I won't flame you! I totally agree. Obama as president only weakens -
this country and makes us ripe for the end. He does not support Israel. Keep your eyes on Israel. I look for them to bomb Iran before Bush's term is up because they know Obama will not suport them. (2008-11-05)
So they didn't attack Iran, they invaded the Gaza Strip, but they made their move before Mr. Bush's term was up. I also posted Biden's own words regarding Obama - "Mark my words, it will not be six months for the world tests Barak Obama...."
Looks like Obama's test has begun. I hope he's ready, but I know he is not. He doesn't support Israel and that will be a huge mistake!
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
This could have easily been avoided had you posted on the correct board.
The response from another poster to not post political viewpoints on this board was becuase you posted it on the Main board.
I posted this on the other board...
seeing as how they are all so gung ho the war and all; I honestly thought maybe we could agree on something over there but not a peep out of anyone...so I'll post it here.
Here is a positive and really good idea and one I believe we can all agree on. I hope this ends the American Indian thread on a positive note. When I was down in Seminole country this past weekend I picked up a copy of The Seminole Tribune and found this article. I think this is so wonderful I can't hardly stand it. Believe me when I say this would mean SOOOOO much to the Indians serving in Iraq or anywhere for that matter.
It is a native tradition that when a warrior went into battle he would wear new moccasins. The new moccasins were to bring him home safely from the battle or to ease his transition into the next life. With the number of American Indian troops currently stationed in harm's way the National Native American Veterans Association (NNAVA) has undertaken to send a new pair of moccasins to each of our native troops deployed. Each pair of moccasins is hand made in the traditional way, wrapped in red flannel (all things of a spiritual nature are wrapped in red, flannel, trade cloth, wool, whatever) and then shipped to the addresses of our deployed troops. The cost to make and ship each pair of moccasins is only $21 due to the number of volunteers who are donating their time and money to this project.
Contributions can be mailed to Project Moccasin Fund C/O National Native American Veterans Association, P.O. Box 891973, Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73189-1973. For any more info, call Sherry A. Girty, NNAVA, Secretary of Counseling Services Center at 785-749-9445.
Source is posted on the C board. sm
But a lot of the MSM has picked it up. They were high school sweethearts, been married 28 years. BTW, he's a staunch Democrat, so it isn't political. He is probably sick of her using their dead son as a political tool, which is what she is doing. Her SURVIVING son has begged her to come home. But she is enjoying her day in the sun. And losing everything else. I guess that's Bush's fault too.
If a stereotypical thing like the above had been posted on the C-board
tongue-in-cheek or not we would be castigated to no end and called racist and insensitive to cultures.
*I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy :) :)*
This is tacky at best and only an IDIOT would ride around with this on their car. Seems to me the cons are making a bigger deal out of the shooting accident more than liberals.
I posted this story all over this board yesterday
Was asked for PROOF and I gave them the footage of Obama going door to door and then approached by the plumber. They have the facts but then they get very quiet and have nothing to spout off about,'cause they know deep down this guy is a crook. SOCIALIST!!
The best they can do then is start some silly nonsense about Palin. That's all they got! They've never been able to refute the facts which seems to make them nastier.
Excuse me, aren't you the one who posted your question to us on this board? nm
No, actually that was in 2008
Woodstock 2008...LOL (sm)
I wanted to go to that, but we couldn't afford it because of hotel price gouging. So, instead we are going to have a big party here. Is it Jan 20 yet? Election 2008
This is a great post. The facts speak for themselves. These are the facts. Sarah Palin is out for herself and her family. Does anyone really think she cares about the country when she is busy charging the state for her trips to ritzy hotels with her children. How many of us can do that? Some of these were $200.00 per night hotels. There are kids in this country going to bed hungry. Here the majority of us are cutting coupons to make ends meet. John McCain owns over 7 expensive homes. Cindy McCain wore a $300,000 dollar outfit to the convention. Do you really think the McCain/Palin ticket has empathy for struggling American families?
How much you want to bet these same problems will exist in 2008? nm remembered of the 2008 dem conv
...you know, the one in the football stadium with the big white columns, fireworks and confetti. Already, everybody is so busy dissing Gov. Palin, the acceptance speech from Thursday night has been forgotten. Just goes to show how important the celebrity theatrics are to Mr. Obama.
