I noticed that Druge and AOL had wayyy different numbers
Posted By: Obama was way higher on every other poll except th on 2008-10-16
In Reply to: Actually you are incorrect - On Drudge
so there
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You take yourself wayyy too seriously.....
and yep, you get very angry when your need to feel superior is thwarted. Such a piece of hateful, condescending, elitist piece of tripe I have never read, each word laid out there to try to hurt, demean, and belittle. If your opinion meant anything to me, I might feel some of those things. However, what I am left with is feeling a little puzzled and profoundly sad...for you. You gotta be an unhappy camper to unleash all this vitriol on a stranger on a posting board...geeezzzz GT.
As far as intelligence goes, along with that should come some good old common sense. Obviously you stood in the "intelligence" line too long and missed the good old common sense one.
Unlike you, GT, I don't require that everyone agree with me and do not feel the need to verbally lacerate them if they do. You might want to consider why you feel the need to do that.
Sooo....so long from the breathtakingly ignorant person who deludes herself into thinking "that" (whatever that is) can pass for intelligence. And y'know...if YOU are an example of superior intellect and how superior intellect deals with people...NO THANKS.
That is going to be wayyy at the end of the list...sm
for either candidate elected. You may like it to be their first, but it is just not so. National security, jobs, the economy, the war in Iraq, education, supporting the injured troops, and many other things will come first. During peace time and times of economic prosperity Roe vs Wade and related subjects might be at the top of the list but, in these times, there are much more urgent matters for us to be considering for our ultimate survival as a country.
No, it says "versus" McCain which is the bush plan so obama is wayyy better duh!
The numbers
If there's one thing that surprises me about the ratio, it's that I truly believe it's a much higher number of soldiers that suffers from PTSD. I believe this is a disease that doesn't show itself immediately, so my bet would be that these numbers will rise dramatically, assuming the entire truth is shared with us by the government, once this is all said and done.
ISP numbers
The administrator of this site has her pets (some of the Conservatives on the Politics board, for example), no doubt about that, and has done some bizarre things with people's posts and ISP numbers. Just check page 3 on the Company board under the thread dated 8/18 transcend job - looking for work and see the administrator's defense of this company. I thought it was bizarre, and she was even questioned as to her connection with this particular company, which she didn't answer, and instead responded indicating that she had tracked ISP numbers of some posters and made some sort of accusation that I didn't understand, but I think it had to do with one poster using more than one moniker. I can't find where she has jumped to the defense of any other company. It did seem to stop people from posting about the company, though, which I assume was her intent. I mean, who can feel free to post anything about a company, especially if they are still employed there, if they are afraid their ISP will be tracked if the administrator doesn't agree with the person's opinion of the company?
Just be careful what you post on these boards. Big Sister is definitely watching and is taking down numbers.
Having said that, wouldn't surprise me if my ISP is tracked and compared now. Probably just time to leave this site altogether and find one I can trust. It's just not worth it any more.
Nine numbers.
1. 1,841 soldiers killed in Iraq as of August 12, 2005.
2. $300 billion spent on the Iraq war as of August 12, 2005.
3. 0 - number of WMD found in Iraq.
4. 4 - the multiple by which North Korea has increased its nuclear weapons arsenal while George Bush led us into Iraq.
5. $236 billion - the surplus Bill Clinton left George Bush.
6. $333 billion - the current deficit under G.B.
7. 1 in 5 - the number of American children below the poverty line - an increase of 13% since Bush took office.
8. 5 million - the number of people who have lost their health insurance since Bush took office.
9. 0 - the number of mistakes Bush admits to making during his first term.
And the scandals...Supreme Court right off the bat, corporation scandals, Enron et. al. , Iraq lies and stupidity, hurricane scandal, Michael Brown, Chertoff, Delay, Frist, Scooter, homeland security debacle...it just goes on and on and on. I really think that finally the jig is up for Bush et al. Some pretty well respected tenured people in his own party have had about enough and are becoming vocal about it...Thank God.
