It's called the Chicken Little Syndrome...
Posted By: The sky is falling! The sky is falling! on 2009-06-05
In Reply to: This statement is so funny --- - Amanda
Paranoia - that's all it is. (Or maybe just wishful thinking by a minority of folks.)
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Down syndrome baby
or 'normal' baby...if the baby did not have Down syndrome no comment would've been made, except "Oh, how cute." I think it was precious the way the baby sister licked her hand and combed the baby's hair. REGULAR PEOPLE.
Perhaps the neighborhood bully syndrome?
And I hate to say it, but Bush is kind of the same kind of guy, only not as openly hateful and weird.
I don't know the final answer and as sassy as I get sometimes on this board, this deep divide kind of bothers me. I can't really get a handle on how folks can have such different opinions.
Then there's always the thought that this is just some nut posting on this board. Better they vent their rage here than be aggressive to someone in person.
no syndrome here, HONEY, just the facts! nm
wow, nice thing to say about a Down Syndrome baby
how old do you think he is? babies SLEEP and Down syndrome babies are slower, are you not aware of this ? NICE POST
FYI, Bush is gone now....the derangement syndrome can stop...
how about an answer from an O worshiper? I see the bloom is off the rose and it has only been 2 weeks. Oh, this is going to be a gleeful 4 years!
David Horowitz on "Obama Derangement Syndrome"
I don't think they make 'em much more conservative than Mr. Horowitz. I've never agreed with anything he's had to say, and I disagree with a few statements in this piece, but I totally agree with its premise.
December 08, 2008, 4:00 a.m.
Obama Derangement Syndrome Shut up about the birth certificate.
By David Horowitz
The continuing efforts of a fringe group of conservatives to deny Obama his victory and to lay the basis for the claim that he is not a legitimate president is embarrassing and destructive. The fact that these efforts are being led by Alan Keyes, a demagogue who lost a Senate election to the then-unknown Obama by 42 points, should be a warning in itself.
This tempest over whether Obama, the child of an American citizen, was born on American soil is tantamount to the Democrats’’ seditious claim that Bush ""stole"" the election in Florida and hence was not the legitimate president. This delusion helped to create the Democrats’’ Bush derangement syndrome and encouraged Democratic leaders to lie about the origins of the Iraq war, and regard it as illegitimate as Bush himself. It became ""Bush’’s War"" rather than an American War —— with destructive consequences for our troops and our cause.
The birth-certificate zealots are essentially arguing that 64 million voters should be disenfranchised because of a contested technicality as to whether Obama was born on U.S. soil. (McCain narrowly escaped the problem by being born in the Panama Canal zone, which is no longer American.)
What difference does it make to the future of this country whether Obama was born on U.S. soil? Advocates of this destructive campaign will argue that the constitutional principle regarding the qualifications for president trumps all others. But how viable will our Constitution be if five Supreme Court justices should decide to void 64 million ballots?
Conservatives are supposed to respect the organic nature of human societies. Ours has been riven by profound disagreements that have been deepening over many years. We are divided not only about political facts and social values, but also about what the Constitution itself means. The crusaders on this issue choose to ignore these problems and are proposing to deny the will of 64 million voters by appealing to five Supreme Court Justices (since no one is delusional enough to think that the four liberal justices are going to take the presidency away from Obama). What kind of conservatism is this?
It is not conservatism; it is sore loserism and quite radical in its intent. Respect for election results is one of the most durable bulwarks of our unity as a nation. Conservatives need to accept the fact that we lost the election, and get over it; and get on with the important business of reviving our country’’s economy and defending its citizens, and —— by the way —— its Constitution.
—— David Horowitz is the author of Party of Defeat.
Honey, your Bush derangement syndrome is showing...cover it up!
hi-ya funky chicken!
cha-cha-cha-hi-ya-funky chicken!
Do you not know the story of Chicken Little?
Get off your high horse, Joan. It's you who's being "all snotty" by playing playground monitor.
