It did sound like rubbish, however....
Posted By: Old part-timer on 2009-05-12
In Reply to: I am hearing the exact opposite about unemployment - SS
The original post sounded a bit out there, but I can't agree with your view of the job situation picking up. Their numbers reflect less people losing their jobs in the most recent months, but the overall unemployment numbers suck. What I'm saying is, while less people lost their jobs in March, it doesn't mean the people who lost their jobs in December, January and February found work. There are job markets that do better in the spring and summer seasons, but overall, the job market does not look good.
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That's rubbish and you know it.
I have answered every question posed to me, including the one regarding Clinton.
I just LOVE it when you guys accuse us of having *hatefests.*
The majority of the posts on the Conservative Board are posts bashing anyone who has liberal beliefs. They constantly make negative character judgments about us.
On this board, our problem is with one person: BUSH. If you think I'm rude and nasty and starting to sound like YOU, then that's why I am -- because I'm sick and tired of it.
And as far as you leaving (which you won't), good riddance! 
I have never heard anyone shout that and if they did it was most likely used in the same sense as "go get em" i.e. - "you can win". They say at that all the high school and college football games too when cheering for one team over the other. Your trying to make something out of nothing (even if it was said at all). Besides, this is not about McCain. The film was about Obama supporters.
utter rubbish - show us the link
This is complete and utter nonsense. What study? One by democratic backers? Show me the link. The democrats have always been the "party dudes", usually you find more doped up, meth heads, war protesters, group hug type people voting democrat. They vote on looks and personality, not issues. Maybe when you said even keel instead you should have said "doped up to the state of oblivian". The conservatives have always been the party of free thinkers, small business owners, intellects, level headed, and open minded individuals. We look at both sides and listen to both opponents, and we are intelligent enough to decide who is throwing the "bull" around.
Every post I see on this board from a liberal is usually attacking personal and unimportant things (her daughter is pregnant, she was in a beauty contest, she had a down syndrom baby, she bought a tanning bed, she went to more than one school McCain is old, his wife is rich, Barack is good looking and his wife is pretty, he's a graduate of a law school, Biden (well nobody is saying anything about Biden - makes me wonder why). But all the issues I'm seeing by the liberals are all personality issues. Nothing of subtance. The messages I'm seeing from the conservatives are about issues. This is what Barack's policy will do, this is what McCain's policy will do, this is where Palin stands on this issue, etc.
Does this sound like more of the same or what?
you sound no different than what men say...
I have no idea where you even got: Take pot shots at her skills or work history, but how can you possibly rip on her for having a career and children.
- so any woman who does not work and raises children which is probably THE most important job, they are beneath you?
and then this: Do you want us all barefoot, pregnant, and waiting on Ward hand and foot again?
ROTFL - who are you responding to?
You know, you may not mean to, but you sound...
supremely arrogant. You don't know me and you have ballooned something simple into something ridiculous.
Number one...I was not clear on the Infants born Alive Act, because the Infants Born Alive bill DID pass on the federal level..and I did lobby my congresspeople to vote for it, which they did, so obviously most of their constituents wanted them to pass it. Most people don't even know it went to the federal level and was passed. Nobody got up and announced that either...but I was following it. I follow those kinds of things, and believe me, locally people knew about it too. Most pro life groups knew about it. I was informed about in via email because I am in touch with pro life groups. So, again, please do not act like you know who I am or what I believe in or stand up for. Because you don't. And, by the way, Obama did not "weigh in" on the federal bill. I still find his stand on it in Illinois callous to the enth degree and his morality and decision making process, in MY opinion, are seriously lacking.
So, thankfully, no more babies piling up, unless of course he repeals the law when he becomes President. I would not put it past him.
Again, you might not mean to sound like you are on a high horse, but that is the way you come off.
As to looking to come out clean...all I said, and all I MEANT was: I am so opposed to Barack Obama, and everything I believe he stands for, that I will not be party to his getting into the white house in any way, shape or form. I campaign locally against him, I volunteer at the McCain offices, and will do whatever I can to prevent his being elected. Including not voting for him myself. BUT..if he IS elected...and the economy and this country take the road I think they will take...I will not have the added burden of regretting voting for him and giving him the power to hose this country. THAT has NOTHING to do with coming out clean in a mess.
You sound like me!!!