This is the year 2008 - times have changed
So you think that because you work at home that's the way it should be for everyone. Sorry but this is the year 2008. I for one am glad that woman are out working in society/public. I'm glad that a mother can also be a govenor or senator or anything they want to be. My working at home is my choice. Thank goodness we as woman have that choice. And thanks to people like Sarah Palin it can only get better for us.
2.6 million jobs lost in 2008 alone.
There are plenty of able-bodied folks out there who are out of work ALSO through no fault of their own, in view of this ever shrinking job market. Handicapped have to overcome THAT obstacle, too.
and in 2006, he stated he would not run for president in 2008 (nm)
FactCheck.org staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.
ALEXANDRIA, VA. --- The Media Research Center today announced its Best Notable Quotables of 2008: The 21st Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting, and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews “won” the dubious honor of Quote of the Year for gushing over a Barack Obama speech back in February: “I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often….And that is an objective assessment.”
Top runner-up for Quote of the Year went to Reuters for this ridiculous post-election headline: “Media bias largely unseen in U.S. presidential race.”
MRC President Brent Bozell: “Year after year, the liberal media outdo themselves in providing conservatives the sheer joy of laughing at their own words. The year of the Obama Paparazzi was no different, as they salivated over their savior and did everything in their power to crush conservatives. And we wonder why Americans don’t trust the media.”
This year’s winners were selected by a panel of 44 judges, consisting of radio talk show hosts, magazine editors, columnists, editorial writers, and media observers. Judges this year include columnist Cal Thomas, radio host Neal Boortz, economist Walter Williams, American SpectatorEditor R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., and former National Review publisher William A. Rusher. To read all the award-winning quotes, along with audio and video clips of the broadcast quotes, please visit www.MRC.org.
The Obamagasm Award "Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope." — Time’s Nancy Gibbs in the November 17 cover story.
Half-Baked Alaska Award for Pummeling Palin "The fact of the matter is, the comparison between her [Sarah Palin] and Hillary Clinton is the comparison between an igloo and the Empire State Building!" — MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Hardball, October 14.
The Irrelevant Reverend Wright Award "To see his [Jeremiah Wright’s] career completely destroyed by three 20-second soundbites, all of the work he has done, his entire legacy gone down the drain, has been absolutely devastating to me — to him, sorry....We are still a racist country." — Washington Post writer Sally Quinn on PBS’s Charlie Rose, April 30.
From Camelot to Obamalot Award "Today, the audacity of hope had its rendezvous with destiny....Obama is now an adopted son of Camelot. His candidacy blessed not just by the Lion of the Senate, patriarch of the clan, but by JFK’s daughter." — David Wright on ABC’s Nightline January 28.
The Crush Rush Award for Loathing Limbaugh Author/humorist P.J. O’Rourke: "It’s the twilight of the radio loud-mouth, you know? I knew it from the moment the fat guy [Rush Limbaugh] refused to share his drugs...." Host Bill Maher: "You mean the OxyContin that he was on?...Why couldn’t he have croaked from it instead of Heath Ledger?" — HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, February 8.
Politics of Meaninglessness Award for the Silliest Analysis "Not doing it [fighting global warming] will be catastrophic. We’ll be eight degrees hotter in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years, and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals." — CNN founder Ted Turner on PBS’s Charlie Rose, April 1.
Madness of King George Award "When somebody asks you, sir, about the cooked books and faked threats you foisted on a sincere and frightened nation; when somebody asks you, sir, about your gallant, noble, self-abnegating sacrifice of your golf game so as to soothe the families of the war dead; this advice, Mr. Bush: Shut the h@!! up! Good night and good luck." — MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann in a "Special Comment" on Countdown, May 14.
Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity "If you have a few hundred followers, and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you ‘Pope.’ It’s like, if you can’t pay your mortgage, you’re a deadbeat. But if you can’t pay a million mortgages, you’re Bear Stearns and we bail you out. And that is who the Catholic Church is: the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia." — Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, April 11.
Admitting the Obvious Award “When NBC News first assigned me to the Barack Obama campaign, I must confess my knees quaked a bit....I wondered if I was up to the job. I wondered if I could do the campaign justice.” — NBC reporter Lee Cowan in an article for NBC’s “The Peacock” advertising supplement, March 23-29.
