With thousands of their citizen-soldiers away fighting in Iraq, states hit hard by Hurricane Katrina scrambled to muster forces for rescue and security missions yesterday -- calling up Army bands and water-purification teams, among other units, and requesting help from distant states and the active-duty military.
As the devastation threatened to overwhelm state resources, federal authorities called on the Pentagon to mobilize active-duty aircraft, ships and troops and set up an unprecedented task force to coordinate a wider military response, said officials from the Northern Command, which oversees homeland defense.
National Guard officials in the states acknowledged that the scale of the destruction is stretching the limits of available manpower while placing another extraordinary demand on their troops -- most of whom have already served tours in Iraq or Afghanistan or in homeland defense missions since 2001.
More than 6,000 Guard members were mobilized in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida when the storm struck on Monday, with the number rising to 8,000 yesterday and hundreds more expected to be called to active duty, National Guard officials said yesterday.
Missing the personnel is the big thing in this particular event. We need our people, said Lt. Andy Thaggard, a spokesman for the Mississippi National Guard, which has a brigade of more than 4,000 troops in central Iraq. Louisiana also has about 3,000 Guard troops in Baghdad.
Mississippi has about 40 percent of its Guard force deployed or preparing to deploy and has called up all remaining Guard units for hurricane relief, Thaggard said. Those include the Army band based in Jackson, Miss. They are mustering transportation to move them south, he said. Soldiers who have lost their homes are exempt, he said.
Mississippi has requested troops and aircraft from about eight other states -- including military police and engineers from Alabama, helicopters and crews from Arkansas and Georgia, and aircraft-maintenance experts from Connecticut, who are filling in for a Mississippi maintenance unit that is heading to the Middle East.
This is the biggest disaster we've ever had, so we're going to need more aircraft than we've got, said Col. Bradly S. MacNealy, the Mississippi Army National Guard's aviation officer. Mississippi has had to borrow from Arkansas UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters fitted with hoists, using them together with the Coast Guard to pluck to safety several dozen people stranded by floodwaters, he said.
Chinook helicopters from Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi are flying the equivalent of 18 large truckloads of critical supplies -- including ice, water, food and chain saws for road-clearing crews -- to Mississippi's coast, he said.
In Alabama, all the major Guard units activated for the disaster have already served in Iraq, and some still have contingents there, said Alabama Guard spokesman Norman Arnold.
Capt. Richard Locke of the Guard's 1st Battalion 167th Infantry headed toward Mobile yesterday with a force of 400 soldiers cobbled together from four units because the rest of the battalion is in Iraq.
Carrying M-16 rifles and 9mm pistols, the soldiers are assigned to control traffic at unlighted intersections, and patrol in Humvees and on foot to prevent looting.
Recruiting and retention problems are worsening the strain on Guard forces in hurricane-ravaged states. Alabama's Army National Guard has a strength of 11,000 troops -- or 78 percent of the authorized number. We're just losing too many out the back door, Arnold said.
What do you think the national guard is
Our national guard is supposed to be the first responders if needed for natural disasters. Remember them? That's their job.....not the Army.
Ask yourself why you have never seen it scrolled across your evening news....they know people will explode over it but do it quietly and without OUR permission (remember this is OUR country?) and no one will be the wiser until it's done and in place.
It is on an Army website, not something the average citizen will be looking for. "Homeland tours" my butt. Permanent part of the active Army. The last thing this country needs is a full-time military brigade TOURING our country.
The National Guard already watches them.
Had a friend who was in Arizona for 6 months doing just that.
Oh my gosh... let's call out the guard!!
Found this on a web site reporting tea party in front of the white house yesterday....
"Protesters even threw what appeared to be a box of tea bags toward the White House, causing a brief lockdown at the compound." 
I bet that New Orleans, Biloxi and everyplace else could sure use some National Guard help right now
Bush is not busy with this hurricaine. He is biking in Idaho or Montona or somewhere after giving a speech to the VFW about how we have to stay in Iraq to honor those killed in Iraq. But wouldn't it be really really helpful if the National Guard was in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama instead of Iraq being killed to honor those already killed. Another thing, if he talked to Sheehan or this soldier, he would have to talk to ALL of them, God forbid.
Bush paid Harriet $19,000 in 1998 re his Guard AWOL status
Guess he owes her big time, huh?
I happened to find this link, which provides a LOT of interesting facts about Bush.
