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LOL. Over react much? I just thought it was interesting to see

Posted By: LOL on 2008-09-21
In Reply to: JM = 2 cars registered; CM = 11 cars registered ------->> sm - ms

what kind of cars they drive. Chill out!

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Now that's an interesting thought
I never thought of that. I always thought how in the world is it that the most important person in America is being elected by the not so intelligent, or people who vote on how someone looks or if you like the clothes they wear, or the people who are uninformed. My grandmother used to vote democrat but she could not tell you what the candidates position on certain issues were. All she knew was Jimmy Carter was democrat so that is who she was voting for. She didn't care that she didn't know anything about him. I did vote for J.C myself (it was my very first election I was old enough to vote in), but I knew what his record was. Needless to say my mom was not too thrilled because she was republican. HA HA (oh we had some good discussions). However, I just don't feel comfortable knowing the "lesser informed, or people who hate blacks, or people who hate men, or other reasons" are voting not on the issues of the person. These are not the people I want deciding who the next leader is going to be. So I like your statement.
Interesting thought
While I am familiar with the names Richard Daley and Rahm Emanuel, I'm not up to speed on who they are and what part they have with Obama. Just haven't had time to research yet. I understand that Daley is pretty much the head mob of Chicago. As for Bill Clinton. If his name is involved it can't be good and anything that involves Bill Clinton does not give me a warm fuzzy (ewww - just realized how that sounded). I should just say DH and I are sure B Clinton was offered something but not sure yet what. Am sure it will come out, but anything he touches or is involved in is dirty to me. We impeached that liar and he should have been removed from the office and never allowed to be within 5 feet from the White House. What a disgrace he was and brought shame and dishonor to the office.
Interesting thought

I read an article today that brought to mind an interesting idea.  That article says the US is a pyramid about to collapse.  The article stated that due to certain circumstances the country could split into six parts (which I'll list below).  I then thought about how I keep reading and hearing how the world is changing and we have to go along with it to "keep up".  The US is a huge country, made up of a lot of different regions.  Maybe the country should be divided into separate countries.  Each one with our own president.  That way others who want certain leaders can have them and those of us who don't, we get someone who understands our region.  What do others think about the possibility of the US being divided into separate countries.  These were how they were listed below.

1.  US Pacific coast.  The Chinese make about 53% of SFrancisco's population.  Seattle is dubbed as gateway for Chinese emigration, and the pacific coast gradually falls under the influence of China.

2.  South - the Mexicans.  Spanish has almost become a state language there..

3.  Atlantic coast represents a different ethnos and a different mindset which may split into two.

4.  Central depressive regions make a group.  The five central states of the US where the Indians live have already declared their independence.  It used to be considered a joke, but now it's a fact.

5.  Canada has strong influence in the North.

6.  Alaska belongs to Russia and was granted on a lease.

I say split the country accordingly and let us elect our own president that understand our regions/needs.

Thought you all would find this interesting



Thought this article interesting from CNN.
(CNN) -- President Obama on Friday called on Europe and the United States to drop negative attitudes toward each other and said "unprecedented coordination" is needed to confront the global economic crisis.

Speaking at a town hall meeting in Strasbourg, France, on his first overseas trip as president, Obama said, "I'm confident that we can meet any challenge as long as we are together."

Obama's comments came after the Group of 20 meeting in London, England -- which the president called "a success" of "nations coming together, working out their differences and moving boldly forward" -- and on the eve of a NATO summit in Strasbourg marking that organization's 60th anniversary.

Author and world affairs expert Fareed Zakaria spoke to CNN about the G-20:

CNN: What do you think of President Obama's trip to the G-20?

Fareed Zakaria: Although he brought a lot of star power -- the talk of the week -- at least in certain circles in Washington, New York and London -- has been that President Obama is failing in his role as leader of the free world. British columnist Jonathan Freedland wrote in The Guardian newspaper that President Obama looks neither like JFK nor FDR but rather JEC -- that's James Earl Carter -- better known here as Jimmy Carter.
'Fareed Zakaria GPS'
Former Secretary of State James Baker discusses President Obama's trip to Europe.
1 and 5 p.m. ET Sunday
see full schedule »

CNN: But it appears everyone is fawning over him.