And if you honsetly can't see the correlation between someone's absurd comments about 'the most daunting challenge in U.S. history' and Chicken Little running around sqwaking 'the sky is falling' then maybe this well help:
Metaphor (from the Greek language: metaphora, meaning "transfer") is language that directly compares seemingly unrelated subjects. It is a figure of speech that compares two or more things not using like or as. In the simplest case, this takes the form: "The [first subject] is a [second subject]." More generally, a metaphor is a rhetorical trope that describes a first subject as being or equal to a second object in some way. Thus, the first subject can be economically described because implicit and explicit attributes from the second subject are used to enhance the description of the first. This device is known for usage in literature, especially in poetry, where with few words, emotions and associations from one context are associated with objects and entities in a different context. In a simpler definition, it is comparing two things without using the words "like" or "as."
There now. That wasn't so hard, was it?
I don't doubt you really are a chicken....
Obama is the chicken, not McCain
McCain isn't the one who's afraid, Obama is, so he's spouting off, trying to make McCain look like an unworthy opponent. Everybody knows that Obama knows he can't debate, so this is just a ploy of his. I guarantee you that if McCain was still planning to be present for the debate, Obama would be keeping his mouth shut, and studying up on "How to Debate and Look Like You Know What you're talking About".
Anybody that can't show respect to our American Flag has no place in this country, let alone be its leader.
McCain has true concern for the country. Obama is only concened about himself and the campaign. I fear for this country if this fool gets in office. Change....what change???Everytime somebody else gets in office there is change. Cheap words for a phony, no good, cam't make up his mind, dolt!
You sound like the chicken, m'dear - sm
Braaaaaaaak. Braaaaaaak.
Honestly, I would have a little more respect for the left-wing's attempts at discourse if they didn't continually scour the internet for Obama propaganda and then shout it from the hilltops as if it were gospel truth.
FACT - These men are both SENATORS. Right now, the SENATE is working through what is potentially the biggest fiscal decision of the past 100 years. If Nobama had decided to actually roll up his sleeves (and not those phoney sewn-up shirt sleeves he wears) and do some acutal WORK, you guys you be villifying McCain for not putting country first.
Of course, if Nobama DID go to work, he would simply vote PRESENT and wait for his photo op and free pen. 'Kuz, y'know, voting is weewy, weewy hawd.
Anyone who has seen Obama field questions knows this guy will TANK at the debates. He babbles on like Porky Pig when he isn't fed the questions ahead of time or, god forbid, his teleprompter goes on the fritz.
He takes ten minutes to answer a question because instead of giving you an honest opinion he tries to spin everything. He's a used car salesman at heart. Watch him on the SADDLEBACK forum. Pick a question. Any question. Nobama begins every answer with, " see...whu...whu..." And then proceeds to blather on for fifteen minutes.
Maybe you should consder the fact that Nobama refused EVERY SINGLE invition to meet at ANY TIME, ANY PLACE for a town hall with his opponent. Know why? 'Kuz answewing qwestions is weewy, weewy hawd, too.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
At best, Nobama is a half wit.
Said Chicken Little to Henny Penny. (nm)
Seemingly a smart chicken...:) (sm)
No 401 K here. I'm even more chicken. What money I have saved I've put in guaranteed CDs. It hasn't made much, but at least it's still there. Yeah, I'm feeling lucky.
Give it a rest, Chicken Little.
Scare tactics and fear-mongoring. How dull. Yet, how not surprising.
What, are you secretly hoping for a sniper, just so you can stand up and shout, "See?! See?! I called it first!"
How pathetic.
Chicken Little/Cry Wolf Bush has no credibility.
He has lied to Americans and to the world so many times that if he actually made a mistake and told the TRUTH, nobody would be able to recognize it.
LOL at *pro-terrorist.* Is that the *talking point* word of the day that you studied at the table while drinking your daily dose of Kool-Aid? I'm not pro terrorist by any stretch of the imagination. I'm also not gullible. As far as bizarre, I think people who can't think for themselves, see the forest from the trees and continue to defend a known manipulative, deceitful liar until the end, regardless of facts to the contrary, are beyond bizarre.
And as far as J. C. Penney bills, check the date below. As I said, this is nothing new. I doubt you need to worry about your credit card bills, though. Bush only attacks those who disagree with him or catch him in lies. Ask Valerie Plame.
Pay too much and you could raise the alarm
By BOB KERR The Providence Journal 28-FEB-06
PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- Walter Soehnge is a retired Texas schoolteacher who traveled north with his wife, Deana, saw summer change to fall in Rhode Island and decided this was a place to stay for a while.
