I have heard trash talk
Posted By: from both sides on 2008-10-31
In Reply to: Obama - gourdpainter
it is not just the republicans.... and i will say this... obama can say what he wants as far as his proposals but he has flip flopped on those many times during his campaign... if he can't get what he proposes correctly during the campaign, what do you suppose he is going to do if he gets into office? mccain has plans and he has not offered up anything that he has had to flip flop on. it amazes me.. you seem like such an intelligent woman, why do you not see the simplicity in that?
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You are right about the trash talk losing
all the trash talk from the biased liberal media trying with all their might to destroy individuals, politically and personally. And all of you liberals still cannot give it up, trash talk anyone who has any moral values at all. Try to trash talk everyone who does not want our whole world to be generic.
You have really gone around the bend. Talk about spewing forth hate and trash.
Have you ever heard him talk about what he
thinks of what McCain did for the country when he was a captive? He does hold him in high regard to that respect, I should have clarified that. I have heard him, outside of his show, say what a hero he thought he was and he was being "Dave Letterman late show host".
You are so busy defending McCain all of the time, you can't see when someone is trying to be genuine.
Not JBB, but I have heard him talk about
Most of what you will find on search will pertain to the blame game going on regarding the shooting in Pittsburgh, but this link has the actual transcript from a portion of one of his radio shows where he talks about Obama taking guns away.
Pertinent Quote:
BECK: Well, OK, look, if the president wanted to calm people down, but there's no reason to in the first place because what we're talking about is a crazy man on Saturday.
But if he wanted to calm anybody who had any fears he would have said, "This is such a tragedy and let me reassure, the 2nd Amendment is the 2nd Amendment, and I will not infringe on those rights in any way, shape, or form. But he won't say that because he can't say that. Because he will slowly but surely take away your gun or take away your ability to shoot a gun, carry a gun. He will make them more expensive; he'll tax them out of existence. He will because he has said he would. He will tax you gun or take your gun away one way or another.
This is not the segment I heard. That was before the Pittsburgh incident, but I don't remember the date so am having trouble finding an audio clip or a transcript through all the other stuff.
And i heard her talk just last night
She has a brain. She was done in by the one-sided media and even some of them in the republican party. They just didn't want anybody in that may be down to earth and work for the people.
They like their corrupt world just the way it is. I just wonder why the names of those who sabotaged her were never investigated.
Heard a comedian talk about Fox News
said Everytime I watch Fox News, my house leans to the right!
I have heard Fred Thompson talk about health care...
but I take that sort of thing with a grain of salt anyway. The President can only put forth a plan...it is up to Congress to say yay or nay on it. You need to listen to what your senatorial and representative candidates when it comes their turns. And hold them accountable if they run on one platform and when it comes to a vote they choke. It is in Congress where things like health care will be changed. I believe we the people should, like I have said before, look into the recall procedure (meaning call a representative back to the state he/she came from and sending someone else) if they don't do the job they promised to do. They don't represent us anymore, they represent themselves and the party line and that occurs on both sides. And it needs to change on both sides. I could not vote for any of the Democrat candidates because we have too many core differences, before we ever get to issues. My parents were both Democrats, but had they lived they would not recognize the party as it exists today. It has changed that much.
All I was countering with the Clinton stuff was to illustrate a point...both men are flawed. And George Bush is not an unintelligent man by any stretch. He is just not a slick politician. I know a lot of down-home guys who talk a lot like him, and they are not dummies by any means. You don't get an MBA if you are unintelligent(and please don't go down that he got into harvard and got an MBA because he has money road, it would not be becoming). But I think we can quit rehashing all that and agree to disagree.
I am concerned about healthcare, but it is not my primary concern in the next election cycle.
God bless.
I guess that black smut on my fireplace needs to be put in the trash.......after all, it's sitting around and not accomplishing a thing
And more trash......
I guess that white toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe needs to be flushed as it is just dragging me down and is the subject of ridicule.
Trailer trash?
