I prefer Ron Paul..........over Obama or anyone else
Posted By: any day!! nm on 2009-06-23
In Reply to: Gov. Mark Sanford....(sm) - Just the big bad
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Would you prefer Obama's arena be less than it was in Germany?
The guy has a great audience and my only fear was he would take on the black agenda when our country if falling apart - There is so much to do.
Yeah, give the man a stage that at least is proportionate to foreign countries' stage given to an American politician. Geesh.
I didn't see crowds gather for anyone else. When a crowd that size gathers for a person, they can have any darn stage set they want. As they deserved it.
Obama is NOTHING like Ron Paul....
Obama is the closest to Ron Paul.
The ideas that Ron Paul talked about during his campaign, sound similar (not exactly, but similar) to what Barack talks about.
Barack is different from all the other candidates. If Ron Paul had made it I would vote for him, but he didn't make it, so I have to make the best informed decision I can and vote for someone I can believe in. There is so much hoopla now about whether Obama is going to choose Hillary for this nightmare ticket (oh, im sorry are they calling it a dream ticket? HA). I do not believe for one second he will pick her. If he does he will always have to be watching his back (especially in liu of the comments she made about assassination). He's got a lot of other good people to choose for VP (and people with experience - a quality she is lacking IMO). It is only her followers who keep pushing this "VP thing" for her, but I don't believe its going to happen. I do hope he asks Ron Paul to be in his cabinet.
I prefer Olive Oil myself. Anyone? NM
What term would you prefer? I am sure you have
Neighborhood I would prefer
Well, the one I would prefer I can't afford but that ain't the rich guys fault. We live within our means and don't blame everyone else. I ain't a hate all rich people kind of person. Those RICH people you so detest employ people who actually work for a living. Who do you think the folks you know would be working for if not someone with money to start/open/run a business?
Would you prefer he receive a
declaration of war from these leaders? He can't possibly be responsible for RECEIVING letters from people. This is ridiculous and serves to do nothing but fan the flames of hate and fear. Please open the link I provided and look at the graphs. George W. Bush has completely destroyed any trust, respect or credibility the United States once had. The WORLD wants a leader they can trust. The WORLD simply doesn't trust the Republicans after eight years of Bush. Open the link and see for yourself.
And the thread you started above is simply false. Public service will NOT be mandatory. He's trying to bring back a "Peace Corps" style attitude to America and wants to REWARD those who CHOOSE to perform community service with help paying for their college tuition. The rich kids can still float through and don't have to do anything, but the poorer families -- and they are increasing in the USA every day with every job lost -- are offered a way to help pay for college tuition. That's hardly sinister.
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" used to hold a positive meaning in this country.
Maybe some Americans have gotten too greedy and spiteful for those words to mean anything today, but they still hold meaning for many of us. 
I think I would prefer Germany,
Austria, Greece, or maybe even Moldova.
I would prefer to teach my
child about it and explain to them that even though this lifestyle is not acceptable, they are people too and we should not treat them poorly. If parents don't teach their children and they bully gay people, dorks, dweebs, smelly kids, etc........the school has every right to punish them for acting that way whether it be writing sentences over and over, calling the parents, etc. You do not have to single out homosexuality and teach this to children as an example of tolerance.
Besides, I said below that on the news they keep talking about how same sex marriage is more accepted by people.....particularly younger people and yet here you are saying that this should be taught in schools because younger people aren't tolerant? So which is it?
You're being rude and obnoxious and I prefer to not
who simply doesn't "get it."
If you feel that invading Iraq is protecting our borders with Mexico, then you are direly in need of a geography course.
I simply prefer not to post here. SM
I have a hectic and stressful enough life as it is, as many MTs do. I don't know anything about the other issue. I use to go to MTDaily and there was always trouble there with the ISP thing and their own prejudice. So I don't go there anymore. I suggest that might be an option for you if you feel the way you do.
I prefer to think of them as straight thinkers.