Our fridge is a Montgomery-Ward (no idea how old it is, but it still works). The stove has pilot lights - my mom's stove is over 20 years old and has electronic ignition. We have crap well water, too. Turns everything orange. God knows what's in it besides iron. We haul water from my family's homes 2 hours away every time we visit, for cooking and drinking. My husband and I had the bare minimum to start up with, so, I go to Salvation Army or Goodwill to buy household goods - glasses, casserole dishes, table cloths, etc. It's not MADE IN CHINA. It's good old fashioned stuff that has "character." And at the same time I am recycling and giving back to the community (screw Wal-Mart). I could care less about material crap. I do have a newer vehicle (Scion xB 2008) - but I needed something dependable to get me back and forth to help care for my dying father. My husband can't change a lightbulb and my old car was nickle and diming me to death. Most of my money goes to groceries, too. Now you have me craving crab legs.........
Nothing but the sound of crickets....
I got this from the conservative board, one of their faves. Tee-hee.
You sound so sexist.
or not. You can still be predjucial against others, and you obviously have problems with women.
You sound like a kindergarner
You come by here and make little snips, not really saying anything, just trolling. If you have something to add, please say it, but try to act like a grownup.
yes, you sound simple.
Feel better now? You sound
awfully miserable in your skin...
Just how stupid can you sound?
Who the h@ll cares if this guy is license or not? He's not the running for president....I believe that is Obama, the person that is supposed to have questions asked of him. You afraid to have Obama answers questions that haven't be scripted beforehand? I'm sure you are, now that he was actually heard saying spread the wealth. He actually lost votes after that. His true colors are not out there for everyone to see.
Not sure why you feel so bitter that you name call a guy who was just standing in the crowd asking a question. I find it rather humerous that O lovers suddenly start attacking a citizen for asking a simple question of the very "policies" O is spewing out there. Man, ya'll must be desperate!
You don't sound educated because
of some of your posts below.
You sound so full of yourself
bust a gut at any moment, so could be all that mountain biking has been in vain and instead your perfectly proportioned bod is bloated with bull.
Your OP is a good example why there is a difference between those folks you claim to hang with and the ones here who have to endure the cesspool that those types of remarks turn this forum into on a minute-by-minute basis.
You missed the point of the other post. Here's a hint. It was not about chili dogs and cheese and going gaga over Obama, but you were in such a hurry to try to be cute while you post your disgust, you didn't notice.
I too would like to suggest that it might be a good idea to at least CONSIDER keeping your pot shot drive by negative snipes to yourself every now and then.
Do you realize how you sound?
It does no good to call others names- it only makes you look bad. So sorry many on here so outraged because the other guy and his side-kick, whatever that person's name was from Alaska is, did not make it but we have chosen the correct leader. To say the president who left kept us safe is laughable- remember 9/11? Who was the president then? I rest my case.
You sound just like Tom Cruise
saying 'I know the history of psychiatry. YOU don't know the history of psychiatry.' and then yammering on and on about Scientology.
Look straight into the light. Don't turn away. Don't blink........
I said SOUND laws..
Giving women the right to vote WAS A SOUND LAW. I think someone has missed their naptime.
They all sound like a broken
I think they all learned this from Hannity on Fox. They call everyone asking questions conspiratory theorists, or if they cannot shoot the message they focus the blame on Clinton. The one thing they never do is answer THE QUESTIONS. Here is a link to an article on Hannity's histrionics on 911.
You sound like Big Brother! Creepy!
You deduced a lot from a 4-second sound bite!
I'm sure your opinions are not soley based on that one sound bite, and the assertion that shoulder rubbing is *groping.*
I'll tell ya what's pathetic it's the fact that the liberals think that Middle East situation disintegrated during the Bush administration. The Middle East has been unstable for years, eons in fact.
Oh my God. You really sound ignorant, but I am not going to say anymore. nm
The sound of one hand clapping.....
It is really unfortunate that we cannot seem to dig this dialog out of the gutter long enough to actually examine the pros and cons of the real issues in this election, and that we spend such inordinate amounts of time resorting to repugnant repartee, revolving around these divisive personal attacks on our candidates, their wives and their various collective associations. Looks like we would rather dish dirt than consider, even for a single second, the value of our diverse experiences, perspectives and ideas; nor are we willing to extend any respect whatsoever as we attempt to define and mediate our differences, examine our common objectives and come up with fair and equitable compromises that reflect and represent to the greatest degree possible the very best we have to offer. Why is it that we cannot recognize how desperately we need to foster unity, seek consensus, create solutions, propose and implement policies? It’s dumb, and it’s truly sad. Is that who we really want to be?