Bush first became concerned about his alleged AWOL status in 1998, when he was running for a second term as governor, about allegations that he was given preferential treatment to land a slot in the Air National Guard. So he retained an attorney, Harriet Miers who was paid $19,000 to investigate the issue. She and her aides concluded that Barnes had helped Bush land a slot in the Air National Guard in 1968 after being lobbied by Adger. Miers spoke with Barnes who acknowledged that he had never talked to Bush’s father about asking for the favor. Adger was already deceased, and since that time Barnes passed away. Bush knew that he was off the hook.
Governors closing ranks on Bush for trying to Federalize the National Guard sm
It isn't changing, it's in the details
Obama says if you are making under $250K you will not see your taxes go up a dime. If you are making under $200K you will see your taxes decrease. Basically if you are between $200K and $250K it's a no-change. He always gets this right, it's just that the wording on it seems similar so people get confused (or think he is).
Not changing the subject.
Poll: Obama facing high expectations. Refer to the "overall approval rating" paragraph toward end of article.
Most Expect Obama to Make Effort With Republicans
Yet again changing the subject...(sm)
My original post merely pointed out that Olberman had a good question (which has yet to be recognized on this board). Just as a refresher, the question was, why is Coulter trying to get on NBC to promote her book (in which she talks badly about NBC) when she has such a low opinion of the network. This is not a battle of the networks, just a simple observation that anyone with half a brain can see.
I guess it's easier to change the subject than to actually answer a question or post an opinion on the subject matter. 
Yet again changing the subject...(sm)
My original post merely pointed out that Olberman had a good question (which has yet to be recognized on this board). Just as a refresher, the question was, why is Coulter trying to get on NBC to promote her book (in which she talks badly about NBC) when she has such a low opinion of the network. This is not a battle of the networks, just a simple observation that anyone with half a brain can see.
I guess it's easier to change the subject than to actually answer a question or post an opinion on the subject matter. 
Bush was sort of in national guard but never showed for the physical... that counts? Cheney was nev
duh?? ya'll?
Consider changing your moniker to IAlwaysGetTheLastWordNoMatterWhat. nm
Ummm. Fox is changing its tone and now
"a problem with semantics," trying to slither out from under its legendary erroneous biased reporting.
Man, what a sick reason for changing
Here is a blurb from an article I read..........changing a vote just IN CASE Obama becomes president........what a sell out.
Among the 21 converts was Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Illinois, his chief of staff, Kenneth Edmonds, said.
Edmonds said Jackson was changing his vote because "he received assurances from (Sen. Barack Obama) that, if elected, his administration will aggressively use authority in the bill to prevent foreclosures and stabilize the housing market."
Changing the subject to the tax rant
Changing the subject does not change
I agree. Any undecided voter should read the entire fact check site AND both candidates issues platforms on their websites.
You're changing your tune
You make comments you want to make with no regards to anyone feelings and you call it being funny but someone else makes a comment you don't like and you call it racist and start yelling for the moderator. Maybe they thought their comment was funny.
I give up...I keep typing 7 and it keeps changing it.
why do you insist on changing the subject
when Bush was in and we mentioned Clinton we'd be hemmed and hawed at that Clinton and Gore were gone and to get over it. Now that we say something about Mr. Messiah and we get Bush/Cheney comments.
Give it a rest. They are gone.
You seem to remember wrong, and why would I be changing races...sm
Find this and post it.
Yeah, Obama also keeps changing his definition
Bush starts changing his tune/rhetoric.....
But it is not US land. nm
I believe in God. but you are in the la-la land...nm
Kindly stop changing the subject. Still waiting for examples.
You made the charge, so back it up or admit that you can't. And if you don't even have that much integrity, then at least please stop saying things that you can't support.
Oh of course....in the land where you are innocent if...
proven not guilty...you are seizing on poor judgment. Don't you think it is poor judgment to consort with terrorists and spend 20 years in an america-hating church? This is not bad judgment? McCain did not cost us anything. Keating, the one who perpetrated the financial debacle...is responsible for that loss.
Promised land...(sm)
Promised by who? A god that half of the world doesn't believe in? Sorry, that doesn't hold water.
cant have an economy without a healthy land
Frankly, you cant have an economy, if you have no livable land or healthy people. First and foremost is the land and it's people and animals. Without all of that, we will not have an economy. Funny how other industrialized countries are signing on..you know the countries who take care of their citizens with health care, paid maternity leave, paid vacation time..The caring countries..not the capitalistic class divided society of America. OMG, just in New Orleans now you can see who are the fortunate ones versus the unfortunate ones. The minorities are mostly all the unfortunate ones cause they could not afford to get out of town. They are the ones hurting and rebelling. This is the picture of America today. The *haves* and *have nots* and Bush continues to give to the *haves* and do nothing for the *have nots*.
