Protecting borders? We went to Iraq to protect our borders? That is a new one! Why did we go to Iraq? WMD? There werent any. Getting Saddam (heaven knows why..there are terrible leaders in other countries that are much more threatening..i.e., N. Korea, Iran). Well, we got him. So, why are we still there? We are there because our goal has always been to control the Middle East and it's oil. Of course, the American people would not have sacrificed their children in war for those reasons, so Bush had to scare the American people into war. We walked right into the terrorists web by invading Iraq. Gave them a reason to fight us. We are in a country where we dont belong. We need to leave. Set a time table, train the Iraqis to take care of their own country and leave. Protect our borders? How about protecting the border from USA to Mexico. Or USA to Canada. Those are borders that will affect us right here on our soil. The Iraq invasion was a major mistake. This murderous administration knows it but, of course, Bush never backs down on anything, even when he is dead wrong and forget about ever admitting he made a mistake about anything or apologize for something. This war is wrong and history will show this and Bushs legacy will not be kind. You don't need military at our borders..... that's against our constitution. That's what our National Guard is for, to protect OUR borders. Combat military is not supposed to be involved in this country. I do not want our troops on the borders of my country; I want our national guard sent down to do what they are supposed to do, protect our country against foreign invasion. I am sick to death of paying for illegals and their anchor babies by the thousands and thousands.... Good question.....why is our country allowing this and then punishing our agents to shoot one of them. Maybe more shooting would stop a lot of their illegal trespassing into our country if they knew they would be shot. Your animosity borders on psychosis. MT not so secure The company managing the hospital I worked for went bankrupt and new company refused to pay our invoices for October. I am without a month's pay until I can chase down bankrupt company to make good. To make it worse, they sent me a check for first half of month which bounced. Luckily, I had not written any checks off it or I would have been racking up bank fees. New company offered to keep us on at a 1/3 pay cut. I said Adios! She seems pretty secure to me. her every word" because she likes the truth and when someone posts a big fat lie on this board, she can see it and can prove it wrong. I know those annoying "FACTS" can get in the way of someone who is trying to spread fodder that contains little or no truth. She seems to have inner peace, and many of her posts on this board are pretty funny too so I guess her sense or humor and "joy" are intact as well. Unlike you, I won't be arrogant enough to pretend to know anything about her personal life. Just how do you know she doesn't have a "life of joy with true friends and family"? And how do you know she doesn't have a life other than one that "consists of I guess just basically having a life other than transcribing, hating Bush and proclaiming to be an atheist."? Have you ever met her? How many family members does she have? How many friends does she have? What color is her hair? Her eyes? Does she prefer puppies over kittens or both or none? How tall is she? With the "knowledge" you claim to have, those questions should be pretty easy for you to answer, and I look forward to reading those answers. She seems pretty secure to me. her every word" because she likes the truth and when someone posts a big fat lie on this board, she can see it and can prove it wrong. I know those annoying "FACTS" can get in the way of someone who is trying to spread fodder that contains little or no truth. She seems to have inner peace, and many of her posts on this board are pretty funny too so I guess her sense or humor and "joy" are intact as well. Unlike you, I won't be arrogant enough to pretend to know anything about her personal life. Just how do you know she doesn't have a "life of joy with true friends and family"? And how do you know she doesn't have a life other than one that "consists of I guess just basically having a life other than transcribing, hating Bush and proclaiming to be an atheist."? Have you ever met her? How many family members does she have? How many friends does she have? What color is her hair? Her eyes? Does she prefer puppies over kittens or both or none? How tall is she? With the "knowledge" you claim to have, those questions should be pretty easy for you to answer, and I look forward to reading those all-knowing answers. Bush wanted borders secured, congress did not. I know Gov. Napolitano wanted to secure Arizona borders years ago. She was Attorney General back then and US attorney. She went to congress and fought for border control several times, but was ignored by Clinton. Finally Bush came into office and he signed (article below) Border Fence Act. As for Obama, well he picked Gov. Napolitano to be in his office. