In the scenario that you mention
Posted By: Chele on 2009-03-13
In Reply to: So you must agree with what - Mrs. Bridger
using Hitler....Hitler was the terrorist. The Nazis were the terrorists. They were exterminating the Jews because of race. They had no other reason other than they didn't like them.
You cannot compare what we are doing to what Hitler did. The rendition and the assassination of key terrorist members saves innocent lives where Hitler did nothing but destroy innocent lives.
I do not see us lining up all Muslims and exterminating them, sending them to concentration camps, etc. We are going after extremists who would love nothing more than to exterminate us.
I highly doubt that if we were taken over by terrorists or you were in a building that they were planning on bombing....the fact that you disagree with our treatment towards terrorist prisoners will mean absolutely nothing to them. They will still blow you up or cut your head off. These are not people that you can talk to civilly or change their mind. They are on a mission to exterminate infidels....that includes you and me and our family and friends. So seriously....think about that the next time you want to set them free or be nice to them.
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Another possible scenario
Hi Lurker,
Heard an interesting alternate theory today on Air America - had to do with Judith Miller being angry at Joe Wilson for printing his What I Didn't Find in Africa article in the NYT that seemed to make a fool out of her and what she was claiming all along. So she calls up her contacts at the CIA and demands to know, who is this fool? She finds out who it is,digs and learns who his wife is, and SHE tells Scooter Libby and everyone else including Rove in hopes of getting them to cover her butt by publicly denouncing Wilson and outing his wife, thereby exacting her revenge as well as giving the WH the spin it needed to discredit Wilson's (absolutely accurate) testimony.
Seeing as Scooter Libby gave JM permission months ago to testify, it makes sense that JM may have been the one who actively pursued the Plame outing, which just happened to synchronize perfectly with the BushCo's need to squash Wilson's findings. Libby doesn't have anything to fear in this case since JM would have been the one to tell HIM about Plame's status, not the other way around.
It was an interesting way of looking at it that I hadn't thought about before - what do you think?
I was using the scenario as an example of sm
'facts', not as it related to your post. Since we invaded Iraq, we have not had a terror attack on the United States. Do you see a correlation there or is this just a coincidence. Also, knowing the history of Islam, do you really think the fires needed stoking in that regard to hate us more? Exactly what led up to the escalating terror attacks against the United States? What was the final goal and would it have ended with 9/11. I think not. Those fires don't need stoking. They have been burning since 500 years after the birth of Christ. I don't for a moment believe that the invasion of Iraq all of a sudden made them hate us. Gaddafi said, during Reagan's presidency, that he would not rest until every American was dead in his bed. Haven't heard a peep out of him since Reagan bombed him.
As many of us have. So the scenario described in the OP
to you if it were Palin or McCain? Can you at least acknowledge the possibility that there may have been other considerations beyond the campaign, as suggested?
Here's the scenario in my city
I've been keeping up with what happens to people who actually shoot people in their house or on their property in my area. The majority of the shooters have been store clerks who are tired of being victims. However, there have been several home invasions in the last year where the owner has shot the intruder. Just a few weeks ago a man saw another man breaking into his backyard storage building, and he shot the guy from his house. The subject fled and then wrecked his car about a mile from the break in. When all was said and done the owner was not charged eventhough he shot the man eventhough the man never entered his living space.
As far as I know none of the store clerks or home owners have been charged in the last year (at least that is what the media reports).
Eventhough I believe in gun ownership and defending your property and home I think the recent law passed in Florida where you can shoot anyone who is threatening you (anywhere) is a little broad and I think will be used to get criminals off, because all they have to say is I felt threatened so I shot the dude. I think though when somebody comes on your property then you should be able to take any action to defend yourself within reason. Now, this shouldn't be an excuse for shooting your neighbor because they are piling leaves on your property etc. Common sense should rule, and every case should be judged individually on the circumstances surrounding the incident.
