Posted By: Obama could be our next President on 2008-10-23 In Reply to:
While I hope its McCain, Obama “seems” to be in the lead.I say seems because I think a lot of what we hear gets distorted and I have to remember back to when Gore ran and everyone was 100% sure he’d win he didn’t.Also I think everyone was sure that Kerry would win and he didn’t.And I was also talking to my dad and he said when Kennedy & Nixon were running everyone was sure Nixon would win, but he didn’t.So I believe that there is nothing that we can be sure of and you just never know what could happen.And whether it is Obama or McCain, I hope the country will turn around and improve.
I’d like to share a couple thoughts as I’m curious if other people feel this way too.
First, I have to say that I’m sitting here with my ballot not filled out yet and not sure if I will even vote because the two choices are neither of whom I picked.I know I can write in anyone I want, but will that just waste my vote on nothing?While I’m a registered democrat there is just some things that are not sitting right and its on both sides.On the dem side I would have liked to have seen Richardson or Kucinich, and on the rep side I would have liked to see Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter.But no, who do they pick?John McCain.The guy who lost against Bush (talk about a bad omen).I just don’t get why they think he will win over Barack Obama if he couldn't even win over Bush.No doubt about it Barack Obama is a spectacular speaker.He seems well put together.So how in the world did they ever think McCain could win over him.I also don’t get it because Romney, Huckabee & Paul were doing very well in the primaries and McCain was not, but at the last minute all of a sudden McCain is picked.Maybe the “big plan” is they put in such a person on purpose so the democrats would win.One can only imagine.So with that said I’m not real trustful of the government and here I sit with my blank ballot wondering what to do.
While I am not for either of the candidates that are running for President I do happen to like both running mates.I actually hoped Biden would have been chosen for President, and even though I had no idea who Sarah Palin was, I do like her.Yes you can ridicule me all you like, but I could care less about the “fluff” stuff, I’ve read about what she has accomplished and I think she’s a fine person.My perfect ticket.Biden/Palin.HA HA HA.Please don’t flame me, I’m just trying to describe my dislike for the Presidential candidates.
While I do have to admit McCain just doesn’t seem to “get it”.There is so much he could bring up but he doesn’t and it makes me wonder how strong of a person he is and would he be good in the office.My husband adamantly flat out says “NO”.Then in the same breath he says but look at the other candidate.Both of them scare me.Not for anything the media says because I don’t believe or trust the media, but rather looking at their past records.I believe they are both saying what they believe we want to hear to get elected - isn’t that what all politicians do?
As for Obama’s tax hike, I don’t have to worry because I don’t make $250K or over, but at the same time I don’t want to receive from the people who do because that would not be fair to them.Especially someone putting in over 60 hours a week to make ends meet and now they are going to take some of that and give to me?What I do have to worry about is if he pulls a Bill Clinton and then lowers the tax rate and now people making 90K and up will have more taken from them.Then when he realizes he needs more money to fund all his programs he will then lower the rate and lower and lower.Then before we know it instead of getting taxed 23% on 30K a year we will be taxed 42 or 43% like we were under the last democrat president.So, we’ll just have to wait and see, and if it happens I will deal with it.
As for who’s to blame for what has happened with the economy there is enough blame to go around on both sides.You can’t honestly say it’s all the republicans fault or it’s all the democrats fault.That’s not fair because I’ve seen both sides against the bail out and both sides for it.It’s just a little disheartening to know that both candidates who want to be our leader voted for it (no matter what they said ahead of time).This is why I have a lot of distrust in them both.
Also what I don’t like is if I don’t vote for Obama because of his policies people will accuse me of being a bigot and will say I’m not voting for him just because he’s black (which is not true), but on the other hand there are people out their voting for him solely because he is black.Are they bigots too? (which as I stated earlier I have not voted for anyone yet).
What I am trying to do right now is research some of what Nostradamus predicted.It seems like I remember he had said something about what would happen to America.He predicted a lot from World Wars ad Hitler coming to rise, to the Twin Towers falling.Yes, I know some of his predictions did not come true, but he had more right than wrong.So I’m curious and researching some of his predictions to see if there is anything about the US and what will happen to our country.My husband says he believes there is.If I find something I can post if anyone is interested.
