White people never will understand, and I am white, what the blacks went through and still go through. Not only do we now have a brilliant loving, honest president, but he happens to be black. It is MAJORLY symbolic. Why do you rabids pick apart every good and loving thing that the rest of us are celebrating today. Go write a love letter to Anne Coulter!
BYEEEEE hahahah Obama WON.
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
The legal system is a poor excuse. If you have money you can buy your way out. If not you're screwed. This is not even a black or white issue, except that most blacks can't afford to pay off the legal system.
It was more of a celebration.
People who support Obama have great hope, which creates great joy. I would much rather celebrate the end of my candidate's brilliant campaign by rocking out with Bruce Springstein than spew hate, race baiting, fear mongering, and despicable smear tactics.
I don't care what the SC does on their off time
I don't care who the SC people hang out with on their own time. I believe when they take the oath of office to sit on the court they are sworn to uphold the constitution. On the other hand I am not really happy with the decisions they are making, but I said in previous posts that whatever they decide I would accept.
My DH told me a week or so ago that when they accept the position to be part of the Supreme Court and make decisions it will have to be with what is right, not their opinions or preferences. They have to follow the book on whatever issues they are dealing with.
Like I say I'm not happy at all because I understand they threw out the BC case and so be it. This is life, it will go on, and I'm getting over it. You will hear no more "whining" from me about the bc issue anymore. I've got bigger problems to worry about in my life right now.
He did it again..Children's health care bill vetoed a second time
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Wednesday vetoed a bill expanding a popular children's health-care program for a second time, angering Democrats who are locked in a fight with the administration over the budget and spending.
Pushed by the Democratic-led Congress but also supported by many Republicans, the bill was aimed at providing health insurance to about 10 million children in low- and moderate-income families. Taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products would have been increased to pay for the aid.
Bush vetoed an earlier version of the bill in October but Congress quickly passed another one that included some changes but not enough to satisfy the White House concerns.
"Because the Congress has chosen to send me an essentially identical bill that has the same problems as the flawed bill I previously vetoed, I must veto this legislation too," Bush wrote in a message to the House of Representatives.
The fight between Congress and the White House over the health bill is one in a series of clashes over spending that have arisen this year.
Bush has said the funding level sought by the Democrats for the health program would have expanded it beyond its original intent of covering poor children and marked a step toward government-run health care.
Democrats say the additional money is needed to help families who cannot afford to buy private health insurance but who earn too much to qualify for the Medicaid health care program for the poor.
"This is indeed a sad action for him to take, because so many children in our country need access to quality health care," House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, told reporters.
The bill would have provided $60 billion in funding for the children's health program over five years, compared with the current $25 billion five-year funding level.
The tobacco tax increase would raise the levy on cigarettes by 61 cents to $1 per pack.
House Democratic leaders said they will not try to override the veto right away and would vote on a bill to ensure the more than six million kids now in the program can stay enrolled.
(Editing by Todd Eastham)
(Additional reporting by Donna Smith and Richard Cowan)
more blacks in prison...why?
Your post is a racist post. Tell me, why do blacks make up the majority in prison? Could it be bad cops sending innocent black people to prison..you bet..could it be no opportunites for blacks, you bet..Your statement trying to defend Bennetts undefensible comments make me wonder.
Blacks in Alaska.......
Well, I have several long-time very close friends who have lived in Alaska for 28+ years. My best friend married a native Alaskan. That conversation did come up one time and you know what her husband told me (this is a man who worked on the north slope for dozens of years). He said the blacks in Alaska are some of the most hard working people he has ever met. Blacks and whites work alongside one another on the slope and other hard jobs. He said many blacks came to Alaska to get higher paying jobs. The comments he would hear would be how they detested their black relatives/friends who sat on their butts and took government (taxpayer)handouts and used their color as an excuse not to better themselves. Their children all went to school together, played together, and helped one another. He also told us that a close friend of his who was from black/Alaskan heritage had told him he couldn't understand with all the advantages his generation and those still to come have, why they don't take advantage of them and why they continue to kill one another in gangs and spend so much time hating one another and "whites", blaming whites for all their problems. Now, this comes from a black man in Alaska. He said many of his friends came up after he suggested they could find higher paying jobs. They were hard working people who just wanted a better life and they refused to raise their children thinking they had to have handouts and they didn't want them "around" other blacks who were drug pushing and calling each other the "n" word in their schools. It wasn't the Republican whites they were trying to get away from. By the way, he thought social programs were a joke!! He felt social programs were one of the biggest problems in black society and that they encouraged handouts and free rides without offering a solution.