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6388548 'over there', everything is interwovn, intermingled, intertwined, no borders!..nm nm Palin is strong, secure. nm Thanks for your suggestion, but I don't want to trade one non-secure site for another. I'm looking for a site where the administrator is neutral and ethical and doesn't threaten people with their ISP numbers. If there is one out there, I'd appreciate knowing about it. As far as your posting here, that's your decision. I couldn't care less because I'm only staying on this board long enough to see if anyone else it appalling that an administrator would track ISP numbers of posters for telling the truth about their employer. Then I won't be coming back any more, to any of the boards here. And thanks for finally being honest and saying it's your preference, instead of the disingenuous I'll leave. Are you happy now? type comments that I doubt anyone believed, anyway. 100 more years in Iraq will not make us more secure. make us more secure. Not understanding Afghanistan will not make us more secure. Forgetting about binLaden will not make us more secure. Refusing to talk to world leaders will not make us more secure. A war on terror in the absence of diplomacy and strong alliances is doomed to fail. Four more years of Bush will certainly place us in more danger. No sale. House, car paid for, no kids at home, investments secure. x benefits for illegals... Alright which party is for doing something about the illegals that are crossing our border and not just to work but to take advantage of goverment benefits. More specific which person who is running? Has this been mentioned by any of them? Let me enlighten everyone on some things. Let everyone see just how messed up this country is becoming. I live near an illegal immigrant who has found out she is pregnant. Well she went to the office where you apply for Medicaid to pay for the baby and they told her unless she could prove she was a US citizen no help. Well that is the way it should be. She goes to Georgia. They say same thing. She has now gone to Louisiana, which is not the state where she even lives either. They are going to give her benefits. They don't even check. What is the deal? She is illegal, has a job that she said wanted proof she could work in the US legally. She got around that somehow. I don't know how. She pays no taxes here. But yet she can get Medicaid? What the heck is going on here? She doesn't even live in Louisiana. She gave them someone elses address. How can the country let this continue? SCHIP and Illegals I do not have an article where Bush himself said it; I heard him on TV on one of those blurbs talking about it. The opposition of the Republicans is that the present bill is an expansion of SCHIP (to the tune fo 6 billion dollars) and opens the door to make it easy for illegals to get on the program legally...although some states who administer SCHIP already do it on the "honor system" and don't ask for proof of citizenship, so you tell me how many are already on it. This is from an article that sums up what I have read: Democratic SCHIP Bill Benefits Illegal Immigrants, GOP Charges (CNSNews.com) - House Republicans said Thursday they hope to block provisions of a Democratic bill to expand health care coverage for poor children that could open up the coverage to illegal immigrants. The Children's Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act would expand the existing State Children's Health Insurance Program - more than doubling it in size - and "improve beneficiary protections under the Medicare, Medicaid and the [SCHIP] program." As Cybercast News Service previously reported, the bill has come under fire from Republicans who view its expansions in coverage as a step toward nationalized health care. Republicans are now also attacking the bill because of three sections dealing with immigration issues. "Illegal immigrants are about to get an unexpected boost thanks to the Democratic Congress," House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a statement Thursday. "The Democrats have a proposal that not only raises taxes on middle class families and slashes funding for a popular Medicare program ... it eliminates the requirement that persons applying for Medicaid or SCHIP service show proof of citizenship or nationality." Calling the bill "poorly crafted," Boehner said the proposal would "dole out billions of dollars to states who then have the option of whether or not to verify that a person is an American citizen before providing taxpayer-funded health benefits like Medicaid and SCHIP. The bill also eliminates the current five-year waiting period required for legal immigrants to receive government health benefits." One provision, Section 132, would remove a requirement that legal immigrants wait five years before being eligible for government-funded