So the Soehnges live in Scituate now and Walter sometimes has breakfast at the Gentleman Farmer in Scituate Village, where he has passed the test and become a regular despite an accent that is definitely not local.
And it was there, at his usual table last week, that he told me that he was madder than a panther with kerosene on his tail.
He says things like that. Texas does leave its mark on a man.
What got him so upset might seem trivial to some people who have learned to accept small infringements on their freedom as just part of the way things are in this age of terror-fed paranoia. It's that everything changed after 9/11 thing.
But not Walter.
We're a product of the '60s, he said. We believe government should be way away from us in that regard.
He was referring to the recent decision by him and his wife to be responsible, to do the kind of thing that just about anyone would say makes good, solid financial sense.
They paid down some debt. The balance on their JCPenney Platinum MasterCard had gotten to an unhealthy level. So they sent in a large payment, a check for $6,522.
And an alarm went off. A red flag went up. The Soehnges' behavior was found questionable.
And all they did was pay down their debt. They didn't call a suspected terrorist on their cell phone. They didn't try to sneak a machine gun through customs.
They just paid a hefty chunk of their credit card balance. And they learned how frighteningly wide the net of suspicion has been cast.
After sending in the check, they checked online to see if their account had been duly credited. They learned that the check had arrived, but the amount available for credit on their account hadn't changed.
So Deana Soehnge called the credit-card company. Then Walter called.
When you mess with my money, I want to know why, he said.
They both learned the same astounding piece of information about the little things that can set the threat sensors to beeping and blinking.
They were told, as they moved up the managerial ladder at the call center, that the amount they had sent in was much larger than their normal monthly payment. And if the increase hits a certain percentage higher than that normal payment, Homeland Security has to be notified. And the money doesn't move until the threat alert is lifted.
Walter called television stations, the American Civil Liberties Union and me. And he went on the Internet to see what he could learn. He learned about changes in something called the Bank Privacy Act.
The more I'm on, the scarier it gets, he said. It's scary how easily someone in Homeland Security can get permission to spy.
Eventually, his and his wife's money was freed up. The Soehnges were apparently found not to be promoting global terrorism under the guise of paying a credit-card bill. They never did learn how a large credit card payment can pose a security threat.
But the experience has been a reminder that a small piece of privacy has been surrendered. Walter Soehnge, who says he holds solid, middle-of-the-road American beliefs, worries about rights being lost.
If it can happen to me, it can happen to others, he said.
(Bob Kerr is a columnist for The Providence Journal. E-mail
(Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service,
Well, Biden is no spring chicken either and has had aneurysms...
so if something were to happen to Obama AND Biden...we get Nancy Pelosi. There is a nightmare of gargantuan proportions.
McCain should not have to change his plan...which is cutting spending. NOW more than EVER we need cuts in spending. No tax increases on ANYONE. After the last two days the rich certainly got poorer, which should tickle Democrats to death. Increasing taxes on them now would kill what is left of the economy. Obama will not be able to do any of the the things he has said he will do...if he does...we will be screwed forward, backward and sideways. Sure, he is saying pull troops out of Iraq...but he is just going to send them to Afghanistan, so there will still be a that is no change, except in location. McCain is the only one saying he will clean up Washington and that includes his own party...Obama has never said such a thing and never will. He knows, unless he is a complete idi*t and I don't think he is, that there are those in his party wholly responsible for this mess, but he will never call them to task. McCain already asked that a Republican resign over this.
The way McCain has behaved through this, the way he knew back in 2006 this was coming and the Dems killed the bill that could have avoided it...they way he wants to reform Washington...that his plan will not send us from recession to depression...I was going to vote for him anyway but this financial debacle sealed the deal for me. The fact that Sarah Palin has not been in washington politics as usual only makes her better in my view. All these people with all this experience got us in a mell of a hess, didn't they? Soooo....
Like ribs, fried chicken and watermelon
Ever hear of double entendre? If you do not want to appear racist, maybe you should try not to use them.
In the midst of all the chicken little gloom and doom
Made my day. Thanks.
What's it called?
It's called LYING.
