on talking about the war in Iraq, per se, but more about the war on terror.
Does this mean he's targeted another country to "spread freedom" to? With 74% of the American public thinking Iraq was a mistake, I'd LOVE to see him try to sell another war to this Congress, after all his lies the first time.
Having 9/11 being an inside job is only a notch or two lower than using that tragedy to promote his own personal war against Iraq, so I don't think it would surprise me.
I don't know if I can stomach watching him or not, so I haven't decided yet.
Such bad, bad taste! Such a disrespectful man! (I forget...what are the other names he's been called by his honor-challenged haters?)
Dinner Honoring McCain to Be Hosted by Obama
Saturday, January 10, 2009; 2:30 PM
President-elect Barack Obama will host a dinner honoring Sen. John McCain, the Republican he tromped in the election, the night before his inauguration, the Presidential Inaugural Committee announced yesterday, saying the gesture demonstrates Obama's "commitment to bridging the bipartisan divide."
The dinner will be one of a series that night: Gen. Colin Powell and Vice President-elect Joe Biden also will be feted.
"In these times of great challenge and great change, leadership requires rising above the same old narrow partisanship," Obama said on the PIC Web site. "Each of these distinguished Americans has spent his life in service to his country, at each and every moment placing the interests of America before issues of political party."
Congressional leaders from both parties will attend the dinners at the National Building Museum, Union Station and the Hilton Washington.
The first time, they rented a truck and tried to knock the towers down by detonating it in the underground parking garage.
When that failed, they regrouped, formed another plan, and meticulously set it in motion. Took years, but they accomplished their objectives, save for that heroic United flight.
The problem with Americans is that they have very short attention spans. They think if the war's not over in 2 or 3 years, it's 'old news' and they move on. If it's not on their TV screens every night, with flashing lights and music like an MTV video, they can't process the information. Out of sight, out of mind. Like the victims of 911 and the noble men and women fighting the war on terror. All forgotten, for the most part, by an impatient, clock-watching public.
Terrorists, on the other hand, know a little something about watching and waiting. In a religious war like they're fighting, time is measured in centuries.
So, I'm sorry, but your little theory just doesn't hold water, and was naive in the extreme.
The simple truth is that there has not been another attack on US soil since Bush has been in office.
Why don't you try to sound just a teensy bit thankful that your hide is safe, and not in a foxhole somewhere, or digging out of the rubble of a bombed-out apartment complex? A little dose of humility, and reality, goes a long way.
Disability is one thing...poor planning is another
I'm sorry for your situation, and I do believe people who cannot work due to a disability should have help. I'm not heartless. I'm really kind of stumped, because I thought employers and insurance companies could no longer deny/discriminate people a job and/or insurance because of pre-existing conditions. I know that you can't get disability insurance with pre-existing conditions, but again, it's my understanding that no one can be denied health insurance because of pre-existing conditions. My husband has diabetes and has changed jobs in the last five years and has gotten ins. with no problem.
The problem with most socialized medicine is that if you have a serious condition, say like cancer, at some point they quit treating you. This is what is happening in the U.K. as we speak. So, in a round about way that's being denied health care altogether. You have to then seek it out of pocket, and most of the time you have to leave your home country to pay for it out of pocket.
In a March 17th interview with The Hill, Specter said he absolutely would not switch parties:
"[Democrats] are trying very hard for the 60th vote. Got to give them credit for trying. But the answer is no.
I'm not going to discuss private talks I had with other people who may or may not be considered influential. But since those three people are in the public domain, I think it is appropriative to respond to those questions.
I am staying a Republican because I think I have an important role, a more important role, to play there. The United States very desperately needs a two-party system. That's the basis of politics in America. I'm afraid we are becoming a one-party system, with Republicans becoming just a regional party with so little representation of the northeast or in the middle atlantic. I think as a governmental matter, it is very important to have a check and balance. That's a very important principle in the operation of our government. It's in the Constitution on separation of powers."
Thanks for the civics lecture, Arlen. Apparently this is just another one of those "inconvenient truths" that got to be more than you could actually live with, eh buddy?
Former FEMA Director Michael Brown, heavily criticized for his agency's slow response to Hurricane Katrina, is starting a disaster preparedness consulting firm to help clients avoid the sort of errors that cost him his job.
If I can help people focus on preparedness, how to be better prepared in their homes and better prepared in their businesses — because that goes straight to the bottom line — then I hope I can help the country in some way, Brown told the Rocky Mountain News for its Thursday editions.