Because, unlike you and others on this board, they understand and realise the dangers we face and have chosen to not make it political. Theirs is not a blind Bush loyalty, much as yours is a blind Bush hatred. That virulent malignant hatred has put all of this fine country, not my own, but fine nonetheless, at great risk. Somehow, despite contrary facts that are palpably clear in the historic record, American and European leaders have managed to convince themselves and the world that the most terrible wars of the 20th century occurred because nations didn’t do enough talking to resolve their differences when, in fact, they occurred because shortsighted, peace-minded leaders (think Jimmy Carter) allowed good intentions and wishful thinking to take the place of an accurate assessment of the identity and intentions of their adversaries. Unless the West adapts more quickly than do canny Islamic terrorists in this constantly evolving war, cease your internecine fighting and stop forgetting what we’ve learned about our enemies—there will be disasters to come far worse than Sept. 11. Sometimes I believe you almost wish for it. I might also add that your incessant q/Bush lied/q mantra is no defense for your actions. But we do know, especially after events in Lebanon and the foiled British bomb plot, that we’re in a war in which failure is not an option and for which repeating ‘Bush lied’ is not a strategy. Americans will not put in power a party that accepts the proposition that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism, that thinks Wal-Mart is a plague on the poor and that wants to repeal the job-creating, economy-boosting and deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts. They will not put in power a party that thinks death is a taxable event and that success should be punished. They will not pass the reins to a party that denies us access to energy reserves offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and which thinks energy independence means building windmills and hugging caribou. If you want your party to win, stop the constant litany of complaints, with which this board is riddled, and do something constructive. A litany of complaints is not a strategy.
I would prefer her as HIS running mate, but...
I would be fairly happy with either! I have mixed feelings about Hillary, but like I've said, I'm sure she would do a fine job. I just happen to reeeeally prefer Obama.
and you would prefer what, that he say, yes, I am a rock star
I'd prefer someone less prone to lying.
Not saying that MO doesn't either. Just saying I would like the First Lady to be more truthful.
I said I prefer to wait for the investigation and
Letting an official process play itself out is what open-minded, objective people do before they make judgments.
Americans prefer O tax plan
I prefer Muslims to Christians!
I find the Muslims I know to be well educated, polite, family oriented, and very gentle people. I cannot say the same for the Christians I have met. This is based on my own personal experience, so there is no need for flaming from the right-wing Christian fanatics.
I would prefer that the government not tear down
even dishonest citizens.
I'd sure prefer lobster to crow. LOL n/m
I prefer my jokes to be funny.
Nothing funny about that post. The only way to describe it is pathetic.
Most of us grownups would prefer to skip the HM
get down to business.
and I prefer the ganja green tea.....nm
Not 'spoiled & lazy' just prefer not to live in their
I prefer the definition of economic meltdown.
Ignore it and your campaign will go down in flames.
I prefer to strengthen the Independent Party
I prefer to keep my focus on the positive measures
give the process a chance to unfold. Had enough of the prophets of doom.
You would prefer he not have staff on day 1? Or have a plan of action? sm
He has done nothing that previous Presidents-elect have not done in the days between election and inauguration.
Perhaps you would prefer the "original" I got prior to my editing.....
The Little Red Hen called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said, 'If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'
'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did. The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.
'Who will help me reap my wheat?' asked the little red hen.
'Out of my classification,' said the pig.
'I'd lose my seniority,' said the cow.
'I'd lose my unemployment compensation,' said the goose.
'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen, and so she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread.
'Who will help me bake the bread?' asked the little red hen.
'That would be overtime for me,' said the cow.
'I'd lose my welfare benefits,' said the duck.
'I'm a dropout and never learned how,' said the pig.
'If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination,' said the goose.
'Then I will do it by myself,' said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, 'No, I shall eat all five loaves.'
'Excess profits!' cried the cow. (Nancy Pelosi)
'Capitalist leech!' screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)
'I demand equal rights!' yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)
The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)
And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, 'You must not be so greedy.'
'But I earned the bread,' said the little red hen.
'Exactly,' said Barack the farmer. 'That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle.'
And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, 'I am grateful, for now I truly understand.'
But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established.
Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one cared...so long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.
Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs.
Hillary got $8 million for hers.
That's $20 million for the memories from two people, who for eight years, repeatedly testified, under oath, that they couldn't remember anything.
I prefer the Dorothy Parker version
(Look it up, they prolly would not let me use the words here....)
If you prefer your pols to speak AND THINK in sound bites, then W's your man!
you've gotten exactly what you deserve. It's unfortunate for the rest of us -- those who can process whole ideas -- that we got what you deserve as well.
Al Gore is a brillliant, articulate, experienced politician who speaks the truth. This oountry is a train wreck. Intelligent, thoughtful public discourse has been replaced by jingoism. A president spouting platitudes and repeating the same refrains over and over again in answer to serious issues brought us the debacle that is Iraq and the tragic spectacle of the Superdome after Katrina.
I'm pretty sure that what I have to say is going to go over the heads of some of the posters on this board, because it's your fear of real ideas that got us where we are.
I prefer watching re-runs of Colin Powell's
Exactly. Some people prefer sticking their fingers in their ears to
I actually really like Ron Paul...
