Me too, MS....I look forward to all who are speaking tonight.
Posted By: sam on 2008-09-03
In Reply to: Iim ignoring all the negative dem psychobabble.... - ms
Guiliani is speaking, Huckabee....though I am not a Republican, I have to admire them. When one of theirs has some issues that they disagree on (like Guiliani being pro choice), they don't excommunicate and demonize them. MUCH more democratic party than the Democratic party.
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I was looking forward
to the foot-long hot dog myself..............
Thanks for the link; I look forward to seeing it.
I am looking forward to reading
Stephen Colbert's book "I am America and so can you." I got a little preview this morning on Tim Russert. It promises to be a delicious, laugh-out-loud satire.
Looking backward instead of forward is
Once source we can look forward to where
the war chest. It's time to stop rebuilding Iraq and enricing their surplus coffers, get out of dodge, bring our troops back home and start rebuilding our own country. I would look for that from Obama sooner rather than later and certainly he is not on that 100-year time line of McCain's. The Iraqis gets their country back and get to govern themselves, we get our troops back, the direction of the tax dollars gets reversed and we stop one of the unspoken, yet most significant economic hemorrhages of W's administration.
We then turn our attention toward reversing the power and economic stranglehold the corporations hold over us by instituting taxpayer-friendly policies that put corporate welfare behind the welfare of our citizens. We build an economy from the ground up instead of the top down. Sound familiar? We've done it before and we can do it again. Once we do that, W's legacy of fear and division will takes its rightful place in annals of history and seem like just another bad dream we all had.
Going forward would be a blessing.
Just give the man a chance. He was vetted inside out before he got to the Senate. He was then vetted even more before he was elected by the majority of Americans.
He is NOT a terrorist. His interests lie in helping the middle class, not in continuing the corporate welfare and helping the rich get richer, as has been going on for the last eight years.
We are in a SERIOUS economic crisis right now. That "trickle down" theory simply isn't working because the richest and greediest at the top simply AREN'T allowing anything to trickle down. They outsource our jobs so they can hire cheaper labor to get even richer.
Unlike Bush, Obama wants to give financial incentives to small businesses for keeping our jobs IN America. That just might help many medical transcriptionists in the USA.
The constant jabs and stabs at his character are reflective of the smear tactics employed by the McCain campaign, and most people saw past it and rejected that tactic.
Worse yet, the constant flaming of him and suggesting he's a terrorist is doing nothing but practically insuring that his safety is in jeopardy. If he survives long enough to take the oath of office and begin to do his job, I'll be his toughest critic if he doesn't deliver on the promises he made.
We've had EIGHT LONG YEARS of constant fear mongering, and Americans are tired of it. I realize there is reason to be fearful of terrorists, but Obama is NOT a terrorist, as he's been portrayed on this board. He's a Christian, not a Muslim, as he's been portrayed on this board. He wants CLEAN COAL and wants to find technology to support that so the coal industry can continue to exist, and he is supported by the United Mine Workers of America (contrary to what has been alleged on this board). He is encouraging public service in exchange for help with the costs of college (and will NOT FORCE it on everyone, as has been alleged on this board).
Most of an article was copied and pasted here yesterday about some congressman from Georgia being fearful that Obama is a Marxist because he thought a civilian force to help protect us was a good idea. One small paragraph of that article was DELETED, and that was the fact that BUSH SUPPORTED THIS.
As it is now, under Bush, we have the military in place in America, ready for ???? in case we the people become uncivilized. We have Bush and Paulson buying banks. We've had a "redistribution" of wealth for the last eight years that has benefited the richest of the rich. We, the people, are paying trillions of dollars to bail out institutions that continue to party on our dime, institutions that continue to give multi-million dollar bonuses to crooked executives, while more and more Americans become jobless. It's been reported that 47 million people don't have health insurance. Just keep in mind that with each job lost, there is a high probability that health insurance is lost, as well, since many people can't afford exorbitant COBRA payments.
Obama wants to help every American afford healthcare. This is especially relevant for me, as someone with an incurable disease and no health insurance, which I had to voluntarily terminate when my monthly premiums rose to 50% of my gross annual income.
These are the issues that are important to people. Either way, Barack Obama was duly elected by the majority of Americans, and he will be our President -- unless the hostility towards him grows so hateful that any chance he may have had will simply be extinguished, and if that happens, it will be because of some of the rhetoric going on in this country that is reflected on this board.
I don't see him as some sort of "Messiah." I see him as a biracial man who is the product of a union that wasn't even legal in some states just a few years before he was born. He has a perspective that is unique in that he has lived both a white and a black life.