What I am wondering and starting to believe more and more is maybe this is our time and its up.If you believe in Armageddon or Nostradamus or another other future events maybe it’s already set in stone that our time has come.Maybe we have lived a little too much of “the good life” and now its time for a transformation in America and that is why Obama will get in.Some of us believe we may not “deserve” it and a lot of people probably think its nonsense, but we have to remember we thought we would never be attacked before 9/11 either.So, I’m not saying I think we deserve it, but just a thought that maybe our time has come.So wonder if others think this way too, or am I just hitting heavy on the “Ju-Ju Juice”.HA HA
Would like to hear your thoughts.Please no slams.I tried not to slam any of the candidates so nobody would get offended.There’s plenty I don’t like about all of them, and some I do like about all of them.I just feel really mixed up right now and wonder if others are like me (or am I just weird).
Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
We could all talk about our differences as friends. Some we would get along with and others not but we could talk about all of it respectfully with each other. Having the anonymity makes us all probably take things up a notch or two higher than we would in person, but I suspect we would all be making the same points, just in person. That said, with election day being tomorrow, I hope that all of us, no matter who is elected, will make the best of the situation and try to be kind to our fellow human beings regardless of race or religion.. Good night and
i wish we could be face to face
man lady you are something you know that? did you get on here to stir the pot or something? i am a woman that can conceive and I will tell you that I think you are a horrible person for thinking it is okay to get rid of your baby. There, I said it. that is MY opinion. Gonna try to get me banned now? Go ahead. Cry about it why dontcha?
Here it is, right in your face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's from the documentary "Media Malpractice - How Obama Got Elected"
Ever heard of YouTube? Or the internet? Amazing that you're the only one in America who hasn't seen the footage.
Go to if you're interested in seeing the truth (which I doubt).
And here's an quote from the Zogby poll that inspired the film.
"UTICA, New York -- Just 2% of voters who supported Barack Obama on Election Day aced the post election test which gauged their knowledge of statements and scandals associated with the presidential tickets during the campaign, a new Zogby International poll shows.
Only 54% of Obama voters were able to answer at least half or more of the questions correctly.
The telephone survey of 512 Obama voters nationwide was conducted Nov. 13-15, 2008, and carries a margin of error of +/- 4.4 percentage points.
Obama voters did not fare nearly as well overall when asked to answer questions about statements or stories associated with Obama or Biden --
83% failed to correctly answer that Obama had won his first election by getting all of his opponents removed from the ballot.
88% did not correctly associate Obama with his statement that his energy policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry.
Nearly three quarters (72%) of Obama voters did not correctly identify Biden as the candidate who had to quit a previous campaign for President because he was found to have plagiarized a speech.
In addition to questions regarding statements and scandals associated with the campaigns, the survey also included a question asking which political party controlled both houses of Congress leading up to the election -- 57% of Obama voters were unable to correctly answer that it was Democrats."
Ignorance elected Obama. You're a prime example.
Well, on the face of it....
a "national security force" and Obama's statement about it does sound "Hitler-ish." Hitler's national security force was Gestapo. You really think we need a national security force in the US? We have the National Guard...ahhhh but the National Guard is in control of the individual states and that would not serve the same purpose as a "national security force" operating under the President...does it? Basically a military strength and trained force that functions as a police force gets around posse comitatus. That little statement of Barry's didn't give you the least bit of pause?
On face value, no exploitation. But
And you better be glad that someone is willing to get in their face....
because that is all they understand, and that is why we have not had another attack in this country. It is precisely THIS kind of thinking that we DO NOT need in the white house. Diplomacy is fine...and many times it works. But your enemies have to know that if hit, you will hit back hard. I have no faith that Barack Obama would act decisively (like Clinton with Khobar Towers, the first world trade center bombing, the COle, and on and on and on). I don't want things like that happening again. I want them sitting back on their heels like they are now. John McCain will keep them there and he won't be having tea with Ahmadinejad without rules. It just shows that Barack Obama has no clue what he is dealing with. No clue.
Yes, that is very true....but now he has to face everyone...
not just Democrats. Personally, the association with Wright did not put me off Obama. What put me off was the Marxist tones of the theology taught in that church, Obama's teaching of Alinsky's techniques, and already trying to implement Marxist principles. I admit, that is alarming to me. I can't hold Obama personally responsible for what his pastor said and never did...I can hold him responsible for his actions. As can we all with ANY it McCain, Palin, Obama, or Biden.
It is not a slap in the face.... sm
take it however you like, that is my personal opinion. We have a lot of great women leaders and yes a lot of women have fought for our rights as women, but that has nothing to do with a women running this country. Again, my personal opinion and why should I go and be a man because that is how I feel. Different people with different opinions, part of what makes the world go round. I feel the way I feel and I am not ashamed of it.