I agree with you completely about the child criminal sentencing aspects. Personally, I don't think these monsters should live but at the very least they should be castrated....seems harsh but its the only way to *neuter* the animal that lives inside these monsters.
Visualize this scenario.
Can You Imagine George Bush by Another Name? |
by Beth Quinn |
There is a courtroom scene in the movie A Time to Kill that comes to mind when I hear Bush fans blindly defend their president.
The movie is about the black father of a little girl who is raped, beaten and thrown off a bridge by two white men in Mississippi. Knowing that justice won't be served for a black child, her father kills her attackers and goes on trial for murder.
The scene that comes to mind these crazy days is this:
The defense attorney knows this heartbroken father is facing an all-white jury. And this jury will be incapable of putting themselves in the shoes of a black man.
So the lawyer asks them to close their eyes as he describes in excruciating detail the attack the little girl endured. Can you see it? he asks. Can you see her being tortured? And then he tells them: Now imagine she was white.
It is a similar use of imagination that I would ask the blind faithful in Bush's camp to try.
Please, just close your eyes for a moment as I catalog the abuses George Bush has committed against our country. And then imagine he is Bill Clinton, a man you're predisposed to hate - and tell me you would still defend those actions.
When you consider that George Bush declared war in Iraq based on a lie, close your eyes and imagine it was Bill Clinton who had told that lie. Keep your eyes closed and picture it. In fairness and honesty, would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush has been secretly and illegally spying on Americans, close your eyes and concentrate. Picture how you would react if it were Clinton wiretapping our phones. Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush partied for days at his Texas ranch while New Orleans was dying, close your eyes and picture Clinton partying on Martha's Vineyard. Can you see it? Can you imagine Clinton ignoring the plight of thousands of homeless and dying? Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush continues to promote the lie that we do not torture even as he declares the right to violate McCain's amendment barring torture, squeeze your eyes tight and picture it. Can you see Clinton defying the Geneva Convention and Congress? Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush has paid journalists to promote his propaganda, close your eyes and imagine Clinton buying off the Fourth Estate. Would you like that? Would you defend him?
When you consider that George Bush continues to send our young men and women into danger in Iraq without protective armor, then hides their coffins from the cameras when they are sent home dead, close your eyes and imagine Clinton doing such a thing. Is this a good thing? Would you defend him?
In the movie, the jurors' collective eyes pop open when the defense lawyer asks them to imagine the little victim was white. It's clear they have seen the light and justice will be done.
In real life, blind allegiance is no better than blind hatred. Both spring from fear and ignorance. It would be gratifying if the Bush defenders were to open their own eyes to see this president for what he really is.
George Bush, by any name, is nothing more than a power-mad liar.
There are 1,091 days 'til Inauguration 2009.
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Once case scenario that happens sm
One case scenario that happens regarding employed people getting health insurance through their employers is this. Unfortunately recessions happen. A covered person is laid off. Yes, they can continue coverage through COBRA. Some recessions are long lasting, the laid off person cannot find employment for months or longer. The bills meanwhile are racking up, if there are any savings it not so slowly gets eaten up, and the COBRA coverage is not cheap, to the tune of $600.00 a month or more. That person may very well want to hold onto their coverage but simply cannot. They have to drop the coverage. Hopefully this person eventually is able to get another job that also has health insurance benefits. They then have to go through another pre-existing condition waiting period as they had to drop their insurance and therefore lost their continuous coverage provision. Maybe that person falls seriously ill during that period with some pre-existing condition, and ...financially ruined for the rest of their life as a result..through no fault of their own.
Yes, there are people who are able to afford health insurance but have a devil may care attitude...until they become ill, but there are many other scenarios that are occurring as well, and occurring more frequently.
Another problem is due to the high cost of health insurance fewer and fewer employers are even offering benefits, which leaves working people to attempt to secure individual policies, and in that market anyone can be denied coverage. It does not even have to be a "major" health condition. Heath insurance companies can, and do, deny people coverage due to "run of the mill" problems such as a little hypothyroidism, or that they broke a few bones as a kid while growing up.