Numbers do not mean a whole lot...
when you consider that SIX of them took out THREE THOUSAND of our people. And it would only take a handful of them with dirty suitcase bombs to do unmeasured damage to this country. Not to mention a handful with bombs strapped on them in malls across this country. Teddy, friend, you better WAKE up. And don't think for a minute that the so-called peace-loving Muslims in the world won't jump on the bandwagon when the tide turns in their direction. If they are so peace loving, why are they not standing on rooftops and denouncing what is being done in the name of their peace-loving religion? Put their money where their mouth is so to speak. Curiously silent are they. That should speak volumes to you. Look at Iran...there are a lot of people there who might want a different life, but they are not willing to buck those in power to get it. And neither are any of the other millions of peace loving Muslims around the world, or they would be taking care of this problem in their ranks THEMSELVES. How do you rationalize that??
The numbers in the name actually
Refer to numerology, not the number of letters in the name. This works as follows.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h I
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z
So Barack Hussein Obama would be 2+1+9+1+3+2+8+3+1+1+5+9+5+6+2+1+4+1
This comes to 64. When you have a 2 digit number, you add those together. So Obama, a 64, reduces to 10, which reduces to a 1. That's the name.
You have a different # for the date of birth, which is the life path. You add the day, month and year (all digits) and reduce the same as above. The numbers you don't reduce are 11 and 22. Those are master numbers and stand alone.
You can also do this for every day of the week, month, year, etc.
Now these are numbers you don't hear about.
Nearly 28,000 soldiers who served in Iraq and were discharged have already sought care at a VA facility. Of the nearly 245,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan already discharged from service, 12,422 have been in VA counseling centers for readjustment problems and symptoms associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Not emails. ISP numbers.
Last week on the company board, someone asked about a certain company. I worked for this company. I responded to the post as honestly as I could.
My post was responded to by the administrator who defended the company and suggested that all the problems were caused by my sound card and not the terrible platform that this company has. (It's a company-wide issue, and this problem is experienced by most employees.)
Someone else responded, confirming what I said to be true and wondering what the administrator's connection to this company was. This was never answered by the administrator.
The administrator instead responded to her OWN post (subsequently disputed by another poster) as I have copied and pasted below.
This made me wonder what motivated this administrator to go through the trouble of tracking ISP numbers of posters. She must have some sort of personal connection to it, so other posters posting about other companies MIGHT be safe, but who knows? Obviously, if someone is unhappy at this particular company and posts her experiences on the board, only to have the administrator track her ISP number, that causes concern as to whether the administrator is sharing these ISP numbers with this company. For that reason, I don't trust this site or the administrator any more, and I'm searching for another, more ethical site to frequent. It's one thing to come to a political board and express your opinion. It's quite another to do it on the company board where people's jobs could be in jeopardy for speaking the truth.
Ok, what I see are the same IP ranges for some of these posts where sound quality is
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Posted By: Administrator (sm) on 2005-08-19 In Reply to: Are you sure the sound quality was the platform and not your sound card? Also, I don't know of ma - Administrator nm
concerned. The same poster claimed that the services VR was released too soon, yet another poster says they are making good money. Someone isn't being fair and it's the person posting the same thing more than once.
The rest of the numbers. TI
This is reality in Israel: From 29 September 2000 through 11 January 2003: 5,041 injured, 717 killed, 15,992 attacks
IDF Spokesperson 12 January 2003
Injured: 3,585 Civilians + 1,456 Security Forces = 5,041 Total Israeli Injured
Killed: 503 Civilians + 214 Security Forces = 717 Total Israeli Killed
Total Attacks*: 7,139 West Bank + 8,203 Gaza Strip + 650 Home Front =15,992 Total
* Does not include attacks with rocks or fire bombs.
This is a death toll greater (in proportion) than America suffered on 9/11 and the American people would never tolerate this! So why should Israel have to endure this year after year while the world does nothing? The same people that hate Israel are the same people that hate America!
I see these numbers are through 2003...sm
Had the conflict calmed down from 2003 - 2006?
