To be honest I didn't watch her speech - refused to. I didn't feel like listening to her talk about me, me, me and how she feels she really won. So - in all fairness I don't know whether it was a good speech or not. What I have read about her speech is that someone said she said the party needs to be united and support Barack. I read another article that said she didn't do anything to unite the party. And I read another article that said Hillary's speech was a blow to the campaign and because of it Baracks ratings have dropped. I read all of this on the drudge page and I do believe there are both liberals and conservatives there, but I could be wrong. In honesty I can't tell you what I thought of it, and I think my hatred for her really is not fair to her but it does make me biased against anything she has to say.
On the other hand - I thought I hated Bill Clinton more than I did her and I was planning to refuse to listen to his speech tonight, however, found myself to curious so I did listen. Once he got past the praising Hillary & his presidency (which he didn't do as much as I thought he would) I actually thought his speech was very good. Well thought out and I thoroughly enjoyed it and my opinion of him has definitely changed (we just won't tell my mother-in-law - think she'd have a seizure- ha ha ha).
Bill Clinton for the first time finally came out backing Barack and listed the reasons why we need Barack as president, and why he is the right choice. He was sincere, intelligent, and I actually enjoyed his speech.
I have heard that Bill Clinton has planned that he is not going to be there tomorrow when Barack walks out to give his acceptance speech he is going to leave (I guess a protest that Hillary didn't get picked), but after his speech tonight I wonder if that was just a rumor. Time will tell.
I still think he was a horrible horrible present for 8 years (one of the worst presidents in history), but tonight he showed a different side to him and I give him credit for that.
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
I actually see both sides. I don't like the idea of government telling businesses what they can and can't do because that is scary to let the government have so much control. However, if you are getting government money, government should have a say in where that money goes. This is a tough one for me. Like I said, I can see both sides.
I know...the sky is falling....someone actually seeing things from both sides. What are the chances?
I have mixed feelings about
legalizing marijuana. I think that cancer patients, MS patients, etc. should have the option of using if they so choose. However, I'm afraid that if we legalize it, it will just lead to more of our kids using it because it is more socially acceptable. One of my biggest pet peeves is those people at parks who think that because we are all outside that their cigarette smoke won't bother other people. It is bad enough that non-smokers have to deal with THAT let alone legalizing marijuana and having to deal with people smoking that around us in parks, at ball parks, etc. I seriously would be super ticked off if I saw someone smoking pot at my son's T-ball game whether it is legal or not.
mixed feelings
I also have mixed feelings on the subject of alcohol. I am not in support of restricting this free choice at all, but what I would really like to see is more enforcement and stiffer penalties for drunken driving. Too many of these jerks have 5, 6, 7 and more drunk driving offenses, and keep on driving. Having lost my beautiful 32-year-old sister-in-law, mother of 3 and pregnant with her 4th baby, to a drunk driver with 3 prior offenses, His penalty was 10 years in jail, but he was out in a lot less. My SIL's husband is without a mate for life and her children are without a mother, too young at the time to really even remember her much. Our entire family has suffered a huge loss because of the misuse of alcohol. I get just nuts when I hear of some other drunk with multiple offenses continuing to drive - legally - and see some bartender who doesn't cut people off and get them a cab when it is obvious they have had way too much.
I have mixed feelings on this subject.
I lost my father to emphysema so this subject is very touchy to me. I HATE cigarettes with a passion. On one side, I think it is great that they are going to control what tobacco companies put in their cigarettes. My mom and I have said for years that all the crap they put in tobacco is just ridiculous. Surely there is a way they can "clean up" their cigarettes so to speak. I can't help but wonder how many years my dad lost in his life due to his cigarette smoking. I remember vividly how many times he tried to quit and just couldn't do it. The man literally smoked until one day he couldn't breathe and my mom called 911. My dad was rushed to the hospital. He had started to turn bluish gray. He lived 4 days after that. He never came home and that was 2 years ago.
However, I agree that...what is food...etc. There are a lot of alcohol related illnesses and there are also a lot of illnesses related to being overweight. Then we have the people on illegal drugs, etc. I'm tired of government involvement in every little thing and yet at the same time I can't be unhappy with this whole tobacco thing. Call me a hypocrit if you will, but cigarettes have cost me 2 grandpas, 1 uncle, and a dad. I'd be happy if cigarettes were gone totally but that is just me.
