Isn't that the truth, even when faced with FACTS, gt just ignores them.
Posted By: NM on 2005-09-29
In Reply to: You just make this up as you go along. There is no basis in fact to anything you say! - ?
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Neither do facts or truth.
Now Bush ignores the 4th Amendment
and conducts illegal PHYSICAL searches of not just suspected terrorists (i.e. any American who disagrees with his policies), but breaks into the homes of the ATTORNEYS for these suspects, as well.
If you have any fondness for the Constitution, this might chill your bones a bit.
And what part of two-faced do you use to
A Two-Faced Liar? Aw-RIGHT!
Friday 30 January 2009
by: Greg Palast, t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Republicans are right. President Barack Obama treated them like dirt, didn't give a dam what they thought about his stimulus package, loaded it with a bunch of programs that will last for years and will never leave the budget, is giving away money disguised as "tax refunds," and is sneaking in huge changes in policy, from schools to health care, using the pretext of an economic emergency.
Way to go, Mr. O! Mr. Down-and-Dirty Chicago pol. Street-fightin' man. Covering over his break-your-face power play with a "we're all post-partisan friends" BS.
And it's about time.
Frankly, I was worried about this guy. Obama's appointing Clinton-droids to the Cabinet, bloated incompetents like Larry Summers as "Economics Czar," made me fear for my country, that we'd gotten another Democrat who wished he were a Republican.
Then came Obama's money bomb. The House bill included $125 billion for schools (TRIPLING federal spending on education), expanding insurance coverage to the unemployed, making the most progressive change in the tax code in four decades by creating a $500 credit against social security payroll deductions, and so on.
It's as if Obama dug up Ronald Reagan's carcass and put a stake through The Gipper's anti-government heart. Aw-RIGHT!
About the only concession Obama threw to the right-wing trogs was to remove the subsidy for condoms, leaving hooker-happy GOP Senators, like David Vitter, to pay for their own protection. S'OK with me.
And here's the proof that Bam is The Man: Not one single Republican congressman voted for the bill. And that means that Obama didn't compromise, the way Clinton and Carter would have, to win the love of these condom-less jerks.
And we didn't need'm. Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!
Now I understand Obama's weird moves: dinner with those creepy conservative columnists, earnest meetings at the White House with the Republican leaders, a dramatic begging foray into Senate offices. Just as the Republicans say, it was all a fraud. Obama was pure Chicago, Boss Daley in a slim skin, putting his arms around his enemies, pretending to listen and care and compromise, then slowly, quietly, slipping in the knife. All while the media praises Obama's "post-partisanship." Heh heh heh.
Love it. Now we know why Obama picked that vindictive little viper Rahm Emanuel as staff chief: everyone visiting the Oval office will be greeted by the Windy City hit man who would hack up your grandma if you mess with the Godfather-in-Chief.
I don't know about you, but THIS is the change I've been waiting for.
Will it last? We'll see if Obama caves in to more tax cuts to investment bankers. We'll see if he stops the sub-prime scum-bags from foreclosing on frightened families. We'll see if he stands up to the whining, gormless generals who don't know how to get our troops out of Iraq. (In SHIPS, you doofuses!)
Look, don't get your hopes up. But it may turn out the new president's ... a Democrat!
Greg Palast's investigative reports for BBC and Rolling Stone can be seen at Palast is the author of New York Times bestsellers "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and "Armed Madhouse."
Bush Ignores Laws He Signs, Vexing Congress
President Has Issued 750 Statements That He May Revise or Disregard Measures.
WASHINGTON (June 27) -- The White House on Tuesday defended President Bush's prolific use of bill signing statements, saying There's this notion that the president is committing acts of civil disobedience, and he's not, said Bush's press secretary Tony Snow, speaking at the White House. It's important for the president at least to express reservations about the constitutionality of certain provisions.
Snow spoke as Senate Judiciary Committe Chairman Arlen Specter opened hearings on Bush's use of bill signing statements saying he reserves the right to revise, interpret or disregard a measure on national security and consitutional grounds. Such statements have accompanied some 750 statutes passed by Congress -- including a ban on the torture of detainees and the renewal of the Patriot Act.
There is a sense that the president has taken signing statements far beyond the customary purview, Specter, R-Pa., said.
It's a challenge to the plain language of the Constitution, he added. I'm interested to hear from the administration just what research they've done to lead them to the conclusion that they can cherry-pick.
A Justice Department lawyer defended Bush's statements.
Even if there is modest increase, let me just suggest that it be viewed in light of current events and Congress' response to those events, said Justice Department lawyer Michelle Boardman. The significance of legislation affecting national security has increased markedly since Sept. 11..
Congress has been more active, the president has been more active, she added. The separation of powers is working when we have this kind of dispute.
