Here's a prediction of what may happen in Cuba. Note how Cubans feel regarding healthcare and education in Cuba, something Americans are in no immediate danger of experiencing from our so-called free government.
so what is democracy to you...
you are in favor of letting money then run this country, to do freely anything it wants - not sure I get that at all in fact that sounds more like socialism to me - this attitude sent down from the rich that we should just be 'lucky to have jobs' and how only the poor and middleclass should suffer, you know, for the benefit of the country - we are the only ones sacrificing.
Not getting that at all...
What is in it for me, what have the rich corporations done for me, please tell me, how am I better off now.
I could sit here all day typing the problems I have right now financially, so please share how great things are now that only the poor and middle class are carrying the burdens for roadwork, childcare (you know, schools feeding kids breakfast, lunch, and even dinner most places because we dump our kids there and leave them), I could just go on and on and on...
This is the history of democracy:
450 - 500 BCE
"It is called a government of the people (demokratia) becaue we live in considertion of not the few, but of the majority." - Thucydides on Pericles' view of democracy
Evolution of Democracy
Democracy in Greece was first introduced in Athens in the 505 BCE by Cleisthenes. Previous to democracy Greek city-states were ruled by a an elite few, rich, powerful men, known as tyrants. This Oligarchy limited the power to very few people. Democracy was a government structured to serve the people. All white, male citizens had the right to vote under a democratic democracy. Unlike present democracy, citizens would convine and openly discuss and vote for elections. This type of democracy is called direct democracy. As a society it benefited the majority, which were the middle and lower classes. The middle and lower classes received a voice , giving them power. The upper class, aristrocrats, lost power through a democratic government. They no longer received more power because of thier social standing.
I try not to be nasty on this board, but I just can't believe how many people are wanting the demise of democracy and, with open arms, are accepting everything the democrats state as truth. The demise of the 2-party system will only lead to socialism or something worse. Are you ready for that?
After the town meeting in MO yesterday, I honestly believe O has blinders on. He still doesn't know why the tea parties were held. He is relying on someone to give him an accounting of why and he is going along with that. He doesn't realize that was not what the protest was about. Maybe he should have gone to one of the parties to see the truth. But no, he'll rely on others for the not-so-much-truth.
Same with the economy. How much has changed? Not much. Yet he thinks it's getting better. Well, I don't see it happening. Unemployment higher, Chrysler claiming bankruptcy, GM soon to follow. Banks still not lending. CEOs still taking their bonuses; i.e., business and politics as usual.
Sure, it's only 100 days, but for the debt we now have to shoulder, how does it get paid back when the government refuses to take payment from the banks that wanted to pay off their debt? This government WANTS to control and own all business and banking institutions, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Yesterday, DH applied for SS since he doesn't believe it will be there in a few years, so for the 40-some years he worked and paid into the system, he wants to get something back and, anyway, there is no work for him. So far this year, he worked 15 days. Son still can't find a job after a year. Yeah, there are jobs out there. NOT!
Bush was correct in saying Monday night that “Our nation is being tested in a way that we have not been since the start of the Cold War.” Unfortunately, it’s Bush’s administration that is testing us—with its relentless incompetence, attacks on our civil liberties and inability to acknowledge the bankruptcy of its policies.
If representative government were alive and well in America, President Bush would not have dared to give the speech he made Monday on the fifth anniversary of 9/11. In a blatantly partisan screed, the president ripped off a nation’s mourning for the 9/11 victims in order to justify his totally unrelated and disastrous invasion of Iraq.
The president’s shameless remarks on this solemn occasion were so rife with egregious distortions of fact and logic as to beg ridicule, let alone refutation by a free press, a sturdy political opposition party and an informed public. Sadly, those three essential pillars of a free society have been subverted by five years of willful presidential exploitation of our fears, mocking the Founding Fathers’ historic dream of a government accountable to the public.
The model for this administration is the opposite of Jeffersonian democracy, and instead increasingly invites comparison with the madness that destroyed Rome, Germany and the Soviet Union: Authoritarianism that thrives on stoking paralyzing fear of the barbarians at the gate. “We are in a war that will set the course for this new century and determine the destiny of millions across the world,” Bush said, justifying his Iraq quagmire while sidestepping the fact that Islamic extremism, as well as 15 of the 19 hijackers, was most clearly nurtured by Saudi Arabia, the bizarre oil theocracy with intimate ties to the Bush dynasty, but not former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
“Since the horror of 9/11, we’ve learned a great deal about the enemy,” continued the president. “We have learned that they form a global network of extremists who are driven by a perverted vision of Islam.” But if such a network exists, it now extends to Iraq only as a result of the U.S. invasion.