Let’s see. What else could we be talking about? International issues, such as foreign policy, Homeland Security, war and peace, free trade, human rights, refugees, immigration, oil and energy. How about domestic issues like gun control, crime, drugs, civil rights, jobs, the environment. Then there are our pocketbooks, the budget and economy, government reform, election reform, tax reform, Social Security, welfare and poverty, technology, the infrastructure. Let us not forget the social issues, to include education, health care, abortion, families and children, corporations, principles and values.
Where have all the issues gone? Hellooooo…is anybody home?
This is good, sound thinking.
I agree. I would love to go back in-house. As for Shelly's situation, I am wondering if geography is not playing a role. Some parts of the country will be suffer more than others and for longer.
They always sound like they're posting about
to me.....everything they say, can be applied ten-fold to the mass liberal media.
They are scarier than heck.
My husband always says to me, that the left projects onto the right, what they are themselves....the negative stuff, that is. And boy is that ever true this election cycle.
They certainly aren't the democratic party of my parents, or I would have stuck with it.
Now you sound like a Christian in the true
sense of the word. Someone once told me that he was asked to give money, found out later the person didn't need it. His response, "I would rather give my money to someone who says they need it and not need it than NOT to give to a person who truly needs it. If they are bold enough to ask for it and fool me, it doesn't matter. He will be dealt with later."
you sound like a very angry person nm
You sound like the chicken, m'dear - sm
Braaaaaaaak. Braaaaaaak.
Honestly, I would have a little more respect for the left-wing's attempts at discourse if they didn't continually scour the internet for Obama propaganda and then shout it from the hilltops as if it were gospel truth.
FACT - These men are both SENATORS. Right now, the SENATE is working through what is potentially the biggest fiscal decision of the past 100 years. If Nobama had decided to actually roll up his sleeves (and not those phoney sewn-up shirt sleeves he wears) and do some acutal WORK, you guys you be villifying McCain for not putting country first.
Of course, if Nobama DID go to work, he would simply vote PRESENT and wait for his photo op and free pen. 'Kuz, y'know, voting is weewy, weewy hawd.
Anyone who has seen Obama field questions knows this guy will TANK at the debates. He babbles on like Porky Pig when he isn't fed the questions ahead of time or, god forbid, his teleprompter goes on the fritz.
He takes ten minutes to answer a question because instead of giving you an honest opinion he tries to spin everything. He's a used car salesman at heart. Watch him on the SADDLEBACK forum. Pick a question. Any question. Nobama begins every answer with, " see...whu...whu..." And then proceeds to blather on for fifteen minutes.
Maybe you should consder the fact that Nobama refused EVERY SINGLE invition to meet at ANY TIME, ANY PLACE for a town hall with his opponent. Know why? 'Kuz answewing qwestions is weewy, weewy hawd, too.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
At best, Nobama is a half wit.
You sound OBSESSED with this bill.
It'll pass, if and when it's made worthy of passing. I wouldn't want voting for it in its present form on my record, would you? Why would anyone who wanted to continue to have a career in politics want to vote for something that would most likely go down in flames?
I love this sound bite
My husband had me listen to it. It's a riot. (It's political that's why it's here).
You sound like Obama. Have a problem with
That last sentence just didn't EVEN sound right! sm
And I think the missing sheep brains is the main thing in this picture.
my apologies to you - I probably did sound rude - nm
Oh sweetheart, I feel sorry for you. You sound very
unhappy and bitter with your life, so much so that you must degrade others and their beliefs. What a sad way to go through life.
You almost sound proud of your ignorance.
You have not got the slightest idea what you are talking about. Not surprising, given the pervasive lies and distortion in US mainstream media. This is not a right of a left affliction, it's across the board. All you have to do is read coverage of the situation from outside the US to find out just how much propaganda has been shoved down your throat all you life on this issue.
Do you know anything at all about how the state Israel came into being? It's a new kid on the block, having been there a mere 60 years. Look at this map.
