McCain ahead according to Gallup...
Posted By: sam on 2008-09-07
In Reply to: Sunday's Score @6:08 pm - sally
Gallup Daily: McCain Moves Ahead, 48% to 45% September 7, 2008
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Gourdpainter, I agree with you. So do most people since Obama is ahead of McCain.
McCain doesn't have any solutions except trying to get Palin to tear down Obama with her big mouth.
Gallup Poll
Approval of Congress Hits 4-year High, Fueled by Dems
by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans' job approval rating of Congress is up an additional 8 points this month, after a 12-point increase last month, and now stands at 39% -- the most positive assessment of Congress since February 2005.

Americans who identify themselves as Democrats are mostly responsible for the improved ratings of Congress measured in the March 5-8 Gallup Poll. After showing a 25-point increase in their approval of Congress from January to February and a further 14-point increase in March, a majority of Democrats (57%) now approve of the job the Democratically-controlled Congress is doing. Independents also show improved ratings of Congress, but not nearly to the extent that Democrats do. Republicans' evaluations of Congress have changed very little this year.

Quick Turnaround
Even though Congress' job approval rating is still low on an absolute basis, the recent ratings represent a quick turnaround from the historically low ratings of 2008. Last year, on average, only 19% of Americans approved of the job Congress was doing -- one of the three lowest yearly congressional approval averages in Gallup records dating back to 1974, along with 1979 (19%) and 1992 (18%).
In January of this year, Congress' job approval rating among remained low at 19%, before jumping to 31% in February after the change in presidential administrations from Republican George W. Bush to Democrat Barack Obama. But this month brings an even more positive evaluation of Congress, with 39% of Americans now approving.
The latest increase suggests the reason for the improved ratings of Congress in 2009 may go beyond simply the change from split control to one-party control of the federal government, to include an assessment of the work Congress has been doing with the new president on the economy and other issues.
Such an explanation seems plausible given that a majority of Democrats now approve of the job Congress is doing, and that the gap between Democratic and Republican approval of Congress is growing, as Congress passes and President Obama signs laws to deal with the economy and other issues that largely follow a Democratic philosophy of governing.
Even though the Democratic Party had majority control of both houses of Congress in 2007-2008, it was able to achieve little of its legislative agenda while Republican Bush remained in the White House. This lack of results may have soured Democrats' opinions of Congress. During this time, rank-and-file Democrats' approval ratings of Congress sank to as low as 11% in July 2008, after starting out near 40% shortly after the party took control of Congress in early 2007.

Now that the strengthened Democratic-controlled Congress is able to pass most of what it wants with little or no help from Republicans, and can count on the president to sign it into law, rank-and-file Democrats hold Congress in much greater esteem. The 57% approval rating for Congress among Democrats is the best the party has given the institution since March 2002, when Congress' job approval scores were at historical highs in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Survey Methods
Results are based on telephone interviews with 1,012 national adults, aged 18 and older, conducted March 5-8, 2009. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.
Interviews are conducted with respondents on land-line telephones (for respondents with a land-line telephone) and cellular phones (for respondents who are cell-phone only).
In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.
USA Today/Gallup poll on Sarah Palin
Here is the link for the full results:
Essentially she has given McCain a bit of a boost, but no more boost than Biden gave Obama. I found the polling of Democrat women/HRC supporters to be amusing, considering what I think the McCain was hoping to accomplish:
Among Democratic women including those who may be disappointed that New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% less likely.