I certainly don't have the answers, but tis rather a mess.
I agree with the scenario you speak of.
but there is also talk of growing fetuses for harvesting. I do not agree with that.
So, in a best case scenario for the republicans
One would have to wonder how likely it is that these frivolous lawsuits can succeed in challenging the DNC, the Secretary of State and the voters' popular mandate in the aftermath of an election, ESPECIALLY in view of the dire circumstances requiring immediate attention with regard to the economy. If the republicans cannot successfully manipulate voter turn-out through their concerted efforts to suppress democratic votes, cry foul, challenge the election, throw it into months of uncertainty and THEN, on top of it all, push for impeachment proceedings...what will they accomplish? Joe Biden will be president? Supermajority will remain seated? Really. Where do they think they are going with all this? Do they think that after opposing popular mandate, they can call for new elections that will succeed in another republican revolution? Absurd.
Do you want him to lie or make up some scenario that is not true?
If he were to get up there and say we are okay, things are wonderful, tomorrow when you wake up the world as you knew it is going to be back to normal?
I don't know what ya'll want from him. You got one set of people saying he ain't doing enough, one set saying he is doing too much, one set saying he is all doom/gloom, another set condemning him because he says we can change the way things are -
My goodness, what can he do right?
The picture that you make up whatever scenario you want?
And try to pass it off as truth.
Seems to me that you and most of the Republicans on here are the whiners. Get over it. We have another 7-1/2 years with this president. There are a HUGE MAJORITY of us who LIKE him. So sorry your party is in tatters and doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hades of ever getting elected in my lifetime.
Best case scenario, 1 million evacuees.
110 residents from Greater Houston DIED ON THE ROAD during evacuation for Hurricane Rita from Houston 3 years ago.
well now that you mention
Once Foley gets out of rehab, he should go back to his old position over the Missing and
Exploited Children Caucus just to be fair.
And since Studd had a 17-year-old page boyfriend 23 years ago, how dare anyone mention what Foley was doing online. Hassart and the rest of you interested republicans should continue to minimize Foley's actions and play partisan politics (even though this is no political matter and I don't look at it as such). Just so you know, it doesn't look good on you. Daniel Crane (republican, also having an affair with a 17-year-old page back in 1983) didn't resign either - he was voted out. I don't know how or why Studd continued be voted in, but he should have stepped down.
Frank and Clinton were dealing with adults, so I look at their situations completely different. And talk about outrage and hypocrisy, look at the people who were probing Clinton with their own hands in the cookie jar (or should I say intern jar). Still much different than pedophilia.
Now that you mention it
You totally missed the part where I said they were all wrong. They were ALL wrong. Studd did have an underage page boyfriend, physical sex with an underage boy and BRAGGED about it. Foley had internet sex and at least had the good sense to be ashamed of it instead of holding a press conference to DEFEND his behavior, or like Frank, throw out his gay roommate who was running a sex trade out of his apartment (I swear I didn't know he was doing that...YEAH RIGHT). You also glossed over the fact that Clinton, while in office, after an oath to uphold the laws of the United States, lied his rear off on TV in front of ALL of us on national television...this is not disputed, the man committed perjury. And somehow you excuse that kind of behavior, but want Foley's head on a platter? Yeah, that makes real good sense. Inever defended Foley; I don't care what party he is in, what he did was WRONG. I don't care what party Bill Clinton was in, what he did was WRONG. Studd was WRONG. Barney Frank was WRONG. All equally WRONG. I doubt if all the boys Frank's roommate was running through his apartment as prostitutes were all adults. Monica Lewinsky was 21...barely legal. So that somehow makes it okay for Bill to cheat on his wife in the White House and then commit perjury. Yeah, that makes perfect sense (in YOUR world maybe). You proved my hipocrisy point by saying you look Frank and Clinton completely different. I said they were ALL wrong. You continue to say what Foley did was somehow worse. At least he kept his perversion on line and his hands off... not like Clinton and Studd. Get a grip. They are ALL wrong. Mark Foley did not do what he did because he was a Republican; Clinton, Studd, and Frank did not do what they did because they are Democrats. They are all morally corrupt. Period, end of sentence.
not to mention all the
lobbyists on McCain's staff.
