I dont believe any "Pubs" used Ayers home to kick
Posted By: off a campaign.. Obama did =friends.nm on 2008-10-16
In Reply to: What the pubs do doesn't count donchaknow? nm - gourdpainter
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Campaign kickoff at Ayers' HOME? Friends? Yes.
That's another Fox lie... his career was kicked off in the home of a woman, not Ayers
They just want to blow this thing out of proportion. Helloooo Ayers reformed and now works with Mayor Daley in Chicago. He works with VERY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS, Reaganites, etc. He was never convicted. It doesn't matter because it's only the Obama haters who pay attention to this exaggerated story.
I can't speak for "pubs" ....I'm not one....
and I do have a sense of humor. But attacking someone personally and making them the butt of pretty tasteless jokes is not funny to me. Not funny about Obama, not funny about Biden, not funny about Michelle Obama, not funny about Cindy McCain...not funny about Sarah Palin. You guys go ballistic if someone says ANYthing about Obama. And just yuck it up tearing Sarah Palin to pieces. That goes way past "a sense of humor."
Now did I say the "pubs" had no part in it?
This article says an untruth when it says: Mr. McCain was never a leading critic or defender of the mortgage giants.
This is what McCain said in 2005 with his proposed legislation:
Mr. President, this week Fannie Mae’s regulator reported that the company’s quarterly reports of profit growth over the past few years were “illusions deliberately and systematically created” by the company’s senior management, which resulted in a $10.6 billion accounting scandal.
The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight’s report goes on to say that Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives. In the case of Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae’s former chief executive officer, OFHEO’s report shows that over half of Mr. Raines’ compensation for the 6 years through 2003 was directly tied to meeting earnings targets. The report of financial misconduct at Fannie Mae echoes the deeply troubling $5 billion profit restatement at Freddie Mac.
The OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator’s examination of the company’s accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform.
For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs–and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO’s report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO’s report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.
I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.
I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation.
The Democrats killed that bill.
Barney Frank, Democrat, pushed fannie/freddie to extend those subprime loans to minorities/lower income people who did not have a hope in heck of paying them back.
Top CEOs at fannie...Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelick, James Johnson, and timothy Howard...two of who were Obama advisors until recently....all left Fannie with millions and we are left holding the bag. Chris Dodd, democratic head of banking and commerce committee...looked the other way. He is top recipient of donations from Fannie. Guess who is #2?
Pubs may have had a finger in it...Democrats had both hands up to the elbows in it. Just plain old fact.
A word from Ike for you "pubs"
Guns are not all the "pubs" are worried about....
but it is a legitimate concern. It is a guaranteed constitutional right. Why would you defend other constitutional rights and be so willing to give that one up?
Personally I think all the give me all the handouts you want to at the expense of others posts are getting pretty darned old.
Go home Obama! Go home McCain!
Dear Miss Thang. If you dont like it, dont watch.
rational to one is irrational to another..dont like it, dont read it
Rational posts? Well, maybe you would think that, however, I disagree..but, what the heck, from your continual posts attacking me over the past few months, it is obvious that we dont agree on anything. Gotta tell ya, no one chases a person from a chat board..that is a lame excuse for someone who obviously was not able to hold his/her own with the smart liberals who post on this liberal board. So gt chased her/him away. On please! If a poster is getting to you, you just ignore their posts..dont click on them..Viola! It is that easy! Or dont come on the liberal board if you do not like liberal ideology! Viola! It is that easy! So, Im here all the time am I? Well, punkin, I see your handle always on both this board and the dinosaur board..er..I mean conservative board. Is this what your debating has gotten down to? Lets count and see who is here more often? How ridiculous, how childish, how so....republican. **BIG HUG**
I dont hate Obama. I just dont see him as qualified
How's that for a kick in the head?
Clinton left office with a 1/2 billion surplus....Reps come in and squander it, plus rape America's wealth.... What a bunch of thieves! Now, the American people can pay for their thievery. Forget about those hopes and dreams, people...they are GONE!!!