“We have learned that their goal is to build a radical Islamic empire where women are prisoners in their homes, men are beaten for missing prayer meetings and terrorists have a safe haven to plan and launch attacks on America and other civilized nations,” Bush said. Tragically, he is describing quite accurately the situation in most of post-invasion Iraq, where his great “shock-and-awe” attempt at nation-building has turned a stable secular dictatorship into a post-apocalyptic civil war, where only religious extremists and power-mad nihilists thrive.
In urging us to join him at the barricades of what he calls “the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation,” Bush cynically conflates Hussein with that deposed dictator’s sworn enemy, the religious fanatics of Al Qaeda, mere days after the Republican-run Senate Select Committee on Intelligence established yet again that the two were fundamentally at odds.
Hussein, the Senate committee announced Friday, “did not trust Al Qaeda or any other radical Islamist group and did not want to cooperate with them.”
In fact, Hussein was exactly the kind of regional strongman the United States supported, trained and propped up throughout the Cold War. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, then working for President Ronald Reagan, even infamously embraced Hussein in the ’80s because his Iraq was considered a bulwark against fundamentalist revolutionary Iran.
Now we have all but handed post-Hussein Iraq to Shiite fundamentalists trained by and allied with the Iran of the ayatollahs. On Monday, the prime minister of “liberated” Iraq, who spent years in exile under the tutelage of Iran’s ayatollahs, was back in Tehran concluding agreements on mutual security with the leader of that “rogue regime.” How bizarre that Bush’s invasion of Iraq, a country that did not have a functioning WMD program, has vastly increased the power of Iran, which, according to Bush, does. Sometimes, by accident, Bush gets it close to right. “Our nation is being tested in a way that we have not been since the start of the Cold War,” he said. Unfortunately, it is his administration that is testing us with its relentless incompetence, attacks on our civil liberties and inability to acknowledge the bankruptcy of its policies. The more his deadly failures have become evident, the shriller the rhetoric and the more his administration digs in its heels.
Peel back the lies and hyperbole from Bush’s speech and you are left with one pressing concern: If this “war on terror” is really so important to the worldwide battle for freedom, why have we allowed this democracy-mocking demagogue to lead us through it?
I don't think every American wants democracy. sm
In fact, I know they don't. There are more than a few Americans who think we deserved 9/11. Nancy Pelosi is one of them. Now look where she is.
My dear, you do know that the New Democracy is what - sm
The 'New Democracy' is what The Shining Path (Communist Party of Peru), New People's Army (Communisty Party of the Philippines), and the Maoists (Communist Party of India) are calling their cultural revolution, right?
You know, the revolution where they tried to impose a dictatorship of the proletariat through such 'democratic' things as terrorism against peasants and union workers and other 'dissidents' in their own countries?
And I'm sure you know that the goal of the 'New Democracy' is to induce a world-wide revolution as a path to what they call 'pure' communism?
You know all that, right?
Otherwise, your statement about dragging Americans 'kicking and screaming into the new democracy' would just sound uneducated and silly.
isn't democracy grand?
Yes, Chele, your comparison is kind of like how 50 million of us who voted for the other guys have had to put up with Bush for 8 years...that's democracy for you. Maybe you are the one who needs to wise up.
It is the way of a democracy. I keep in touch with my senators and
lone representative. I pay attention to whether they vote in my best interest and are honest in their dealings and let them know if I disagree, and vote or not vote for them in the next election. You are naive if you think that democrats are solely responsible for this meltdown. Looking for the other party to blame is counterproductive and will help no one. Money hungry greed is what has led us to this and both parties are to blame.
HBO Special Hacking Democracy sm
Here is the link to the trailer for the HBO Special Hacking Democracy. There are also links up there to the whole thing (9 parts).
how in the world can we dictate what they do with their prisoners? You have to take a wider view of this bill. It is nothing like what you have presented here. It's a bill about democracy and a democratic nation.
Bush/Saakashvili alliance is not about democracy.
It's not rocket science. Even a 5-minute superficial read of the history of the pipeline and the below-the-radar placement of US troops in Georgia makes that abundantly clear.
Democracy Obama-style! Great post. Thanks.
For many reasons, the fact that Israel is a successful democracy
in the midst of tyrannical middle eastern governments. The fact that the U.S. supports Israel. The fact that Israel has turned their once arid country into a fertile landscape and have managed to become a wealthy nation despite it's geographical short-comings and to the dismay of their neighbors. Also because the palestinians have managed to paint themselves as the underdog in a battle that has long been a land dispute and not an "occupation." And I have even begun to touch on the religious and scriptural reasons for the hatred.