Brown said officials need to take inventory of what's going on in a disaster to be able to answer questions to avoid appearing unaware of how serious a situation is.
In the aftermath of the hurricane, critics complained about Brown's lack of formal emergency management experience and e-mails that later surfaced showed him as out of touch with the extent of the devastation.
The lawyer admits that while he was head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency mistakes were made in the response to Katrina. He also said he had been planning to quit before the hurricane hit.
Hurricane Katrina showed how bad disasters can be, and there's an incredible need for individuals and businesses to understand how important preparedness is, he said.
Brown said companies already have expressed interested in his consulting business, Michael D. Brown LLC. He plans to run it from the Boulder area, where he lived before joining the Bush administration in 2001.
I'm doing a lot of good work with some great clients, Brown said. My wife, children and my grandchild still love me. My parents are still proud of me.
Maybe if we all supported family planning and free contraceptives - WORLD WIDE - abortion would no l
And I know of not a single person who thinks abortion is "wonderful", only an occasionally necessary evil.
I am an independent....neither party is "my" party.
THis election cycle I believe the best man is a Republican. Do your research. John McCain warned about this in 2005, named Fannie and freddie by name, co-sponsored legislation to control them. Blocked by Democrats, led by Chris Dodd..same guy now trying to fix what he and the Dems broke. Chris Dodd, #1 on contributions list from fannie/freddie, followed closely by #2, your shining knight Mr. Obama. The chickens have come home to roost all right...or should I say the donkeys. :)
Uh oh. Looks like the party's over.
Sharpen up those cat claws.
What about the other party?
me and my party?
All I asked was if this was more divisive. I said nothing about any party or who I would prefer to see win. I said nothing hateful or vicious. Give it a rest, will ya?
Pub party?
Cool! Can I pick the pub, and will you bring 'nother fattie for the parking lot?
I am not of the pub party.
There are a lot of things to fault Obama for already. Just because you are too blind to see it just shows that you are so into democratic rhetoric that you can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie.
I truly feel sorry for people who are so caught up in the party lines (and this goes for both dems and pubs) that they refuse to see politicians for who they truly are.
Barrack Obama is a liar and he is so obvious about his lying it is amazing that you people can't even see it when it is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE!!!
new party
I am so disgusted with all these folks in office, I am ready to start my own party. I think I will call it the Repo Party with the main objective being to take our country back. And we will be voting on daylight savings time, just for starters.
party time..
You party for your reasons, I party for me..Fortunately, right now democrats and the like minded have many things to party for..YEEHHAAWW!! Bye bye Scooter, bye bye Rove, bye bye incompetent Bush, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Our party definitely needs to step up. sm
It's come to the point that I don't even know what our party values anymore. Just a bunch of different groups trying to elevate their cause with no clear focus. What is our agenda? I'm listening, but our elected officials are not talking.
Is Senator Kennedy the last Dem standing? At least he and Murtha speak their minds and challenge this administration. And I'm dog tired of hearing what the republicans got wrong. Though I think they have a nice stack of issues, I want to hear what our party is going to do to fix the Iraqi situation, what would they do in Louisiana and Missisippi differently if they had the ball in their court and what are they willing to fight for to effect change? What will they do to make America safer from domestic and foreign terrorists? Offer up some solutions. Maybe they have, but I haven't heard anything.
Hillary, though I'm still a fan of hers, seems to ride whichever wave she's on. Howard Dean is a live wire who says the first thing that floats to his brain, off the wall. He does not have the carisma to lead the party to victory IMHO.
As far as the republicans, I'm tired of hearing about gay marriages and abortions. I do not think these are America's main issues, not even close. I want to hear something other than rhetoric about how good Iraqi is doing too.
And I was just having a conversation earlier this week with a friend of mine who agrees with me that we have seen MORE gays and lesbians emerge since Bush took office. And before you get it wrong conservatives, I'm not saying he is creating them. It may be that the gays are rebelling and being more blatant with it to spite the anti-gay politicians, and/or all of the attention brought to gay marriage and gay this and that have only lured more young people into this culture as a reverse effect. I think the latter is more likely because rewind back to 2000, it was less likely you would see woman/woman, man/man hand in hand in the supermarket. Now, it's just as normal as man/woman and I'm in the bible belt, Alabama.