health care coverage, according to Republican opponents. The other two sections have potential applicability to illegal residents. Section 143 would give states the option of requiring proof of citizenship for enrollment in the programs. Opponents say the provision allows states to "return to a system of blind trust." As to pandering to get the Hispanic ILLEGAL vote, why do you think this bill is crafted this way from the Dems to make sure they can get their kids on SCHIP? Dems have been chasing the illegal immigrant vote even more so than Republicans...in fact, they COUNT on it. I have heard Bush talk about amnesty and that is one of the places that he and I disagree. Although, I don't think he is courting the Hispanic vote or he would not be vetoing a program that puts them right on the SCHIP rolls no questions asked...now would he?? I think it is more important to let the bill stay as-is for 6 months than to open it up as a freeforall for illegals to get their kids on it. YES, I think it is more important. I am not a Republican, but I am a fiscal conservative, and I certainly agree in this case. And yes, before you ask, I have children. I may not have everything I want, but I can insure my kids. And I don't make $80,000 a year either...about expanding SCHIP to cover "middle income" families. They are talking about a family of 4 with total income of $80,000 a year (2 adults 2 kids) being eligible for a program that was designed to cover low income kids. THat is what...400% of the poverty level and how much higher than the median income in the US? I'm sorry, but an annual income of $80,000...there should be a way for those folks to cover their children. They are not talking about cancelling any other programs or any way to pay for this 6 billion dollar expansion other than a cigarette tax, which everyone knows will not cover it all. Yes, I think kids should have health care... but if they are going to pay for it for an annual income of $80,000 they might as well pay for it for ALL kids, period. And that is the first step toward socialized medicine, and I don't need a Democrat or a Republican to tell me that. I can see the handwriting on the wall. Do some research on socialized medicine in Canada...the pros and the cons...and see if you really want that happening here. And if they are going to do that, they might as well pay it for everyone = socialized medicine. Be careful what you ask for. Government run medical care...I don't think you want to go there. And, frankly, if they want to expand it to cover a family of 4 making $80,000 a year, I don't think it should be a freebie. Maybe offered at a lower rate than families who make more than that...but come on. A family making $80,000 a year should be able to insure their children. Insuring their children should be their FIRST priority. You tell me what would keep a family of 4 with annual income of $80,000 from being able to insure their children? If anything, it is because 35-40% of their income comes off the top in TAXES right now to pay for all the social programs in this country. Why not LOWER taxes to help them pay their premiums instead of taxing us all MORE to give them health care? Why not do that? But you say tax cut to a Democrat and they get apoplectic. Perhaps it is because people don't want to prioritize and don't want to do without anything in order to insure their children, would rather spend it on something else. There ARE families who choose to do that. You are naive if you think there are not. Honestly, if we do not control spending, and we give more and more entitlements and extend those entitlements higher and higher up the income level...can you not see the vicious circle? Are we going to extend it in another 5 years for families of 4 who make $120,000 a year because we have taxed everyone so much that now THEY can't afford to insure their children? Come on! Why not prioritize? Take all the money earmarked for social programs, put insuring children at the top, insure all the children if that is what the american people think is most important, and whatever is left, dole out to the remaining programs. Try prioritizing instead of more programs, more taxes, more programs, more taxes. I personally think that 35-40% in taxes off the top of our incomes is ENOUGH. Stimulating Illegals Investor's Business Daily 03/12/09 Economy: At least 300,000 of those stimulus jobs will go to illegal aliens who are likely to send that money home to their native countries. Just whose economy are we stimulating? The stimulus package is supposed to stimulate the American economy and create American jobs, but missing from it are measures to guarantee that. As a result, say both the Heritage Foundation and the Center for Immigration Studies, hundreds of thousands of these jobs will go to illegal aliens, and much of the money they earn will not be spent here. The original House version included a provision requiring employers to check registration status with the E-Verify system before