Also, mind you, the death and injury toll I posted above is from this latest one month conflict alone.
Whose numbers? Limbaugh's
Proof please. He's still #1 on the talk radio circuit. If he loses a few thousands here and there it's hardly a drop in the bucket. Liberal shows can hardly keep their power on. There's really not an argument there. The proof is in black and white.
Exactly - verifiable numbers
are presented. I can get past whether SP is her friend or her mortal enemy. Give me the meat, I'll go from there.
Maybe she should give someone else the numbers
Unemployment numbers
The unemployment numbers came out at over 6%, but the number of people working part-time who would prefer full-time would actually be 1 in 10, leading to around 11%. 10 million people are unemployed right now in US. That is a lot of people needing help and it looks like a lot more are going to need help.
Except for your numbers don't account for everything
Do you have any idea how many people, especially minorities in Georgia work "under the table"?
And obviously if an African American is employed and a white is not, then the African American makes more.
Don't even get me started on welfare and how minorities get first dibs on that too.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It was never about equality, it was about payback. Minorities have more opportunities than ever and more help than ever, while lower and middle class white people are just SOL. They can't get food stamps, they can't get scholarships, they can't get any kind of help the way minorities can.
These numbers are taken out of context and distorted
Don't believe everything you read, especially from anti-American organizations like this that you cite.
I don't think you will get it...Re-read the numbers I posted...nm
Those numbers are GROSSLY exaggerated. sm
By most counts, even CNN, maybe 100,000. Funny, but two weeks ago, there was a prolife march in Washington with over 100,000. I never saw anything about that on the news. Tell me again they are not liberal.
Some grossly minimized the numbers sm
I think the DC Big Brother cams in Washington counted 125,000. Count inside the Mall was 300,000. I do not what figure is accurate, but from pictures I saw the Mall was filled. There was a lot of people there.
The media are corporate and work for the state, not the people. The American people are seriously uninformed and misinformed because of it. This is why we are called The Sleeping Giant in other countries.
I think you're numbers are wrong. The top 5% of
the U.S. makes millions and billions. $200,000 is NOT the 'top 5%' of the country. It's definitely more than a single, head-of-household MT makes, but depending on where you live, it won't put you in that mansion on the hill, either.
When he talks about raising taxes on the top 5%, he's not talking about YOU. He's talking about people like Bill Gates. He's talking about huge corporations (like the oil industry, tobacco industry, HMO & insurance industries, etc.) that rake it in, and then have a jillion and a half loopholes and secret cubbyholes to stash it in.
Then give me the numbers and let me compare them....
simple enough request.
You only seem to understand numbers on paper,
live in the real world? Don't you see, hear and read about this and other issues every single day?
What would be the point in producing a numbers, especially to you? Numbers can be tweeked and skewed to produce whatever result you want them to. (Not unlike the words in the Bible, or the Quran, for that matter).
You know EXACTLY what I and others on this board are talking about when we present our views on the issues, and your constant response, 'Show me the numbers', has gotten a little too repetitive to have much in the way of value.
Denial won't turn those numbers around.
I wouldn't expect too much out of the debate tomorrow either, especially McC caves and makes good on his threat to talk about Ayers. Can you say plunging numbers?
If your not hung up on numbers then don't post about it.
I'm not defending Bush, I'm just getting tired of the Bush bashing. I addressed that below too.
I didn't say you thought Bush was cute or funny, I said you think your comments are cute and funny (they are not).
Bush IS an embarrassment. I will be glad he is not the president anymore. I'm just tired of the Bush bashing and comments made about his IQ (which you did). We get it already, you don't like him. Not sure many do, but enough is enough.
Yes, it's been a hard 8 years. The fact is its been a hard 16 years. Clinton was no better with his gomer pyle attitude and shucks and golly gee. He disgraced the office way long before GW ever took over. The blame for disgracing the office begins with him.