Living in the land of Camelot
I have a hard time believing anyone alive during JFK's administration could still believe that fairytale. He most definitely was not one of the greatest leaders of all time.
But you're right about Obama inspiring millions in much the same way, and I certainly agree that he will be transformational.
Denial like this will land you in the same place
GOP needs to come to terms with where it went wrong, starting with a healthy dose of truth, washed down with a gallon of circumspection. Dems BTDT. If you need any pointers, just ask. BTW, it would be helpful for you to try the realize just which party the American people held responsible by taking another look at the election results.
It is as much Israeli as ALSO Palestinian land...nm
Just like it wasn't British land....(sm)
when Britian decided to give it to the Jews.
Only in the land of Oz. Overthrow? It's called election.
So now he's plotting to kill or harm arou sovereign? No. Violation of allegience to covereign or state? No. Betrayal of trust or confidence; breach of faith (as in counter espionage). No. Treachery. No. Grasping at straws? Yes. Unable to win an election on the merits of your candidate and party platform? Most definitely. Paranoid and delusional? Classic.
He has been elected to the highest office in the land.
Your first clue might be global markets in the a.m. Watch them skyrocket.
And I remember the 1967 land grab
Why would anybody listen to someone who has ice water running through they veins, a black heart and mush for brains?
What land in Texas is even worth 'grabbing'?
With Dr. Paul, everything is connected to the law of the land, the Constitution. sm
He does not personally condone drug use, but in the Constitution there is no authority that prohibits people from making personal choices.
Here is something more recent from him on that topic.
You might want to research what those 8000 people did with that barren land....
From PW
This small piece of land has always been barren and squalid until 1967 when after the Arabs failed in yet another imperialist attempt to destroy the Jewish state, Israel took it over. Since then 8,000 brave pioneers have resided in a portion of Gaza. They settled in on infertile beach sand and were told by everyone that nothing had ever grown there and nothing ever would. Instead, what they accomplished was an agricultural miracle. Utilizing advanced technology which they invented, they made the sand blossom and built greenhouses that produce chemical-free bug-free organic produce that is shipped around the world and renown for its incredible quality and taste.
Now if a Muslim country had taken over this land they would have expelled all the 'infidels'. But the Jewish settlers came with garlands of peace, hope and opportunity. The greenhouses they built employ Palestinians at wages far higher than they would make under any Arab dictatorship, and have forged true bonds of harmony and friendship:
Saed, a 42-year-old greenhouse worker who commutes every day from Khan Yunis, said, For me, it's a really good life. I make enough money to feed my family. I am close with my bosses, who treat me with respect. I don't want to be out of a job. Fhaud, 63, a greenhouse supervisor, said he has grown attached to his Jewish employers. I've known my boss since he was a kid and I worked for his father, he said. Some workers here have known three generations of Jewish families. I was invited to all the bar mitzvahs and weddings. Mahmoud, who works in the same greenhouse, said, I don't want the disengagement to go through. Not just because I'll lose a job, but because I'll lose friends.
So Jews and Arabs working together, turning the desert green. In a sane world we would be commending these Jewish settlers for sowing real seeds of peace. Of course, this is not a sane world, for next week all this has to be dismantled and turned over to Islamic terrorists in the name of 'peace'. For the first time in world history a country is going to forcibly remove its own people and give land over to its sworn enemies.
So now that the poor Palestinians of Gaza are to be freed from their 'occupation', are they rejoicing in their independence and making plans to plow their energies into building communities and farms and schools and infrastructure? Are they preparing to serve as a model to the world that a country under Islamic law with a fresh start and no colonial 'imperialists' can succeed? Are they ready to turn their state into a free and prosperous Palestinian country?
At a mass rally in Gaza City last Thursday, some 10,000 Palestinians danced, sang, and chanted, Today Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem. Jamal Abu Samhadaneh, commander of Gaza's Popular Resistance Committees, announced on Sunday, We will move our cells to the West Bank and warned that The withdrawal will not be complete without the West Bank and Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority's Ahmed Qurei also asserts, Our march will stop only in Jerusalem. Meanwhile Hamas has officially announced that they will continue its war to destroy Israel by launching Qassam rockets at Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and communities in Judea and Samaria. We're sure they'll be making full use of their new seaport to import weapons and munitions to keep the carnage coming.