hiring. This provision was missing from the Senate bill and was not in the final version sent to President Obama. The Obama administration has also delayed at least until May 21 a Bush administration executive order requiring federal contractors to use E-Verify. It was supposed to take effect in January. Last Tuesday, 75 representatives of both parties sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader John Boehner urging them "to protect taxpayers and legal workers by including these critical jobs protection provisions in any future economic recovery legislation." In a February report by the Heritage Foundation, senior research fellow Robert Rector looked at the 2 million construction jobs the stimulus is supposed to create. "Without specific mechanisms to ensure that workers are U.S. citizens or legal immigrants authorized to work," he concluded, "it is likely that 15% of these workers, or 300,000, would be illegal immigrants." Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies, comes up with the same figure for construction jobs based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey and other independent findings that 15% of all construction workers in the U.S. are illegal aliens. Camarota says the total number of stimulus jobs going to illegals may be higher. At least a million more jobs are said to be created by the stimulus, and with 5% of the overall U.S. work force consisting of illegals, they could get another 50,000 non-construction jobs. Rector sees another downside. "The fact that illegal aliens send a substantial portion of their earnings abroad reduces the stimulus effect that their employment has in the United States," he says. Remittances, Mexico's second-largest source of foreign income after oil, dipped 3.6% to $25 billion in 2008, compared with $26 billion the previous year, according to Mexico's central bank. Will our stimulus improve Mexico's economy? "It's outrageous that in a bill designed to provide employment for Americans, Congress has deliberately chosen to allow jobs to be given to illegal immigrants," Rector adds. We think so too. He wants amnesty for illegals. How is that How is amnesty for illegals GOOD for Americans? It's NOT! Cut off the ability for them to work here. Every time they are picked up by police, ship them home. Secure the border. Compared to all the spending Obama wants to do, these are CHEAP solutions that will free up jobs for hard-working Americans. Not great jobs, no, but jobs that can help make ends meet in hard times! Jobs for the ones first laid off! Spending money on "good" causes is not what is needed during a crisis like this. Saving money and very careful spending that promotes private enterprise and hiring are what will rescue us. I completely disagree with the Republicans who stopped the 95% taxing of the bonuses to AIG employees. That was one obviously smart thing the Dems were trying to do, and I'm furious the Reps stopped it. I've been sending faxes to my reps on these important issues. You can too, through the Numbers USA website. Let our elected leaders know we aren't falling for their propaganda, and we know there are smarter, cheaper solutions to our country's problems. www.numbersusa.com/
Amnesty for illegals I am amazed nearly everyday with the idiotic things that come from our government. This one about made me spit out my beverage when I heard it. Amnesty for illegals is a horribly bad idea. What message does that send to the ones who are trying to become citizens the right way. This also sends a message for more and more illegals to come our way. This is an outrage. Absolutely ridiculous! We spend billions of dollars on illegals the way that it is. This wouldn't have anything to do with Obama's aunt or anything.....now would it? Or maybe this is just his ploy to get more votes by turning them into legal citizens. Either way.....it is an ignorant thing to do. This is one area I truly 100% disagreed with McCain on. He wanted amnesty too. BAD IDEA!!! My biggest concern is how many illegals are + 1 MILLION ILLEGALS have mortgages!! nm This thread is about bailing out illegals, but I don't agree with bailing out the banks and CEOs either. Bullhockey, illegals are paid in cash, there is NO tax being taken out. nm x Illegals voting???? One word ACORN. nm nm By law he can detain illegals......unfoturtunately our laws nm And yet MILLIONS of illegals are taking jobs in this nm you're wrong, S. FLA the illegals paid on the books at least the ones I know.....the ones who did arrive with at least a visa.....and who get paid off a company payroll and not off the books or in cash is what I mean.... we'd be better off without illegals..he deserves a commendation, not a civil suit... ++ heck I wouldn't mind giving illegals benefits if I could and i'm nervous about my 3 month waiting period at my new job for health insurance! Terrorists Why in hell would I want to convey anything to terrorists but stay hell out of our country or they will die? You, on the other hand want them to like us....I couldn't give a rat's behind what terrorists think about us except that they know we will kick their asses all the way to the meeting with virgins they want so desperately to get their hands on. If you want to stick flowers in their guns go ahead. I would like to stand back and watch that.