You really just proved the exact reason I stated women are not ready to lead this country. You reacted with emotions stating I should be ashamed and I am a disgrace, you were GUIDED by your EMOTIONS/FEELINGS. Goodnight!!
Somewhere we have gotten our priorities wrong. We should be more worried about the unborn than a bunch of terrorists who could give a fat rat's backside about anybody but themselves.
Here's something to wipe the smile off your face. sm
She is an extremist as far as being pro-life. Did you see the look on George & Laura's face?sm
You know George bounced off the walls when he got home. There is only one look I found more hilarious, and that was the look on Mike Myer's face when Kanye West made the famous statement George Bush does not care about black people.
It sounds good on the face....
but I don't see American physicians taking a 3x cut in their income. It boggles the mind to think what the initial cost of that billing system they are talking about would be. And the big thing that concerns me is the "broad taxes on earned and unearned income." Like I have said over and over...if they can find the money without taking more than 35% off the top of my wages, I am all for it. However, I am not willing to go to 50-55%. I don't know many who are.
I guess you don't like to face the facts
There is a link that I included. His half brother and he were raised as muslims. If your a Christian that's a big deal, if your not religious at all its no big deal (or maybe it is).
You are the one who needs to get with the program. You don't want to face the facts about Obama and his background and what he believes in, stands for, or has voted for/against. Your hatred for one candidate blinds you to what the other candidate is really about.
Sorry but this is not "crock" and it was not refuted, just the democrats tried to cover it up. So you need to "get with the program" and stop believe all hogwash you are being fed by the liberal media.
It looks like our wonderful govt is thinking about another stimulus -- remember those tax rebates we got back in the spring of this year? It was $600 an individual and $1200 a couple. The govt doesn't want to do quite the same kind of stimulus as last time because -- get this -- 80% of the Americans who received it used it to either pay down debt or bolster savings. Here's what they want the new stimulus to do:
•The extension of unemployment benefits and possibly food stamps from 39 to 52 weeks.
•A boost in infrastructure spending, despite the problems of getting the money to work quickly.
•Some relief for state and local governments facing tighter budgets because of lower tax receipts and rising Medicaid costs.
God forbid we give something to the middle class -- let's extend the food stamps and boost the "infrastructure spending" -- what is that anyway? I'm guessing it's a way to line the pockets of the suits even more. When is it going to end?
cut off your nose to spite your face...
You better look beyond your bank account today at which you are asking for because if you get your way, you will NEVER have a bank account that is yours again. You will have nothing that will be your own. Socialism = public rather private ownership. In other words, if you have it, everyone else owns it! how's that for your bank account?
It was supposed to be a smiley face
I guess I must have accidently deleted some of it.
When you do a post (not a quick reply) it will give you some smileys at the bottom that you can drag into your post, but if your not careful you can accidentally delete or add a letter into the javascript and it will just put a bunch of crud in there! (Like I did!)
it and turn it and manipulate it until it becomes something completely different and ugly, and you adopt THAT as the truth, when it isn't even close to what the real truth is.
Three fingers are three fingers. Nothing more. Nothing less. No hidden meaning. Just three fingers that the rest of the sane, intelligent, reasonable WORLD sees and recognizes as THREE FINGERS, as I said in my post.
Research and comprehend before you acuse other people of being stupid.
And no need to get nasty -If you don't like the facts then pass this post by.
Let's face it, he stands no chance of winning. However, with the
econmy in mind, he would definitely be the guy to fix this horrible situation we find ourselves in. My whole intention in giving my vote to Mr. Nader is this: I am not going to give up my right to vote, I will be at the polls and I will cast my vote. That being said, I am sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated. I am tired of having my intelligence insulted over and over again by politics as usual in Washington. I will cast a vote and send a message. I know that my tiny vote and its tiny message won't be heard, but I will have satisfaction in knowing that I followed my heart and I did not vote for any Washington liar. We need a change alright and neither McCain or Obama is going to bring it.
Face up to facts. Oops - not the Democrat way.
Denial is where we belong in the face of such lies.
you cannot turn these lies into truth.
Let's face it, with the fighting going on on this board, if we cannot come to agreements here....
How are all those politicians with not only different ideologies, but so many constituents and special interests, going to play nice, put the people and America first, put their Harvard/Yale educations to work, and vote compassionately, intelligently, and with fore-thought??? If the fighting here is any barometer as far as partisan politics goes, boy are we ever in for it!