I've never walked in their boots, and I can't imagine what it must be like to wonder if every single next step you take might be your last, especially if a soldier is completely worn out, physically, mentally and emotionally because he or she is forced to do multiple tours.
I can't imagine what it might be like to see one or more of your buddies killed by a group of people who don't abide by the rules of war. I can't imagine how long I'd be in a position like that before I would simply snap and go beserk.
These young people must be stretched beyond any human limit, and although I don't condone it or agree with it, at the same time, there's no way in my heart that I can condemn them.
The military can punish them all they want. But if these young Iraqi War soldiers are anything like the Vietnam War veterans I personally know, I can promise you that there is no prison more painful and punitive than their own personal prisons that their minds, hearts, bodies and souls inhabit.
We don't know for sure that these soldiers weren't following orders. They have a commander-in-chief who favors torture, so anything is possible. Deep in my heart, I feel these soldiers are just being used scapegoats to protect those in the highest of command who gave the orders they followed.
I constantly condemn this war and the lies and liars that led to it, but I find it impossible to feel any ill feelings towards these soldiers for actions that may very well have been orders they were obeying from higher-ups. I also can't condemn them if they just *snapped.* A human being can only take so much, and I believe these poor soldiers have been stretched way beyond what most humans could endure.
Hey BT - I thought his speech was excellent
And made perfect sense. I don't listen to Rush, lost interest in him a few years ago, but that was because I was leaning to the left and actually thought Olbermann and Mathews made sense. HA HA. I could not catch his whole speech. Only saw bits and pieces on Greta's show so wanted to read the whole thing for myself (he's also on youtube and you can catch it there).
He was very articulate and not hateful or spiteful. He really put into words what I feel. He told it like it is. By all means I do not believe that Rush is the front leader of the conservative party, but he is an excellent spokesperson and he is able to articulate what exactly it means to be a conservative and what conservatives want for this country and all of America. You are absolutely correct. He really hit the nail on the head with the speech and had standing ovations.
I also think that he was really right on, especially since the liberal media is up in arms about it and now trying to pick at him (to include Rham making the rounds to the talks shows trying to put him down). It's hard to argue with the truth. I think it's getting a lot of coverage because it was very well written and delivered.
Also, have you caught a show on Fox called Red Eye. It is absolutely hilarious. Politically based. The host is a riot. It's on at midnight but I've seen it on at other times during the day. My DH loves it and says this is a great time to be a conservative, we'll have lots of fun over the next four years at the rate this keeps going.
Excellent speech at Pentagon Rally sm
I do not care what anyone says about this woman, I think she is great.
One income already does not pay the bills! nm
Look at your bills. There are federal
"excise" taxes on just about everything you mentioned.
We've been struggling to pay the bills with 2 incomes! sm
My husband and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary on Sunday the 14th. We were actually better off financially as 21-year-old newlyweds than we are today. My husband pulled hiw wallet out on Sunday and began to flip through the few dollar bills he had when he said, "Do you realize I had more money in wallet the day we got married than I do today?" The poor guy was up sick most of the night and vomited all morning. I told him he couldn't go to work that sick and he said that he had to. He has no more vacation time left, we haven't even started shopping for our daughter yet with Christmas eve less than a week away.
Financially, this is the worst Christmas I have ever had. I don't know how anyone is supposed to "feel blessed" and "share the love," when I'm so stressed out from working so much OT and robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Sorry I have to stop here. I'll come back and try to finish.
Would you believe AT&T just called to let me know my phones are scheduled to be disconnected tonight at midnight? Ironic, isn't it??
WASHINGTON - The Republican Party says it still has a zero-tolerance policy for tampering with voters even as it pays the legal bills for a former Bush campaign official charged with conspiring to thwart Democrats from voting in New Hampshire.
James Tobin, the president's 2004 campaign chairman for New England, is charged in New Hampshire federal court with four felonies accusing him of conspiring with a state GOP official and a GOP consultant in Virginia to jam Democratic and labor union get-out-the-vote phone banks in November 2002.
The Republican National Committee already has spent more than $722,000 to provide Tobin, who has pleaded innocent, a team of lawyers from the high-powered Washington law firm of Williams & Connolly. The firm's other clients have included former President Clinton and Sen. Hillary Clinton and former Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros.