In my opinion, he represents a little bit of the very best in most of us. It would be hard to see that, though, after reading the hostile comments on this board, some of them inflammatory opinions, and some of them copied and pasted articles (with portions of content removed that might be viewed as favorable to him, as in the case of the Georgia congressman yesterday).
If you're better off than you were eight years ago, then you're an anomaly because the country as a whole is in much worse shape. I trust Barack Obama. I don't trust hateful rhetoric -- rhetoric that is reckless and result in devastation for this country. We've been divided, by design, for the last eight years. It's time for us to come together.
Can we just give him a chance -- PLEASE -- for the sake of our country and for the sake of our children and their future? You just might be pleasantly surprised at the sunshine that might peek through all those dark clouds that reside in your hearts and minds, if you allow yourself to see it.
Forward her emails to me, please.
you should forward that last paragraph
to the White House where they seem to think terrorists can be rational and reasoned with and will play nice with us.
Thanks. Very much looking forward to reading more of your views.
So, you look forward to paying for more social
That is good. I look forward to seeing how she speaks
how knowledgable she is when answering unscripted questions or delivering a speech.
looking forward to Friday's debate
can hardly wait.
Funny. Not ONE pub has stepped forward
I'll step forward.......
I have two choices here, more taxes or no more taxes. Now, in light of the current situation that will now tax us more, before all this, Obama has not been shy about taxing, taxing, taxing, to pay for all his little social programs, which for the most part are jokes. And for those that don't believe this is a racial issue, think again. He came out punching at first, spouting all his plans for more social programs, more this, more that, bigger government, and that means higher taxes for all...all except those that don't pay taxes in the first place and live off the government, which he is well aware of and aware that these same people usually don't vote but he is going after them with everything he's got, including ACORN, because he doesn't care how he gets their vote, just that he gets it.
McCain has directly said he will not add more taxes, he wants smaller government, less government interference in our lives. As it should be. The government's main role is to basically run a military to protect this country, not to tax its citizens.
Obama has said nothing about smaller government, less government interference in our lives but instead has said just the opposite. Now, I understand with so many voting for him that already need someone to tell them what to do, how to feel, how to think, etc., that won't be a far stretch to believe that the government is their friend and ally, but sadly enough he likes it that way.
I don't particularly care for either one of them. Ron Paul would have done it for me, but with what I am left with, I choose between less government or more government. More government = more taxes !!!!! You can't argue that point.
Where is he planning to get this money. Well, he has spouted the fact that bringing our troops home will free up that money to be put here......I'll believe it when I see it. If he ever gets his hands on that kind of money, he will have blown it on more social programs and babysitting programs for lazy parents, who suck the blood out of my paycheck in the first place, all for the sake of making their children smarter. Pleeeeeze.....the only thing that will make anyone's child smarter is having a parent that gives a d*mn in the first place, not more taxes thrown at the problem. You don't need more taxes to read to your child, put a book in the home (hey, the library is free), talk to your child instead of the ususal phrases of condemnation I hear around here, make sure they do their homework, basically just be involved. No one needs to pay more taxes to get that.
More social programs = socialization of a country. But, for those that believe he will save them from themselves, Obama is loving it. Because these are the same people that freak out at the thought of thinking for themselves, not being dependent on the government for their lives.
Thanks for the head's up. Look forward to watching
bury this one in the trash right where it belongs...under the rotting fish.
If you are all about moving forward, why dont you
Then why don't we make a pact from this moment forward?
We will stay off your board if you stay off ours. Do you agree or not?
Fantastic speech -looking forward for the debate
Anytime he's on-camera and turns forward
very often)... and anyone can see it. His left jaw/cheek or whatever sticks out like a chipmunk with an acorn in his cheek. I was just wondering if that's where his cancer was.
Thanks Nanaw. Guess the poster looks forward to
Only the open minded and forward thinking
There isn't anything he can do about narrow-minded, self-righteous divisionists. Obama has won over the educated majority of the entire world.