Do you see anything on it that says Israel anywhere? Do you know how long the Palestinians lived there before the creation of Israel? Have any idea what the British Mandate did? How about the UN Partition Plan? Ever hear of it? Know anything about occupation? Historical interference from Western powers?
Palestine (Gaza, West Bank, Golan) is an occupied territory. They are not allowed to control their own destiny. People who have been living in these kinds of conditions tend to rebel and reject their oppressors. That would be Israel, bankrolled by the US.
It would be a waste of time to try to discuss this issue with someone who has clearly stated they have no capacity to conceive of the human suffering which has been imposed by our support of Israel and could care less about wholesale murder.
I would, however, like to pass a few links along regarding your question about the tax dollars (truly laughable you seem to be unaware of this).
Study in 2003 estimates cost to US since 1949 of $3 trillion.
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Nifty little table of accountable direct aid. Please notice language under the table indicating the additional costs not included in the table.
That should keep you pretty busy. After all, I wouldn't want to overwhelm you with too much reality all at once.
Wait. Here's one more.
Seems that some folks in the US DO care about the humanitarian crisis. December 30, US pledges $85 million in aid to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria...a drop in the bucket.
You almost sound proud of your ignorance.
You have not got the slightest idea what you are talking about. Not surprising, given the pervasive lies and distortion in US mainstream media. This is not a right of a left affliction, it's across the board. All you have to do is read coverage of the situation from outside the US to find out just how much propaganda has been shoved down your throat all you life on this issue.
Do you know anything at all about how the state Israel came into being? It's a new kid on the block, having been there a mere 60 years. Look at this map.
Do you see anything on it that says Israel anywhere? Do you know how long the Palestinians lived there before the creation of Israel? Have any idea what the British Mandate did? How about the UN Partition Plan? Ever hear of it? Know anything about occupation? Historical interference from Western powers?
Palestine (Gaza, West Bank, Golan) is an occupied territory. They are not allowed to control their own destiny. People who have been living in these kinds of conditions tend to rebel and reject their oppressors. That would be Israel, bankrolled by the US.
It would be a waste of time to try to discuss this issue with someone who has clearly stated they have no capacity to conceive of the human suffering which has been imposed by our support of Israel and could care less about wholesale murder.
I would, however, like to pass a few links along regarding your question about the tax dollars (truly laughable you seem to be unaware of this).
Study in 2003 estimates cost to US since 1949 of $3 trillion.
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Nifty little table of accountable direct aid. Please notice language under the table indicating the additional costs not included in the table.
That should keep you pretty busy. After all, I wouldn't want to overwhelm you with too much reality all at once.
Wait. Here's one more.
Seems that some folks in the US DO care about the humanitarian crisis. December 30, US pledges $85 million in aid to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria...a drop in the bucket.
doesn't sound good for us
It doesn't sound like you have any choice......
I would talk to a lawyer...BUT, you have to remember what's in it for him, too.....
Isn't it hard to spell out a sound of something
As I sat there trying to think of how to spell that sound that Anthony Hopkins made after his famous line about the chianti and fava beans.
You sound like a wonderful mother and...
...person. They're lucky to have you.
It doesn't just sound cold
It is cold and selfish. This is a generation who worked very hard and paid in to SS all their lives and they deserve better. Grow a heart, for crying out loud.
Trying to change sound laws
is just as objectionable as breaking them. ;-) I believe the topic was enforcing laws. Need to leave this one alone so it can be enforced.
You sound a lot like that dot/dash(.-) person
who was posting a while back.... anyone else notice the similarity?
They both sound like skits, but then again I don't listen to the
It reads like satire.
Did you by chance catch her show? Or did you get these off a conservative site?
I must have rubbed you the wrong way with suggesting keeping it real...LOL. Sorry.