Gallup Poll shows a 62-67% approval rating.......nm
I suppose they had Gallup opinion polls in the 1770s? nm
While you are at it, why don't you go ahead and
I think we should look ahead instead....
of continuing down the path that has led to our destruction. We need alternative energy. By continuing to depend on oil, we create the need for products that run on oil. We need to stop, think and listen. No more party BS. I am fed up. We can all call each other names, puke on our representatives and all that does is fuel (no pun intended) more frustration. There are some extremely intelligent entities out there who LOVE what is happening to our country and who have probably engineered our failure to a very great degree. I don't think we can depend on Washington. We will have to depend on our own ingenuity and sacrifice in order to regain ORDER. I restrict driving as much as possible - unfortunately, I am oil-dependent in that regard. We have to give up our old way of living (in excess) and resort to more practical means. Instead of buying that new IPOD, buy more groceries and hoard. You are still putting money into the economy, OUR economy, if you buy American.......which is getting harder and harder to do. Support your local butcher. Save-A-Lot is almost entirely US grown and packaged. Read labels. Anybody else have any suggestions to support our country?
You go right ahead,
we won't miss you a bit. Seriously.
We need to go ahead and whip a$$ and get out from over there.
Keep on, go ahead. Just keep digging....
you are digging a hole your candidate will not be able to climb out of. Do you not think that all the mothers of teens who are pregnant or have had pregnant teens or were pregnant teens themselves are going to vote for a man who they think feels the way you people are posting?
Go right ahead. You will kill his candidacy. More power to you. Put it on billboards. Chant it in the streets. Take out TV ads. I wish you would.
go ahead...continue...
....being rude.
Life's too short to be so full of hate, directed at every member of the opposite viewpoint.
But as you say, the silence is deafening....maybe you need a hearing aid??
he's currently ahead in Virginia, too -
What are you talking about? Go ahead
bigots, racists, and prejudiced because the RNC spent $$ on clothes and Obama told Joe he wants to spread the wealth.
OMG! Are you serious? Go ahead, elect O
I say go ahead if that's what works for you.
Go ahead continue to talk about which you know nothing about
Go ahead, then, continue to talk about what you know nothing about other than news reports and slanted history books and we, who truly know a bit more about jewish issues and Israel will sit back and continue to smile and, of course, like I said in my previous post, there are always courses in the local synagogue that you can take. Join a jewish discussion group either in the net or in your home town, that is if your home town even has a jew in it, and learn the truth. Not what is being put out there by radical orthodox jews. Those are the ones that you see fighting in Israel to stay in Gaza. The radical orthodox jews. Sharon, as much as I dont like him, is right in what he has decided. It is unfortunate but it is just and right.
Go ahead and defend a racist
even if it's so out of character for a liberal.
Go ahead Ann whine with
In 2000, Gore won the popular vote HANDS DOWN!
It all came down to Florida where Bush took the state with a mere 500 votes more than Gore. Had the disqualified ballots were counted Gore would have took Florida. This did not stop conservatives from ranting and raving about their percieved *epic* victory. Matter of fact, conservatives picked their heads up high and boasted so, one would have thought it was a landslide win calling democrats whiners.
So go ahead Ann and whine with dignity, Nov 7 was a victory for dems nonetheless.
I have my shield up so go ahead FLAME AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go ahead, dig the hole deeper for him...
don't you pay attention to your own candidate? He DOESN'T want to run against sarah palin. He is saying it, Axelrod is saying it, and their followers keep right on attacking her, which invites comparisons to HIM. LOL. Perfect.
obama ahead by 15 points
Talk is cheap. See, I can just pull statements out of my bellybutton also.
obama is ahead in all major
polls. Sympathy not required.
Go ahead and ignore it, and vote to put the fox in...
control of the chicken house. I verified each one of those facts. Why don't you do the same? Look up the bills that were blocked. Listen to what the people were saying? Music was all you got out of that? Lord, no wonder we are in the shape we are in. Bless your heart.
Go ahead and trust Obama, then.
Not to worry. Obama is ahead
The sky will not be falling on December 15th.
Looking Ahead to the Obama
Looking Ahead to the Obama Presidency
Written by John F. McManus
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 00:40
Barack Obama's and Joe Biden's own records and agendas show the direction they have in mind for the nation.
Without doubt, the election of Barack Obama is historic because he is the first Black American selected by voters for the highest office in the land. Indeed, the election of an African-American to the presidency by a nation with a majority white population may be unprecedented, and the fact that this is possible should be a source of pride for all of us, regardless of whether Obama himself was a good or bad choice.