I have several black neighbors and we are in the south, that will not hesitate to tell you they "hate" social programs, they are sick and tired of paying for them, and suggest those that like them so much be the only ones who pay for them. They are hard working people like us who want to actually keep their money. One couple put two of their daughters through medical school without a single social program in their lives. They detest being taxed to pay for all these social programs when we can see in our own communities they are just unjustified, just throwing more money into a big pit.
Now, I'm not sure where you get your info from, but all republicans are not white...matter of fact the above mentioned blacks vote republican and think the democrats are the problem for the plight of the black man. Keep giving them handouts and making them believe they "need" help, can't do without the government, can't make their own decisions, and you will have nothing but a welfare state before long.
Rich republicans don't pay taxes? Who in the h*ll do you think pay for all those social programs now.....you? The 1% of rich republicans as you put it are the ones in the highest tax brackets, pay the most taxes, and fund the greatest majority of your social programs. Taxation is relevant to your income, not your political party. You make more, you pay more in taxes. How do you think they made more money....it fell from the skies? Yes, there are those who inherit a lot of money and have done nothing to deserve it (even though those they inherited it from worked their butts off for it), but in a free country, they are free to inherit it if it is given to them. I don't feel negative towards them for that. And there are those who have made fortunes from hard work, not coming home at 5, and have pretty much given up any life of their own to succeed to the level they feel they want to be. You say rich like it's a bad word. Should we fault people for being hard working and succeeding financially in life and making more than us? I know people who have lots of money and they have sacrificed a LOT to get there.
I feel pretty certain if you had lots of money you would certainly lavish it on your children. That would be your right. And you probably wouldn't want it taken from you to give to everyone else when you can make the decision to donate/give as you see fit.
Our government, however, feels they have the right to have death taxes, which by the way, Whoopie Goldberg, detests and thinks that is wrong (she's black and rich)and why does she think that's wrong? Because she wants to give her wealth to her family when she dies and that's how it should be, without government interference. They have no right to take it....they didn't make it. I don't hear her jumping on the bandwagon saying TAKE MY MONEY, PLEASE, and give it to anyone you want and pay for hundreds of social programs with it. After all, she made it and should give to those as she sees fit, not as our government sees fit. Matter of fact, I don't hear any rich blacks screaming take my money. I hear some of them backing Obama and say they believe in what he wants for this country, but they just don't want to pay for what he wants. Make up your mind...can't have it both ways!
Well, for ACORN it is about race....the more blacks
The blacks that have been truthful have spoken out and said that the corrupt group ACORN has PUSHED them to vote for Obama, telling them how much better their lives would be, etc., etc., and they will get a big 'ole check every month, courtesy of the hard working folks. And all they gotta do is sign on the dotted line. These are black people speaking out because they know something is very wrong with this picture.
Interesting column from the Times, written by a black. I bring this here just as a matter of interest. I found it to be quite interesting.
Op-Ed Columnist Gay Marriage and a Moral Minority By CHARLES M. BLOW Published: November 29, 2008
We now know that blacks probably didn’t tip the balance for Proposition 8. Myth busted. However, the fact remains that a strikingly high percentage of blacks said they voted to ban same-sex marriage in California. Why?
There was one very telling (and virtually ignored) statistic in CNN’s exit poll data that may shed some light: There were far more black women than black men, and a higher percentage of them said that they voted for the measure than the men. How wide was the gap? According to the exit poll, 70 percent of all blacks said that they voted for the proposition. But 75 percent of black women did. There weren’t enough black men in the survey to provide a reliable percentage for them. However, one can mathematically deduce that of the raw number of survey respondents, nearly twice as many black women said that they voted for it than black men.
Why? Here are my theories:
(1) Blacks are much more likely than whites to attend church, according to a Gallup report, and black women are much more likely to attend church than black men. Anyone who has ever been to a black church can attest to the disparity in the pews. And black women’s church attendance may be increasing.