Republican Party officials said they don't ordinarily discuss specifics of their legal work, but confirmed to The Associated Press they had agreed to underwrite Tobin's defense because he was a longtime supporter and that he assured them he had committed no crimes.
"Jim is a longtime friend who has served as both an employee and an independent contractor for the RNC," a spokeswoman for the RNC, Tracey Schmitt, said Wednesday. "This support is based on his assurance and our belief that Jim has not engaged in any wrongdoing."
A telephone firm was paid to make repeated hang-up phone calls to overwhelm the phone banks in New Hampshire and prevent them from getting Democratic voters to the polls on Election Day 2002, prosecutors allege. Republican John Sununu won a close race that day to be New Hampshire's newest senator.
At the time, Tobin was the RNC's New England regional director, before moving to President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign.
A top New Hampshire Party official and a GOP consultant already have pleaded guilty and cooperated with prosecutors. Tobin's indictment accuses him of specifically calling the GOP consultant to get a telephone firm to help in the scheme.
"The object of the conspiracy was to deprive inhabitants of New Hampshire and more particularly qualified voters ... of their federally secured right to vote," states the latest indictment issued by a federal grand jury on May 18.
The Republican Party has repeatedly and pointedly disavowed any tactics aimed at keeping citizens from voting since allegations of voter suppression surfaced during the Florida recount in 2000 that tipped the presidential race to Bush.
Earlier this week, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, the former White House political director, reiterated a "zero-tolerance policy" for any GOP official caught trying to block legitimate votes.
"The position of the Republican National Committee is simple: We will not tolerate fraud; we will not tolerate intimidation; we will not tolerate suppression. No employee, associate or any person representing the Republican Party who engages in these kinds of acts will remain in that position," Mehlman wrote Monday to a group that studied voter suppression tactics.
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean on Thursday questioned Mehlman's commitment to the policy. "This is just another example of his say one thing, do another strategy. Ken Mehlman tells crowds his party is against voter fraud and intimidation, while in the backrooms he supports Republican officials who engage in these dirty tricks," Dean said.
Dennis Black and Dane Butswinkas, two Williams & Connolly lawyers for Tobin, did not return calls seeking comment. Brian Tucker, a New Hampshire lawyer on the team, declined comment.
Tobin's lawyers have attacked the prosecution, suggesting evidence was improperly introduced to the grand jury, that their client originally had been promised he wouldn't be indicted and that he was improperly charged under one of the statutes.
Tobin stepped down from his Bush-Cheney post a couple of weeks before the November 2004 election after Democrats suggested he was involved in the phone bank scheme. He was charged a month after the election.
Paul Twomey, a volunteer lawyer for New Hampshire Democrats who are pursuing a separate lawsuit involving the phone scheme, said he was surprised the RNC was willing to pay Tobin's legal bills and that it suggested more people may be involved.
The new development "really raises the questions of who are they protecting, how high does this go and who was in on this," Twomey said.
Federal prosecutors have secured testimony from the two convicted conspirators in the scheme directly implicating Tobin.
Charles McGee, the New Hampshire GOP official who pleaded guilty, told prosecutors he informed Tobin of the plan and asked for Tobin's help in finding a vendor who could make the calls that would flood the phone banks.
Allen Raymond, a former colleague of Tobin who operated a Virginia-based telephone services firm, told prosecutors Tobin called him in October 2002, explained the telephone plan and asked Raymond's company to help McGee implement it.
Raymond's lawyer told the court that Tobin made the request for help in his official capacity as the top RNC official for New England and his client believed the RNC had sanctioned the activity.
Meanwhile, it's taken them over six months to investigate some very straightforward charges against Charlie Rangel.
I think you have the 2 parties mixed up. (nm)
sorry sam, got the messages mixed up
your right. I thought that gourdpainter was saying people on this board were going to be responsible for attacking Obama then I thought she was calling us skinheads. HA HA HA HA....definitely good thing I went and took a dinner break. Now I understand what she was saying and what your reply was. Thanks for clarifying. Sorry, didn't mean any offense to you. I just get irrited at being attacked all the time.
Mixed messages...(sm)
You basically just said we are all in this together but pi$$ on the poor people. Unbelievable. Mixed butt? ...(sm)
That was just pitiful.