An articulate and confident young man, Obama's presence in the White House will be welcomed by many. Along with his oratorical skills and appealing vitality, his family will remind older Americans of the John F. Kennedy era when a telegenic and appealing wife and two charming youngsters accompanied the newly elected president into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
What will the Obama presidency be like? Throughout a campaign stretching back for almost two years, the Illinois senator regularly employed the word "change," and the word even morphed into "change we can believe in." The posters, oratory, television ads, and pronouncements of several Obama staffers repeatedly issued unspecified pledges that this new and different candidate would alter the course America was following.
"Blueprint for Change"
But how would America's course be altered? Even though the American people could have read online what an Obama-Biden administration promised, most failed to do so. Much of the agenda, albeit without a lot of detail, is contained in Blueprint for Change, the 83-page document subtitled "Plan for America" issued by the Obama-Biden team. As we shall see, the "change" envisioned by the Blueprint includes more government at home and a continuation of our interventionist foreign policy abroad.
Of course, America has been moving in the direction of more and bigger government for decades, regardless of whether a Republican or Democrat has been in the White House. Obama hopes to move us even further in the big-government direction. What kind of change is that?
Even many Americans who recognize that Obama will push for more government at home believe that he will end our interventionist foreign policy because of the opposition he has expressed to the Iraq War. But this conclusion flies in the face of his proposal to transfer troops to Afghanistan (in essence transferring the Iraq War to a different theater) and his support for international arrangements, including expansion of NATO.
Please consider the following positions as they appear in the pages of the revealing "blueprint" document and judge for yourself how much change there will be and whether the recommended "change" would be a good thing. (Comments following each quoted item are ours.)
"Emergency Economic Plan to Inject Immediate Relief into the Economy." Both Obama and Biden voted for the $700 billion bailout (along with John McCain). More bailouts will likely follow.
"Provide a $1,000 Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families." Government giving money to everyone, as was done with the 2008 rebate, doesn't solve any problems. These funds either have to be printed (the root cause of inflation) or borrowed, likely from China, which puts our nation's neck in a noose. The interest that is compounding on our already enormous debt is a toxic time bomb. The government will eventually resort to massive inflation to pay the debt or collateralize the debt with American assets; in which case, those now holding our bonds will end up owning America.
"Invest in the Manufacturing Sector." America's manufacturers need relief from the stifling array of taxes and regulations, and from the steady erosion of the dollar brought on by debilitating inflation, not government handouts that are always followed by government control. A 2006 study by the Competitive Enterprise Institute entitled "Ten Thousand Commandments" found that the federal regulatory burden on U.S. businesses amounted to $1.13 trillion. This burden is killing American businesses, productivity, innovation, and jobs.
"Create 5 Million New Green Jobs." This will be done, says the Blueprint, by investing "$150 billion over 10 years to advance the next generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate the commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of commercial scale renewable energy," etc. In other words, politicians and bureaucrats would create government jobs and subsidize private-sector jobs that should be financed by the private sector (and would be if they were economically viable). Government should get out of the way and let free Americans create jobs.
"Create a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank." This promise includes an infusion of $60 billion more in federal spending.
"Give the Federal Reserve Greater Supervisory Authority." The Federal Reserve, which already wields enormous, unconstitutional powers, is a destructive engine of inflation and should hardly be given greater authority. As Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman has recommended, it should be abolished, not enhanced.
"Pressure the World Trade Organization to Enforce Trade Agreements." Granting the UN's WTO even more authority is another step toward global governance. The WTO is already exercising judicial jurisdiction over sovereign nations, overruling national laws and legislatures, including the laws and the Congress of the United States. Congress and President Bush have weakly protested these usurpations and then meekly accepted them.
"Guarantee Affordable, Accessible Health Care for Every American." Healthcare costs have risen dramatically because of already existing government intervention. A national healthcare system would swell the cost while making healthcare hard to obtain, as such plans have done everywhere they have been instituted.
