Letting people into your house means letting them
Posted By: mar on 2009-03-04
In Reply to: Compassionate conservatism - A. Nonymous
into your life. What a nightmare for you. Good at the end it turned out so well.
Now I will get a post by Cyndiee, saying
'Grow a heart, will you.'
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Thank you for letting me know. nm
Why are we letting them get away with this?
My DH and I were watching TV last night and from their estimates, cap and trade will literally double our electric bill. This is an outrage. That doesn't include how high gas itself will go up. This will literally cause the price of just about everything to go up. It feels like are government is doing everything they can to make it harder on us while they preach about giving us what we need to survive. Well.....I'm sorry......I would rather support myself without needing government to provide the essentials for me. This is total take over. They are literally going to bankrupt the American people to pay for this healthcare plan. More people will lose jobs, prices will skyrocket, people will lose their homes, not afford gas to get to work, etc. But hey...no worries...once you have lost everything you have after the government has made everything so expensive and taxed you to death......they will give you healthcare, food stamps, etc. They literally want to squash the American dream, crush the middle class and make them low class, and make us all dependent on our government.
Why in the he!! can't our government first focus on getting us out of this mess. If Obama is still in office after our economy recovers, then he can talk about healthcare for everyone. It just isn't feasible right now without hurting the American people. We cannot afford it!!!! I'm so sick and tired of Obama and his administration doing nothing put pushing through their personal agenda with no regard as to how many people his agenda will hurt. I am so furious with our government right now I could scream and I just cannot see why some of you still believe in Obama. How blind can you friggin be???
My DH and I have always lived well within our means. We are very responsible with our money and have excellent credit but if the government keeps doing what it is doing......even people like us will take the fall while our politicians and president....who preach about sacrifice.....will still be sitting around with a silver spoon in their mouth taking taxpayer money for whatever they wish and living a nice comfy life. They make me sick! Why aren't they giving up anything? I don't see them sacrificing crap. It is the American people who are sacrificing.....not them.
Stop the government spending and stop it now!!!! Don't allow cap and trade!!!!!
Thank you for letting me know where you stand....
that barack's campaign is more important than the financial crisis we are facing. Tell me...what would you have said if Barack had suspended is campaign first and put his country first? Would you still be criticizing the decision? I am doubting it! lol.
Sam, I think you are letting your views of
Obama and the media cloud things. I saw that interview and I do not think Couric was looking down her nose at her. I think it doesn't matter what anyone asks, if you are for McCain and Palin then you are going to see things going that way. I have seen some interviews with Biden and he has not come off looking great. I don't think Palin did a pathetic job either, I just think that whenever she gets asked a tough question, regardless of how she answers it the interviewer is going to painted in this all for Obama light. I think it is a no-win situation all around. Yes, the press needs to get tought with all of candidates. End of story. Will it happen, most likely not but it is what it is.
And, before you go accusing me for being all about Obama, I am not. I am a Republican who has no plans to cross party lines to vote, but believe that Palin better get out there and start answering questions, taking questions, doing press conferences, anything for God's sake but stand back. So yes, she needs to be asked whatever stupid question the interviewer gives her because for one, I want to hear what she has to say and two, I want to see how she handles herself. Maybe Biden is not getting asked the same questions becuase we alreay know where he stands. I have seen a number of interviews, sit-downs, etc, with him already.
Thank you for letting me have a tantrum - here it is
We are not confused about who we want to be having sex with. We know exactly who we want to be having sex with. "Sex is meant to be between a woman and a man"????? Who said so, your pastor or some other so called religious whack. You don't know who the majority are. The majority of people believes sex is meant to be between two people who love each other, and there are a lot of straight couples who believe there is nothing wrong with gay couples and we certainly are not confused. The fact is you don't know that more people think like you do (and I sure hope not). Here's a little news piece too.... there are still a lot of people who think the President should only be a white man but guess what. We actually have people who voted for a black man (1/2 black). I guess this makes them not "normal" in your eyes.