You can't make this stuff up...Looking forward to a *whiter* NO???see article
HUD chief foresees a 'whiter' Big Easy
By Brian DeBose THE WASHINGTON TIMES September 30, 2005
A Bush Cabinet officer predicted this week that New Orleans likely will never again be a majority black city, and several black officials are outraged. Alphonso R. Jackson, secretary of housing and urban development, during a visit with hurricane victims in Houston, said New Orleans would not reach its pre-Katrina population of 500,000 people for a long time, and it's not going to be as black as it was for a long time, if ever again. Rep. Danny K. Davis, Illinois Democrat and a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, quickly took issue. Anybody who can make that kind of projection with some degree of certainty or accuracy must have a crystal ball that I can't see or maybe they are more prophetic than any of us can imagine, he said. Other members of the caucus said the comments by Mr. Jackson, who is black, could be misconstrued as a goal, particularly considering his position of responsibility in the administration. I would beg and hope that the secretary, if that is what he is saying, would re-evaluate the situation, said Elijah E. Cummings, Maryland Democrat. Mr. Jackson, whose remarks were reported by the Houston Chronicle, said New Orleans might reach a population of 375,000 people sometime late next year with a black population of about 40 percent at the highest, down from 67 percent before Hurricane Katrina sent a storm surge that overwhelmed New Orleans levees and flooded 80 percent of the city. The population of New Orleans before Katrina was a little less than 500,000, surrounded by large, predominantly white suburbs. The largely black Ninth Ward and the predominantly white middle-class Lakeview section near Lake Pontchartrain were overwhelmed by floodwaters. Mr. Jackson, a former developer and longtime government housing official, said the history of urban reconstruction projects shows that most blacks will not return and others who want to might not have the means or opportunity. His agency will play a critical role in the city's redevelopment through various grant programs, including those for damaged or destroyed properties. In the storm's aftermath, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, charged that relocating evacuees across the country was racist and designed to move black people, who overwhelmingly vote Democratic, out of Louisiana. The state elected its first Republican senator, David Vitter, in nearly a century in 2004. Both the preacher and the congresswoman suggested that the residents be housed at the closed England Air Force Base at Alexandria, La., to keep them closer to home. Rep. Bobby L. Rush, Illinois Democrat, said Alphonso Jackson's remarks and the prospects of real-estate speculators and developers in New Orleans are foreboding.
tonight on CBS
Katie Couric will ask her to discuss any supreme court case other than Roe v Wade. She sits there blankly. She knows of no other cases. Nobody makes her appear anything. They ask her questions relevant to history and our government and she demonstrates her lack of knowledge.
where would I see him tonight?
I want to hear it! thanks.
The trolls are out to tonight..the trolls are out tonight
When they smell blood in the water they come swimming.
That ought to work well for you, at least for tonight.
On 60 minutes tonight
mr Mcclain said he had no problem with going to war with Russia as per NATO if they attack Georgia again. I dont know even where Georgia is so I was not sure I would agree the US should have a war with the big country over some were I don't know even where it is. Aren't we enough war already?
I cannot believe this board tonight!!!
I actually come here for some stimulating conversation and lately it has gotten to where I wonder why I do it anyway -- nothing but ranting and raving and bashing - YES, FROM BOTH SIDES -- but what is on here tonight is just ridiculous!!!
Who cares if there is a spelling mistake? When you are a beautician, do you always fix your own hair when you are off work? When you are a mechanic, is your car always in perfect condition? If you are a janitor, is your house always perfect? If you are a carpenter, is your home always in perfect repair? My goodness, what is the problem? I come here to unwind and have a conversation with somebody besides the cat and the dog and who cares if I have a problem typing the correct spelling sometimes?
And why can't we discuss what we want to discuss without someone telling us how wrong we are, or how we are going to be regretting the decisions we made in a few months, or how terrible Obama is, or what he is doing wrong already (when he is not even the POTUS yet), or how big a mistake it was for McCain to pick Palin, or how terrible it was that she spent all that money on clothes?
Issues, folks! Issues and answers - that is what we should be worrying about. How many of us are going to be homeless ourselves in a few months through no fault of our own? How many of us are going to be losing what little we have left in a few months through no fault of our own?
Have any of you took a minute to think that when people can't eat, they don't go to the doctor, and when people don't go to the doctor, we have no work? That means no pay for most of us... that is what I am worrying about - my pay has already gone down about $50 a day in the last month because the hospital I work for has no work for me... I am worried about losing my home that I bought "responsibly", I am worried about not eating one day soon because I have no money to buy groceries...
Let's talk about these things and figure out where to go or what to do from here to build our country up and our friends up, to help the person that is reading the next message you post to have some hope that things are going to get better, or at least that they are not getting worse - quit tearing each other down and fussing and arguing all the time!!!
I heard tonight sm
that the reason people get so outraged when Israel retaliates is that the Hamas purposefully hide themselves among civilians so that when they are struck, so are the civilians and that makes the Israelis look bad - at least worse than when the Hamas send their missiles over.
Mrs M - are we just a little bit RIPPED tonight?
If anyone can catch Hardball tonight
on MSNBC, there's a wonderful interview with parents of one of the Marines who was killed in the last couple days in Iraq.
These people gave the ultimate sacrifice, and IMHO their voices are very important.
I am as well.. can't wait for the speakers tonight, especially SP
Anybody watch ABC News tonight?