Besides, since when do we let terrorists decide who is going to be our next President? Are we so insane that we let a suspect endorsement by a terrorist organization sway our votes one way or another? OMG! I honestly can't believe this! I'm wondering what the people in the Twin Towers or the people on those planes on 9/11 (especially the ones that fought the hijackers) would think about their country now? Makes me sad to think that there are people who would cowtow to terrorist organizations. We should really all know better than that. We will never have terrorists under control per se, but at least we can give power back to the Muslims who don't want us dead. The more control the terrorists have and the bigger area they have to work in....the more of a threat they are to us. That is what this war means to me. As for Obama....he himself has ridiculed this war and yet states that he will find Osama Bin Laden. Is he not raging war here? Obama himself has said that he will not take military force off of the table. Who is to say that Obama won't pull us out of Iraq and sent us to Pakistan to rage war there. We can't fight terrorists in Iraq because that is wasteful and wrong, but Obama wants to go to Pakistan and hunt down terrorists....same thing isn't it. Talk about double standards. He is going to be spending all this money with no funding and says he will save money ending this war but it sounds to me like he could be starting a war elsewhere and then what money will he use to fund his programs.....TAXES....TAXES.....TAXES.........ON EVERYONE!!! Including the middle class that he now supposedly is looking after even though he voted before to raise taxes on us middle folks. Nothing but rhetoric to get in the office. You mean terrorists, x Well when terrorists... and yes I dared to use the word TERRORISTS....strike us again on US soil....what will happen to us then? Will Obama go after them and strike back or will the US turn the other cheek to be struck again? If Obama goes after them and no other country backs us.....what will you say then? The reason these leaders like Obama is because they see weakness. They see an opportunity for the US to fall and they are all chomping at the bit. North Korea is still talking of launching their missile but hey....I guess since it can hit Alaska that is okay because maybe they will get Palin....huh? One less pub to worry about. China says they hate us and blame us for the global economy issues and they are using all the money they get from our country to build up their defense. The Taliban have already said they are planning a strike on Washington. Right there is a warning. So if the Taliban succeed....are ya'll gonna give Obama crap too for not stopping it like you did W. for 9/11 since they had "warnings." Once again, the die hard party liners here refuse to see the mistakes in their own political party and all they can do is point the finger at the other political party.....which is why I'm an independent. You all can go on and on about Bushy's war in Iraq but the botton line is this....would you prefer that terrorists still have control of that area? Would you prefer that the woman in that region be beaten by the taliban for talking to a man or not wearing the appropriate attire. Regardless of why we went there or not....we helped the Iraqi's. Yes we tortured to get information that would save people's lives while they captured our people and beheaded them.....yet we are the bad guys. Their whole purpose of existence is to wipe us out. They want us DEAD and now we can't even call them terrorists....are you kidding me? Seriously.....what is your solution to this problem? Talking to terrorists who want us dead and have no problem blowing themselves up at the same time isn't going to work. The brutal beating of woman just because they exist and are inferior to men......and yet you never hear women's rights group protesting THAT. But hey.....we have our warning from the Taliban and Obama is cutting money from defense.......makes sense.....doesn't it? I guess the only ones it makes sense too are the MSNBC watching, kool-aid drinking, far-left liberals who swoon everytime Obamanation reads from the teleprompter. How many terrorists have died being waterboarded? How many terrorists have we brutally tortured to where they have begged for death? How many terrorists have had their head cut off at Gitmo? It isn't like these acts are done merely for entertainment purposes. They were used to get information out of known terrorists. It was done in an attempt to save lives. It wasn't done in an attempt to destroy lives. All terrorists want to do is destroy us. As for the treatment at Gitmo, they have it better than prisoners here in the US have it. They get reading material, food, clean clothes, etc. Of all the terrorists at Gitmo....how many were waterboarded? 