According to a report issued this spring by Child Trends, a nonprofit research center, weekly church attendance among black 12th graders rose 26 percent from 1993 to 2006, while weekly church attendance for white 12th graders remained virtually flat. In 2006, those black teenagers were nearly 50 percent more likely to attend church once a week than their white counterparts. And it is probably safe to assume that many of them were going to church with their mothers since Child Trends reported that around the time that they were born, nearly 70 percent of all black children were born to single mothers.
(2) This high rate of church attendance by blacks informs a very conservative moral view. While blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic, an analysis of three years of national data from Gallup polls reveals that their views on moral issues are virtually indistinguishable from those of Republicans. Let’s just call them Afropublicrats.
(3) Marriage can be a sore subject for black women in general. According to 2007 Census Bureau data, black women are the least likely of all women to be married and the most likely to be divorced. Women who can’t find a man to marry might not be thrilled about the idea of men marrying each other.
Proponents of gay marriage would do well to focus on these women if they want to win black votes. A major reason is that black women vote at a higher rate than black men. In the CNN national exit poll, there were 40 percent more black women than black men, and in California there were 50 percent more. But gay marriage advocates need to hone their strategy to reach them.
First, comparing the struggles of legalizing interracial marriage with those to legalize gay marriage is a bad idea. Many black women do not seem to be big fans of interracial marriage either. They’re the least likely of all groups to intermarry, and many don’t look kindly on the black men who intermarry at nearly three times the rate that they do, according to a 2005 study of black intermarriage rates in the Wisconsin Law Review. Wrong reference. Don’t even go there.
Second, don’t debate the Bible. You can’t win. Religious faith is not defined by logic, it defies it. Instead, decouple the legal right from the religious rite, and emphasize the idea of acceptance without endorsement.
Then, make it part of a broader discussion about the perils of rigidly applying yesterday’s sexual morality to today’s sexual mores. Show black women that it backfires. The stigma doesn’t erase the behavior, it pushes it into the shadows where, devoid of information and acceptance, it become more risky.
For instance, most blacks find premarital sex unacceptable, according to the Gallup data. But, according to data from a study by the Guttmacher Institute, blacks are 26 percent more likely than any other race to have had premarital sex by age 18, and the pregnancy rate for black teens is twice that of white teens. They still have premarital sex, but they do so uninformed and unprotected.
That leads to a bigger problem. According to a 2004 report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, black women have an abortion rate that is three times that of white women.
More specifically, blacks overwhelmingly say that homosexuality isn’t morally acceptable. So many black men hide their sexual orientations and engage in risky behavior. This has resulted in large part in black women’s becoming the fastest-growing group of people with H.I.V. In a 2003 study of H.I.V.-infected people, 34 percent of infected black men said they had sex with both men and women, while only 6 percent of infected black women thought their partners were bisexual. Tragic. (In contrast, only 13 percent of the white men in the study said they had sex with both men and women, while 14 percent of the white women said that they knew their partners were bisexual.)
So pitch it as a health issue. The more open blacks are to the idea of homosexuality, the more likely black men would be to discuss their sexual orientations and sexual histories. The more open they are, the less likely black women would be to put themselves at risk unwittingly. And, the more open blacks are to homosexuality over all, the more open they are likely to be to gay marriage. This way, everyone wins.
I think history has established that slavery is wrong. I refuse to believe that I, as a white person, must continually apologize to the black man or woman for slavery that happened to their ancestors centuries ago! I personally have never codoned or owned slaves and they personally have never been slaves. So I ask you, what does slavery have to do with Obama being elected president? What does slavery have to do with his compaign and this election? Who is making race an issue here? I'll answer the last one, YOU are by insinuating that Obama and all African-Americans deserve special accolades just because they are black. They did not suffer as slaves. They did not have to overcome slavery. And today's African-Americans receive more rights and more governmental assistant, then any white person I know. Just look at affirmative action for crying out loud!
I don't hate Dems. I just don't agree with them. And I don't understand how they can say they are the party of the people and want to fight so hard for freedom of choice and individual rights, and then turn on one lone poster like a pack of snarling dogs for disagreeing with them. Don't you think what the party is supposed to stand for and the way theones on this board are acting is even SLIGHTLY contradictory?? lol
Imagine that simple statement being recited by a white man about blacks.
It would have been labeled a racist remark.
who could possibly care? War, financial ruin, health care needs.
Get over yourself. Grow up. Learn how to behave on an adult chat board. Stop lying. You are such a liar. I mean, lying all over the place. It's really terrible. You need help.