Unfortunately for you, my dear, your use of the expression "trailer trash" negates any of your statements as worthwhile. It's rather comical how you rant about the evils of someone with ambition and goals in one sentence, and then in the next sentence insult all those who live in a trailer park. I guess I'm guilty of a little prejudice myself, as anyone who calls anyone "trailer trash" I consider that person a "snob", and a much less desirable person than the one who lives in a trailer park. It's a juvenile and over-used term and actually reveals a flaw in YOUR character.
Time to take out the trash
Uhhh, the FPJ question, the only one I see in this post, was answered in the PS, i.e., “FPJ, one in the same.” Guess you didn’t make it down that far before you threw this latest tantrum. The retreat snipe, like most of your rhetoric, was so predictable that I included a pre-emptive reference to it in the post... but you probably couldn’t recognize that either. Looks like you need someone to translate English into English for you. That would be the kick ‘em when they’re down reference. Let me break it down for you (AGAIN), to make sure this point does not go over you head.
I have no choice but to “retreat.” That would not be on account of “you win / I lose”....that’s your mentality, not mine. No white flag waving, no surrender in sight. Fact is, I have to look for a job. I will be the first to concede victory to you in the sense that it isn’t too hard to win arguments you will be having with yourself in my absence. So the kick ‘em when they’re down reference refers to taking advantage (i.e., taking the ball and running with it) of that imperative (needing to look for a job)....which is precisely what you are doing in this response.
I’m not going to explain this more than twice to you....that ought to be enough for you to grasp this basic concept. Pen names, aliases and assumed names are something I use within the CONTEXT (something you seem to hate as much as fact) of the post-at-hand. It adds a little dimension and intrigue to the board. Just a little innocent fun on my part and perfectly legitimate literary license. It’s done all the time. It certainly seems to get under your skin and “push your buttons” for reasons I have already discussed. It disarms you momentarily and impels you to hold back on the insults since you cannot quite figure out who you are talking to. Miss America....why does freedom of speech that seeks to examine and exercise alternative viewpoints bother you so? Now, which is taking this “wayyy too seriously?”
Don’t need to support those alternative viewpoints by inventing imaginary proponents as you would like to imply. Fact is, most liberals will not even bother with this type of “Sam and choir” forum. They recognize what a waste of time it is to approach the degree of ignorance they encounter in bigots and do not enjoy indulging in this level of insult-punctuated, dead-end dialog. Like I just said in the previous post, I have illustrated the point I was trying to make, blah, blah, blah...will not repeat the content of what I just wrote to you. You obviously were not paying attention anyway.
At least try to keep up with the content of your own snipes and digs. “Me thinks you need to trot off to...” Hence, the sunset imagery. So much for the Obama put down.....HELLO...no dodge here. Your question was answered. I did not have time to read some of the other posts that appeared between my last one from yesterday and this morning, and I am sincere when I say I meant no disrespect by having to ignore them. Aside from the job search, I had one of those life-and-death immigration fires to put out last night for a Somali woman, here illegally, trying to declare political asylum for herself and her two youngest daughters, ages 6 and 8, in an effort to spare them from female genital circumcision / mutilation, a fate she and her eldest daughter could not escape in time. Seems the visa quotas for Somalia are full for the next century or so. She needed help filling out some of the mountains of immigration paperwork. I kinda thought that was an issue a tad more important than swapping our latest round of whatevers. This reality check helped me decide that I really do have bigger fish to fry than this petty, pathetic, bickering banter.
Others in my “camp” believe bigotry deniers are just about one step under Holocaust deniers. WOT to “belabor” that issue one more second with you. Not bigoted against conservatives, but I will concede another point to you. I am bigoted against bigots. Not terribly fond of plagiarists either. Your denials are a really weak defense and transparent to anyone who is paying even the slightest bit of attention. No need to bury you under a mountain of examples. Don’t have all that spare time you seem to have to go back and review old posts that were nauseating enough on first pass. For me, it is kind of like copying someone else’s homework or cheating on a test, pretending to be smart, letting others do your thinking for you, being too lazy to do your own homework, stealing ideas out of somebody else’s head and words out of their mouths. Full-blown authors take it pretty seriously and, as a matter of fact, so does the law, intellectual properties notwithstanding. Fodder of plenty of lawsuits so yeah, it was worth mentioning. Like Bush and McCain, you would prefer to make tacky jokes.
