing to do it.
Run and hide if you like, but don't expect to pull the wool over anybody's eyes except the choir members whose votes are already in McC's pocket. This hypocrisy will not be escaping the undecided independents whose votes can make or break the pubs bid for the White House.
All I can hope is the Obama campaign picks up this mantra...
because if they do, they are toast and we won't have to do a thing. Do you honestly think there are no parents of pregnant teenagers out there who VOTE? Just keep on spreading this seething judgmental condemnation. Just keep on. It should be copied and pasted onto blogs...what Obama supporters will sink to. What a good idea.
I think I will start now.
See link...not saying whether it is valid or not - asking you sm
I do think these are valid concerns...(sm)
and ones that have to be addressed. However, I don't see anything wrong with setting a goal, which is what Obama has done by saying it should be closed in 1 year. I think he purposely left himself some leeway by saying a year, and at the same time let people like me who support him that it will get done.
Personally I think they should be tried in a military court, which would avoid a lot of the bureaucracy that is associated with the regular US court system. They may want to go by the world court rules when trying them? You're right. Noone knows exactly how this is going to be done yet, but we all know that something has to be done.
As far as housing them here, I don't see a problem with that. Right now we house murderers, rapists, and some of the worst criminals immaginable. I don't think that these prisoners from Gitmo would pose anymore of a threat that some that are already there. However, I do think that Gitmo prisoners would have a really hard time in a prison here because of other prisoners.
Obviously, there is a lot to be worked out, especially when it comes to those in Gitmo who are actually guilty, but there has to be something done soon about the ones who aren't.
That is a valid argument. Thank you
What's missing is a valid premise.
It is a valid political issue.
"We people" do not consider it a bunch of tissue. We believe, as does YOUR VP candidate, that life begins at conception.
you posed some valid points
I honestly have to tell you I read your post with an open mind and I understand what you are saying. I don't think we can go to war with everyone and I don't think we should. But on the other hand I think there has to be a better way of just thinking your going to be able to sit down with the most extreme who hate Americans and want to see our country destroyed and believe that by just talking with them they'll become our friends and say, "yes your right, we've been wrong all along, what can we do to help you" (well not exactly in those words), but I just think that for someone to think your going to be able to sit and reason with them is a little naive. Look what happened when we tried to reason with Saddam Hussein. He would not reason and threatened us with nuclear and biological weapons. He destroyed wildlife, oceans, and set his own oil fields ablaze. I think we do have to be strong and we need other countries to stand with us. To tell you the truth I don't know what a good solution would be, and I'll tell you one thing I do know is that whether John McCain or Barack Obama gets elected they are going to have one big mess to try and fix.
O has already provided valid evidence and
fanatics to hound and stalk him like hunted prey. Fanatics also unsuccessfully tried to use the guilt by association argument to win the election. It did not work then and is will not help them now.
Four years ago makes it no less valid and...
You are operating under the false assumption that we have had a "free market" over the past four years.
email petitions are not valid - nm
I agree - it's a valid issue - for the WOLF.
I think I meant to say you "posted" some valid points
It's late and I'm tired and been typing since 7:30 am, so fingers are getting tired.
valid points and YES, people are buying
concerning, huh?
What? She has a valid question and stating facts.
Like lack of a valid birth certificate and that
would absolutely in no uncertain terms allow pork barrel projects? I could go on and on about the FACTS as the liberals see it, but by my dictionary - and without regard to news media or the channels thereof - these are NOT facts! Just wait - you'll find out for yourself. I'll be right here to tell you "I tried to tell you so!"
Wow...good post. Lots of valid questions...
First and foremost...lower taxes equal better economy. We have to figure out a way to improve things without tax, tax, tax. I don't care WHO they tax. Fact is, over 90% of the total tax bill in this country is paid by the so-called rich. I am not in any way rich, but I think if they are bearing 90% of the burden already, that is enough. The government has to learn to live within its means. Sticking a windfall profits tax on oil companies when we are paying what we are paying at the pump is just nuts to me, but that is what Obama wants to do. And then redistribute that money to people (who did nothing to earn it) for whatever reason he wants to do it. Yes, people will have a little money to spend on gas, but gas will only go higher as a result of the I do not see a win there.
As to public personal opinion is if they stopped building Taj Mahal schools (that look like the Pentagon) and spend more money on actually educating the children...less opulent buildings and paying teachers more...we would see better results. The state I live in has ridiculous property taxes which go directly into the school systems and yes we have school buildings that rival the best architecture around...but our graduate rate and testing scores is way down. You would think that would tell people something, wouldn't you? That maybe opulent buildings don't translate into a good education? I don't know what the answer to that is. Obviously writing letters and calling people does no good...have tried both.
As to socialized medicine...I think that would be a horror. For a multitude of reasons. We hve the best health care in the world, that's why leaders of other countries bring their families here to be treated. We have the premier schools and treatment facilities. How many foreign physicians are trained here? I think we all know the answer to that. They tried it in Massachusetts (state run health care), and while it was a good program on paper, it was doomed to fail. They are millions in the hole. The inevitable end of socialized medicine. When they can't meet the bills, taxes will have to go up or jobs will be lost, services will be cut...that is the way it goes and i would rather not sacrifice the quality of health care on the altar of getting it free.
I agree that there should be some regulation and oversight of insurance companies to get premiums into the real world, that's for sure. And whatever programs that remain to make sure children are insured need to be monitored for abuse. they don't need to institute programs that cannot be monitored. That makes no sense fiscally or any other way.