O'Reilly is a SELF-PROCLAIMED traditionalist, not an independent. Look it up.
Would like to see Obama, at least as a vice-presidential possibility.
As diverse as America is - still pretty racist deep-down (and misogynistic). We need to become more color-blind as well as able to accept that women can be strong powerful leaders also.
Well, I don't know about any others, but to me that is a lot of money (quadruple what I'm used to making) and I don't feel the program's basic intent was to give financial help to people in that income bracket, the intent was to help the minimum wage earners who would not be able to afford insurance AT ALL even if it were offered through their employers. If they set the cap that high, why bother to have a cap at all?
When I lived in Michigan I believe they had a similar program that was not based on income at all, but based on whether the parents were working or not. It had been noticed that some people felt justified staying on welfare because they couldn't insure their children if they were working at minimum wage, so this was an incentive to get them to work. It was very cheap (like $5 or $10 a month per child); at the time I had insurance through my employer and didn't utilize it, as I assumed it was mainly for minimum wage earners/those whose employers didn't offer any insurance. Another reason I didn't utilize it was I assumed the coverage might be substandard to what I had, and less providers might be available that would take it. Michiganders - correct me if I'm wrong about this program.
My feelings exactly......
These wars go back centuries. The Palistinians have never wanted peace and never will. There are many Palistinians and Israelites that have lived side by side in peace for the most part, until the Palistinian so-called leaders and just those that plain out hate start rearing their ugly heads again. If the Palistinian leaders weren't worried about their people before the bombings, why now? The terrorist leaders have never worried about the hospitals, schools, or anything else for that matter. Their country does live in a very primative existence compared to what it could but the terrorist leaders certainly do not want their people to think for themselves. Heaven forbid!!
If Palestine meant anything to those that "rule them", then they would see that Hamas is obliterated from the face of the earth but they won't and that is why this will continue until God calls us home......Israel and its people are God's chosen. Israel has been patient beyond belief with these people and at some point they have enough. Perhaps Palestians leaders should really put their concern in their own country instead of their putred hate and then change for the better could happen.
I can only tell you what my feelings were this
when I saw CP on Meet the Press. We already knew from the lead in that he was going to support one candidate or the other. I respect him so much that I was praying he would endorse Obama but had no real feeling of which way he would go. I listened to what he had to say and felt his pain that he was a republican through and through but just could not endorse McCain. He spoke of their friendship over many years and how much he respected him but could not abide the far right direction and the negative tone that the campaign had taken. He said he is an American first and thinks that Obama is better for America than McCain.
You mirrored my feelings exactly!
I find it amazing that some people on this board who are making such an issue of the Obama birth certificate nonissue on "Constitutional" grounds don't seem to care what Bush has done (and is continuing to do, even in his supposed last days in office) to this country.
I was pretty ambivalent about Bush when he was first (s)elected. Quite frankly, Gore didn't excite me that much, either, and I was disappointed that in a country of a quarter of a billion people (at the time), these were the only TWO people we could find to run for President.
However, when Bush stood in that rubble with that megaphone, I developed huge respect for him and felt as if I was part of HIS America.
It was HIS very own actions that caused that respect to crumble, bit by bit, until I despised him and his "base," the same "base" on Wall Street that continues to rob us all to this very day.
He referred to the Constitution as a (expletive deleted) piece of paper, and his actions have proved his contempt for it. (Isn't it telling that I can't even copy his entire statement here because it's considered too vulgar??!!)
I've never felt such distrust for my government until the last eight years. I voted for Obama and will, like you, continue to trust him UNTIL he gives me a reason not to, and then I will be all over him (like you), but my days of just blanketly assuming my President is on the side of America and Americans are long gone.
My personal feelings aside,,,
the three branches of government were meant to be equal. It was never intended for the judicial branch to be able to "overrule" the legislative branch or the voters whenever they felt that it was appropriate. It is abuse of what was meant to be a check and balance, but who checks the courts. It would appear that they have worked themselves into the final say and that is really unfortunate.
Again, Carla I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings
and I know this had to be a horrendous Christmas...
However, I just don't share your views about this administration. I don't think trying to increase this country's intelligence and making the CIA and FBI better networking departments a controversial issue. When asked the question what American has the Patriot Act violated the dems are strangely quiet. They just continue to insist that Bush has done something wrong by increasing the intelligence level through wiretaps that every other American president was okayed to do.