Not to mention s/m
Not to mention the half mil or so those execs spent on a luxury vacation just hours after they got the bail-out money. This is INSANE. I think to a large degree things are playing out just as dubya and his side-kick Cheney had planned. Those two, in my humble opinion, are a couple of EVIL men.
I say no bail out for anyone. What's done is done. The idiots in Washington need to SHUT UP and in particular, the sensation-seeking talk shows need to also SHUT UP. They all need to start talking about bringing jobs back to AMERICA and if there was no demand for credit from consumers, there would be no credit crunch. Live without your means. If you bought a $100,000 house you couldn't afford and it's now worth $50,000, tough toenails! People who bought into the "home equity line of credit" BS deserve what they got. I don't believe I would care to subsidize their stupidity. Now it's about the seniors, TV ads for reverse mortgages for them. Seniors who buy into that garbage, I'd like to sell them the Garden of Eden!!!!!
I don't know the answer to immediately get rid of all these bums in the government. I wish we could have a general election and fire every single one of them....DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN!!!!
With that I'm off to cook the trout we caught this morning.
What about it? Do you see any mention of O or B
There has been a lot of mention
of God being involved in this election. I do think that God will be involved in this election. However, our country has pushed Him out of our lives so much that it wouldn't surprise me if He let us fall flat on our faces. I hate to say that, but you can't pray in schools. People don't want to say the pledge to the flag because of His name being mentioned. The 10 commandments are being removed from court houses. Seriously....what have we become? I understand the concept of keeping church and state separate but it seems more to me like we are removing Him totally and that upsets me. The mere mention of him by a candidate, particularly a repubican one, gets people in an uproar about religious fanatics and Bible thumpers, etc. It is just sad.
I hope that we pick the candidate who will get us out of this crisis, but maybe that just isn't in His plans. Whatever may happen, I just pray that God gives us the strength to take on any challenge that may face us....because let's face it people....we are going to have major challenges if either candidate is president.
Not to mention, it's
You know, now that you mention it, I
is going to vote for, after all he doesn't think Obama has enough experience and he thinks McCain does, and he would be glad to run on a ticket anytime with McCain. Has he ever retracted those statements? Hillary said McCain has 30+ yrs of experience and Obama has a speech he made in 2000. Does she still stand by that statement, you betcha!
Sorry, I did not see any mention
WASHINGTON -- A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may -- may not, I hope not -- but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military.
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
Obama's comments about a national security force came during a speech in Colorado about building a new civil service corps. Among other things, he called for expanding the nation's foreign service and doubling the size of the Peace Corps "to renew our diplomacy."
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Broun said he also believes Obama likely will move to ban gun ownership if he does build a national police force.
Obama has said he respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms and favors "common sense" gun laws. Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he'll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault weapons and concealed weapons. As an Illinois state lawmaker, Obama supported a ban on semiautomatic weapons and tighter restrictions on firearms generally.
"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun said. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
Obama's transition office did not respond immediately to Broun's remarks.
I don't see mention........... sm
of pilots being laid off, only that some of the leased jets are being returned to the leasing company. Apparently, they are retaining some of the jets and will therefore need pilots for them. My personal opinion is that ALL company jets should be returned as a part of their cost-cutting measures. SEVEN jets for 1 company seems just a little ridiculous. The pilots, though, will likely be able to find work with one of the major airlines if all the jets are returned.