I agree with the poster who asked the question *where was THIS Al Gore 8 years ago?* Maybe, they'll wise up and make him head of the DNC. Say, *Thanks Dr. Dean for your services but we won't be needing them anymore.*
Either way, this administration NEEDS more disenting voices with SOLUTIONS-this is key-not just rhetoric because on major issues they have been allowed to runamuck basically uncontested for the last five years.
If we keep it up at this rate though I agree it's bad news for America.
*We tend to believe our party*...sm
Re-reading my postI can see how I misspoke. What I was trying to get across, and my post was not directed at you BTW, was that psychologically people tend to put more trust in and defend the party they support by default. Whether you are a registered republican or not, you support the republican party, and I glean that from your statement *I have not seen a Democrat I could vote for in good conscious.* And whether you are aware of it or not, you defend that party tooth and nails on here, and there is nothing wrong with that if they follow your belief systems.
Good for you for criticizing Foley, and any other person who is inappropriate with the pages. I have said here before I do not know why Studds didn't stepdown and more importantly why he was reelected. I'm against his having a relationship with a page as much as I am Foley.
As to Juanita, I understand you are personally connected with her in some way, so you will obviously be more sensitive to her situation than I will. I am looking at the big picture. Since she did not come forward in 1978, the statue of limitations gone, all she can do is tell her story, and Clinton has a story. Like I said her story is believable. She has proven genuine and not making claims out of spite or for money. I think it was Brunson who posted ladies that Clinton was supposed to have either raped or sexually harrassed earlier this year. Out of them all, Juanita was the only one I believe has substance.
I disagree with you again; when it was brought up that conservative presidents were accused of rape below, it was rebutted with *that was only one time...but..but..but..* That's rationalizing and minimizing.
I know your mind is made up about Vincent Foster, but this is what's on snopes.com. What I find interesting is the *suicide note.*
White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide on the night of 20 July 1993 by shooting himself once in the head, a day after he contacted his doctor about his depression. A note in the form of a draft resignation letter was found in the bottom of his briefcase a week after his death. (Note that this letter was not, as is often claimed, a suicide note. It was Foster's outline for a letter of resignation.) Foster cited negative Wall Street Journal editorials about him. He was also upset about the much-criticized role of the counsel's office in the controversial firing of seven White House travel office workers.
On 10 October 1997, special prosecutor Kenneth Starr released his report on the investigation into Foster's death, the third such investigation (after ones conducted by the coroner and Starr's predecessor, Robert B. Fiske) of the matter. The 114-page summary of a three-year investigation concluded that Foster shot himself with the pistol discovered in his right hand. There was no sign of a struggle, nor any evidence he'd been drugged or intoxicated or that his body had been moved.
If Foster had been murdered or if unanswered questions about his death remained, Starr would have been the last person to want to conclude the investigation prematurely. Or are we to believe Starr is part of the cover up, too? And if we buy into the conspiracy theory, what are we expected to believe? That a group of professional killers capable of carrying out dozens of murders all over the world shot Vince Foster, then clumsily dumped him in a park (after he had bled out), planted a gun he didn't own in his hand (without bothering to press his fingerprints onto it), amateurishly forged a suicide note (in several different handwritings), and then seriously expected the nation would believe it was suicide? Claims too crazy to believe are never discounted when they're needed to help establish a conspiracy, of course.
to watch the acceptance speech by Obama. There was one individual at the party who kept talking endlessly and kept trying to re-take the floor after someone spoke about their interests. it was incredibly annoying. Ever had that happen in your life? conversation hog?
Despicable party. The WTC would probably still Obama party
I actually posted back a couple of pages about this - this board has been busy since last night! =) I was actually kind of disappointed with the party. First off, the lady from the Democratic Headquarters didn't really give any information about any of the issues - she just brought print-outs from his website, which I had already read through before going to the party. Also, my friend that hosted the party is a HUGE Hillary she got some of the other guests going on about Hillary rather than talking about Obama. I asked a couple of questions, but no one there really seemed very informed and the response I got was to give them my email address and they would get back to me. The one nice thing was that there was no Bush-bashing and really no mention of McCain at all, but information on Obama was no more than I could get off the internet. It was good to see my friend again (this summer had been kind of crazy) and nice to meet some new people, but politically, it was really a waste of time. Everyone was really nice, even after they found out I had never listened to NPR =) I do, however, encourage people to attend a political "party" - either Republican or Democrat - perhaps the person who does your presentation will be better informed. Thanks to everyone that gave me web info earlier this week! =)
Obama can't fix what with his party either...
hard to do when you personify it.