Zakaria: President Obama has encountered a Europe that is more resistant to his policy proposals. The French and Germans have their own proposals. The Chinese and Russians have come with their own demands. And everyone expects him to apologize for having caused this mess in the first place.

CNN: But can they blame him for the mess?

Zakaria: Of course not. He didn't cause this mess, and no one really blames him personally. The problems President Obama is facing on the world stage have nothing to do with him. They are really a sign that personality cannot trump power in the world of realpolitik. The real story here is that power is shifting away from American dominance to a post-American world. Video Watch: James Baker on Obama's performance as president »

CNN: Are you just plugging your book?

Zakaria: Well, that was the argument of the book I wrote last year -- "The Post-American World" -- but what I had outlined is coming true. The evidence for this just keeps piling up.

CNN: Before you outline the evidence, remind me of the basic premise of your book.

Zakaria: It's that the rest of the world is rising to meet the United States' position -- economically, politically and culturally. I want to be clear that I am not talking about America's decline as much as the rise of the rest. While we stayed comfortable in our status quo position, the rest of the world was learning from us and are playing our game and succeeding in it.
Don't Miss

* U.S., Europe need to drop attitudes, Obama says
* Obama: Europe faces greater terror threat than U.S.
* Zakaria's book: 'The Post-American World'
* 'Fareed Zakaria: GPS'

CNN: OK. Now give me the examples from the G-20 meeting.

Zakaria: Let me name two things that struck me.

First, the Chinese have called for a new reserve currency to replace the dollar. This would never have happened 10 years ago -- back then, they needed America too much.

Then the French and Germans have said they want a new system of financial regulation that will replace the American-style one that has reigned for the last 20 years.

Why are the flexing their muscles? Because they can.

CNN: Is this happening because of the financial crisis?

Zakaria: The trends were there before, but it appears the financial crisis has accelerated the process. So we are entering the post-American world much faster than even I had anticipated.

CNN: Should we be scared?

Zakaria: Fear should not be our response. We need to recommit to our strengths. America's great -- and potentially insurmountable -- strength is it remains the most open, flexible society in the world, able to absorb other people, cultures, ideas, goods and services.

The country thrives on the hunger and energy of poor immigrants. Faced with the new technologies of foreign companies or growing markets overseas, it adapts and adjusts. When you compare this dynamism with the closed and hierarchical nations that were once superpowers, you sense that the United States is different and may not fall into the trap of becoming rich and fat and lazy.

CNN: What should the U.S. do?

Zakaria: The United States needs to make its own commitment to the system clear. For America to continue to lead the world, we will have to first join it. President Obama seems to understand this and is doing his best at meetings like the G-20 and the NATO summit.

It is also imperative that more Americans become aware of what is going on in other places -- the other 90 percent of the world.
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I heard this solution and thought it was interesting
Someone proposed that instead of bailing them out, you give 3.5 million to each American citizen. You let them tank (which they should and deserve), and those Americans who now have 3.5 million dollars can spend it in the economy, save it whatever way they want (back into the banking industry, etc), and the economy would build back up. Of course don't know all the details, just heard that and thought it was a pretty good solution and I can bet you all Americans would say yes to that plan.
Yes, she is an entertainer, and when people react like you are....
play right into her hands. You know what she does....so does everyone else. And when the left reacts to her and says things like she spews hate, her career is over, racist, bigoted...cha ching. More money in her pocket. And as to AL Franken...please. Yes he has. Obviously you never listened to his program on Air America. Same gutter, different political bent. How's this one, direct quote of Al Franken: I just don't like homosexuals. If you ask me, they're all homosexuals in the Pudding. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia." The smile became so broad it pushed his eyes shut. He couldn't stand it any longer. "Put that in, put that in," Franken laughed, leaning over the desk. "I'd love to see that in The Crimson." How much more bigoted and hateful do you need?? And if you want to pass that off as a joke...I would venture to say gays would not find it particularly funny. All I am saying is...don't defend him for being bigoted and hateful and slam her.

And yes, she is an entertainer. If people did not react to what she said and her books didn't sell and her appearances sell out (yes, equally divided among people who want to watch the audience reactions and the hecklers who go to shout her down)....you see what I am saying? You just perpetuate it with reactions like this. Entertainers who have no audience fade.
We don't instigate. We react. We get tired of
That's the only level pubs will react to.
Put your money where your mouth is. You want real issues. Just post a request for a list and let's get started.
I just thought it might be nice to hear an original thought. sm
I guess I was reaching.
Thought this was good so I thought I'd share

Down the drain?  Beware of Obama's plan to 'spread the wealth around'

By Betsy Newmark
High School History and Government Teacher/Blogger

If the McCain campaign can’t use this Obama quote to raise doubts about his attitude towards wealth and success, then they deserve the shellacking they seem headed for.