All I know is I'm glad there are a way ton more people who are not like you and this type of backwards thinking. "To love, honor, and cherish till death do us part" is for all human beings. No where in the wedding vows do I see it exclusively for only a man and women.
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses, to join ___________ and ___________ in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocence, signifying to us the mystical union which is between Christ and His Church. Which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with His presence at the first miracle which He wrought in Cana of Galilee; and is commended of the Apostle Paul to be honorable among all men, and is therefore not to be entered into lightly or inadvisably, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God.
Into which holy estate ___________ and ___________ come now to be joined and to unite two hearts and lives, blending all interest, sympathies, and hopes. I charge and entreat you, therefore, in entering upon and sustaining this hallowed union, to seek the favor and blessing of Him whose favor is life, whose blessing maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. Let us now seek His blessing.
Nope, no gender specific to that. Thank goodness not everyone has a warped viewpoint.
Better independent than letting others do the
I don't agree with her letting them live together......... sm
in her house either, but we don't know what the consequences might have been. Maybe Bristol and Levi had planned to run off together and Sarah just wanted to make sure that her daughter and grandchild had a safe place to live. We don't know, despite all the media coverage, what the intricate details of the situation are.
Personally, I hope I am never drawn and quartered for any decisions I make regarding my family like Sarah has been, and I hope no one else is either.
Yeah, I can totally see how this equates letting elderly die.....NOT! The Pubs are getting pathetic.
Obama is letting them drop charges against terrorists for this horrible sick crime???
What orifice did you pull this out of?
Granted, there are people who bought more house.....sm
than they could afford, but there are also people who are now unemployed through no fault of their own who would benefit from this measure. Like my dear old friend often says...."There but by the grace of God go I."
Not many. People e-mailing crashed the House servers. sm
I contacted my rep 3 times and he voted no. One congressman said he got 302 e-mails, 300 were no and 2 were *ELL NO!!.
People's United Means Action
I had heard it before but didn't know what it meant.
Right, and no rich people means no jobs, period.
Our house........
Is a 600 sq ft cottage. The best part about it is the HUGE fenced in yard (for our dogs). It was all we could afford when we were house hunting. It needs work, I would love just a small addition, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. I guess I have to be happy with the fact that we are not drowning in heat bills.
Our old house
was a 24x32 bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Try squeezing 3 boys, a cousin, and a friend in that. We had just finished remodeling the whole thing when we got flooded out. Then we started building the one on higher ground, but the foundation of the old one started caving in from the undermining of the flood water. The floor and the walls spread 3 feet apart. But we lived like that for 3 more years trying to get the new place done. We finally couldn't wait any longer.
I believe the Democrats will take the House
and pick up seats in the Senate enough to make it very even. When Lieberman is elected as an Independent, I predict he will change his party to Democrat when he gets into the Senate, a direct slam at the Democrats who failed to support him. Lieberman, the only Democrat with a spine, will be the big winner. I am not gnashing my teeth about any of this. Democrats are the one who do the teeth gnashing. They have been gnashing since Bush won the first election and their bitterness and sore loser attitudes have eaten away like a cancer all these years. Democrats have no plan for keeping America safe, or winning the war against the fanatics. They have opposed most of the Bush administration’s domestic surveillance methods. They have opposed aggressive interrogation tactics designed to get information to protect us, including opposition to the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where detainees are treated better than they could expect if they were detained in their homelands... The terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere don’t speak of timetables for withdrawal or bringing their fighters home. They’re in it for the long haul. They believe we are not. A victory by Democrats will validate their view and encourage them to fight harder. Republicans have been far from perfect in this war. They have barely approached mediocrity in their handling of domestic issues. But to change horses and leaders mid-war is a prescription for a longer engagement, because this is a confrontation that will end only in victory or defeat for one side or the other. That’s why the Republicans need to keep their majority and conservatives need to keep the pressure on them to get back to the original GOP principles that brought them that majority. That’s a better strategy than Republicans acting like Democrat-lite. Unfortunately, I think it is too late this time around. But there is always next time. God Bless our troops.
Bush house
That neighborhood was pricey 50 years ago.