Specter's hearing is about more than the statements. He's been compiling a list of White House practices he bluntly says could amount to abuse of executive power -- from warrantless domestic wiretapping program to sending officials to hearings who refuse to answer lawmakers' questions.
But the session also concerns countering any influence Bush's signing statements may have on court decisions regarding the new laws. Courts can be expected to look to the legislature for intent, not the executive, said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas., a former state judge.
There's less here than meets the eye, Cornyn said. The president is entitled to express his opinion. It's the courts that determine what the law is.
But Specter and his allies maintain that Bush is doing an end-run around the veto process. In his presidency's sixth year, Bush has yet to issue a single veto that could be overridden with a two-thirds majority in each house.
The president is not required to (veto), Boardman said.
Of course he's not if he signs the bill, Specter snapped back.
Instead, Bush has issued hundreds of signing statements invoking his right to interpret or ignore laws on everything from whistleblower protections to how Congress oversees the Patriot Act.
It means that the administration does not feel bound to enforce many new laws which Congress has passed, said David Golove, a New York University law professor who specializes in executive power issues. This raises profound rule of law concerns. Do we have a functioning code of federal laws?
Palin's husband refuses to testify...ignores subpeona!
Okay, you ***** try to come up with a valid reason for this blatant violation of the law by Mr. Palin!
And you are a bald-faced liar.
I have not copied and posted ONE thing from Huffington Post. The only thing I copied and posted from the post above was the insults that were hurled at me, simply because I happen to agree with JTBB and "the truth is out there."
We all know that some of us CANNOT be agreeable with the "girls" that aren't in the "clique," or else we're punished by insults and, in your case, lies.
McCain caught in bold faced lie
The most daunting challenge this country has ever faced? LOL!!!
Wow. You apparently know nothing about US History, do you?
But thanks for the laugh, Chicken Little.
Obama's just another dude in the chair, no matter how much 'celebrity' status you want to endow him with. He'll face challenges like all the other presidents. He'll succeed at some things and fail miserably at others, like all other presidents.
Why is everyone so quick to knight this guy, who hasn't done anything yet but flash his pearly whites at the camera and pump out a bunch of campaign promises?
Here's an idea. Let's let the dude take office before we award him the title of saviour of the planet?
He may be great. He may stink. But you simply can't tell yet. The countdown on this forum just shows how desperate people are to believe their problems are not their fault.
Somewhere in the past century, America went from being the Land of Opportunity to being the Land of the Big Handout. And now Brother Obama is gonna save us from ourselves. Is that right?
Time will tell, Chicken Little.
Time will tell.
Facts are facts - sorry you don't like it cos it doesn't support your candidate
You can't change facts. That's what makes them facts. You may not like it but that's the way it is.
The truth sounds rude when put bluntly but still is the truth. nm
!!!! hahaha
Facts are facts. No bash intended.
It will be this stellar record from which voters will be assessing her and her running mate.
If you're offended, too bad. Facts are facts...
I know Muslims in this country who have turned from the hateful evil beliefs that were forced down their throats. They did not have the freedom to learn anything else growing up. But after they gained their freedom and came here, they were able to receive the Word of God and they have told me that NEVER were they taught anything about loving others, just other Muslims, and that the God they learned about spoke of nothing but killing and hate... so if Obama is receiving large donations from those middle eastern countries, as you say, and he is grounded in Muslim culture, being taught this in school for years as a child, do you honestly think he doesn't carry some of those beliefs with him? He's never denounced it.
Here ya go.........
stating facts folks, just the facts....if it's getting
Folks want facts, you give'm facts and still
This poster wants facts, facts, facts...
Poster wants facts, facts, facts.....
Liberal truth vs. Conservative truth.
When you can't fight facts for facts
then it's buh-bye....well buh-bye to you too....I'll have a dicussion with someone who will discuss and not blame.
When you can't fight facts for facts then it's buh-bye.
Facts, stick to the
The subject here is the media and their treatment of Gov. Palin, which continues to this day, to this minute, by the liberal left.
Tthe media threw down their gauntlet as soon as she was picked on that Friday, and hounded her for almost a full week.
And you think she should have waved a white flag at them in her acceptance speech? She put them on notice, that she is above them. And continues to be, with grace and style.
She's not whining, and neither are we.
I just shake my head at your audacity.
The media is the one that started this with her, and you would do well to remember the facts in her case.
IN this case, the facts are the facts.........
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but...It's probably the
reason why I am voting democrat...they seem more honest than the the republicans and it looks like people are starting to get smart and *bailin' Palin*... We don't need to keep hearing her *greatest hits" version of her acceptance speech over and over and McSame's POW story...that was then, this is now...we need REAL change and we need it NOW. I don't need someone to push the red button, I need someone to fix the economy!