“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed “more and more for fulfilling the American dream.”

“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too,” Obama responded. “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Plumbers of the country, unite! Forget about the work and effort you put into building up a business or the scummy work that you do that many of us don’t know or don’t want to do. If you have succeeded, you should be willing to give up more of what you earn to help those who haven’t had the great good luck that you have had to be a successful plumber. Remember how Obama is going to give 95% of all of us a tax cut even though over 30% of the population doesn’t pay taxes?

He might call it a tax credit, but what he’s really doing is his vision of “spreading the wealth around.” It sounds a lot like Huey Long’s 1935 plan to “Share the Wealth.” And when he finds that he can’t tax the top 5% of the population to gain enough wealth to spread to the 95% of the rest of us, do you really think that he’ll stop with that 5%?

Remember…This is the guy who said in the ABC debate during the primary season that his approach to raising tax on capital gains is not based on whether it would provide more revenue but on his idea of what is fair:

GIBSON: All right. You have, however, said you would favor an increase in the capital gains tax. As a matter of fact, you said on CNBC, and I quote, “I certainly would not go above what existed under Bill Clinton,” which was 28 percent. It’s now 15 percent. That’s almost a doubling, if you went to 28 percent.

But actually, Bill Clinton, in 1997, signed legislation that dropped the capital gains tax to 20 percent.

OBAMA: Right.

GIBSON: And George Bush has taken it down to 15 percent.

OBAMA: Right.

GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down.

So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.

Just what we need in these fragile economic times — a guy who wants to raise taxes because he thinks it’s a matter of “fairness” and time to “spread the wealth around.”

That will be some incentive for other plumbers who want to work hard and build up a successful business.

But don’t worry - according to Joe Biden, it’s the patriotic thing to do.

Haha! I thought I was the only one who thought he looked

I told you what I thought he thought....
and thank you so much for reducing it to "a piece."

That being said, here is link to article from Wall Street Journal about both candidates and outsourcing...Obama is not going to stop it either. He has said on the stump the answer is more highly educated American workers to compete.

It seems to me, and although you may think this is also a "piece," that if you put our corporate tax rates lower, if that corporation is inclined to hire Americans and not outsource then they will do so.

You honestly think the majority of corporations just WANT to outsource and taxes don't matter?

interesting, indeed nm
This is interesting. SM
I did hear on the news the person that leaked this story is a former coworker of Roberts named Walter Smith who is somehow associated with "People For the American Way", an anti-Christian hate group.  It's my belief that this was meant to turn the Republicans against Roberts.  Well, big surprise, it didn't work.  They have to be shaking their heads.

Somewhat interesting.
AR, posting in a message line that someone is irrational is not the most innocent of maneuvers, so let's not waste too much time congratulating you on your imaginary moral superiority. I sometimes maneuver that way myself but I don't deceive myself into thinking it was anything but honest hostility and I don't act surprised when people respond in kind. So sorry if there was a misunderstanding just in case there was, I'm always willing to give a benefit of a doubt - once or twice. After that you get what you get.

That said and out of the way, what is it about the rest of Bennett's statement that you believe exonerates the controversial part? I did hear the whole thing and I don't know what you're referring to in that respect.
Yup, will be interesting,
Apparently there is a crucial email somewhere that has gone missing and there are some inconsistencies in the testimony. We'll see. I'm sure they'll try to explain it all away.


From John Stossel's Myths, Lies and Straight Talk  (link at bottom)

MYTH #8 — Republicans Shrink the Government

Republicans always trot out the slogan that they oppose big government and want to shrink the federal payroll. President Bush tells us that big government is not the answer.

President Reagan told us, Our government is too big and it spends too much.

But for more than 75 years, no Republican administration has cut the size of government. Since George W. Bush became president, government spending has risen nearly 25 percent.