It is JM's/SP's party's turn to be on the
the media dished out on their behalf throughout the entire primary season. Repeat. Show me one time JM has attempted to rein in his supporters when their tactics got out of control. Never mind what the media would or would not have done. I am looking for an example of JM expressing his awareness or concern that the tactics being used were inappropriate. O has done this on occasions, which makes the inquiry legitimate. The reason there is no answer is because there is no example. The hypocrisy of the remainder of this post speaks for itself and requires no rebuttal.
How can a party brainwash
Once again, anyone not voting for your party
I haven't seen you say one thing yet that wasn't something I already heard stated on the news. If listening to the media and buying into their opinions is reasoning, then I don't wanna be a "reasoning" voter. I'm not for Barack or McCain, but I don't see the purpose of insulting someone because they DO like one or the other. Something tells me you don't need a purpose or reason to insult, though, it just makes you feel better about you.
your party and your president
Dubya are making us socialist -- this is what you have harped on for years. We even get to take over the debts of foreign banks thanks to Phil Gram, John McClain's right hand man.
What party is he, and why was he not nominated? vote third party
Remember how we just "don't understand" how the bailout is good for us? Every politician and every single new media outlet said that we did not understand. They are protecting us from ourselves? we have to get together on this and get them out!
THis is not about the Republican party....
it is about socialism. I am a registered Independent, not a Republican. I just don't want a socialist America. What part of that do you not understand?
There is nothing positive about socialism that I can see.
Fear mongering...good grief. I am not fearful, I am angry. That man wants to highjack my country and a good many of my countrymen/women seem all to eager to help him do so. That doesn't make me afraid...it makes me angry.
However, there is nothing I can do about that, except vote for what I want, just like you are apparently going to.
If you get your way, and by the end of his term we are up to our eyeballs in socialism....one thing you can be sure of...I had nothing to do with it.
Well said. I don't belong to either party.
I just hope that the country can survive the 4 years. If Obama doesn't tax and spend us into a real depression or turn us into Venezuela north, perhaps it will.
But at least I will have the small comfort in knowing I had nothing to do with putting him in the White House.
You would probably know more about the Nazi party
The independent party has voted that they will back McCain. They have NO votes to back Obama whatsoever!!!!
which independent party?
Which one? There are a couple, at least:
The American Independent Party
The Independent American Party
Independence Party of America
I thought being an "independent" meant you didn't belong to any party...
Okay, but for the Independent Party, do
That is a pity party going on there...
I've been poor, woe is me, nobody knows my plight. Well, poster may find this hard to believe but there are others who were also poor while young, went through horrific things in their life, and still don't use that as an excuse to whine their entire life and live in the past until their dying day.
And what is my party and who is my guy? Frankly,
I think Alan Keyes or Chuck Baldwin would be the far greater choices of president than any of the 2 that have been purposely foisted upon us, but in the end, I will vote for what is best for my country, a concept you obviously do not share.
Come back 6 months from now, commie, and tell me how you are faring.
There's always the Constitution Party....sm
Chuck Baldwin is their candidate. I really like his platform as he is very conservative and has some really good ideas. Unfortunately, I doubt there is much chance he will win, but if feeling good about your vote is important to you, then check him out.
This sheeple will party on down!
Hey guess what....the term *tribe* was used as a reference to survivor...not a racial slur unless you're looking for it...
Not according to the socialist party.
Brian Moore, the presidential candidate for the socialist party, says that it is an insult to say that Barack Obama is a socialist. He was interviewed on TV last week and said that Obama is a capitalist and could not be described as a socialist in any way, shape, or form. I think he knows a little bit more about socialism than any of you do.
Not to worry, her own party won't have her... sm
They see what she did to McCain and how she is really out for herself. It was a giant mistake that McCain won't admit but many many many republicans jumped ship because of Palin.
Party of whiners?
at least it's not the party of handouts and doing nothing for themselves.
I guess instead of complaining I should just walk away from the my mortgage? I wasn't whining, I was stating a fact, but am I surprised that you attacked me for that? NO
We need a viable 3rd party. Until then....
It is business as usual. Neither party does what WE THE PEOPLE elected them to do, they do what THEY want to do. This is where we as fed up Americans can put entrenched politicians out of business.
Let your elected officials know that in the next election their jobs are in peril as we are SICK AND TIRED of being played for chumps. Then tell them that you will not vote for an established party, you are going to vote 3rd party.
I realize that this will take a lot of work, but if enough of us can join together, it can be done.