Truth? The truth is she is nuts!
You don't have any facts. HELLO???!!!!! NM
You don't have any facts! sm
Are you actually saying you know more than those doing the investigation? My, you are a powerful person! Will we be seeing your name soon in the headlines as "she who knows all" heading the investigation? Share your knowledge! Inquiring minds want to know!
Oh I'd like to see what facts you have
to back that one up.
My facts came from....
the Summary of Ferderal Individual Income Tax Data and yours came from some self-proclaimed non-partisan watchdog group. Tell me who I am going to believe?
Thanks for the FACTS.
We know for a fact that the person impersonating Stephen Crockett is not actually Stephen Crockett and we know for a FACT that people who have been trolling the conservative board for the past week spouting profanity, vile innuendos also posts on the L-board under different monikers. This person's posts has been turned into the FBI for their implied threats on the president, so this is serious. This is no longer a game, so if you truly are not the one posting under several different monikers on the C-board then you have nothing to worry about. However, somebody here does have something to worry about.
And oh, BTW, I am not Nan, Brunson, or any of the usual suspects you might think.
Some more facts
Above is the web site for IPCC, everything you ever wanted to know which is not much if you are a nonbeliever. They have been around since 1988 and include the World Meteorology Organization among others. It is a worldwide, inclusive organization with contributors from just about everywhere.
I don't know how global warming is seen as a step towards socialism, quite a stretch. All we want is for people to act more responsibly towards the earth we all share. Alternative fuels have been around since pre WWII. We know how to do it. We just don't and again, it's all about money all the time. What is wrong with using alternative sources of energy, it hardly makes one a socialist. If we used natural oils, say corn oil for cars.. the farmers who have suffered financial losses and loss of family farms would be back in business. Somebody would have to grow all that corn. Then it would have to be refined. Then, automobiles would have to be converted to be able to run on oil. All the automobile workers who have been laid off (13,000 Chrysler over the next 3 years - another one bites the dust) could work again. Cars would need to be built differently and the existing cars would need to be converted. Seems like the whole thing would be putting a lot of Americans to work. Whether you believe in global warming or not how could implementing these changes be harmful or turn us all into socialists. Its a good thing.
whose facts? Yours? Or the ones fed to you?
it's your choice......that's for sure....

The Facts
Obama's father was raised Muslim but not a radical Muslim and was NOT a practicing Muslim when he met and married Obama's mother. Obama's parents split, and his mother married an Indonesian oil manager, and they moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama attended various schools in Indonesia for 4 to 5 years, including a Catholic. The only way any school he attended could be called Muslim is that most of the students who attended this school were from Muslim families, as Indonesia is primarily a Muslim country. He received a few hours of religious instruction per week in these schools. Obama's mother then sent him back to the U.S. to live with his grandmother. Obama has been a member of the United Church of Christ since the ྌs. Obama never received any indoctrination from his father, as his father was absent from his life since the age of 2. Obama was sworn into office with a Bible.
Get your information from somewhere else than false, inflammatory mass emails.
What facts do you need? sm
This is the whole article so a link won't do you much better. It was an AP article. The article was not complete rhetoric.
Yes, both sides do have problems. I am not disputing that at all. I'm just trying to prove again that you can't take everything at face value, politicians like to twist things and take snippets out if it is to their benefit. Notice, I said politicians - as in the whole species, not just Dem or Rep.
That's because you don't want facts and won't look for
Know your FACTS first
I am not afraid of a black man raised by a white family or a black family or any other family. Interesting post as you do not know my ethnicity but jump with in with your own assumption. What I am afraid of is ANY racism because I do believe in equality.
They are facts
that can be verified.
Perhaps if you stopped rah-rahing the Republicans and bad-mouthing the Democrats you could see the facts and realize that both parties and all 4 candidates are as crooked as a barrel of snakes. Both sides are to blame for this mess!
facts about him
It sounds to me as though you may be afraid of the truth. I'd love to hear that you watched it and then come back here and continue giving him a free pass.
It already changed many voters' minds.