Is this what the US needs in the White House?

I think NOT.
That's where we really need the house cleaning - sm
In the senate & house (congress or whatever that place is where all the politician vote on issues). All of them should be recalled, fired, whatever (and not be sent back to their home state where they can continue with the damage). Pelosi, Dodd, Franks should be the top 3 to go and then quite a few more. People should get more involved in what it is their senator is voting for and if it is not for the good of the people there needs to be a march or something and these so called senators asked to leave. And if they don't leave we need some bouncers to go in and literally remove them from the position. If you have a worker that is fired they are removed immediately from the premises and that should be the way it works with politicians too.
Can they see Russia from their house?
A house divided...
Unfortunately, until we can get over ourselves, we won't. I just wonder how bad it will have to get before we wake up.
I guess we'll find out soon.
A house negro? What?!...sm
I have never even heard that term before. What is a "house" negro supposed to mean anyways?
In the White House, someone who has kept the
I sure wish I could afford to buy a house right now!
Almost 1/3 of the houses in my small town that are for sale are foreclosed. They're all cute little Victorians, and I'd just LOVE to have any one of them.
That's how he bought his house......
With the money paid on his book deals.....yes, frugal by choice and probably habit. If I got that much of an advance on my books, the first thing I'd do is buy a gorgeous house in a nice neighborhood to raise my kids.
My house has been broken into, as well...
a far cry from a war on our soil.
Yes, yes. I have 1/2 mile from my house.
Considering what we got in the white house, that's all
I think you know what she means...nm
Oh, by all means, it is I who thank you.
This means nothing to me
I have seen this and it has been debated as naseum.
As far as winning in Iraq, I am not sure what we are supposed to win.
And please, don't EVER call me your DEAR again. Keep your patronizing on our own board.
Thank you.
It means nothing to you. sm
Yes, by all means, save your anger for being called dear when there it is posted in black and white what the antiwar movement did to our soldiers in Vietnam. Lord love a duck, but I have seen it all now.
Oh, I know what it means....
It is just an uneducated, goofy thing to say...that's all. And you should apologize to all those "grandmas" on this site who you just offended. You are so negative!
Thanks - that means a lot
Was wondering if anyone would comment. I always question what the government feeds us, but I truly never have in my entire life ever heard our enemies say they hate us because we are free. I always think - how absurd. They just want us to leave them along and stop imposing our viewpoints on them. Thanks again.
I did not know what this means
I'm not sure if you're implying this is a good thing or not and because I didn't know what it means I looked it up. I'll write what I found out and then you can tell me if you think its a good thing or not.
Black theology refers to a variety of Christian theologies which has at its base in the liberation of the marginalized, especially the injustice done towards blacks in American and South African contexts. Black theology mixes liberation theology and the work of Paulo Freire with the civil rights and black power movements.
I had to keep researching certain terms in this because it was still confusing, so I looked up liberation theology and it states that liberation theology is a school of theology within Christianity, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church. Two of the starting points of Liberation theology are first, the question of the original sin, and second, the idea that Christians should make good use of the talents given by God, and that includes intelligence in a general sense, and in particular science.
I then looked up who Paulo Freire is and it says he was a brazilian educator and influential theorist of education. He became familiar with poverty and hunger during the 1929 depression and these experiences shaped his concerns for the poor and would help to construct his particular educational viewpoint.
There's way to much information on both these topics to write here, but to me it sounds like another positive for the Obama's Trinity Unity Church.
Sure you can. :) Means I am doing something right. lol. nm
It means something to me. Obviously not to you....
stop reading my posts if they aggravate you so much. It is a free country. No one is forcing your little mouse to click but you.
Well, that certainly means you are NOT
me his character. Show me one close friend in his past without a shady background, one he does not have to defend. Everyone who has touched his life and made any sort of impression on him has warped his character. Yet, no one who is enamored with him seems to care. They do not care that he stands for nothing, they cannot tell you what his plans for this country are or how he is going to accomplish them. And, they certainly do not want to listen to anything from his past.