One thing I would like to see is a flat income tax. A straight across the board percentage with no deductions. No loopholes. No nothing. That way everyone pays the same percentage of their income, no matter what that income is. That is what I would like to see. The government would save millions in processing costs alone.
As to how do you know who is being sincere and who is just making campaign promises? They are both just making campaign promises. They will follow through on a few of them, most of them they won't. History tells you that. Politicians basically tell you what they think you want to hear. My take on it is the campaign promises that most closely follow what i want for the country, my family, that follows my value system, is the man/woman I am going to vote for. So if just a few of the things that are promised come to fruition, that is a good thing.
On the other hand, voting for someone who does not share my value system, is for things I think will be bad for the country...on the face of it...a no win there. No pluses to go there.
But that is just me.
Maybe she will when Obamarama produces a valid birth certificate. nm
Eloquent post. Many valid reasons why I hope
Some of the sweetest and most devoted couples I know are same-sex. They pay taxes, are all highly educated and make my community a better place. They adore their children, their pets, their friends. To think they're denied the simple right of marriage, is heartbreaking.
Interestingly, I only have only one couple of friends who are married, who are same RACE. All the rest are black & white, white & Asian, Asian & Latino, Filippino and black, etc. I remember back when I was a teen, my parents actually didn't want me hanging out with a certain friend because her parents were a mixed-race couple. They thought it was 'scandalous'.
Well, that has all changed, and you better believe that every vote I cast will hopefully work towards bringing about equality in marriage for ALL couples.
NOBODY can make Saddam look good. But Bush seems to be the ONLY one who can make him look less
If you can't make abortion illegal, just make it impossible (sm)
That's right, Bush is still alive and well. Check this out.
Yeah, I know it's MSNBC, but how many other people are doing a lame duck watch?
Just because you make a statement does not make it true...
I think BB has a point here in that the main point on the board is political discussion, and let'
face it, there is SO MUCH going on right now, changes, problems, disasters, and so much debate on what should/could be done, but so many tims the political discussion disintegrates in a finger-pointing, name-calling exercise, spouting religion all over the place. Yeah, our spiritual beliefs are dearly held and we would all strive to be the best we can be, and do whatever we can whatever the ideology is, but sometimes I wonder, since we have a board EXPRESSLY for Faith isuues, where relgious debates/discussions/forums, etc are welcome, why does THIS board have to be turned into RELIGION BOARD PART II, especially if one ideology wants to dominate or ridicule/condemn those who come on here for lively inteligent discussion, debate of issues in Congress and in our lives, and just want their beliefs held separately? CNN is not EWTN or any other Christian network, and there are constant informative, bright, lively, balanced discussions from all over the political spectrum on the credentialed news stations, as well as C-Span, but they are not constantly hiding behind a cross, rosary, bible, star of David, or whatever....can we not strive to do the same and put religious debate on the Faith board?? Just a thought to ponder, MHO, it might work beter, who knows?
is the the starting point or the end point for the middle class?
I answered your post point-by-point and
all you can come up with is a lame tit-for-tat? Can you provide some sort of substantive response that would argue against the point I am trying to make here? Of course not.
Please show me what part of my post reflects bigotry or ignorance? I have made a few statements based on my own life experience, rather than the hook-line-and-sinker method of forming my world view. Then the impotence of your suicide bomber reference was buried under concrete evidence of informed, researched and factual data that would suggest an oppressed, occupied, half-starved population does not have the upper hand when it comes to defending themselves against Israel's US-bankrolled arsenal of pain, misery, death and destruction. They are just a tad out-gunned, wouldn't you say?
I answered your post point-by-point and
all you can come up with is a lame tit-for-tat? Can you provide some sort of substantive response that would argue against the point I am trying to make here? Of course not.
Please show me what part of my post reflects bigotry or ignorance? I have made a few statements based on my own life experience, rather than the hook-line-and-sinker method of forming a world view. Then the impotence of your suicide bomber reference was buried under concrete evidence of informed, researched and factual data that would suggest an oppressed, occupied, half-starved population does not exactly have the upper hand when it comes to defending themselves against Israel's US-bankrolled arsenal of pain, misery, death and destruction they employ in order to "secure" themselves.
The Palestinians are just a tad out-gunned, wouldn't you say? This might just account for the lop-sided fatalities/injuries ratios between the Israelis and the Palestinians. In closing, it is worth noting that even with the advantage of all those terrorist toys and tools our tax dollars have bestowed upon them, security and peace of mind just seem to be further and further beyond their reach. Wonder why that is?
Those who make you believe absurdities can make
I think the media....
often creates more questions and issues than politics in general. I think all politicians are crooks and only out to line their own pockets with money, as evident by all the promises made during election year that never came into play during their actual term.
I go through spurts. I get mad and then I stop watching and then I calm down and I start watching again and then I get mad again. It is a vicious cycle. 
not going to be timid this election about the deceptive way the RNC wants to paint them as liberal and pro-Obama.. They are openly discussing it as a divisive tactic that has been used over and over by the RNC. Chris Matthews heatedly faced down Pat Buchanan last night over Pat's attempt to be Mr. Women's Rights regarding SP. Chris noted that with this election, no one is supposed to look into McC or SP's activities or views. If the media rightly investigates McC, they throw up the POW story. With Palin, it is going to be Sexist story. The media's job is to bring us information so we can decide. Free press is essential to our country. For this reason we must tolerate all extremes of opinion, as we must on this board. See for facts on media misstatements.