You really got to get off that "Bush" kick....
Let's not stop there. Let's also kick out
those that don't vote per the American people. Let's begin with Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Waters, Schumer, Waxman, etc., etc.
I wish 2010-2012 was here already, so I could do my part in ending the farce that is our government.
side kick better description
"They" are banking on people's inattention. Using the technique of repeating a slogan until it sticks. I think the real problem in our political system is that many voters are too passive to really research and think, just watch the attack ads and go with the slogans.
Speak for yourself -- I wouldn't kick him out of my bed!!!
oh yeah baby! pave the way to kick W out.
Bush may have only made one smart decision his whole life, and that was having someone even more evil, twisted, and money hungry than himself be his vice president. Even the harshest Bush critics don't want him impeached because no one wants Cheney, aka the Devil's spawn and the King of Corruption, running things! I don't care if I sound outrageous and mean - I am so sick of the Bush administration's corruption I could just scream - or cry. Their crimes cannot continue! But it's like Bill Maher said, this country has f@!* up fatigue. Our tolerance for the outrageously inappropriate actions of this administration is getting pretty high. Nothing they could do would shock me at this point. blah.
why don't u just throw yourself on the floor and kick your feet
talk about childish - I never called you anything until you called me "an old hag" - so throw your little tantrum and try to convince yourself how "real" you actually are. Actions speak louder than words and..........well, you might have a case of mistaken identity here - I don't harass anyone - I stay out of the petty pssing matches. Get all flustered up over what you consider SACRED - who cares???? I don't. And no, I DON'T have to agree with you or anyone else for that matter and I don't give a flying fk if you agree with me.
Think for yourself. Kick the Fox spin to the curb and think people.
You dont get it. Most dont want O to fail, they feel
How juvenile...why don't you throw yourself on the floor and kick your feet
Nope, we are "king of the world", and instead of taking care of our own people, we'll kick
with Korea, Iran, (but hey, remember when we harbored the Shah of Iran so he could get the best of care when he had cancer?? We were not worried about war atrocities by him back then!!), we are Big Brother, we can have all the nukes we want, you can't. We turn away from the Sudan and Darfur, the abominable atrocities, bloodshed, rape, torture, social cleansing, etc., because they are poor and we do not need anything from them. But boy, if we had some oil interests there, we would be there in a heartbeat! What a social conscience this nation has!
I dont WANT war. Dont judge me!
barack was 8 years old when Ayers was active. I would not hold anyone responsible for knowing an acquaintance's history that remote. The real question in this election is how is the country doing under repub administration?. Are things going well for your family and neighbors? Are you for endless war, repeal of women's right to chose, and putting Social Security in the hands of Wall Street? Do you want your country in the hands of people who insist on presenting messages about decades-old news and accusations of "celebrity" and think that economically we are basically okay?
Big O and Ayers...
Well, Ayers is bad enough but what about his
Ayers' wife is Bernadine Dohrn. This woman is also a radical nutjob, a member of the Wethermen Underground terrorists, of which she has proudly proclaimed to be.
Now, these two are VERY involved with Obama; they helped launch his political career and have been throwing money at it, as well as directly related to jumpstarting his fundraiser.
And for this man to sit there and say he doesn't know them that well at all...
I'm sure most of our mother's told us to choose your friends wisely because you will be judged by the company you keep.
This man sat in the HOME of Ayeres and Dohrn and announced his first campaign for the Illinois State Senate. Yet he says he has NEVER been in their home, has never been friends with them, just sat on a board with them. Bull crap!!
And when backed in a corner he says, "I assumed he had been rehabilitated".
Ayers's wife publically professed that she thought the Charles Manson murders were wonderful! What kind of person uses anything and anyone in order to further his career. That is just unsettling. The Weatherground Underground were largely responsible for those sick people standing around while our Vietnam vets came home and they spit on them and called them murderers.