I just don't understand congressmen and women standing up there having a hissy over Bush wire taps knowing, KNOWING, that the 4th plane on 9/11 was bound for an in session capital building. To me the Dems are BLINDED by partisan politcs. It frankly borders on sociopathic..
Bush has done nothing to to hurt Americans but only to protect them. Frankly, I'm glad he's got the guts to do what it takes to keep America safe. I don't know what *9/11 perps* you are talking about, but I don't think anyone has gone free. I really don't know why in the heck you care about terrorists rotting in jail in the first place. They are not American citizens and have none of the rights an American has. If the military was allowed to do what it was supposed to do and try them they would be dispensed with, but throwing them in the American legal system only condemed them to the piss poor, liberally manged American judicial system---who would much rather have a T.V. celebrity trial with all the trimmings than actually get down to work to putting some of the psychos and thugs behind bars or better yet....executing some the slime who prey on children and the innocent.
While I will never convince you to support this president you need to see things for what they really are. What is going to take for some of you to see that the president is not the problem but terrorism and partisan politics is? I guess it may take a much broader hit than 9/11. I pray it doesn't happen, but if you and the dems don't wake up and smell the coffee I'm afraid I could happen again.
of course I didn't share my feelings with my son, but thank you. nm
You guys have the most dainty little feelings. sm
How DO you live in this world? My goodness! Ann Counter is HARDLY at the helm of the Republican party. In fact, there are a lot on the right who don't like her either. Can you guys talk about anything but hurt feelings?
I looked at it....and I understand the feelings...
however, you know where I stand. I stand on the sides of the soldiers who said *yes, it is our right to do that, that does not mean we have to exercise it* and *I myself would not have done that.* I do not blame any of those soldiers for appearing, other than I believe, whether intentions are good or not, that they worsened their situation by emboldening the enemy. I see that that was not a question that was asked. If those soldiers had to answer that question truthfully, a whole different debate might be out there.
Again, I support their right to do whatever they think is best; I do not support their timing. The problem is that others also have to live with the consequences of their actions. We all have a lot of rights to do a lot of things...we simply choose where and when to exercise those rights...using discretion...and considering how our actions will affect others. I had a right to carry a sign in the park across from the White House while Clinton was in office saying the President of the US is an admitted albeit unindicted felon, but I did not exercise that right. That is basically what I am talking about. It is how you choose to exercise the right...not that you HAVE the right. And I don't think hiding behind *I have the right* always excuses the fallout from the exercising. But you knew we would not agree on this.
I also have a problem with a statement like *the majority of the country is against the war in Iraq,* and *the majority of the military is against the war in Iraq.*
When you look at the percentages on the polls they are very close. Without giving the actual percentages, it gives the impression of a much larger gap. And they quoted the Military Times poll for the other statement. The Military Times does not now nor has it ever represented the majority of the American Military, and there is a definite bias there. But I will stop on that subject now.
As to biased on the part of CBS...I believe CBS probably actively hunted for this story, and I expect those gentlemen were paid well for their appearances, though we will never know that, and it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things. feelings about Barack Obama have nothing to do...
with his color and one wonders why people keep bringing that up. My issue is with his policies and the direction he wants to take the country in. I would feel the same if he were white. Or Asian. Or Hispanic...or anything else.
I wasn't sure on that since you posted under my message.
Did the bad cartoon hurt your wittle feelings?
Ugh, get over it already.
Feelings, goals, interests, families...
yes. Normal no. Tolerance is far different than acceptance. I and no one in my huge family has ever harmed a person who indulges in homosexual acts. We are as tolerant as you can get as I imagine millions of others are. Just saying that homosexuality is wrong is construed to be intolerance or verbal abuse by the homosexual community.
I don't despise any women....please do not ascribe to me feelings I don't share...
and the scope of the issue is something you don't understand either, it would appear. There is nothing in that post to suggest I despise any women. I am against the procedure of abortion. Yes, you bet I am. I despise it. It is horrendous, horrible, terrible way to die. Why are people concerned about water boarding a terrorist but don't mind cutting a living human to ribbons? Nope, you're right, I don't understand it. I don't see any way TO understand it.