Other 2008 Award Categories:
• The "Pay Up You Patriots" Award • D%$N Those Conservatives Award • Let Us Fluff Your Pillow Award for Soft & Cuddly Interviews • Media Hero Award • The Great Goracle Award • Good Morning Morons Award • The John Murtha Award for Painting America as Racist • MSNBC = Maudlin Sycophantic Nutty Blathering Chris Award
In a stinging blow to the Bush administration, the Supreme Court has ruled prisoners in Guantanamo Bay can challenge their detention in civilian federal courts. The ruling marked the third time in four years the Supreme Court has ruled against the Bush administration concerning the rights of Guantanamo prisoners.
In the year 1993 the Palestinians concentrated in the 'Gaza Strip', this is a tiny, tiny land strip where 1.5 million Palestinians are living under horrible circumstances and in fear of Israeli attacks.
November 2008 Israel invaded Gaza and massacred Palestinians living there and the whole world condemned this act.
You publicly post on the other board that you *try not to visit the bog of eternal stench.*
Well, doesn't look like you are trying all that hard. Or is that another example of Conservative honesty, like your buddy on the other board lies 3 times before suddenly deciding to be *up front* (in her own words) about the whole bogus line of crap she was spouting.
You and your 2 friends don't respect anyone unless they're a member of your little club, think exactly as you think, belong to the same political party as you belong, and believe in the very same little narrow SUBsection of one particular religion.
That's what I interpret from YOUR WRITTEN WORDS. Your posts don't show respect. They only show twisted *facts*, ignorance, anger and hatred.
You can't be *respectful* on your own board but suddenly, when you come here - HERE - the place YOU call *the bog of eternal stench* you suddenly discover some respectability during your mouse click from there to here?
Please. Some of us aren't as stupid as you think we are.
You're becoming quite a bore. You and your friends stated you don't want us on your board, but you're not happy unless you're picking a fight. You and your *gang* told us to leave and not to post on *your* board. Maybe that should work both ways.
Out of ALL the problems with radical Conservatives, maybe the most annoying thing is that you don't believe in equality at all. You believe in SUPERIORITY. Somewhere along the line, someone made you think you were special and above everyone else. Sheesh! You're not happy unless you're dictating to everyone else in the country what they're allowed to do in their own personal lives regarding life, death, science, etc. You even think YOUR GOD IS BETTER than everyone else's.
You want to make the rules, censor people and tell them which boards they can and cannot post on, but YOU want to invade them all and spew your ignorance and hatred.
In my heart, I believe there are sincere, honest, intelligent Conservatives out there who are capable of a sensible debate. I've seen them. (I hope you don't chase them away, too.) But and your crew don't fall in that category, and this will be the last of your inane posts I will subject myself to.
Can we get the political board back to the true purpose of this board – to share opinions of why we like our candidate.Not bash and cut down others because they don’t agree with you.
I stayed away from this board for the past couple days because anyone who had anything positive to say about Sarah Palin got slammed, bashed, kicked down, etc. After awhile I found it all too draining, and was not seeing any reason to come.Yes, I did see some of it towards people who favored Barack Obama, but if you read the posts again it is mostly towards anyone who favored Sarah Palin/John McCain.
I thought the political board was for posting information regarding politics and candidates.What I have seen for the past few days is that it has been an attack board.Especially if you have anything positive you want to share about Sarah Palin.You say something good about her and you get attacked, you answer back, and you get attacked more, and then when you get mad and pretty much say stop attacking me, they come back with this “Geez, I’m allowed to have an opinion”.
Another thing I am tired of seeing is the slanderous, hate filled, really off the wall comments about Sarah Palin.The latest was something about her daughter actually had her baby.Talk about just bizarre comments.I thought what’s next, she’s an alien from another planet?The more I kept reading the more the comments were getting just really weird and bizarre.Of course nobody ever having any proof of any of these allegations.I then came to realize that the posters were just trying to get a fight going.
I also saw posts that had nothing to do with politics but attacking a poster named Sam.Again, probably trying to get another fight going for no good reason and on things that have nothing to do whatsoever with politics.I’ve read “Sam is like an annoying nat that you sway away”, “Sam, please let me know where you work” or “she must have her quota” or “sam is to the politics board as oracle is to the”This childish rhetoric is getting old.I’m not defending sam she is a big girl and I can see by her posts she can take care of herself, but my point is that this has nothing to do with politics.If you want a fight maybe you could request that the administrator create a separate “fight and degrade” section.