Speaking of tacky jokes, I know you heard the one about Wall Street being drunk. Wondering if you also heard about the woman who committed suicide yesterday (a mere 12 hours after Bush got his rocks off in the middle of all those laughing pubs) an hour before her home went up for auction? Faxed a suicide note to the mortgage company and another one to her family members, telling them to use the insurance money to pay off the mortgage. Must have been too distraught to realize they wouldn’t pay a dime for suicide. The pubs really can be a cold-blooded, mean-spirited bunch of blankety-blanks, being blind to the misery of all the hoi polloi. Reminds me of some people I know. Elitism at its finest hour, I must say. BTW, it’s just a rhetorical question. No need for an answer.
Miss the point, MS miss-the-point re channeling theory building. In any case, this is no fun anymore, so call the ciao for now whatever you like...retreat, surrender...whatever. You just love to delude yourself. Knock yourself out. Wear that spiteful vixen moniker with great pride. You don’t have the sense to be embarrassed by it all.
Neverending trash. No one in their right
TRASH is all you have posted.....
Talk about venomous and spitting like a run over cat.........you have spewed nothing but nasty, tasteless, useless blobs of opinion - NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE - Ignorance doesn't cover it - dumb does.
how racist was that? No white trash in the ERs
Pure trash from beginning to end.
Are you not aware how old this smear campaign is and how ineffective it has been thus far? Though it seems like a couple of lifetimes ago, I do recall it being around at least as far back as February. It was kept alive all the way up until Obama successfully clenched the nomination of his party despite the Hannity cult's diligence to make it stick. It finally faded out after their original mission had failed miserably and he emerged from the primaries on top. You can post this stupidity until the end of time but it isn't going to accomplish anything except to make you look like the ignorant, out of touch bigot that you are, marginalize the fringe that subscribes to these beliefs and make your own party look like fools.
I am a WASP American who has many more Moslem friends than Christians for reasons that would be a waste of time to explain to someone with such a narrow, tiny brain. My relationship to that community spans more than 5 decades and my life has been enriched tenfold because of it. I have traveled there, lived amongst them, married into a Moslem family, born Christian children from that union and buried a few along the way. I speak 2 of their languages, have read the Quran, their literature and appreciated their extensive historical contributions to the arts, music and the sciences.
I have lost count of how many of them I have known. I can tell you they are an intelligent, educated and spiritual people. They have family values every bit as strong as Americans and an even stronger sense of community. They take pride in humility and honor. In all those many years, never ONCE have I known a terrorist among them. I know they are out there and I know that unfortunately the politicized version of Islam is every bit as ugly as the politicized version of Chritianity.
It makes no difference whether Obama is a Christian with Moslem ties or a Moslem who has converted (which he is not). As a matter of fact, I have also known many Moslems who have converted, but Obama is not one of them. He is a remarkable human being and this country is blessed to have him as a choice for leadership in this election. What I can tell you is that the ugly, bigoted sentiments expressed here are universally repulsive to all people of faith. Today, you have made me feel ashamed to call myself a Christian.
You will get no respect talking trash.
Why should he lower himself to explain any such trash?
Old news -- instead of trash-talking Obama
 I haven't heard any initiatives out of him yet! Just the trash-talking!
do you just hate white trailer trash?
all poor people and people of other colors?
blame it on businesses who won't clean up their trash..................NM
Mindboggling that republicans would rather throw the cells in the trash...sm
Than put them to use to save a life and in the same sentence call themselves PROlife. I'd really like to understand this reasoning.
I don't agree with cloning or using aborted fetuses for this research (the latter because I am a prolifer), but when an embryo is headed for the dumpster why not use it for research and medicine.
I saw a MJF ad run on Fox News Channel and it was probably the only ad I've taken seriously. He's dedicated to finding a cure.
In answer to AG's question, why do celebrities become the spokeperson's for different causes? They have the finances, fame and connections to rally support. Sure, there are smaller organizations out there, but many would not get the air time or financial support as MJF.
With great power comes great responsibility.
More gutter trash, no substantiation....dems are so scared...
they have to make things up.
You can put lipstick & a clean dress on trailer-trash,
trash or treasure? gotta have checks and balances......