Ah, that means you definitely know one or more
maybe she means
no it means
that I don't wish to spend the time to indulge you
By all means...............sm
let me get that door for you.
It means......
I guess that when it comes to foreign policy you are in the la-la-land.
It means I won't lie....
But because "several in your town" exist, presumably, that doesn't make you an expert except for maybe in your own grandiose dreams.
Oh, by all means...
Let's jump on this bandwagon instead of discussing the train wreck that IS in the White House.
And, to be honest, this post does NOT deserve to be on the political board. It has nothing to do with politics, just the sore winner Dems continuing to skewer the loser. Palin LOST, people. Let it go.
What she means to say....(sm)
is that I am one of a handful of liberals left on this board. Most everyone else is a republican, so therefore anything I say on here is typically not understood, taken out of context, or simply replied to in terms of character assassination, like the post that I'm responding to now. Just look down the board and you'll see what I'm talking about.
we already have a racist in the white house
George Bush does not like black people
Mr. Bugliosi went before the house judiciary...
committee when they discussed impeachment, and they were not impressed enough, even with a Democratic majority, to start impeachment proceedings. What I read about that tells me all I need to know. How a seemingly rational human being can think that one man could so manipulate not only this government but foreign governments as well who said the intelligence was real, and ignore the fact that the Clinton Administration was talking regime change in Iraq, even authored the Iraqi Liberation Act...and still think that Bush all alone and by himself lied to the world (these same people who call him a bumbling ignoramus today) and made them all believe it...you can honestly tell me that he was intelligent enough to pull off that kind of hoax with all the checks and balances of this government and in the world...and you really believe that? It is not that I am a Bush fan...because he has done a lot of things I certainly don't agree with. But to try to blame the Iraq war on one man...and lay absolutely NO blame at the feet of the intelligence agencies, the head of the CIA that he inherited from Clinton, or at Congress for voting for it...makes absolutely no sense to me, and I would be saying the same thing if it were a Dem president people were trying to railroad.
Okay, I won't say anything about someone wanting to sell books, since I have not read Bugliosi's. However, as far as brisk sales, I believe "Obama Nation" went straight to #1 on the New York Times best seller list and may still be there. Have you read that one? And "The Case Against Barack Obama" debuted at #5. Just in case you are interested. I am about halfway through that one, and I am putting it to the test...I am independently verifying every point made (amazing what you can find in public record on the internet). Maybe I am not the only one that needs to move out of my "comfort zone" maybe? Perhaps you should too. You might be surprised at what you find, to coin your words.
Frankly, I am not that interested in Bush. He is on his way out. Like I said...I have several problems with him. But, as much as many people would like to, it is just not logical to blame him alone for the war in Iraq. Any more than it would be to blame Obama if he were in the same set of circumstances, or anyone else. I believed Clinton when he said Iraq had WMD and tortured and killed his own people, and I believed Bush when HE said the same thing.
In Bristol's house, choice was never
Who know's? If she had felt comfortable enough to come to her mother about birth control, she may not now be in the position to (In Palin's own word) "grow up faster than we had ever thought." Furthermore, this begs the question of sex education taboos, both in the household and in the schools, parental controls over acess to education, the judgment involved in making these decision about access to education and birth control and so forth. Guess Plain was having a bit of difficulty balancing her priorities while governor. Of course, lost in the shuffle is the fact that no one will ever know how Bristol feels about her siutation, the decisions that she may or may not have made herself and the national spotlight she now finds herself in. This coming out of the ethics-housekeeper's own house. Unwittingly, she has really shone a brand new light on herself and the issues at hand. Way to go, Palin. John McCain probably knows by now that maybe he should have done a bit more homework before he got himself and his party into this pickle.
I really hope that the house does not approve...sm
the bill from the senate with all the addendums. Why can't we have a clean bill without things being added on? The house vote is our last chance and I hope they don't cave without making changes. I am proud to say that one of my senators, Bernie Sanders-I voted against it, and he IS the most liberal senator, not Obama.
With all the Christians in the house, we can't muster up
Wow. Class act, I must say.