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I know about this, it wasn't what I was asking for. SM

Posted By: Brunson on 2005-08-10
In Reply to: Laura Bush Recalls Painful Past - Democrat

I was asking for a credible story that showed Laura Bush was drunk when the accident occurred, as gt stated above.  I am aware of this story. 

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    No, that wasnt the point and you know it
    Yeah, I read where the poster made a mistake. She probably thought she was on the gab board. Easy mistake to make. The point is you keep posting lame hate-filled articles filled with propaganda and it's getting old.

    And there we have it again, another liberal bashing a poster who is not a liberal "If she doesn't know where is IS, maybe there's a lot more she doesn't know". This is what I keep talking about with the bashing. She didn't bash the OP, she simply stated we're getting tired of reading articles here that we are reading on the internet and it's getting old.
    I wasnt speaking to atheists.
    I am speaking to fellow Christians who might be considering Obama.  I wouldnt expect someone who doesnt believe in anything bigger outside of themselves to understand.  I wouldnt expect anyone who does not hold themselves accountable to a  higher being to be moved by the video or to hold themselves responsible for their choices in government.  If you dont believe in God or Jesus Christ, hey that is your business, but I do and that is my business.  So dont try to shove your humanistic opinion on me.
    didnt say bush appointed him. said paulson did. besides that post wasnt for you n e way.