And the spending increase isn't just tied to the war on terrorism. The Office of Management and Budget says spending at the Environmental Protection Agency is up 12 percent; it's up 14 percent at the Agriculture Department, 30 percent at the Department of the Interior; 64 percent at the Department of Labor, and 70 percent at the Department of Education.

And the pork keeps pouring out. Even the Peanut Festival in Dothan, Ala., got $200,000.

Alabama congressman Terry Everett, a Republican, got them the money. He wouldn't talk to us about it, but the locals said they like getting your money. I think it's a waste of money, but if they're going to waste money, I guess it's better to waste it here than anywhere else, one man told me.

Economist Stephen Moore, a Republican, says, We fought a war against big government and you know what? Big government won.

He noted, You look at what's happened to the government in the 10 years since the Republicans took control of Congress, the government is twice as big.


Yes, I saw that too, PK. It will be interesting, no?

This is interesting...sm

I heard this a few days ago, but since everyone only pays attention to articles in mainstream papers and TV news, thought I would post it. Could explain why Bush is acting like a brat.  The pressure coming from the families, the public, and the truth movements is getting intense. 

Apparently, CIA officers are buying legal insurance to cover the cost of their defense should they be indicted by a federal grand jury for their roles in 9/11. They are worried that the results of an internal CIA investigation into some CIA agents’ roles in 9/11 may soon become public and the public outcry would immediately lead to their arrest for murder and conspiracy among other charges.

CIA officers who are charged with something that was done in the line of duty, i.e., for something that is constitutional and legal; are defended by the largest law firm in the world; the U.S. Justice Department. However, for illegal and unconstitutional charges they are on their own. That is why this private legal insurance has suddenly become so attractive to some employees of the CIA; they know that they will not be defended by the Justice Department because what they did was so illegal and reprehensible. That is why they are busy buying private legal insurance. For a well-researched, excellent article found in the mainstream media see the Washington Post for R. Jeffrey Smith’s story titled, “CIA Officers Buy Legal Insurance”




OKay, so based on your analogy.....if someone trespasses on my land with intent to do me harm and I order them off my property and remind them that it is illegal to harm me or to trespass......you imply that I am NOT allowed to mention what the law states and that it is illegal for them to harm me UNLESS I am a law enforcement officer?

Very interesting view of the world you have. 

You never stated a time frame for cons ordering liberals off the board, ....you stated it was never done and that suggests an indefinite period of time.  Once again, pretty shoddy logic.

Guess I shouldn't assume we all learned the same things!! We were always taught that Job was most probably performed as a play and was a teaching piece, not the actual word of G-d.

It is interesting to hear what others have been taught, within the same faith, as well.
interesting that everyone behind him on TV
I don't get that.....why is everyone behind him, around him, in every speech/TV appearance....white?  I see nearly no black people around him EVER....this is what I do not understand. 
Very interesting!
Isn't disclosure is a beautiful thing?  and this could be the beginning of the fall for the Bush administration.  Gratifying that people are beginning to speak out about the incompetent Iraqi policy that has been implemented.  However, this film seems to be chronical just a few months of 2003 and wonder why that is. The review from the New York Times was also very interesting.  I encourage anyone to read it.  Doesn't look like it's going to hit too many theaters, so it looks like I will be buying it and loaning it out!
Yep...some of that is very interesting....
I would venture a guess that part of the reason poverty has "gone up" is that social programs run amok are starting to erase the middle class, and those who used to be in the "middle class" are now in the "poverty" class...as entitlements extend higher and higher up the income ladder and the "poverty" threshold right along with it. That is why they quote a lot of ballpark statistics and none of the specifics.

I would also venture a guess that as teen births have gone down, teen abortions have gone up.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the broad overview comment...but what they never tell you is, as Paul Harvey would put it..."the rest of the story."

There are usually mitigating factors that go into any statistic. I am not a big fan of ballpark statistics....as you can see.

:-) Have a great day, piglet!
I did. Very interesting!

This was actually the first debate I watched this year.  I wanted to watch the others but just missed them somehow.  I will definitely be watching them from now on!  I found it so interesting, and it really gave me more hope about our country's future.  I just loved hearing so many great ideas for the future of America (from all of the candidates).  I have been very discouraged over the last 7 years.  Things just keep getting worse and worse and worse.  I cannot wait to have a strong, intelligent leader running this country who can help heal our very injured nation!