Not to mention all of the
blatantly broken promises from the president. The man who is actually the commander and chief of our country and they want to spend time talking about a teenager who got knocked up. I guess it doesn't matter that Obama obviously bowed to the Saudi King and then turned around and lied about it and said he only leaned forward because the man was short. Well....I do believe the queen is about as short as they come and I didn't see him bowing to the queen. But hey....why focus on lies made by the president or the amount of money that he and his administration are spending when we could focus on important issues like Sarah Palin's daughter. I guess as long as we drink the kool-aid and focus on the important issues we will truly hsee ow great Obama the all powerful really is.
i wish she would mention that little point
running to polls and voting for her.
Did I mention at any time anything about
SP pregnant child? At all? Anywhere? You keep injecting her into the conversation, a conversation where she was never mentioned, has nothing to do with her, or with any other politician really, but you get after everyone else for bringing up the fact that SP daughter is pregnant. How can we let it rest if you keep bringing it into the coversation.
I am an independent and it does bear looking at, but the whole article was just ridiculous to me. If someone is going to say that someone follows a communist give me something more substantial than rallies and cheers, etc.
I do believe you just insulted me....not to
my husband.
Be that as it may, I come to expect it of certain posters on this board.
If you can't understand it, then I can't explain it to you. You'll only call me worse names, so why should I bother?
I believe I was the first one to mention Alinsky...
and actually, Obama is the expert...he taught the Alinsky method and used it in his community organizing for years. You can educate yourself if you choose to, or you can repeat democratic talking points and post criticizing others instead of valid points. Up to you...but it appears which road you have chosen.
Exactly, and the sources you mention actually...
back up their facts that are easily checked, not just commentary or their personal spin on things. THAT is what people need to look at. Even if they are watching those other things, when they hear something, don't take it at face value. Research it, look for facts, not statements. Trust YOURSELF.
Why don't you ever mention the other 4 in the Keating 5 were....
Democrats? Three of whom were much more than "rebuked." The Keating 5 was a small part of the article. The lead with the pic of the "indicted" guy has been refuted...and Obama also has an "indicted" friend..Rezko. But you did not bring that up either.
Forgot to mention.
Also the show last night stated that Obama keeps saying we are going to CHANGE and people chant, YES WE CAN. What is this change? Anybody know? Because O'Reilly Factor and everyone else want to know what this CHANGE is. Obama inspires us, but for what? What is this CHANGE he is going to do?
PS. I fogot to mention
We'd be perfectly fine with their sabotage of our economy, aggressive advancement into our camps for further residential land-grabbing takeovers and a blockade of food, medical supplies, fuel and money. No, we wouldn't raise a finger, now would we?
Of course, you forgot to mention, the
the other fair and balanced reporters.
Forgot to mention...
our school districts are allowed to appeal the tax assessments. The district I live in has taken just about everybody to court on appeal. A home assessed at $41,000 and sold for twice that is taken to court as soon as they find out...which they can do because all deeds are posted in the newspaper plus our county put all the properties on line along with the history of who owned the home before at what price and what it sold to the next person and the amount.
I never saw him mention an MT as being unskilled -
I don't think he necessarily meant every job that is shipped overseas is an unskilled worker job. However, that being said, most people do not think that MTs are "skilled" and think of it as only a typing job. You have to educate if you want people to know the skill that is required for this job.
I, however, choose to look on the bright side and have hope that something is going to change very soon. Now, I don't believe that just brining our jobs home from India is going to save us from ruin, as we still have the VR programs, but at least it won't be a foreign country ruining us!
Forgot to mention......... sm
the landowner also benefits from rise in gas/oil prices as they are paid more on their royalties when thep price per barrel goes up. I've watched my mom's royalty check yo-yo over the years. We currently have another piece of land leased for drilling but so far nothing has been drilled on it or near enough for us to be in a unit. Now that prices have picked up a bit, it might be possible that drilling in our area might increase.
Not to mention they have talked about
how obese people pollute more. Soon if you are overweight, you will be taxed for any extra pounds you have. If you are a farmer and have cows, you will be taxed for how much poo they crap out and how much they fart. It is getting ridiculous. Soon they will be taxing you if you sneeze. Taxes and taxes and more taxes and what does are government do.....spend spend spend.