Beacon of democracy must walk the walk,
No more Bush bluster. If the war on terror means anthing to you, listen up. One giant step in restoring mangled image abroad (in preparation for global diplomacy aimed at a 21st century approach to the war on terror) would be to live by example. Credibility is the name of the game in that arena.
For those among us who would be the first to decry an Obama administration that would "change our country as we know it," it might be helpful to remember just how much of that country we lost during W's reign of terror...writ of habeas corpus, presumed innocence, right to counsel and fair trial, burden or proof, not to mention even a modicum of acknowledgement of basic human rights and condemnation of torture. Sound familiar?
What's it called?
It's called LYING.
Uh, maybe that's why it's called
What's more he/she/it started out with a sarcastic remark of *aren't we worthy*? You sound like crybabies. Liberal board is for liberal people. Now is that so hard?
Nobody was called (nm)
They call mostly Democrats and "likely voters." Rasmussen, Gallup, and Daily Tracking are the most reputable ones, but even so, I ignore them.
Also, keep in mind that being on the no-call list prevents you from being called unless I'm mistaken.
You called it yourself--- not me! Vote Away He actually called him ......(sm)
a *house negro* as well as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. He also said he was no Malcom X and was betraying the Islam faith. I haven't heard Obama's reaction yet, but I think it's kind of funny. The terminology is outdated and laughable, and who wants to be like Malcolm X? Was the reference to Malcolm X supposed to be an insult or a compliment?
It's called........... sm
disillusionment and resignation, GP. The more I read about the whole BC thing and now hearing that the SCOTUS has delayed the hearing another 5 days, I guess I am resigned to the idea that nothing is going to stand in the way of Obama....not the Constitution and not the voice of the people. I kind of look at the Constitution as I do the Bible and sin. A sin is a sin to God (excepting one) and breaking one part of the Constitution is breaking the whole thing. Call me gloom and doom if you want, but I have come to the realization that we are not living in a democracy or a republic. We are living in a political machine that operates at its whim without regard for our country's most basic foundations.
On the Clinton-Obama front, like I said. It should be interesting, to say the least, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Hillary is getting something more out of this than just the letters SOS out beside her name. There is more that goes on in Washington than is dreamed of by mere residents (I won't even use the word "citizens") of this once great nation.
Pardon my sardonic pessimism this morning. lol
That's called....(sm)
They'll get it however they can. Check this out. We have a double lot (just enough to keep me busy with a When we bought the place there was a really old shed at the back of the property. It was built probably about 40-50 years ago. This thing was literally falling down, dirt floors.....completely in shambles and definitely not inhabitable. We knew we would have to tear it down when we moved here. So, we noticed on the assessment that 2K of the state assessment was attributed to that shed. Yeah right. We didn't need anything more than a sledge hammer and a crowbar to tear it down. So, after we took it down we had them come out for a re-assessment. They took $200 off the assessment value. Hmmmm..... Yeah, I raised cane with them but it didn't do any good. I've been planning on putting a greenhouse out there. I can't wait to see what happens with that.
No, that is just called being a
That's called....(sm)
Let's scare the public into thinking the stimulus is evil. What a joke! That's almost as good as Steele saying the stimulus doesn't create jobs, it creates work. Talk about grasping at straws....
Unless you would like to be called
the "c" word (4 letters ends with "t"), then I would think twice.
This is highly offensive to some people and you know this. Reading your post is like dealing with my children who are 5 and 6 years old. One instigates the other calling each other names to lure the other into a fight. The difference though is my 5 and 6 year old are more mature than you are and understand the concept of playing nicely and treating each other with respectfully. They understand if they've said something that hurts the others feelings they will say they are sorry. Something you obviously don't understand. And after reading that you adore and hang onto every word Keith Oberfool has to say and you let him tell you how to think and what to say and do, I had to read no further than your first sentence.
Posters on this board have been disrespectful towards others. You think your aiding your cause by calling us teabaggers? Think again. You think your aiding your cause by saying anyone who participated is a racist? Well the laugh is on you because in these crowds of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people I saw plenty of black people. Go ahead, tell them they are racist.
You know I do hope you keep it up, I do hope Oberfool an the other moe-rons at BSNBC keep having guests on like this piece of garbage Gorofool. You wouldn't see the truth if it slapped you in the face. Go ahead and laugh it up, because I'm right there smiling all the way to the elections next year. So go ahead keep calling us names. The laugh will be on you.
First of all, don't believe I called you
JTBB now did I? I don't think so. Secondly, I was being comical when I said I too have sleep deprivation, etc. Loosen up a bit. Dang. I think you need to take a Xanax and chill out a bit. Sheesh.
Regardless of my joking, which you obviously didn't get, I have no sympathy for people who want us dead.