Obama campaign discarded 84 trash bags full of American flags...sm
after they left Invesco field, after the DNC convention.
You tell me, after reading this article.....who has more character, and who is more patriotic? I feel as if the flag has been spit upon, 12,000 times.
Night and day, my friends. Night and day, between these two candidates.
What a trash mouth....make you feel real good to be profane with a stranger on a posting board??
and yes, it is murder. When you kill a human being, its murder. You can justify it, rationalize it, whatever it takes so that you feel good about killing it....but it is murder. Very simple...it is living and growing. You introduce a foreign object and slice it into pieces and suck it out of the one place that should be SAFE. Biology 101...the child is alive. It is growing. would not grow if it was not alive. The life was terminated. That's murder.
And of the 1.2 million abortions performed in this country every year, how may do you think are due to rape (by anyone), incest, or to protect the life of the mother? Less than 20%. All the others are oops abortions. So let's start with delegalizing abortion except in the case of rape, incest, and endangering the life of the mother. That would save about 800,000 babies a year. That would be a great place to start. It might also encourage better stewardship of those uteruses you want the government to stay out of. You don't mind the government going in there to kill babies though, do you?
So now you want to round up all the pregnant women who are poor and abort their kids? You hinting that poor kids aren't loved by their parents?
Anyone willing to talk about something serious...
instead of talk radio or Gore's electrice bill. I am referring to Libby's trial, the firing of 8 judges, Pete Domineci, the unnecessary and ever rising numbers of dead - everywhere, 40 towns in Vermont calling for impeachment (of course this won't go anywhere but the gesture is telling), a pardon for Libby (and does he have to admit guilt to be pardoned which he has not done), the fact that Libby was the attorney to the much maligned Marc Rich who was pardoned by Clinton, which was also much maligned. Was Scooter as evil as Clinton for having defended him in his dealings with Iran and his tax evasion as Clinton was for pardoning him ?? If all this was just about infighting between the FBI and the administration and George Tenet, then why did Libby lie at all; wouldn't be important enough to lie about, IMHO. Throwing it out there.
You need to talk to someone who has
more knowledge about this than your average Joe. It is $250,000 per individual. Not couple, not family. Trust me, JM is going to have to get the money somewhere to offset this astronomical deficit. CHINA owns all of our securities!!!!! JM is not going after the rich for this money..........so where is he going to get it? We are headed for an all-out depression. We need to stockpile cash, food, basic necessities. If you are breaking even on your ranch - I clearly do not see where Obama's tax proposal is going to affect you. I do see more of the same screwing the entire country.
I only want to talk about what you are going to do to fix it. nm
Pie in the sky talk
There is no way he can do that. We have a state representative who lives on our street. When he heard this, he said he nearly fell over and couldn't believe this guy was making that kind of promise to the AMerican people. He said there is NO WAY that will ever happen because he admitted the Senators have a very cushy healthcare plan we all pay dearly for but there will not be an affordable plan to get the same healthcare plan they get. He has misled or just downright lied about that one.
You darn right it won't be free and it WON'T be affordable. Obama knows the only ones who would be able to afford that are the ones that are very well off, the very rich he condemns. Well, news flash, they already have that kind of plan.
Just another tactic to get your vote because he knows healthcare is a big factor here.
What are you trying to talk about now?
Is no one going to talk about this?
I think it is a legitimate concern. This is a site I found that kind of analyzes the Obama's tax returns. For the amount of money they make, they didn't really give that much to charity.
Shouldn't they practice what they preach?
I mean if you can explain this, please do. I just want to understand why he expects us to "be our brother's keeper" yet he doesn't seem to do much at all charity-wise.
Hey, you can't talk about HIM like that...LOL

You think we can talk to those who would rather
OMG....talk about
nit picking. You people have no problem nit picking pubs, but if we dare to nit pick dems....we are called racist. Well....how about this......I think that woman is obnoxious and not even worthy to watch. I personally think Michael Steele is great and I'm glad he is the head of the RNC. He obviously is a black man and I think it is perfectly fine for him to use the term "bling-bling." What...because he is a pub the usual racial outcries don't apply? If someone attacked Obama for saying bling bling and using hip-hop as a reference to how his party is going to be....you all would bow down and kiss his feet. They bring up Michael Steele's catering business and a federal investigation.......what about Obama's buying of his house in Illinios with Rezko? That was okay according to liberals...just hide that tid bit and down play it and federally investigate a pub who isn't even the president. Appoint a tax evader to the head of the IRS and that is okay but federally investigate a pub over his sister's catering company. Such double standards!