How can Obama think Ayers was rehabilitated when Ayers has NEVER shown any remorse for his crimes?
Ayers was asked again in 2001 if he would bomb again and he said he wouldn't discount that possibility. Obama thought he was rehabilitated?
And now Obama's campaign is back peddling just a couple of days ago, saying Obama must have been talking about his education work when he thought Ayers had been rehabilitated. Huh?
Ayers: Here we go
So according to Ayers interview he and Obama were family friends, they did a fund raiser together and Ayers donated money to Os earliest campaign. NOT what O said. Not at all what O said. So, if this was a lie, what is next? Hamas and O are not too hard to believe. You guys just wait, the truth will all come out. When i posted about the required statement on his website, i was bashed that this was not true, but look IT WAS.
Obama and Ayers
It is not about how old Obama was when Ayers was ....
bombing things...it is his adult associations with the man. Either you have not researched the relationship other than the mainstream media and connected the dots, or have connected the dots, know there is a relationship and don't care. Some of us DO care.
I am not as concerned about the above post as I am about the radicalism of Bill Ayers that Barack Obama shares. He will not be up front about that because he knows it would cost him the election. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
They tried to put Ayers in jail! He got off on a
ayers is a jerk
What is even scarier is those who would believe Ayers...
Ayers called Obama a family friend
ayers isn't scary
He's a big fat jerk who belongs in jail. He probably feels stupid about what he did in the late 60s, realizing there really isn't anything hip or cool about it. College students shouldn't be allowed to use government money to classes from a terrorist.
This should be posted under the Ayers garbage.
Okay, now explain away Bill Ayers.
another endearing thing about Ayers...
described himself as communist with a small "c." Ahem.
Why is Obama friends with Ayers?
Actually, even though Ayers' terrorism was that long
ago, he was quoted on 9/11/01 in the NYT as saying he feels "we didn't do enough."
See link below for the article.
Let bygones be bygones? NOT. He is only out free because of a legal technicality.
Like Ayers and Wright and ACORN?
and brezinski, ayers, obama, and
I will reserve any opinion on the Ayers thing...
until the documents are made public that Columbia University just released regarding Ayers and Obama. Obama may have been 8 when Ayers was active, but just looking at the people Barack was connected with during that time I don't entertain any doubts that he knew exactly who Ayers was and what he had done. If it was in the past, that's one thing. But the man still says he is not a bit sorry that he did what he did. And if he has Obama's ear in any way...that would be a problem for me. But, that being said, it would just be one more thing, because I am not voting for him anyway.
With all due respect, the last few years have been under a democratically-controlled congress, and it has been in the last few years that things got really bad. Not saying it is all their fault, but they certainly haven't done anything to try to fix it. If they are going to be able to suddenly miraculously fix it if a Democrat is elected...all that tells me is that they are dragging their feet at our expense. The American public knows that...that is why Congress' numbers are lower than Bush's.
As a matter of fact, things are going pretty well for my family and my neighbors. The biggest thing, of course, is gas, but I remember when Clinton was in office we had a really LONG run of household fuel (for oil furnaces) was higher than it is now. I am not saying it was Clinton's fault because I don't think turns in the economy are any one man's fault. It is up to Congress to fix that sort of thing, not sit on their hands during a political season. I would be saying the same thing if it was a Dem administration. Has nothing to do with the party, it has to do with a lazy inactive Congress...which is, of course, made up of folks from both parties.
As to endless war...this country has had soldiers in other countries during most administrations since Viet Nam...Clinton had them in Kosovo and Somalia. Might have been "peacekeeping missions" but Americans still died there. And by the way, McCain did not say that the war in Iraq could go on for 100 years. What he said was that there might be an American presence there, like bases. We still have bases where we fought many wars. We had bases in Germany for many years. That has often been misquoted. That being said, he is not my favorite either; however, he fits the bill, for me, better than Obama.
