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It amazes me that many of you

Posted By: Chele on 2008-12-11
In Reply to: Well that most recent 67% approval rating - ain't too shabby. sm

scoffed at Palin's 80% approval rating in Alaska and yet you throw up Obama's 67% approval rating when he hasn't even done anything yet.  All I've seen from Obama is the same old crap that we've been seeing.  I see no change.

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What amazes me is that
this country can fund that much money for campaigns but they don't hold fundraisers and make millions of dollars and just put it towards the deficit.  No....they spend all this money in their campaign telling us what they will do in office and then they do nothing but make a butt load more money and spend it.  Add Obama and McCains campaign money and just put it towards our deficit.  Granted, it won't take care of the whole thing but that would be a nice little chunk.  Too bad politicians are only out to line their pockets with money, getting elected, and sticking it to the rest of us.
Know what amazes me?

is all the time saying I will do this and I promise you this and I blah blah blah and the other candidate says he will propose or work towards, etc....

Tends to make me think one is a liar; wonder who it could be????

One says he "will look to bring greater competition to our drug markets through safe re-importation of drugs and faster introduction of generic drugs."

The other says he "will pay for his $50 - $65 billion health care reform effort by rolling back the Bush tax cuts for Americans earning more than $250,000 per year and retaining the estate tax at its 2009 level." 



It amazes me that you...(sm)
would judge people simply because of where they were born.  I'm assuming that was your point by saying she was born in IRAN (all caps).  I think that's called racisim.  The US is a melting pot.  That means we have citizens from all over the world.  That's called diversity.  Oh, and by the way, where were your great-grandparents from?  Scotland? Ireland? Great Britian? Africa? The middle east?  I don't think anyone in this country has the right to be judgemental of ANYONE based on origin or race.  Get over it!
This amazes me.
Bristol is an adult who had sex and got pregnant.  She made the decision to have sex.  She was old enough to obtain birth control pills and Sarah Palin is not against the use of the pill.  Not everyone who gets pregnant as a teen instantly wants to get rid of their baby by abortion.  Sounds to me like Bristol made a mistake in not protecting herself enough for sexual activity, but she took the challenge of keeping her baby.  She has the family support that young unwed mothers need.  This isn't the ideal situation, but it happens.  My best friend in high school got pregnant at 17.  She used condoms but obviously one did not work.  When her parents found out they wanted her to abort the baby.  My friend refused.  She said she could not do that and she had her son while we were in high school.  Once her baby arrived, her parents....live most grandparents.....fell in love with their grandson and through their support.....my friend was able to finish high school, attend college and graduate from college, and now has a job as a nurse.  She is now married with a total of 4 sons.
It just amazes me that you really

think that these countries that don't like us will think highly of us after we release those photos.  Even if we go after the people involved in the "torturing," that won't change the way other countries look at us.  All it will do is give more fuel for extremist groups to recruit more people to fight against us and it will put our troops in danger.  It seems to me like some of you are so into going after the past administration that you are willing to put our troops....who are currently fighting for your freedom.....in more danger.  Nice way to repay them, huh?

When we win the war (which is another way of saying that we were successful), then we can go back and see whether or not it is worth going through this stuff and handing out punishment.  Right now...it seems to me that this is just liberals wanting Bush and Cheney put before a firing squad and the dems who knew about what was going on are lying through their teeth and saying they knew nothing which is complete and utter BS. 

This is unnecessary drama and turmoil during this already stressful time period in our country.  We are calling the CIA liars and are ruining our intelligence that helps defend ourselves against terrorists.  We are virtually making it impossible for people in authority to take any action for fear of being charged of something later. 

Not only will this help terrorists recruit more people but it will also show them that they can literally blow us up and if they are caught....no big deal......they will be treated quite nicely and they don't have to fear anything so no need to spill information to us because we will eventually let them go free and clear.  Now...if we are captured by them.....they will behead you and not even bat an eyelash about it.

Right now I'm more concerned about the safety of our country and that of our troops who are fighting for us while we stay home and b!tch about whether or not they should be there in the first place and whether or not pictures should be released that will put them in danger.  As far as I'm concerned.....nothing is worth putting our troops in greater danger.

For once I actually have to give Obama credit for standing up and saying no to the release of those photos.  I just hope he doesn't flip flop again like he has on so many other issues.

That still amazes me really.

OJ was so guilty it wasn't funny.  Too bad there was too much tampering of evidence that they couldn't use it in court.  Pathetic. 

It still amazes me that

people continue to give him free passes for the obvious lies that he tells.  He doesn't even try to hide the lies.  They are blatant and out for all to see and yet so many still refuse to see anything but how wonderful he is.  The man is bankrupting us and all he wants to do is continue to spend spend spend.  Bush may have started it but Obama is definitely finishing it!!!  Wake up people!

What amazes me is you are proud of this behavior.
Which is another huge reason not to put one of you in the white house.
Oh brother - it amazes me how many are caught up in a fantasy
I can't beat comparison but I like the fact she knows, it amazes me you call some of these people