This is what happens when you have no facts
Biden Has Served As Obama's Top Foreign Policy Critic, Even Saying Obama Is Not Ready To Be President:
Biden Said Obama Is Not Ready To Serve As President. ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "You were asked is he ready. You said 'I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.'" Sen. Biden: "I think that I stand by the statement." (ABC's, "This Week," 8/19/07)
Biden: "If the Democrats think we're going to be able to nominate someone who can win without that person being able to table unimpeachable credentials on national security and foreign policy, I think we're making a tragic mistake..." (Sen. Joe Biden, "The Diane Rehm Show," 8/2/07)
Biden: "Having Talking Points On Foreign Policy Doesn't Get You There." ("Biden Lashes Out At Obama," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog,, 8/2/07)
Biden Attacked Obama For Voting Against Funding U.S. Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan, Accusing Him Of "Cutting Off Support That Will Save The Lives Of Thousands Of American Troops." Biden: "And, look, Tim, if you tell me I've got to take away this protection for these kids in order to win the election, some things aren't worth it. Some things are worth losing over. That would be worth losing over. Hundreds of lives are being saved and will be saved by us sending these vehicles over which we are funding with this supplemental legislation. And I want to ask any of my other colleagues, would they, in fact, vote to cut off the money for those troops to protect them? That's the right question. This isn't cutting off the war. This is cutting off support that will save the lives of thousands of American troops." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 9/9/07)
Biden On Obama's Leadership On Iraq: "I Don't Recall Hearing A Word From Barack About A Plan Or A Tactic." (Jason Horowitz, "Biden Unbound: Lays Into Clinton, Obama, Edwards," The New York Observer, 2/4/07)
Biden On Whether He Would Meet Unconditionally With The Leaders Of Rogue States As Obama Said He Would: "Absolutely Positively No." Biden: "Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those countries within the first year I was elected president? Absolutely positively no." (Sen. Joe Biden, Remarks At The National Press Club, Washington, DC, 8/1/07)
I realize it is painful to read but PROOF nonetheless.
I don't think you have your facts exactly right.
Even McDonalds pays better than minimum wage.
And you get your facts where?
You mistake "facts" with heresay. You dismiss FACTS by saying McCain was absolved of any wrongdoing in the Keating 5 scandal. Not quite.
You want facts? So do I.
One would do. Give me facts that he was born in the US. Make him show his real birth certificate.
He does not state truth and if he does, he changes it. New middle age class now 120,000K. He now has to kill expectations of what people think he can do if he wins. I could go on and on. Where did he get all this money for his campaign? Through unauthorized prepaid credit cards and who from? His aunt now may be living here illegal and I fear he is too. No wonder he wants to change all illegals to legal here in the US. There is something about him that is not right. By the way, I am a democrate, not a pub. I will admit he sure is a smooth talker.
the facts are
All Americans vote for their reprsentatives. That's the Constitution.
Millions of babies? How about hundreds of thousands of American lives plus millions affected by those deaths by a war founded on LIES.
Abortion, gay marriages, and the right to bear arms only works politically when things are going right in American and we have nothing else to fight about. They are nonpolitical issues and are things that God will deal with when we get there (sans bearing arms).
You can actually make these statements in the face of what has gone on in the past 8 years?
I'm not quite sure what your last paragraph meant, but I make my own bed. I just expect certain things from my leaders, honesty and decisions made in the best interest in the majority of the citizens being first on my list, not just the elite. That priority has not been met by our previous leader/party. So I voted for change. I guess I'm not the only one who felt this say.
Oh no! More facts (sm)
That's where I get my facts too. n/m
facts are facts
myths are myths. Believe as you wish; it doesn't matter now. Again, how is that book and recording deal coming along?
YOU have no facts. You believe what you want.
The facts
1. The OPs post was about how he is like one of us because he eats Chilidogs and cheese fries. Even read the post again and that is what it says (and other posters said the same thing) - he is not one of us.
2. It was replied to with the usual kool-aid laced reply of how wonderful for our god to be out there in public at a time we need him most, I feel safer already, etc etc.
3. I was not the only poster that thought that was absolutely ridiculous and nauseating. And all my post said was get off the kool-aid and that message was weirder than the OP.
4. I was then called chubby and tried to be ridiculed (which it didn't work) and told to keep my negativity to myself. Which was quite strange coming from a poster who has been attacking anyone below who doesn't agree with her.
5. I replied back that I am far by anything chubby. The poster I replied to was implying I have no freinds and am miserable and alienated. Well I guess we all know what they say about people who assume. I replied I am certainly not chubby and I have many friends who are on different waves of politics but we don't cut each other down because of the way we feel politically. My response was a positive one, not a negative cut down that was directed at me.
6. You then felt the need to reply to that and add some more insults and was quite negative.
7. I replied to you that you have a lot of negativity and you should try an activity to release some of that negativity. Still not a negative post, to which you then decided to reply with more negativity. Oh and on top of that you just happen to be a bike rider. Wow, what a small world we live in.
I actually didn't read any further than that line because I new it would be more of the same insults and the same. The negativity coming back to me does me no good. I would say if your not releasing your negativity by bike riding you might want to try a good comedy. It does wonders for the soul and brings one into a wonderful uplifting mood.
Gotta laugh in life from time to time otherwise...well life just wouldn't be any fun.
Where are your facts?
Don't mistake your BELIEFS for FACTS. If you can back this up with facts, then it will hold some water.
Anyone can make inflammatory comments without any truth behind them.