Unfortunately the reality is....
that liberals get a HUGE PASS when it comes to verbal spillage. I've heard some of the most hateful things come out of Howard Dean and all we hear about is what Karl Rove said, and a lot of it was taken out of context. He didn't say ALL Democrats, he said SOME liberals, i.e. Move On.Org and George Soros. There WERE groups demonstrating against the war in Afghanistan. That was a fact. And how does the Democratic party get by with a former KKK member (Byrd)? That wouldn't be allowed for 2 seconds on the Republican side.
You should try to relax. Music always helps me. Try this. LOL.
You obviously saw Senator John Ensign (R-NV) on Meet The Press this morning along with Congressman Barney Frank (not Barney Fife). Ensign says that Frank is "fearmongering" and says that state budgets are "bloated" and that we should be "cutting back."
Well, how's your state doing, Senator Ensign? The state of Nevada has to cut 38% from its state budget. The Nevada schools are facing a 15% cut. Outpatient oncology services at University Medical Center in Las Vegas have CLOSED because of state Medicaid cuts. If you're lucky, maybe your gynecologic oncologist will open a chemotherapy center in his clinic's storage room like Dr. Nick Spirtos did.
That's only one example. Do yourself a favor and read the article. There are plenty more examples in plenty of other states. The idea that states need to "cut back" in the midst of a recession is absolutely idiotic and so is Senator Ensign.
The majority of voters in the United States have dismissed your idea of reality and voted against it. Maybe it is you who needs to get a cup of coffee and join the majority.
This is reality Reality
Reality and Glenn Beck have nothing to do with each other.
About Face: Soldiers Call for Iraq Withdrawal
For the first time since Vietnam, an organized, robust movement of active-duty US military personnel has publicly surfaced to oppose a war in which they are serving. Those involved plan to petition Congress to withdraw American troops from Iraq. (Note: A complete version of this report will appear Thursday in the print and online editions of The Nation.)
After appearing only seven weeks ago on the Internet, the Appeal for Redress, brainchild of 29-year-old Navy seaman Jonathan Hutto, has already been signed by nearly 1,000 US soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen, including dozens of officers--most of whom are on active duty. Not since 1969, when some 1,300 active-duty military personnel signed an open letter in the New York Times opposing the war in Vietnam, has there been such a dramatic barometer of rising military dissent.
Interviews with two dozen signers of the Appeal reveal a mix of motives for opposing the war: ideological, practical, strategic and moral. But all those interviewed agree that it is time to start withdrawing the troops. Coming from an all-volunteer military, the Appeal was called unprecedented by Eugene Fidell, president of the National Institute of Military Justice.
Why don't you stick to speaking for yourself, rather than pretending to represent the 'female point of view.' Gag!
You are the one not dealing in reality
there's so many wrong statements in your post I wouldn't know where to begin in rebutting them... I pity you and your pessimistic outlook on our country. You are one very bitter and jaded person. Just like Cindy Sheehan who has to blame someone else for her life's problems. I'm sorry her mother had a stroke, and I hope that everything is okay, but I think Cindy Sheehan needs to take this as a sign to take care of her family that is living...which I'm glad she is doing right now for the sake of her mother.
Reality check
You just cannot stay off this board can you? Don't you get it? We don't want to debate with you. We are just as set in our beliefs as you are in yours. No one here is interested in anything you have to say, so please, get a life or at least stay on your own board.
For Reality Check. sm
I think my post did sound a little hateful. I am sure you are a very nice person. You see, this is a country divided, and I am certain I am not the only one on this board, to feel that GWB has had a lot to do with that. Like I said, I am sure you are a nice person. However, this is a country divided, nothing will make me change my mind about this administration. I fear for either party that gets in next time, if it is a democrat, they cannot hardly get ahead because of the blunders made by the current administration. In a nutshell, I sincerely feel like this country has never been more divided, and perhaps that is why the moderators decided to split the two boards to begin with. Post all you want, you will get no more nasty responses for me. I however will feel at liberty to post jokes when I feel like it. I lurk on the conservative board, but do not post. There are many right-winged jokes and cartoons over there and I do not post my opinion - because that is their board.
Reality check.
October 2001 to February 2003. That’s how long it took to sell the war to Congress, democrats and republicans alike, and to the American public, according to Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Ret.). Not some left-wing wacko. Just a high-rank retired Air Force colonel who conducted a study.