I was most impressed with Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.  I don't know if Richardson has what it takes, but I loved what he had to say about education being the most important thing (I agree!) and just how he presented himself and his ideas in general.  Biden seems to have the experience behind him and a good solid head on his shoulders, and I really appreciated his ability to get right to the point instead of dancing around aimlessly.

Obama may not have had the strongest night (and I was not happy about how he interrupted Hillary!), but he is my favorite candidate, so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt because I know where he stands on the issues more than I know any other candidate. He just needed to be much more quick and direct with some of his answers, but of course, I still think he's the man. :)  I do fully expect him to learn from his mistakes and completely wow me at the next debate.

Hillary is a very impressive politician.  I really find her to be extremely intelligent, extremely strong, and very likeable in general.  She would indeed be an incredibly strong leader for this country.  She is a great speaker.  Although people keep talking about how she is being attacked, I do agree with a lot of the critism she receives on her voting record and her alliances (best word I could think of) with major corporations.  That makes me a bit nervous because to me one of the biggest problems in America is that the corporations are using our politicians like their own personal puppets.  However, I am really impressed with her knowledge overall and how she plans to turn this country around, and obviously we would be at least 100 times better off having her in office than Bush and the current sorry excuse for an administration!  January of 2009 cannot come soon enough.

That's very interesting (sm)
I am also related to the Bush family and others on that list. I guess it's possible that I am related to Obama as well. I don't know if any of them are/were Muslim, but I am. I love geneaology!
Wow - quite interesting

Very interesting articles - and video clips.

Dick Morris was an advisor to the Bill Clinton administration.  He was also the campaign manager of Clinton's successful 96 re-election.  He knows the Clintons inside and out.  Very interesting reading (and watching).



Very interesting
I'm not a big fan of either candidate, but I definiately have noticed much more info on Obama than McCain this year. What I think is sad about the so-called "Big Media" is that they are supposed to be keeping us informed of what is going on with everything, but they seem to pick and choose what we need to hear. It seems you have to watch several different news programs to get the whole story on what's going on. Of course, if you go back in time, it's always been this way - even in the days of Thomas Jefferson running for President, where people would pay newspapers to print the stories they wanted the public to read. Presidential campaigns have never been pretty and some have been downright nasty- I don't see that changing any time soon, no matter who the favored son may be.
That is interesting ...

I'm not trying to bash your opinion just making an observation about how 2 people look at the same thing and see 2 different things.

You said you felt that Bush did a good job in keeping the country safe after 9/11, etc.  I look at the situation as Bush preying on our fears and using them to invade Iraq.  We did a fast hit on Afghan. which was needed, but then that was it.  Osama bin Laden is still at large (maybe dead for all we really know) and he was behind the whole incident.  But we have torn apart Iraq for what real reason?  Oil.  It can be sugar coated and denied, but we all know that is what it was.  It wasn't for any supposed WMD that he knew were not there.

I don't think our country can take more war, and that is what McCain has said he believes in (unless he has since changed that statement). 

I believe Bush has done more hurt than good for this country, our country.  BTW, I am an independent too and will be voting Democrat.


The paragraph above it (not included in chart) states Obama's plan benefits the lowest income brackets while JM's benefits the middle class (if you make $5 million or more per year- joke) or the upper class.  Go to the website and read the paragraph above the chart.


where was this from? interesting...
It will be interesting to see......
if the Enq. is right again. They finally gained a few crumbs of credibility with the John Edwards issue..........if they can drag him through the dirt, then anyone is game!!!!
I have seen 3 different versions of that video. I know they are different because the singing is different. This one is AWFUL!! But anyway, don't believe all those videos. They can be doctored just like anything else.
interesting how you...sm
how you make a personal attack, when I was just pointing out that you missed some discussion below, and that you're misinformed in part of your post.

Just because you say something often enough, doesn't make it come true.

And my skin is just lovely, thanks for asking.

Something interesting...had not seen this before...

Obama to Pakistan in 1981....




For those who haven’t yet seen it, here is the accompanying summary of a 2003 New York Times Article:

September 11, 2003

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae


The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

... Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

‘’These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,’’ said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ‘’The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.’’

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.
‘’I don’t see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,’’ Mr. Watt said

That's interesting because all I kept

So did he forget he already said that?

Also, he laughed in the background and wanted extra time to talk?  Does he need extra time to do everything?  At least Obama respected the fact that John McCain was talking and didn't laugh and smile with an evil grin.  He would gently say "you are wrong about that John" and that's pretty much it.  There was no smirk that I could see.