OKAY!! Let's see what happens! Then we can talk about it. NM
I don't think you can talk about....(sm)
socially acceptable behavior without looking at the influences that set those standards. Christianity is what determined homosexuality to be unacceptable. It is the dominant factor in this debate as far as the US goes. The US generally accepted christianity as the norm some time ago in this country. In doing so it automatically put people in the sinner and non-sinner brackets. Homosexuals were obviously put into the sinning bracket. That is why they have been put in the closet. Not because "it's just not natural," but because it's a sin.
And that's where I have a problem with the whole thing. Since we are not a theocracy, religious concepts have no place in determining something as personal as marriage. For that matter, I also think it's absolutely absurd that govt weighs in on this issue. I think it's a personal choice, not for the church and not for the govt.
Wow, talk about creepy. sm
First of all, the above poster failed (I am sure it was a honest mistake) to say why I left the board. Context certainly means something. You remind me of the creep who was stalking me and was keeping a running tab of all my posts (much of what is posted above are not my posts). That's just weird. As far as serving, I was a military brat for a whole lot of years and I believe it is service. But of course, anything to label someone a liar. You are sad little people. I won't bother you anymore because obviously, your brain has limited capacity for anything except hatred, bitterness, and all that goes with it. Have a nice evening accomplishing nothing but your little hate party and bitterness regalia.
Talk about fireworks! LOL
If we continue down the path we're headed, it may as well be the end (but I'm old, so I figure I'm probably gonna die soon, anyway)
Well, okay then. Talk about overreacting. sm
anyways, might want to lay off the Christian bashing. We all know the libs want to get rid of Christianity but I think they are trying to keep it a secret. Shhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Why you talk strange?
I do not get.
Me need new insult, yes.
Talk about a disconnect.
What does he care? He earns $212,000. Let's not let the facts stand in the way of his salary.
Do you talk about anything on this board besides
Ann Coulter and conspiracy theories. I mean wake up people! North Korea is firing off missles, there's some important legislation coming up, the supreme court just made an astounding judgment on Gitmo, and you guys are posting Pink songs. Get with the program. Have some debate here! No wonder I can scan down the page and see the same people over and over. You'll never get new blood like this.
I didn't say you did talk that way.
It was simply an exaggerated example to make a point about the subjectiveness of deciding what constitutes an observation versus an insult. I think that was obvious to most people. Regarding your snide observation, no I do not talk like that. As I said it was an example.
Perhaps your other boards do not have such a marked slant. And shall I make an observation on the tedious repetition that is found in your milieu's absolutely ENDLESS recitation of the evils of liberals, just to mention a few? ONe doesn't even need to read the content of the posts, merely scan the subject lines and the repetition is obvious.
Talk about twisting....
You said:
There are things that the poster felt needed to be said, and you see, this is a liberal board.
As it has been said ad nauseam, anyone can post on this board. Liberals post on the conservative board as well. I must have been absent the day you were named moderator.
You said:
You have a habit of mis-representing the facts, of twisting them to fit your agenda and your conscience.
On the basis of what, three posts, you say I have a habit of misrepresenting the facts and twisting them to fit my agenda and m conscience. Pot calling the kettle black, I would say. You posted erroneous information, represented it as fact, and I called you on it. If anyone's conscience should be bothering them, that would be you.
You say most of the people of the U.S. were against slavery. At different points in history that may or may not have been true, there weren't a lot of nationwide polls back then. Could you share your facts? Just the facts, ma'am.
I again refer you to history. History is full of the people who opposed slavery. We are at war right now as a country but as it is perfectly clear, is it not, that the whole country is not behind the war.
The fact is though that slavery was perfectly legal for 100 years in this country. Try twisting that one. That's what I mean when I say this country condoned slavery. But I think that was obvious to most folks.