LOL, and you called me a bigot up above, so
GT, you have called me a bigot....
on this board at least 10 times. Who's the one who generalizes here? I can guarantee you that if I'm guilty, I'm certainly not alone. Oh yes, all Republicans are rich and living behind gates, ignoring the plight of the poor. Bull pucky. Talk about a sweeping generalization. I don't live behind a gate, I don't live in a fancy house, we make a decent income but are certainly not rich, and guess what? We're not even religious. You want equality for everybody? Well, that isn't something that is given to you, it's something you work for. My husband spent 7-1/2 yrs in college and got a master's degree, and worked his way through the whole thing at a gas station paying for it himself. We work long hours. There are people who refuse to value education, refuse to work hard, and just want a hand out. That's a fact. There have always been the poor and there always will be. We've poured TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of dollars into programs for the poor over the last 40 years and the poverty rate is basically the same. To succeed takes effort.
It's called the TRUTH!!! I think it's called the First Amendment.
The poster isn't *getting away* with anything. He/she is exerting his/her constitutional right to form and voice an opinion. Just so happens what the poster said is true about Bush having the Saudis being escorted out of the U.S., and if I remember correctly, some of those escorted were relatives of Bin Laden.
Like I said, the poster isn't *gettin away* with anything because the poster hasn't done anything wrong. The person who has *gotten away* with a lot of illegal, immoral, unethical acts is Bush.
And *voila* had to be called down
Because he/she responded in profanity when her/his views were disputed. And know a lot PK. I know A LOT about your posting habits more than you could ever imagine. Had they called me, there would be one more vote! Yes, but we are the ones who are called intolerant. sm
Also, notice how the guys holding the sign have their faces covered. Cowards all of them.
Which is exactly why Bush called for...
conservation...or a reduction in use of oil, in his state of the union address, not a complete changeover. You can't fix anything overnight, and scaring people into it and causing even more damage, as this article describes, is NOT the way to do it, and those hawking global warming KNOW that, but it is typical socialism get everyone on board by screaming *they are trying to hurt you but WE will save you.* New cause, same song, second verse.
It's called fraud
I happened to get a call from the police in Arizona a few months ago. I have always lived in Ohio. It seems someone (several someones actually) had LISTS of people across the country of personal info, account numbers, passwords, email addresses, etc. pretty much everything you need, even machines to make the credit cards and license IDs. Arizona puts the fraudsters away just for having this info without your permission. Apparently they had a large fraud bust out there and they don't waste their time on proving what they did with it. YEA ARIZONA!
Thanks. It's called sacrifice.
Baby did not ask to be here. I made that choice.
It's called Google. If you want to know...
information is there. I also have a dear friend who spent most of her life there.
It's called a debate...nm
Its called multitasking. :)
As to what I make...a living.
it's called recycling all the
talking points, trying to catch any newcomers to the political issues.
The new currency will be called the Amero if they create the North American Union (the merger of Canada, USA, and Mexico). (Amero for the NAU and Euro for the EU.) The deadline for the merger has been set at 2010. We will completely lose our national sovereignty. The U.S. Constitution, which has already been flushed down the crapper, will be completely moot. A Tribunal will replace the United States Supreme Court. Expect gun confiscation shortly before or after creation of the NAU.
Then again they may bypass that step and go straight to the wordwide currency, the Phoenix.
This stuff has been in the works for years. We have their documents... The globalist politicians have been consistently denying it (my Senators are two -- one of whom is McCain), but there are a few heroes in Congress. BTW, Obama openly supported creation of the NAU in an op-ed piece then turned around and feigned ignorance at a Town Hall meeting.
Since 2006 I have been called a "tin-foil-hat-wearing, paranoid conspiracy theorist" by countless sheeple. Unfortunately for all of us, soon enough they will see that my concerns were not unfounded....
Oh well, I did my part to try to sound the alarm. Too many Americans are dumbed down and complacent so there is no hope of saving her anyway.
Yes I can and it's called POVERTY
I have never been called since 2000
to be included in a national poll. I'm Democrat. I answer all phone calls JUST to have my voice heard. Why haven't they called me?
Back in the 50s that was called
"grading on a curve." Hardly the same as talking about money. If you're comparing CEOs to common workers, that's no comparison. I don't think anyone is planning to take money from someone making $30 an hour and dividing it up between someone making $10 an hour so that both would be making $20. That's stretching the "redistribution of wealth" a little far donchathink? On the other hand I wonder if you were making $50,000 a year would you really, really object if the CEO who was doing a sorry job and was being paid say 1 million a year, were to have say a mere $25,000 tax deducted and "redistributed" into your pocket. Anyone want to say they wouldn't be happy to take that little contribution? No? I didn't think so.