How does it feel?
I don't care about that. sm
That is insignificant to what is going on in the world right now.
I don't care either
Just pointing out what a fool you are making of yourself in talking about things you have absolutely no clue about, but if it's a fool you want to be so be it. At least you're a good source of laughs for those of us living in reality.
Would you prefer to punish the child she is carrying by offering no prenatal care? Would you sleep better if that woman went back to Mexico where her baby will receive no care at all? Did you ever stop to think that someone in your family was once an immigrant? Illegals don't pay taxes? If they work, they have taxes taken out of of their check and that is free money to the government that they are not eligible to ever collect once they are old.
Republicans are going to want to keep the illegals here to benefit big business (cheap labor) and democrats are going to want to help them, so either way, nothing will be done.
Why do I care?
You know why I care? Because me along with my husband work our a**** off to make it. When I got accidentally pregnant at the age of 20 and had no ins. do you think Medicaid paid for me to have my baby? NO!! I didn't qualify because my husband made too much and believe me you don't have to make much to make TOO much. Well we worked our asses off and took on the responsibility for what had happened and paid for our baby. Nobody GAVE me nothing! And I am a citizen here. She does nothing but milks the system. And no taxes are not held out of her check where she works. I guess it is called contract labor. I don't know. She is ILLEGAL! Why hasn't she been shipped back to MEXICO? Our country is having to close hospitals because of people like HER!! That is why I care. Our country is going to h*** in a hurry. And it is people like you who say well what about prenatal care for the poor little illegal Mexican? If I hadn't had the money to pay for my prenatal care, guess what? I wouldn't have had any. It is not our country's responsibility to take care of every 3rd world person who comes over here for their handout. We have American citizens who can't even get benefits when truth be known some do need them. They can't get them but you let a d*** illegal Mexican stroll up in there and the world stops to kiss their a**. Hundreds of years ago someone in my family was an immigrant but they didn't sneak and scam to get what they had. They worked and did it the right way.
Cheap labor? What do you mean cheap labor?? These illegals come over here and they don't want our cheap jobs, they want the good ones Americans need. Makes my blood boil! I should care what you think?
Not in the slightest. I don't care that you think I'm ignorant and I don't care if you don't like my posts.
Then why do you think any of us care what
I don't care what you think....sm
But some intelligent posters (on both sides) do care what the military on the ground, over in Iraq and Afgahanistan, how they truly think and feel.
Not just what the media feeds you.
I care what the troops on the ground, themselves, think and feel.
And let me say again...No....I don't care what you think, as obviously you don't think much at all. All you do is attack.
Kaydie was right. All that a couple of you of you dems on this do is attack, attack, attack....what children you are.
still don't care
just because she is on the committee of anything, doesn't make her opinion any better than mine.
I care very much for how this came to be. sm
To be able to fix this, we need to understand where it started, who started it, who continued it, who tried to fix it but were stopped (I think it was 12 times Bush tried to pass legislation to help, and dems shot him down each time...but no, we don't hear about that, do we), it's important which candidates now had a hand in it, which ones still do, which ones are blaming the wrong people.
It goes on and on.
Give me Republican names that contributed to this, and I will condemn them just as much. Give me Republican names of CEOs and fat cats on Wall Street who perpetuated this fraud, and I care if they did.
The truth is, there are a few Republicans that stood in the way, as well, but the dems far outweigh them, and when they had many, many changes to fix this before it occurred, they did nothing to help it.
And just today, the main players in this mess, Sen. Dodd et al., pontificate and blast everyone but themselves in a Senate haring, when they are the very ones, on the very committees and oversight, that did next to nothing, except line their own pockets.
That to me, is a disgrace, and disgusting.
Yes, I care very, very much about who did this, and how it happened. It matters.
And the only thing that will be remembered, is that it happened under Bush, and he will be blamed for all of it.
The dems will be given a free pass, yet again.
And we care what you think?
I care what everybody thinks, that's how I learn. Unfortunately, I think your thinking is wrong, nothing wrong with disagreeing. Obama needs to be honest about his past, his entire past, and everything he has had his hands in. Something is not right with him.
whatever you say. i could care less what you think.
I know what I know, and that's good enough for me. I do get tired of the race card being dropped constantly. I'm Italian, & my kin were treated horribly for many years. I never heard them crying "racism."