I plan to vote for Barack Obama (bash him if you want - I cannot be swayed!), but I checked out Ron Paul's website awhile back, and it seems like he has a pretty great record. I wouldn't mind if he got elected. I think both Obama and Paul seem to have one great quality in common - integrity!! People can call me foolish if they want, but I go with my gut feeling a lot through life (serving me well so far), and I have a good feeling about both of these men. They seem like decent, honest men - well, honest for politicians at least. :)
I like Obama because he talks about the things that mean the most to my family, and I really think he has what it takes to bring our divided nation back together somewhat, but if a Republican makes it to office, I hope it's Paul.
Exactly what Ron Paul has said over and
He has repeatedly tried to remind everyone of our constant intrusion into the middle east, invading their soil and they resent us for that. Oil, oil, oil is the reason and I am still amazed at how so many people still believe that is not the reason we're over there. Carter screwed up so bad decades ago and things have just gotten worse since. Obama doesn't know squat about middle eastern affairs and it scares me to death to think he could possibly be running this country one day.
Ron Paul.....
Not nominated because he went against everything the government bureaucracy wanted. He wanted VERY LIMITED government, NO taxes on individual citizens, do away with the IRS, stop taking away civil rights, NO national ID, free markets, and here's the kicker, return to SOUND MONETARY POLICIES. Now, that's why he wasn't nominated but look at the crap hole we're in now.
He never has gone alone with capitol hill's garbage and has stood up against them at every turn.
He has preached the coming of this very thing which we are bailing corporate greed's sorry butts out right now and they just scoff, smirk, and laugh at him.
I sat on this board and read harsh comments about him but yet most of them had to do with nothing more than his age. The very things they are screaming about now are the very things he warned again and again about and begged us to be involved in what is going on with our government and police THEM, not the other way around. But no, we end up with Obama and McCain. What a trade off.
So, do you think Ron Paul is serious
candidate or just a wasted vote? I'm not liking neither Obama nor McCain at this point, and I've been researching Ron Paul a little bit. I don't know that I'm leaning towards him, just curious if he has a viable chance in this election.
It seems worthless to vote for someone you know won't get enough of the votes to actually win the thing. Any thoughts? Does Ron Paul have enough supporters to get voted in?
Ron Paul
Yes, he has never veered one bit from his beliefs. He is not swayed by lobbylists and the good ole boy system... he has continued to try to speak for America but sadly enough to deaf ears. Everybody wants tax relief but when this man said he would do everything he could to get the IRS abolished, were there any takers? Yea, but not by the mainstream media. You rarely got to see him on there. At the very least, he would have given us a flat tax. I don't hear either candidate talking flat tax, which would be a very quick fix with lasting benefits. But, of course, that's too easy....government couldn't afford all the crap they're used to dishing up for us.
Ron Paul
G20 by Ron Paul
We do have someone, Ron Paul. sm
He is not a perfect public speaker, but he tells it like it is. During an interview with Cavuto, this guy said if he was an American he would vote for Ron Paul.
Actually, was not a Ron Paul fan, but the more I
Neoconservatism, per Ron Paul.
Vote for Ron Paul
He has my vote, too.
Voting for Ron Paul
Go Ron Paul!
Would love to see a true statesman like Ron Paul be President of our country.
A politician is a man who thinks of the next election; while the statesman thinks of the next generation. -James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888)
I am sure that even shocked Ron Paul. sm
I would say he has some fringe support. I do not think he has any control over that, but overall he is uniting people across parties, colors, ages, religions etc. Who else is doing that? Looking for idealistic youth, you will find a lot of them at Ron Paul rallies.
I do not like Tucker either. I have seen posts on other sites that MSNBC is going to or has fired him. Maybe he does not want to be a paid shill anymore. There is even a Save Tucker website.
I supported Ron Paul too...but
Ron Paul is not in the race anymore. He was a good candidate and I was behind him 100%. Even he is in agreement with Barack on certain issues (no not all of them but some of them). And yes Hillary does need to step down. She will tear the party apart so much that we will be seeing a win for McBush. She has so much bad baggage attached to her that if she was to win the nomination McBush would win hands down over her. Yes everyone should be allowed to vote but we should also know that there will only be two candidates come election time. If anyone wants to write in someone else and not vote for McCain or Obama then its just a waste. If people think its going to make a difference it won't. Those votes will just go in the trash can.
For those who supported Ron Paul sm
Great article in the Rocky Mountain News.