The poster made a good point about women resistant to birth control. All I said is if you add women who are resistant to all forms of birth control to women who have been raped or victims of incest, and when the life of the mother is in danger, you could cut abortions 85-90%. That would save a lot of lives. The last sentence was addressing those who say that the baby is not alive or moving at the time most abortions are performed and that is simply not true. The point I was trying to make is that when a woman has a planned, wanted pregnancy, if you tell her when she feels that movement that that child is not alive inside her, that would be a hard sell. The point is, it IS alive, and people want to rationalize abortion by saying they really aren't killing anything. THey are. Just be up front about it and say that they are pro choice, and if a woman makes a decision to take that child's life for whatever reason that is her choice. Fine. Just call it what it is. We have legalized killing of unborn children in this country and made it a cash industry. Not a good thing in my books.
Mere words cannot describe my feelings to your I won't even try....
'Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.' Bruce Springsteen.
A lot of people do say if she was a man the media would never go after her and she wouldn't be attacked like she has been. I liked the post. Thanks.
If O wins and a few months goes by, I will be proud to say I am the one who voted for McCain. This is not a normal election, this is like a radical movement going on.
Just the big bad.....also excellent.
I saw this back during the election. It brought tears to my eyes back then and still does. This soldier is so very right with everything he has to say. I think it's just a very sad time for our country right now. Gone are the days of many people feeling patriotic and doing what is necessary to keep our country free. I mourn for the country we once had and am very guarded about what is to come for us.
I served in the US Army to protect our country. I was a very proud American and served to protect our country from enemies.
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
Back then we all thought it would only be foreign enemies. Who knew back then that in the future (now) it is domestic enemies.
Way to go! Excellent!!!!!!
I was actually going to post and say I do believe he actually goes to the bathroom the same way all of us do (well the men at least). So, hey, he must really be like one of us. I am truly amazed at the way some people think. I find American Idol tryouts to be more entertaining.
The last I knew Barack Obama was a human being. A man just like every other man on the planet. Sleeps, drinks, eats, and poops the same way. The people treating him like a God is getting way out of hand.
The simple matter they all fail to forget is just cos he eats a dog and fries does not make him like us. This is a man who was pushed into power faster than any of us could turn around. This man sends his kids to camp that costs $10,000 a week. This is a man who lives in mansion and has no idea what it is we (the plebes of society) are going through. He will never have to worry about putting food on his table, paying his electric bill. He is in a life of luxury and every once in awhile he will do a photo shoot so that people will say "wow, look at that, he ate a dog and fry - gosh he must be in tune with us". Here's some news...Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, John Edwards....they all do these photo ops too (remember Hillary guzzling down the beer with the workers). They all do it.
People need to stick with issues. Not this phony photo op thing. All presidents to it. As for him holding a baby. He was on TV and I saw someone hand him a baby and he didn't look all that happy or comfortable about it.
Barack Obama will never be "like us". Just like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Mit Romney, etc. These people are and never will be "like us".
LOL - That was excellent! Thanks
I love Jon Stewart. I like that Obama has a great sense of humor. Its the obots that give him a bad name.
I thought it was funny that on the podium under Baracks name his title is "Almost President" ha ha
Thanks for sharing! I love a good laugh no matter who it is about.
Okay - I'll tell you right now I haven't watched the whole thing, actually I haven't watched any of it :-)BUT..... with that said my DH has watched it many times. He keeps telling me to watch it and it's one saved in my favorites for "one of those moments when I'll have time to do something other than work". He's told me all about it and we've had this discussion so many many times.
I'll tell you what I feel..... What happened to JFK is just a grain of sand compared to what has been done with this whole thing. I loved the part where GW tells the kids he was watching TV when he saw the first plane hit (nobody saw it cos it wasn't on tape). I also loved the reporter (not sure if that is on this loose change video) but loved the reporter who was talking about Building 9 (I think it was called bldg 9) that had just collapsed and sitting there behind her was bldg 9 still standing. A short while later it collapsed.
Not many people I can talk to about this because they'll claim me a "whacko" and ridicule me and tell me I've got all these conspiracy theories and treat me like I'm that character that Mel Gibson played in the movie "Conspiracy Theory". :-) But this is just so much to think about. It's horrible and I am shocked that in my lifetime I have lived to see something like this. It does make you think - that's for sure.