"Barack Obama has fought for comprehensive immigration reform." Ultimately, what this means is amnesty for as many as 20 million illegal aliens in our nation.
"High Quality Zero-to-Five Education." The Obama plan actually calls for "early care and education for infants in a Zero to 5 Plan," more government for K-12, federal support for afterschool programs, and more grants for those who move on to college.
"Double our annual investment in foreign assistance ... to $50 billion.... Invest at least $50 billion [annually] by 2013 for the global fight against HIV/AIDS." With record deficits and a soaring National Debt, America is, in effect, giving away borrowed money.
The above constitute only a sampling of the pledges for more programs, more spending, and more government powers contained in the 83 pages of the Blueprint for Change. And the official Obama-Biden Internet website provides several hundred more pages of details, all pointing toward plans for a vast expansion of the federal government. Less than a week after the election, Georgia Congressman Paul Broun (R) told an audience in his district the president-elect shows "signs of being a Marxist." Perhaps Broun had read the Obama-Biden Blueprint, a rather obvious call for socialism in the United States. And perhaps Broun knows that, in addition to Marx's well-publicized association with communism, Karl Marx is also the godfather of socialism.
Although he didn't mention his own party, we should point out that Rep. Broun's criticism of Obama's apparent Marxist bent applies also to many Republicans. In fact, in October, President Bush and many Republican members of Congress rolled out the Socialist Express to push through the bailout package. Take it from Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, a self-proclaimed socialist, who congratulated Bush for joining the socialist club, and then chided him and his allies for applying a double standard. "How many times have they criticized me for nationalizing the phone company?" he asked. "They say, 'The state shouldn't get involved in that.' But now they don't criticize Bush for having nationalize[d] ... the biggest banks in the world. Comrade Bush, how are you?"
Expanding the UN
The United Nations Association of the United States is the most determined promoter of the UN within our nation. Early in 2008, its leaders sent a questionnaire to all presidential candidates. Barack Obama displayed his strong commitment to the world body and to its various sovereignty-compromising programs in his responses, some of which follow:
"No country has a greater stake in a strong United Nations than the United States."
"I have pledged to create a [UN-promoted] cap on carbon emissions in the United States."
"I fully support the [UN] Millennium Development Goals."
In the year 2000, the 189 member nations of the UN adopted the Millennium Development Goals, a program of eight goals to aid developing countries. Our share of funding these goals could total hundreds of billions of dollars in just a few years. Senator Barack Obama introduced S. 2433 in 2007. Labeled the "Global Poverty Act," this proposal seeks to require our nation to "achieve the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of the people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than one dollar per day." Five months later, Senator Biden offered minor amendments to the bill as he co-signed it. Obviously, these two senators and the handful of others they have enlisted to back their proposal believe the American people should pony up enormous sums of money sought by the UN in another program that would empower the world body and further enrich corrupt foreign dictators while doing little to improve the plight of the world's poor.
Based on their stated positions and track records, it is reasonable to expect that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and the team they will select to staff the new administration won't even consider less government and a mind-your-own-business foreign policy to be options. Their agenda, if implemented, would speed the growth of the federal government, accelerate the surrender of America's independence, and hasten our nation down the path toward submergence in what internationalists euphemistically refer to as "global governance" by various supranational institutions, of which the UN, the WTO, and the IMF are among the most noteworthy. For more information about the power brokers who have helped formulate Obama's agenda and who will be running the Obama-Biden administration, see "Behind the Obama Agenda."
"Oh, please".. yourself. O said, "yeah, go ahead".
Go ahead and spout gt if makes you feel better
however, you are only making a fool of yourself along with the namby pamby liberals who write stuff like this.
I put the person (& country) ahead of the party - so this
Go ahead...if you voted for "O" he promised to have it ready...
get right on down there and sign up. You'll still get your tax cut...even if you don't pay any.
A "different approach". Go ahead, be weak.
Go ahead, I'm sure she will accept your help. Email her and find out where to mail your help. nm
Your ignorance must be bliss....go ahead and vote democrat then.