What's becoming clear is how the religion of Islam is addicted to war and mayhem. Not a radical minority, not a rogue sect, but its very essence is about submission and sacrifice and proving your worth by worshipping death in this life to gain a paradise of orgies and drunkenness. Their entire history is of warfare, and any accomplishments of their so-called Golden Age has been proven to be merely parasitic off the cultures they've conquered and reduced to dhimmi servitude. That every country under sharia is corrupt, belligerent, desolate and barbaric obviously gives them no pause, except to constantly drive them into further psychotic rage as they refuse to ever accept any responsibility for their conditions. They are akin to the powers in Orwell's 1984; there must always be an enemy. It's no surprise that women are treated like property in these countries as that's the only way Muslim men can feed their egos, to dominate others rather than ever actually produce something.
What a victory for these people that their terrorism has paid off, with Western intellectuals cheering them on. You can only wonder how many youth who have been brainwashed from birth in the madrassas and draped in their culture of bomb-worship and martyrdom will join the global jihad as it now appears they actually have a chance to win. While our soldiers at Guantanamo have to wear rubber gloves when handing out Korans, it's pretty reasonable for them to conclude that the West is ready to fall and the global caliphate is a real possibility. Israel's retreat from Gaza will certainly do wonders for their recruiting.
Oh yeah, that is a qualification for the 2nd highest office in the land.
And pay off the debt the GOP created.
Obama lives in a fantasy land of his own making.
Unfortunately, he is also a gifted speaker and is leading many people down the yellow brick road to a magical make believe land. Too bad Obama can't see the big picture of anything.
Polls may not be accurate as pollsters call land...sm
lines and many people only have cell phones.
Your kind live in a fantasy land....too lazy to even
Sorry to disappoint you but I am independent. I have sat and watched posters like yourself who have absolutely nothing to prove false any facts proven on this board.
You are a bunch of sad desperate people. People like you have given democrats a bad name and have pulled the democratic party in the mud.
yeah, and I've got this land for sale in Florida..
A little naive. of course he is going to try to level the playing field. Perhaps you are the one misunderstanding.
Wanders the desert for 40 years before occupation of the land
now known as Israel. The palestinians which were sent into exile are in the millions. Even my Jewish friends agree that Israel is being ruthless (they have the right to protect themselves, they say. This is what they should have done before the Holocaust. Jewish guilt stems from their failure to do so, resulting in their loved ones miserable deaths).
And, the world waited for a long time during the Holocaust before acting. Where was America and England, they must have thought. Years went by and they suffered tremendously. And the strongest survived - and the Jews do remember they were ignored at their time of need by the entire world - that in itself would justify in their minds a lack of loyalty to any other country other than Israel.
Sharon said: "Israel owns America and America knows it."
Israel's "occupation" of their land is the most godly thing in the middle east.
Israel needs the help of no one. They will always prevail because they are backed by God -- the one true God. All those who come against the people of Israel will suffer loss. It is not out of fear that Israel arms itself, it is out of a deep understanding of their past, present, and future revealed to them by God. Israel is loved by God and hated by their muslim neighbors because of that fact.
There is no Palestine. As I said before, the palestinians are squatters. Claiming a land that never belong to them and never will be promised to them. Their name is not on the lease!
I know my history of the region. The land of Israel is the hands of its rightful owners.
The Palestinians have been given the opportunity in 1947 when the UN granted a mandate separating the land into two states. The palestinians rejected the mandate and launched a civil war that Israel quickly won and declared their independence. Then in 1948 Israel was invaded by Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan which Israel one as well. The palestinians were given their chance and decided on violence instead and they were the losers. That's how it cookie crumbles.
In 1973 once again Israel's angry neighbors tried to invade, the Yom Kippur war. Israel was winning that one too when a cease fire was called. The palestinians lost fair and square. They could peacefully have coexisted with the Israeli's but they continually reject any peaceful solution and send their suicide bombers. Let's not forge the Oslo Peace Process in the early 1990s where Israeli government once again extended the olive branch agreeing to the PLO to form an autonomous government if they could agree to coexist with Israel and recognize Israel's right to exist. The palestinians answer? To laung Intifada II against the Israelis. Once again, more violence perpetrated by the palestinians.
Finally, what about the Sharon's disengagement plan implemented in 2005? Israeli government removed civilian and military presence from the Gaza Strip as a gesture to the palestinians so they could no longer claim that Gaza was an occupied" territory. Even after that gesture, the palestinians have refused to recognize Israel.
The palestinians do not want peace with the Israelis. They will settle for no less than the total annihilation of Israel as a nation which is the what the entire Arab world wants.