Because it is legal does not mean all the people in the country condone it. Abortion is legal in this country but I sure as heck do not condone it. That doesn't mean I bomb abortion clinics or stand outside them and ridicule the people using them. But I do not condone it, nor do many others. I follow the laws of the land but I do make sure with my vote and in other ways to work to see that law gone. And I think that is obvious to most folks as well.
Secondly, you say this was Congress's war just as much as Bush's. Well, we know that is not true either. It was Bush and his cronies that planned this war, probably even before 9/11. There was erroneous evidence presented to Congress that led them to okay military action.
I really am incredulous that there are still people who buy that nonsense. Erroneous evidence presented to Congress? The Senate Intelligence Committee had the very same information the Bush administration had. And if all those congresspeople are so ignorant they could be *fooled* into buying into lies (if there were any, which there is no proof there were) that led the country into war, then I would think, for the love of pete, that you would be equally as incensed at them. What proof do you have that Bush and his cronies planned anything? None, because there is none. As you said, just the FACTS, ma'am.
If your daughter came home from school and stated that the neighbor girl beat her up you would might believe the evidence. However, do you not change your course of action if it turns out the neighbor girl didn't do the actual damage? I am sorry, I do not grasp your analogy. If you are saying now that maybe Congress screwed up, and now they realized they screwed up, how many years into it, so now the thing to do is, after we committed ourselves to the Iraqis to just up and go, leave them dangling, just like we did in Viet Nam? Nothing noble about that. And make no mistake...if the war suddenly became popular they would fall all over themselves backpedaling again ahd saying *I did vote for it and I voted against it but now I am for it again...* yada yada. They are politicians.
I believe you twist and arrange the evidence so you don't feel guilty about this utter madness and endless slaughter we know as Iraq as you similarly defend the US government role in the slaughter of indigenous peoples.
There you go again. First, my friend, I do not feel guilty. I have nothing to feel guilty about. I support the American military and I certainly support the war on terrorism. I do not readily forget 3000 people dying. I will never forget watching those people jump out of that building to avoid being incinerated and for what? Simply because they were Americans. How easily you seem to blow that off.
And I did not defend the US government role in the slaughter of indigenous peoples. I did not defend slavery. Both were wrong. Abortion is wrong, but they happen every day, and they happen NOW. There is no longer slavery and there is no longer the slaugher of indigenous peoples. Why does it not bother you that it is legal to slaughter upwards or over a million babies unborn babies every year? Why don't you get involved to stop that?
My whole point is that the US is indeed a great and often noble and generous country. I really want it to stay that way though and powerful people have a way of corrupting the moral values that have sustained this country for so long.
Excuse me yet again...but that is exactly what I said. The moral values that the country was founded upon and have sustained and how far we have gotten from that. But I guess we are talking about two different sets of moral values. What set are you talking about?
The US has taken some pretty bad detours along the way but fortunately common sense and good character have generally won out in the long run. Complacency and acceptance of corrupt power is always a threat though and that's why we need to QUESTION always those that are in near-absolute power. I firmly believe that those who question are the MOST patriotic.
I never said questioning was unpatriotic. What is unpatriotic in my view and always will be is suggesting that any American soldier died in vain. What I think is unpatriotic is while we have men and women dying in combat, no matter who sent them there or for what reason, we owe them the respect to, if we cannot support their mission, to not go public with rampant criticism and for the love of everything Holy not to suggest publically that they are fighting and dying for nothing. Not only do I think that is unpatriotic, I think it is selfish and mean. Doesn't mean you or anyone else can't grouse about it friends in the privacy of a home, but to go public with it where friends, family and loved ones of soldiers who have died there, were injured there and continue to fight there can read it. I don't know why some people (not naming anyone in particular) cannot just hold all that in until the troops come home. Then if they want to dissect it, take it apart, malign it or whatever, our troops are home and no longer in harm's way.
It is rhetoric like you are repeating that Al Qaeda loves to hear, and their greatest propaganda tool. Playing right into their hands. And yes, giving that upper hand to the enemy is to me, yes, unpatriotic.
You talk about them like they are the enemy.
Tsk tsk tsk.
OMG! LOL --talk about desperation!