Ron Paul has performed a great service for the Republican Party
By Jeff Wright
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Largely unappreciated and attacked by his own Party Congressman Ron Paul has, in fact, done a great service to the Republican Party this election season. Paul enlarged the Republican ‘tent’ to again include disaffected core Republicans, Independents and real Conservatives who have been forced outside that ‘tent’ in the last two decades.
Paul uses classic Republican language to defend that point of view which demands small-government, constitutionally-oriented, fiscally-responsible and true free-market adherents actually be recognized and accommodated, rather than just paying lip-service to those positions.
Most importantly, that message has motivated a generation of young people to join the Party who are technically savvy, constitutionally-smart and extremely enthusiastic about spreading the message of freedom, liberty and free markets. They have been inspired by a candidate who really understands and believes in a Republic and, one would think, be embraced by incumbent Republican Party members.
However that, it seems, is not the case. Too many existing Republicans do not understand the language of those positions any more and can’t speak it in public. It also seems the NeoCon members are intent on forcing out of the party the very people that represent its future. I urge my Republican brothers and sisters to reject such collectivist, herd mentality which is indicative of Democrats while being logically and historically repugnant to Republicans.
In the 1960s and 70s that same “insurgent” group within the party was represented by Goldwater/Ronald Reagan conservatives. For those of you who don’t remember, the “Reaganites” were ostracized and isolated throughout that period right up to the 1980 election, when they were fully embraced. That is why in March of 1980, even former President Gerald Ford was still quoted as saying, “.....the Man is unelectable,” seven months before Reagan was elected President. It is worth noting that Congressman Paul was one of only 4 Congressman who endorsed Reagan in 1976.
However, the Goldwater/Reaganites were never treated as badly as the Paulites have been this season. The NeoCon/establishment faction within the Party has diligently worked to eliminate all true vestiges of the real Reagan Revolution from the party, as exampled by their behavior this election season. They have but one thought: Power and control at any cost. Yet, the record shows they keep losing running against historic principles of the Party.
They are attempting to make stillborn the Paul movement. Why? Because we are strong supporters of the original values of the Party? My friends, we are being weakened further by the poor leadership of that NeoCon faction and its adherents. Check the record.
The results since 2004 have been abysmal. In Colorado, while having a 200,000-vote advantage of registered Republicans over Democrats, we have lost the State Senate and the House, the Governor’s mansion, the Treasurer’s seat and two Congressional seats.
Nationally, we already have lost the US House and Senate and it is nearly a foregone conclusion we will lose 25-30 more House seats and 6-9 Senate seats in November.
In early tests, we have already lost seats in Illinois, Louisiana and Mississippi. Seats that Republicans have held for decades. The damage is mounting. We are CONTINUING to lose Governor’s seats left and right. The Democrats are out-raising us in funding $3 and $4 to one (in Congress $6 to $1) as noted recently by Republican Congressional leaders. The leadership should be forced to explain where it is that we have a winning strategy in constantly compromising our historic principles rather than firmly re-establishing them each generation? That is what the Founders taught.
From McKinley to Taft to Goldwater to Reagan, this Party used to promote and celebrate the core Republican message and historical principles of the Party. That seems to be all but banished from the party, except to pay it lip service. The result of that banishment are, and will be, clearly evident in the election results this November and after. If establishment Republicans persist in ostracizing and obstructing every attempt for the classic Republican message to have a voice in the Party, than who are Republicans, really? I did not spend the last 33 years as a conservative to start voting for liberals. Please join me today in supporting and promoting what should be the real message of the Republican Party in 2008 and beyond. Send the message to the Party leadership that we no longer support any further erosion of this party’s principles! Don’t allow them to keep rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Regardless of whether or not you would ultimately have voted for Congressman Paul, every Republican should have respected the message. That was the Republican way for the first 140 years of this party. At this point, even if he wins, John McCain will likely be another Millard Fillmore presiding over the complete demise of the Whig Party from 1850-54.
I thought about Ron Paul but
there were quite a few things I didn't agree with him on plus I didn't think he had a snowball's chance of winning.
For Ron Paul Fans.
He thinks McCain is the better man. He stated he doesn't even know what the O is all about.
This is why the powers that be behind the scenes made sure Ron Paul didn't get proper media coverage and couldn't get his message out there........too many agendas in governments around the world. We do need to keep our butts out of this......no matter what happens, the middle east will always and has always been fighting. Surely the U.S. doesn't think WE will be able to suddenly stop all that. All we are doing is making matters worse by taking sides at this point. If Israel feels the need to counter attack or invade the gaza strip, regardless, we need to stay out of it. Let them do what they need to do and we need to stay out.