I’ve read the administrators post a couple different times called Beware of Flaming.She/he said as long as we realize that not everyone is going to agree we shouldn’t wear our feelings on our sleeves and a little more oversight on here would be good.Let people express his or her opinion and move on.If you don’t like someone just ignore that person. “It’s not rocket science, you know” (I liked that statement)
I consider posting on this board a privilege and not a right.If you don’t agree with something and you post that you don’t agree and state the facts why (and are civilized about it) that’s one thing, but when you bash and degrade others without showing proof and just want to start fights and belittle others it just seems a bit juvenile to me.
I come to the politics board to hear ideas and stuff (facts) about the candidates.That is how I’m learning about each one, but I don’t want to read people attack other posters for no good reason. I'd like to hear about Obama/Biden & McCain/Palin, but I want to hear facts.
If you like to fight so much why don’t you pick on people that you can fight to face to face.
Please keep all religious/faith topics and discussions on the Faith board. This would involve your beliefs, whether Christian or atheist, etc.
The Politics board is strictly for political topics and discussions.
Ya gotta understand the rules. We have to post on this board only. They can post on any board they Wow, I can't believe you posted that. sm
considering all else you have posted on these boards. LOLOLOLOL!!! Man oh man!
who posted it?
I suspect it was the person who goes under the name Brunson who posted the Army mom post as in the post it talks about C-Span and I kind of thought..mmmmm..this is just one of those crazy right wingers posting to start stuff..So right after the post came through, I checked out the right wing board and Brunson was posting the same thing about checking out C-Span today. Coincidence? I dont think so..Two posters within one minute posting about checking out C-Span today?
She posted this as a
She stated above the reference to the Clinton body count and that it was a conspiracy theory. The statement of someone above *It seems that people that sue Bush turn up in bad health or dead* is every bit as much a conspiracy theory as this. Someone on both boards has been trying to spam us with conspiracy theories for days now none of which have an ounce of substance or actual fact behind them. Most of us can see the difference between conspiracy and an actual story with facts behind them. It's really hard to get away with conspiracy theories when there is so many facts out there on the net.
This has been posted before. sm
And is in no way or shape complete or accurate. Rumsfeld served 3 years. You think a flight instructor is a small job? That's pretty telling. Clinton dodged the draft by deferring for a ROTC duty, which he never fulfilled after writing his famous loathing of the military letter. So if we are going to post these lists again and again, let's get it right.
the Fox zombies drown out the truth on this board. Bless you.
When I first posted
I did not know who it was benefitting. I later found out it was benefitting Obama. Either way if it was benefiting McCain I'd still be saying this is not right. 11/4 is voting day. I'd say a sure fire way to comit fraud on the democrats side. Do the right thing and vote on 11/4.
I don't think they have posted the new one....
if they have, I can't find it.
This should have been posted under
I posted before that I liked it better
when it was two boards, a liberal board and a conservative board. More intelligent discussion and less mudslinging back then. Three boards would be great, liberal, conservative and politics for anyone that just want to keep pubbing and demning as you say.
Not the OP who posted........sm
about "the reality of O" but my take on this phrase is that when he takes office and starts bringing to pass things that conservatives have been concerned about (detention/"reeducation" centers, civil army, further division of America, etc.), that will be "the reality of O." In other words, he will be revealed to be the charlatan that the liberals refuse to believe he is. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, but I really believe this country has made probably the single biggest mistake in our history.
that is exactly why I posted it...n/m
I DID! I posted below too!
I know what I posted.
Seeing as this was posted 11/13
And today is 11/17, I would say its a new article.
the Red Envelope Project is a political protest again a godless president and his administration. It is Obama who wants babies murdered on a global scale and wants U. S. taxpayers to fund it.
The next Red Envelope project will be defending the lives of the elderly, the infirm, the physically challenged, both children and adults, who will not receive healthcare benefits under a universal healthcare system, who will be mandated to have lifesaving measures withheld. Rationed care. Will you protest if it is your mother, father, sister, brother or will you say it's their "choice"?
This is Obama's agenda. He is a president of death. Red Envelope Project is a political protest supporting life and its participants are not all Christian. Do you think it only Christians who think abortion is murder? If you do, then you are totally uninformed.