Hmmmm, preparing for the economic challenges AHEAD...
DHL said it was making the cuts to improve profitability and "to prepare the company for the economic challenges ahead."
The company said this latest action would add $1.9 billion to its restructuring costs, for a total of $3.8 billion over two years, most of it during 2008. The company said the cuts would reduce the annual operating costs of DHL U.S. Express to less than $1 billion, from its current cost of $5.4 billion.
DHL is owned by the German company Deutsche Post World Net.
Go ahead. Let's bring Reverend Wright back into the conversation...
and Jesse Jacksin (hymietown) and Louis Farrakhan...yeah, let's bring that back into the conversation. If Barack can claim he went to that church for 20 years but doesn't share the can she, right?
If you are going to fry her now, let's go back to Reverend Wright. You betcha!!
According to Bill O'Reilly...Obama moving ahead in polls! (nm)
Why are you McCain people so desperate? You are just like McCain. No plan. Just criticism of the
other candidate. I guess you want the same old thing we have had for the past 8 years. God forbid McCain win with that wild woman, Palin.
Not only will he refuse to get out of Iraq unless there is some sort of clear victory, even if it takes "100 years" or "1000 years" (his words), jokes about how to handle Iran is "Bom, bom, bom, bom, bomb Iran" (to the tune of a Beach Boys song), he also wants to kick Russia out of the G8 and not let China or India in. Way to place nice with the up-and-coming superpowers - I'm sure that will do great things for our country in years to come.
There are certain things I like about him (strict belief in Geneva Convention, willing to work across party lines), but his warmongering side scares the you-know-what out of me.
McCain's age
Whether his military uniform helps his image depends on what kind of world we want to be living in tomorrow, not the one we live in now. A lot of people will be showing up at the polls to say that status quo is not acceptable, especially when it comes to solving problems by waging wars. Concerns over his age, senility and/or Alzheimers are legitimate if you do the math. Those possibilities are very real and could just as easily happen early in his term as later. He has shown some early signs like his problems with word retrieval, mispronunciation, confusion, forgetting what he is saying and blank staring spells.
The teleprompter comment is also kind of a cheap shot. Besides that, it is not true, unless you believe everything you hear on Fox or YouTube. He is an excellent orator and delivered very spontaneous and inspiring responses in the town hall meetings during the primaries and in news conferences. YHe is a much better speaker than McCain. mean
I can't believe anyone would vote for him after what Bush just did to us for 8 years.
Well, McCain's gas in his car came from
oil from a country that supports terrorism. McCain a supporter of terrorism? You can interpret this any way you like.
if McCain gets in
that will be the tenor of the New Secretary of State.
Why McCain?
McCain looks
like he hurts. It makes me uncomfortable to watch. Obama has a significantly larger amt of data in his mind (constitutional law professor, etc) to sort through, gather, and assemble before he responds to a question. It is to his favor that he does not immediately yelp out an answer like a trained seal.
Thank you. I think McCain's age ... sm
Is what worries me so much about this situation. I mean, people die at different ages, it's true, but if McCain were 20 years younger, I don't think I'd be quite as worried. But he's 72, has had skin cancer several times, and I read (haven't verified) that both his father and grandfather died suddenly of heart attacks when they were younger than he is now. Now that might not mean anything. After all, isnt' his mother in her 90s? But it just worries me. It would be different if he wanted Palin to have a cabinet position where she could, I don't know, hone her skills, cut her teeth in Washington, so to speak, but to put her is a position of leading our country if something happens to McCain? It just makes me very nervous.
Oh, of course. McCain will get the
Healthcare. Too bad for the rest of us peons though!
Still, the best healthcare in the U.S. can't turn back time and make him young again. He is really getting up there, and the campaign must be wearing on him. I don't know how any of them can stand all the travel that comes with campaigning.
The New McCain!