Uh, maybe that's why it's called
What's more he/she/it started out with a sarcastic remark of *aren't we worthy*? You sound like crybabies. Liberal board is for liberal people. Now is that so hard?
Nobody was called (nm)
He should be called on this and often...nm
While he stands up there being the hypocrite he is.
I am the one who called him that. sm
I stand by what I said. He may not have raped Kathleen Willey or Paula Jones, but he may as well have. I totally believe he did rape Juanita Broaddick.
and you won't be called (nor have I)
They call mostly Democrats and "likely voters." Rasmussen, Gallup, and Daily Tracking are the most reputable ones, but even so, I ignore them.
Also, keep in mind that being on the no-call list prevents you from being called unless I'm mistaken.
You called it yourself--- not me!
 Vote Away 
He actually called him ......(sm)
a *house negro* as well as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. He also said he was no Malcom X and was betraying the Islam faith. I haven't heard Obama's reaction yet, but I think it's kind of funny. The terminology is outdated and laughable, and who wants to be like Malcolm X? Was the reference to Malcolm X supposed to be an insult or a compliment?
It's called........... sm
disillusionment and resignation, GP. The more I read about the whole BC thing and now hearing that the SCOTUS has delayed the hearing another 5 days, I guess I am resigned to the idea that nothing is going to stand in the way of Obama....not the Constitution and not the voice of the people. I kind of look at the Constitution as I do the Bible and sin. A sin is a sin to God (excepting one) and breaking one part of the Constitution is breaking the whole thing. Call me gloom and doom if you want, but I have come to the realization that we are not living in a democracy or a republic. We are living in a political machine that operates at its whim without regard for our country's most basic foundations.
On the Clinton-Obama front, like I said. It should be interesting, to say the least, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Hillary is getting something more out of this than just the letters SOS out beside her name. There is more that goes on in Washington than is dreamed of by mere residents (I won't even use the word "citizens") of this once great nation.
Pardon my sardonic pessimism this morning. lol
That's called....(sm)
They'll get it however they can. Check this out. We have a double lot (just enough to keep me busy with a When we bought the place there was a really old shed at the back of the property. It was built probably about 40-50 years ago. This thing was literally falling down, dirt floors.....completely in shambles and definitely not inhabitable. We knew we would have to tear it down when we moved here. So, we noticed on the assessment that 2K of the state assessment was attributed to that shed. Yeah right. We didn't need anything more than a sledge hammer and a crowbar to tear it down. So, after we took it down we had them come out for a re-assessment. They took $200 off the assessment value. Hmmmm..... Yeah, I raised cane with them but it didn't do any good. I've been planning on putting a greenhouse out there. I can't wait to see what happens with that.
No, that is just called being a
That's called....(sm)
Let's scare the public into thinking the stimulus is evil. What a joke! That's almost as good as Steele saying the stimulus doesn't create jobs, it creates work. Talk about grasping at straws....
Unless you would like to be called
the "c" word (4 letters ends with "t"), then I would think twice.
This is highly offensive to some people and you know this. Reading your post is like dealing with my children who are 5 and 6 years old. One instigates the other calling each other names to lure the other into a fight. The difference though is my 5 and 6 year old are more mature than you are and understand the concept of playing nicely and treating each other with respectfully. They understand if they've said something that hurts the others feelings they will say they are sorry. Something you obviously don't understand. And after reading that you adore and hang onto every word Keith Oberfool has to say and you let him tell you how to think and what to say and do, I had to read no further than your first sentence.
Posters on this board have been disrespectful towards others. You think your aiding your cause by calling us teabaggers? Think again. You think your aiding your cause by saying anyone who participated is a racist? Well the laugh is on you because in these crowds of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people I saw plenty of black people. Go ahead, tell them they are racist.
You know I do hope you keep it up, I do hope Oberfool an the other moe-rons at BSNBC keep having guests on like this piece of garbage Gorofool. You wouldn't see the truth if it slapped you in the face. Go ahead and laugh it up, because I'm right there smiling all the way to the elections next year. So go ahead keep calling us names. The laugh will be on you.
First of all, don't believe I called you
JTBB now did I? I don't think so. Secondly, I was being comical when I said I too have sleep deprivation, etc. Loosen up a bit. Dang. I think you need to take a Xanax and chill out a bit. Sheesh.