I do hope to see some trials come up. He and the rest of the crew should be held accountable for what they did, but the Bush bashing is getting real old and when you make statements like "A triple digit IQ will be a welcome change for the country" when you know that Bush has a triple digit (that is if you read any websites) your comments are just as offensive as all the other lies put out. I'd find it equally repugnant if people put down and lied about Obama and said he had just a double digit IQ. These lies are getting old.
I'll be glad that Bush is leaving, but there is no reason to celebrate yet. The country is in a world of hurt and we don't know what kind of person Obama is yet. I don't have high hopes as I see people losing their jobs, homes, health care, retirements, etc. That is nothing to be celebrating. If Obama does good and the economy picks up heck yeah, I'm going to be celebrating but not until then. I will celebrate on the anniversary of him being in office, or depending on what happens I will be looking forward to the next election.
You keep trying to defend yourself against what you said, but I find nothing but offense to your original post.
No matter what each of their IQ scores were Obama graduated from Columbia and Harvard, and Bush graduated from Yale and Harvard. You have to be smart to get into those schools. Both of them are. Bush's actions he has displayed - not so great in my books, but neither is Obama's past and what he had done, and especially who he is picking for his cabinet. Definitely not anything to celebrate. I celebrated when they left office along with The Impeached Clinton. Now those nincompoops are back??? Definitely nothing to be celebrating there!
Just please, enough with Bush bashing and calling him names. It's getting real old real fast.
Hte to break this to you, but the rating numbers
say NOTHING about where millions and millions and millions of Americans really go for their news. The internet has given us access to global media. MSNBC is still mainstream and, as a leftie, I can tell you that I find their coverage almost as frustrating as CNN and Fixed News. I need the much broader perspective found on local, national and international English-speaking radio talk shows and news accounts from outside the homeland borders found on the net.
I suspect I'm not the only one, considering the numbers reflected in these ratings are so puny when compared to the actual number of adult US citizens who have soundly rejected US monovision mainstream media outlets all together. Then there is the other side of the coin, those Americans who do not listen to the news at all because mainstream is SUCH a turn-off.
Unemployment numbers. What is 12.5 Million?
What I do not get is it states 4.4 million jobs have been lost since the recession began, but now at 12.5 million. So, about 8 million have been unemployed during, well, basically this year and last year? I guess I am in SHOCK a it is hard for me to want to believe it.
Unemployment by the Numbers: How Bad Is It Hurting?
Friday, March 06, 2009
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More people are unemployed in America than live in Ohio or go to church in Texas.
Unemployment statistics don't usually leap off the page, but the latest report from the Department of Labor offers some astounding figures. More than 651,000 jobs were cut in February, continuing a steep drop that has raised the unemployment rate to 8.1 percent, its highest level since 1983.
Matched up against some of the latest stats made available by the Census Bureau, those numbers really do begin to add up.
• 651,000 jobs were axed in February, a number larger than the populations of:
- Baltimore
- Seattle
- Denver
- El Paso
- Washington, D.C.
• 12.5 million people are unemployed in the U.S., which is more than the number of:
- people watching ABC's "Lost" this season
- women attending college
- male scientists and engineers
- Americans who grow herbs
- people who played tackle football in the past year.
• 12.5 million people is also a number larger than the populations of 45 states, including
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Michigan
- Virginia
• 4.4 million jobs have been lost since the recession began in December 2007, which is larger than the population of the entire San Francisco Bay Area.
• 2.6 million jobs have been lost in the past four months, which is like every Presbyterian in America getting the ax in one winter, or about the number of senior citizens in Florida.
• 8.6 million people have been forced to work part-time for economic reasons, which is more than the population of New York City, or more than the number of people who try to quit smoking every year.
The roll continues, and it is a stark one: construction companies eliminated 104,000 jobs in February, factories cut 168,000 jobs, retailers sliced nearly 40,000, professional and business services got rid of 180,000, financial companies reduced payrolls by 44,000, and leisure and hospitality firms chopped 33,000 positions.
Despite all the doom and gloom in the Labor Department's numbers, at least one sector had a pretty rosy February: the government boosted its number of employees last month.