Charlies Gibson had a personal interview with JM about Sarah. Very interesting. He has the utmost confidence in her as VP.
Most of the news tonight was on the convention.
Trace Adkins Tonight at RNC
He'll be singing the National Anthem at about 7:30 PM EST.
my I ever popular
almost as much as you sam!!
When I told them to carry on, they reallllyyyyy carried
Gotta love those dems....
Bidens 14 lies tonight
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted “the exact same way” as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.
3. OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, “Drill we must.” But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to “raping” the Outer Continental Shelf.”
4. TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it’s passage.
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he’s always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain’s record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false
8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.
9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.
10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.
11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was “dead wrong on Iraq”, because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.
12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn’t see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.
13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn’t meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of “part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20.”
14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.
True - it's been all over the news tonight how
So yeah, I hope she and the rest of 'em keep it up. It's gonna cost 'em the election.
The vile posts tonight.
I understand and appreciate the fact that the moderators do not want to censor this forum, but the posts tonight by someone who shall remain nameless are beyond vile. Unfortunately, by responding to this person's posts, we are encouraging her to continue spewing hate. There is no way to reason with someone like this, and I think it is best to do as the moderators suggest and ignore the posts in the hopes that she will just go away. Tonight's posts have been absolutely sickening.
How many thread do you need to dominate tonight?
You could post your question down under your newly brought up to the top post and while you are at it, you might consider answering the questions I have been posing to you since lunch time. Otherwise, do you mind if I solicit opinions on this progressive tax table from posters other than yourself?
I heard tonight that Obama
was planning on asking Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State. Remembering back to the primary days, I'm not sure I think this is a good idea. For that matter, I'm not even sure it's true; just something I heard, nothing official.
I'm having a rough night and feel there's another hospitalization for me looming in my very near future, so I might not be able to post on here for a while for feedback from you on this. (To some on this board, go ahead and flame away.) Good thing they have TV sets in the hospital, though, so I can at least keep up with the news. LOL.
Anyway, take care. 
About Hannity, don’t have to watch tonight
I swear, if you miss him 1 day you can tune in next week, the week after or next year and he will repeat word by word by word what he has been talking about. I do not listen of a day except yesterday drove down to my store, about 5 minutes away and then back- he was STILL talking about Rev. Wright. He sounds like a broken record, should give it up, did not work the first time around, not working now.
There's a special on PBS tonight about Lincoln
The author stated Lincoln suspended the right of habeus corpus and the constitution to justify his maybe this is why O is following along those lines.
Hope it's not on late. I can't stay awake past 8:30 anymore. 
Just saying something to placate before the "speech" tonight.
The weather man is better in his predictions!
What will you be watching instead of ObamABC tonight?
Let's all give ABC the lowest rating they've ever had, which will still be more than the scumbags deserve.
I wasn't talking about your posts tonight, gt, and you know it. sm
Your old posts are still on this board. Like the poster who asked if you were strapped to the White House gate, I found your posts out of control and over the line. Laugh all you want.
Watch "Dead Wrong" tonight on CNN at 8 pm ET.
It will go into detail of how Colin Powell was given faulty intelligence before his address to the UN to present the case for war in Iraq. He was hoodwinked, and he says for that he will have to live with it.
It's just that the other posters tonight were much more respectful and better informed.
Will post back later tonight after work. nm
Tonight: Frontline -- The Dark Side
Click on the link check local listings to see when it is on where you live.
The Dark Side
(60 minutes) On September 11, 2001, deep inside a White House bunker, Vice President Dick Cheney was ordering U.S. fighter planes to shoot down any commercial airliner still in the air above America. At that moment, CIA Director George Tenet was meeting with his counter-terrorism team in Langley, Virginia. Both leaders acted fast, to prepare their country for a new kind of war. But soon a debate would grow over the goals of the war on terror, and the decision to go to war in Iraq. Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and others saw Iraq as an important part of a broader plan to remake the Middle East and project American power worldwide. Meanwhile Tenet, facing division in his own organization, saw non-state actors such as Al Qaeda as the highest priority. FRONTLINE's investigation of the ensuing conflict includes more than forty interviews, thousands of pages of documentary evidence, and a substantial photographic archive. It is the third documentary about the war on terror from the team that produced Rumsfeld's War and The Torture Question. (read the press release)
Obama does it again!!! Wins 3 states tonight!!!
is anybody else as excited about this as much as I am! I hope he gets the nom
the fact that he admits tonight on nightline....
that he did have an affair...he told the woman that his wife's cancer was in that gives him license to cheat on his wife...he says the baby isn't his, yeah, right....