There's also talk that she won't rule out - sm
going to war with Russia if they invade Georgia. Just what we need, to be fighting THREE wars simultaneously.
And of course, don't forget the possibilities in Pakistan or Korea.
Fun, fun, fun.
Maybe it's time to quit MT and start selling bomb shelters again.
your cult-like talk
proves my point. To believe that all media except Fox is biased and that they were forced to chose the LEAST biased is franky cult-talk He did not try to trick her. he asked her straight out "what do you thank about the Bush Doctrine?" This is the definine doctrine of the Bush years that will be remembered in history. She did not know it. If she where honest, she would have said "I am not familar with it." Instead, she squirmed in her seat, thrust out her chin and tried to bluff him into giving her a hint.
He had his glasses on the end of his nose because he is over 40 and wears reading glasses like most older men. You knew that. You are trying to distract from the point again.
You never have anything good to say about McCain. You are focused on your hatred for Obama and frankly, it is creepy.
Do....let us talk about some of these issues.
9/11/2001: We all talk about 9/11. How Pres. Bush should have known. We did lose a lot of lives that day. It was truly a sad day. However, what about the World Trade Center bombing back in ྙ when Clinton was the pres. That was by Islamic extremists. Or about the US Embassy bombings in ྞ....also while Bill was in office suspect to have been coordinated by Osama Bin Laden. Or the USS Cole incident in 2000 and once again Bill was in the White House and once again Osama was the suspect in the planning. All these terrorists acts but the one people shout out about the most in 9/11 and how Bush is to blame. Why? Because more lives were lost in this one than with the other ones. Weren't they all still terrorist attacks? If Clinton had stood up and done something during his term....maybe 9/11 would not have happened at all but yet the blame all falls upon Bush.
Katrina: Once again all Bush's faults and therefore all republicans faults. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff was the "federal official with the power to mobilize a massive federal response to Hurricane Katrina, [and] could have ordered federal agencies into action without any request from state or local officials." "If you go back to August 27th," President Bush had already "declared a state of emergency in the state of Louisiana under Title V of the Stafford Act, ... Ergo, Katrina became an Incident of National Significance on August 27th -- two days before the storm. But Chertoff apparently didn't realize this and waited till a day after [on August 30th] to make the determination on his own, one that according to the flow chart had already been made." Honestly though, if you live in a place that is well below sea level and you hear a really bit storm is coming your way.....common sense.....you get the heck out of dodge.
Iraq war: The reason for the war was this: The military objectives of the invasion were; end the Hussein regime; eliminate weapons of mass destruction; eliminate Islamic terrorists; obtain intelligence on terrorist networks; distribute humanitarian aid; secure Iraq’s oil infrastructure; and assist in creating a representative government as a model for other Middle East nations
As for Wall Street: Firms such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman not only made billions of dollars packaging and selling these toxic loans, they also wagered with their own capital that the values of these investments would decline, further raising their profits. If any other industries engaged in such knowingly unscrupulous activities, there would be an immediate federal investigation.
At the same time, federal regulatory agencies such as the SEC stood idly by as Wall Street took advantage of the investment public during both the Internet and the housing bubbles. The SEC took almost no action against Wall Street after the dot-com implosion. And in the midst of the housing bubble, in 2006, only the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency pushed for any level of regulation to address subprime lending.
One has to wonder why Treasury secretaries under Presidents Clinton and Bush -- Robert Rubin and Hank Paulson, respectively -- took no action to curb these abuses. It certainly was not because they did not understand Wall Street's practices -- both are former chief executives of Goldman Sachs. And why has Congress been so silent? The Wall Street investment banking firms, their executives, their families and their political action committees contribute more to U.S. Senate and House campaigns than any other industry in America. By sprinkling some of its massive gains into the pockets of our elected officials, Wall Street bought itself protection from any tough government enforcement.
This is no doubt the same reason why so many members of Congress were consistently blocking attempts to reform and downsize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are essentially giant, undercapitalized hedge funds. These two entities have been huge money machines for Democrats in both the House and the Senate, many of whom recently had the gall to ask why these companies hadn't been reformed in the past. Nor should several Republican congressmen and Senators who likewise contributed to watering down legislation aimed at reforming these institutions be let off the hook.
faux talk.