Click here to see the Labor Department report.
Numbers aren't looking good for
Only 38% of Americans now think the country is headed in the right direction.
Only 42% favor universal healthcare, and when those who favor it are told that they will probably lower their level of coverage and increase their waiting times, fewer than 20% support it.
59% oppose legalizing marijuana and taxing it. And, when the amount of taxes this would actually raise is given as a percent of the national budget (less than 0.003%) and the potential costs to society are explained, the number who oppose the idea rises to nearly 80%.
Obama's approval index remains low at only +6 (% who strongly approve minus % who strongly disapprove of him). He started at around +30.
A generic Democrat and generic Republican continue to run neck-and-neck in a hypothetical race proposed to voters - +1 to -2 points either way. Not long ago, the generic Democrat was beating the Republican by a substantial margin but this is no longer the case.
The American voter is waking up - and Democrats attending the wake for the Republican party will look up from their drunken revelry to find that the deceased has jumped out of the coffin and is now vigorously engaged in kicking them in their sorry arses. It seems he was never dead in the first place. Consternation reigns.
You noticed that, too, huh? NM
I noticed
I know..guess we are winning.....YIPPEE!!
Have you noticed?
that people on the conservative board are accusing liberals of thinking their (sic) winning because there are more posts on their board than there is on ours? It's like saying I have more friends then you do...nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
I agree it's stupid.... just as stupid as it was when the very same poster did it several months ago.   
Yeah, because they've all left and come here
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Posted By: American Girl on 2005-07-12, In Reply to: Why don't y'all go back to the angry liberal planet? sm - MT
the L-board has been stuck on 406 posts since late afternoon...
Yeah, look at the number of posts
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Posted By: American Girl on 2005-07-12, In Reply to: Hey their board is boring!!! sm - MT
on our board compared to there's. They aren't happy unless they are reprimanding us or calling us stupid, misinformed, hicks....and the list could go on and on. The numbers speak for themselves.
Have you ever noticed
Just wondering - have you ever noticed that whenever anything is being said that is not favorable and makes Obama look bad it always "taken out of context". Then you've got McCain singing "bom#, bom#, bom# Iran" or other really weird stuff and that's okay. I think the whole country is going "whacky".
You must not have noticed...
...Gov Palin doesn't use a teleprompter. She also thinks well on her feet, and is an outstanding speaker, without all the "Ums" "ers" "you knows" etc....
I say she'll trounce him.
I have definitely noticed how
both presidential candidates are not the greatest speakers. With Obama's uhs and McCain's creepy pained looking smiles. LOL! Neither one of them really do much for me in the way of speaking ability. That is one thing I have to give Bill Clinton credit for......he could deliver a speech really well.
Yes, I noticed this...
you are really fast, a devil typist, and 99% accuracy, amazing! Good for you.
Go, Obama.
gas is all i have noticed nm
Yes, I noticed that about you.
Your posts from even as recently as a week or 2 ago. That's why I wanted to respond to you.
Is your concern mostly for your personal situation or for the country as a whole? I think it is helpful to remember to include the media among the "not one person alive" with experience gang. They contribute a great deal to the fear factor and the more you immerse yourself in that dialog, the worse you will feel.
A few points to ponder. We are about to emerge from 8 years of W and are still standing. This in and of itself is a source of comfort for me, knowing that we have had the strength to endure that assault on our way of life (in my opinion). All the gloom and doom you are feeling is a direct byproduct of that era.
I also am encouraged that we have elected a leader who had the wisdom and judgment to manage to succeed in becoming the first black POTUS by ae 47. He correctly assessed the country as "being ready" for this giant step forward, set and stayed a course under the stormiest conditions and came out on top of it all. What he did was HUGE and I believe we have the very best person we could have at the helm. I do not believe he has come as far as he has only to become "more of the same."
If anyone is able to create opportunity out of adversity, embrace innovation, identify common cause, mobilize broadly diverse populations, promote progress, advance goals and get the job done, it would be him. Should we all fall on hard times, you must take care of yourself first, then in turn help others in need and summon up as much courage, hope and faith as you are able to find within yourself. We are all much stronger than we know and perhaps this is our time to test ourselves and rise to the challenge.