2-3? Oh my. It isn't like we have waterboarded each and every terrorist and the ones we did waterboard were done because they were high up in the ranks that they would more than likely know more information/plans, etc. As for my religious beliefs....I would much rather do what has to be done in order to keep our country, families, children, parents, etc. safe than to cuddle people who hate us and wish nothing upon us but death. This shows you exactly how much you know about the terrorists. sm And THAT has been the worst part about all this. Bush hatred has not only fried you to crispy critters, it has made you dangerously ignorant. you are the ones helping the terrorists It is Bush and you and people who think like you who have put us at risk. We now have a full fledged terrorist state/breeding ground in Iraq because of Bush's war..That has put us at great risk for decades to come. Before Bush invaded, we had a few radicals that if we kept our focus we could have hunted down in Afghanistan and eliminated. Instead Bush invaded Iraq for no go reason other than to have a presence in the Middle East for control of the Middle East. Where is bin Laden? Why are we fighting in Iraq? Why are we there? The real murderer is somewhere in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Yet, you people continue to back this war when there is no logical good reason to have entered into it or to stay there. You and your man Bush are helping the terrorists, you have given them every reason to continue to multiply and hate us even more. You are throwing oil on fire. I want to put out the fire. How many terrorists attacks have we had since 911 nm Christian Terrorists Christian terrorism is religious terrorism by groups or individuals, the motivation of which is typically rooted in an idiosyncratic interpretation of the Bible and other Christian tenets of faith. From the viewpoint of the terrorist, Christian scripture and theology provide justification for violent political activities. Abortion clinics have been frequent targets of violence. Christian anti-abortion terrorists and terrorist organizations include the Army of God, The Lambs of Christ, Clayton Waagner, Mike Bray, James Kopp, Paul Jennings Hill and Eric Robert Rudolph. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_terrorism Exactly. Just like not all Muslims are terrorists. nm nm I am sure that we all know that not all Muslims are terrorists. Why is that anyone who does not support Obama is automatically a bigot who hates everyone who is not a white Christian? And then I am called narrow minded--interesting! But it's okay for terrorists to tortue, maime (sp), and kill innocent men, women, children, news people, and our servicemen? I don't think so. Give it up. Ain't worth it. Concentrate on more pressing issues as the above poster said. O said nothing about negotiating with terrorists. nm Must have been palling around with terrorists hahahahahaha So, we are no better than terrorists? That answer nm We waterboarded known terrorists, not just nm Terrorists are not covered under The Geneva Convention. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that tid bit of information to you people. What our government did was in an attempt to keep Americans safe and yet all you want is Bush and Cheney's head on a platter no matter what extra danger that might put our troops in. Terrorists are not covered under the Geneva Convention. So you want to send a message to the terrorists..... That Americans are all a bunch of corrupt liars who go unchecked and unpunished? I think that if you truly wanted to protect the American people that you would want dishonesty and corruption investigated. Guess not. I don't think the terrorists will knock at our doors.. ..and announce themselves as terrorists so we can shoot them. Iraq, London and 9/11 would teach us that they are much smarter and more covert than that. Besides, when the London bobbies waved their guns around they ended up killing a Brazilian electrician (I think it was Brazil). I don't spend my days worrying about what if a terrorist shows up at my house. There really are too many other things in my life that are genuine to wonder about implausible situations such as the one you describe. That's exactly right!! The terrorists seem to utilize the "unexpected" rather than fdfd Speaking of muslim terrorists tell me, if Bush is such a great leader how come he has not gotten Bin Laden..remember him? the planner of 09/11? I think you have forgotten 09/11. Oh and imagine if Bush and the administration had actually paid some attention to the memos coming across their desks, you know, the ones about how bin laden was goingto use airplanes to attack etc..maybe just maybe, 09/11 wouldnt have happened at all. |
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