You sound bitter and should just stay in Europe
I'm no Bush fan (now), but let me tell you why I voted for him. I was tired of the dems taxing the you know what out of us. In my whole life I had never been taxed as much as when Clinton was in, and Gore was going to continue on with those taxes. I couldn't afford anything. DH and I had good jobs, but close to 38% of those paychecks were going for taxes and then each year in addition to that we ended up not paying enough and would have to fork over an additonal $1500 to 2000. We didn't own a house, we didn't have an expensive car, no fancy wardrobes, no vacations, nothing, zip, nada. We had to pass on going out to eat a lot with family because we didn't have it. We lived in a one bedroom apartment in the silicon valley. We had enough of the Clintons. We had enough of the high taxes, the bumbling yahoo from the south. The guy who said he was going to do this for us and that for us and once he got into the white house all that changed and he catered to his rich friends. He didn't have a clue as to what the average American citizen was going through. He just kept imposing taxes to fund his phony programs. He brought in NAFTA. Lots of people lost their jobs and then he created these "false" jobs (i.e. the ones that paid minimum wage and people still had to go on food stamps). People were losing their homes. You want to talk about a Hillbilly you need to start with Bill and Hillary Clinton (please no offense to the Hillbillies). Those two were a disgrace to the country and made us look like fools to other countries. His phony gaffaw to make it seem as though he thought something was funny (not presidential at all!). Then on their overseas trips the insulting mannerisms of Hillary who is suppose to be first lady but acting as though she was the Queen. When graciously given a gift from another country if she didn't like it she was overhead telling people what a piece of $*$@ it was and there was no way she was going to put it on (it was a piece of homemade jewelry). She disgraces the country and made me ashamed to call it my country (I served the country under Regan and was very proud and they yanked that out when they came into power). Then you have his lying to congress, lying to the American people, Bill & Hillary's fights in the white house. The mysterious deaths of people, the affairs, the scandels, them acting as though they are King and Queen of America. Calling people to be there at a certain time then waltzing down the stairs making sure everyone was their watching their "grand entrance". Then you had the disgraceful people he had on his staff. People stuffing classified documents into their pants pockets to hide stuff, Janet Reno, Waco Texas, Elian Gonzales, drug runs, missing people only to be found having taken a "dirt vacation", etc, etc. They were the two biggest disgraces to ever step foot into the white house and clearly did nothing of any benefit while in there.
Bush is not the brightest but neither was his predescessor. Sure Bush has a lot of faults, sure he should be impeached like Clinton was - remember that detail - Clinton is an impeached ex-president and in my opinion has lost the right to still be called Mr. President.
Gore as VP was one of the most worthless VPs we've had. I put him right up there with Quayle. Good for absolutely nothing. But I guess we should remember. He created the internet and he and Tipper were the role model for the movie "Love Story". Wait a second...I'm going to barf here... Sorry but I did not want Mr. Stiff as the next President. Especially when he was hiding and covering up what the President and Hillary were doing. He was a weakling and I did not want them in there. Do I believe the election was stolen? Yes I do. Am I sorry it was? No. Gore would have not done any better and nobody can tell me otherwise. He's an imbi*cile pushing this global warming thing of his, which he won't even listen to the expert scientist and weather people who know what is happening in the world. I still wonder what he's going to tell his kids when they ask him one day why he lied about global warming. I'd love to be there when that happens.
Am I going to vote for McCain? Are you out of your mind. No I don't like Bush. Yes I don't think he's running on all cylinders. As someone once said to me "He's one fry short of a happy meal". I'm not going to continue on with another term of Bush.
Who are you to "warn" other people. Who are you to "tell" other people who to vote for. You are entitled to your opinions, but it is this elitist attitude that gets very tiresome. There are plenty of very good reasons why half of the country did not vote for Gore. I actually did not vote for Bush, but voted against Gore. As my mom told me you have to pick the lesser of the two evils. Nobody, including you, knew Katrina was going to happen when Bush was running, you didn't know that 911 would happen. You didn't know any of the disasters that happened would happened unless you have a crystal ball, and now you act as though "you warned everyone this would happen". How someone reacts to crisis is a whole different story. Clintons were no better with the disasters that happened when they were in. Yes it could have all be handled better.
You mentioned stem cell research. Funny how that wasn't approved when Clinton was in there. Gay marriage...I heard nothing about Clinton approving it. Gay couples were struggling back then as they are now fighting for their rights to the equality that opposite sex marriages have. You make it sound as though Bush took all of this away - this is rubbish!
No, I am no Bush fan and am glad he's on his way out. I'm sure in his last days he too will be handing out pardons like Clinton did as if they a K-Mart blue light special.
Yes, this is a free country and you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine and mine is that you have an elitest attitude and I hope you stay in Europe.