Did someone mention anger control....
All the people you mention have slants
the fact most journalists do. Just because you don't like Drudge's slant....which I don't get your point because Drudge mostly just posts headlines. He does have a radio show, but on his website he posts mostly headlines...
Now that you mention are links to get you started.
Ignore it if you like...but you know, the duck thing...if it quacks like a duck.
All of these things can be independently verified. The policies that he is proposing are socialism 101...redistribution of wealth. The "people" of Cuba has not done so well after the Castro/Che Guevara revolution, now have they?
Funny you should mention Enron....
and Ken Lay. Remember how that saturated the news for weeks and months...because he had Republican connections. We are in the midst of the worst financial crisis this country has faced since the depression, Democrats are up to their eyeballs in it, and do you see ANYTHING in the media about it? Folks, we should be very AFRAID of how these folks conspire to keep the bad Dem news off the air but fall all over themselves to get the bad Repub news on...the LAST thing we need right now is Obama in the white house. The very LAST thing.
I forgot to mention about the lyrics
Some of the lyrics (the whole song is too long to write the whole thing here, but these are some of the most disturbing lines in the song....We're gonna change the world. Obama's gonna lead em. We're gonna change it, and rearrange it. Nations all joined as one.
Yup I'd say Obama wants a one world government with him as the over-seer. Not as creepy as the kids singing, but pretty darn close.
Did I mention Obama anywhere in that post?
can you even have a thought without him in it??
Am I getting senile? Did I mention coal? LOL
Didn't they mention something about a loan
I was watching Bill O'Reilly with my husband last night, and I thought they mentioned giving them a loan that has to be paid back rather than a bailout, or is that the same thing?
Not to about a 25,000 year warning?
The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012.....the year Obama's term as president, will be nearing its end....
I remember studying Revelations in bible school when I was a teenager....scared the you know whatsits outta me....
I'm also wondering about Nostradamus for the future, as well.....
Ummm, let's see here. You mention Obama
in the first and third person 9 times in a 12-line post and the word "timing" is completely absent. What in the world was JTBB thinking?
Your expansion on the OP is not terribly coherent either. If Israel were neutered by a sudden absence of funding, it certainly would affect the future of our nation, but not in the ways you would like to suggest. Israel would be standing ALL ALONE and would not be able to support this ungodly occupation for even 5 more minutes. The US would almost instantly regain some sort of respect and standing and all sorts of diplomatic channels would open up. A more intelligent, thoughtful and productive dialog would ensue and communication would normalize between the US, it allies AND its foes. Mutually beneficial solutions would be sought, a shameful past buried and a much brighter future would emerge.
You are wrong, wrong, wrong to suggest that the Palestinians are not entitled to be freed from the prisons of occupation and live in dignity on the land they have populated over the past 14 milleniums. If Israel ALWAYS prevails, please tell me why they are armed to the teeth, live in fear and cannot accomplish the tiniest hint of national security? Last time I looked, no matter what Israel tries to do, the Palestinians are STILL in Palestine. They are the ones who are not going anywhere.
Not to mention the money we borrowed
from China for the bailout...heaven help us if they decide they want all their money back at some point in time.
Oh, forgot to mention that the 2 screens you
Senators and Representative screens are up near the top or top right of screen. I did not bother to fully read the whole page.
You fail to mention the fact.......
that the dems aren't going after the Bush administration for war crimes - proven war crimes. War crimes our country has executed people for in the past. Geneva convention? What's that?
I saw no mention of party affiliation....
but then again, the news just posted sound bytes and not the entire meeting. So that woman was the only one who got to speak? I doubt it. And good for that family to help that woman out with their extra vacant house!
Funny you should mention dim bulbs
That's all we will be allowed to use pretty soon, Algore says so!
Not to mention the millions they employ for...
...slave wages overseas (you know, like MTSOs do.)
I don't understand why you condone corporate welfare/tax cheaters. Not surprised -- just don't understand.