I noticed that too. nm
Have you not noticed what's not being said?
It has gotten eerily quiet among the O lovers about those wonderful tax cuts they were promised. Obama signed 5 executive orders in 3 days and NOT ONE about tax cuts for them! Amazing! Instead, he has INCREASED their taxes now to the tune of who knows how much.......... notice how all those who really believed they would get a tax cut have not spoke about it at all. They will never admit they are sitting quietly and wondering where that promise went.
All the phone calles to the white house are saying "TAX CUT" not tax increase. WOW.....not at all what Obama is reporting on his democrat-only little meetings before the cameras where he keeps assuring them the American people WANT the stimulus package.... why isn't he reporting the truth, which is we are being bombarded with phone calls which say we don't want my stimulus package.
Have you noticed
Have you noticed that Hillary looks like she's having a blast in her job. She may not be respected by the other countries, but she just smiles through it. I'll bet with all that Obama is going through I'll bet she's saying...phew! glad I didn't get into (inherit) that mess. :-) Poor Obama, I feel so bad the stress must be so bad as he's already turning gray/white. Usually that takes a couple years. Poor guy.
If this is your philosophy, why are you throwing Bush's numbers around...sm
as if you are proud that he is spending more on social programs than Clinton. Just trying to understand your thinking?
no numbers, ideas, detail or plan......
DailyKosTV has great video from the big announcement of the GOP budget today. The big news is that there really is no GOP budget. No numbers, no ideas, no details, no plan. They are the party of "NO" -- No future:
GT I've noticed something
the more you get your hackles up your limited vocabulary becomes that much more limited.
I have noticed this trend..
starting about Katrina time. A lot happened at the same time, Katrina, over 2000 dead, CIA leak, erroneous intelligence, gas prices, etc. etc. I have felt that even on my side of the street that there just is not much to say...it's all being exposed...for myself it is a confirmation that what I have believed all along seems to be true and for conservatives, I would guess they are staying on other boards, those that are extremely partisan in nature simply because it would be very difficult to defend much of what has taken place recently and from the get go. In 2004 I was very frightened that this country could not take 4 more years of George W. Bush but I had NO IDEA the enormity that prediction would take on. The whole thing is extremely mind-boggling and frightening.
Never noticed that before. Not that it means anything of course.....
but it IS freaky. lol.
I noticed the same thing, sam.
This smacks of hypocrisy to me and shows none of them care for us, they only care for the party they belong to. I am getting more and more bummed out with the majority of these people, and not impressed at all with the mainstream media who act like they are in a feeding frenzy, nor the people attending who seem to be exhibiting signs and symptoms of mass hysteria. I know they heard the same things I have heard as you already have posted. Wow. When Pelosi stated she would straighten this out (obama or hillary), I figured they could just skip the entire expense of this convention and have everybody text message instead. This is getting more and more to have an American Idol flavor to it! I can hardly wait for next week. Pass the popcorn and crackerjack. I already know this year I will probably vote a straight ticket which I have never done. This is primarily a dem county and if I don't have a problem with the local positions, I vote for them, but I don't want the entire senate, house and Pres to have total dem rule. Come to think of it, that goes for the republicans, too. There was a reason this was set up this way.
So you noticed that too. Sam somtimes
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Yes, I also noticed this too today. Not sure if I saw this before or not.
Could be a sign of a stroke or somethin if it was not there before. Would have to look at previous pics of him from a few days ago or so to see if it was there. Hope not. Do not wish that on anyone.
A little twitching too I noticed. nm
Haven't you noticed?
The posts about your so-called disaster sat up there all day yesterday and elicited next to nothing in the way of response. Noise on Focks and related subjects, like alien spaceships, come from the parallel universe and hardly qualify as real news. The only interest you will see there will be coming from the zombies marking lock-step behind the propaganda machine.