My closest girlfriend is a Jew, and she says Obama is anti-semetic. I believe it, too. But she doesn't go around crying in her milk. It is what it is. Check out frontpagemag.com. David Horowitz has been treated horribly, esp. since he went from being D to R.
Get over it, already.
Sam, try as you may, they don't care.
I have posted almost ver batim what you just posted and they never have anything to say back. They just start going on about Palin this and Palin that or some ridiculous stuff they just heard on their TV.
They just don't get that Obama will run what businesses we have overseas, which is where he really wants them. That way he will have government run businesses and can take over everything for us, the poor little citizens. They don't get that the average businesses will go under, including the very ones who employ their family members because they will not be able to afford all the MANDATES and policies Obama will stuff down their throat. They will lay off people by the thousands and the unemployment rate will soar, but they just don't get it.
They hear "free money" and they actually believe all that money will come from BIG businesses, those RICH HORRIBLE BUSINESSES that employ everyone. Those businesses will go overseas to where they don't pay high taxes or the ones that do stay will just pass on their higher taxes to us, who in essence will be paying the taxes for them.
They just don't get it!
I don't really care
if he is from Mars, he is wrong for this country wherever he is from
I really don't care how many or how much -
I do not want to spend my money helping somebody else sit on their butt, while I am sitting on mine trying my darndest to make a living and barely getting by - I am tired of bailing out everybody because they did not make good decisions!
The only bad decision I made was to become a transcriptionist. While my job is going downhill, I am going to school to be able to do something else and not sitting on my butt for 2 or more years drawing a check for doing nothing - I am taking care of myself. Those auto workers can do the same darn thing!!!
I don't have enough money to keep giving to other people to get by - I need it myself!
I don't care if its before or after
Since its a little late in the game (he should have been impeached a long time ago) I don't care if he is impeached now or if he is arrested for war crimes after he leaves office. The boy needs to go to jail and pay for what he did. But you are right, there are more pressing issues on our plate.
Bill Clinton was impeached. He truly truly deserved to be impeached. He lied to the American people (forget the Lewinski issue - I could care less about her). He lied to us. Sat there in front of the camera and lied. And he lied to the congress. Lied under oath. How can you trust a leader or commander in chief who lies?
As for the dems not holding grudges. You are lumping them all into one category. Some don't hold grudges and others do. Just like conservatives. Some hold grudges and some don't. It's not right to praise one group and say they are all angels while people demonize everyone on the other side (both sides do this).
I think if in the future children are asked to write a paper listing all the reasons Bush qualified for impeachment, they better start at the beginning of the term because its going to take the whole term to finish the paper. However, hopefully their paper will be titled "Why Bush should have been impeached but jailed instead after leaving office".
I care. If he gets away with it, then let's just have
his sons then run for President of the US. Heck, let's just have everyone run for President of the US.
I do care, BUT..
It doesn't seem logical to me that he could have come as far as he has in the political process if his origin of birth was truly in question. The abstract I saw of his BC on the Internet didn't look particularly official, but it hardly proves anything one way or the other.
I agree that SOMEONE would have brought the truth to light a long time ago if there was any question of his being legally eligible to become prez.
I think we're grasping at straws here. I Care
I care because Bristol Palin and the baby daddy were used as props by the GOP and the McCain campaign, and that makes them fair game. They lied about their getting married, and I'm just waiting to see what else they lied about.
What you should care about,,,
Instead of crucifying a teenage girl for making a mistake thousands of other teenage girls make every year, why don't you spend a little time finding out what lies Obama spread on the campaign trail like so many truckloads of manure?
Or are you more interested in tabloid fodder than truth?
Thank goodness for Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) who wants to add an amendment to the constitution to protect parents' rights. If you understand what Obama wants for your children, then you better listen up folks! This is a doozy! Obama now thinks the United Nations should decide what "rights" your child has, not the parents' rights over their child, but the child..... oh yea, for those that are wondering, Obama has already said he thinks it's a great idea that the UN should have the right to interfere in our "sovereign" country's rights to tell us how to raise our children.
For all those that think Obama is wonderful, you think the United Nations should tell you how to "not" take care of your child? And for you that care, Obama thinks it is "embarrassing" that we have not jumped on that bandwagon yet and of course, "he" will "review this", which means your rights as a parent will be gone. The United Nations will decide for you how to raise your child.