A Strategy of Lies: How the White House Fed the Public a Steady Diet of Falsehoods
The power of propaganda. They bought it, hook, line and sinker. That was then and this is now, and what we know NOW is that Bush lied. No WMDs. No Iraq-sponsored terrorism. It's still about the oil.
BTW, there is a Bechtel-commissioned BTC pipeline in Georgia, "secured" by US troops, who also provide advisors and training to Georgia military. Russia doesn't like US-trained troops in its backyard either. You won't hear it on Fox, but Russia has not confined it's invasion to Ossetia. They targeted that pipeline 18 hours ago. Sometimes you follow the money. Other times, you follow the oil.
Fox News, YouTube, Consider the source. Abortion is legal. The issue is choice. Some choose not to do it, others choose to exercise their right to choose. Those who do appreciate any politician who is willing to go to the mat to uphold Roe vs Wade. Unlikely to be reversed anytime soon and, in this election, far down on the list of priorities. Reality check #2.
No need to wonder what the colonel would have to say about that uranium since the issue was extensively scrutinized in his study.
It has been known for decades that Iraq had a reactor at Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center and a nuclear materials testing facility at Osiraq, damaged in a bombing by the Iranians in 1980 and disabled by Israeli air attacks in 1981 in an operation that was condemned by the US at the time since we were backing Saddam against Iran. Ten years later, these same facilities were completely destroyed by Americans in the 1991 Gulf War, 12 years before Bush sold his version of Gulf War II to the American public.
This would be the same 500 metric tons of reactor grade uranium (the kind used as fuel in producing clean electricity). It was NOT weapons grade uranium. Being well documented by the UN and the IAEA, this stash of uranium was legal and had been controlled and monitored in accordance with international law since the Gulf War. The uranium was removed from Iraq and transported to Canada to be used in their nuclear energy facilities. The inspections team found NO EVIDENCE of any yellowcake in Iraq dating from after 1991. So if the terrorists had managed to get their hands on it, the US would be held accountable since they destroyed the reactor, knew about the stock piles, returned to occupy Iraq in 2003, but were too busy killing Iraqis to bother with disposing of the uranium for 5 full years. No wonder they were keeping it a secret.
Speaking of yellowcake uranium and propaganda, back in January 2003, Bush accused Saddam of trying to buy it from Niger, based on Italian, British and French intelligence sources. Notice this occurred between October 2001 and February 2003, as stated in the previous post, when Bush was busy doing anything and everything he could to dupe the Congress and public into supporting his war. The polite word for this intelligence is “faulty.” A more accurate description would be forgery. The colonel talks about this too, but his study is a bit obscure and hard to locate. Google Niger uranium and Iraq and this link pops up in case anybody wants to read more about that one.
As for the chemical and biological weapons used against his own people, that would be the Kurdish town of Halabja in March 1988, when 7000 civilians died and in 14 other Kurd villages. The reason we knew about those chemical and biological weapons is because the US sold them to Saddam to use against the Iranians (as did the UK, Germany, France and others). Check out the Senate committee's reports on US Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq from a 1992 report. Reagan and Bush Sr. sold Iraq anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs, botulism, germs similar to tuberculosis and pneumonia, Salmonella, E. coli, brucella melitensis, which damages major organs, and clostridium perfringens, which causes gas gangrene, to name a few.
From 1991 to 1998 UNSCOM inspected and scoured Iraq, accounting for some 95+% of the known agents before they left. Despite all the suspicions put forth by the Bush propaganda machine in 2003 and the best search efforts of the US since the occupation, no evidence of the remaining inventory has been uncovered.
Like it or not, abortion has been legal in the US for 35 years. The answer to your questions about choice is simple. It’s the mother’s body, not yours, not the government’s. Her choice. Nobody’s else’s. That is the law. The law does not force abortion for those who do not believe in it, nor does it prevent it for those who do. Morality can be legislated after the American theocracy has been established. Until then, it is about choice.
Bush’s contempt for the courts is no secret. They do not simply uphold law. They also interpret it and have discretionary authority to issue decisions and opinions. The constitution provides us with 3 executive branches for a reason. It’s called checks and balances. No candidate or president should be opposed to seeing that part of the constitution upheld. Running From Reality
If there was one pre-eminent characteristic of the Republican convention this week, it was the quality of deception. Words completely lost their meaning. Reality was turned upside down.
From the faux populist gibberish mouthed by speaker after speaker, you would never have known that the Republicans have been in power over the past several years and used that titanic power to lead the country to its present sorry state.