You sound like one of the more level headed posters here
I'm glad you don't hate him. Disagreeing with his viewpoints and policies is one thing, but I'm reading a lot of posts and you can tell a lot of people really hate him. I don't agree with some of his issues. I don't agree with some of McCain's issues. I think your also one of the first posters who said anything good about McCain. What just really worries me about McCain is his attitude, his mean temper, and his readiness to send us to war anywhere.
Oh, I think I may have not quite said it right in my original post. I wasn't blaming oil companies and CEOs for the mess we are in, I was stating (or trying to state) that they are the ones who decide who our next president will be (that and you know that secret group that meets every year "behind closed doors"). I still have very high doubts that the "people" pic our president (but I could be wrong of course).
I wish I could attach a sound bite of applause
Thank you so much. Nothing more than an ignor@ant person that does not have the facts correct.
Poster sounds like a bitter (r)epublican upset at the (d)emocrats pick.
Does this sound like McCain is qualified to be president?
Well, we've heard the interview now. And John McCain either doesn't know who the Prime Minister of Spain is, thinks Spain is a country in Latin America, or possibly both.
In case, you haven't seen our updates from last night, yesterday John McCain was interviewed on the Florida affiliate of Spanish radio network Union Radio. And in the interview McCain appeared not to know who the Prime Minister of Spain was and assumed he was some anti-American leftist leader from South America.
After the interviewer presses him a couple times on the point and tries to focus him on the fact that Prime Minister Zapatero isn't from Mexico and isn't a drug lord either McCain comes back at her saying, "All I can tell you is that I have a clear record of working with leaders in the Hemisphere that are friends with us and standing up to those who are not. And that's judged on the basis of the importance of our relationship with Latin America and the entire region."
Then there's a moment of awkward pause before she says. "But what about Europe? I'm talking about the President of Spain."
McCain: "What about me, what?
Interviewer: "Are you willing to meet with him if you're elected president?"
McCain: "I am wiling to meet with any leader who is dedicated to the same principles and philosophy that we are for humans rights, democracy and freedom. And I will stand up to those who do not."
At this point, the interviewer gets tongue-tied presumably because she can't get over McCain not knowing what Spain is.
This doesn't sound like it is coming from your "mouth"
but, in all fairness, yes, it was caused by people taking out mortgages they couldn't afford.
For example, my husband and I bought our property back in ྆. Price: $12,500 for 2 1/2 acres and a bungalow. Banks thought it wasn't worth that amount and the seller settled for $8,500. According to the county, it is worth $100,000. Oh, no more bungalow. We built a basement above the bungalow after the flood of ྜ, which we are still living in because we couldn't afford to drop a modular or finish the home on top. Yet we pay taxes on $100,000 home we could probably only sell for $50,000. We don't care. It's ours and we own it outright.
Year 2005: Developers started building homes on farm land and selling them anywhere from $150K to $500K in this area, a really job-depressed area where minimum wage is the norm. Developments sprouted up like mushrooms. We couldn't figure out where these people are getting the money. Now we know. You wouldn't believe all the homes in this area are being sold now...but the relators are still asking anywhere from $150K to $500K. It's unbeliveable [sic].
In my opinion, no one needs a home that has umpteen rooms with travatine tile bathrooms that have separate showers, a jacuzii [sic], tub that you can swim in, granite counter tops with top-of-the-line appliances in the kitchens, and solid hardwood floors throughout, $1000 faucets, and I could go on and on.
Whatever happened to the house with the necessities:, i.e., enough bedrooms for the family, 1-1/2 baths which was a tub/shower combination, and toilet, sink 1/2 bath? Not good enough for today's buyers, is it?
It's time people get back to basics. That's all. I don't just blame the government. I blame the TV shows and magazines that focus on all this ritzy stuff. Pay $450 for a faucet? Not me. I paid $99 for a faucet and I thought that was too much, but it was WITHIN MY BUYING POWER. That's where the other people went wrong.
Even my son. I told him not to take a mortgage on their home to improve it. He did it anyway (when do children start listening to their parents). The house was in his wife's family for 100s of years. Well, they are now in bankruptcy court and the house will now be sold. Plus they are getting a divorce over this even though his wife was all for it before.
Sorry, just had to vent.
boy your colors are showing, you sound very nasty
is that how you treat your family and friends, yikes
It does not sound like someone who is working therir butt off to me. nm