In deference to my erstwhile fellow posters, I will not go into the abortion issue. :-)
The only thing I know about social security and wall street is it was proposed that if someone wanted to, they should be allowed to have control of their social security money and invest it if that was their choice. I have never heard anyone say it was mandatory. Personally, I would like to have control of mine to put into CD's where Congress couldn't raid it to pay for other things. If we had privatized it before, it would still be there because Congress couldn't have gotten their grubby paws on it to "borrow" it. Which, by the way, was done during a Democrat administration.
As to the celebrity and all that, I don't pay attention to attack ads on either side. I have seen some from Obama's side that are pretty harsh and about as silly. I wish they would both stop that stuff and stick to the issues...but that is just me.
Obama's Ayers Problem Deepens
Obama’s Ayers problem deepens
By Michelle Malkin • August 27, 2008 09:34 AM

The Chicago bully tactics aren’t going to work. While Obama sics his lawyers and Kossack minions on TV stations that dare to air an independent ad about his close relationship with Weather Underground terrorist-turned-academic Bill Ayers, the truth is seeping out. Thanks to the efforts of NRO’s Stanley Kurtz, blogger Steve Diamond, and intense pressure from Internet readers and talk radio listeners, the University of Illinois - Chicago was forced to release a trove of papers that a former official attempted to shield from public view. There are some 140 boxes and 1,000 files to sift through — and MSM outlets have barely scratched the surface. Kurtz is in Chicago to review the documents and will report tonight on his findings for two hours on Chicago station WGN’s Milt Rosenberg Show. (Good background here, too, in an in-depth discussion on the malign influence of Ayers’ educational philosophy and practice.)
Despite only partial review of the papers, some outlets are pooh-poohing the disclosures. The Chicago Tribune writes: “A partial examination of the documents did not reveal anything startling about the link between Obama, the Democratic presidential contender, and Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground, a Vietnam-era anti-war group that claimed responsibility for several bombings.”
And yet:
The UIC records show that Obama and Ayers attended board meetings, retreats and at least one news conference together as the education program got under way. The two continued to attend meetings together during the 1995-2001 operation of the program, records show.
At a Democratic debate this year when the association between Obama and Ayers was raised, Obama said: “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood. . . . He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.” Obama called Ayers’ past radical acts detestable.
But critics note that Obama visited Ayers’ home for a meeting at the start of his first state Senate bid in the mid-’90s.
The UIC records showed that Ayers was instrumental in securing the $50 million education grant to reform Chicago Public Schools, part of a national initiative funded by the late Ambassador Walter Annenberg. . After Chicago was awarded the money, Obama served as president of the Challenge’s board of directors, the fiscal arm that disbursed the grants to schools and raised private matching funds. Ayers participated in a second entity known as the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, the operational arm that worked with the grant recipients.
Fox News’s James Rosen uncovered more of Ayers’ unrepentant, radical face while researching his latest book:
William Ayers, who was a founder of the 1960s and 1970s radical group the Weather Underground, told FOX News correspondent James Rosen in a candid 2004 interview that he still believed he was “on the side of justice” years after the group’s wave of attacks.
In the interview, conducted three years after the September 11 attacks, Ayers argued the U.S. government had carried out “many other acts of terror … even recently, that are comparable,” and claimed he and his bomb-planting comrades were “restrained” in their actions.
Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, served with Barack Obama on the board of the charitable Woods Fund of Chicago for three years and helped launch Obama’s political career in Illinois by hosting in his Hyde Park home an informal campaign event for the future state senator in 1995.
Ayers claimed the Weathermen were driven by “hope and love,” not despair, and said he did not think the group’s violent acts, targeting federal officials and local law enforcement officers, were “a big deal.”