The Ugly New McCain
Wednesday, September 17, 2008; Page
Following his loss to George W. Bush in the 2000 South Carolina primary, John McCain did something extraordinary: He confessed to lying about how he felt about the Confederate battle flag, which he actually abhorred. "I broke my promise to always tell the truth," McCain said. Now he has broken that promise so completely that the John McCain of old is unrecognizable. He has become the sort of politician he once despised.
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The precise moment of McCain's abasement came, would you believe, not at some news conference or on one of the Sunday shows but on "The View," the daytime TV show created by Barbara Walters. Last week, one of the co-hosts, Joy Behar, took McCain to task for some of the ads his campaign has been running. One deliberately mischaracterized what Barack Obama had said about putting lipstick on a pig -- an Americanism that McCain himself has used. The other asserted that Obama supported teaching sex education to kindergarteners.
"We know that those two ads are untrue," Behar said. "They are lies."
Freeze. Close in on McCain. This was the moment. He has largely been avoiding the press. The Straight Talk Express is now just a brand, an ad slogan like "Home Cooking" or "We Will Not Be Undersold." Until then, it was possible for McCain to say that he had not really known about the ads, that the formulation "I approve this message" was just boilerplate. But he didn't.
"Actually, they are not lies," he said.
Actually, they are.
McCain has turned ugly. His dishonesty would be unacceptable in any politician, but McCain has always set his own bar higher than most. He has contempt for most of his colleagues for that very reason: They lie. He tells the truth. He internalizes the code of the McCains -- his grandfather, his father: both admirals of the shining sea. He serves his country differently, that's all -- but just as honorably. No more, though.
I am one of the journalists accused over the years of being in the tank for McCain. Guilty. Those doing the accusing usually attributed my feelings to McCain being accessible. This is the journalist-as-puppy school of thought: Give us a treat, and we will leap into a politician's lap.
Not so. What impressed me most about McCain was the effect he had on his audiences, particularly young people. When he talked about service to a cause greater than oneself, he struck a chord. He expressed his message in words, but he packaged it in the McCain story -- that man, beaten to a pulp, who chose honor over freedom. This had nothing to do with access. It had to do with integrity.
McCain has soiled all that. His opportunistic and irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as his political heir -- the person in whose hands he would leave the country -- is a form of personal treason, a betrayal of all he once stood for. Palin, no matter what her other attributes, is shockingly unprepared to become president. McCain knows that. He means to win, which is all right; he means to win at all costs, which is not.
At a forum last week at Columbia University, McCain said, "But right now we have to restore trust and confidence in government." This was always the promise of John McCain, the single best reason to vote for him. America has been cheated on too many times -- the lies of Vietnam and Watergate and Iraq. So many lies. Who believes that in Afghanistan last month, only five civilians were killed by the American military in an airstrike, instead of the approximately 90 claimed by the Afghan government? Not me. I first gave up on the military during Vietnam and then again when it covered up the death of Pat Tillman, the Army Ranger and former NFL player who was killed in 2004 by friendly fire.
McCain was going to fix all that. He was going to look the American people in the eyes and say, not me. I will not lie to you. I am John McCain, son and grandson of admirals. I tell the truth.
But Joy Behar knew better. And so McCain lied about his lying and maybe thinks that if he wins the election, he can -- as he did in South Carolina -- renounce who he was and what he did and resume his old persona. It won't work. Karl Marx got one thing right -- what he said about history repeating itself. Once is tragedy, a second time is farce. John McCain is both.
or like when McCain said . . .
Obama called her a pig and then on Monday said he didn't
it has to do with McCain and
Bush systematically deregulating (savings and loans - Keating 5) and wall street so that the souless corporations can do whatever they want without any limits. they have removed the safety factors built into the system after the great depression. Well, now we have the situation that deregulation brings. As Romney said at this years' repub convention - McCain is going to go at all the regulations on industry with a weed wacker.
Respecting his service to his country is one thing. He is only one of thousands who have done the same thing. or worse, died for their country, and are just as deserving of being honored as McCain. Trusting him to lead this country is another thing entirely.
Seeing as McCain may not . . .
live out his term, she is running for the top spot.