Senator Obama was very cordial, but I thought John McCain was egotistical and trying to quote people "of importance" as if that is going to make a difference. 

How many times do we need to hear the bracelet story?

Again, I repeat again, he has the same old Bush way of doing things, which is the same old way for the past 8 years.  

We need change and we need it for the middle class not the tycoons who are already wallowing in money one of them being John McCain and the others being all his croneys...



I saw that...quite interesting
I watched it this morning and just tried pulling it up for DH and its gone. Music rights my foot. Probably they didn't like the contents.
And just to keep it interesting and keep
He's changing it again. Needs his advisors to redo it all; he's changed his mind.

Need to keep up!!!
I never thought about that. I am for McCain but it never bothered me that Obama said that. I am white. I have to say the most beautiful children I have known were of mixed race. My cousin is married to a black woman we all adore. Their son is the light of all our lives. I will do my best to make sure he knows how much I love him no matter what "side" he ends up identifying with. All that matters his that he be happy and I will be happy. Thanks for sharing your experience on this!
Interesting s/m

Someone sent me the following link.  I know you die-hard Republicans will say Huffington Post is a Democrat thing.  I do not know as I don't usually get my information there.  Regardless, there is the printed exchange with Hannity (sp?, I don't get my news from him either).  It is absolutely brilliant.....NOT.  Since that is true, I know this because I heard the exchange myself from her own lipsticked mouth. 

This is certainly worthy of a read and I hope some of you will wise up and see that a McCain administration is not going to be good for this country as his first major job of picking a running mate shows us he is reckless and self-centered.  Palin, herself, in the oval office??  This is not scary, it is TERRIFYING!!



When polls go up in Obama's favor, the stock market is taking a diving lower and lower in direct correlation with this.  And in direct correlation, those everyday folks like myself who are in the stock market and everyday people all over are taking their money out DIRECTLY in relation to Obama going up in the polls.  WHy?  Because they know he is going to be the death of their money.  These aren't the rich folks....everyday people.  He will raise taxes so high on what they make in the market, their 401K, their IRA, etc., that they will be left with nothing after he is through draining them dry, all to give to those he feels have been so left out. 

Obama is going to create nothing but chaos in the workforce.....Lower employee threshold.....lower family leave act.  Send employees to staffing agencies, automate, move jobs offshore.   Businesses will not be able to afford his garbage.  These are everyday businesses, not the bigshots on wall street.  These are the very people who employ you.....they will not be able to employ more, but they will have to let many go just in hopes of staying in business.  He will definitely do a hatchet job on this country.  Then you can wonder who will come in and take over. 



“The bottom line is that Obama is not being honest about his tax and spending plans. It is impossible — impossible! — for him to finance his giveaways by taxing only those making $250,000 or more. He will have to raise taxes substantially on people making much, much less than that. If you think you are going to avoid a tax increase on Obama’s watch because you aren’t ‘rich,’ remember this: A government that arbitrarily picks $250,000 as a dividing line can, using the same purely political considerations, pick any number as a dividing line.” – New Hampshire Union Leader


interesting you would
use Hitler and not as a comparison to O.....

"Hitler started to rebuild his party and was secretly receiving subsidies from the German army in support of the Nazi party. He started using powerful propaganda that would eventually become known as The Big Lie. The theory behind the Big Lie was that the masses would believe a big lie more than they would belive a little lie, if they heard it often enough. Hitler bombarded the people with talk of peace, nonviolence and a strong unified Germany, while all along he was sytematically planning to attack Russia and purge Germany of all non-Arians."
Yes, and this is REALLY interesting: sm

Alaska Women speaking out!!!!!
Interesting isn't it
Didn't you call me a racist. I certainly do not believe you are a racist--just find it interesting to see that it is now you being attacked as a racist for disagreeing with Obama. No worries, though--I really believe that neither of us are.
this is interesting -
Interesting, isn't it................sm
that we don't see Obama whipping out his own personal check book to send you and me a check?
Isn't that interesting....
I am not a Republican, am an independent, but the pile of manure I see is definitely not on the Republican side. Obama said I will give you ice cream and you are lining up. DOesn't matter where he gets the money or who has to suffer, you are lining up. So be it.