…Interviewed in May 2004 in connection with Rosen’s book “The Strong Man: John Mitchell and the Secrets of Watergate,” published recently by Doubleday, Ayers affirmed that 9/11 was “an act of pure terror,” one that had caused him to weep, and that terrorism is “always wrong, always evil.” But Ayers also condemned the Bush administration for using the attacks “to advance a right-wing agenda on every front: every uterus must be examined, every tree chopped down, every oil well dug. I mean, it’s absolute madness.”
“I mean, the only group of people that I know who weren’t weeping for the next several weeks [after 9/11] were the people who were busy typing legislation into their computers,” Ayers continued.
When asked about some Palestinians who had been captured on videotape dancing in the streets after the attacks, Ayers said coverage of those individuals had been “overwrought” in the U.S. media, and added: “[E]verybody in the world knows that Americans are geographically challenged and historically challenged. We don’t have a sense of who we are or where we are. So I think every American that I know was weeping over the next several weeks, and devastated and shocked. Was that an act of pure terror? It absolutely was.
“And there are many other acts of terror carried out by our government, even recently, that, that are comparable.
Ayers is not only a flag-trampling apologist for domestic terror. He’s an inveterate liar. Andy McCarthy refreshes your memory.
Obama can wrap himself in the flag and attempt to gag his critics, but his false portrayal of Ayers as just a guy in the neighborhood is not going to fly. Obama’s friend is America’s enemy.
And America deserves to know.
I have found all liberals this way. Avoid Ayers,
Go Big Red!!!!....My hometown kicks Ayers to the curb...sm
UNL cancels speech by Ayers
By Henry J. Cordes and Khristopher J. Brooks
Published: Saturday, October 18, 2008 4:28 AM CDT
Midlands News Service
LINCOLN - The University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Friday evening rescinded its speaking invitation for 1960s radical-turned-educator William Ayers.
University officials cited "safety reasons" for canceling Ayers' Nov. 15 appearance.
Spokeswoman Kelly Bartling declined to elaborate on what safety concerns would keep Ayers from addressing a College of Education and Human Sciences event.
Earlier Friday, Gov. Dave Heineman strongly condemned the invitation and called on the NU Board of Regents and President J.B. Milliken to block it.
An Omaha charitable foundation announced it was pulling all of its contributions to the university. Several other donors also have indicated to university fundraisers that there could be a financial cost if Ayers speaks.
And Nebraskans by the hundreds continued to register their opposition with university administrators and others, lighting up phone lines and filling e-mail boxes.
Heineman said Ayers' invitation was "an embarrassment" to the state and that it goes beyond the bounds of the university's mission.
"Our citizens are clearly outraged and want action," Heineman said in an interview. "This is their university. This isn't even a close call. The university should immediately rescind the invitation."
Dean Marjorie Kostelnik said she spoke Thursday night with UNL Chancellor Harvey Perlman about "the climate around this issue."
She said she also has spoken with representatives of Milliken's office.
Other public officials weighed in about Ayers on Friday, a day after the UNL speech was announced.
Both Sen. Ben Nelson, a Democrat, and Rep. Lee Terry, a Republican, called for cancellation of the speech.
"The invitation made to William Ayers to speak at my alma mater in the midst of a heated national election when he is such a highly controversial figure is an outrage," Terry said.
Nelson said the visit would not promote the unity now needed in the nation.
Said Attorney General Jon Bruning: "Academic freedom doesn't require us to lose our good judgment and common sense."
State Auditor Mike Foley sent the university a long request for information on Ayers' trip, its planning and how it is being funded. UNL officials have said Ayers' appearance would be privately funded.
Ayers was a member of the Weather Underground, a radical group that staged domestic bombings to protest the Vietnam War. Ayers was charged with conspiracy to incite riots, but the charges were dropped because of misconduct by prosecutors.
Ayers went on to gain respect in the education field and become a scholar known for his ideas on school reform. At UNL, the plan was for him to limit his speech to graduate education students to that topic.