Regardless of my joking, which you obviously didn't get, I have no sympathy for people who want us dead.
LOL, and you called me a bigot up above, so
GT, you have called me a bigot....
on this board at least 10 times. Who's the one who generalizes here? I can guarantee you that if I'm guilty, I'm certainly not alone. Oh yes, all Republicans are rich and living behind gates, ignoring the plight of the poor. Bull pucky. Talk about a sweeping generalization. I don't live behind a gate, I don't live in a fancy house, we make a decent income but are certainly not rich, and guess what? We're not even religious. You want equality for everybody? Well, that isn't something that is given to you, it's something you work for. My husband spent 7-1/2 yrs in college and got a master's degree, and worked his way through the whole thing at a gas station paying for it himself. We work long hours. There are people who refuse to value education, refuse to work hard, and just want a hand out. That's a fact. There have always been the poor and there always will be. We've poured TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of dollars into programs for the poor over the last 40 years and the poverty rate is basically the same. To succeed takes effort.
It's called the TRUTH!!!
I think it's called the First Amendment.
The poster isn't *getting away* with anything. He/she is exerting his/her constitutional right to form and voice an opinion. Just so happens what the poster said is true about Bush having the Saudis being escorted out of the U.S., and if I remember correctly, some of those escorted were relatives of Bin Laden.
Like I said, the poster isn't *gettin away* with anything because the poster hasn't done anything wrong. The person who has *gotten away* with a lot of illegal, immoral, unethical acts is Bush.
And *voila* had to be called down
Because he/she responded in profanity when her/his views were disputed. And know a lot PK. I know A LOT about your posting habits more than you could ever imagine.
Had they called me, there would be one more vote!
Yes, but we are the ones who are called intolerant. sm
Also, notice how the guys holding the sign have their faces covered. Cowards all of them.
Which is exactly why Bush called for...
conservation...or a reduction in use of oil, in his state of the union address, not a complete changeover. You can't fix anything overnight, and scaring people into it and causing even more damage, as this article describes, is NOT the way to do it, and those hawking global warming KNOW that, but it is typical socialism get everyone on board by screaming *they are trying to hurt you but WE will save you.* New cause, same song, second verse.
It's called fraud
I happened to get a call from the police in Arizona a few months ago. I have always lived in Ohio. It seems someone (several someones actually) had LISTS of people across the country of personal info, account numbers, passwords, email addresses, etc. pretty much everything you need, even machines to make the credit cards and license IDs. Arizona puts the fraudsters away just for having this info without your permission. Apparently they had a large fraud bust out there and they don't waste their time on proving what they did with it. YEA ARIZONA!
Thanks. It's called sacrifice.
Baby did not ask to be here. I made that choice.
It's called Google. If you want to know...
information is there. I also have a dear friend who spent most of her life there.
It's called a debate...nm
Its called multitasking. :)
As to what I make...a living.
it's called recycling all the
talking points, trying to catch any newcomers to the political issues.
you called me indoctrinated and
claimed I have a poster above my desk. those are personal attacks. Do not attack me personally. Stick to the issues as required on this board.
It's called the Amero...
The new currency will be called the Amero if they create the North American Union (the merger of Canada, USA, and Mexico). (Amero for the NAU and Euro for the EU.) The deadline for the merger has been set at 2010. We will completely lose our national sovereignty. The U.S. Constitution, which has already been flushed down the crapper, will be completely moot. A Tribunal will replace the United States Supreme Court. Expect gun confiscation shortly before or after creation of the NAU.
Then again they may bypass that step and go straight to the wordwide currency, the Phoenix.
This stuff has been in the works for years. We have their documents... The globalist politicians have been consistently denying it (my Senators are two -- one of whom is McCain), but there are a few heroes in Congress. BTW, Obama openly supported creation of the NAU in an op-ed piece then turned around and feigned ignorance at a Town Hall meeting.
Since 2006 I have been called a "tin-foil-hat-wearing, paranoid conspiracy theorist" by countless sheeple. Unfortunately for all of us, soon enough they will see that my concerns were not unfounded....
Oh well, I did my part to try to sound the alarm. Too many Americans are dumbed down and complacent so there is no hope of saving her anyway.
Yes I can and it's called POVERTY