The invitation to Ayers was extended in February, long before he became a household name in this year's presidential election because of his ties to candidate Sen. Barack Obama through their shared work a few years ago with a school reform effort.
The Gilbert M. and Martha H. Hitchcock Foundation in Omaha told the university Friday that it would halt all contributions to the university unless the UNL education faculty rescinded Ayers' invitation. The foundation has given millions to the university in the past.
While other donors haven't been as explicit, Clarence Castner, who leads the University of Nebraska Foundation, said it became clear that other contributions were "in jeopardy."
Scholars said a decision to pull an invitation to Ayers could be seen by educators nationally as a school-sponsored curb on academic freedom.
It would make UNL a less attractive school to the faculty members it seeks to recruit, said David Moshman, a UNL education professor writing a book on academic freedom.
Heineman said Friday that "there is no way" the university should lose contributions over Ayers. There are plenty of other respected educators the university could invite to speak, he said.
I did hear him explain his relationship with Ayers
other than just saying he lived in the neighborhood and it seemed logical enough to me.
I really believe we are on the brink of a Civil War. I fully expect that if the 95% of blacks who support Obama don't get their man in office they'll pitch a major hissy fit. And don't think the white supremists will sit idlely by if Obama is elected. The biggest difference as I see it is 95% of whites don't support McCain. So with that 95% it isn't hard for me to believe this race is about race whether anyone wants to admit it or not.
It's been said that the South will rise again and I believe truer words were never spoken although I don't think this Civil War will be anything like the last one.
This is just my opinion so need in calling me a racist. I've already said I'll take a chance on the unknown and vote against McCain.
No matter how long ago it was, Ayers still has the same beliefs sm
He has shown that by not apologizing, but even saying right after 09/11 in 2001 saying that he still didn't feel they had done enough and wished they had done more. People died in those bombings. He was and is a terrorist right here in homeland. He has posed in recent years with himself standing on top of a crumpled American flag - and yet we buy Obama's excuses as to why he won't acknowledge respect of our flag? You really think those two things are not related? That Obama on national television is in essence giving a "wink and a nod" to his cohorts? It screams obvious. And now all the voter fraud with Acorn, and I guess Obama is just coincidentally involved with them too?
And just think, Ayers has now had 40 more years to plan & implement. sm
He now has better technology, more sophisticated recruits, better communication via internet. Since he has never changed his mind or regretted his actions, he has had all these years to prepare. Very scary thought.
Ayers is not running for president. He is not O's advisor.
O's sponsor. Dr. Ayers is entitled to vote for whomever he likes. He can donate to the campaign of his choice. They served on the board of a community organization which addressed poverty relief and social mobility. I find that to be a noble cause and certainly do not hold it against either of them. The Ayers smear campaign is beyond absurd. I agree with Stardust. Time to move on.
What about judgement? Wright, Rezko, Ayers,
"I barely knew Bill Ayers"
You fear-mongers are much scarier than Ayers.
"I knew Barack Obama, absolutely. And I knew him probably as well as thousands of other Chicagoans," Ayers said. "And like millions of other people worldwide, I wish I knew him better right now."
Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, calmly dismissed any belief that he and Obama are covering up a deeper bond.
"This idea that we need to know more, like there's some dark hidden secret, some secret link, is just a myth, and it's a myth thrown up by people that wanted to exploit the politics of fear," Ayers said. "And I think it's a great credit to the American people that those politics were rejected. The idea that we should continue to be frightened and worried and barricaded is falling down, and it should."
Obama and Ayers forced radicalism in schools...
Wow, this is explosive stuff!
Also, James Johnson, who headed Obama's VP vetting committee...one of the Fannie CEOs who walked away with a several million golden parachute. Obama is on the Fannie list of donation recipients...#2 on that list, topped only by Chris Dodd. Wow...that is explosive stuff. Another advisor...Franklin Raines...another fired corrupt CEO from Fannie...walked away with a golden parachute in the multimillions...wow...explosive stuff.